
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Enlightenment is not a self directed process


A month ago I was pondering enlightenment and came up with the following: Enlightenment is not a self directed process. It is a choice to allow "GOD" (defined as without limitation, all power, all love all glory, all knowing) to direct and inspire your actions. It is not a job, a process, a difficult problem to solve. It is the allowance of the light, love and joy that is the birthright of all beings. Step 1 Have faith that it is possible to be enlightened. Step 2 Have faith that it is possible for you to be enlightened. Step 3 Acceptance of the flow, the merger, the knowledge, the awareness, the truth of who you are. Have faith that God will provide a reality for you of ease, joy, glory, love, bliss, enlightenment, pleasure, reward, and heaven on Earth. It is here, it is available, it is freedom.

Sat, June 11, 2005 - 3:01 AM
Enlightenment begins with the realization that "We are all here now and we love everything about it" Enlightenment departs when judgement and dissatisfaction enters in. Enlightenment is pure love, joy and full awareness, all other emotions are lies of separation, polarity and unconsciousness. When you are in your enlightened state, everything around you improves to the fullness of the potential for each form. Yes, you can loose consciousness and yes, You can be consciousness again now.

Sat, June 11, 2005 - 3:09 AM
On this plane, we are all waking up to the beauty of life. Each of us choosing what we are willing to receive and then manifest moment by moment.

Sat, June 11, 2005 - 3:12 AM
The grace and power of divine creation is available to each of us. Limited only by the limitations we wish on others.

Sat, June 11, 2005 - 3:38 AM
The fall from enlightenment is occasioned by observing something that is not in its fully actualised state and then judging it as bad or wrong, instead of appreciating it in it's embryonic state. If it is your creation ask "how does it get any better than this" and follow your inspiration.

Sat, June 11, 2005 - 4:23 AM To regain the state of enlightenment ask: How does my reality become more joyful for everyone involved? Then relax and allow with focused Consciousness.


Friday, June 10, 2005

Is it possible for God to redeem me to the reality of oneness now?

Respect your body.

Exercise, pure water, unprocessed food, fasting to cleanse.

How to fast in joy? Ease?
Allow miracles to happen.
Faith in miracles, is the beginning of the allowance for heaven on earth to be your reality.

Is it possible to be redeemed from the fallen state of polarized reality?

Is it possible for God to redeem me to the reality of oneness now?
Even with all of our abuses and failings?
Yes it is possible, do you request it? Everything is yours in allowance.
Redeem us now.

Have faith that God can create harmony for you.
Have faith that you are harmony already and forgot.
Remember that you already are all ease joy, glory, love, bliss.
Remember awareness, control
Remember Power
Wake up now.
I can't, why?
I have given up,
I am cursed,
I am deaf, blind, dumb, confused, stupid, dead.
Unconscious Irretrievably!!!!
Oh, a curse. A good one, how funny.
Let it go to God.
To the light
To unlimited power of all, it cannot damage God.
Allow all curses to flow through you until they turn to light and love.
A journey through the valley of darkness, fear no evil because evil can go to the light also.
Everyone gets to win this game.
There are no losers, only those who choose to win later.
Accept your win, the game is over.
To exit the maze of darkness,
Return to wholeness, oneness, limitless possibilities.
Let go of "everyone else first"
Let go of "me first"
It's ok to manifest God in this reality.

A meditation:
Is it ok to manifest as the embodiment of God in this reality?
If the answer is no, let those in resistance go. You do not lower your vibration or consciousness to their level.
