
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The David is Michelangelo's gift to God, so that God will have an ideal form to model himself after, when he chooses to realize in a body.


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

What is this that is condemning of life?
If you wish for clarity, you better observe life closely.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Renaissance Art

Be filled with the light of God.

Reveal the truth of all things to me.

Ask and you shall receive the truth of all things. If your life is other than ease, joy and glory, observe the truth of the lies that you are living.

Heavens axioms;
You are I AM THAT I AM.
The truth is ease, joy and glory.
Truth is beauty, beauty is truth.

Try thanking God that you are not just_______ (your name) this forces an expansion out to see what you are besides yourself.

Beauty of the physical body and its surroundings,
Oneness of the soul,
Illumination of the mind
And peace of the heart, a
Are the organizing principles of renaissance art.


The free flow of life everlasting

Allow your body to be moved by grace.

There is nothing real in your life whatsoever, why is that? What good does it do you?
Wake up the individual cells and systems in the body and allow them to choose freedom. Freedom to harmonize at the tone one chooses.

What is the harmony and tone of God?

Know all and you will know all. To know all you have to be aware of all simultaneously. When you know all you have no limitations, ease joy and glory for all. Allow your enemy to be glorified.

Know all until you reach total freedom.
I did it all,
I am what I am,
I am that I am.
We choose to be aware of enough things so that we are totally free as our primary reality.

We are the free flow of life everlasting. Feel the free flow of life everlasting, it's nice. Nothing can control God. One can only make yourself unaware. Wake up already.

We are the free flow of life. We allow for the free flow of life throughout time, space and dimensions. We are throughout all time, space and dimensions. We are trapped when we focus on one reality too much. We must be aware of all simultaneously, in order to be aware of who we are.

Be the totality of awareness, throughout all space, time and dimensions.
Be the totality of awareness.

I am the totality of awareness.

Be aware to the point of total freedom.

We choose to be aware enough to be totally free in all of our realities.

Be conscious and aware in the realms of the arch angel. Be conscious of and know with the realms and ways of the arch angels. Be conscious and aware that you are free flowing energy.

I am aware.

Choose to feel total freedom.
Choose to know total freedom.


The experience of God

Feel the vibration of God in the entirety of the body.

These and other instructions are done very slowly in a meditative state and you stay with each instruction until you have the full result. The result is reached after a series of incremental improvements and the action that you do on each command is allow, which means; let it happen without interference or effort.

Men, who would be God, must take a different path than Hitler, Caesar, Satan and others. The first step is to wish for harmony for all creation, that all creation may be able to act in conscious choice. Conscious choice always results in the lifting up of the consciousness of all, to the point where all choose joy for all.

The experience of God is the return to a state of being that we all began as prior to the fall from consciousness. The experience of God is the state that all mystics, holy men and saints have strived for or reached and it is the joy of our fellow God mates to be reunited with us in their bliss and peace.


Saturday, November 25, 2006

My purpose here is to inspire divine consciousness in form, beginning with this form. I am not this form, although I am the consciousness that animates this form and causes it to seem as if, this form, has a separate consciousness and identity.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

You are not real

Allow God to make your body his home. You cannot fix your problems, because you are not real. Believe in God, not yourself, for you are a lie.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

How may I realise God as wonderfully as I can?

In the game of the realisation of God, there is no end, other than winning. So in the meantime, stop trying, while remaining focused on your desired result.

Allow others playing the game, to be right also. Their way is right for them. Ask only: How may I realise God as wonderfully as I can? Even let those that are not trying be right, because of course, they are.

All creation progresses towards full realization on its own schedule. There is no need to try to make that schedule wrong and trying to make it happen for others sooner than they are ready."Making" things happen, is the great tragedy of the human experience, it only creates unconsciousness and locked in polarized results. When you attempt to force the unwilling or unready, this traps both the victim and their mis-guided guide.

One mans path to realisation, is all you are to mention. You allow God your body and your life. That is your path. Gods will be done. You have said enough, now is the time to stop talking and start showing how God manifests, be the manifestation of Gods will and show that with God, all things are possible. There is a big difference between talking about divinity and being divine.

What do I have to do to be awake to divinity always?
God please grant that I may know the truth, experience the reality, and obey the operating principles of divinity, while I am here on earth, thank you.

How can divinity be a part of my family life?
How can divinity be a part of my physical life?
How can divinity be my mental reality?
We ask that divinity be fully present as our operating reality in all aspects of our lives, thank you.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

It is your consciousness that activates and animates all subconscious programs, implants and identities.

When you are meditating and releasing your attachments to physical and polarised reality. The thoughts, valences and programs that try to stop or manage the process are under your control, for they require you to buy into their reality, validity and point of view in order for your reality to be controlled or affected by them. Your awareness of the difference between them(creations) and you (creator) is all that is required for you to manage the restoration of your divine consciousness from maze of polarity.

All that tries to stop and or control the the process of the restoration of your divine consciousness is not you and you can observe it to be so, by not responding to the impulses for you to stop or be in control. By letting go completely you will feel an increase in your mental clarity and the vibrational frequency of the body.

Do not be concerned of losing, getting rid of or destroying your self, it cannot be done. Only creations can be affected and ridding yourself of creations that pretend to be you and thereby diminish your enjoyment of life are not worth keeping or maintaining.

You are reclaiming yourself, not losing yourself. Losing your false self yes, the lies, the persona's, and automatic responses that you confuse yourself as, yes. Have no fear, you are only losing the limitations that you had falsely considered to be yours and are now reacquainting yourself with yourself.

You are recovering your consciousness from these mechanisms by being present with them without resistance, reaction or thought. Only a recognition that they are not you and are no longer desired.

The process by design is effortless as is divinity.

It is your consciousness that activates and animates all subconscious programs, implants and identities.

When you are meditating and releasing your attachments to physical and polarised reality. The thoughts, valences and programs that try to stop or manage the process are under your control, for they require you to buy into their reality, validity and point of view in order for your reality to be controlled or affected by them. Your awareness of the difference between them(creations) and you (creator) is all that is required for you to manage the restoration of your divine consciousness from maze of polarity.

All that tries to stop and or control the the process of the restoration of your divine consciousness is is not you,and you can observe it to be so, by not responding to the impulses for you to stop or be in control. By letting go completely you will feel the increase in your mental clarity and the vibrational frequency of the body.

Do not be concerned of losing, getting rid of or destroying your self, it cannot be done. Only creations can be affected and ridding yourself of creations that pretend to be you and thereby diminish your enjoyment of life are not worth keeping or maintaining.

You are reclaiming yourself, not losing yourself. Your false self yes, the lies, the persona's, and automatic responses that you confuse yourself as, yes. Have no fear, you are only losing the limitations that you had falsely considered to be yours and are now reacquainting yourself with yourself.

You are recovering your consciousness from these mechanisms by being present with them without resistance, reaction or thought. Only a recognition that they are not you.

The process by design is effortless, as is divinity.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

If you have an identity and you consider yourself to be anything at all, you have accepted a limited and diminished reality that is not the truth of who you are. Surrender them all to God and let them go.

What is of value to you?
What would occur to you if you let it go?
You cannot let it go because it is valuable to you.
Would it still be valuable to you if you knew that you were divine consciousness?
If you let go of your importance's?
Which of you importance's bring you joy?
Which of your importance's bring you pain and sorrow?
Can you let these go?

The identities that you must let go of are the ones that are most familiar to you, the "you" that you think that you are. Get rid of the uncomfortable or ineffective ones first. You can identify them when you feel a strong negative emotion, divinity does not have strong negative emotions, when you feel one, realize that it is not you. It is an identity, thought, belief, idea, entity, attitude, or implant that you have identified strongly enough with that when you feel it, or hear it, you believe that it is you and you respond accordingly.

When you can observe the emotion as separate from you rather than blindly obeying it. You can prove to yourself that it in fact is not you by saying to yourself: "this is not me" and repeat this until it lifts from your body like the dark unconscious cloud that it is. You will feel lighter, freer and happier immediately. It will feel so much better, that you will eagerly look for more opportunities, for more negative identifications that you can also send on their way. This is how the temple of God is cleansed and the real you is what will be eventually revealed.

The truth of you, is far better than any of the identities or coping strategies that you have assumed.

Happy cleansing.


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Connect to God and allow; the reclamation of a lost and fallen consciousness.

We are divine consciousness animating all creation, in allowance of all creation realizing the divine source of it's consciousness.

All form is created and no form has consciousness without the presence of divinity.

All form has individuated consciousness, consciousness according to the functioning of the form.

Love opens the door for form to realize the creator.
The form that realizes the creator looses nothing and gains all.

A God realized form is a form that is consciously operated by God and has transcended the automatic instincts, programming and learning that limited the forms consciousness to that of the species that the form is a member of.

To see if you like the reality of divinity, relax, lie down and choose to allow divinity to transform your past, present and future in all realities that your consciousness is trapped in. If you feel better as you do this, continue to allow for your transformation by the divine.

Once consciousness is trapped in a polarized reality, the only way out is submission to God, the divine, the source of creation. As your consciousness is freed from each of its entrapment's, you realize that each identity was created and not in truth you. Identities cannot be saved, only discarded when you are willing to be aware of a greater reality. The more identities that you drop, the freer you become until you realize that you are not an identity at all, you just are. You exist as knowledge, power, awareness, control, love, peace, and creativity without limitation and you have always been that.

In these realms which could be called heaven, forms are freely taken and then exchanged for others as you choose. You are always in control of your experience, you always have been. Any form that becomes unpleasant can be transcended by allowance of the divine, which returns to you, your full consciousness that exists separate from the form that you are animating.

It does not matter what religion you choose if you choose one. Only that you focus on the core truth revealed therein: that you submit yourself and your will to the the will of the divine, without thought and without limitation. This is safe to do as the divine has only one purpose: joy for all. For myself I benefited by the example of Jesus, for you it can be any form, identity, or communion through which you are open to receive divinity into your form. Even science will work.

There are no conflicts, or wrong paths. Only, are you open or not? When you are open sufficiently, you will realize that you and all, are one and the same. The way, the truth and the light.

Allow divinity to flow through you without limitation. It is not for you (consciousness identified as form) to control until you are it. You will know that you are it, when your life is full of joy and you wish the same for those that you now reject as unworthy.


Monday, November 06, 2006

This post was partially lost and starts in the middle of the post.

Yes God, optimise our body, mind, spirit and ego for the creation of joy for all.

Just in case you are wondering, joy for all, is a better experience for you than any you have had or can imagine having.

We willingly place ourselves upon the alter of God and allow all that we are to be altered and transformed until we are suited for Gods purpose. We hold onto nothing, except the wish that Gods will be done. God cleanse this vessel that it may clearly reflect the divinity of God.

Satan, what do you wish for now?
The will to be whole,
The courage to see the truth of all that is,
Communion with the divine and
My redemption to the kingdom of God.

We so allow and rejoice in your choice to return to the hosts of heaven, where all who choose oneness and joy for all are welcome.

Heaven on earth, the state of existence that all fully conscious beings choose to live in and the result of the reclamation of divine consciousness from the identification of itself as form.


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Don't give any situation, any thought, ever. Only allow God to flow through you and it.

All solidity is resistance, all resistance is wrong, if your purpose is the manifestation of the divine.

Communicate Gods will without thought or preparation. There are no agreements with God, only obedience if you wish to be free.

Wants and desires are not in harmony with divinity, only choices and results.

All time is one to God. To change your past, feel it's solidity and allow divinity to flow through and animate it, until all your past is divine.

Choose to be the embodiment and physical manifestation of God. It is your destiny, it is every bodies destiny.

Receive the rest and rewarding embrace of God.


Thursday, November 02, 2006

The truth behind the words of revelation is infinitely greater than the words themselves.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Allow your self to be blessed by that which you fear

Jesus, reveal the truth to me of religion.

Allow yourself to open up to receive without limitation or judgement. Remember that transformation is instantaneous, to the degree that you allow. Pay attention to the shifts as you choose and choose again and again until you have the result that you desire.

Give without thought of receiving back again. The love of God is given you without measure, receive and be happy. The blessed willingly receive their blessings. Choose to receive light and love without measure or limitation and give gratitude as you receive.

Do not try to limit or define God according to your human capacity to understand the concept of God, or you limit your ability to receive the communion, healing, blessings, light and knowledge that you desire. Simply use the test, is this divine, freeing, loving, allowing and expanding my awareness, knowing and understanding? If so, continue to allow more.

Let go of your resistance to personalities, and allow God to bless you through all that is. Allow yourself to be blessed by that which you fear and reject.

Religion is mans interpretation of the communications that one receives from God, through the filter of a particular individual that has asked to receive. To the degree that this individual is open, is the communication clear and true. All communications written by others, should be received with the awareness that they are limited by and colored with the judgements, philosophy and considerations that this individual holds to be true.

Allow all to be inspired
Allow all to be enlightened
Allow all to be healed
Allow all to be redeemed
God does.
