
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Emancipation of oneself

You don’t have to figure out how to save yourself, all you have to do is allow for things to change the way that you want them to (from unrealized, to fully realized) as you feel fully “that which is” in each moment. 

Allow for the change in each moment, that you wish for yourself. Immerse yourself in what is, without any judgement of it and then allow it to change. This is not something that you wish for and then doubt that you will receive, it is something that you change with your looking at “what is” with your being “done” with what is, yet being in complete allowance of it being the way that it is right now. 

The emancipation of oneself: it’s not something that you try to change, It’s something that you allow to change. You allow it to magically transform as you observe it, by loving it the way that it is. (imagine that you are the sun and what you want to change is: a flower that has yet to blossom) 

Allow yourself to magically transform, as you observe and feel, the creation that you are. The secret is to trust yourself, (unconditional love) look only to yourself: there is no other who knows your experience as you do.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The one prerequisite to heaven on earth.

Where are those in this world that would gladly midwife the divine that another wishes to experience themselves as: to know the eternal truth of their freedom?

You and I have to be with each other in such a way that we allow the truth to be extremely obvious with each other. That we are here to grant ourselves the freedom that we choose here, that we are here to grant ourselves that freedom to be as we choose here, a freedom that we have not previously granted ourselves. We now allow ourselves to have the freedom that we desire be granted by the body that we live in. 

Experience yourself granting yourself divine freedom. Experience yourself granting yourself divine freedom as we speak. Experience the divine radiance of yourself and experience the truth that you are radiantly divine and realize in it your truth: that “radiantly divine,” can be counted on, of you. 

Concentrate on your heart until you are willing to love yourself there. Focus on the heart of yours that has been in despair and allow yourself to be at ease with the divine there. 
Allow me to be freed by your embrace of the divine. 

If you grant the world the freedom to be divine, is it you that is sitting here wondering wether you should do it or not? When you do grant the world it’s divinity: that will be the saving of you, my friend and of me. 

OK, am I free enough to take a walk here for a moment before I decide which way to go? I think that thats a fair thing to do. Allow yourself to move in freedom, allow yourself to walk freely, allow your body to relax into supporting its being moved into the direction that you wish it to be, relax and allow that to be true for you, allow your body to be free as you direct it. It is moving the way that you want it to, allow it to do so freely, don’t hold it back. Allow yourself to move freely, so that you can be freely present as your embodiment now. By the way, I am in Santa Monica near my old apt on ocean ave. So I am in a foreign country, trying to decide which direction benefits us.

 Oh, my goodness, allow yourself to just finally get it: that moving in a divine state of consciousness is good for you and you truly are worthy of it because you thought enough of it to choose it. If you think enough of the divine to choose it: then there is no one that honors the divine more than you do. To choose the divine for self is the greatest gift for self and the greatest gift for humanity that you can be. 

We move as the divine moving you. Can you be still as the divine moves through you? Can you move as the divine wishes to move you? It’s a flow in harmony always, with the divine grace and love that always comes true, when you are true to yourself. Can you keep relaxing with each step into the divine freeing you from the bindings that you have been bound by? Relax into the divine being you in each moment, yes, relax about that and just let that happen. The divine freeing you in each moment. The divine frees you by awakening within the darkest aspect of yourself,the realization that the divine is an available choice for it to know itself as. Now that is a seemingly impossible spot to get out of: the darkest depths of depravity, but what happens when you allow yourself to be redeemed and reclaimed? Ahh, what happens? 

Allow the money that you want to reach you, from what ever source is most willing to freely give you what you wish for, in exchange for something that you willingly give them, where you are both glad for the exchange that you have made. Mmm, the exchanges that you make with another as the divine is one that grants divinity to all who choose it, including yourself. 

As you choose for the divine: grant it. As you choose for the divine: grant it. As you choose for the divine: grant it. As you choose for the divine: grant it to yourself, as you make the choice, say yes, I am in support of myself as that. I willingly receive that as my reality here. I allow for there to be a fundamental change within me, a miraculous shift in my manifest reality. 

How much more willing are we willing to experience the divine now? Ask that of yourself in each second. How much more willing are we willing to experience the divine now? And observe how that willingness begins to shift reality. A willingness to experience the divine as self is the one prerequisite to heaven on earth. Each participant has to be willing to experience the divine as themselves, or a heavenly reality you will not be experiencing. Isn’t that obvious? There is nothing else that you have to learn. All you have to know is: just choose to experience yourself as the divine and do it in each moment. 

Where is our financial salvation? Allow yourself to know that right now. Allow the knowing of your financial salvation to permeate your every awareness, no matter how used you are to being the opposite of that. Allow this reality to bless you, we happen to know where life is abundant for you here and allow that to be your primary reality here. 

You cant dive into what is, by figuring it out before. You figure it out by divining in and looking for your divinity there. 

Turn right within yourself, turn love into not just a possibility, but into an understanding and knowing of what it is to experience unconditional love yourself, with others. What is it for a body to experience unconditional of itself by the reality that surrounds it? It is incredibly rare, yes indeed, but isn’t it part of the creed that each of us should be aware of and choosing for ourselves? 

I will look at the truth of myself and see if I can find myself. If I can find myself there in the midst of divinity, with ease, then we are there as that for another.

Grant the divine residence in you, the divine resident of the palace of embodied divinity. Grant the realization of the divine to another, right now. Let your other who was: too specifically wow, celebrate his divinity in his moment.

As you excel and experience and allow the reality to express you clearly, in the interactions that you have with everybody, the reality has to know that your at a level of consciousness where you can be trusted and are choosing divinely as you choose the divine. 

Remember: no one has to be worthy of the divine to choose it.

Where does this free up for me dramatically? Where does my reality open to the divine? Where am I able to experience that freedom within myself? It is just so excruciating right now, god bless us to be able to move freely with that so that it is just a pure blessing to experience it that way. How do you experience your divine awareness beautifully? As a glorious release of that which was untrue for you? How do you experience that glorious rebirth as an actual glorious rebirth? 

Friends, this is what I need: I need my freedom to do this without you stopping me or penalizing me for not happening the way that you want it to. But just know that the way that we all want it to go is exactly the way that I am working on expressing here, so don’t require that I be something else. Don’t demand that I be something else other than  that which the capability of realizing the divine experience of self as my experience of self here. 

The experience of the divinity of self is a rare and wonderful occurrence and a wonder for all who perceive any part of it. 

Regardless of what you know that the truth of self is, allow that as the experience of yourself as that you have chosen in this moment. Allow that you to experience the realization of the infinite, instead of the finite only. The realization of the finite and the infinite together, resulting in the glorious celebration of shared truth. 

Wake up here and now. Wake up, that’s what reality is telling you: so do it, awaken where you are. The reality here is requesting your perfection and is in agreement with your perfection becoming wonderfully true for you. 

Its not a lot to ask of you to allow the divine to be the truth of you in each moment. Really, how great of an effort should that have to be, so that for the other; you do what they choose for their brother and have that brother (you) choose for the best for self and others. The eternal blessing of freedom as a blessing from self.

Remember: no one has to be worthy of the divine to choose it. Nobody has to be worthy of the divine to choose it for themselves and allow that choice to transform them into a being that is true to what that is: a being that truly wishes the best for you that is possible and that is for God to be conscious in that body of yours, as you. I allow God to be conscious as you, that is the recipe for divinity. I allow God to be conscious as you, that is the blessing of others that will set you free: I allow God to be you. 

I do want you to consider wether or not I can have that from you. Wether you can give to me the possibility of being as completely free as I wish to? I’m here to be present and wish for that freedom for all reality. That is my purpose in life is as the wisher that all who choose their freedom in this reality right now: have that freedom. I am that which wishes that into action: the awareness of each point of view, of each I AM  manifestation here, willingly choosing for self an unconditional love and presence with the divine that blesses all.  

Well as you are writing this up later and feeling yourself as your human presence here: all of a sudden realize that your not you: you are your divine self now and forever. Thats right, be your divine self is my blessing to you, mu blessing of you, my chosen point of communication. You and the awareness  that you have just chosen and realized yourself as the divine you. 

Now when you seemingly challenge the status quo here: when you allow the divine flow near, near and dear to you, your truth. When you allow the glory of divinity to be the truth of you and me: my thats the way we both want to be here. 

The allowance that you must give reality as you begin to perceive it as divine, is the infinite ability to move as the divine moves it. You have to give all reality that freedom, to allow that which frees them divinely to do so. 

Allow the truth of divinity that is staring you in the face right now: to be seen by you. 

I need a change of heart here: from one who willingly fails to one that always succeeds. I love that this is not done adversely to others, seeing in them the best and allowing them to choose from there, what they wish for you. I need you at your best, so that it is your best that I get from you. 

You begin to realize divinity exactly where you denied it in your past and present: you begin to realize divinity there as you, regardless of what your intellectual point of view was before. When you felt the divine, you allowed its presence within yourself and allowed your presence as that to be here as you. 

Allow the patterns in you to recognize their divinity and go into a harmonic resonance with the divine. 

(telephone call)

Steve: I am headed to bed.

Just one exercise then, 

Steve: whats that?

As you take those next few steps to bed and relax yourself, allow yourself to feel what it is to allow reality to flow divinely. Watch it move and be in harmony with that expectation for yourself. Reality will move divinely with you as you move divinely with it. Thats about it talk to you tomorrow.

Steve: OK see you buddy.

Your own truth will be exactly what it is that sets you free

There’s something right that’s going on about you: your choosing yourself into personal freedom, a freedom that blesses you and everyone else. Your allowing yourself to have a personal freedom that is a blessing to everyone and especially your self, especially yourself, especially yourself. Unless your perfectly free within yourself, then you can’t give a very good gift of that freedom to another then, can you? Be perfectly free within yourself to know the truth that will set you free. Nothing more needs to be said of it than that. All you have to do is feel what that is: feel what that is, that the truth of it sets you free. Feel the truth of what sets you free, let me know what it is to know, by feeling exactly what it is to be free, divinely. Exactly what is it to be free here divinely? It’s sacrilegious and socially improper to ask that question here of course, but its anti spiritual not to. 

So: to ask the question, or to not ask the question, IS THE question. Do you choose your divinity now? If you do: you experience it. If you don’t: you don’t, but all the while, you know, that the choice is there for you and once that certainty is established: then your experience of self, that truth of divinity, just becomes that dance that you are moved by and follow perfectly with, in step and in celebration of God himself as he celebrates you. The gods are two, you and I, both and each eternally themselves. What sane consciousness would choose otherwise than for the infinite sanity of others and themselves. It has to be your ideal state of being, or you will not be worth being. 

Allow the you that you are here, to be a you worth being.

The moment by moment realization that it is not somebody else choosing to be enlightened: it’s you, choosing that for you and for that being your experience regardless of anybody else’s inability to choose that for themselves. You have chosen it for yourself  and it’s who you are experiencing yourself as now. Your allowing yourself to experience now as an infinitely aware consciousness while you are embodied. It’s true, you have chosen that for yourself. So it will keep being pointed out to you where it is that you need to embrace the divine fully, so that the divine embrace is yours. Because the divine embrace Is Yours, is the truth of you, is the experience of yourself as self and your experience of others in their relationship with you. You allow the divine to be you. 
You allow it to shift as quickly as you can and in each moment you choose greater and greater freedom and more and more awareness and more ability for you to become better at supporting yourself.

We’re going to allow the universe to show us right now so that we can relax and in the knowing that we can begin to provide for ourselves divinely, abundantly, successfully without undue disturbance or trouble. Allow yourself to experience that possibility for yourself, right now. The ability of self to experience self universally divinely here, oh my. In a divine presence, universally.

Realize that in this moment, you are the one who is controlling the realization of self here. You are the one who is holding yourself back from the divine realization of self. Allow yourself a state where everyone and everything is a new experience of yourself there as the divine and relax into knowing that that’s just the way that it is supposed to be for you: a continually knowing of all that relates to you. 

Soon you will realize that there is only one thing that you need to realize and that is it is Yours to Realize: it is your’s if you want it. If you wish to realize your own truth, then your own truth will be exactly what it is that sets you free. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

As soon as you embrace divine truth: you are allowed to know it.

What is it for you to experience unconditional love of self? Hmm, boy, who would have ever guessed that it was so painful and so limiting?: the fact that you have chosen to be upset with yourself? And, to not be in love with every aspect of life that you live? My, oh, Mmm, Oh my, indeed, Oh my, indeed. Oh my: to look at divinity: Oh my, to invite the divine. Oh my, to expect the experience the divine as self.

The divine as self, thats what we are talking about. Consider receiving that as your truth of self. The embodiment of the divine is not as impossible as you see, for yourself right now. So, since it’s possible, then it means that it is true. If something can possibly be, if it “can be” then it is true and if it is true: it won’t limit you, it will free you. So allow all that is true, to free you in all of the places you’re not. 

Ahh, how can one ask such questions of ones self, unless the possibility exists that they are true? And if it is possible that it is true, then that is the truth of you. If it is possible that you are divine, it it’s possible, if it can happen, if it could be, then it is: at your choice. So in your choice making right now: choose the truth of divinity as your experience of self. Choose the truth of divinity as your experience of self, Mmm, wow, wow oh wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. Choose the truth of divinity as your experience of self and allow that to shift, move and shape your physicality here. 

If you can allow yourself to be the divine, then you have to allow the manifestation to shift in harmony with that realization instantly and allow the physical you to instantly respond to the choice of divine presence being your knowing of yourself. As the consciousness within your cellular structure: allow yourself to know your truth of the divine as you. Open to the truth of the divine being you, right now. Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, Oh my, does that transform your physicality. If its possible for you to be your divine self here: then it is true that the divine self is the truth of you.

Feel your physicality: oh my, wow, wow, ahh, feel your physicality: oh my god, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,ow, ow, ow does it hurt to be conscious physically here! But how else would we choose to be other than that? 

Physically be the consciousness of what is here. All reality combined together in the entire knowing of the universe, holding nothing back, limiting self in no way at all, so the infiniteness that is universally true: is universally found in you. 

Allow all that is true in the universe to be found and freely available as the truth of you. Mmm.
Allow yourself to embrace the embodiment of the divine.
Allow all that is self to resonate with the embodiment of the divine: 

The holiness of eternal truth, born, birthed, presented and presented as you. Birth that truth from within the soul of you and allow yourself the divine ability to choose and be, truly free. Grant yourself that, for yourself, thats your one requirement for reality here having you as a participant, is that you experience your freedom as you choose to be free. Choose to be free, feel it, know it, experience it right now, choose to be free. Mmm, choose to be free, choose to be free, choose to be free ahh. Choose to be free Mmm. All the dark, dark, dark places within yourself that you have judged harshly: allow that to be divinely free from your negative influence. Thats the only thing that holds it back is you and that then entombs you eternally in stone, forever fighting yourself. 

Oh my god, how pathetic have we been? It is just so horrendous and horrible. Oh my God, have we bee pathetic here. Oh my, ahh, oh my God have we been pathetic here. When you realize how pathetic it is that we have been here, you begin to realize the possibilities of what your truth might be: something infinitely more than what you know your self as here. Thats why you often give yourself a chance to hear that truth expressed to you in a free and easily received way, from one who has nothing to gain here from your divine nature not being expressed here. I have nothing to gain from you not gaining your full awareness of the divine self that you are. 

As you regain your consciousness of self: it is a painful transition, it’s just horrible man: awakening to the horrific truth of self realizing how evil you have been. Interesting that the contemplation of that frees us a little. Just a little, but enough to know that there was some truth there, yes there was some truth there, but there was not a truth there that should be allowed to condemn yourself from knowing a further and more encompassing truth: truth upon truth, until one knows truly everywhere. Thats an available possibility for you, you recognized it as soon as it was proffered as that to you: “yes that’s true” and as soon as you did that, oh, it started you on the ride man. 

You’ve got to relax and take that ride and allow the divine to be you. Allow the divine to be that which is true in you. Allow yourself to realize your divine nature, even though you might be in a rather pathetic circumstances in the moment. They are not a reason to hold back from the realization of eternal truth. Just because you are far from it, doesn’t mean that that’s a limitation or a disability, or even a consideration in your choice of being the divine truth. Just know that as soon as you embrace it: it is allowed.

As soon as you embrace divine truth: you are allowed to know it. Thats how you find out who’s really true here: you find the experience of freedom itself in their arms and in their hearts. In who’s heart here, is the freedom of the divine found? Who is at one with the manifestation of all as their divine selves here? Who is in favor of that? I am. Allow your self to know all who are in favor of knowing themselves as the divine. Allow yourself to connect to everyone who is one with you. One with you, one with me, one with all. That is the way that we are. We are one with all in a glorious return from the fall. Mmm, all.

Allow all, allow all, allow all, allow all their divine truth, 
Allow all their divine essence, 
Allow all the absolute freedom that you should invite yourself to partake in: all for one and one for all. Mmm. All for one and one for all. 

Accepting an eternal presence of divine consciousness within your self

Oh my, oh my indeed, Mmm, Mmm, oh… so obvious how painfully restricted I have chosen to be in this life and at the same time: I am pretending to be an expert in transcending polarized consciousness and embracing divine knowing. Wow, what a dichotomy oh wow.  

As you allow yourself to be conscious in the knowing of your divine essence in the moment that you are in right now, at the moment that you are accepting an eternal presence of divine consciousness within yourself, in the recognition that you have reawakened into knowing and not just “knowing” your truth, but existing as your truth, right now in this moment, not in some far off place where you have to progress eternally before you get there. And how do you even know that that is true? No one that is there ever came and talked to me, “man to man” where I couldn’t do anything but agree, that eternity is the right choice for me as my knowing and presence of self. Yes, yes, Mmm, Ahh, yes, 
Yes to the one, 
Who  believes that he is the son,
Of God and knows himself accordingly. 
One who chooses to be here as the embodied son of god, oh my. Oh my, what does it take for us to allow that to be present in our reality? Regardless of wether it is in you or me or someone else infinitely more worthy? How could we ever allow that to be true in me or in you in this reality? How, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, no, no, nooo, nooo the answer is no, until you know why the answer is not yes. 

Why is the answer now Yes, universally to your success here? Why is that now yes? Why are you now getting a yes from this universe? A yes that you are universally supported here: Yes, oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes to that, yes to that of course, of my, my, my, oh my. 

Can you let go of that within yourself? Can you let go of the abject terror of being human in this reality and all that means? Can you let go of the terror of what it is for you to live your life here? Can you say: Ok, got it, I have to do that in order to be here freely? So, now in this moment: I embrace my every terror. In our terrors do we find our control strings. That which terrorizes you is what freezes you into a dumb misunderstanding that life is about to deal with you poorly. You don’t need to be frozen by that, you need to be enlightened, enlivened and embraced by the fact that now there is a reason to be here divinely: to deal with “this circumstance” that you are in, in this moment. Allow that reason to be good enough for you to know your divinity as self, right now. 

Mmm, agree with everyone that allows you your freedom right now, agree with them. Ahh yes, “you believe that I should be free? I agree with you.” Who else believes that I should be free? Who else? Yes, yes, yes, yes, I agree with you too. I agree with all who grant me my freedom, yes I do. Who else grants me my freedom? I agree with you! Ahh, whoever grants me my freedom: I will be in agreement with you. The freedom to not be at an effect of this reality but to be that which affects this reality in a wonderful way. Why not allow that for yourself? Allow yourself to be the one that has a positive effect on this reality. Yes, why not, why not? Why not allow your self to be the you that has always been possible here? To be the you that is so clear in his knowing and understanding of all that is, that all that is, is immediately made better in your sharing of their realities. Allow yourself to be the one who makes it all better, for everyone that you are with, including and especially yourself.

The first rule is: allow yourself to win. Allow yourself to win enough knowledge and ability to create something that people will support you in. What ever it is, allow yourself to be supported in your noble desires for yourself and others. Allow yourself the freedom to be free, despite the fact that you have been humanity here before your awakening.

Just because you were unawakened before your awakening, doesn’t mean that as soon as you awaken, you have to condemn yourself for the fact that you were recently unawakened. Ha Ha. You don’t have to go back to sleep and be unconscious just because you awoke and then realized that you had been asleep and so you have to go back to sleep now, no, we’re over and done with that. We’ve no place in us, where we are freely willing to be that anymore. We can be counted on for choosing our freedom in every moment, so, support us in that. Support us in our freedom to be free. Look at that as a right to be chosen by all of humanity, allow all of humanity to choose for a miraculous and wonderful healing freedom. A freedom so great that everyone is gloriously affected as a result of it. Gloriously affected: each one found in a glorious celebration of himself and others as he lives his life. Feel what that feels like in you and allow that to transform the you that has been here, into the you that is actually the truth, the you that is actually free, the you: free, even though he is humanity. The divine human, the possible freedom of you. 

And why is it possible? Because it is probably true. The reason things are possible is: that they are true and the fact that the embodiment of the divine is possible and true, means: all you need to do is to be the one who embraces it. Embrace your divinity, know what it is to know unconditional love as your experience of self, as your experience of your embodied self here. 

Regardless of what each one here says is the ultimate truth: its true that none of them have been taught enough truth by the religions that they revere and honor and know as “the absolute truth and best that is available on earth.” for them to have an experiential understanding of what an “ultimate or divine truth” even feels like.  That is known only by those who look for it within themselves until they find it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Don’t protect yourself from anything that will liberate you

Know what they know… 

Allow yourself to receive all the knowing of excellence in all areas of endeavor by all of humanity. Allow it to seep into you and register in every cell of your body.  
Notice the excellence that exists all around you, 
Notice that there are experts on every single subject that exists in life and 
Notice that everyone of them is trying to share it with you: every expert on every subject in this universe is trying to get your attention so that they can share what they know with you, so that they can pass on a legacy of knowledge, where be are all bettered by what they know about reality and how to deal with it. 

So how does one take in all? Because is it really possible to become an expert in more than one or two subjects out of hundreds or thousands? How does the knowledge of all that know success, how is that absorbed into the beingness of the being that you are here? 

You know all that exists, you know that they are all extraordinary in their own way, allow them to be right about that and allow yourself to feel what it is to be them: to know what it is that they know, by the fact that you’re openly acknowledging the excellence of their knowledge. So how do you walk that fine line between celebrating the excellence in somebody else’s knowledge and the condemnation of your own in comparison? How does one take all that is being offered? All of it? How does one take all of this that is being offered to each and everyone of us? How do we all absorb the perfection of the infinitely glorious possibilities that have been accomplished here? How does one embrace life so intimately that there are no secrets of life that are not known in that embrace?

Here’s one thing to keep in mind: don’t protect yourself from anything that will liberate you. Don’t protect yourself from anything that will liberate you: that will expand your consciousness, knowledge, understanding and abilities to be the expert on life, that all life wishes to find and follow. Allow yourself to find that within yourself and end your need to follow anyone ever again. Allow yourself to be the knower: the example in motion of what it is possible to be here in implementing all available knowledge into a well lived life. 

Absorb the knowledge of every other that you come into contact with here, so that the excellence of their perception and awareness of what they made sure that they understood fully. 
Don’t protect yourself from knowing what they know,
Allow it flow,
Allow yourself to go, 
To where you know,
What they all know each in their own speciality. Know the way of success for all life here. 

The depth of surrender necessary for you to gain the world. What depth of surrender does it take for you to gain the world and the universe of possibilities for you in it? If you knew all that your enemies knew: it would be easy to be friendly with them. It would be easy to convince them that you are not one for them to be other with, than that of their very best behavior: the very best behavior that it is possible for them to be in their embodiment of the moment that they have with you. How much willingness within yourself do you have to have, in order to  be the one, who is the one to have excellence in the absolute sense: absolute excellence, in every way? Night and day, friend or foe, that which gives us enlightenment; we show in all ways and in all areas and at all times. We are a friend of all: we have returned from the fall of consciousness into a knowing of ourselves that we are true to eternally.  

So how much are you going to allow yourself to change in this moment? In this moment right now, how much are you going to let yourself change? How free are you going to allow yourself to be? Right now, right here, you and me, me and I? 

I am who I choose to be in this moment and the same from moment to moment. So I allow myself to choose into my beingness here, moment to moment and choose greater and greater freedom, more and more consciousness, more awareness, more knowledge and understanding, more knowing. Always more about life and living life wonderfully as a result. So how do you allow that oh so wonderful freedom for yourself when you have never done it before? How do you disagree with your condemnation of self that you should live a pathetic reality here, with a beingness and understanding barely beyond a smart animal?  How does one allow them self in each and every moment, to know the divinely aware and beautifully competent superior understanding of life? How does one allow that for self in each moment? Instantly? 

It’s difficult when you actually choose for that for yourself, because you have to move into action all that has been frozen, afraid and scared stiff and at a point of hiding from everyone, especially from self, the truth of self. So when you make the decision to allow that to change: the effect is instantaneous and as you follow the energy of that moving through frozen and stuck positions: freeing that up and moving into a deeper frozen and stuck position…

Oh my, well, if your consciousness is in a frozen and stuck position, then does it make sense that you can get unstuck from that when you are moving fast through this reality? No, you have to stop and realize what is in order to be in command of your reality here. You have to stop and allow what ever it is to knowingly permeate you with its own essence so that you have a complete knowing and understanding of the reality that you are dealing with moment by moment. So good luck with that, because the moment that you allow yourself to truly be free: that opens the doorway to the enlightenment of humanity. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The perfection of the formless

It is the magnificence of your own divine and eternal presence that transforms your body and it will begin to do so as soon as you stop trying to change who you are. Be at peace that you are here, be at peace with that, that you are here and let that be enough. The transforming fire already burns within you, the transforming fire is in fact what is you, be at peace with the truth of what you are : which is he who changes form into the perfection of the formless.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

You are lost without love and in love are you found

Any opinion of another that you should not be loving of yourself right now, is the opinion of one who by his own admission is not divine and if you are going to take instruction from anyone, is it going to be from the enlightened or from the dense, dumb and admit-ably fallen and damned within themselves, with the inability to know their own eternal truth? Take your instructions in life (if you need to be instructed at all) by that which blesses you eternally, by that which celebrates your existence in every moment and in every way loves you exactly as you are. That is he who is true to you.

Choose to be present in your body as the consciousness of eternal truth, why not? Why not indeed.

Thanks for taking a supportive stance with me instead of an adversarial one. How can you help me be successful? How can you help me establish myself here in a manner where I can devote myself to the divine embodiment of self? If you can’t help me, then step out of the way and don’t prevent me from moving in a manner that I need to be here as I came here to be. Help me to remember that the love of myself is the salvation that has been lacking in my embodiment.

The condemnation of self is the only thing that you need to be aware of, because that is the only thing that instructs the universe on how to treat you other than that of the celebration of the manifestation of divine consciousness. If you demand that the universe treat you as being less than that: then it will. Give yourself a treat and allow the ultimate to be the truth of you. 

Recall a time when universal love was the truth of yourself, was the actuality of the presence that you were and remember yourself there, as you are now. As you are now, remember yourself there: the universally loving presence, of self and here is your mantra: I love, I love, I love.

Even though we know that love is possible for us, we only continue to know ourselves more from knowing love as self. 

You are lost without love and in love are you found.

Don’t look for someone else to save you, If you do that: you will be forever lost and not found, being “there” but not being true to you. The one lost, my son, is you. 
Lost but not found,
Nearly buried in the ground,
Couldn’t swim,
Then I drowned,
Even when love is all around.

All around us, divinity
Not a bit of it do we see,
Tossed and turned,
 As if in the sea.

The scene ourselves,
We are not to be,
“To be or not to be”,
That is not the question:
To be true, as me? 
That is my only question.

To question self,
Is the admission of failure, 
The celebration of life,’
Is very much gayer.

To be gay and free,
Loving divinity,
Loving truth as self,
Loving self as the truth of us all: redeems us from the fall, awakens us to ourself, realized, renewed and imbued as the divine.

The divine way, 
Has love all through it,
To kill the play of another,
Is not the son,
Of the mother,
Of all.

To kill another’s play,
To end another’s day,
To stop another’s truth,
From being at home under his own roof,
To take joy in another’s pain,
To celebrate the evil and profane,
The God of love,
Loves all that too,
But then,
There falls the other shoe,
The shoe that fits the sons of God,
The daughters of earth,
Of the lord above,
Of the Goddess of love in her glorious state,
Sensual and knowing in her divine embodied self,
The Goddess is here and is true to you,
And God, my brother; so are you.

The you I know from another time,
Beyond the place of the frozen sublime,
The love of self will bring you home,
At ease my son,
You’re not alone. 

Remember, as a friend to me, help me be successful, help me to be free. 

Hello, I love you. I demand that you show me the magnificence of your unfiltered divine presence. Show me the truth of you, so that in your truth, I might be free. Show me your knowing of divinity, of the eternal self of you, knowing the eternal self of me. 

I love, I love, I love myself. Truly I do and the more that I do: the more magnificently I see you.

Choose to love yourself, despite the level of self condemnation and self judgement that has debilitated you. Just because you have judged yourself harshly, doesn’t mean that your not about to reconsider and love yourself instead. That is all that we are asking: reconsider and choose to love yourself, instead of judging yourself. Its the only sane way to live: 
love yourself as you love no other,
love God as you love yourself 
and love the other as you love God. 

The love of self cleanses you and opens you, to yourself, to the eternity of divine freedom that is the truth of us all.

I love, 
I realized, 
As I “knew myself” in time, 
In time, 
I now know,
How to move with the divine flow.

Flowing in ease and grace and glory,
It changes your entire story,
Born of woe and struggle and strife,
Into the celebrator of all life.

The celebration of the truth of self: the knowing of you as one that is here consciously from the divine realms.

Sign a divine loving document: I love you, I support you, I celebrate your success. Please take this and create wonders with it and allow it to benefit me as well. Bless me with the freedom that you are inspired to and look to assist me in every way that further inspires you.

Into the fire of the divine flame goes that which does not admire you. I love you, is what becomes you, when you willingly awaken to your truth and what connection would you have me be here for you? Your normal reality? That’s what you wish to share? 

Not for me the normal here, 
My choice is clear,
It’s the eternal sphere, 
Whole and one and home to us all,
Heavens holy, heavenly hall.

Here, we’re true to that as us. 
I love myself, in spite of us. (Remember were here to reveal the truth of our magnificence to each other.) 
Here to heal our wounded brother, 
Here to know the truth of self, 
Here to show and know ourselves:

The divine trance, 
Is where you go, 
To know,
And restore the truth of self,
That this divine self is who you are.

So trance out,
Merge with the divine,
It’s the true gold mine,
Of the self that you already are.

Friday, September 14, 2012

The diminishment of self is a condemnation that can only be overcome by self love.

It’s lovely when you begin to feel good about yourself. To feel good about yourself, one has to be willing to love. If you don’t feel good about yourself then you can pretty well assume that you are not feeling love from yourself, you are feeling condemnation and judgement. In the condemnation of self, you are the judge who determines your sentence. You are the one who damns yourself, that stops your progression by identification with creation. Experience the creation as what it is, don’t limit yourself to the awareness of the body. Allow the body to be the embodiment of universal consciousness, by loving it. 

How do you love your body? Feel it as you willingly embrace whatever it is that loves the body and you choose moment by moment to love yourself, until you are free from suppression by yourself, free from the condemnation of self judgement of not being good enough and not “right”. The diminishment of self is a condemnation that can only be overcome by self love. So, when you are ready, spend a significant amount of time focusing on yourself and choosing love for yourself, of yourself, by yourself, in each moment regardless of what occurs. 

Its hard to think about loving yourself for very long, when you notice that you are judging yourself again in your dissatisfactions in life: just go right back to being satisfied in the embrace of the loving of yourself. 

Regardless of what your historical relationship is to anything in your life and regardless of what has gone on before, choose now to be the embodiment of truth: that shifts everything in relationship to you within yourself, from you to others, from others to others, from others to you and from you to yourself, everything about you is changed.The love of all life changes you and everyone you deal with.

Go back to choosing loving self as your chosen way in life and just let all those distractions to that go and observe how they become free as you embrace your divinity and know that you are supportive of all others when you embrace your eternal truth of self. Your truth frees all creation from the limitations of consciousness as you embrace the eternal truth as your awareness of self. The truth of all, is the truth of yourself, to be true to you that knows the divinity of all, is the expression of the divine itself. To choose to know the divine in all others is your preferred choice in your interactions with each other. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Observe all, without a care one way or the other.

Can you observe yourself without reaction, agreement, alignment and resistance? Observe yourself while taking no action and having no thoughts or opinions one way, because if you engage yourself as a combatant in life or a competitor, or on the “right side”, “the good side”, “the true side”, if your on that “side”: you’re engaged in war with that which your side opposes. When you are engaged in War, then you are a lot more “Germany” than you are Switzerland. 

In War, you don’t fall asleep every night knowing that your always going to be safe and secure in your person, your possessions and with your consciousness. You will never be free of fear of enemies when you desire to destroy others. That is why you don’t judge, or condemn others and try to convince another of their defincencies or their wrongness, the poorness of their choices or the lack of their way going where they wish to be.

Observably, everybody is a failure in embodying the consciousness of the eternal as their self here, or at least one that has access to universal knowledge, beingness and consciousness as abilities that one arms themselves with here, where the reality is always one that assumes a conflict: a need to align, a need to agree,  a need to resist and a need to react. Do nothing instead, observe all, without a care one way or the other. 

"Oh so horribly feeling insane", you feel it all, you feel it absolutely, then you let it go as absolutely quick as your ability to embrace the divine flow, to love and then to laugh merrily and openly. The purpose of the creators of the bodies is to control the consciousness that animates them by having the bodies disconnected from the consciousness and confusion of misidentification. To misidentify is to identify a "myth" which is an interesting story to be sure, but not an ounce of truth to it. So let your "story" go, in the dreams of he who is the master of his myth and the enemies that you have are lost and confused and ultimately doomed in the end without an opponent in you willing to fight them.

The divine manifestation of self

Despite your wishes and appearances to the contrary; 

The experiences that you have here are lovely and sublime in enlightened consciousness. 

Regardless of all that is:

Enjoy yourself and love yourself in the experiencing of yourself as a being of severe limitations. Be OK with that and experience that beingness fully, while being divinely aware there, in those choices, in that presence, that have resulted in your impositions in life and know that they brought you here: here to the verge of knowing what it is to be divinely free and so, how bad were those choices really, that brought you to the knowing of self, as the divine, and as the truth of all? 

So be at peace, 
You that you are, 
That peace will carry you,
Very far, on the road of the divine manifestation of self, here and now.

Friday, September 07, 2012

Love them the way that they are and they will cure themselves.

A visit with Beverly part 2

Beverly: It was pretty right on and so far for everything, except my passing when I leave this earth. 

Beverly: What I was told in our session is that I will experience something very beautiful and I am an angel of God and that I have been for many many years. I am a very old soul and I have been a care giver in this body of an angel of God  for years and years and years and I had totally forgot about who I was until I had this session with you. Do I look healthier all of a sudden? I feel healthier, I feel there is nothing I can’t conquer and there is nothing that is ever going to bring me down. I’ve know how to channel the energy that I have in a positive manner, so it was enlightening for me, thank you, I appreciate that and also when I was in this, I felt that you were also a healer and an angel as well and have been for as long as I have. 


Beverly: I felt at one point, you and I were both standing in front of him at his feet and he was sending us out to do different works. You were kind of like a Michelangelo of  the angel of God and I was just the angel, it was weird, it was very weird because I felt like you were right there with me at his feet. Does that make sense to you?

Of course. Bring that reality into the body that has been so conditioned to be suppressed, abused and traumatized, that to be able to trust to the degree necessary to open to this is really what it is all about. But I am thrilled that you were able to do it, most people are not able to go that deep. 

Beverly: I was surprised that you found it and I always have looked forward to my passing because I have always known that there was something very special waiting for me there and I realized now that it is special here, it is in me still, its what I am and who I am. I was surprised you got there and when you did I went: wow, this guy is good, he knows!

I am the only one I know of so far.

Beverly: Your the only one I know of. So there is something there Dave, something there that nobody else has.

I condemn myself so much and I have done so many things in life and business that people haven’t been happy with, that I need confirmation from others that what I do is beneficial or I condemn myself so much that I completely shut myself down. So to receive some feedback like this is nice for me.

Beverly: I was surprised you got that deep. 

If a person is open, I go right there.

Beverly: and you were right there, I went: oh my God, he knows, he knows, he senses. Not many people do. In my working in the medical field, I have had many patients that have known something was different with me, where they have said: “you are not a normal person, when you walk into the room, I felt healing."  And when you walk into the room they would recognize it with you as well.

It takes one to know one and what you experienced, you did, just, experience and that’s what is true about you, not the rest of this reality. 

Beverly: I surprised you didn’t I?

Yes, I kept looking for where you would not be open, where you would push back and say: this is too much, this is too far. It is like my friend who just called at the perfect time, where he had a gift for me spiritually. I started writing 7years ago after 5 years of him telling me: you have to write this down, all that comes through you. 

Beverly: Yes I have read some of your stuff.

So, it has always been me delivering to him for 15 years now and now at the end of our session, I was in the midst of what to me are my terrifying circumstances and he called and he completed the session for me and even though he won't let me do this with him (the depth of where his is willing to go is 10% of where we went) and yet, he loves what he is willing to receive and is in tune enough, where he called me when I needed it and set me free from a bunch of things that I have been holding onto and couldn’t Identify clearly enough to let go of. So I am going through a cathartic release right now.

Beverly: You put it out there and he found it.

The odd thing is, that even though he won't go all the way with me, he has been my fan and supporter and appreciates me more than anybody does and always has for the last 30 years. 

The only way a person can transcend, is to be right.

Beverly: right within themselves.

No, correct. They cannot be saved in ignorance, they cannot be saved in disability, they can’t be saved in wrongness: “here is the right way, you are doing it the wrong way”  they can’t come to a knowledge of the truth from that level of input even though it is true. A person "self corrects" out of their unconsciousness and unawareness only with absolute support for them being exactly who they are in this moment. And so when a person experiences what unconditional love is, they blossom. Most people are trying to find the agreed upon boundries of reality with another person: they push and probe to find out where another person gets stuck and then responds and reacts to them, to maintain how they are defining self. 

So for somebody that is moving around disabled, diseased and confused, all you can do is go: here’s the solution, “you’re loved just the way you are.” and as they allow themselves to receive that embrace, as they trust that in fact you truly do love them unconditionally and they experience what that is: then they self correct out of their defenses and judgements and opinions and considerations about who and what life is. They know that someone is present enough as the divine, loves them unconditionally and that is a game changer for someones reality.

Beverly: It’s quite a gift, quite a gift.

Love them the way that they are and they will cure themselves.

Beverly: thats been my philosophy. It wasn’t at first, it took me a while to get there but its been my philosophy for a while and if I would have had a session with you before now, I probably would have gotten there much sooner.

Lauren, where is your part today? Where will you allow yourself to come through fully and clearly? Yes,… Embrace that, or really it is more your allowing that to embrace who you present yourself to be here and allowing that embrace to mold and shift you into a clear reflection of your eternal truth instead. Then speak from there and tell us a divine comedic joke, something like: the Lauren you see is not the me that I am you see, for the me that you see that I am… Beverly, when you focus on your allowance of the divine being expressed and another person begins talking: it doesn’t matter what they say, it doesn’t matter how they start, when you focus on the divine being expressed to you from another, the other can't resist it coming through them. It’s a fun concept and an even funner experience. Tell us about your cat Lauren.

Lauren: My cat sits in front of me and wants me to tell it something, it’s reading me all of the time.

Beverly, feel divine radiance coming from her regardless of what she is saying, feel divine radiance come through and envelope and embrace you. Continue Lauren.

Lauren: I’m trying to read my cat while the cat is trying to read me. I don’t know who that cat is, its the strangest thing: he’s definitely has something in the way of knowledge or information that he is picking up from me. I don’t know what it is.

Nice, nice. Beverly, every consideration that you have had about who and what Lauren is in your entire lifetime of your experience with her, as that comes up to limit what you are willing to receive from her: let it go. OK. Lauren, tell us about something else, tell us about your dad.

Lauren: I think my father and I have gone through a few lives together and I have kind of a painful awareness of where our incarnations have been and I hope now that he is aware of what we have had as our long history and in his diminished state that he is in, I hope he can love me as I love him. 

Tell us about the weirdest psychic or spiritual experience that you have ever had. The first one the pops into your mind. 

Lauren: a complete out of the blue experience: something came to visit me in the middle of the night and I was awakened by the sound of a million bees. Bzzz vibrating the sound of bees and I opened my eyes and the room looked like a multitude of colors and patterns that were phenomenal and there was a structure that floated down and was vibrating and it had the heads of animals and different bodies that were not of this world and it hovered there and then it lifted off and left. It was like nothing I have ever heard of and it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen and I had no ideal what it was at the time.

And how many other times since the time you couldn’t remember your awakening that happened with Misha and I, how many times since then have you awakened to being present as your truth? 

Lauren: with you and Misha?

Yes about 10 years ago, the story I told you earlier. 

Lauren: there have been some times that have happened more and more.

Has there been anything that you can identify as having precipitated them? 

Lauren: a willingness to shift there and go beyond the point of maintaining any presence here at all. 

Tell us what experience has inspired you the most spiritually.

Lauren: seeing Jesus and interacting with him.

Tell us about that. When was it, where was it, what do you remember about it?

Lauren: It was when I was around 22 and I moved into a new place and didn’t want someone to know where I was and I invited someone over that I did not know very well and he had some Psylocybin and mescaline maybe and the next thing I recall was thinking that I was going somewhere where I wasn’t going to be able to come back and then there was just darkness and then there was a knock at my door and the people that I had not wanted to find me were there and they came in and I became a little enlightened and whenever I would think a question in my mind, the answer would come and after a while asking these questions I saw a cross with angels surrounding christ and all around him were angels. I had never seen angels before.

And what were they doing?

Lauren: they were just floating all together and they were just there. I remember feeling that I was a totally new being and everything around me was totally new and I heard some music playing, I was hearing a song that I did not particularly like coming from my bedroom window and I went to the window and the song inagottadavida was playing and I was visualizing that we were in a place where we could each create our own garden of eden if we chose to do that. That was the first time as an adult I was aware that something was coming through. How about you David?

Did you tell us about your conversation with Jesus?

Lauren: there was this sense of understanding how we might choose our parents and our children, where that began and originated, at that point that was important for my understanding my relationship with my father and I was asking to see my mother, she died when I was 9 and I said that I thought that it was odd that it was Jesus I saw because I did not have a clue who he was. I was expecting Moses to answer my questions at the time, but I guess Jesus filled the bill and I remember that the person that had come to see me was crying and that he seemed very connected to Jesus and he scared me. He was there to make sure that I did not go away and had come a long way to find me that night and figure out where I was. It’s hard when people don’t understand what things are important and even your own family can make it very difficult and can reject you and reject everything that makes us who we are and why we re here. All you can do is let it all go and love unconditionally. 

And there we go, now: feel as the divine flow opens up your crown and your heart and your base chakra all merging together and opening as one.