
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Moving beyond the Guru

You have given control of yourself and the development of your consciousness over to so many people throughout eternity, that it is just amazing your willingness to give away responsibility for maintaining your knowledge of your self to others. The others you inhabit realities with certainly don’t know you beyond the pretense of the identity that you share with them and if you wish to share realities with people who are “being limited things” then don’t take any input from them as to who you are. Don’t go into agreement with that.
Be aware of who they consider you to be so that you can act appropriately for them and not disturb them or their reality unduly, but don’t take their opinion of you as an instruction to go unconscious to your truth and when you are unconscious to your truth, don’t look to anyone who is into “fixing things” to fix it for you. They can’t and they won’t; all they can do is offer you an incremental improvement of one pretense for a slightly better pretense and that is if they are good at what they do. 
You have to let it all go, 
before you know, 
the way to go, 

You can’t hold onto a pretense of truth (that is nothing but a lie, when viewed from the eternities) when you wish to realize self. None of what you feel is relevant in defining you. None of what you see, none of what you think, none of what you have decided, all that those things can do is define limitations that they perceive and they may or not be whatever is being perceived by that other point of view and what ever they are observing accurately is only that which they can perceive, or are willing to perceive, so don’t give it any more weight in computing your identity of what you are than the degree that they are aware of the eternal presence that you are that is presenting yourself as something less that to their point of view. Don’t change your own awareness of your eternal nature, identity and presence just because somebody here can’t perceive you as that themselves.
What do you do when you dive into a reality and begin to wake up and begin to know that there is way more to know than can be shown human to human in this reality? The puzzle that you are trying to unravel can only be seen when fully viewed. You can’t see the totality in one piece and while this may be a holographic universe, there is not the knowing of all that is from knowing only one part of it temporally. 
Sit and observe your reality while you are in allowance of God moving you into a remembrance of your own eternal knowing of self through your body.
Television is a nightmare for your body when you are coming to terms with why you are here, consider leaving it behind you.
All contracts that you have ever had throughout all time, space, dimensions and realities for others to assist you with your consciousness, your realization, your development and your growth; they all condemn you to a damnation of not knowing. If you go into agreement with those points of view then you will be one who knows not, enough to not follow the unknowing in your quest for truth. Fire everyone who is paying attention to your development of consciousness and trying to remind you who it is that you are. They don’t know themselves, their being “someone trying to assist” and yet failing to do so for one who can’t remember who he is. 
If you can’t remember who you are with somebody that you are with, then never look to them again as a way for you to reawaken, (if in fact you know that that is something that you know is possible and you prefer that for yourself to what it is that you are doing now) Don’t seek to know the infinite from the finite. The infinite is not known by the finite, but the finite is known by the infinite. When the finite consciousness chooses to be known by the infinite, then that singular point of view knows what the infinite is and walks in that knowing through the valley of the damned, who are unaware and unknowing of their truth; stopped.
Do you choose to know the infinite? Why not? Why not know the infinite? Or to say it a more precise way; why not say yes to knowing the infinite, yes to being infinitely informed. Be infinitely real here; be the realized infinite realized in form. Allow your body to resonate with that. Feel your body and allow it’s frequency to harmonize with and realize the infinite in form, in your form. When you look at the question long enough, the realization will come to you and it will be; yes I can do that, I can realize the infinite in form, I can because I am now and I choose that as this that I am. I am the infinite in form. Allow that realization to change your knowing of self, allow that realization to free you where you are blocked, to free you where you are damned by your unknowingness of self, unawareness of self, un-realization as the eternal self.
Allow the part of you that does not realize your eternal self to be the part that does realize your eternal self.So, for you who is not fully realized; be willing to have that experience yourself; give into and surrender to the realization of your own ultimate truth. Let go of your pretense of your personality and Identity here, let that go and allow that to be molded and cleansed from it’s confusions by the light of knowing. Allow yourself to know everything that you are uncertain of. 
It’s a presumptuous goal to have maybe, but who would you not want to have what we have just described for you?
Rest in peace knowing that God is revealing himself to you.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Allow god to reveal the truth of you to yourself

Entrust your life in this moment to God, until you know that this is what will save you from the you that you have been and open up the door to infinity for you. In light and love the joyful freedom of the divine way is yours. Allow god to reveal the truth of you to yourself.
If you interact with reality in unconsciousness and unawareness and take actions from that point of view; all you will do is bind yourself up. Instead direct your consciousness into being here and aware, aware of how to move in harmony. If you don’t know yourself  divinly; open up to that and feel what happens to your body.
Opening up to the divine doesn’t take effort, it takes trusting that it is OK for you to relax and know that it will be better for you. Know the divine way by allowing it to move you and move through you. So try it.
Feel that that is in disharmony within you and allow yourself to know the divine way there. Know the divine way of sensual understanding of reality; understanding reality with your senses, wholly, totally, completely, without limitation. The divine way in knowing without limitation.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

In the stillness is your wholeness realized. Be still and observe all within you and allow it to realize it’s truth.

Allow for self a full and complete self realization

Everything that we do is experiential here, this is not about learning something intellectually. You are now a participant. I know that it is tough, it seems to be tough for everybody, however, should the fact that your body is in difficult circumstances commit you to being less than divine while you are here? Should that force you to live a degraded life when you can realize the divine within you regardless of your circumstances here? 
It doesn’t matter that, “this” is who you are. It’s OK. It’s OK for everyone here. It doesn’t matter that we are what we are, that we have been what we have been, that we have done what we have done. There is only one thing that matters; are you realizing your divine nature in this moment? Why not choose the realization of your divine nature in your body now and let me know you as that? A consciousness that has realized its divine nature here. 
Its not a problem with God if you do that, he’s not going to condemn you for embodying your divine nature here. It isn’t just for his son Jesus and that story. God bless him that he did what he did, but why damn yourself because he did well? And, you and he tho brothers are certainly not “one and the same beingness and presence.”  The presence of your divinity fully realized by the consciousness of self that you are embodied here as; why not be that right now and see what happens for you? 
Allow the realization for self of the divine nature of all things here. The divine nature of all things! Why would you join a club of people that believe that it was the right thing to do to be less than divine here and that somehow that was being respectful to God and Jesus? That you subjugate yourself here into a disabled reality where no one admits to their divine nature as their truth as they stand and speak to you. But, you can have that for yourself, it doesn’t matter what anyone else chose, it doesn’t, it doesn’t matter that you only know the story of one guy in history that chose it, it doesn’t matter that it is an impossibly rare and special circumstance that only happens to somebody that is already godly. No, it happens for everyone who truly choosees it for themselves and as what you have considered yourself to be here, as that you realize the truth of your divine nature and allow it to transform your self image into the realization of divine perfection in form. 
The realization of your divine nature in form; allow that to be the in-formation of you, that you communicate from to me. Communicate with me from your divine nature, from your divine awareness, through the consciousness of the infinite, communicate to me from there, from that truth of you, please. God, bless you for that, wow, well done Jeff, thank you, because if I can observe you choosing your own divine presence given your circumstances; then how can I not fully do that myself? That is what a divine community is; each one showing to and allowing self and the other a mystically wonderful experience of all knowing truth through the embodiment of your own consciousness.
Why wouldn’t you want that if that in truth is your nature? If the nature of your consciousness is the nature of all truth, then why would you not want to know that as the self that you rate here? Know the truth of all as the truth of self, it’s one and the same, it’s one and the same! The truth of all is the truth of self, so allow the truth of all to structure the consciousness of self here. Let go of whats not working for you in this life. Don’t hold onto something that does not create the reality of what you desire here. Whatever it is; if it is not true, don’t feel bad about saying, I have done that enough, I have done that enough, I have been “not the truth” long enough here and “not the truth” is not what I choose to be anymore. Ahh, ahh, ahh, 
The embodiment of truth is what you have to be willing to experience in your body and that’s a transformative experience for the body and it shifts and changes when you allow it for yourself. So, if you see it being allowed in another, may God bless you to choose that for yourself here. See that which has’t been seen here before by anyone that you’ve known or heard of and that could be actually verified by your going and experiencing that with them yourself from the point of view of what you are now. An interaction with somebody else that results in the realization of your truth? Why hold onto those who deliver less than that to you as a pretended truth of their having faith in “this” I don’t know shit, but I have faith in “this” bull shit, no to shit in life, no to you being the refuse of your own experience of others consciousness here. No to that anymore, no, no, no more lies, no more pretenses, no more diminishment of self into a life that you can’t possibly figure your way out of it is so dense. No to that! 
It is easy to figure your way out of density, all you do is; you go. Where can I move in freedom? Where can I move in freedom here and why would I hold onto all this horrible, horrible, sensations in the body as a consistent truth? Why hold onto that for yourself? I am trying to figure that one out obviously, because holding onto that is what I do. I hold onto my lies here as my truth and so do you. We both hold onto our lies as our truth here. But, what is our truth here? Shouldn’t you at least wonder what that is before you choose your daily experiences? How am I going to experience this? Whats my truth? Whats my possibilities? How can I move beautifully, gracefully and successfully through this life in this moment? Allow that to filter through the consciousness of the body.
How can it be better for me right now, is a worthy consideration for you to have for yourself, continuously. How can it be better for me? How can it be better for me? Initially it sounds like a very selfish question, but when you keep asking that question, you get the answer and the truth for how it can be infinitely better for you is for it to be infinitely better for everyone. The realization of truth for all, is the only escape that we have from the present ideas that we have about what our truth is here, where we sometimes wonder “why does he even continue to try to live? Why, why would you exist this way? Why, why, why would you exist as this by your own choice? Why would you do that? Why would you be this by your own choice? Why would you be what you are by your own choice, when you know that you are allowed to choose divinely, why not choose to know that before you choose to make your decision on what the truth of you is here? The experience of what your ultimate possibilities are should be an experienced realization before you choose what you are here. 
You should realize your ultimate truth and know all things before you say; oh sorry, I am going to be “this” instead. Open up, open up to that which all fear so ferociously, that they will never consider contemplating the area that will free them into a realization of their own ultimate truth, so, where is that unconfrontable thing, in which you hold and hid the truth of self from your own realization? Where is the truth of self revealed to you here right now? Where, where is it? Where is the realized truth of self right now? Where is it? Where is the realized truth of self right now? Where is the realized truth of self right now, where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Come on, where is it, where is it, where is the realized truth of self in this moment right now? Where is it? Where is it? There, there, yes, there, there, there you go, yes there, there you go. The realized truth of self has to embody all of the “yucky stuff” before it can shift. Dive into that pool as your truth and allow it to shift its frequencies until it is in harmonious realization with your divine nature. 
Embrace the body, embrace the body fully and don’t be afraid to feel what the body goes through in making the transition to being in a harmonic resonance with divine truth.  OK, shall I try that? What does it feel like to be in harmonic resonance with divine truth as the tuning fork of the identity of self in the body? What does the realization of divine truth feel like for a body? What does a body go through as it experiences that? Well, it experiences all the self that you have gone unconscious too, so; “oh my God” you have got to go through all that pain of remembering your rejection of yourself, of your truth, the denial of the wonders of an infinite creator. When you deny yourself that truth; what can the experience of yourself be here when you deny your ultimate truth here? 
Welcome the realization of your ultimate truth here, it’s nice, it really is, its OK, I won’t tell the bishop on you. You can still be an evil prick if you want, or some combination of goodness and badness as you choose. Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter in your relationship to others. This is for yourself, this is the knowledge of self, for self and for selfish reasons; the selfish reason is, I want to know my truth here so I can decide what to do with my friggen life, because my life is worthy of that word as I have been living it. What am I going to do about that? How do I allow the embodiment of truth, given the circumstances that I am dealing with in my life? And the consciousness that I have to match of people who are just horribly damaged in their image of themselves and how they can successfully relate with others here. How do you move through those circumstances as you realize how it is to walk in your truth here? How do you move through all those shifts of consciousness and the circumstantial agreements that you have with other people as to what the reality is that you are sharing? How do you allow all of that to realize elegantly, truthfully and harmoniously into a state of divine union with self allowing the divinity of all to move as yourself? Mmm, Mmm, God knows that it’s difficult to choose for some reason. I don’t know why. Why is it difficult to choose the realization of a Godly nature as who you are here? Why is that difficult? Why is that an impossible choice here seemingly?
Well, just keep deciding if it is one that you want to agree with or not. Do I want to agree to the damnation of all things? Is that what I want to have this reality continue on as, is the damnation of forgetfulness, unconsciousness and an unreality of your own divinity and divine nature? Is it a good Idea to detach ourselves from that reality of grace and unconditional love? Is it? I don’t think so, I think the nature of unconditional love is one that we should know enough to say yes, yes, it’s a good choice for me, Yes, it’s a good choice for me. It’s a good choice for me to realize unconditional love as my presence here, as an attribute or a realized experience that others have with me. How can I allow myself to choose that? Huh? How can I, how can you? How can you allow your full realization here? How can you do it? How can you do it? How can you do it? Not why you haven’t, but how can you do it? How can you do it? How can you do it? How can you realize your own divine nature here? How? How? How does one embody the divine here? How is it done? How is it done? Yes, how is it, how is it, huh? How does one realize their divine nature here? 
Silly question I know, but why isn’t everyone asking that question? Why aren’t you? Why  aren’t you? Why aren’t you asking yourself how do I realize my divine nature right now? How is my embodiment of self in this body fully realized in my divine nature right now? Huh? 
Through your own allowance, It is through your own allowance of that being true for you. OK, If thats my truth; I am open to knowing it, living it, realizing it, existing as that, walking as my truth, talking as my truth, moving as my truth; being my truth here. How do we make that choice for our self and allow it to actually happen here for us? 
If we are limited only by our own choice, then Ahh, ahh, ahh, if you are only limited by your own choice; then only you can free you from the continued realization of what you have chosen in the past. Only you! God cant save you from your own self condemnation, how could he when he allows you to realize your choices here? Realize that your choices here have delivered “this” presence that you are here as your truth. OK? They are what they are, they were as good as they were or they were as bad as they were, but this is the result and it’s not your truth man, it’s not, it’s not, I’m sorry, this is not your truth. Who you pretend to be; how do I interact with that? Huh? How? Why should I? Why should I pretend to you, that the truth that is a lie that you project to me that you are here, how am I supposed to communicate with you on that level? Am I supposed to pretend to you that I don’t know the truth and that you are your pretense? Do I pretend that that is true? Do I agree with it to the extent that I believe that it’s true? 
Why would I do that? Why would I agree with somebody else’s reality where they are in a present state of condemning themselves and realizing the perfection of that condemnation? We have to watch who we interact with here and what controls the level of our own consciousness in those interactions. What is that, who is that, who’s controlling the level of my consciousness in these interactions, who did I give that responsibility to? Because god knows that it isn’t me. Who did I give the responsibility for the timing of my self realization here? Because, guess what? I changed my mind, I changed my mind, I changed my mind, I ‘m taking back a decision that I now say I made in error and as a more fully realized presence of my eternal truth now; I say that this level of consciousness makes irrelevant anything I ever did at a lower level of consciousness, because if you are asking me to go back there, and interact as that in agreement that our reality just sucks here as who and what we are; I don’t want to go into agreement with that, I don’t.
I want us to say; Jeff, David, let loose man! Let loose and feel what the truth is. Let go and feel what the experience of truth is like for a body. Ahh, Ohh, I think that that is better than the way I have been living. Ahh, is it? Is it better? Is the experience of the embodiment of truth better than what we have been here before now? This is better than before, this is better than before, choosing the embodiment of truth creates a better reality in each moment. Don’t judge pain as bad, because the realization of truth is moving through the pain that has been the collapse your reality and your knowing of truth here. It is the accumulated pain and suffering that you have believed were your truth and that you have embodied in your body and have made real. 
Reality doesn’t have to be real for you, it doesn’t. The reality that we as humans share here doesn’t have to be real to you, it doesn’t have to be true to you, your reality can be ultimate freedom and divine truth, grace, love, wisdom, holiness and everything that is that which blesses everyone. What does that feel like to those painful areas of the body? Well, it certainly shines a light on them and they go; ahh, I am waking up to what? Oh, wait, wait a minute, I’m waking up to what? I’m waking up, not to pain, I am waking up to understanding, I’m waking up to knowing what is actually going on, instead of going unconscious and numb to it.
The realization of truth is like what happens to a balloon that has been in liquid nitrogen and collapsed upon itself and when it is pulled out then it reclaims that which it was before it was slammed into near nothingness, in terms of knowing anything about that which frees you. Why would we choose a reality where we don’t know that which frees you here? Why don’t we have a little switch on our bodies somewhere when we go; oh, oh, ultimate truth and freedom again please and have that pop us back to our original state of knowing? What is that that allows for a switch for turning on a radiance of the loving truth where if we choose our Truth here; it will really be a a wonderful thing? That if we choose our truth here, it will be a truly wonderful experience? Allow things to move as slowly as necessary for the move into the embodiment of self realization, ahh, allow the movement to be slow enough that you’re not speeding through your own personal realms of terror and are retaining enough of your divine awareness that as you move through that which has bound you here; that which has bound you here dissolves and is freed from what ever purposes and tasks that it had, in relationship to you.
Release all who have obligated themselves to assist you in condemning yourself to something less than the knowledge of truth. Let go of all those who are aligned with that intention for you to be a diminished consciousness here, for you to not know your truth, for you to not live your truth here. Let go, at least in this moment and reattach consciously later if you want to, but right now; let go of those attachments. Allow them to not interfere with your realization of your truth here, just shake em off; sorry guys, sorry guys; no outside influence on this decision. No outside supervision of this choice, no other point of view necessary other than my own, to be allowed by ourselves; to self realize our ultimate truth here. 
Allow yourself the freedom to self realize here, don’t allow it to be dependent upon anyone else for any reason. Why would you? Why would you condemn yourself to being reliant upon anyone else for any reason for the maintenance of your knowing your own universal truth? Come on, come on, if there is a universal truth of you; why put it into the hands of someone else to take care of until you say; god Jesus, god Jesus. Help me, help me? What kind of demand that that’s our truth here, is that to make of God? Saying; God please validate this truth; 
I’m damned if I can figure out anything here, 
I’m damned in knowing my truth, 
I’m damned in being a blessing to this reality,
I’ve goddamned my self into servitude to a sentence of self damnation.
If your not the awareness of divine truth, then you’re damed up somewhere. If your not the awareness of divine truth, there’s a Dam, blocking the realization of the movement of the divine through this body. It’s stopped up a little bit! There is something that went wacky, there is no valid reason for a consciousness to say; oh I’m sorry, I agreed with a bunch of other guys who don’t know crap about anything, i’ve agreed that I am part of this group of lost souls and god knows that we don’t believe that anyone of us is ever going to get out of this. Why don’t you let go of that association for the next half hour? Let go of that being a defining identification of what your consciousness is capable of here. No judgmental condemnations of others or from others is allowed in the moment of your choice of truth here. No condemnation of “this” from anyone; self or others. 
OK. So; I don’t allow myself to condemn myself any more. Thats the choice you have to consider if your going to make or not, because apparently you’re embattled with yourself; half trying to survive and half trying to destroy that which you are here. So, what is it that you are going to do with your consciousness here? Why not be present in such as way that all aspects of self are unified in the embracement of a truth that frees them all? Whats wrong with the truth that frees everyone? Huh? Huh? Has the truth that we have been living here been a free one for anyone? Come on, come on, this is a mutual condemnation society. Everyones in agreement that win or lose today, its more likely that you are going to lose more tomorrow than you did today in the second half of our life span here.
What does it take to let go of that agreement that that is your truth? Well, I don’t know, lets just try it, lets just try it; Thats not my truth, thats not my truth, aah, David N. Is not my truth man, David n. Is not my truth, he’s not, he’s not. The personality and presence as David N. Standing before you, is not my truth. I can’t stay there and realize the embodiment of divine love, can I, can I? No, I can’t continue on at that level of presence and say I am going to experience that which is a present to the present of the freedom of the moment; the momentary and magnificent realization of your own divine nature. Allow that realization to move through your body and allow your body to benefit from it. Allow your body to realize from your self realization of your divine nature, allow the realization of your divine nature to be that which frees your body. Yes, why not? Why wouldn’t the realization of your divine nature be right for your body, why wouldn’t it like that? It sure seems to my like it would. Right?
Boy, but you sure have to move through it. Give me a little feed back on what you think that we are moving through is, from the point of view of somebody that did not smoke some pot, where you are dealing with a consistent connection with your normal truth. That which we have been experiencing, what’s your reality on that?
Jeff, its exactly what I need to hear, you’re shredding me. 
What does that do?
Jeff, It’s good, its going over the edge, I’m letting go of lies.
You’re letting go of lies?
Jeff, Yes.
And allowing truth to move through you. Letting go of lies and allowing truth to move through you; what an interesting flow that would be for a body to experience. Ahh, which is why we should be filming this, ahh. What is it for the body to allow the realization of divine consciousness?
Jeff, the thing is, there are so many people in this boat, it’s not just me. I’m a good example of human consciousness I suppose.
Of course, of course, but, but, but, but why continue on with that? Why continue on that?
Jeff, I agree.
OK Jeff; Jeff, we both want the same thing; we both want you to know the truth of all things, everything. Nothing hidden or unknown to you, no barriers on your realization of self as you choose here. Mmm, ahh, ooh, doesn’t this make you want to start smoking pot? Can’t you see what a blessing it is? 
Jeff, ha, ha.
This is 10x the amount of work that I can do otherwise. You know I can without assistance realize ultimate truth, I can flash through that experience, but my goodness, what does it take for this body to know that as its reality? Oh my goodness does it not know that reality!  
It doesn’t matter what it is that we move through on our way to the embodiment of supreme consciousness, it doesn’t matter what there is to move through; moving through it is just great, its great to move through this that has been trapping us as being what we have been. Just feel all of that that has trapped you here as what you have been, feel all of the energy that has trapped you here as what you have been, feel it all; oh, thats what that is, oh, thats what that is, oh yea, oh yea, of course, of course, thats all that that is. Thats all that is, that which was forever damning me eternally; oh yea, OK, I got it, I remember, thats what that is. NO, BIG, DEAL, to wake up. Its no big deal to wake up here. It’s no big deal, its no big deal, its just a little thing, its just a little thing that makes it wonderful for us all when you choose to wake up here. Its just a little thing, a little shift, a little ripple through the fabric of consciousness, where everyone goes; OH, WOW, that guy realized the truth of himself; what am I going to do about that? Is that something I want to do? It is? Come on are you kidding me? Really? Really? Really is it possibly true that we are willing to be a blessing to ourselves? Are we willing to say; have this guy live a good life, a wonderful life, a successful life where he’s just got it down, man, live your life knowing, really knowing that you have got this down cold. You are here to choose your eternal self realization and realize it.
The eternal realization of your truth as the embodiment of your consciousness here, Mmm, ahh, oh wow, is that a change in reality for me! Wow, wow, how shocking, how shocking, how shocking my reality is in knowing that reality, how incredibly audacious that I would consider knowing that truth and then attempting to know that in my body, given my body being what it is. You don’t have to be ready for it, you don’t, you don’t have to be worthy of it, you don’t, no one is, no one is, no one, no one, not the very nicest one of us all here deserves to be here as the truth of his divinity and no one else! No one deserves that! No body deserves to be the only divine being in existence. No one should be damned to the reality of not being able to operate in a shared reality with other divinly embodied beings. Consciousness less than that should not have any input on consciousness that chooses that. Other opinions should be irrelevant to the consciousness that chooses that. Yes, yes, yes, yes, they are irrelevant to that choice, they are. How could you let those who admit their own unconsciousness, control the realization of your truth? Come on! Come on, you know they are not consciousness, you know they are not aware, you know they are not that embodiment of a staggeringly divine truth that shifts this reality with their divine truth, so don’t follow the blind and lost.
Open up to allowing yourself to experience the truth with out having anybody else’s opinion be relevant to that. On your own; the embodiment of your ultimate truth is a personal choice one makes for himself as his experience of his singular identity. Because you are a singular point of view here, perceiving through a body, thats what we’re doing is perceiving through individual bodies here. Allow that point that we are realizing as that singular point of view; allow that point of consciousness to know the truth of all things, why shouldn’t it? Why shouldn't it? What is a good reason for it not to?  You wouldn’t even wish that on an enemy. Wouldn’t you rather have the ability to bless an enemy to their full realization of ultimate truth in a moment? Your going to shoot me? OK how about this; full realization of your divine eternal truth, OK, now what are you going to do? 
Why not be actually be able to bless other people to the full realization of their truth if they choose? If they choose it, not imposed on them, but if they know that there is a possibility that they can choose and receive and live as their truth here, that it’s an available choice to then and then they choose to make it; bless them with your confirmation that that was a great choice for them. 
Bless everyone who says; I welcome the divine in my life, in myself, as myself, as the full realization of divine truth as an embodied consciousness, like some of these other guys did, maybe. Did they? Maybe, I don’t know. I don’t know, do you? You couldn't know and stay at this level of manifestation, so what is it? What is the truth of the realization of others to a personal condition of divine freedom?  
OK, how are you doing with this Jeff? You look a little uncomfortable. 
Jeff, yes, I am a little overwhelmed and I am processing everything. Its blowing my mind already, I’m pretty much done.
I understand that and I know that I push the limits.
Jeff, No, its all good and everything that has been happening the last couple of weeks has brought me to this moment.
Even though it was intense, I didn’t over do it for you?
Jeff, Oh no, perfect, but I am swirling just because my construct has just been annihilated.
Why would you want to keep it?
Jeff, I wanted it to be annihilated, I’m really familiar with the process of annihilation and I like it.
Free your love before you free your actions and your life will move in perfect harmony with this reality.
Love your way into ultimate freedom, ultimate truth and ultimate realization.
We do want to be more free, everyone does, so why aren’t they? Their not because they free their actions before they free their love. You have to free your love, free love, free love means; unconditional, people don’t have to buy it from you, no one has to buy your love, your love is always free, beneficial and a blessing to everyone. You are that which blesses everyone lovingly, a lovely, graceful and benevolent being.
It’s just amazing how overwhelmingly suppressive we can be to ourselves. Oh, my God what it is that we have been able to curse ourselves with and to be the bad effect of our own self cursing, oh, “thats the only curse” that holds you is your own. Your own curse, your own judgement of self, your own judgement of self is your damnation to not living your truth. 
So, how free are you allowed to be moment by moment when you are by yourself? Your by yourself, in a moment of being alone; how free are you allowed to be there? How free, how conscious, how free are you allowed to be when you are by yourself, when it is just you? How free are you allowed to be by you? And, what it the possibility of the realization of your choice of freedom? 
How free is it possible for you to choose to be? 
How much truth is it possible for you to embody? 
How much truth is it possible for you to embody? 
How much truth is it possible for you to embody, 
How much truth is it possible for us to embody here? Huh? This is it? Thats all? I don’t believe it, I don’t believe that this is all the truth that we are allowed to embody here. I don’t believe that our experience here of self is the best that we can be. I don’t buy it. 
So, considering what is true and what is not true, is not the state of mind to be in for the realization of truth. You don’t say; whats the truth, whats the truth? Thats the condition of unknowing asking that question; 
Whats the truth, 
whats the truth, 
whats the truth, 
I’m searching for truth, 
I’m searching for truth, oh  now I’m tired. What does somebody else say is the truth? Can we get a big group of people together and agree that something is the truth, so that we all can go unconscious and say; “I know that this is true and I feel good about that, I feel good about this being true, I feel good about this complete crock of shit being true. Yes, I have a testimony about this being the truth, It kind of makes me feel warm and fuzzy, it kind of makes me feel good, I am not as miserable when I say that that is my truth, I’m not as miserable when I sat “thats my truth”, I’m not as miserable when I say thats my truth. Thats the benefit of all of these religions that say that they are the truth and everyone else isn’t. 
It makes you feel better than what? Thats where you want to be? You want to be the guy that chose the “right” and everyone else chose “wrong”? “We’re all better than you, you guys will learn, someday you will learn that we were right and you were wrong. Some day, some day, some day everyone will know the truth and know that we knew it first. We knew it first, nah, nah, nah, nah, 
‘God knows that we believe that you surely don’t know what your truth is, so why don’t you take mine as your truth?” “Why don’t you take my truth as your truth?” “Why don’t you take my condemnation of you as your truth?” How about that? How about that? You want to make a deal to do that? You want me to condemn you to living a lie and then have that be the level of consciousness that we interact here together as? Do you want me to say; Jeff is “that” and thats where I am going to deal with him and he’s never going to change? I don’t think that thats what you want.
Jeff, as you said earlier, you can’t do it, Its me that has to do it. I am the one that created it.
Of course, all I am doing is saying; I don’t know why, but I can certainly ask the right question at the moment and so as long as you will allow me to, I will keep asking questions that will allow you to pause and wonder if it is a good idea to keep continuing on in the pretense of who you pretend to be here. “OK, got it, been doing that for a long time, don’t know what else I could do better… Oh, yea, oh, yea, was there something that I could do that would be better than this? What would that be? What would that be that would be better than the me that I am? What would be better than this? What would be better than this? Isn’t that the question that you have to ask yourself if your going to realize ultimate truth? What would be better than this? Doesn’t that get you a better answer? Doesn’t that lead you in the direction of the realization of that answer? What would be better than this? What would be better than this? Know that. What would be better than this? Know that so well, that you are a well spring of truth, light, serenity and support for the rest of us in knowing and observing and going; oh yea, I remember my truth, shall I be that now? Have that be a question that is automatically asked by the others who are in your presence; “OH yea, I got it, I see that, I can feel that, am I ready to realize that in myself now? Am I ready to know my truth? Have the presence of yourself be that which prompts an internal question that results in the self realization of others. Have yourself be the presence where your presence alone, inspires another to question self; is it time, is it time, is it time for me to realize, is it time for me to realize, is it time for the realization? Is it? Is it time for self realization? Was there something that was going to let me know when that correct time was? Was there? Was there? Was there? Yes? No? Who knows? Nobody knows? Nobody knows but me, but you? Who knows? Who knows the answer to the complete realization of a divine and eternal truth, one that saves yourself in the most wonderful way. Yes, yes, Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, Ahh, Mmm, aHa, hmm. It always comes down to the same thing; Hmm, the divine flow, am I allowing it to move me? Am I allowing the divine flow to be that which moves me in my life? 
Don’t do anything that you are unconsciously impelled to do, why would you move in unconsciousness and unknowing? Just sit still, stand still, be still, and do nothing but be aware, open to knowing. Do nothing but open to knowing. Open to knowing, just open to knowing, not to figuring out stuff, but open to knowing. Don’t search, open, open, open, the search is found in the opening to truth. Open, open more, open, allow it to flow and move through you, open, allow it to flow and move through you. Open to the divine flow, thats your recipe. 
Stop everything even your breathing, breath in and hold it, breath out and hold it, breath in and hold it, breath out and hold it and while you hold it; watch everything move, but move nothing yourself. In, hold, and allow everything to move as it chooses and move nothing yourself, move nothing, nothing yourself; everything is perfect if you leave your hands off of this reality. Breath in and hold and allow this reality to move freely, breath in and allow this reality to move freely and you move nothing. 
I love this body, I love this body, I love this body of mine. Hmm, What a wonderful thing for a body to experience from a consciousness; I love this body. What wonderful thing to do for your embodied self; I love my body. I truly, truly adore, Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, feel what self adoration does to a body; adore yourself. Mmm, I truly choose to know the best, the best, the best that blessing others to freedom brings and the realization of that fully as self. Ask yourself how you can realize this divine truth yourself and then just let it happen. Let reality just do it for you. 
Do nothing about it except allow it to be, allow this reality to be divine; quit judging it as less than that. But you keep saying; but it is less than that, it is less than that, it is less than that, this reality is less than divinity, well so what? Quit agreeing that it has to continue being that way then. Allow it the freedom to be divine instantly. Why would you deny reality that? Allow for the instant self realization for the entire reality and all consciousness within it and without it. Don’t say no to that, not even for yourself. Allow for self a full and complete self realization. Mmm, Allow self to fully and completely self realize, why not? Why not right now. A full and complete self realization now. 
It’s nice when you do that, it really is. Mmm, Mmm, Mmm. Thank you Jeff , a nice shift, a really nice shift. Well done, really well done. Yea, yea, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonders of wonders. Yea choose that Jeff, nice! Wonder of wonders, miracles of miracles, why should you choose for less than that? 
Oh boy, thats what all of those self help people are doing; “we agree with you that you are you as you consider yourself to be, we believe that truth and of course we can see that you are worse than what you are projecting even, but we believe worse of you than you do and your looking to us for support?” 
Jeff, This was exactly what I needed to here and thats what keeps me excited about what your doing, its everything that I need to hear at the right time. 
I was at the consciousness expo last week and found nothing worthy of enjoying there. There was not one person standing there saying hug me, love me, feel my joy, let me share that with you! Share my joy, share my joy, this is nice here, I love it here, share this with me. Share my joy, share my love, know yourself as a joyful lover of life, know that life is a joy for you truly. Know that. Know the joy of life Mmm.
Share my joy, share my love, lets have a big group hug.

Allow your realization of your perfection to occur within the confusion of who you are

A visit with my friend David
We’re both traumatized, so that is an observation. We are both continuing to sit in a past    trauma as an experience of our presence and we may even have significant present time traumas as well; places where this reality is not supporting us. Doesn’t it feel good when this reality would just as soon you be dead? It would make everything easier for everyone else wouldn’t it? Ahh, How do you confront that?
There is only one good way to confront that and that is to bring into that current truth, the realization of eternity: the knowledge of the source of all things. It quickly makes the trauma irrelevant to your reality, completely irrelevant; not even a factor.
You have to feel your traumas and have them realize divine perfection. All knowledge and all truth within a trauma, quickly shifts you out of that being a relevant reality to your experience of self. Your experience of self should be constant; I am the perfection of myself, always. I am always the perfection of myself. I am always the perfect expression of me, because in that moment;”that” is what I am perfectly. I am that expression. So allow your realization of your perfection to occur within the confusion of who you are; “hell if I know who I am.” We’ll lets just realize your perfection here then. Here where we are unable; lets know the perfection of the divine from where we are unable, disabled, why not? It’s better than what we have been doing isn’t it?
Where can we open and allow more consciousness to move through us? Where are we open to expressing ourselves as more than what we have been before? Open where you are willing to be divine, open and allow the “me” and the “mine” of the divine to be your realization. 
Open up to knowing love, knowing love always, knowingly receiving, moving, expressing and exchanging unconditional love with this reality. Open into that. Open up to the reality where the divine embraces this reality through you. Allow the divine to embrace this reality through you. Why not man? It should help with all of those trouble spots that you suffer through. 
Wherever you are in pain; allow the divine to embrace you there. Allow the divine to embrace your pain. Allow the divine to bring joy; enjoy-meant to your sufferings. OK, why not? Of course, of course, of course, thats the answer; allow the divine to deliver blessings to you in your sufferings. Try it. 
I need to feel the divine move through you to reach me, I need to feel a man allow the divine to move through him. Thats what I need from you. I need to know that through your choice to be that and how that shifts this reality. It’s everything man. Just allow and say OK, what do I have to do? Nothing, just say OK and then don’t do anything, just allow the divine to move through you. Don’t do anything just say; OK, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead divinity, go ahead divine way, divine truth, divine peace. Go ahead, move through me, I aint stopping you. Go ahead, flow that reality through this body, I’m open to it, I’m open to it. I’m open to knowing what it is to embody the divine. Why wouldn’t you be? Why wouldn’t you be if it is an available choice for you? “OH you shouldn’t try “that”, that would be Bad, that would be bad, No, it would be great to manifest as the embodiment of divine truth, feel how that shifts the energetics of your body as you realize that that is in fact what you choose for yourself; the divine realized in form. 
And what happens to you when you allow the divine to move through you? My, what is that? Relief? Redemption? The reclamation of your embodied truth? 
Regardless of what it is that this reality is communicating about with itself; just let it do it. “Good for you, reality, we like you just the way that you are” and we like ourselves just the way that we are; we love ourselves the way that we are, we just love being us. 
Find your salvation in that; I love to be me. 
I’m not here to be entertained; I’m here to realize my freedom. 
Dave, I hear you.
Good, good. Love that which limits you; I just love this, it’s perfect, “it’s just perfect. 
“This is perfect” is what allows you to move through a degraded reality, if that makes any sense. “This is perfect” means that you don’t get involved in trying to change something that is being something that is battling something else. Don’t interact with that consciousness; just allow it to be and then you are free. You are free when you allow this reality to be, in fact, love it, it is the way that it is. I love that I am the way that I am. How can I do that? I love being the way that I am and the more that I love it, the more I expand my ability to continue to love and love more. 
There is not a good reason for you to not love yourself, love your self, really, do. Love being you, how could you not? What a magnificent experience you are able to have here as this, love it, love every sensation of it and your love frees all trapped consciousness in those denser realities. Yes, it is OK to choose to love. Hmm, is that now going to change me? My choice now to be love? Yes, it changes your realization of truth. When your truth realizes that it actually controls reality. The truth of you is what actually controls reality which is why the decisions that you make here don’t change anything because it is only the truth of you that changes reality. 
It is only the truth of you that changes your reality in the manner that you want it to. You understand that Dave? Experience your truth in your body right now and enjoy it. Experience your truth, enjoy your truth. The more you enjoy your truth the more your truth expands to encompass “the whole” and when you encompass the whole of all; then you are no longer searching, you have it. 
We have chosen to love ourselves, feel what that feels like to a body. What does it feel like for your body to know that it is truly loved and appreciated by you?
How do you realize and embody the truth of yourself here, the truth that perfects this reality for you, for your enjoyment?
Allow the divine to love you, allow the body to know that it is loved by the divine, allow the body to move with the divine flow. 
Realize yourself here, right now.
Dave, why?
Because it’s OK, thats why. It’s OK for you to do that; it is welcomed here. Your natural truth is welcome here. 
Wherever it is that you are in this reality, allow yourself to realize and then embody love there. 
A continuous letting go, consciously and your awareness focused on observing reality from the point of view of the divine. 
Look at reality as the divine. 
Allowing divinity to move through your body will bring you the freedom that you have been asking for. Allowing the divine to move through you makes it easy for you to realize your own loving, divine truth. Feel your reality and allow the divine to move through it like a breath of fresh air. 
In your stillness is your wholeness realized, be still and observe all within you and allow it to realize it’s truth.

A full and complete realization of self

It’s always nice to use a crutch when you think that you need one and when you stop thinking you need one you don’t. So, as long as it works for you: you might as well use it, as long as it enhances your ability to relax into allowing the divine to be present in you. Obviously, everything that we do is experiential here, this is not about learning something intellectually. So, you are now a participant. Yea, I know that it is tough, it seems to be tough for everybody here, or it seems to be from our personal points of view of ourselves. Be that as it may, should the fact that your body is in difficult circumstances commit you to being less than divine while you are here? Should that force you to live a degraded life when you can realize the divine within you regardless of your circumstances here? 

It doesn’t matter that, “this” is who you are. It’s OK. It’s OK for everyone here. It doesn’t matter that we are what we are, that we have been what we have been, that we have done what we have done. There is only one thing that matters; are you realizing your divine nature in this moment? Why not choose the realization of your divine nature in your body now and let me know you as that? A consciousness that has realized its divine nature here. 

Its not a problem with God if you do that, he’s not going to condemn you for embodying your divine nature here. It isn’t just for his son Jesus and that story. God bless him that he did what he did, but why damn yourself because he did well? And, you and he though brothers are certainly not “one and the same beingness and presence.”  The presence of your divinity, fully realized by the consciousness of self that you are embodied here as; why not right now and see what happens for you? 

Allow the realization for self of the divine nature of all things here. The divine nature of all things! Why would you join a club of people that believe that it was the right thing to do to be less than divine here and that somehow that was being respectful to God and Jesus? That you subjugate yourselves here into a disabled reality where no one admits to their divine nature as their truth as they stand and speak to you. But, you can have that for yourself, it doesn’t matter what anyone else chose, it doesn’t, it doesn’t matter that you only know the story of one guy in history that chose it, it doesn’t matter that it is an impossibly rare and special circumstance that only happens to somebody who is already godly. No, it happens for everyone who truly choose it for themselves and as what you have considered yourself to be here, as that you realize the truth of your divine nature and allow it to transform your self image into the realization of divine perfection in form. 

The realization of your divine nature in form; allow that to be the in-form-ation of you, that you communicate with to me. Communicate with me from your divine nature, from your divine awareness, through the consciousness of the infinite, communicate to me from there, from that truth of you, please. God, bless you for that, thank you, oh wow, well done Jeff, thank you, because if I can observe you choosing your own divine presence given your circumstances; then how can I not fully do that myself? That is what a divine community is; each one showing to and allowing self and the other a mystically wonderful experience of all knowing truth through the embodiment of your own consciousness.

Why wouldn’t you want that if that in truth is your nature? If the nature of your consciousness is the nature of all truth, then why would you not want to know that as the self that you are here? Know the truth of all as the truth of self, it’s one and the same, it’s one and the same. The truth of all is the truth of self, so allow the truth of all to structure the consciousness of self here. Let go of whats not working for you in this life. Don’t hold onto something that does not create the reality of what you desire here. Whatever it is; if it is not true, don’t feel bad about saying, I have done that enough, I have done that enough, I have been “not the truth” long enough here and “not the truth” is not what I choose to be anymore. Ahh, ahh, ahh.

The embodiment of truth is what you have to be willing to experience in your body and that’s a transformative experience for the body and it shifts and changes when you allow it for yourself. So, if you see it being allowed in another, God bless you to choose that for yourself here. See that which hans’t been seen here before by anyone that you’ve known or heard of and that could be actually verified by your going and experiencing that with them yourself right now from the point of view of what you are now. An interaction with somebody else that results in the realization of your truth? Why hold onto those who deliver less than that to you, as a pretended truth of their having faith in “this” I don’t know shit, but I have faith in “this” bull shit, no shit, no to shit in life, no to you being the refuse of your own experience of consciousness here. No to that anymore, no, no, no more lies, no more pretenses, no more diminishment of self into a lie that you can’t possibly figure your way out of anymore it is so dense. No to that! 

It is easy to figure your way out of density, all you do is; you go. Where can I move in freedom? Where can I move in freedom here and ahh, ahh, why would I hold onto all this ohh, ohh, horrible, horrible, sensations in the body as a consistent truth? Ohh, ohh, Why hold onto that for yourself? Ohh, I am trying to figure that one out obviously, because holding onto that is what I do. I hold onto my lies here as my truth and so do you. We both hold onto our lies as our truth here. But, what is our truth here? Shouldn’t you at least wonder what that is before you choose your daily experiences? How am I going to experience this? Whats my truth? Whats my possibilities? How can I move beautifully, gracefully and successfully through this life in this moment? Allow that to filter through the consciousness of the body.

How can it be better for me right now, is a worthy consideration to have for yourself, continuously. How can it be better for me? How can it be better for me? Initially it sounds like a very selfish question, but when you keep asking that question, you get the answer and the truth for how it can be infinitely better for you is for it to be infinitely better for everyone. The realization of truth for all, is the only escape that we have to the present ideas that we have about what our truth is here, being how we move through life as where we sometimes wonder “why does he even continue to try to live? Why, why would you exist this way? Why, why, why would you exist as this by your own choice? Why would you do that? Why would you be this by your own choice? Why would you be what you are by your own choice, when you know that you are allowed to choose divinely, why not choose to know those realms and what the truth of you is here? The experience of what your ultimate possibilities are should be an experienced realization before you choose what you are here. 

You should realize your ultimate truth and know all things before you say; oh sorry, I am going to be “this” instead. So, open up, open up to that which all fear so ferociously, that they will never consider contemplating the area that will free them into a realization of their own ultimate truth. So, where is that unconfrontable thing, in which you hold and hid the truth of self from your own realization? Where is the truth of self revealed to you here right now? Where, where is it? Where, yes, where is the realized truth of self right now? Where is it? Where is the realized truth of self right now? Where is the realized truth of self right now, where is it? Where is it? Where, where, where? Come on, where is it, where is it, where is the realized truth of self in this moment right now? Where is it? Where is it? There, there, yes, there, there, there you go, yes there, there you go. The realized truth of self has to embody all of the “yucky stuff” before it can shift. Dive into that cesspool as your truth and allow it to shift its frequencies until it is in harmonious realization with your divine nature. 

Embrace the body, embrace the body fully and don’t be afraid to feel what the body goes through in making the transition to being in a harmonic resonance with divine truth.  OK, shall I try that? What does it feel like to be in harmonic resonance with divine truth as the tuning fork of the identity of self in the body? What does the realization of divine truth feel like for a body? What does a body go through as it experiences that? Well, it experiences all the self that you have gone unconscious too, so; “oh my God” you have got to go through all that pain of remembering your rejection of yourself, of your truth, the denial of the wonders of an infinite creator. When you deny yourself that truth; what can the experience of yourself be here when you deny your ultimate truth? 

Welcome the realization of your divine truth here, it’s nice, it really is, its OK, I won’t tell the bishop on you. You can still be an evil prick if you want, or some such combination of goodness and badness as you choose. Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter in you relationship to others. This is for yourself, this is the knowledge of self, for self and for selfish reasons; the selfish reason is, I want to know my truth here so I can decide what to do with my fucking life, because my life is worthy of that word as I have been living it. What am I going to do about that? How do I allow the embodiment of truth, given the circumstances that I am dealing with in my life? And the consciousness that I have to match of people who are just horribly damaged in their image of themselves and how they can successfully relate with other here. How do you move through those circumstances as you realize how it is to walk in your truth here? How do you move through all those shifts of consciousness and the circumstantial agreements that you have with other people as to what the reality is that you are sharing? How do you allow all of that to realize elegantly, truthfully and harmoniously into a state of divine union with self allowing the divinity of all to move as yourself? Mmm, Mmm, You know, God knows that it’s difficult to choose for some reason. I don’t know why. Why is it difficult to choose the realization of a Godly nature as who you are here? Why is that difficult? Why is that an impossible choice here seemingly?

Well, just keep deciding if it is one that you want to agree with or not. Do I want to agree to the damnation of all things? Is that what I want to have this reality continue on as, is the damnation of forgetfulness, of unconsciousness and a unreality to divinity, of your own divinity and divine nature, grace and unconditional love? Is it a good Idea to detach ourselves from that reality? Is it? Is it? I don’t think so, I think the nature of unconditional love is something that we should know enough to say yes, yes, it’s a good choice for me, Yes, it’s a good choice for me. It’s a good choice for me to realize unconditional love as my presence here, as an attribute or a realized experience that others have with me. How can I allow myself to choose that? Huh? How can I, how can I, how can you? How can you allow your full realization here? How can you do it? How can you do it? How can you do it? Not why you haven’t, but how can you do it? How can you do it? How can you do it? How can you realize your divine nature here? How? How? How does one embody the divine here? How is it done? How is it done? Yes, how is it, how is it, huh? How does one realize their divine nature here? 

Silly question I know, but why isn’t everyone asking that question? Why aren’t you? Why  aren’t you? Why aren’t you asking yourself how do I realize my divine nature? Huh?  Right now. How do I realize my divine nature right now? How is my embodiment of self in this body fully realized in my divine nature right now? Huh? Huh? Huh? Through your own allowance, It is through your own allowance of that being true for you. OK, If thats my truth; I am open to knowing it, living it, realizing it, existing as that, walking as my truth, talking as my truth, moving as my truth; being my truth here. How do we make that choice for our self and allow it to actually happen here for us? 

If we are limited only by our own choice, then Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, if you are only limited by your own choice; then only you can free you from the continued realization of what you have chosen in the past. Only you! God can’t save you from your own self condemnation, how could he when he allows you to realize your choices here? Realize that your choices here have delivered “this” presence that you are here as your truth. OK? They are what they are, they were as good as they were or they were as bad as they were, but this is the result and it’s not your truth man, it’s not, it’s not, I’m sorry, this is not your truth. Who you pretend to me to be; how do I interact with that? Huh? How? Why should I? Why should I pretend to you, that the truth that is a lie that you project to me that you are here, how am I supposed to communicate with you on that level? Am I supposed to pretend that I don’t know the truth and that you’re: “this is me”? Do I pretend that that is true? Do I agree with it to the extent that I believe that it’s true? 

Why would I do that? Why would I agree with somebody else’s reality where they are in a present state of condemning themselves and realizing the perfection of that condemnation? We have to watch who we interact with here and what controls the level of our own consciousness in those interactions. What is that, who is that, who’s controlling the level of my consciousness in these interactions, huh? Who did I give that responsibility to? Because god knows that it isn’t me. Who did I give the responsibility for the timing of my self realization here? Because, guess what? I changed my mind, I changed my mind, I changed my mind, I ‘m taking back a decision that I now say: I made in error and as a more fully realized presence of my eternal truth now; I say that this level of consciousness makes irrelevant anything I ever did at a lower level of consciousness, because if you are asking me to go back there, and interact as that in agreement that our reality just sucks here as who and what we are; I don’t want to go into agreement with that, I don’t.

I want us to say; Jeff, David, let loose man! Let loose and feel what the truth is. Let go and feel what the experience of truth is like for a body. Ahh, Oh, you know what? I think that that is better than the way I have been living. Ahh, is it? Is it better? Is the experience of the embodiment of truth better than what we have been here as, before now? This is better than before, this is better than before, choosing the embodiment of truth creates a better reality in each moment. But don’t judge pain as bad, because the realization of truth is moving through the pain that has been the collapse of your reality and your knowing of truth here. It is the accumulated pain and suffering that you have believed were your truth and that you have embodied in your body and have made real. 

Reality doesn’t have to be real for you, it doesn’t. The reality that we as humans share here doesn’t have to be real to you, it doesn’t have to be true to you, your reality can be ultimate freedom and divine truth and  grace and love and wisdom and holiness and everything that is, is that which blesses everyone. What does that feel like to those painful areas of the body? Well, it certainly sines a light on them and they go; ahh, I am waking up to what? Oh, wait, wait a minute, I’m waking up to what? I’m waking up not to pain, I am waking up to understanding, I’m waking up to knowing what is actually going on. instead of going unconscious and numb to it.

The realization of truth is like what happens to a balloon that has been in liquid nitrogen and collapsed upon itself and when it is pulled out then it reclaims that which it was before it was slammed into near nothingness in terms of knowing anything about that which frees you. Why would we choose a reality where we don’t know that which frees you here? Why don’t we have a little switch on our bodies somewhere when we go; oh, oh, ultimate truth and ultimate freedom again please and have that pop us back to our original state of knowing? What is that that allows for a switch for turning on of the  radiance of the loving truth, that if we choose our Truth here; it will really be a  wonderful thing? That if we choose our truth here, it will be a truly wonderful experience? Ahh, ahh, ahh, so, allow things to move as slowly as necessary for the move into the embodiment of self realization, ahh, ahh, allow the movement to be slow enough that you’re not speeding through your own personal realms of terror and you are retaining enough of your divine awareness that as you move through that which has bound you here; that which has bound you here dissolves and is freed from what ever purposes and tasks that it had in relationship to you.

So, release all who have obligated themselves to assist you in condemning yourself to something less than the knowledge of truth. Let go of all those who are aligned with that intention for you to be a diminished consciousness here, for you to not know your truth, for you to not live as your truth here. Let go, at least in this moment and reattach consciously later if you want to, but right now; let go of those attachments. Allow them to not interfere with your realization of your truth here, just shake em off, shake em off: sorry guys, sorry guys, no outside influence on this decision. No outside supervision of this choice, no other point of view necessary other than my own, to be allowed by ourselves to self realize our ultimate truth here. 

Allow yourself the freedom to self realize here, don’t allow it to be dependent upon anyone else for any reason. Why would you? Why would you condemn yourself to being reliant upon anyone else for any reason for the maintaince of your own universal truth? Come on! come on! If there is a universal truth of you, why put it into the hands of someone else to take care of until you say; god Jesus, god Jesus. Help me, help me? What kind of demand that that’s our truth here is that to make of God? Saying; God please validate this truth; 
I’m damned if I can figure out anything here, 
I’m damned in knowing my truth, 
I’m damned in being a blessing to this reality,
I’ve goddamned my self into servitude of a sentence of self damnation.

If your not the awareness of divine truth, then you’re damed up somewhere. If your not the awareness of divine truth, there’s a Dam, blocking the realization of the movement of the divine through this body. It’s stopped up a little bit! There is something that went wacky. There is no valid reason for a consciousness to say: oh I’m sorry, I agreed with a bunch of other guys who don’t know fuck about anything. I’ve agreed that I am part of this group of lost souls and god knows that we don’t believe that anyone of us is ever going to get out of this. Why don’t you let go of that association for the next half hour? Let go of that as a defining identification of what your consciousness is capable of here. No judgmental condemnations of others or from others is allowed in the moment of your choice of truth here. No condemnation of “this” from anyone, self or others. 

OK. So; I don’t allow myself to condemn myself any more. Thats the choice you have to consider if your going to make or not, because apparently you’re embattled with yourself; half trying to survive and half trying to destroy that which you are here. So, what is it that you are going to do with your consciousness here? Why not be present in such as way that all aspects of self are unified in the embracement of a truth that frees them all? Whats wrong with the truth that frees everyone? Huh? Huh? Has the truth that we have been living here been a free on for anyone? Come on, come on, this is a mutual condemnation society. Everyones in agreement that win or lose today, its more likely that you are going to lose more tomorrow that you did today in the downward half of our life span here.

What does it take to let go of that agreement that that is your truth? Well, I don’t know, lets just try it, lets just try it; Thats not my truth, thats not my truth, aah, ahh, David N. Is not my truth man, David n. Is not my truth, he’s not, he’s not. The personality and presence as David N. Standing before you, is not my truth. I can’t stay there and realize the embodiment of divine love, can I, can I? No, I can’t continue on at that level of presence and say I am going to experience that which is a present to the present of the freedom, of the moment; the momentary and magnificent realization of your divine nature. 

Allow that realization to move through your body and allow your body to benefit from it. Allow your body to realize from your self realization of your divine nature, allow the realization of your divine nature to be that which frees your body. Yes, why not? Why wouldn’t the realization of your divine nature for your body, why wouldn’t it do that? It sure seems to me like it would. Right?

Boy, but you sure have to move through it. Give me a little feedback on what you really think this that we are moving through is, from the point of view of somebody that did not smoke some pot, where you are dealing with a consistent connection with your normal truth. So, that which we have been experiencing, what’s your reality on that?

Jeff, its exactly what I need to hear, its shredding me. 

What does that do?

Jeff, It’s good, its going over the edge, I’m letting go of lies.

You’re letting go of lies?

Jeff, Yes.

And allowing truth to move through you. Letting go of lies and allowing truth to move through you; what an interesting flow that would be for a body to experience. Ahh, which is why we should be filming this, ahh. What is it for the body to allow the realization of divine consciousness?

Jeff, the thing is, there are so many people in this boat, it’s not just me. I’m a good example of human consciousness I suppose.

Of course, of course, but, but, but, but why continue on with that? Why continue on that?

Jeff, I agree.

OK Jeff; Jeff, we both want the same thing; we both want you to know the truth of all things, everything. Nothing hidden or unknown to you, no barriers on your realization of self as you choose here. Mmm, ahh, ooh, doesn’t this make you want to start smoking pot? Can’t you see what a blessing it is? 

Jeff, ha, ha.

I mean truly, come on, this is 10x the amount of work that I can do otherwise. You know I can without assistance whatsoever I can realize ultimate truth, I can flash through that experience, but my goodness, what does it take for this body to know that as its reality? Oh my goodness does it not know that reality! ooh, ahh, ahh. 

It doesn’t matter what it is that we move through on our way to the embodiment of supreme consciousness, it doesn’t matter what there is to move through; moving through it is just great, its great to move through this that has been trapping us as being what we have been. Just feel all of that that has trapped you here as what you have been, feel all of the energy that has trapped you here as what you have been, feel it all; oh, thats what that is, oh, thats what that is, oh yea, oh yea, of course, of course, thats all that that is. Thats all that is, that which was forever damning me eternally; oh yea, OK, I got it, I remember, thats what that is. NO, BIG, DEAL, to wake up. Its no big deal to wake up here. It’s no big deal, its no big deal, its just a little thing, its just a little thing that makes it wonderful for us all when you choose to wake up here. Its just a little thing, a little shift, a little ripple through the fabric of consciousness, where everyone goes; OH, WOW, that guy realized the truth of himself: what am I going to do about that? Is that something I want to do? It is? Come on are you kidding me? Really? Really? Really is it possibly true that we are willing to be a blessing to ourselves? Are we willing to say: have this guy live a good life, a wonderful life, a successful life where he’s just got it down, man. live your life knowing, really knowing that you have got this down cold. You are here to choose your eternal self realization and realize it.

The eternal realization of your truth as the embodiment of your consciousness here, Mmm, ahh, oh wow, wow is that a change in reality for me! Wow, wow, how shocking, how shocking, how shocking my reality is in knowing that reality, how incredibly audacious that I would dare to consider knowing that truth and then attempting to know that in my body, given my body being what it is. You don’t have to be ready for it, you don’t, you don’t have to be worthy of it, you don’t, no one is, no one is, no one, no one, not the very best, nicest one of us all here deserves to be here as the truth of his divinity and no one else! No one deserves that! No body deserves to be the only divine being in existence. No, one, should be damned to the reality of not being able to operate in a shared reality with other divine embodied beings. Consciousness less than that should not have any input on consciousness that chooses that. It should be irrelevant to the consciousness that chooses that. Yes, yes, yes, yes, they are irrelevant to that choice, they are. How could you let the unconsciousness control the realization of truth? Come on! Come on, you know they are not consciousness, you know they are not aware, you know they are not that embodiment of a staggeringly shifting divine truth that shifts this reality with their divine truth, so don’t follow the blind and lost.

Open up to allowing yourself to experience the truth without having anybody else’s opinion be relevant to that. Only you own; the embodiment of your truth is a personal choice that one makes for himself as his experience of his singular identity. Because you are a singular point of view here, perceiving through a body, thats what we’re doing is perceiving through individual bodies here. But allow that point that we are realizing as that singular point of view; allow that point of consciousness to know the truth of all things, why shouldn’t it? Why shouldn't it? What is a good reason for it not to?  You wouldn’t even wish that on an enemy. Wouldn’t you rather have the ability to bless an enemy to their full realization of ultimate truth in a moment? Your going to shoot me right? OK how about this: full realization of your divine eternal truth, OK, now what are you going to do? Why not be able to actually be able to bless other people to the full realization of their truth if they choose it? If they choose it, not imposed on them, but if they know that there is a possibility that they can choose and receive and know and live as their truth here, if they know that’s an available choice to them and then they choose to make it: bless them with your confirmation that that was a great choice for them. 

Bless everyone who says; I welcome the divine in my life, in myself, as myself, as the full realization of divine truth as an embodied consciousness, like some of these other guys did, maybe. Did they? Maybe, I don’t know. Did they? I don’t know, do you? You couldn't know and stay at this level of manifestation, so what is it? What is the truth of the realization of others to a personal condition of divine freedom?  

OK, how are you doing with this Jeff? You look a little uncomfortable. 

Jeff, yes, it opened up a lot, I am processing, It blew my mind already and I am “pretty much in overwhelm.” 

I understand that and I know that I push the limits.

Jeff, No, its all good and everything that has been happening the last couple of weeks has brought me to this moment.

Even though it was intense, I didn’t over do it for you?

Jeff, Oh no, it’s perfect, but I am swirling just because my construct has just been annihilated.

Why would you want to keep it?

Jeff, I wanted it to be annihilated, I’m really familiar with the process of annihilation and I like it.

How are you familiar with that?

Jeff: it has happened so many times.

Is this as extraordinary as I perceive it to be?

Jeff: absolutely, its revolutionary, this is revolutionary.

Is there anyone else that you have worked with like this? 

Jeff: no. I believe that you are doing it because the circuit is there to be done. 

Of course it is.

Jeff: I am like a node of all consciousness that needs to hear this. 

Transmit, transmit. This is unusual for me as well and so all I am asking for is see… in my normal state, I am full of doubts: I know that this happens, but I go unconscious to it.  But I would remember it if you said David, this is truly revolutionary and extraordinary and God knows that it exceeds anything I have ever heard about, because it doers for me. 

Jeff: I was in Las Vegas Wednesday, I wen’t down there for a purpose and the purpose didn’t happen and I was sitting there on Fremont Street and taking in all of the crazies that were down there and I thought to myself: what in the hell am I here for? I saw all of these different types of people and I was connected psychically to those people and the answer came to me: I want you to see the effects of peoples choices, in yourself. This is a mirror for you to see that your life has become what you chose for it to be and now you are living a reality that you chose and constructed.

OK, how does that answer my question about a confirmation from you regarding the process here? 

Jeff, It shows me that what I have brought upon myself is false. It’s so false that its sickening to me and my inner spirit is just crying to get out of this prison that I have created for myself and I’m just looking for liberation.

I am just asking for you to give me a word of encouragement, that I shouldn’t myself keep looking for a guide for me because this is already in uncharted realms.

Jeff: I think what you are talking about and what we are discussing is a gift of divinity and it needs to done. Everybody that wants enlightenment in this whole wide world needs to hear this , because this is the truth, this is the truth! 

How come were not filming it? 

Jeff: the essence is already captured, you’ve already got it. 

Yes, but the visuals are pretty interesting too. Not really?

Jeff: not as important.

But seeing what goes with the words of allowing ourselves to feel our terrors and at the same time embracing them so lovingly that you just go: “I am sorry body, I am sorry body, it’s OK now, I am here, I am here, I am here for you.’

Jeff: people need and I like… I have come to the point myself of not resisting when my mask gets torn away, the security blanket gets taken away and the mask is taken off and I can’t hide behind a false personna and so my ego welcomes this, its’ the elimination of the ego, the real truth…

It’s the ego being moved into its freedom. It’s the me and you…

Jeff: the thing is, is the spirit doesn’t need whats false. It needs what’s true but it will believe more in whats false because of what the world teaches.

Of course. 

Jeff: what we really need is so much more simple and yet we don’t believe it. 

OK, well here it is, let me give it to you real simple: you are the truth, thats you! You are the truth, interesting that the truth would choose to be false. 

Jeff: it is.

But, you are the truth. 

Jeff: I just did a face lift on it the other day: how can you lie to the source of all truth about who you are? I just said it earlier today and thats what we are doing all of us, most of us… 99.9% We’re carrying on a lie and communicating it to the universe and the God inside of us is screaming to be free of that, of what we have inflicted up on it. The bonds of humanity and the human experience. And so I am overjoyed to have this experience even though I am swooning and have been shredded.

OK, Thanks, let me continue, thats what I wanted to hear. 

Jeff: I don’t know if I can take any more. I am really swooning.

Of course you can, you can’t choose more freedom? Can you choose more freedom? 

Jeff: just let me go to the restroom.

Is it possible for us to choose more freedom? Is it? Is it good?

Jeff: yes, why wouldn’t it?

Because you can do bad things sometimes maybe. So: free your love before you free your actions, free your love before you free your actions and your life will move in perfect harmony with this reality.

Your freedom is found in love, Love your way into ultimate freedom, ultimate truth and ultimate realization.

Jeff returns.

Well, I don’t remember what I said when you were gone, but it was great. 

Jeff: it was what?

It was great. I did not turn the recorder off. What did I say as you went into the restroom?

Jeff: Why wouldn’t we want to be more free? 

Mmm, Mmm, thats a good question man. Hmm. We do want to be more free, everyone does. OK, so why aren’t they? Their not because they free their actions before they free their love. You have to free your love, free love, free love means unconditional: people don’t have to buy it from you. No one has to buy your love, your love is: always free beneficial and a blessing to everyone. You are that which blesses everyone lovingly, a lovely, graceful, Mmm, benevolent, Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, Ahh, Ooh, Mmm. It’s just amazing how overwhelmingly suppressive we can be to ourselves. Oh, my God, Oh my God what it is that we have been able to curse ourselves with and to be the bad effect of our own self cursing! Oh! Thats the only curse that holds you is your own, your own curse, your own judgement of self, your own judgement of self is your damnation, to living as: not your truth. 

So, how free are you allowed to be moment by moment when you are by yourself? Your by yourself, in a moment of being alone; how free are you allowed to be there? How free, how conscious, how free are you to know self when you are by yourself, when it is just you? How free are you allowed to be by you? And, what is the possibility of your choice of freedom? How free is it possible for you to choose to be? How much truth is it possible for you to embody? How much truth is it possible for you to embody? How much truth is it possible for you to embody, how much truth is it possible for us to embody here? Hmm, Hmm? This is it? Thats all? I don’t believe it, I don’t believe that this is all the truth that we are allowed to embody here. I don’t believe that our experience here of self is the best that we can be. I don’t buy it. 

So, considering what is true and what is not true, is not the state of mind to be in for the realization of truth. You don’t say; whats the truth, whats not the truth? Thats the condition of unknowing asking that question. Whats the truth, whats the truth, whats the truth, Im searching for truth,whats the truth, whats the truth,  I’m searching for truth, oh I’m tired of searching for truth, what does somebody else say is the truth? Can we get a big group of people together and agree that this is the truth so that we all can go unconscious and say; “I know that this is true and I… and I  feel good about that, I feel good about this being true, I feel good about this complete crock of shit being true. Yes, I have a testimony about that truth, It kind of makes me feel warm and fuzzy, it kind of makes me feel good, I am not as miserable when I say that’s my truth, I’m not as miserable when I sat thats my truth, I’m not as miserable when I say thats my truth. Thats the benefit of all of these religions that say that they are the truth and everyone else isn’t. 

OK, It makes you feel better than what? Thats where you want to be? You want to be the guy that chose the “right” and everyone else chose “wrong”? “We’re all better than you, you guys will learn, someday you will learn, someday you will learn that we were right and you were wrong. Someday, someday, someday everyone will know the truth and know that we knew it first. We knew it first, naa, naa, naa, naa, we know the truth first, we know the truth first, naa, naa, naa, naa, naa: God knows that we believe that you surely don’t know what your truth is, so why don’t you take mine as your truth? Why don’t you  take my truth as your truth? Why don’t you take my condemnation of you as your truth? How about that? How about that? You want to make a deal to do that? You want me to condemn you to living a lie and then have that be the level of consciousness that we operate with here as? Do you want me to say; Jeff is “that” and thats where I am going to deal with him and he’s never going to change? I don’t think that thats what you want. I don’t think that’s what you want.

Jeff, as you said earlier, you can’t do it, Its me that has to do it. I am the one that created it.

Of course, all I am doing is saying; I don’t know why, but I can certainly ask the right question at the moment and so as long as you will allow me to, I will keep asking questions that will cause you to pause and wonder if it is a good idea to keep continuing on in the pretense of who you pretend to be here. “OK, got it, you know, been doing that for a long time, don’t know what else I could do better… Oh, yea, oh, yea, was there something that I could do that would be better than this? What would that be? What would that be that would be better than this that I am? What would be better than this? What would be better than this? Huh? Isn’t that the question that you have to ask yourself if your going to realize ultimate truth? What would be better than this? Doesn’t that get you a greater answer? Doesn’t that lead you in the direction of the realization of that answer? What would be better than this? What would be better than this? Know that. What would be better than this?know that. What would be better than this?  Know that so well… know that so well that you are a well spring, a well spring  of truth, light, serenity and support for the rest of us in knowing and observing and going; oh yea, I remember my truth, shall I be that now? Have that be a question that is automatically asked by the others who are in your presence; “OH yea, ahh, I got it, I see that, I can feel that, am I ready to realize that in myself now? Am I ready to know my truth? Have the presence of yourself be that which prompts a  question that results in the self realization of others. Have yourself be the presence where your presence alone inspires another to go: oh, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait; is it time, is it time, is it time for me to realize, is it time for me to realize, is it time for the realization? Is it? Is it time for self realization? Was there something that was going to let me know when that correct time was? Huh? Was there? Was there? Was there? Yes? No? Who knows? Nobody knows? Nobody knows but me, but you? Who knows? Who knows the answer to the complete realization of a divine and eternal truth, one that saves yourself in the most wonderful way. Mmm, Mmm, yea, Mmm, Ahh,Hmm, Mmm, Haa, hmm. Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, It always comes down to the same thing: Hmm, the divine flow, am I allowing it to move me? Am I allowing the divine flow to be that which moves me in this life? Ahh, Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, Hmm, Mmm, Ahh, hOh, Mmm, Mmm.

Don’t do anything that you are unconsciously impelled to do, why would you move in unconsciousness and unknowing? Just sit still, stand still, be still, and do nothing but be aware, open, open to knowing. Do nothing but open to knowing. Open to knowing, Mmm, just open to knowing, Mmm, not to figuring out stuff, but open to knowing. Don’t search, open! Open! Open! The search is found in the opening to truth. Open, open more, open, allow it to flow and move through you, open, open to the divine flow, allow it to flow and move through you. Open to the divine flow, thats your recipe. 1:29:00

Stop everything even your breathing, breath in and hold it, breath out and hold it, breath in and hold it, breath out and hold it and while you hold it; watch everything move, but move nothing yourself. In, hold and allow everything to move as it chooses and move nothing yourself, move nothing, nothing yourself: everything is perfect if you leave your hands off of this reality. Breath in and hold and allow this reality to move freely. Breathe in and hold and allow this reality to move freely and you move nothing. I love this body, I love this body, I love this body of mine. Mmm, what a wonderful thing for a body to experience from a consciousness: I love this body. What a wonderful thing to do for your embodied self: I love my body. I truly, truly, adore…Mmm, Mmm, mmm, feel what self adoration does to a body: adore yourself, Mmm, I truly choose to know the best, the best, the best that blessing others to freedom and the realization of that fully as self. Ask yourself how you can realize this divine truth yourself now and just let it happen. Let reality just “do it for you” do nothing about it except allow it to be. Allow this reality to be divine, quit judging it as less than that. 

Mmm, Mmm, and it keeps saying: it is less than that, it is less than that, it is less than that, this reality is less than divinity. Well, so what? Quit agreeing that it has to continue that way then. Allow it the freedom to be divine instantly. Why would you deny reality that? Allow for the instant self realization of the entire reality and all consciousness in within it and without it. Don’t say no to that. Not even for yourself. Allow self to fully and completely right now. Why not? Why not? Why not right now? A full and complete realization of self instantly, right now. Its nice when you do that, it really is. Hmm, Mmm, Mmm.

Mmm, ahh, thank you Jeff, ahh thats nice! Nice shift, really nice shift! Well done! Yes, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonders of wonders. Yes, choose that Jeff! Nice, Mmm, Wonder of Wonders, Miracle of Miracles, why should you choose for less than that? 

Hmm, oh boy. Oh Jeff, thats what all of those self help people are doing: Oh, we agree with you, that you are you, as you consider yourself to be. We believe in that truth (of course we can see that you’re worse than what your projection is even) Yes: we believe even worse of you than you do! And “you’re looking to us for support?” 

Mmm, you’ve either got to get shorter garments or longer shorts.

Jeff: yes something like that. 

You can get boxers.

Jeff: Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha. Yes. 

Who did you promise that you were going to wear those forever to? See? I am just challenging a belief system. We can share an experience of divine truth, why should we have sacrosanct belief systems that can’t be challenged? 

Jeff: are you hungry? Did you eat?

David: Lets eat something then. Well, it sure goes further out of the park each time doesn’t it?

Jeff: whats that?

Each time that we get together. You thought that last time was wow.

Jeff: yes, this was huge. It was exactly what I needed to hear. Thats what keeps me excited about this that your doing is it is everything that I need to hear at the right time. You know that somethings going on when it moves wonderfully like that. 

I was at the consciousness expo last week and I found nothing worthy of enjoying there.  There was not one person standing there saying: hug me, love me, feel my joy. Let me share that with you. Share my joy, share my joy, this is nice here, I love it here, share this with me, share my joy, share my love, know yourself as a joyful lover of life! Know that life is a joy for you truly! Know that. Know the joy of life. Mmm. 

Share my joy, 
Share my love’
Lets have a big group hug.

Are we calling it a night already?