
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The waiting and watching virgins.

Remember, your job is to watch God transform you, you are to have no intention other than to observe God moving through you. You are not pushing, you are not pulling, you are not making an effort in any way, you’re only consciously paying attention and allowing God to transform that which God wishes to transform.

When you catch yourself being tense, relax and watch.
When you catch yourself helping, stop, relax and watch.
When you find yourself distracted, “allow God” relax and watch.

Until God has filled you with himself, you are a Virgin. Remain diligently in allowance, watching, observing and noticing God move through you. Trim your focus by focusing the light of your awareness focus your consciousness on noticing the movement of God through you, or rather the presence of God in you.

Allow God to take the controls, allow God to handle the controls of the body. If you feel tension, in your body, it is because you are resisting allowing God to move you. With each of your senses, allow, observe, relax and see God transform you, feel God transform you, hear God transform you and with all of your other senses; sense Gods transformation of you with them. Those are the 5 virgins.

See, notice God with your eyes, notice God with your nose, notice God with your hearing and notice God with your touch. God doesn’t come in some future time. He comes when you watch, wait and notice that he is already there, in every sense.


Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm here to let go of the burdens that I am carrying by realizing their perfection and my own
Don’t spend your life predetermined to protect yourself in every situation. What are you doing when you do that? You are postulating that you need to do that in order to be safe. Let go of that idea and instead of choosing that level of consciousness for your self, choose instead to be aware to the degree that everything that you do in life is enjoyable.

You don’t have to be in fear. You don’t have to be afraid because you don’t position those thing in your life that matter to you in such a way that they are at risk to those people who like to take other peoples things without making other people happy first as a condition of it.

I am here to let go of the burdens that I am carrying by realizing their perfection and my own.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Wake up as What?

Observe God, is a request to you to see the truth of self.

Be aware as your eternal truth, that you are God. 

Remember to observe your life as God or you will become that which is not.

Just remember that it is ok to wake up as God as the life that you are here. 


Sunday, January 23, 2011

I am you and you are me and you and I are one.

Open up and receive Gods eternal divine love for you.

Jesus said; I am you and you are me and you and I are one. So maybe that's the secret to enlightenment, to allow yourself to be Jesus, the same as all of those crazy people did. 

If you really did allow yourself to be a Christ, noticing the God in you...

There is only saving yourself; if you are trying to save others before you realize God within yourself, what point of view are you doing it from? Certainly not from one in which you are able to do it. So focus on yourself and realize the God in you.

Observe the God in you, are you not the house of god? The temple of the lord? The fulfilled purpose of the body is to be a temple for God. 


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Open up and receive God's eternally divine love.


Friday, January 21, 2011

What your choice of beingness is

You actually have to decide to be some body if you are going to develop into the perfection of something with a unique purpose and characteristics. You have to decide that somethings true for you that is extraordinary, something that can be true for you that everybody would celebrate it if they heard it or saw it. Whatever it is that would be sublime and wonderful about you and your abilities.

Does it really matter who's fault it is if you have all chosen to live in a world of pain and sorrow? 

You should be able to respond with a continuous yes as to wether or not you are willing for things to improve for you. 
You just have to realize that you have already made the choice of who you are manifesting as this life. Now that you know who you are; perfect yourself. Perfect yourself as who you are manifest as now.

Take a look and determine where in your life you are willing to be divinely consciousness and let it begin there.

If it is real for you that it can be bad for others then it seems to be your responsibility to make the reality shift here, shift this into a space where life supports life.

Life does support life, it is a continuous flow, what you have to decide is what you are going to consciously aware of and what your choice of beingness is that is observing that. In order for you to enjoy heaven on earth, you have to be able to conceive of it within yourself, so that then you can give birth to that which you have conceived. 


Thursday, January 20, 2011

I am lost

What is this world willing to accept in its fellow man as to the manifestation of the divine in him?

When you find yourself in this world, you might want to start with the mantra; I am lost.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why is it supposed to be this way?

If you have a persistent complaint about your body, you may want to focus your question on " why is it supposed to be that way" until you can give clarity, sanity and consciousness to that part of you that chose it to be the way that it is and the way that it is became that way because of that part that chose it, so get into communication with yourself by meditating on those things that you would like to improve or that you don't like at all and say; why is it supposed to be this way, with the intent that you are going to get an answer. 

It is supposed to be that way and for a very good reason, your reason that you forgot and your purpose is to find it out. 

Why is it supposed to be that way? You ask that question of yourself until you get the answer, a good answer that you would agree was a good purpose and that your solution was a good solution for achieving that purpose, fulfilling a need that you had for something to be a certain way. Now, You just don't like the side effects. So is there a way for all important purposes to be met successfully and at the same time for all of us to be in harmony and oneness?

Why is it supposed to be like this and how does it get any better? How do we improve this life that we are?

Let go of all of the intentions that you are holding onto from others for you to agree with them on their reality and follow their directions on what they believe to be right for your life. Let all of your agreements with any of that go.

Yes we believe in evolution, we believe in life, our own life evolving before our very eyes into a continual improvement of our enjoyment of it, consciousness of it and cause over it. 

Why is it supposed to be like this and how does it get better than this?

It's a little scary to shift realities like this, to go from something that you know and that you know you need to pay attention the best that you can for you to have what you need in life. Allow yourself in this moment to be free.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Your life is like a hand of poker

Life is like a poker game and your life, your body and your circumstances are the "Hand" that you have been dealt. So with the hand that you are, instead of succumbing  or accepting as inferior what you believe to be a bad hand, a non winning hand, feel your way to your life being a winning hand even though what it is, is what it is, right now. 

Feel your way to a winning hand in life by giving yourself a hand in life, by giving yourself a hand in your own success here. Feel the path of freedom that brings you the success that you desire. Success with freedom and a responsibility only to being conscious, to being the presence of divine love. 

The divine way is open to all beings and so long as you are "being here", feel for the divine way and move yourself on it. Allow for perfection within yourself, so that the whole of you may be open to being blessed to the greatest degree that it is possible to be. 

When you observe something, allow yourself to see the successful way that it may be in this reality. Allow yourself to be one who wakes up and knows reality as it is, no surprises and no suppression of your reality. That is what everybody prefers; no suppression of their reality, their reality freely expressed in a way superior to the one that has been and lno longer requiring us to be what we appear to be, but instead this reality welcomes us as our truth, instead of assuming that our appearance and our manifestation also being the construct and limitation of our awareness and knowing.

It is possible for an embodiment to have a transcendent consciousness, one that is aware of all other areas of consciousness that embodied and disembodied beings have access to. Be an open channel for the freedom of all levels of expression to be known of, by and through you. Know it in such a way that it frees everybody to the perfection of their own reality.

Your limitations are held in your eyes, the; I am... (and then all of the words that follow that) that you have identified with, that is your imprisonment, when you are an "I am this". If you dis identify with your embodiment and simply observe it to be your vehicle of expression and nothing other than a tool in your hand for your communication to the physical reality here. If you consider your body that; a communication tool instead of a personification of an identity as an embodiment, then you have found your lost self.

We really do welcome the miraculous to live within us, within myself, within the me that I am. I surrender to that which is capable of, willing to and is actually going to wake me up as my own divine consciousness. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all of these things will be added unto you, should not be looked upon as the wrong way to doing it. Just because there is nobody that has tried that, that has accomplished that, just because it is seemingly impossible doesn't mean that you shouldn't give into the possibility that it might be true for you, that it might be the time for you to express yourself as the best, perfected embodiment of consciousness that it is possible to be. Why not allow that for yourself?

You are here to be the perfection of the embodiment of consciousness and if you get caught up in the silliness of a limited reality, one in which you are not free and are not living the life that you want to, if you get caught up with that as the expression of who you are here, then you can't look at that as being a successful life then can you? Its not the first choice of anyone, it has been proved as a failed choice, it is obvious to anybody who looks at the history of man.

There is only one option and that is to surrender to that which makes you the best that you can be, which is the perfection of self, as you are, in the eternities. 

If you have problems with your eyes, allow all that you see to be present for you divinely, to be observed by you divinely. If the observer is the divine perceiving reality, what does that feel like in your body? Quit resisting reality and perceive it in its awfulness, as exactly whatever it is that you are participating as, whatever that awful reality is; allow yourself to be the perception by the divine of that reality, the presence of divinity observing reality as it is. Now from that presence and consciousness there, reality can quickly be shifted in a quantum improvement from the state that you are observing it to be in, it can improve miraculously as a result of its connection with a transcendent consciousness.

So perceive reality as a transcendent consciousness, do us all a favor. Let there be light and an enlightened and awakened awareness as the consciousness that is yourself, not the consciousness of a bright animal, but the consciousness that the universe goes into harmony with and dances it's dance of the cycles of life and consciousness because you inspire it to. Be the muse and inspiration of the universe.

It's the presence of what you are that the universe responds to, so let go of the who and the I of what you are and feel the eternity,  the eternal presence of what you are instead and as your eternal presence, take on the controls of operating the body as your normal state of consciousness which is your eternal presence. 

What kind of embodiment of the I am consciousness are you identified as that? Do you wish to be? Let's try 50-50. You limit yourself when you define yourself, when you define your position, when you define your identity, when you define your presence. Anytime you define yourself you limit yourself to that definition. Allow yourself to be free of all self identifications. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Why have you stopped yourself?

My question for you is; are you willing to have infinite improvement for yourself, now? if not, why would You stop yourself? Or to be more real, why have you stopped yourself where you are now? Why have you restricted your possibilities to the point that they are for you? Why wouldn't you change your mind and decide to have life be much better for you, to be in full support of you? To be in heaven because you are here?

Allow God to embrace your body, that's what makes a supreme being. Its ok for it to be obvious to people who are fully awakened, its not going to offend anybody. Just don't dwell on it or show to people that you are more than fully awakened. 

Don't be a seeker, be a finder. Don't be a pretense, be presence. See divinely.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Universal perfection

How about some real life change? 

There is nobody that you don't leave behind when the divine is your choice of self. To want to embrace divinity is only natural, to embrace the divine is to become the divine, you can't help it, its natural.

Your a very deliberate soul despite what you think about yourself. You are very deliberately shifting your life until it is exactly what you want it to be. Don't go along with anything that isn't the way that you like it, opt out and say no, that is not for me. It has to be done your way, your life should be your way. 

I want it exactly the way I want it, why? Because that is the way that I want it. Require of those who work with you and for you, that they wish well of you.

You have it slightly wrong with your false self, its not " I am the one that goes" it's " I am the one that grows" into, out of, within and without. You are what grows into what you become, just take off your restraints. 

Embrace your terror, how else are you ever going to stop being terrified? Know what you are terrified of so well that it ceases to be an issue for you. 

You cant work on  financial deals with people who are desperate and expect that they will be successful. Find a way to work with those who are already financially set. In business, deal with those who are financially capable, not those who need a break.

It's your turn, we are ready for you to wake up. The whole universe is waiting for you, it's your turn now, wake up. We allow everyone to be successful. We allow everyone to win, (so long as they are willing to be winners, then we let them separate themselves out.) 

Don't identify with other people, don't see your self in their lives. Allow yourself your own identity. "I don't measure myself in comparison to others". if you spend your time comparing, you are not living. Just be what it is that you have been wishing you were, or better yet, be exactly what it Is that you are, regardless of what point of view you take a look at it from. Be what you are.

Until you can be what you are comfortably, you certainly cannot move from that to a greater comfort. As she said; "I make it up as I go" if you make it up as you go without any reference to anyone else in terms of guidance or limitations and your intentions are the greatest good, then you will get there If your intention is the greatest good for everybody. As you examine that statement you will find out what that means and that is that everybody is perfected, all of them, you can't wish that were not so. So be willing to hold the energy of that position, its your choice, "the greater good for everyone"; universal perfection. 


Friday, January 14, 2011

The heritic

Jesus, Krishna, Buddah, Muhammad, oh come on guys, guys, guys, are we forever going to say that somebody else made it and not us? If you want to say hey, to what ever spiritual being that you like; thanks for bringing us home, but, come on, if you are going to do that, be home already. Is no-one here willing to be home with the divine? To be at home with divinity? To be at one with the divine in such a way that there is no difference between divinity and everything that you are expressed here as? Why would you stop yourself from that by pretending that it is otherwise? 

Now what I would wish to ask for you to do sincerely is; I ask for you to do the same for me. Wish for me that I may be as I ask you to be for me. Bless me with your wish that the possible divine freedom that we are all looking for, for ourselves, that we grant freely that expression and experience of self as that for all others, primarily the ones who do not wish that for us. When the polarized being comes up against a divine one, somebody's reality is going to have to shift, which one do you think it is? Or ought to be? If a polarized being gets in the way of a divine being then it's a divine embrace that they are going to share, not a confining one.

Allow the divine to move you, to move through you, to move as you, to be it's expression here truly, fully and remarkably. Freely, lovingly and divinely present. 

Trust the god in you that is already there. Allow the God in you to reawaken all that have forgotten the truth of self eternally, so that you are whole and holy, wholly here and fully free. Free here as divinity.

How much of this density are you willing to leave behind? Or rather, how much of this density are you willing to stop creating, right now? Who have you been waiting for to tell you to wake up? Because it is time to shine, to come forth and be your truth. Who have you been waiting for to tell that to you? Well he was busy and he ask me to pass it on to you, so; "it's your time, it's your place, it's your reason for being, so stop being a pain in the ass and be the one that kicks me in mine, into remembering the divine in me.

Its OK to be expressed here as divinity, as the divine, as a divine one, as a divine son or daughter. The coming up and going forth as the glorious expression of the possibilities of manifestation as a divine consciousness. Allow yourself to be that and give us all a break, a break from reality, a break from the reality that we have been, where we have been broken and fallen and being less that we can be free and truly as we choose. 

Have I said enough? Is there anything else worth talking about? Another reason to communicate? Because it is as I said for you..., yes, yes, yes feel that feeling, feel that possibility of being divine yourself. Just be it and let the reasons not to, be dissolved by the brilliance of the yes, yes, yes that reality will have when it experiences your divine truth truly present here as you.

If you need a miracle, for that to happen for you, then here it is, here it is; the miracle is you, know that, show that. Don't go below that again. We like you better when you are at your best. 

Were their divine beings here at one time? Or were there at least some holy men that realized some sort of transcendent truth that freed them from the oppressions of this reality? 

That's as good as it gets here? To be free from the oppressions of this reality? How about being free here and celebrating the divine expression of life as ourselves? The divine expressed in life as "us"as "we" as "you" and as "me". 

What's the matter? Hasn't anyone ever asked you to be your best before? Allow the worst part of you to Improve until it is free, until you now longer have any stuck points in your manifestation here. I don't want to communicate with you in any another way than that, so this will be my last word on that and I will see you in the inner realms. Or we can more easy, be free instead, that and the actual divine light of freedom is my wish for you.

Now to the few, that I have that actually read what I say; yea, "white jackets", a white jacket might be the truth of me and my destiny, but, what if it is not? What if what I have said is true?, the truth of me and the truth of you and that we are now beautifully through with what we have been and beautifully new in a divine and glorious way? Come on, help me have that be my reality, by choosing that for your self. You don't get free by giving somebody else your light, you get it by granting them theirs. 

Remember for yourself; it is not your wish for for this to be a peak experience you once achieved and now forever talk about the memory of. Be divinely free now, all of you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

This choice point as the causative event that changes reality

 I came to a place where I thought that there may be a chance that some here would like to change the presence of their being, into the being of the light that they speak knowingly of and yet are not being the expression of and the experience of that for others. 

You could talk about who does it right and who does it wrong and have that prideful  judgementalism that you are the one knows, that you are the leader of the knowers who know and yet know not the experience of that for themselves. 

What are you doing here debating techniques and offering advice on how to do something so that somehow, somewhere in the future you will be perfected in some way? You know this because you have had some good feelings, experiences, awarenesses and cognitions of what that would be, but cant you see that your expression here is one of horrific weakness, darkness and unconsciousness? 

Your being intellectual in such a way that you are acting and feeling superior to others and somehow you consider that to be progress in the evolution of your consciousness. Wake up and be the one; the one who shows us the way through the light of your being, not the uptight guy that can't suffer an idiot.

Lighten up and allow the light in you to show the way for everyone, that's all I have to say, it's the time to be your ideal you now. There is no future when the future is what you need to have in order to be free in a way that your not now. You don't change reality that way, you change reality by changing now, now! Not some plan for the future, if you are not divine now then you are not going to be. So choose it now, express yourself as that and show us why it would be silly for the rest of us to not choose to be that way right now too. 

Show the world what you came here to be, show the world eternity. Show yourself as the lover of life, that lightens the load for us all to the point where we can fly freely, creating beautiful and interesting life's for all of the selves that we are here. Be the light that frees us all now, each one of you, each one of us, the me, the I am, the presence of self in each of us, as each of us, choose to be the divine light, that highest expression of consciousness, beauty and the love of all. Allow yourself to be that now, show me the way and show me the way with the truth of the eternities; the truth that never changes, the truth that always is and always will be the way for you to be here as your eternal truth. The answer to that is only one thing and that is be that now.

Don't allow there to be anything that you can feel to not be eternally true, don't allow anything that you van see to not be it's eternal truth, by being that yourself for all other selves to experience you as. 

If you know the truth better than anyone else, then let the waitress at the next restaurant you are at, let her life shift divinely as a result of her having the opportunity to serve you, or is that too much for you? Just test it in each moment, test yourself in each moment that you perceive yourself as being aware in, test yourself and say; how divine now am I willing to be? What do I choose as my expression here? How much of my eternal truth am I expressing in this moment? How much more would I like to in this moment?. How much more of my eternal divine expression do I choose to express in this moment? 

Let's allow that choice to be the truth of our divinity here, to be our expression here, to be the manifestation of ourselves as that here. Let's not look at anything else in our life other that this choice point, until this choice point is recognized as the causative event that changed reality from polarized to one divine celebration of the personification and manifestation of the divine in form as a moving shifting and changing reality. The divine in form, finally eternally free forms all conscious as their divine truth. Isn't that what we are here for? 

Join us, join me, help me be free in that way is what I ask of you, is that off subject here? If so, good luck. The life that you are here, may it be a divine one, divinely free and divinely choosing that same freedom for me.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The life that you are here, may it be a divine one, divinely free and divinely choosing that same freedom for me.


Allow yourself to be the presence that enlightens the moment

Am I willing to look at life as the light? Am I willing to be the light looking at life? 

Feel what looking at life as the light is like before you answer.

Very well, enlighten yourself then; feel "self" and allow all that is self to be the light.

We allow all that is self to be the light in an enlighteningly, hilariously, fun, funny and well received way.

If you are divine, then you let things happen better for you than you have been. If you're divine, you allow divine things to happen to you, to be your expression of and experience life as the divine.

Divine means that it's really lovely, so allow yourself to have a really lovely experience of consciousness and divine presence here. Allow all layers and levels of consciousness in yourself to know theirselves as divinely free; divinely being the love of all creation.

Allow the truth of your life here; life exactly as it is for you and the life that you are, allow that life to be enlightening to self and to others. Allow yourself to be the cause of the enlightening of the moment that you are experiencing and that you are expressing yourself as. 

I guess that is really what it is about, all about. Allow yourself to be the presence that enlightens the moment, its your moment, be the presence that enlightens it. 

We are all here working together for our mutual enlightenment. All aspects of yourself are here together working for the same purpose and that is the enlightenment of life. 

Life as I know it. I allow my life as I know it, as I experience it here, to be the life that enlightens itself, divinely and reflects the divine self to all the selves that wish to reconnect with their divinity. It's ok for you to take that upon yourself, to be the self that shares the divine with those who wish to experience it. 

What a nice job title that is to be. Your job is to express yourself here as the light of the divine way; that which shows the way to being one with eternity. 


Sunday, January 09, 2011

The presence of God brings everyone to their truth

"Observe the embodiment of God here and now" is a nice mantra that you can do quite nicely when you are alone, but for you, allow that to be the death of all concepts and the actualization of perfection.

Do not fear your best, do not fear that that the truth is, that you are far more than you ever believed possible. Do not fear that you are infinitely grand in every way.

Your inner sense of self, your consciousness of "I Am" needs to be allowed to win. Now you may call that self a false self, a created self, but it is the self that you are expressed here as and so consider the possibility that forever battling yourself to get rid of your "false self" is a low condition to be in consciously. The higher condition is to just be. Just be what you are, the truth of self, the transcendent truth of self if you wish. Allow yourself to be right about everything, so right that everybody agrees with you when you express yourself. 

Look at the teacher within you that wishes you to learn certain things. Look at that teacher and observe that teacher being merged with God. The presence of God Changes everything and everyone wins. Everyone wins because the presence of God brings everyone to their truth.


Saturday, January 08, 2011

Observe the manifestation of divinity

Observe the embodiment of God is a mantra used as an active surrender to the divine as you focus your awareness on the feelings and perceptions you have of your body, your emotions, and your presence.

All of your manifestation here has been created from states of confusion, conflict and the willful lack of a fallen consciousness. To correct the imbalances in yourself that were created as a result of the state of mind that created them, you must be acted upon by a higher consciousness than those that created you.

To do this you;
First, realize that creations made in states of confusion are not perfected by those same levels of consciousness.
Second, that there can be no condemnation of any creation or act done in lower consciousness because the being did not know any better.
Third, when creation is observed without condemnation, this is the entrance point for higher consciousness into the manifestation of what is.
Fourth, when higher consciousness enters you, your manifestation naturally begins transforming by the transmutation of the old by the new. "observe the embodiment of the divine".

At each point that the transformation stops, it is because there is a self judgement that you have to look at and realize that it is irrelevant now that you are surrendering to the divine way and you no longer have to stop yourself in that way anymore to protect yourself or others because of your previous history of making bad choices that would hurt you and others.

Your surrender to the divine cleans your history of all "sins" I.E. Destructive or non loving thoughts and actions to self and others. 

Repeat; "observe the embodiment of the divine" to yourself with each new perception that you have of self, then observe what happens to the construct that you are observing. It will dissolve by it being encompassed by the divine love that you are willingly surrendering to.

No manifestation of lower consciousness can maintain itself in the presence of total surrender to divine love. "Observe the manifestation of divinity" it is your heritage, your destiny and your reason for being.


Thursday, January 06, 2011

You don't have to figure out what God is

At the beginning of your transformation when you decide to transcend where you are, the first step is to observe where and what you are and to acknowledge it for what it is without judgement. Just a fully aware acknowledgement that you are what you are in that moment, so start with that. 

You are what you are, you've done what you've done, no more, no less and no significance. The reality is it is a big "so what" so what if you are what you are? The relevant point is; now that you have acknowledged what you are and that you are that, what do you wish for now?

As each incomplete cycle, bad ending and guilty feeling comes up about your life; just acknowledge it, yes, that is the way that it happened, now you are done. You already know this, is what you say to each thing that presents itself to you within your own body, within your own sense of self; I already know this, got it. I already know this, I already know this. I already know this etc... And even though it is unresolved, have it left behind and not interfere with my transcendence.

We already know that we can't do what needs to be done to transcend and we are ok with the fact that with the presence of God we can  transcend anything that was created in lower consciousness. Anything that was created in a polarized reality is transcended with God, the consciousness from that polarized creation transcends with the presence of God regardless of what that creation is. So with that being the case, it is certainly nothing special for you to transcend what you are, What you have been, what you have become and be recreated in the image of God.

With the presence of God with you, in you, moving with you. You then would be the image of God, the physical reflection of the infinitely divine power of creation and you're ok with the fact that it is the same for everybody when they open up to the presence of God being with them, because then what ever came before Gods presence is irrevelent. God takes responsibility for all and he can do no less, because he knows that not only is he not separate from you, he is you and you are one of the infinite points of perception of God.

With God with you, nothing else can hold you, nothing else can mold you, nothing else can make you into something other than you own fondest desires.

All the considerations you have gathered as a human consciousness are irrevelent in the presence of the divine. You don't have to figure out what God is before you can realize that it is a good thing to let him be you. Now dive into the free flow knowing that there is nothing to hold you back.


Monday, January 03, 2011

I don't mind things being the way that they are.


Sunday, January 02, 2011

The divine motion is your motion through life

You will soon realize that you are nothing that divinity or anything else has an effect on. You are the divine affecting reality. The reality that you are experiencing and the shifts that are going on are going on because of your presence here. It's nothing less than the transformation of a reality because you've chosen to take part in it.

So let it happen for yourself, allow yourself to realize that truth in all that you are physically manifest as first. Let all layers and levels of consciousness inhabiting the body realize it's divine truth now.

Allow for the inflow and outflow of divine love through the muscles of the body, through the nerves, through the blood, through the organs, the awareness centers and energy centers of the body. 

The divine breath is your breath, the divine motion is your motion through life. As fast as you will receive it, it is given to you. You cannot open up further or faster than the divine will be there to fill you.

It is only you that can limit your knowing and being divine and that is not something that you need to be saved from, it is something that you realize yourself out of.


The divine breath

"I don't care who you are, I just want to have an intimate experience with you as a woman" and you truly wish it for all women; to intimately know them all. 

Wouldn't it be great at least just for your little area of the world,  for everybody there to win, to do well in their lives, to love and appreciate their lives, themselves, their friends and their families and strangers that you meet occasionally. 

Lay down, put your hands on your chest and stomach, flow divine love into your body, let your body know that when you are here; divine love is what it receives.

Allow divine love to flow through you to the body and as the body consciousness, receive it. Flow it and receive it at the same time. It's and inflow and an outflow just like breathing. Breath in divine love, breath out divine love. Allow it to flow as it wishes, in and out. Don't limit it in any way, just allow it to flow as it wishes.

As the lower consciousness, your not the "boss" of divine love, you are that which bows to it and willingly receives it's inflow and outflow freely. In and out even at the rhythm that light pulses; a continuous inflow and outflow. Always flowing in, always flowing out simultaneously. 

If you are to ever know your own self intimately, it will only be as you allow the divine breath to be that which moves your life. The continual inflow and outflow of divinity, of divine love, of divine presence, divine awareness; conscious of all. 

It's ok for it to have been the way that it was and it's ok for it to be the way that it is now and it's ok for it now to be divinely "you", divinely free, divinely the me that you have always wished to be.

Divine love is always going in as it is coming out and is always coming out as it is going in.

Give in and be willing to rise and fall as divine love. What that means is; don't be anything else, everything else besides you being the divine breath, the inflow and outflow of the divine, anything less than that is not you, and is not your truth.


Saturday, January 01, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new.

It's a new you, it's a new you and me, a new us, it's a new world, it's a magical time, out with the old, in with the new, a renewal, a rebirth, a reawakening, a reawakening into the truth beyond the embodiment consciousness, a time for you to be acted upon instead of acting, a time for you to relax and be trusting of the infinite.

Transformation is as simple as; out with the old, in with the new. Out with the old and in with the new is a mantra that may save you from yourself. 

The freedom from the old is in its transformation into the new.  Or rather the freedom from the old is; when the chains of the old are released in the transformation into the new. 

Out with the old, the matrix of your reality is the old, let it go and be reborn into the truth that lies beyond this one. 
