
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A limited and passing expression

No matter what “this” is, we are allowing God to move it through us, until it is through with us. 
It doesn’t matter what point of view we have taken before on each and any of our aspects of reality; the interactions that we have with others. We allow God to move what is in us, through us, regardless of what it is and what opinion we have about it, pro or con. That which is in us, that is unwilling to be aware of the whole truth, we are going to allow that to pass on as the limited expression that it is; a limited and passing expression. 
Don’t worry; God will do a better job of running your life than you have. It doesn’t matter what caused a particular blockage or defect in me. Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that I allow God to do whatever it is that he wishes to do because it is now in Gods hands and I have placed myself in the hands of God and I await my fate.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Doing, is consumed in not doing

If you look for divine consciousness here; you will find it. Divine consciousness is apparent to one who chooses to be aware of it and to notice that; it is in fact here. Notice within yourself that the divine is here, as soon as you choose to notice it, meaning that; it is always here and the only reason for knowing or not knowing the divine is your choosing to be conscious of it, or not. Notice that it is here. 
It is easy to notice the “divine in nature;” the nature of the reality that allows universal consciousness to move its expression into being here as its guiding force for the manner in which its life is expressed. It’s easy to see the divine in that, but what about in humans;? Those who know not and yet claim to know it all. Where is the divine found therein? Where in Earth is there; the divine Mother, father, sister and brother? Those who comprise “our family” of divine consciousness? 
Our family of divine consciousness; all. The family of the divine includes all, all, as it is ever where and it is as readily available as one chooses to have it be for itself. So, it’s your choice to know divinity, its your choice to choose to be free, Its your choice to enjoy that freedom in your actual interactions with reality here; where reality here supports you in your freedom. Where does reality support you in your freedom here? Hmm, Hmm, Hmm. Where does reality support you in your freedom here? Now lets see… 
Non-human reality supports that, the plant kingdom supports that. Hmm, the plant kingdom. So there is a connection to the realization of the divine; in looking at the plants here with a recognition of the wondrous divine presence therein. The embodiment of life that is not oppositional to us here. The plant life here does not oppose us, it supports us, it welcomes us, it says; take what you need to be free and fulfilled in your expression here. 
Surrender self by observing the divine in wondrous plants, plants who choose to express themselves as beauty; wow, wow, why not? What is a flower other than the expression of beauty saying; 
look at me, 
I am free, 
in my love of humanity 
and in my pleasure, 
in giving pleasure, 
to those who seek not, 
but realize instead; 
the wondrous nature, 
that surrounds us.  
Who knows the divine here? It has not been real to your consciousness, you haven’t asked that question with an expectation and a fulfilled relief, in the knowing that; as you asked that question, it was revealed and you now no longer lack knowing in what the divine way is for you now. 
As the divine, you know how to bring the lost souls home; you welcome them. For they are in truth; your own.
The you that you are,
that knows that you don’t know, 
that you are, 
the one, 
who lets go.
For your “not knowing,” 
is all the knowing, 
that you need to know,
that; it is for “You”; 
to be the one to let go,
and allow the divine to enfold you, 
remind you, 
and return you, 
to a knowing of your own grace, 
within the divine embrace of your life. 
Your grace is revealed to yourself; in your noticing of the divinity of reality. In your noticing of the divine, is when the divine notices you and both realizing, each other in the shared knowing of truth. 
Mmmm, nice, allow the divine light within you to Mmmm, to enliven your body with its radiance. As your body; welcome the residence of divinity, the inspiration of all reality. The embodiment of the divine is; freedom in form; form, informed of its freedom and realizing that its freedom is gained in surrendering to that which is unlimited freedom, by that which is unconsciously bound. Bound by unknown forces with unknown intentions, with un-confrontable complexities. Where when you enter therein, you are there, in a world of insanity. 
Is there a way that you can move through life sanely here? That would be nice; getting through here as a sane embodiment of truth. 
When you are trying to find your way in life and you are trying to realize your freedom therein, then there is only one thing to do and that is actually choose to realize your freedom in your life. Choose that, and feel it transform you in the moment. Feel your transformation moment to moment to greater ease, greater freedom; more what you wish to be moment to moment. What do you wish to be in this moment? How would you like your life to be better than what it is? 
OK, now; let it happen right now! Allow the betterment that you just wished for, to be your experience now! Mmm, Ahh, what is it to experience the receipt of your wish? The receipt of your knowing what it is to be free. 
I love my enemies now. Not that I love enemies, but the enemies that I have, I love and cherish. Ahh, how is it possible to do that? To love and cherish your enemy? Mmm, who do you have to be, to legitimately do that, without effort? Without having to oppose yourself in your desire to do that? Isn’t that what effort is about; effort is when you determine to do something that you have previously determined not to do, so you then determine to do both at the same time . Do it and not do it, at the same time and the force of will overcomes for a while that which moves not, but then the force of will eventually ceases focusing the entirety of its life force on the unlovable and thus; “not do” always prevails in the end as “doing” is consumed by “not doing” and the whole is fulfilled in oneness.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Allow divinity within you

“I’m willing to be responsible for this body and for this life,” responsible and at the same time surrendering. Responsible; because I am fully willing to be here, present as me. Surrendering; the desires of the body into the divine embrace, with the divine being welcomed and willingly received by an embodied consciousness that is choosing to be present and realized as that.
Be responsible, be present, be willing to be the embodiment of the divine. Try that again; be responsible, be present and be willing to be the embodiment of the divine. 
Feel your body as it is and choose to be responsible for it. Take responsibility for manifesting your life in the manner that you wish to enjoy it. How do you do that? You do it first in your own body; feel your body as it is and then you take responsibility for those feelings; you own them, their yours and in the midst of all of that polarized trauma; you’re there, fully present, fully realized “that” as yourself and then; you open to your divinity.
At the greatest density of your consciousness with this reality, there, where it is impossible for you to change; that is where your present in receiving and welcoming of the divine to be with you, as you are and to educate you in what it is to be the divine, experiencing itself. Know within yourself what it is for the divine to experience itself as an embodied being, as a divinely embodied being. 
Where is your divinity welcome within you? Observe it. As divinity welcomes itself within you; what happens to those other point of views within yourself as a part of itself realizes itself, divinely? What happens to the rest of you? (whatever it is that the rest of you is; that fractured consciousness) Take responsibility for that fractured consciousness and realize your divine self within it all. 
Allow divinity within you and allow yourself to realize what that is; the divine within. How does the realization of that, change you?
Take responsibility for being divinely conscious in your own body; say yes to the divine in you. Right here, right now, realize your own divinity with the awareness of self as a self realized, transcendent and competent, consciousness. 
With each transaction in commerce; don’t make a promise beyond that. Promise only for the moment and promising; will be your life.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Allow Grace into your life

With Jim
At the point that you can fully embrace your reality as it is, is when your reality actually changes. Until reality feels your embrace 100% it is not going to react to you as your truth, because it knows that you are holding back and if reality knows that you are holding back, then the reality here knows one thing; you’re not here being your truth, your here pretending to be something else. Even to yourself, you have lost conscious awareness on who and what you really are. So with what ever ability that you have; embrace your life as it is and your body right now.
This type of spiritual work is not about what you are going to do tomorrow or even tonight. Its about what you are experiencing right now, because what you are experiencing right now is the only doorway that there is for you to experience cosmic consciousness, or God consciousness, or divine presence, or any other ultimately true expression of what it is that you are in eternity. So, embrace that which you are fully, all that you are in this reality. Warts and all, everything that there is about you.
Jim, I do have warts.
It doesn’t matter, it only matters that you embrace them. It only matters that you engage yourself fully here, it only matters that you don’t hold back from yourself the knowing of your own truth. Don’t do it man, don’t do it. To hold back from yourself the knowing of your own truth, is a poor decision that everyone seems to make here and it doesn’t serve you, it really doesn’t. 
To come here and then willingly go unconscious as to your true nature, abilities and consciousness as it moves through eternity. To not know yourself as that… Why would you choose that? Why would you choose to move around in a human/animal consciousness, instead of knowing that which would enlighten this reality simply by your being present here in full self awareness. Jim, your presence here in full self awareness, I am just going to lean against this pilar and feel what that is; jim beyond all that he considers himself to be. Because your truth lies beyond all that you consider yourself to be. That which you consider yourself to be is such a small fraction of the absolute truth of you. Just let your preconceptions go; let go of the knowledge that you have about what is true about this reality and you might be wrong, on that which you know to be true.
The truth of you is not found here, but it can be revealed here when you find out where it actually is. Where actually is the ultimate truth of you? Where does it lie? Where is it found? Where are you unbound from that which limits you here? Where is that truth of you? The truth of you that is unbound; know yourself there as that. Know yourself as the unbound truth; fully self aware and knowing and knowledgable and as a result; compassionate in a loving celebration of all life as it is. Wow, yes, we love it here! We love it here and the more that we love it here, the more that this reality begins to harmonize with its truth. It begins to love itself and thus all others.
When reality here is fully self loving, it will be fully self aware and in that awareness will know that its truth has been found and that it is no longer that which it has considered itself to be and in fact you have transformed yourself from what you were into what you are and as you embrace with absolute awareness that which you are; then that which you are becomes the impossible and the impossible truly becomes a choice for you. To accomplish the impossible, to be the impossible, to live the impossible dream here.
What is the consciousness level necessary to be embraced and owned here, to have absolutely divine success with who we are being, with what we are being, with how we are being present and presenting ourselves to others. 
Its not about us becoming divine Jim, Its about us remembering, restoring and reclaiming that which we have always been and that which we will always be. Just bringing the self realization of divinity into “me”, “my self”, The I AM that I am here and so you for you the same. The I am that you are here, should embrace its truth and should claim what it is as its identity here; claim your ultimate truth as your identity here. Re-member it, bring it together, put it together, assemble it in such a way that your body and your embodied consciousness goes into harmony with divine truth. Just say; OK, sure, what ever it takes with ease and joyful appreciation and glory for all living things here; allow your ultimate truth to be known to yourself and as you are changed, allow the world to be changed around you. 
This is strange.
Jim, what is strange?
This stuff that we are discussing.
Jim, its not that strange, its great stuff. 
But it is not the discussing of it that is strange; it is the knowing that if you just relax and go, Oh yes, that is true. If you realize that that is true for you, then wow, what a transformative instrument for your limitless betterment in every way that you would wish for. Just allow it to possibly be true, that which I am saying to you. Allow for the possibility that he divine embodiment of man could be here as you, right now as yourself. That is the mind blower, because it is true; its yourself that is divine, the divine is you! Its in you, realize your truth in your body, its nice, its nice to do it. You will be a blessing to this reality and God knows that Gods blessing on this reality seems to be sorely missing here. 
Not to complain but, when was the last time here that somebody acted divinely towards me? Or you? Or any one of us to each other? Any, of us to any of us? Come on, the reality of the divine is not real to the embodied consciousness here. Its not real for the consciousness here to realize that they are divine. The consciousness here is not yet ready to bless itself here as that, but it will easily when there are examples around them of someone who did and it is so obvious that it is a blessing to your self when you allow divinity to be realized in you. It is the purpose that we are here for and how does that change our lives? God knows, but it sure is going to be different when that happens, isn’t it? Isn’t it? So just give it a test drive right now; find out what it is like. Just go feel your self, feel yourself, don’t hold back from knowing anything, anything that is going on in your body. Feel it, feel it all. Feel it all, all layers, all systems, go there and be that with full awareness. Be fully aware in all of the systems of your embodiment. All the ways that it interacts with other consciousness in this reality as it is structured here. 
Allow your body to realize its perfection. Thats the goal that you have had and were just expressing an aspect of that half an hour ago, allow that wonderful wish for your body to be realized right now, right now. Allow your body to be divinely realized right now. Allow all consciousness, that is embodied, attached, identified as part of your embodied consciousness here, embrace it all. Know yourself, know where you are and all places that you are. Know what you are and all places that you are in and realize your ultimate truth and freedom in each of them. 
Take a look at yourself, in this moment not in your life as you have been living it. That is not what I am talking about. I don’t care what you have done in life, I don’t care what you have been in life, I don’t care how you define life as being true for you right now. I don’t care about that because I know what really true for you.
Your judging others from a point of being disappointed for others and the only way that you can be disappointed for others is to not be looking at the whole picture. Get it, the whole picture is perfection and each individual part of it is perfection and until you realize the perfection in each part, then the perfection in each part will be unrealized by everybody and I know it is a paradox, to say it that way, but the point is; right here, right now, with you in this moment, let go of defending who you are here. Who you are here has not been your divine self, it is not the total expression of who and what you are and if you are not being the total expression of who and what you are in this point of the limited expression of yourself. The do not insist that you are OK with that. Allow yourself to expand and move and embrace more of what is true for you than you have been. 
Jim, You didn’t tell me that you had talked to John, thats great. 
He is the one who got me to start writing these down. 
Lets call him tomorrow, you and I, I just want to hear his voice. 
OK, good. Good, so give yourself permission to fully be aware as I am asking you to be. Feel your body and allow yourself to be fully aware there. Let your body move and find out where its limitations, discomforts, pains, uncertainties, unconsciousness are and allow your consciousness to move through those ares in such a way that they are freed from their confusions and enlightened by their self aware knowledge of truth. Allow yourself to move through your body, to be moved through your body, to be realized in your body as your truth, because it is your truth. Thats all that I am asking you to consider is that now would be a wonderful time to be your truth, your eternal truth, in the eternal moment of the now. 
Thats what we have, thats what we have is right now, so if we change now, then wound’t we change it in a manner more to our liking? Of course we would, so if we allow ourselves to change now; we will choose to be better. So lets grant ourselves our wish. Does it make sense?
Jim, It does.
“Quantum’” you know what the term is, you know what quantum is; a transformation leap in an instant. A quantum Miraculous shift; allow yourself that right now. I know it’s impossible, I know its impossible, I know that you know it’s impossible,  I know that this reality and this world knows that that is impossible; because they have never seen it exhibited by anyone they know. OK, OK, its true, its true, but it doesn’t define your limitations for your own self expression here. Just because it has been the way that it has been; doesn’t mean that it can’t be what it’s ultimate truth is now, starting with you. Starting with your choice to be true; truly you, truly the you that you are, when you know the truth of all stars in this universe.
So, feel your body, embrace it say; wow, well done! Can you believe what we are considering doing here tonight? We;re considering the possibility of giving ourselves permission to, realize our truth here right now. What do you think about that, body? What do you think about that, embodied consciousness? What do you think about that, sense of self? My identity, my personality, that which this reality knows me as. What ever that is; shouldn’t you be in charge of it? I think so, I think you should be in control of that which you are manifest here as. I suggest that it is a good idea; a really good idea. 
Whenever you have a really, really good Idea, what do you do? You go with it, because you know that you are moving in your truth and so allow your truth to move through you until your consciousness is restored to a knowing of yourself; a full self realization here. The physical form configuring itself as an accurate reflection of your eternal truth. Your willing to allow your body to be perfect; you hate your body, you want to be great. Me too, me too; I want your body to be great, I want my body to be great. So, instead of looking at it from the point of view of a failure where that can’t actually happen, where that actually can’t be your reality, determine that that limiting view of reality that it cant ever be what you wish it to be; consider the fact that it is a bad idea to choose that as your interacting point with this reality as an unable conscious here, in terms of having true ease and joy and love; a love affair with this reality. 
Admit that you haven’t been that, so that you can let go of what ever it is, where you computed that that would be the best thing for yourself; to be here as “not true” “not you” not the eternal wonder that you actually are.No matter how bad your body has chronically been with its limitations; embrace them, allow them to reveal themselves to you. Allow yourself to know them fully and allow them to be realized as nothing that is ever going to be an obstacle to you in knowing your truth and being manifest here as that in this reality. 
As we look at that strange proposition of the knowing of ourselves as that which we are here, we go; come on, how can we even conceive of what that could possibly be so that we could decide if “that me” is something that we would allow ourselves to be here. How do we allow ourselves to be something that we don’t know or understand and can’t decide if its what we want to be here? How do we sample that reality so that we can make an informed choice where we will actually allow ourselves to be that which we might realize is actually true for us? 
Lets allow that which might be true for us, to be known by us at least well enough to know what its truth is. To know what it actually is. Do we really know ourselves to be divine? Well, it is impossible for us to say yes to that based upon how we are allowing ourselves to be in this moment, because your belief system is exhibited in and as that which you are here. What you are here is an absolute reflection of your belief system of who and what you are, so what are your possibilities here? How much more can you transcend than you already have in your realization of ultimate truth here?
What is your ability to realize truth? How much will you allow that to be a part of who you are in this life? Why should that be such a difficult decision for people here? Why not know what truth is and why not allow it to be, even though we don’t know what it is, lets at least trust that if we know what it is; we will be better prepared to deal with life than we are. 
How prepared are we to deal with life? Well, we work out some systems where we muddle through and we feel a little bit ok about it, but what is your possibility here? Is it possible to be a quantum leap better than that? Is it possible that your life could be a quantum leap better than it is? One so much better that if you were the only one that did it they would start a religion after you and write books about your life.
But, its not going to be that way this time; this entire reality will be divinely conscious of itself. Its not going to be focused on someone who is, with a reaction that it is bad to be here as your truth; reality here is going to relax into an embrace of Heaven on Earth, of the “divine way” of being form and structure; the fabric of reality in full consciousness of God, of eternity, of the universe, of all that is consciousness, the full realization and knowing of all consciousness. 
It’s not something that should be said no to for yourself, its not. Say yes, say yes, say yes, to the divine and lets take away the word divine; because everyone believes that they know what it is and that everybody else does also, but at the same time they know in themselves that they don’t know. So, how do we choose to free ourselves without grabbing on to concepts in our ignorance that later disable us? How do we let go of all concepts and still know that we are freeing ourselves in exactly the manner that we wish to? How do you embrace the unknown, knowingly?
How do you embrace the unknown knowingly so that you are willing to do it? Otherwise it is too terrifying a concept; embracing the unknown that has unknown abilities, abilities that could be detrimental to you. It could be very, very, bad, forever. Maybe it is a good idea to not know our truth if the truth is something that could make us sad and feel even worse than we do being unconscious to it? Is it true that unconsciousness is a useful tool for us to choose to be? Is that something that we want to continue to choose to be here? Is being unconscious beneficial to us in any way? If we have the ability to be successfully conscious in knowing this reality in such an intimate and loving way that thats the only way that reality can interact with us is with infinite love, in the way of the divine being chosen by all of the reality that you interact with, because it realizes the perfection of its truth in embracing and harmonizing with you as you embrace yours, and theirs.
I am hoping that we can identify something tonight that helps us live a wonderful tomorrow. 
Jim, we always identify things like that whenever we talk. 
Lets see what it is; what is it that we can realize really? Something that we can get tonight, get it, incorporate it and have it be wonderful for us tomorrow? What is it, is there anything that fits in that category where we can embrace, really embrace it as ourselves; as those 2 guys that we are here? What can we embrace as what we actually are and have it shift us wonderfully and in the exact way that we have hoped for? What can we embrace that is that for us?
We can embrace our body fully as we have been discussing. For me it is a horrible experience; it is just so painful in my body. I do try to go unconscious to it instead of trying to feel it, but I have to feel it if I am going to transcend it. If I continue to choose to be unconscious here, because of the pain in my body, then I am going to continue to eat unconsciously, not exercise consciously and not make the best decisions in business. So what are we willing to really be true for us?  I was unusually nice, to a woman today and it was a positive step forward for me and if you will look at yourself, you will see that you have been gracious somewhere today. Congratulate yourself on that; well done. Well done to, every time grace is in this reality because that is what you are allowing to move you. 
Allow grace to be your moving force, your presence. Allow grace to be a defining attribute of who and what you are here, allow grace into your life. 
Will your body shift and modify itself if you allow grace to move through you right now? Fell that which composes and constructs that which you are here. Feel the moving cause of you being the way that you are here, find that and allow grace to move you there, to allow grace to move through you there, until grace is moving as you there and as you are graceful there; allow your grace to expand through all that you are. 
Allow your grace to expand through all that you are here, allow all that you are here to be graceful, to be the embodiment of grace, to be truth of grace and to be the essence of grace in this reality. Allow yourself, as you are, to be moved by grace; its allowed. Your not going to be so punished for you being you, exactly what you are here where you cannot receive grace in this moment. Receive it, embrace it and allow grace to embrace you fully. Allow grace to embrace you fully. Allow grace to know your truth and in your truth allow yourself to know grace. Know grace as your truth.
Its time for knowing, so go ahead and know, go ahead and go, to your bed, in your truth. 
When your making the choice to embrace your self-realized truth; it should be a continuous choice as you move your body, so the aspects of your consciousness that are embodied; wake up in that realization. Because, every cell in your body is consciousness and most of it is at a level that you have no knowledge of the truth of yourself there, so as you move and feel your body, feel your body awaken to the knowing of the truth of eternity. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Divine Embrace.

No matter what your sins are, they are forgiven when you willingly receive the divine embrace. You are freed from your sins by the self realization that your self condemnation is counter productive to your being here as your truth. You cannot be here as the truth of the eternal you at the same time your condemning yourself for being a man who has acted in a manner that did not appear to be unconditional love. So what? Choose your truth, choose for your truth to be who you are here, regardless of what you have chosen to do when you thought that is was something other than divine. 
Fully feel your sense of self and allow the divine embrace to embrace you there. It’s not that Jesus can’t save you or that he won’t save you; this is a free will universe and you get to choose what is real for you and if it is not real for you that you can be redeemed to a state of unconditional love; awareness without limitations, grace and benevolence and charm being the words that people use to describe you, those are all yours if you will allow yourself to accept them; to allow them to be manifest through you. 
Feel what it is that creates other than ease, joy, peace and awareness. What is it that demands that you identify with that which is other than your divine presence here? With the presence and awareness of a divine being here, look at the control centers of the body; that which directs it in its life and affairs here and notice that you are welcome to embrace it divinely with your truth. “Embrace the control center of your life with your divine truth.”  And, as your self identified aspects that are in a state of diminishment and unconsciousness; allow yourself to be embraced by the divine. 
Embrace divinely and receive the divine embrace at the same time as one motion. 
Steve, What about the redemption through Jesus?
I am not suggesting that he is the only one that can do it, but as long as you have been conditioned to look to him for that kind of guidance; why not go with the flow?
So you wan’t to know how to let Jesus save you?
Steve, how? 
Well, I don’t know if you can pay attention enough while you are driving. 
Steve, I can pay attention.
To what degree are you normally connected to your total sense of self on all layers and levels? Does it take a while for you to embrace all that feels like you? Are you in touch with all of it normally or just a part of it?
Steve, I think that most people would say a piece of it.
Thats my case.
Steve, same with me.
So, if you are not taking responsibility for all that you consider to be yourself as a starting point, then logically you have to say; “thats probably not going to be good enough to get the the universe agreeing that you are using your free will to choose to reawaken to your divinity. So, to the degree that you can fully embrace your self image, your self identity; do it. And, then from there, choose to allow the divine to embrace you through the identity of Jesus or any other divine personality that you like and then feel what happens to your body as you allow it to be embraced by the divine. And notice, how if you relax your certainties about who and what you are, that the divine will be a refining fire and burn off all those decisions  you made in confusion or unconsciousness that resulted in a less than fully awakened state of consciousness. Just remember that if you consider yourself to not be fully awakened, that the mechanism for your awakening is that you not demand that you stay in the current state of consciousness and self awareness that you are. 
If your current identity is resulting in unconsciousness for you and you want to change; then you have to allow the change to occur. I know that that is logical, but it is actually tricky in practice, because first you get that intellectually, but to have that move through your body experientially, takes a rather direct focus of one continuous motion of allowing the self that knows itself divinely, (what ever percentage that is) to embrace the self that doesn’t and allowing the self that doesn’t to receive the divine embrace for the self that does.
The divine embrace is what we are talking about; you don’t know the divine from study, it is only known experientially and it is only known in the moment. It is not a theory about the future, it is not; “over there.” So, all that is not unconditionally loving in you; feel it, feel it, as it, because it is something that you have created in yourself. So, feel the consciousness of that which knows nothing about the divine and from there and as that; allow the divine to embrace you there. Feel that which is the most discomforting to you and allow the divine to embrace you there and allow it over and over again, until it is a continuous embrace that moves deeper and deeper in your being. Allow the divine embrace to permeate the totality of what you are, even as you go; oh no! Feel the shifts and changes and the; Oh yes! Response from your body; oh yes, I too can be free.
That horrible stiffness and tension that I have in my body?
Steve, yes?
I am just diving in, feeling it to the greatest extent that I can and holding there; and allowing the divine to embrace me as that. 
The experience that will change you the way that you want to be changed, is the knowing of divinity experientially and all you have to do from your divine perspective is observe the control center that operates your life, where ever it is and whatever comprises it, it is your control center, it Is that which causes you to move through life as you do and whatever it is and whatever it is comprised of; embrace it divinely and allow the divine embrace there as one motion. A mutual embrace of being the divine embracing and the non divine receiving the divine embrace simultaneously. The willing giving and the willing receipt as a singular motion of one. Knowing that whatever it is that that changes in you, is that which you wanted to be changed; consciousness, awakened, redeemed, restored and gone home to the source, as the source and aware within the body, as that. 
Be all that which is dis-functional in you and as that; allow the divine embrace. All aspects of you that has enemies, judgements, concerns, beliefs, attitudes, and personality. All of you that emanates, participates, communicates, as all of that; allow the embrace of God, feel it fully and allow it to move through every fiber, every level and every aspect of you. 
It’s OK, there are people who have done this before; you can see a real nice, image of one of to your right about one a-clock. 
Steve, Um hmm. 
Do you think that the embodiment of the divine only works in an immaculate conception? That it can only be perfect from conception, as a fully aware, divine being, or it can’t be done? No? How do you follow that as a recipe? You can’t, it probably wasn’t true, but what you can do is say; Jesus, we welcome you here and now and that which is unconditionally loving of you, we request your embrace as that, as that which restores, redeems and reclaims consciousness and presence to the divine realms. You are welcome here with us and we welcome you in us and we ask you to show us the way, to be as you, today, right now. Merge with us, that we might know our own truth. 
Receive and allow, allow the structures of polarity to move into a harmony with oneness as oneness. Allow all form and structure to harmonize as the one eternal presence that creates all presence here. Allow your body to harmonize with that. What could be wrong with that? To be in harmony with creation? With the creator? With everything? Be in harmony with all and allow all to be in harmony with you and allow the you that you are, to know this, to feel this, to embrace as you are embraced, to know as you are known, to see as you are seen; all that the divine is. 
Surrender to the love of God and say; Uncle, or Father, or Brother or Mother may I, know myself, please? Please may I know myself here, as you know me eternally? May I know myself as that which loves all, that restores all that are willing to know themselves and have their presence here be the one that is true for them beyond their life time? 
Allow Christ consciousness to be yours, allow Christ consciousness to embrace your body, to infuse you, to know all that can be known of you, while you know that it knows that, as do you, yourself. Allow you, yourself, to know all that that the divine knows of you. Know yourself divinely, 
see yourself divinely, 
be yourself divinely, 
be free, 
be true, 
be you. 
Yes, Tomorrow will be tomorrow, 
But, what will tomorrow be,
If today,
You are free,
From that which held you back, before?
Well Steve, I believe that that is as good as it gets here. 
So do we allow the full embrace? 
Why wouldn’t we? 
Why couldn’t we? 
Just try it and see, 
if it is safe, 
for you and for me,
To know our divinity,
Here and now?
We can always go unconscious to it again, we always have before you know. But, you do wish to know, don’t you? Then know what it is to know Christ as your brother, know what it is to know Isis as your sister, know what it is to know the divinity in Buddha and Krishna and Shiva and in all who choose the truth of themselves eternally; the love that redeems, reclaims and restores yourself and all who welcome it into themselves.
Feel yourself, know yourself and welcome unconditional love to be present within you. Know the presence of unconditional love within you, right now; 
know, know, know, 
yes, yes, yes, 
yes to the knowing, 
yes to the divine, 
yes to the freedom of eternal truth,
Yes, yes, yes. You can always be an idiot later, but there is no reason to hold back now; yes, yes, yes, yes to the divine embrace; awaken me so that I know the truth of all things. Change whatever is necessary for that to be a comfortable realization for me. There is nothing that has to stay the same; change it all as God would change it. Perfect it all as heaven would have it. Let me surrender divinely. 
You don’t have to do anything with it, except; notice and allow the divine. Right there, where you are noticing. Wherever your attention lies; allow the truth of eternity to embrace it. 
At the center of yourself, feel the son, burst into flames, see the light of yourself as the sun of God. Feel what that feels like to the body and observe what it transforms within it, as you allow the embrace of all that you have worshiped as divine truth. And, now to it awake as yourself, awaken here, feel how reality shifts around you as you choose and receive the awakening of your knowing and Know again what it is to know God, by receiving his embrace. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

You have to love yourself to know your truth

I appreciate what you said upstairs and I appreciate having a friend that does his best to understand me. Because there is still a lot of self condemnation within me and thats what exists between me and the life that I want to live here; is the condemnation that I have for myself.
Steve, I have never seen that in you. 
Feel it, it is right here, God knows why. I don’t believe that I’m always that nice of a guy. There are people that I don’t affect in a way that they appreciate; they want more of me or different of me.
Steve, or they want to take advantage of you and you don’t let them and so they are not happy with you. 
Yes, but it didn’t have to be that way. All I had to do was be more honest and say; unless you deliver for me what I want and appreciate, then what I would have given you  for that, won’t be given. If what I have to give, is what I have to have to live the life that I want to here, then someone cannot take that from me, without me benefiting exactly the way that I want to for giving it up. 
Steve, its interesting, I haven’t seen that condemnation.
Sure, we all condemn ourselves.
Steve, do you carry guilt with you in any way from leaving the Mormon fold/family fold?
No, thank God no. But, I used to and it sure felt good to be free of that, because to accept condemnation from others that you are wrong; how enlightened are you going to get with that denial of your own magnificence? Who are you going to take input from in forming your own decision of who you are and what you are here? 
Steve, so where does the guilt come from?
Guilt comes from being self identified as the body, the personality and the life history here and then judging that that life has been lived poorly in many areas. If you look at that and see that you did not do so good; 
I didn’t do as I could have,
I didn’t love as I should have, 
I didn’t feel as I could have,
If, I had lived the wonderful life, 
that was there for me to live, 
If, I had chosen that, 
as being a priority for myself,
Then I would have lived a free man.
Steve, Yes, but you do have to engage in the temporal world.
Of course you do. But, you don’t have to engage it in a manner that makes you a less than wonderful person. You don’t have to engage life in such a way that you behave immorally or improperly with people. 
Steve, I haven’t witnessed that in you David.
Well, I have. I haven’t been a shining example to others in how to live life here. The fact that I choose to transcend in spite of all that, is why I have to deal with the self condemnation that I am having to move through and own, so that I can exist here as I choose. 
It is odd to have a person diligently choosing transcendence for themselves, that has lived a deplorable life in many ways, its a big transition; as opposed to someone who is out there doing good for themselves and for others every day. How does one who considers themselves a failure in many ways, transcend all of that? 
Ahh, well, “its only by continually choosing that and realizing that love is yours, yours for yourself.”
Steve, so basically, that is what has been in your way is holding onto that; holding onto the feeling that; you feel that you are a failure. 
Yes, the failure caused a judgement and then there was a self identification as a failure. Absolutely there is a self identity of a failure and that failure is wrong.
Steve, so you just have to get you, meaning; the false “you,” out of the way.
No, no, there is no false me, there is only me. 
Steve, OK, well then we need to get you out of the way. Ha, ha. 
No, you just need to help me realize that there is no need for me to hold onto my limitations that suppress my ability to be what I choose to be. Its illogical and incongruent to one who is being true to themselves, so yes; help me, be true to me. 
Steve, thats good.
I don’t know.
Steve, I just haven’t personally witnessed the negative characteristics in yourself that you’ve…
Their mainly sins of omission, instead of commission. You, know what I have been here; there’s no mysterious thing, being hid from you in my nature. My main sin is not allowing me to be me.
Steve, and yet you do it so much better than anyone else.
My goodness, so what is it? Where am I condemning myself? Its in the experience of my human self as that identity, complaining about my physical circumstances and resources and my lack of ability of being able to deliver on what I say that I will do. 
Steve, to who.
Everyone that I give false expectations to. 
Steve, my dad would say; don’t do that anymore. That was easy!
How does one find ease and pleasure in communicating his truth to others, so that he and the other is blessed and enjoys it? How do you be true to you? How do you succeed in your life being the way that you want it to be, at the same time you are a blessing to the other guy in receiving in his life what he wants also? 
Your truth is found where that, is easy for you to do and be. Your truth is only in the blessing of yourself and the other, to divinity. If that is your ultimate truth, then that’s where you look for the governance of your reality here as your embodied self. Look to your ultimate truth to be your self realized knowing.
Steve, you know what came to me right now is, I think a lot of this self condemnation is temporal related.
Yes, it is.
Steve, and if you look at the big picture, that really is insignificant.
Yes, but you can’t look at the big picture, once you have condemned yourself and accepted the punishment.
Steve, I know, I understand, I’m just saying…
Consider this; you are right, in suggesting the big picture. However, just because you are right, doesn’t mean that there is an operating method that can be prescribed and results in the person who is not doing that’s, ability to then shift and do that. So, how does one that has received his own sentence of condemnation and is living it out; how does the self condemned to not knowing, know truth? Not knowing, the experience of the divine way, not feeling, the expression of unconditional love from every being in the universe who loves him unconditionally. Open up to that. Why should you shut your self off from that? Allow yourself to know the love of all those who love you unconditionally. What would that feel like? Who is that? Who does that? Who loves me unconditionally? I wan’t to know, I want to know the love that is willingly proffered to me without any condition on it whatsoever. Regardless of what we do.
Well, we certainly cannot readily identify any embodied consciousness…
Steve, exactly, ha, ha.
Where’s the dis-embodied unconditional love? Where’s the love that transcends bodies to the extent that it can love all bodies, all consciousness and all forms and can’t help but do so? Where does that consciousness exist? Or, where do we open into knowing that from those who knowingly would share that with us? Yes, yes, take a look at that in yourself; the willingness to know the best way for you to be here. There is a part of you willing to be the best that you can be here; thats your truth, look at that! Look at the part of you that is willing to be your best. Your truth, truly is your best. You don’t have to say a lie to impress somebody, because anything that you could express yourself as to another who is full of judgements and limited understanding of what reality and truth truly is…
Steve, the most impressive people are the ones who are the most authentic like the guy that won the masters, right?
Wow! Wow, I saw him speak for 30 seconds and now he has probably entered the top 100 of my all time favorite people, as a result of the genuineness and the humility and the love that he wishes for himself and the others who are close to him. It was touching.
Steve, yes, amazing. 
I mean, this is a consciousness that did not sacrifice his life, in order to obtain a state of enlightenment where he can reward himself with grace and love he is grace and love within a successful life and as a result; is a true master and has the green coat to prove it. 
Steve, and he also would not allow anyone else to influence him. You noticed during his speech.
I didn’t notice. 
Steve, well time for me to join my wife…
Good night.
What does it take for you to forgive yourself for all that you have condemned yourself for being? How do you forgive yourself for being that which you have condemned yourself as being inappropriate? How do you embrace the ultimate truth of yourself?
By deciding that that is a good idea? Don’t prefer anything less for yourself than your own ultimate truth. 
You have to feel the you that you are and love yourself for being just the way that you are. Love yourself for being you and the more that you do that; the more that you will know who you really are. 
Love yourself, to know your truth. 
Love yourself to know your truth. You have to love yourself to know your truth and that is the title to this one. 
Stop condemning yourself; start loving yourself. Love yourself and know your truth and know that your truth is marvelous, magnificent and more glorious than you can imagine. The imagination of man has not come close to contemplating God. 
The answer to the question, as to how one lives successfully is; to have your choice in the moment trump all of your previous choices. Choose now, to live here as your ultimate truth and hold that in your awareness as you connect with all aspects of your body and your consciousness that is not at that level or frequency. 
So forgive yourself now, 
for the life that you have lead, 
so you can live your life, 
of wonder.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

The surrender into love

Open up to and receive that unconditional and transcendent love, that when openly welcomed and received, inspires all life to perfect itself. 

The perfection and transformation of the physical body is accomplished through the merger with divine, unconditional love. The surrender into love transformers the gross, into the sublime. Open up to the love of God, that transformers the soul into a beacon of light, into a realization of ones own divine nature and into ones own eternally divine truth, perfected in a human form; the embodiment of God consciousness. Received from one who is and transformed by that within yourself. 

It is the dispelling of all the darkness and confusion that you took on and accepted as your reality here. Allow that to be diffused, transformed, transmuted and allow the eternal truth of self to come through, to be you, by the willing receipt of the unconditional love of all who know it within themselves and share it with all who open and willingly receive it.

Share the love of all who love unconditionally, open and receive that which will transform your soul into the truth that exists beyond time and space, beyond the physical. Know the truth that is beyond all things, that truth of self, that is itself; transcendent. 

Know it all, by surrendering all that you are here, to that which reveals your own truth. Thank you God, bless me that I may willingly receive the unconditional love from all who share it willingly.