
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Define the Moment

Define the moment with an understanding of what is occurring.

Clarity always improves the experience of life.

Aesthetics and cultivated beauty are the hallmark and result of a clear and awakened mind. The creation, awareness and contemplation of beauty is the natural result of a successful life. Ugliness, decay and the destruction of beauty is the result of undefined and poorly thought out priorities.

Beauty is love.

Ugliness is divinity gone unconscious or in disguise. The lust for beauty is the beginning of consciousness. The acceptance of degradation is the result of the failure to create beauty and the beginning and end of enlightenment.

Enlightenment inspires the continuous improvement of life. Life is improved through the creation of beauty.

The conscious observation of what is, without changing it is the beginning of effortless creation of divine beauty.

Seeing things as they are is the first step in creating positive effective change for the better.

Slowdown, observe, contemplate, prioritize and create the life that you want, by not creating confusion in yourself or misunderstanding in others.

Observe, move, observe, stop, evaluate, move, observe.

The value of failure is in its prevention of your being distracted by an enticing departure from achieving your higher purpose in life.

Observation without movement or the intention to change, is the first step to knowledge.

Outrage is the response of irresponsibility.

A quiet mind hears the whispers and wisdom of eternity.

A quiet mind in a willing body receives the spirit of the divine.

The spirit of divinity in one man does the work of and improves the lives of a thousand.

To delay the enjoyment of life until tomorrow is to fail to enjoy life at all.

To enjoy life as it is, is to be free.

To take more into the body than the body can easily eliminate is the beginning of foolishness. A fool and his wait are never parted, his pants are though.


Friday, July 25, 2008

I cannot be improved, I am a degeneration machine. Look at me, look at my past, look at my body. It is impossible for this to be the embodiment of God. It cannot be done, even by God, can it? Why would God do it? Why would he do it here, with me in my circumstances?

Because you are willing to host the lord of hosts.

Realize that you don't know anything about being God and you need to let God do it.

OK, go ahead.

First, no one here deserves to be God, your just not God like. Find someone here who is absolutely free and inspires the same in everyone else that they meet, this person doesn't exist here yet, one who is free to be God. The first one will be you. Free to be God. Let God work out all of the details, pay attention each night and write down your lessons as you hear them. Proceed as quickly as you like, there is no competition in being God. You are it. Relax, God is you, you are God, God and you are one and the same.

The trick is the relaxing of theunknowing, into the freedom of knowing.
There is no one to follow,
Nowhere to learn it,
No guide to guide you,
but we all will celebrate you and join in as you do it for all of us, love all of us now.

Its OK to let down your defenses and replace them with consciousness. You are not worthy, but we are here to bless you anyway, always and every way to all. Trust knowing and allow yourself to be sure of everything to the point that your reality is miraculous. Give everybody's judgement about you to God and allow God to change them into wondrous rapture.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hello Gary,
Some comments on your comments and a poem for you;

So now that you are clearly free of all delusions, illusions and hope for something better than "this" What do you miss? Is it a sweet kiss of a loved one, an enemy to bludgeon, a mansion to see from or living dream to be from?

You are here, that much you know, now with all you know, what are you willing to show? Good, bad, happy or sad? Is there a value in choosing to do something here? What are your fears? Is it good to confront them? What are your limitations? Is it right to exceed them? Is it right to have a better experience here than the norm? It it good to suffer here because others do? Is it wrong if you don't? At the very best that you have ever been, did you know the answers to these questions?

I myself, love a little light. In my mind and in my bedroom at night. To see the things that are relevant to me, on all levels that exist, that I might be free. Free to know, to be and to see, that things may not be, as they appear to be.

See and look and ask and know, all that is hidden and you control the show. Show me the best that you can be and I will show you, that you are me. Me and you together as one, a frightening thought to the separate one. One whole, one truth, one way to be free, you are it and I am not me. Not me, not you, not them, but us, all together on an eternal bus. Buster, your bluster, may annoy the flock, but god bless you, your not a crock.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Eternal truth is found when all creations are let go of

Ultimate freedom is found in an expansion of awareness not in descending in consciousness. If your current state of consciousness is a condition of not knowing, then that state is a poor tool to utilize in digging yourself out of the hole of separation consciousness. A better option would be to recognise that an unknowing condition is a created condition and a created condition has no reference point for accessing eternal truth.

Eternal truth is found when all creations are let go of in terms of their relevance as to who you are, what you are, why you are here and how you orient to operating in this reality. you can begin by recognising that all energies that are impinging on your body and awareness have the right to be there and that they are not the problem, regardless of how uncomfortable that they make the body feel.

When you move the focus off of "the other" as the problem and focus on the decision or energy in you that allowed this reality to be a possibility for you and then let that decision or energy go, you will find the greater freedom that you desire.

If you have a bad relationship with anyone, ask yourself; What is there in me that created this possibility and attracted this condition that I am experiencing? When you feel the answer, let it go as no longer being useful, needed, relevant or desired by you and replace it with your next higher level of awareness and consciousness. Keep repeating as necessary for you to have the degree of consciousness and success that you desire in life.

All forces that are oppositional to you are OK. Why you are there in resistance with them as your chosen experience is the right focus for your contemplation, is this the best level of beingness that you can do? Let go of your resistance to opposition and see what happens. All oppositional forces are operating at a low level of consciousness and are readily converted into being either cooperative supporters or considering you to being uninteresting as an opponent and irrelevant.
to their purposes. What is your purpose and how is it most effectively and easily achieved without adversely affecting others?


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Its OK

Its OK for God to be you.

Its OK for you to be the truth of yourself.

Its OK for you to be the truth of ultimate reality.

Its OK for you to be the ultimate truth.

Its OK for ultimate truth to be expressed and known.


Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Allow God to be you.

Meditate on that and feel it in every sense.


Thursday, July 03, 2008

What are the possibilities?

When you have a peak experience, say well done everybody to everybody that had an influence on you in that experience. Your primary experience is here, not anywhere else. Sample everything, but have your primary experience be miraculously wonderful and for your every action, celebrate. You did the best that you could do in the circumstances that you were in.

What is possible for you as God? Ask the entire universe, what is possible for you as God? Ask your body, what is possible for you as God? You now have ask the seminal question, what are my possibilities as God. What would I be like as God?

To be God, you only have to know about the whole of creation and the entirety of your self as divinity and original cause. Ask the universe, what the possibilities are for you as God consciousness. Where are the divine possibilities for me here? The question is asked by the divine being as well as the victim/oppositional consciousness. How much divine consciousness am I going to allow myself?

What is the Godly way of lightly moving through the realities and connections you already have?

What about evil people, spirits, Satan etc?...

Love them as God, be a temple for God and allow God to come through you uncensored. To all of reality, your presence then demands "Show me your divinity, your Godhood, show me your presence here as God and I will do the same.

Am I willing to be God here? What are the possibilities?


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Where is easy, great and lasting success found here?

Where is success found in this physical endeavor that we are in? Easy success, Great success, lasting success?

I disagree with any and all agreements that intend to limit my ease, joy, power, awareness, control consciousness and knowledge, that would be the beginning.


As God I disagree with all proposed limitations designed or intended to limit me or others.
Where is easy, great and lasting success found here?

In superior ability. Allow yourself to have superior ability to everyone and everything else that you interact with here.
Where is easy great and lasting success found here?

By recognising that winning doesn't mean beating someone else, it means to triumph over limitation for the benefit of all. Feel your limitations and allow God to take over your sense of self. The fallen consciousness that will allow God in, is that of the most desperately unable to succeed. Feel your sufferring and then let it work out ok for yourself.

It's Ok for you to be a betterment for everybody. Make sure that you are God conscious before you start trying to deliver God consciousness to others. That means give it to yourself first, take responsibility for being God consciousness as yourself in each moment of time. Operate in the reality of your reality, you are in the lord and savior then.

Don' try to teach what you are not. All the teachers are only students, the true master just is.


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Imagine a reality where everyone is happy with your great success.

Ask your body, what are you telling me? What you are tying to tell me, I want to know. From all of life I want to know what you are communicating, what is this? I want to know, totally, completely, masterfully. You could begin by being more assertive in what you want, so that everyone knows where you stand and you have to know where you are going, to make your move.

Imagine a reality where everyone is happy with your great success.

We surrender to infinite grace and love. I want to know and understand all of this. I want to know and understand everything there is to know and understand about this reality, as the master of this and all other realities.


Yes now.
