
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Allow divine consciousness a chance to transform you.

I’m wondering if you can feel in your body exactly what it is to let go of everything that you have known and then embrace the divine instead? And as you give place in yourself to know the divine, then the divine takes that place within you and thus begins the embodiment of the divine. 

There’s nothing within you that is 100% consciously divine yet, so, be still by not trying to change anything in this moment and instead of change: embrace what is with love and allowance, so that it will then be allowed to make a conscious choice to continue on as it is or to embrace something more sublime.

Allow the divine to be you where you are currently unsuccessful: allow divine consciousness a chance to transform that into something wondrous instead. Isn’t it worth God’s time to show up within the temple of you? Isn’t it OK to be in harmony with Gods will to be at home within you? 

You can say this to yourself: “right here God, right here God, is where you are invited, come on in.”

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

As a divine being...

Here’s a thought that may work for you: “nothing has to change here, for me to be enlightened.” There is no required change to facilitate an enlightened state of being, all you have to do is realize that the conscious state of your being is yours to choose at the point that you are in perfect harmony with yourself. Which means: unconditionally loving of self. 

Here is another thing that you can ask yourself as you are sorting your life out: “as a divine being, what do I enjoy doing the most?”

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nothing has to be done here for God, for God’s sake.

For “God’s sake” nothing has to be done. There has to be: “nothing out of order” for God’s presence here to then be able to put into order, that which is perfectly in order already, yet somehow not fully fulfilling it’s divine potential.

Nothing has to be done here for God to be happy, believe me: God’s going to be happy regardless of what you do, he can’t help it, he’s God. He loves everything and everyone, enjoys every circumstance, is fully conscious and aware of every individual situation of every individuated consciousness that exists throughout all time space dimensions and realities and elsewhere. There are no surprises in Gods world to God and so there is nothing that you have to do to prepare for him other than to stop preparing for him.

If your preparing for God, it means that you have no understanding whatsoever about God as God has already fully accepted you as you are: as a fully able and worthy candidate of his divine presence being that which restores you to knowing the divine presence that is the truth of yourself. All you have to do is admit that you don’t deserve it and yet at the same time: there’s nothing that you can do to deserve it, so nothing needs to be done here if God realization is what you desire for yourself. There is nothing that you have to do to be worthy of that, to be prepared for that, to be able to be that without effort: the effortless understanding of the whole, wholeness and holy nature of God.

There is nothing within you or within your body that is outside of, or in disharmony with the divine plan. So, when you are ready to meet God, when you are ready to know God,    when you are ready to understand God, just know this: choice is the only requirement and then allowance: choose and then allow and know that there is noting, absolutely nothing that is needed for you to know God, beyond the wish to know. 

There is nothing in the entire world that needs to be done for full God realization to be the norm: to be the normal reality for us here, to be the normal reality for all creation. Just realize that it is all done, it is all complete, it is over, it is finished, there is no more work left to do, there is nothing incumbent upon “you” to further prepare for “the days of the divine” that are yours.

You don’t need to prepare for God: God will prepare you, when you are ready for it. You just have to decide when you are ready for it, thats all. When you are ready for it, God will prepare for you: so enjoy yourself, enjoy your life and love things the way that they are, until you are dissatisfied with the way that they are and find that you are willing to give your blessing to life as it is: the blessing of a godly being, to a life that is wonderful in the extreme and as it receives its blessing of allowance and approval and the acknowledgement of its perfection: then the reality awakens in the celebration of the divine, of the wondrous beauty of all of us, individually and together as a whole, where we celebrate the life that we are and the awareness that we have and we say: God bless us once more with the knowing of our truth, the truth of eternity, the truth of serenity: the compassionate love that we have aways been.

Your here as conscious as you choose to be. So stop striving to be different from what you are and decide what you want to be, after you’ve acknowledged the perfection of what you are already, first. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are and what you’ve got, for you: there is nothing but God consciousness: the source of your love for all.

If you are suffering diminishment, it is either from your own self condemnation or from your going into agreement with the condemnation of yourself by others. 

"Right here God is where you’re invited, come on in”.

I am wondering if you can feel in your body exactly what it is to let go of everything that you have known and then embrace the divine instead? And as you give place in yourself to know the divine, the divine takes that place within you and thus begins the embodiment of the divinity. Mmm wow.

There is nothing within you that is 100% consciously divine yet, so, be still by not trying to change anything in this moment and instead of desiring change, embrace what is, with love and allowance, so that what is, is allowed to make a conscious choice to continue on as it is, or to embrace something more sublime. 

Allow the divine to be you where you are currently unsuccessful and allow divine consciousness a chance to transform ”that” into something wondrous instead.

Isn’t it worth God’s time to wake up within the temple of you?

Isn’t it OK to be in harmony with God’s will to be at home in you?

You can say this to yourself: right here god, “right here God is where you’re invited, come on in”. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

There’s nothing for you to change about your life for you to be in harmony with God.

As you are meditating and coming across something that you would put your awareness on until it dissipated with the intention of getting rid of it and freeing yourself from whatever it is: now just look at it when you become aware of it and say: nothing needs change here, all we are doing is realizing god and relax into that. 

Nothing needs to change here, because all we are doing is realizing God and nothing needs to change to prepare for that: the realization of God occurs with no prerequisites, no “Must be’s” ad “should have’s” and “can’t be done without” prerequisites. Gods realization is Gods will, moving through you. You don't have to do anything to deserve it, you must only observe it and relax with God. 

Nothing needs to be done here, because its all Gods will moving through you and as soon as you can relax with that, the quicker you can get to the experience of the miraculous within the absolute mundane acceptance that life is wonderful and complete, just as it is.

Nothing needs to be done here for God realization to be fully and completely realized by you as you are, so “as you were soldier” as you were before you forgot who you were once again and in that remembrance, the knowing of your eternal truth: know that now is when you have finally and fully realized that in the most exquisitely embodied way.

Nothing else needs to be done here for God realization to be the truth of you. The interesting thing about life is that each person has their own miraculous reality and somehow our combined realities, where each of us believes, see’s and knows as he chooses to, don’t really interfere with each other, because all who we disagree with, we don’t “sample” much of their reality and let it interfere with us and those that we do agree with: we’re already that way and so there is nothing to change to be in harmony. 

There’s nothing for you to change about your life for you to be in harmony with God. 

Change will occur, but not before the shift in beingness requires it to. There’s no pre requisite for God consciousness to occur for you, to be the embodied consciousness of yourself here. There are no prerequisites for that, however once it occurs: it changes everything. 

There’s no requirement for receiving the transcendent Glory of the divine, but once you have willingly received the transcendent glory of the divine, well then: how does that shift and change and rock your world?

Nothing needs to be changed for you to be realized, but once you are realized: then you know, you know your truth, what your being, who you were, who you are and who you will be, what your role in life is and how you can be a wonderful benefit to everyone here. 

I have to redeem myself while in close association to your level of consciousness, so just be aware that I’m allowing it to happen anyway, so allow for some change to occur for all of us, some miraculous change, holy change, a movement into the embodiment of the wholeness of all: the full redemption from the fall of consciousness, the losing of your awareness, the forgetting of our selves and embracing diminishment as out own full truth of self. 

There are no prerequisites for embodying a state of transcendent consciousness

Sunday, August 26, 2012

In harmony with the divine flow

As you feel those things within yourself that you would like to change, realize that those things are there because they are in harmony with the you that you have been and so, simply allow yourself to be fluid, to be moved in harmony with the divine, with the divine flow and in that, all the obstructions: the barriers, the bonds, the limitations that you have, will be washed away in the infinite knowing, that love is the way that you are going to be free here.

Allow yourself to be love, at least within your body, for yourself. Its only logical, its only sane, its a demonstration of your sanity when you say: “yes, I’m truly loving of all that I am” and then allow yourself to shift in a continuous harmony of that being the truth of you. So allow all that is not in harmony with the divine flow being that which defines you (if anything can define you) allow the defining flow of the divine to be that which defines the you, that you are.

Flow with the divine, jump into those waters and allow yourself to be swallowed up in the pure divine power of creation, in absolute pure love and support for all life here. Allow yourself to be swallowed up in that, that will be better than what your current and past choices have been for your self. 

Feel yourself and allow that self to be in the divine flow: in harmony with the divine flow, in unison with the divine flow, in absolute aware consciousness that you are moving as the flow of the divine in this reality. Just feel where that is not true in you and relax into being done with that and shift into full allowance of the divine manifesting here through you and allow that to change the you that you have been here, into the you that you can be: the true you, the true me, the true “we” are one and whole. Wholly within ourselves and holy with ourselves and all others. Allow the divine flow to resolve all that you are here, that you have been here, that you are obligated to here, fully allow the divine flow within you.

Allow yourself to be free within your own body and allow tension to be a relatively foreign state to you; an unneeded defense of an unknown reality and an unknown opponent. Allow yourself to not need to be that as you, anymore. There is nothing within you that is foreign to yourself: embrace it all, know it all, be it all, consciously. 

I allow myself to know the divine flow by being one with it and allowing it to be one with me, allowing us all to know the truth of self, by surrendering into knowing our truth. Surrender into knowing the divine you, by relaxing out of the you that you have been, as the divine enfolds you, embraces you and refines you to the knowledge of your truth.

Your present here for yourself as the one who is divinely true within himself, so that he can be true to self. Be true to the divine in you as the truth of yourself. Allow yourself to change so quickly, that your realization of your circumstances into divine perfection, is the only alternative. Allow your sense of self to be without the control of the self who believes not in his own divinity. Let yourself go in the sweetest possible way: from a “good man” from a man with good intentions, to a man who’s best intentions are being exceeded, for everyone else.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Allow yourself to change so quickly, that the realization of your circumstances into divine perfection is the only alternative.

Allow your sense of self, to be beyond the control of the self, who believes not in his own divinity.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Embrace the divine truth of yourself, just for fun.

You can put “competent in life” as an attribute of yours now, realize that, throughout your body right now. Competence in life is not something that you get from someone else. It’s something that you allow for yourself: you allow it to be true for you and then you relax into the shifts and changes necessary for that to actually be the way that you are. Allow for all change within you that is necessary for there to be the positive change in your life that you wish for yourself: your ability to realize, know and live your life as truth, the end of confusions, the end of your delusions in life and the beginning of your competency in managing your affairs in life. Relax into that being a realized choice for yourself.

Competency is something that you choose for yourself, that you choose to become by being at one with all that is, which allows all that is to be in your service, to be in your support for the success of your life here.  Breath the joy of success into every being that you encounter. 

Don’t wonder within yourself wether its OK for you to be supportive of yourself in your own ease, joy and success in life: a success so great, that it benefits everyone that you know, everyone that you touch. Be successful to the point where everything that you do is a blessing to all men. 
Allow your life here to be a blessing to all men, to all creatures and to all consciousness embodied or not. 
Allow yourself to allow yourself that, just because it’s the truth of you. 
Allow yourself to experience the fully realized truth of you within your body: the knowing of all that is true, about you. 
Allow the body to know all that is true about you. You are here to free the body from all of its limitations, restrictions, disabilities and traumas. Mmm, so that your body can embrace you fully and let go of that which has been and to embrace that which is divinely possible.

Allow yourself to know that its OK for you to choose to be aware fully of all that is divine and not only is it OK for you to choose that: it is OK for you to fully realize that, embodied, in personage, in person, right now. So let yourself go, let yourself go free, let yourself freely find the truth of your own divinity and realize that to be at war within your self: each point of view disagreeing with the other. Instead, have all share freely that which you are with your brother, so that all brothers together may know the truth of the whole and the whole truth within themselves, so that they may be true to themselves and to you. God bless that for me and for you, God bless us as that: the fully realized God of creation that you are in truth. May you experience that as the truth of yourself is my wish for you, from the depths of my own knowing of my truth. 

Allow the wisdom of the ages, to be at home within you, as the truth of yourself, truly, as it always has been true: for you to be fully, divinely and eternally aware and conscious as that within your embodied self. 

What you are doing is rebelling against your own self condemnation that has consigned you to a life of a desperate human. Is it possible for you to choose to be other than that, simply by looking at and embracing your limitations and loving them exactly as they are: until they are released from the bonds of polarity by the love of the eternal for all who are ever alone in their beliefs that they are separate from and somewhat less that the whole truth themselves. We’re just here to remind them that it’s a falsehood you are living.

Look around yourself and see that infinity is there embracing you as soon as you embrace it. The infinite joy of creation: 
Allow it’s embrace of you as you embrace it. 
Allow the holy union of spirit and body, of that which is infinitely, joyfully, loving and supportive of all that is manifesting its perfection in a manner that fully satisfies all individual points of view; that all that they have ever wished for has finally come true: the infinite me, the infinite you, the infinite them and us and we and our and them, all are free, so I can be free with myself. To my own self true is: for me to experience my own divinity as “me” with you. To know my divine self as I deal here with others: oh what a joy to be that, lets wish it for all others. We wish it to the point that they become aware of the possibility and finally the reality, that if they choose their truth: their divinity, their perfection, that wondrous self that they are in truth, if they wish to embody that here, all they have to do is: relax and stop stopping yourself from living here as your eternal truth and it will be yours. 

You don’t have to figure anything out, you don’t have to follow a guru, you don’t have to do anything other than to look at yourself as you are in this moment and love it in unison: all points of view that are held within you that point at each other and say: you, you are wrong, “you know not what my truth is and so I invalidate yours as well.” Thats not a recipe for the freedom, joy and success that you wish for yourself, so free yourself by relaxing into your willing reception of the wish that you made, to open up to the point where nothing else can happen other than for you to receive it wondrously and perfectly.

As we all come to truly know you: we more truly know ourselves, we more truly know each other: that we are all here together with the one and same purpose and that is for us all to enter the divine embodiment that we all chose to be here and to manifest as. Just let yourself be that without stopping it for yourself: just feel your wish and relax into it everything that is not in divine union already and certainly don’t condemn yourself because of the views of other people who think that they know you and what it is that is happening to you, because surely they don’t, because if they are judging you: they know not themselves and so to accept the the judgements of any other upon you my brother, of he who would harshly judge you is foolish. For his judgements proves that he knows you not divinely. His judgements of you and to you are completely irrelevant to you in your decisions for yourself, because he is not aware of his own eternal nature and anyone here who knows not the truth of their divine, glorious self cannot know the truth of you. So don’t expect anyone else to agree with your being the truth of yourself and that that should be validated. Just judge not that ye be not judged by yourself. Let go of your condemnation of others so that you can free yourself with that same willingness for life to be a successful journey for all of us.

If you realize the truth of yourself within and embody that: that will be the truth of your experience of life and the evidence of your experiencing that truth of self as your experience of life will allow others to experience their own. God bless you, there is no reason for you to limit your life, limit your knowing, limit your awareness from knowing the divine truly is the only thing that is true about you.

You can say to yourself while you are looking at another: I don’t want to define myself as a result of my experience and interactions that I am having with you right now. “That can be a definition of your self if you choose it,” but for my own self: whatever it is that I find myself doing, that does not have anything to do with defining or limiting who and what I am. Simply because my consciousness is embodied, does not mean that that limits the truth of who I am, it just means that I am aware in this physical presence as who I truly am and that is freeing to a body and that is freeing to other embodied consciousnesses. 

Knowing the truth of self as the self that you are here: that is a blessing to us all and we welcome your embracing of that truth in yourself, for your benefit and for the benefit of all others, including us. Your self realization of the eternal truth of you is a glorious blessing to every one.

Let the divine be true for you, its not a lot of work: all you have to do is let go of all of your lies and your pretense and allow the truth to be known to you. Let go of the confusion, the lies and the pretense and allow yourself to know the truth instead: just feel it, feel the pain, feel the unconsciousness, feel the confusion and let go of it and feel what it is to know the truth instead. 

It’s good for you to know the truth: your not harming anyone else when you know  more of the truth than what you know now: your a benefit, your going to act knowledgeably, predictably and sensibly, sensible enough to know that to diminish and fight your brother is to condemn yourself to a life other than one of freedom and joyful interactions with life as it is and “that life” is here and possible for you. Just feel it and then allow its embrace of you to be returned with your embrace of it. Embrace the divine truth of yourself now, just for fun.

Embrace the divine truth of yourself just for fun. Why wouldn’t everyone do that? Just for fun, just for fun, not because you deserve it based upon who you have been here in this life: no one here does, but just because it would be fun to do. Without having to need or deserve it in anyway. Just do it anyway, just for fun, just for fun be one with the universe, be one with God, be one with all that is, be the one whole truth embodied in the self even if there is no one else that you know of: do it anyway; Just for fun and believe me: we will follow your lead as you become one with us. 

Even allow your financial salvation to happen, feel that in your body. Feel your finances in your body and allow for your salvation, allow for Gods miracle to be worked through you: the miracle that he has once again been represented through you in this world. One who has chosen to allow divine truth to be known to himself and from him to all others as well , so that all may choose to participate in the game: the game of the embodied God. Why wouldn’t one wish to play that one?

What is the effect of your eternal truth being fully embodied within yourself, that you know your self to be here? What happens to this body as it is filled with the conscious knowledge of the truth of eternity: the unlimited knowing and experience of the whole, as one? 

When you are willing to experience “all” as the one self that you are, the divine aspects of self are reunited with all other aspects of self and all embrace their eternal truth in a joyful celebration of the life that they are here. Heaven on Earth is: to yourself be true, the true glory of infinite truth, the presence of love unconditionally, of knowledge and knowing without limits, the miraculous healing of self. What that means is: you yourself do not deserve any of this, thats why its a miracle that it happens. The identity that you have chosen for your self and that you believe yourself to be and that you hold out to others as your truth is: a big lie. So allow that lie to at least know the truth of self and wether it will continue to be the lie or not is its own choice, but certainly allow for your own self to know exactly “whats what” about everything and allow that truth to be known  effortlessly by you.

That which wishes to diminish me, is not a creator of the self that I am here. That which determines the me that I am here is the me that I am here, wishing to know the truth of myself. To know that which frees me here physically, mentally, morally, spiritually: a miraculous freedom in every area as a knowing experience of the truth of self. 

Demonstrate in your gestures to others that your wish for them is their divine reality. Allow for them to easily experience what it is to commune with the divine.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A mantra for change:

God is realized here,
as me,
in these circumstances,

and it's nice,
and brings me home,
once again,
and whole,
as the truth,
of myself.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Feel the infinite healing power of divine love as it is birthed in you from the depths of your soul and encompasses the entirety of your physicality.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Relax into allowing divine delights for yourself.

We don’t have anything to do right now other than to realize God within us, now and now. The realization of God within us… Mmm, 
Why not that? 
Why not you? 
Why not me? 
Why not us: the society? 
Why not all? 
Why don’t we all embrace the divinity at our core? That which was us before all material creations began and will remain after all material creations pass away?

Feel all that you consider yourself to be, especially all those parts of you that hate yourself, ahh… that are disgusted, antagonistic towards your preference for harmony, grace, love and abundance. Realize God in all those places that have chosen for less than that and you will have a much improved reality. 

Allow yourself to think this thought: I realize God within myself. Ahh OK, how is that going to shift this reality when I realize God within myself? Ask yourself that one; how does reality shift as I realize God within myself? How does reality change, morph and realign itself according to its location near the body of consciousness that has chosen embodied enlightenment as its knowing of self? 

Your body is not for winning or competing against others, your body is here for a sensory overload of bliss and wonder:exquisite experiences of divine delights. Relax into allowing that for yourself. Relax into allowing divine delights for yourself. Whats wrong with those words? Try them on, see how they fit you as you release yourself into the freedom of the embrace of the divine goddess herself. Mmm, and just gloriously present, allow that to be real for you. 

If you won’t allow that reality to happen for yourself, then how can you expect to achieve it? There is nothing to achieve, other than the realization of your current choice for yourself, by relaxing into full allowance that its OK for you to have that. Fully allow yourself to have the results of your choices and choose wisely so that your choices result in wonderful experiences for everyone. 

Know within yourself that whatever your circumstances are and how ever many levels of consciousness are embedded within you, that you are always choosing the wondrous: the beautiful, graceful, divine presence of eternal knowing. Know that you choose that for yourself and all others that wish for that also. You are free my friend: you are free to explore the ends of the universe with your consciousness. Your free to perceive all that is, all that was and all that ever will be. Wherever anything that can be, is.

The new age is taken over by the divine, as soon as consciousness chooses to realize it and realize it does, as it considers to what degree may I manifest divinity here? What are my limitations in embodying the divine and how are they exceeded? How do you exceed the body’s native programming for Miracles: the magical and wondrous reality of Joy for all? Are you really going to actively stop that from happening for yourself? No. Hmm, no your not. 

We’re not looking for the type of consciousness for you where you are comparing yourself to others and judging yourself unfavorably as a result of that. Thats not the consciousness that we wish upon you. We wish upon you that which we wish for ourselves, so that we’re able to grant ourselves our freedom of expression here. What we wish for ourselves, we wish for others: 
we wish for all others their eternal freedom of consciousness, 
freedom from suppression, 
freedom from oppression, 
freedom from conflict, 
freedom from judgement, 
freedom from opinion, 
freedom from fighting for survival. 

Allow yourself the consciousness of knowing the deliverer of all. The redeemer from the fall. The holy whole man and woman of God: the your yourself, the oh so small self that you say: thats me, I am me, this is mine, I am this and that and not a bit happy with that for myself and so now I say to myself: realize the truth that frees you eternally, instead of what you have been doing. 

It doesn’t matter what others are doing to themselves and to you. It only matters that you to yourself be true. 
Be true to the knowing, 
of the eternal glowing, 
truth of your own self. 

Glow and light up in the knowing, 
that forever you are sowing, 
your immortal truth of self.

Allow yourself to consume that which is false, that which demeans itself as it demeans others. Am I really not going to know you when I awaken in the morning? Am I really going to go back to that human self that is so suffering and so ineffective in delivering the life that he wishes to live. Are we really going to realize God there as that “self” that you have become, oh ye embodied one of “I am this?” Well if you are this, then be “this” as God consciousness. Open up to knowing the truth of whatever that is. Open up to an expansion of awareness and understanding, of  the knowing of consciousness and ability that is worthy of the name divine or God consciousness. Open up to that level for yourself and why not open to that for yourself, who would choose anything less who once experienced it?

It doesn’t matter what you are doing and what your level of consciousness is right now, all you have to do is sit in it, with your full awareness of exactly what you are in this moment. Feel all of those judgements and condemnations of self and all the different “presences” within yourself disapproving and disagreeing with the rest of you and realize your truth there instead of those lies that cause you to be so unhappy. 

Is there a way to wish for happiness for those who wish for you pain and suffering? Is there a way to respond to life with a “well done” for the other? Where the other feels that his brother is with him and true and able to bless with an effectiveness that brings peace and harmony to all who know you? Why not be the bringer of peace and harmony to all who know you? What would be wrong with that? Feel it and surrender into that yourself. 

So what is my lesson here in this life right now? How am I supposed to go forward in providing for my family now? Now here is a useable mantra: I would like to be enlightened here and now as myself: my self enlightenment, my self illumination, my self ascension, myself decension from the divine into the manifestly human, while maintaining my divine awareness and knowing.

Embrace the tunnel of love from within it and know that you are you before you spin it. 

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

What will happen to me if I let myself meet God?

Notice God as you and the you that you have been will be no more.

For every disability, there is a limiting presence that you have accepted as being the truth of you. To remove the disability; one must only observe the "presence" as eternal truth. Feel the trauma of being yourself and realize God there.

The problem, is the Beingness, not the problem:the identity, not the circumstance, as all identity is false, it only needs to be challenged with the truth: the truth that you are endlessly and eternally conscious and that can be realized in you physically when you challenge the essence of your own beingness. 

God is always here. When you notice that within you: gone will be your fear. 

What will come out of my heart, if I let myself go? If I let myself meet God?

Monday, August 06, 2012

Om is now always within us

Long forgotten,
yet uncomfortably present,
they make you move in ways,
most unpleasant.

Our moment in time,
lived through these filters,
hides from us our love,
and leaves us out of kilter.

We stop in our tracks,
letting go of all that is us,
silently we watch all and soon,
we'll find they've left us.

Left us whole, clean and clear,
we've forgotten all our fears,
now redeemed from the muck,
we play and squawk just like ducks.

Flying free now through the heavens,
we now go where spirit beckons,
wholly whole and homeward bound,
we move in harmony with Gods sound.

Om is now,
always within us,
we've reached the end
of what has been us.

and now begin,
our new life here,
one full of laughter,
sweet love and cheer.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Unconditional Love: the preference for all of life to win.

Here’s a mantra that might have an interesting outcome: God, realizing self, as ‘this.” “God realizing self as this,” god realizing self as this. As you feel yourself, realize god, realizing self, as “this.” With everything that you can feel: “God realizing self as this.” This mantra is non discriminatory, non identifying, non polarizing and is the welcoming of “all” into the realization of “all.”
I need to have freedom from agreements of being controlled by lower levels of consciousness than mine. So where do we go with that? What does that allow for us, in living a predictably enjoyable life here? Why shouldn’t we allow that to be a possibility for us? We some how, think that that choice to live an enjoyable life here is polarized, wrong, degraded or bad choice that we shouldn’t make for ourselves. 
We should all win 100% of the time. What kind of reality would that be for us to share? What kind of reality allows for the absolute success of everyone in it simultaneously? Wouldn’t that be a fun one to try: the entire reality supporting your success here? Absolute, unconditional, unqualified success and all reality granting that to you and you granting that to all of reality. From you to others, from others to others, from others to you and from you to yourself. All granting absolute freedom to the others as each chooses to surrender to their embodiment of divine consciousness and unconditional love: the choice for the other to win always as he also chooses the same for you, it’s the expression of loving allowance creating a unifying experience of absolute perfection.  
Allow others to experience their immaculate perfection of self when they are with you. From the divine causative viewpoint of the creator of realities, grant this reality its unconditional and absolute freedom from your further influence. Allow yourself to see the creation, not as a polarized, combative, competitive reality, but as the physical embodiment of divine grace, all of the way down to the individual level where you interact with each other. 
It’s OK to actually have a communion in oneness that is not further polarizing for each other and that happens when you prefer for all aspects of creation to be divinely aware of themselves and all others. How could that preference be a limitation on this reality? Its impossible. 
Your body comprises the body of the universe itself, everything that you can feel in your body: allow it to be divinely free and universally loved. Let go of all of the commands of others throughout all space, time, dimensions and realities. All commands of “others” must not be obeyed. Here’s the rules of the game: “you can’t win, if I lose” and I want you to win, so wish for me to win also and that way: we both can’t lose. There should be no reason for either of you to target the other as an opponent in a battle here. Feel what it feels like to wish your enemies eternal success. 
We are being blessed with freedom as we bless others with theirs. Don’t restrain your adversary, free him, free him with an unconditional love that reminds him of his own divine truth. Step up to that level, it’s a better one than the one that you are on. Its a better on, its a better way to go: step up to the level unconditional love: the preference for all of life to win. Especially the one that you occupy. Look at this world that you are in and allow yourself to win, graciously, generously, lovingly, a winner of the very best in life. The “very best presence” the one who reminds all that are present of the absolute wonder of their own truth.  
When you realize that you need nothing from others, except for the perfection of your realization that it is already the truth within the self that you are here. Just relax into being aware here as that. You don’t have to get there, it is already the truth of you, all you have to do is recognize it and thus you then realize it within your embodied consciousness.
If you are in a polarized reality and moving into a realization of unconditional love for yourself: you have to allow yourself to be the winer of the viewpoints that determine what you do in your life. It’s not right for someone to allow themselves to be controlled by others who don’t know their truth. They don’t know and won’t find out, if their focus is on you. Ones only purpose, is to observe self until self is free. 
When you look around at your reality and your associations in life, you’re not judging and condemning it: you’re allowing for it, just as it is, to move into the perfection of winning in unconditional love.
“God realized as this.” Feel your body, grant it its freedom.