
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Relevance

Dear God, bless me that I might be free in this reality.

I am here to fix things that are not working well according to your own interpretation, evaluation and observation of reality.

Love is the answer

OK, I an looking for my relevance in this world, what is it? What is it? What is our relevance here as the "us" that we can ultimately be and we are; when we free ourselves from our adopted prisons? Do we have a purpose here as a free being?


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Be wise

Allow yourself to be wise. If you want to consider the options first; is it not generally agreed that a wise person benefits everyone in his live? A wise person is at peace and yet has mastered life, so why not allow yourself to be wise? It will be good for everyone if you do.

Where is the sweetness in life if not in the eyes of those you love who love you?


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The only lasting truth about you

Your eternal truth is, that you are divine love and as you allow yourself to realize your eternal truth then you are the embodiment of the divine, or rather; to the degree that you allow your eternal truth to be realized here, it is your realization as the embodiment of divinity. 

I am divine love, realize that as your truth, by simply allowing for the possibility that that may be true for you. I am divine love and all else is proven to be a lie as it cannot maintain its existence as you self realize your eternal truth. I allow my self to realize my eternal truth and so it is.

Your eternal truth of divine love is realized and manifest not through effort and intention, but simply by looking and choosing for your eternal truth to be known by you. So look to eternity and beyond and know the you that always is, always was and always will be. 

Allowing your eternal truth to be realized by yourself will redeem you from the lies that limit you, bind you and diminish you into all of that which ends when you leave here. So leave here and now that which you have been on earth and remember, reclaim and realize yourself as the manifestation of your own eternal and perfect truth.

It is already true; you are divine love. Your eternal truth is already infinitely and divinely true, bridge the gap between your manifestation and your eternal truth, hold them together in the embrace of the allowance of eternity. Embrace your divine and eternal truth and allow your divine and eternal truth to embrace you. 
Now allow all others the same possibility of realizing their truth easily, joyfully and gloriously.

Try this mantra out; we allow our eternal truth to be manifest here and repeat that eternal truths you perceive each and everyone of your limitations here, physical, mental, emotional, conscious and awareness. Feel those limitations and repeat your mantra; I allow my eternal truth to be manifest here and now and so it is.

For our effectiveness to be realized here, we have to realize that which is, for if we accept instead of that which is eternal as our truth here and settle for a temporal, temporary, passing truth as that which we hold onto here, then we will pass away as that.

The only lasting truth about you is that which is eternally true. Take a look at that, know it, realize it and then choose after you know your truth if that is what you wish to be here.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Choose your freedom

Understand that the you that you want to be is not the you that you are, however once you realize that the you that you are is the you that you are supposed to be you can relax about what you are not.

You are supposed to be the you that you are, so try this as a meditation and mantra; I am the me that I am supposed to be.

What can I do to be free, is a question you can ask of your prison and the answer may surprise you; what you are asking for is freedom within your personality, the free person who is not you. You wish to remain a construct of the false self, but in a state of freedom to be "not you" without any undesirable consequences. You want  to be "not you" and to have things go right for the "not you" that you are.

Yes, that is what I wish for and when I have that I'll probably be able to conceive of something that I wish for better than that, but at this point I will take an incremental shift to a conscious, capable and effective being.

Breath freely, let go of that which limits your ability to breath freely.

With your full focused consciousness, be present in your reality and feel your expression in it and as you feel your expression in your chosen reality; choose for the freedom of expression as you choose. So choose freedom in each moment of time; as you feel your limitations, choose your freedom from them. 

Choose your freedom and as your mind begins the process of choosing it's distraction and it's entrapment, choose your freedom again. 

Feel the limitations that you carry and say no to then continuously and easily, without effort.  


Monday, November 08, 2010

In your time of need
I will speed to your assistance,
when I get around to it.

So to it I will leave you
In the zoo of humanity
That has lost it's sanity.


Friday, November 05, 2010

What is there in failure that is so enticing to us?

What is the consciousness choosing here? Is the question you may want to ask yourself as you observe that which is seeming to be you. 

What Is the consciousness choosing here and is there a choice that I would like better than what the consciousness here is choosing? And if so, how can I implement it?

What is the consciousness choosing here and what would I like? Focus on that, feel your reality and say "what would I like here?" feel that within you where you are uncomfortable, painful and feel so awful that you don't even want to know about what it is that you are carrying around. Feel it and say; what do I want here? What would I like here? How would I like this to be for me? Then let it get that way without even really trying to figure out what the process is.

How would you like it to be freer right now? If you can't figure out the answer to that one, then sublime would be a good choice, heavenly would be a good choice that... Well who makes that choice? Do you see anybody walking around in a heavenly reality? I guess that is not a popular choice these days. 

What would I like here? Is it a heavenly reality? How would you know the answer to that, since you are cut off from your experiential contact with heaven to the point that you have no idea of what the reality of that is. So how could you possibly choose for a heavenly reality that is unreal to you and unknown by you? It's a tough one to choose the unknown, to choose to know the unknowable.

What would you like here? For me, I would like to know all that can be known with ease and the total awareness of the joyful way with all that is. So when you feel your area of life that is so wrong that you know that you don't care for it to persist, allow yourself to know it fully with ease and joy.

What would I like to experience right here and right now? What reality is the consciousness here choosing and how can it choose better? Your consciousness doesn't have to stay with the choices it made in the past, feel your lack of freedom in the present and realize that it is from choice made in the past and allow those past choices to stay there, and not affect your present, because your present you've chosen to be different than your past.

What is it that is suppressing this consciousness so completely, so absolutely that there is no escape from this reality of confused and complete ugh... You've got to choose what you want, you've got to choose what you want, whoever taught you that you couldn't have what you want was wrong, let that decision to agree with them go. Your like is yours to choose your likes and to like the choices you make and to make them better and better until your life is a fulfilled fantasy.

What is there in failure that is so enticing to us? So enticing that we must revel in our excellence in maintaining our life as an example of that? The failure of our fear to dissipate when we are through enjoying its influence is problematic. When you are done with something, you should be done with it and you shouldn't allow it to think that there is anything wrong with you being done, when you are done. Do not commit to reality in such a way that when you are done with it, it is not done with you. 

There is no need to agree and convince yourself to anthers reality that isn't your wish to share. Share your freedom, enjoy the free use of reality without obligation, because you don't obligate yourself to others expecting your participation with them  in their future. What that means is; hire slowly, fire quickly and when the fire is no longer in your life, fire the life that you are in. Those of us who can be true to ourself are few and far from normal, so be abnormal in your ability to freely, joyfully and gloriously choose your reality, choose that you are free, choose freedom. It is the right thing to do for yourself.

In order to have a free life, one must continuously choose to be free, to be unbound and unobligated to reality. For boundless freedom, one must untie oneself from their ties. Not by tying one on, but by untying oneself while still belonging, belonging to those who love and celebrate the life freely lived, lovingly expressed and serenely and blissfully savored. 

Choose freedoms despite all of the really good reasons that you should be bound, tied up, tied down, uptight and tied to the you that you are that is not free. Remind yourself once in a while that you choose to be free in your reality and that you are not about to compromise it and agree that somebody else's idea of reality should be binding and controlling upon yours. Just be willing to allow yourself to figure out how that can be true for you. How life can be gloriously free, celebrated by yourself and others. Just allow that it is possible for that to happen and then begin to realize that it will happen for you as quickly as you choose for it to. 

Its OK for you to know that you don't have a lot of shared reality with others and that's all right, its all right for you to have your own reality and for you to know that that's your truth and not compromise that with other realities. So just say no to obligations, just say no to the prison of your soul, to the soulless life of the drugged and drunk dennessions of failure and say yes to life freely enjoyed and joyfully freed from the convention that your life must be somebody else's idea of right and wrong. No more you are a sovereign, who is right in his choice of what is true and truly useful for him in his experiences here. You are your truth, allow your truth to free you in the realization ghat your reality IS the truth of you and there is no reason to compromise it for anyone else's. 

Feel the freedom of an uncompromised life, of a life that says no to what is not true for it. It's ok to say to someone; we have a severe break in our reality and are not having a shared reality, let me share what my experience is of you so that when you say what you think my experience is of you is, that you know that I am not experiencing the reality of you that you say I am. 

Its ok to say to another; your reality that you claim as peace, is painful to me, is difficult for me to bear and so I choose not to. It's ok to say to someone else; my interaction with you is not benefiting me in the way that I would like it to and so our interactions are changing and minimizing so that they will not be destructive to each other. You do not have to pay for that which you feel is destructive in your life, you don't have to pay for that which damages you, diminishes you and makes you less than freely here, easily here, loving and joyfully here. You don't have to pay for that privilege to one who is not that themselves.

Wherever you find yourself to be less than free, freely and quickly realize that freedom is your truth and that "no freedom" is the you that you are not here to be. Choose freedom in your life, choose freedom in your body, choose to be the embodiment of freedom and the life freely and truly wonderfully lived.

You free yourself when you speak your truth, you find yourself in the expression of that which brings freedom to those who hear it. Let go of the past, it no longer serves you, truth be told; when your past was the present it didn't serve you that well either. You are learning your lessons, let go of your past failures, the failure to do so will presently become a problem to you.

How can one choose freedom when one is emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically bound into a limitation so severe that there is virtually no variation in life; from one frustrating failure to another, how does one choose freedom then? How does one find freedom in their chains?

How does the god of life bring life into the helpless? 

Choose to be right about the rightness of your life, in your life, with your life and with others that interact with you. 

I do need help with improving my reality, but an improvement of my reality to be chosen by me as to what it is that improves it. 

Retain the right in your life to respectfully and absolutely disagree with the reality that isn't your preference, your wish, or the fulfillment of your desire for what it is that you wish to experience.

Now if you find yourself rejected by others and removed from their presence by their choice that you willingly obey, then you will begin to realize what it is that others value and don't value about you. 

When you devote yourself to the love of beauty and surround yourself with those beautiful things, then who and what is it that made it happen other than you? 

Help me get what I want for myself and when I have what it is that I want, I will be selfless in my wants for others. 

If you pretend to yourself that life is other than what it is for you, then what it is for you is much less likely to change for the better.

Don't be found lacking color, depth or resonance in your life for that which is exceptional, for that which is extraordinary, for that which is sublimely and truly you.

 Allow yourself to be the architect of your life, building, creating and developing exactly the structure of reality that you wish to express yourself as.
