
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

We are the fixer

Quit trying to fix things, nothing is broken until you decide that if needs to be fixed.

We are the fixer.

The fixer has stopped working and no longer needs to be fixed.

The fix is in and you are a free man, now out of here.


You are not self

If you are stuck, it is because you are holding on and not flowing. Access to what everyone knows comes from union, not separation. You are here to save the bad apples by being one with them, not one of them. The difference is, you support and encourage the best in them, the part that is the brother or sister that everybody loves.

Be one with your captor and you will find yourself a free man. One in freedom, one in love, one in inspiration, and one in joy. Celebrate the greatness that you will find in them, when you look at them for the truth that enlightens all, within them.

The things that you believe in, successfully control you far more than any government could. If you truly love freedom, release yourself of all opinions you formed from others communications to you in words. If the opinion was formed out of words, in its form you will be made. We are here to grant your every dream, fulfill your every desire, for some divine functionality in your life, remember that every word ever spoken is selling something and so sees you as something less than eternally divine, don't buy it.

Wouldn't you like to know everything about your probabilities of success? Celebrate everything, inspire it to brilliance and perfection and limit your promises to; in this moment, I am here now. To find a new ability, you have to look where you are not able in order to find a new ability. When you look at your disability long enough, it will open up and show you the effortless way to ability.

Fully develop all abilities that bless others. For yourself, develop the ability to see the light of God in your wife's eyes. Otherwise how can you consider yourself to be a God in embryo if you can't see that same and celebrate that same quality and potential in everyone that you meet and all that you see, hear, smell, taste and touch?

The truth is, you are not self, you are others. There is no self that is not God. Now bless all others that they may realize God as self, the selfless God.



She is your warrior

The light of eternal light burns within you and without you we are naught. We are not without you, we are within you and heaven is at home in you.

The sublime song of God comes from your every quarter, God never will you forsake, God from the beginning is with you until the end.

The light within you is no more darkness. When you heal yourself it is done with and by your allowance that all others are healed of the same, even your enemies. Do you want your enemies to be truly happy? If you do, they will have nothing against you.

God is moving my body,
God is moving me,
God is moving your body and he will let the Goddess in.

Don't do business with those who don't love you. Goddess manifests as your wife, let it happen. The world is the way it is because the Goddess has not been born in the hearts of man. She is your warrior who strikes the hearts of all your enemies with the enlightening light of divine love.

God is managing my body and I am in allowance of his lead.


Friday, February 27, 2009

It's a game of God

I don't have to do anything other than to allow God to be expressed through me. Express yourself God, you can do better than this.

The first act of a real God that is embodied in a diminished reality like this one, would be to allow his eternal self to be expressed through his embodiment to others,
then to observe others allowing God to be expressed through themselves to others,
then to observe others allowing God to be expressed through themselves to him,
and finally for me to allow God to be expressed through me to myself. It's a game of God, your "it" pass it on, a game where everyone that plays it wins, resulting in God, surrounded by Gods.

Allow God to be expressed through you, right here, right now.

You are it.


What does it all mean? Maybe it means that we are a little confused and to clear up a confusion one must focus on a single point and then decide if you are going to act or not act in regards to it. What point of certainity would one focus on? What is certain?

I am aware, try focusing only on that while perceiving anything that attracts your attention as a lie, confusion, distraction, not you and irrevelant. Just watch, no thinking, no figuring, no distractions for a couple of hours and let nothing no matter how insistant distract you from your focus and then let me know what you want to write about then.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

A realization;

God is taking responsibility for me, here and now. God has taken responsibility for me here and now, is your new mantra and he will repay all your debts with eternal life.

The Goddess clearly expressed, is the loving reward for God, Goddess, light the fire of God’s desire. You desire the presence of her truth to be yours, so that you can express beautifully, all of the expressions of life. I am the one who brings heaven on earth, and so it is.

Here I am God, here, I am God. I am Gods presence here. (Use these if you still need a mantra to take you home.) “God is here” comes to you, when you realize that there is no reason that “God is here” should not be true for you. Why would you diminish yourself just because others do? You shouldn’t, no you shouldn’t. There is no reason that you should not be omnipotent here, in fact, you should be omnipotent here and we invite you to be so.

Whenever you catch yourself being a personality, observe it as the creation that it is and let it go instantly. If you’re not catching yourself being a personality nearly constantly, then you are not taking a good look at yourself. So let go of them all, there is nothing in your past that God has not redeemed you for, he is your redemption and your restoration to your truth.

Goddess is beckoning you God, calling you home, home to the place you love most. Let go of your desires and receive the peace that passes understanding. Allow everything that you need to naturally manifest for you, as you need it. It doesn’t matter what has stuck you, only that you identify the personality that got stuck and let it go. When you do that, you will find your truth, your brilliance, your divine heritage returned to you in the present, as a present for you, your divine truth and presence.

When you contemplate your eternal perfection, don’t worry about what it will be like, just know that when you get there, you will like it a lot. If not eternal perfection now, at least let go of enough of your attachments, that you find a free and able expression of yourself to be, so that you really like your life. Exploring the bounds of consciousness allows you to find, know and operate as a free being.
I love beauty in every form, I relish surrounding myself with flawless beauty, beauty with a knowing, divine presence.

And remember, your here to share the joy, not to charge for it.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Right here, right now.

WE don't have to do anything other than allow God to be expressed through us. Express yourself God.

The first act of a real God in a diminished reality like this one, would be to allow God to be expressed in or through himself to others, then he would allow others to be the expression of God to each other, next he would allow others to be the expression of God to himself and finally I would allow myself to be the expression of God to me.

It's a game of God, "your it" pass it on.
A game where everyone that plays it wins.
A game where at the end, God is with God.

Allow God to be expressed here through you,
right here,
Right now.

The immaterial and the material have been merged together now,
in you.

Hi Gary,

Nice to hear from you again. Here is what I can say about things from my own experience. I don't write about my ideas, I write about my experiences. I have no belief system that I follow, no scripture that I believe blindly or ideal that I must follow whether or not it proves to be true. Because of this I am open to experiencing anything and the experience is the truth not the telling of it.

My experiences show me that unbelievably expanded states of consciousness are available to those who are open to them. States that make this reality dim to the point of being a supreme burden to come back to. I believe that these God consciousness states of knowing and ability can be brought into this reality and that when they are this reality will take a quantum shift up in frequency, a shift that will change this reality into a physical manifestation of eternal truth and I believe that this is the purpose that we came here to accomplish. A transformation of this reality into heaven on earth.

At the same time I struggle with business, relationships and my body like everyone else even while I am ignoring them because I spend so much of my time exploring what the possibilities are.

Finally, there is no truth to be found in reading, talking, speaking and doing anything. It is only revealed when you realize that there is nothing here that can lead you to the truth, no authority that has made it, no one here as the manifestation of God. When there is, the world will change. For your self to know, it only comes when surrendering to the ultimate truth, which is tough because there is no way to know before hand if it is true, if it is safe, or what you will be when it is through with you. When not knowing is more burdensome than the fear of the unknown, then you will have the guts to dive into the abyss as you let go of everything else.

Happy surrendering,


Monday, February 23, 2009

She deserves the best of the love of God, let her have that through you.

Allow the money to come freely.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

God never rushes the expansion of consciousness

I want to know it all, as a superior power and a controlling consciousness.

And a divine love?


OK, control me moment by moment.

Allow the knowledge of eternity to come in to you, so that you might know it fully and completely. To do so, you have to look at your fear until it dissipates in the viewing of it by God. look at your fears through the eye of God. This will give you the strength to do it.

Where is the way of freedom in the life that we are here.

Live your life as the eye of God. The third eye on Gods glory is realised in you, as you allow the eternal to flow through you. Allow eternity to flow through you and when you do, you will know that you are more even than that. Eternity, is just a part of you.

lead me and guide me God, I am yours, mold and shape me into the embodiment of God.

God never rushes the expansion of consciousness, it just happens as we allow it to. God moves slowly, then speeds up as the body warms up to him.

We never saved anything for the future, we put our faith in God instead and it seems to be paying off now. We are letting God move our body. What does God need here?

A willing body.


Friday, February 20, 2009

This is Gods body.

Look for oportunities to love others.

"This is Gods body" try it as a mantra.

To be free, one needs to consciously not be doing anything.

This is Gods body, a mantra that becomes a realization, a realization that becomes a manifestation and a Manifestation that becomes you.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Put your faith in God and he will deliver you and so he will, four flows. you to others, others to others, others to you and you to your self.

Your deliverance is at hand when you put your hand into the hand of God, or to put it another way, put your hand out as Gods hand and you will be saved.

When you put your faith in God, God will have faith in you.

let all of the "hers" in your heart go, throughout all time, all space, all dimensions and all realities. let them all go. Good, well done, now let God and Goddess in.

Any thing that you can truly give to another, you have yourself.

People are going to start calling on God through you. You are the image of God, when you fully know that to be true, it will be.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A mantra that you say to everything that is yours

How to give all of your troubles to God.

When you give everything to God, you find that you always had it all. Your new mantra, a mantra that you say to everything that is yours, "this is Gods"
Give it to God
Give it to God
Give it all To God.

"This is Gods not mine", mine is a painful limitation.
"This is Gods" will free you if you let it.
"This is Gods" let go of it.

Who can I count on to deliver what I want?

Yourself, allow your God self to deliver to your God self exactly what you need. "I am yours God" will be your last stage mantra.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I should be conscious in this body, if i am not conscious there, the body doesn't know divinity.

Don't worry, your transformation is all being handled divinely.

You are freaked out and you have been for a very long time.

Choose to be conscious and successful at the same time.

Quit looking down on life here and join the party as the life of the party, because that is what you truly are, the life of the party.

Allow yourself to be conscious and successful at the same time.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Your reward

All consciousness is striving to manifest the clarity of God consciousness. If God consciousness is your desire; observe the straining and painful expressions made in lower consciousness, not for what they appear to be, but for what they are, an effort to manifest the divine through a physical form. As you relax in to observation of the destination of others communications, you will hear the song of God sung by all creation.

All communications are the voice of God and when you hear them as such, your reality becomes heaven on earth. When you resist the divine, you experience hell, not because heaven punishes you, but because you receive what you perceive. All experience can be as heavenly as you allow it to be.

So allow everyone and everything’s strivings to find God and their effort to express the divine to be successful. Your reward and experience will be the same as that which you allow for others.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Truth known and shown

As long as you are trying to change something that you don’t like, or trying to be something that you are not, you are being the false self. The first step to enlightenment is to get to know who and what you are, you do this by not changing anything, while you maintain your awareness on everything manifest as being separate from self. When you do that, the truth that you don't know is revealed.

In the stillness of the night, is the light born naturally.

Artificial light is false, as is the world that is known with its illumination.

The eternal light within, is shone only when we allow all that is false within us, to be revealed to us by its light.

The light within us, is the way, the truth and the life eternal, that all are searching for outside of themselves.

You are the truth and the truth is in you, look nowhere else to find it, if truth is what you desire.

The pearl of great price,
is the jewel in the crown,
that crowns the head,
of the one, who sees, the eternal.

In light you see,
in light you be,
enlightened you live,
when the beloved you are.

So strive no more,
to be a boor,
to those,
who have lost their light.

Your light,
your truth,
your ease and peace
are found on the internal, eternal shore.

you share your light,
with the heavenly hosts,
who love the light,that you are.

Truth known and shown,
to the heavenly hosts,
is the cause,
that you came here to be.

The light that you are,
the light that they see,
is the light,
that you came here to be.

You are the un-manifest, manifestor.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

The hilarious God is the true God.

The face of God, is divine merriment.

The hilarious God makes light of everyone and everything.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A new Mantra to try;

"Godself as self."


Yes it's allowed, if you allow it, we allow it. Godself as self; The divine embodied.


Sunday, February 08, 2009

If you have to identify as something, Identify as your higher self. When you do that and think about yourself you go all the way up and out in enlightened consciousness and when others think of you in that state, you grant them their freedom.


Saturday, February 07, 2009

It's fine to be divine

To have divinity in your life you have to welcome it. The divine way is not in solitude, it is in union and you have union available in the life that you have. You have the opportunity to see the manifestation of God in your family.

Receive the approval of the divine, its available to everybody, really. Allow divinity into your life, it’s your purpose here. Allow divinity into your life, you know it’s true. It is a falsity that we choose pain when we know a better way; the better way is divine harmony in the grace of love towards the other. I choose to welcome divinity is your new mantra.

The cost of specialization is the diminishment of ability in a wide range of life, be generally perfect. Specifically include all that you are, in the manifestation of the life that you want.

Where will the goddess in my wife come out for me?

All that you are can be the dazzling manifestation of the divine, when you truly allow your wife to be the same first. What are you waiting for? I am here; welcome me as your own divine self. How do you think God does it? He blesses all as self.
Live life divinely yourself, is the divine answer to an earthly, age old question: What roles do we play in life and how do you do it divinely? You do it by being it. Your past is all a part of you, but your presence controls the present.

Its fine to be divine, ask Michelangelo. You have your own way of perfecting life, do it, do it consciously and do it deliberately, invite the divine to be at home in you. Allow the other to be divine and all creation will be supporting the divine manifesting through you and creation does support you in your divinity.

Everyday I throw the divine on reality and the divine is looking back.


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Tunnel of knowing.

Enter your world through your tunnel of knowing, located inside the tip of your nose and your world will be known by you.

Enter your world through the tunnel of knowing and all will be shown you.

let that persona go that disables you in any way here.

The nose knows.


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

This is the pain that you take on for your own reasons and it is the pain that you have now let go of, for your own reasons.

To what degree are we willing to be God consciousness here?

Realization means that you know that you are responsible for your own knowing.
