
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Be one with those who are free in their love of your love

Part one of a visit with Jeff, 

Well, there seems to be such a massive amount of unconsciousness around both of our lives, what is it that will do the most good for us in freeing ourselves? I want to go down below the superficial and to do that I have to surrender up all of those issues as being irrelevant to the choice of expanded consciousness. At the point that you make the choice of having an expanded consciousness, you should not follow any path that makes you work for it, because all that means is that you will forever be “undeserving of it.” The only path that will get you to the place that you desire is the path that frees you here and now, because here and now is where your consciousness seems to be stuck and where your stuck is where you should focus on your freedom there being restored to you. So the “here and now” is all that we are interested in discussing. 

Plans for the future; who cares about that unless you are conscious now? Unless you are conscious right now, how could you possibly plan intelligently about the future? Since you have set aside the time with me, hoping for the possibility that there will be something that will improve your life, then lets let the first step in our journey tonight be our allowance for ourselves to commune with the divine; to know it as we know ourselves, to receive from it all that it is and return to it all that we are. 

So, where within us is that possibility of our expression here as divinely free? Where within us does that lye? Where can we move our consciousness right now where the result that we have of that is; all of the self that we are here, being free? Where does our consciousness go for that to be true in this moment? It seems like there is an odd dilemma here: first we have to embrace that which is painful and that which we do not want to embrace here. We’re in severe resistance to this reality, so first we have to come to terms with that and relax into our being conscious enough here, for our obligations in polarity to be easily handled so that we can enjoy ourself here freely without opposition with others. 

So allow yourself to be conscious enough right now, where you can experience yourself as an enlightened, divine and universally aware being. Where in you is that possibility in this moment? Go there and be present and then you will be present here with me, present as your divinity, present as the demi-god that you have so feared that you are not. Like most things you fear; its not true that its never going to happen. Allow that to be your first step out; your embracing freedom for yourself. Embrace the fact there is nothing in this moment that is going to attack you physically, mentally, or spiritually. You are safe in this moment to expand your awareness out to where you know what the divine possibilities are for your manifestation here. 

Expand your awareness out to where you know what the divine possibilities are for you here, right now. You too and you and me; all of you choose to be free, all of “you” and all of “me” and all of “ours” together, along with all the “others” of others and the “selves” that we all are individually and collectively; grant all of “that,” your absolute loving allowance of their freedom to be here as a being of oneness and unconditional love. Allow that for everyone that you know. 
Yes, it feels better to “you” if you allow “them” to be their divine selves here. Your body can move from being terrified, to receiving the blessing of relaxing here. Relaxing into an acceptance and awareness and knowing and the experiential understanding that you are here as a free being, right now. 

I certainly don’t hold you back from any of that and I am the only one that you are talking to in this moment and so; listen to me and not to any of the others that aren’t even here and consider wether it is appropriate for you to accept what I am willing to give you? And, that is the awareness of, recognition and understanding of your divine and eternal self here. Would you like to know that as I do?

Jeff: yes.

So be it; know all that I know, be everywhere that I am conscious and conscious of that as yourself. I don’t know how “serious” you want to be about that. I suggest the less serious the better, so long as your “lightness” about it, is in an enlightened and loving manner so that you actually receive that for yourself willingly. Willingly receive the best that God has to give and that is for you to be as he is himself, without limitation and living the life in the awareness of “I am this self, divinely.” So be; 
“I am this self divinely.” 
I am divinely me, 
I am divinely “this”, 
I am divine myself, 
I am (regardless of what you think of me) divinely aware, because; 
I choose for myself the experience that I wish for and 
I encourage all others to do the same, but do not require their choice of that for me to know the truth of myself. 

I allow myself and so should you, the permission, the ability and the experience of; being at one with the divine flow here until the divine flow is you. The divine flow is you. Realize that and allow the body to have the experience. Allow your body to surrender all that is not true of you and leave it all behind as it embraces the love of the divine and receives the realization within itself of that which occurs when you know that unconditional love is yours, because it is given to you by everyone that you know. Allow yourself your own unconditional love until others cannot withhold theirs from you. Love yourself until the love of others, as self, is your experience here. 

Interesting how difficult that seems to be for us to embrace, but my what a wonderful cathartic release we have when we do so. If you allow yourself to be expressed divinely here, it will be nicer for you, you will enjoy it more than that which you have been living here as up until now. Allow your divine joy to be realized in you now. Yes, of course, why wouldn’t anyone do that for themselves, of course they would and you would encourage them to do so. 

Allow your divine self to be you. Come-on, who wouldn’t wish for that for them selves and their friends? And, even their enemies, (once you realize that you can never be free until he is entirely free himself; as long as you have enemies, this reality is not transformed and until this reality is transformed, you will be dealing with a very unconscious reality here and calling that your home. It’s not a lot of fun to be here as the one who can’t ever be free because he is unwilling to know the you and the me that we are beyond who we are here: the “we” that we know when we’re freely and divinely present and realized. Be present and realized divinely, now and I will do the same as much as I am willing and able. 

It would sure be nice to receive some help form you on that. On my ability to be fully sufficient to realize a divine state here. Take a shot of wishing that for me. Let me find a way of using that willingness from you, to further open and realize the truth of that myself and pass that back to you in a manner that you willingly embrace a more expanded and expansive and true experience of you, as yourself. 

So, how do you do it? I don’t know. 
You just have to kind of just keep saying:
we’ll be free, 
we choose it, 
we’re willing to be free. 
We are willing to be free. There is such a resistance to that in our bodies; “we are willing to be free.” We are willing and able, to be free here. Experience that as yourself, as your truth, as your knowing of self. 

And what of me? How much of that am I going to take on as my experience of who I am here? How much an I going to allow my environment to shift into an experiential state of; loving freedom and freedom loving me and freedom being the “he” that I am here? How much of that can we take on right now in this moment and allow it to be true for ourselves? 

Continue that surrender into your realization of divine truth. It is through a dark tunnel thats to be sure. It’s only dark, because you have not allowed yourself to be enlightened there; to see there clearly and freely. So, see there in the darkness clearly and freely and knowingly know all that is needed to know for that to not be an adversary to you or a trouble spot for your consciousness. Allow yourself to be free from that; feel that dissipate as it dissolves into a joy and an increased ability to deal with reality here. An ability to be aware enough here for reality to wish to give to us that which we want. Open you consciousness up to that level from where it is. Open your consciousness up to expanding beyond failure, into that which encompasses all success. 

Thats a lot to realize and come to terms with, but why not? Lets do it and come to terms with our allowing God to be present in our reality and knowing it and noticing it everywhere, noticing Gods presence within ourselves and outside of us, encompassing all that we are aware of. If you are free in all areas that you are aware of; thats a pretty good start, make that step for yourself: be free in all the areas that you are aware and all spaces that you feel and all the spaces where there is an “I am” that you are. 

Where is your consciousness individuated and cut off from its knowingness of the eternal truth of you? Identify all of those places within you that are locked-up there and then freely realize your truth in all aspects of that, in all areas of the sense of self and reality that you have existed in: allow it all to be free. Yes, allow it all to be free, including yourself of course. Allow all to be free, within you; free in their love of loving your freedom.

Be one with those who are free in their love of your love of your own freedom. Notice those who love you in that and allow your awareness to notice that you are now completely immersed in that love; there is no part of you that is not known by the divine intimately. How is that you say? Well, its not from not-knowing and one thing that the divine does is; know. It knows, it knows you absolutely. So; 
shouldn’t you be aware of something that knows you absolutely? 
Shouldn’t you know whats-up about that? 
Shouldn’t that be something your fully aware of yourself? Wouldn’t you have a responsibility to yourself to at least be that? Al least being a being that knows himself as a divine manifestation? Universal consciousness? Why wouldn’t you wish and choose and realize yourself as that and more? Hmm, Yes be free with yourself here, be free in knowing yourself divinely right now. It’s really easy here, your completely immersed in it already, there’s not much of a transition or shift in your consciousness that is really necessary. Just kind of let go and be carried in the arms of the divine for a moment. Surrender to the love that encompasses you completely. Surrender to the love that is ever so gently holding you, encouraging you, as you open to your knowing of the one who is true to you; the ultimate you, the eternal you, the divine truth that is in you always. Open to that now and allow yourself to move beyond the limitations that you have been living in, accepting and operating under. 

Allow yourself to be free from that. Allow yourself to awaken to the knowingness that its all OK now, that your here and the fear that you have had about your life is joyfully dissipating and dissipated in the light of your eternal truth shining through your body into this reality. The light of your eternal truth on display for all to see who are willing to see the truth of themselves. 

Your fixed idea of self cannot be held onto when the truth of you comes through

Part 2 of a visit with Jeff

Who is willing to know the truth of themselves here? Why so much fear about that? Could the truth be so awful that it would make your existence here worse than it is now? It’s not likely, its not likely. It’s likely to arm you with the tools, abilities, understandings and awarenesses necessary for you to resolve all of the issues that you have with life here; wether they be financial, physical, mental, spiritual; all the issues that makes it very difficult for anyone to see the divine manifestation of you. Allow all of those things that trigger others to be worse than they otherwise would be; allow all of that to dissolve in your presence now, knowing your own divinity. 

Just allow that in yourself right now and allow all of that trauma to just flow out, because you can’t hold onto it in the realization of the eternal light that is you. When you are the eternal light, it is impossible for you to hold onto your darkness and your consciousness is redeemed from the fall in your awareness that happens when you choose a destructive reality for yourself. We’ve expanded beyond that and chosen better in such a way that the reality that we’ve been, willingly opens and becomes our reality that is lovingly possible instead. Open to the truth of that for yourself, open to the truth that is lovingly possible for you. 

In order to do that, 
You have to embrace the truth that you believe is true that isn’t. 
You have to embrace the false truth that you are not loved. 
You have to embrace the false truth that you are not worthy. 
You have to embrace the false truth that you are not divine.
You have to embrace the false truth that nothing that I want can ever be mine, “nothing that I wan’t can ever be mine.” Mmm, well, it does seem that you have embraced that absolutely, so much so and so intimately do you know that, that from its grasp you are delivered in the knowing and understanding that there you can realize and know your divine truth and that which would limit you, cannot hold onto its fixed idea of self in the light of that experience. 

Your fixed idea of self cannot be held onto when the truth of you comes through. The lie that you have been living, you cannot keep giving the reins and choices of what your life is here to that. Your knowing of truth is where your decisions are now made, because you just chose that right now, you chose your presence as one that knows truth and that is true to yourself and to others. “True” meaning accurate, true meaning straight, no deviation between choice and result, a straight line between the two, united in an experience of what it is to truly be free here. 

What does it take for you to choose to be that? Willingly choose to be free here, Jeff. Willingly choose to be free here, Jeff. Choose it, choose it willingly. 
Willingly receive the results of that choice. Any questions Jeff?

Jeff: I’m just taking it in.

OK, the question that you would like to ask is; “how do I transform my body right now, because I know that I am going to wake up in the embodied consciousness of being a unhealthily overweight person, so since I am going to wake up as that in the morning?” Then: LETS AWAKEN THERE AS DIVINELY conscious as it is able to be here as that. Isn’t that all that you can do for yourself is; to the degree that you can allow in this moment for yourself to be expressed divinely that you actually do that?

Jeff: yes.

OK, so how much more can you do it now in this moment? 
How much more can you allow yourself to experience the divine now? Good. 
How much more divine can now, be for you? 
How much more divine can now be for you than the now a moment ago? 
How much more divine now? Choose it, choose it, choose it. 
How much more divine now? Choose it, choose it, choose it, choose it. 
How much more diving now can you experience yourself to be? 
How much more now? And now? 
How much more now? 
How much more divine can I be in this moment to myself? Hmm, interesting that you have to wonder if you are going to be adversely affected by that. What a tragedy that is to live in a reality where you can’t trust other to wish well for you and where you can’t wish well for all others. 

How much more can you embrace your truth that allows you to wish for all others a glorious experience of themselves and their life here? To experience themselves as the glory of God: not as a fraud, not as a pretense, not as a lie that you have to experience. No more lies, but the truth of yourself, the truth of us, and the truth of yours; all of us and all of you.
Can we all be divinely true? 
Can we know that truth of self that is beyond this earthly “me” I've been? 
Can that which is me embrace eternity? 
Can it be true that from “this” I can be freed?

Why not? Of course. 

Jeff: Yes.

Why not, of course, of course why not. Interesting that for us to move forward we have to find a way to redeem ourselves from our own self condemnation. 
Wow, what a reality to be stuck in; one where we condemn ourselves to be a prisoner here. 
Where our consciousness is a prisoner. 
Where we don’t know ourselves and we don’t know anyone else either. 
We don’t show our hand truly. 
We don’t say; “here I am and this is my truth” and have it be one that you enjoy, that they enjoy. 
What truth of you can you embrace that everyone else will celebrate when they share it with you? 
When they know you? 
When they see you? 
When they come to an awareness that you exist? 
What you will be delightful to all of us? Move your awareness there. Expand your awareness out to that and embrace it as your own and as you do: you realize that you have come home to a greater truth than you have been living.

Allow a greater truth than what you have been living to be realized throughout all of you right now. 
Allow all that you are to awaken to their freedom. 
Allow all of you to be free and allow all of us and ours and theirs and them. 
Allow all others to know their truth here. 
Don’t try to force a truth on them that you believe is true that they are going to be resistant to. 
Don’t force anything ever; willingly allow them to know their truth. 
Allow yourself to know their truth and their truth to be known in you, so that when they look at you they say; “my, isn’t that beautiful that I know the whole truth of myself now and can express it beautifully?” 

Allow the possibilities of your financial abundance to open up for you. Feel all that is connected with the flow of money and,
Allow the flow of money to be unrestricted by you. 
Allow yourself to be open to what the universe is willing to give you. Open, see it, know it, recognize it and say; “ah ha, I get it,” thank you. Why not that for yourself? Ah ha, 
I get it, thank you, thank you, yes, got it, thank you, thank you. 
I got it, 
I got the gift of freedom from you and 
I saw it and 
I opened and 
I received and 
I took into myself; freedom from myself, freedom as myself, freedom in me, granting freedom in you. 

Allow yourself to communicate to the others that you need to, for you to communicate what you want and need here in life. Give them an opportunity to give it to you and an opportunity not to, but within that opportunity not to; you retain your choice to find what you wish to have here from another. Don’t stick yourself with someone who is stuck. What does that mean? That means don’t stick “yourself.” It doesn’t mean don’t communicate with others who are stuck; they are all stuck, it means don’t stick yourself with the limitations chosen by another. 

Within all the relationships that there are, you can still be free. Be free in all the relationships that you have; free to be successful in them in a manner that is enjoyable for you and the others. Know how to create your circumstances on your terms and where your terms are willingly and openly received by others. Be conscious enough to be here as that. 

Any observations or comments?

Jeff: while I was listening, a couple of things occurred to me and happened; one is that connecting with the divine or being the divine, realizing that God is everywhere, God is me, God is out there, not only inside of myself it is everything; consciousness is everything.

Thank you for saying that, its helping me be free right now. Keep talking.

Jeff: So, the relationship is really one of connection and bridging the gap between what I believe is separate… What I have come to believe is separate is not separate, that is a lie.

Yes, of course.

Jeff: and so to eliminate separation, connects me to all consciousness.


Jeff: call it what you may; consciousness, God, God himself, whatever that is pervades everything and its inescapable and that is my true existence.

Very well said.

Jeff: that was one epiphany, the other one was self love, connecting to others in love. You said if I have enemies then I am not living fully consciously. If there are enemies that is a good indicator that I am outside of consciousness or living in a lesser reality.

Yes, horrible.

Jeff: and a painful reality if I have enemies of any kind.

Yes, that is true. Unless you can approach somebody, look them in the eye and feel an irresistible urge to love everything about them and have that urge become your experience in reality; where you can’t help yourself… You are irresistibly and unconditionally in love with them...

Jeff: thats another element, if I am outside of love for another and do not feel that love: then “the lights go out.”

Say that again.

Jeff: if I in any way lack love, or are not connected to love with any person or anything, then the lights go out and I am walking in darkness.

Yes, and you are no more God, you are walking as man and as man you are lost and fallen and walking through a literal valley of death.

Jeff: so what I'm getting really, is that the tool for me, is to eliminate separation by consciously connecting to divine consciousness.

Lets try it a different way, because you can do it that way, now lets try it the opposite of that; just allow your awareness to expand out until you feel the divine embrace.

Jeff: do what? Say that again.

Allow your awareness to expand out infinitely in all directions until your awareness feels the divine embrace. Allow your awareness to keep going out until all aspects of self feel the divine embrace and as you continue expanding out until all aspects feel the divine embrace, the divine embrace goes deeper and deeper and deeper within you embracing all that seemed would never be free and granting you your choice to be that freedom.

Jeff: it is the choice.


Jeff: the second that I say; OK I wish to be divine, it starts coming at me.

Good, OK, I wish to be divine too. 

Jeff: yes, its like something I’ve established though. Its like building a house, it becomes easier once I really establish that reality, that possibility. Once I’ve created that channel for that to happen, sure I can get lost in my false reality or a number of false realities, again, but the minute I go back to, for the lack of a better symbol; sit in that divine chair for example, then my truth begins to come to my awareness again.

Yes, it moves stage by stage and at each stage and level of awareness; you do that and you appreciate that and you choose for more; you take the next step. 

Jeff: it’s something that I have to have a relationship with, its just not going to happen overnight for most people.

But, they can feel it in this moment and thats the point now, is to use this opportunity to experience the truth in this moment. So lets do that again in this moment, lets do that one more time Jeff. 

Jeff: OK.

Relax, experience the truth of yourself. Well, interesting, it appears that you are going to find this within you, not expanded out into the universe, but deep within.

Jeff: well it is both; as above, so below. 

Take a look at that and see if it is true. You can’t reasonably say that anyone here has been divinely present; nothing that has been taught has resulted in that being manifested in our awareness by anyone that we have ever met or heard of. So, lets just say; bullshit on all of the “ways” that were given as the ways that it would truly happen for us, given the fact that it did not and has not happened for anyone else. So if no one has successfully become free here by any of the methods that are purported to result in that, then I think you can dismiss anything you have ever heard on earth as it has done nothing but lead you down the path of unconsciousness.

Jeff: yes.

So with that, say; 
Goodbye earth, 
Goodbye earth, 
Goodbye human consciousness, 
Goodbye collective insanity, 
Goodbye, goodbye, its not me, not mine, not ours, its simply only a bad choice and one that we no longer choose. 

Is it overwhelming? 
Is it unlimited? 
Is it beyond our ability to change that within ourselves? 
Is there a point where we know that we have regained our freedom here and that it doesn’t change? Where does it happen where our freedom is embraced by ourselves?

Jeff: I think its not a realization.

Thats just a speculation, what I am asking for is; where is it right now, for you to experience?

Jeff: the fact is; I already am. 

Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. By observing others, I would say that it is not. Are they all divine in origin? Yes. Are any one of them divinely free? No. Has anything that has ever been said on the subject useful to orient yourself to find a way out? No, it didn’t work for anybody. Everyone that was lost here, stayed lost here.

Jeff: if you look at an infant, they have not built a construct of a false reality. 

Who hasn’t

Jeff: an infant, a child, a baby. In a sense a small baby is connected to the divine already.

Maybe, but it is in a completely ineffective vehicle for effecting this reality from a divine consciousness. It doesn’t have the ability to communicate on a level of understanding of the more advanced minds here, so maybe it is there, yes maybe, but it didn’t “save” those of us here that were unconscious. So a “divine baby” didn’t work for us being the divine here.

Jeff: when you were talking, the other epiphany I had was first we were talking about weight loss or health and what came into my mid was the simpler…

Are you trying to confuse me? 

Jeff: no.

I am going unconscious. 

Jeff: I’m sorry. Ha ha, I’m not trying to do that.

Relax, relax please. 

Jeff: the Idea was if we become simpler, less complex.

Jeff, yes, but it hasn’t worked for anybody. 
A lot of people are simple.
A lot of people are relaxed.
A lot of people are well adjusted here.
A lot of people are happy here.
A lot of people love it here, but is it wrong to say; I wan’t to embody the entire truth of myself here? Is there a good reason why nobody has done it? Is there? Whats the good reason that you haven’t done it?

Jeff: its because I am so complex, so bundled up and attached.

Thats not a Good reason; Gods attached to every leaf on every tree on every tree in every universe that ever was or ever will be. (If that’s not a bit confusing to try to grasp, nothing is.) 
Don’t take upon yourself the lie of the impossibility for you to be infinitely connected and infinitely free at the same time. 
Don’t accept for yourself a level of consciousness that is unable to express itself in a manner that grants freedom to yourself and others. 
Don’t allow that to be you.

Jeff: you just said it right there; its infinitely connected and yet infinitely free. 

So do it Jeff, right now.

Jeff: OK.

Do it; infinitely connect and realize your freedom there. Follow me, I will guide you. Here we go… 

Now show me all that you know that is beyond my awareness… 

Now lets both connect to all that have ever known or experience greater consciousness than we have... 

Willingly open to and open up to receiving from and flowing to those whose knowing of you is infinite. Open up to that. Hmm, open up to that now, open up to the infinite now. Be the center of infinity, in time and space and beyond. 
Be the point that joins everything together. 
Be the point that all roads lead to, all thoughts connect with, all presence surrenders to. Be that which surrenders…

I have said what I have said and we have experienced what we have experienced and it hasn’t been enough, so the question is; is it OK to do more, to know more, to have more than what we have been able to embrace so far? Is it OK for us to embrace and have it all? Whatever that means.

Jeff: what ever that means. You said it right there, we can contain whatever we are capable of. The idea is to expand capacity.

OK, I am looking at that within myself and I can see the benefit and need for doing that. I will go with that.

Jeff: the limitations that we have are our inability to believe, our inability to accept or our inability to connect. Like you said; the more we expand those then we begin to have so much more exponentially. 

Well, that feels good to me. What does it take to have that right now? Is that possible?

Jeff: its like flow; we can tap in and flow.

OK lets do it. Jump in, allow the flow to move you, 
to embrace you, 
to take you with all that embrace their divine selves. 
To mix you in that bowl of soup; those who all, each and every one of them; know their divine truth.

Jeff: yes. I love that Idea.

Don’t think of it as an idea. Just do it. 

Jeff: OK, Yah.

Say yes, yes, yes, me too, me too.

Jeff: yes.

Yes, that helps a lot as you come to those areas you have been unwilling to free in and aware of, where you haven’t been willing to know your truth. It’s pretty-hard to expand beyond those, until you are willing to know; willing to know your truth within your own self. 

Ahh, well there seems to be an opening, a channel of sorts, can that be embraced in a more transformational way than the one that you are experiencing right now?

Jeff: yes, I think so, I believe it.

Well, do it then.

Jeff: like you said earlier, its a matter of choice.

Well, choose it. 

Jeff: I am doing it right now.

Nice, nice, good, Oh finally! Thank you! Now “THAT” is you! “That” is a you that feels comfortable to me.

Jeff: like a butterfly that just came out of its cocoon. 

Be so free within yourself, that there is nothing within you that needs to explain itself to me. Be that free. Better, nice! Yes… 

Freedom for yourself. Its the very best kind of blessing you can give, because when you are free yourself you will be a blessing to all the rest of us. Of course you should probably be an experienced meditator to do this exercise so that you don’t give any significance to the energies moving through you. You just recognize that you are unburdening yourself.

Oh yes, yes, allow yourself to unburden completely. Allow yourself to be free from all that you have accepted here as your traditional burden and allow yourself to be unburdened from the burdens of the body. Allow the burdens of the body to be free in you. Allow the burdens of the body to be divinely free. 

How does the divine move as me, in everything that I say and everything that I do? So to; 
how does the divine move as you in everything that you say and in everything that you do? 
How does the divine move as that? Move as you? 
How do you allow more for everyone now? 
How do you allow everyone their next step in consciousness? Their next step in their realization of truth? 

By choosing for yours to be realized easily. Now the ways that your can be realized quickly and easily is for you to always know you regulate your blessings by those you are willing to give or not, to another. 

So instead of letting your consciousness scramble around trying to find a way to better itself above others; focus your awareness not just on that which will better yourself but on that which ALL celebrate when they realize the truth of it. Celebrate everyones realization of the truth that frees us all. Allow that truth of the universal celebration of divinity, 
to be known in you. 
To be seen, 
to be available and 
to be a support for the rest of us as we struggle, 
to be aware of our own possibilities here. 

Realize that you always come here in your truth and that you realize that realization as your opening to heaven on earth being a reality here, for us all. Allow that fire within you to burn out of control and be the flame with which all your follies are consumed.

How much does it fundamentally change for us now?

Jeff: what?

As a result of the choices we have made tonight; how much change is there on who and what we are here? 
What we are aware of, 
what we know and 
what we understand? 
How much of a shift has been created and 
how can that be enhanced and supported? 
How can your choice of a better life in every way for yourself be fully, sublimely, elegantly and exuberantly realized in you?

Jeff: are you asking me?

I am asking you to realize that answer within yourself. To be that answer. 
I am asking you to be the living fountain of divine presence. 
I am asking you to be here in such as way that; 
I am always at my best and that best just keeps right expanding. 

It seems a bit of a selfish wish for me since considering the result that it has upon me, but there is nothing greater that I could wish for you than that. I wish for you the greatest freedom that you can wish for yourself and I mean it. 

Breath freely here, don’t let anything suppress your life force. Be beyond anything that wishes to control you, until it naturally changes its mind because it recognizes in you an authority greater than themselves and yet one that sees within them, that same truth and invites it to come forth and be known here and be shown here as an option for those who would like to know more than what they perceive themselves to be right now. 

Allow yourself to grant a wonderful beingness to yourself, to the presence that has the difficult task of resolving all of the problems that you have in life. Everything that you have created for yourself that needs to be resolved and cleaned up; grant a divine sense of being, presence and awareness to that self. Give that self that is going to fix all of you, all of the tools necessary to do that in the most efficient and easy and wondrous way that has ever been known. 

Open up to a sublime state of being. Know what it is to never be needing that which another is unwilling to give you, because you already have it, its already yours, its already you and you already have won the battle of becoming because; you already are, are already that which it is possible to be and you are open to having that truth fully realized in your own body and what ever twists and turns and harmonies that the body will go through; you allow it, because YOU ARE FREEDOM, its expressed all around you by others; you are the freedom of others and the freedom of self. You are the freedom that begs no definition of self or of me or of I AM. You don’t need a label for you to know yourself.

Well, we are coming to the end of the second video tape and it will be another few minutes I guess. 
Notice that the sublime and ultimate truth of the divine infuses all reality here and observe it as it is embraced and realized in your body. 
Notice the divine and its willing reception in you. 
Interesting that the divine is willingly received in you. 
No more resistance, 
no more fight, 
no more fighting God and demanding that he not be true for you. 
No more demanding that she not show herself on earth any more. All that demanding resulted only in damning yourself to what you have been. 
Notice the divine within, the divine you, within you and never without you, but always outside any defined you as well, because it can never be contained by words, can never be controlled by incantations, curses or prayers. That which is in you is free from others, because those brothers who have forgotten themselves are far away from the divine truth that shifts reality, but when they stray into your presence; they are able to know enough, to know that the divine flow is here, in their presence, when they are with you. And, God bless you to that because God bless you, its true. Truly true in you, all the way, through and through and through all the rest of them too. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

The renaissance of God is who we are here

You are chosen of God, feel it. Allow for that realization to permeate all of your embodied consciousness. Allow yourself to be taken throughout your body, taken by the awakening into the realization of God consciousness as “the truth that you are.” 

You have been chosen by God, feel it.
You have been chosen of God, just pay attention and notice and you will see that it is true.

I want to do better than “this,” I want life to be easy for me, how can that be? I’m doing my best, but I don’t know if I can make my life work, my best isn’t good enough. I’ve got to find a way to exceed the best that I can do, which means that there has to be some kind of divine providence occur in order to receive that, because that which isn’t justly deserved on earth, can only be manifest otherwise by being chosen of God. 

Why would it be considered evil for you or another to accept the fact that you are “chosen of God?” if you accept the choice that God has made for you to be divinely true,  shouldn’t you let God’s choice be allowed to realize that in you? The realization that you are chosen of God is one that you can dive into infinitely and realize the enjoyment of what it is to be divinely present. 

Holy, holy, holy, is your name. 
Holy, holy holy, is your realization.
Holy, holy, holy, is the way to be free.
Holy, holy, holy, is the way to be me.
“Wholly me,” for a “holy you.”

You are the divinely chosen of God, just allow that to reverberate throughout you. Allow “the chosen one of God” to be that which is known throughout all of you. 

Ahh, my love is in me once more: I am filled with my own love of myself. When you lack that, then you are a ewe that has condemned itself from being lost from the shepherd. You are the shepherd and 
you are the ewe, 
the “you” of two, 
embodied and true. 
The savior and the damned, 
together as one man. 

Ohh, we will see what the end of this will be.

Get yourself a master by being the master of your own souls realization here. Be the chosen of God, not by choice, but by the realization that you are. 
The realization that you are,
The experience of your truth, 
Is what shifts you here, because the truth of you manifest here cannot continue to be that which does not serve well humanity.

To thyself be true, by being what others truly need here and that is: he who can be here as a blessing to us all. Isn’t that the truth that God noticed and realized in himself: that you were the “self” for God? You don’t have to do it and think about it and wonder if you are doing it right or not. All you have to do is notice that you are and the more that you notice that you are: the more completely true it is. 

You are the chosen one of God and we are going to make sure that you realize that. 

OK have your way. 

It’s not wrong for you to believe that your: “the chosen people” its not wrong, its right that you choose your rightness of being the chosen of God, but you don’t act upon another in only a partial realization of that: you realize it fully and then you act, because if you are still in conflict with others when you begin to realize that you are chosen, then you can misuse that to create insanity in yourself. Nobody else should know once it begins to happen to you, just sit with it and be at peace as waves and waves and waves of further and greater realization and truth flows throughout your body and effortlessly increases. You are the chosen of God and thats OK, just allow your body to realize what that means so that your body vibrates with the joy and unconditional love of divine presence. 

( put video minutes in here first two) 

In the state that you are in: God bless you for being willing. But in the state that you are in, your just going to have to surrender to God choosing you as a vessel for his presence and consciousness. You only have to notice that that choice has already been made by God, that you have been chosen by God to be one with him and her and they and us and our. Chosen by all that are holy, whatever that means. What you can count on it meaning is: it will be a joyous celebration for you and a wonder for us as well. 

It is a wondrous thing to see a man, a woman, a child, a father, a mother, grandparents, cousins, friends and family, sons and daughters. What a joy to see an opening, a willingness and an understanding of what the divine is. A complete understanding of what the divine is and that can only be known and understood by the divine. That which can comprehend and knows the divine, is the divine and divine presence is your birthright, (whatever that means). Lets just say that it means you have permission to be free, you have permission to realize the truth of your life here and how the truth of your life here can embody a wondrous truth: that the divine is you.

So try that one on, try it on and see if it fits, see if it has been expertly tailored, exactly for you? An exact magnificent fit. Fit for a King as it were: the King of you, the Queen of you, the holy one with God. Wholly one with God, the holy one of God. The holy one you see, is the truth of you and me, the truth of us and ours, the truth of they and theirs. Theirs also, is the truth of God. They have all rights, all honors, all permissions, all prerequisites, all items necessary required by anyone or anything.  You all have that, from everyone, right now, so that you may be free. You are the chosen one of God, be free with that. Find your freedom in divine truth. Find the holy, in the wholeness of you. Hmm, its a nice shift a wonderful improvement when you allow that to be free. 

Allow your life to get better absolutely, but allow yourself this right now and allow the divine to bless the temporal magnificently and wondrously. Receive within yourself all that needed to be true to release you, to free you, to bless you and to bring you the transcendent truth that you have always known was true: that God is me and God is you and God is they and them and theirs and ours. Allow that all, to be at home within you. 

Do you really have to go this far to be free? Do you really have to petition the ultimate truth of self to save you from the self that you have been here? Maybe you do. Cause if the truth that you have been here has been a sad one for you and yours: then God knows that to receive the divine, is something that would be wonderful for you: receive the divine and be free. Condemn no one, not even... me. 

Free yourself and
 free me too, 
with the love, 
that comes from you. 

Bless me free forever be and 
I for you will forever be, 
Yes I will.

Grateful for your blessing of freedom, 
for the impossible to be true,
the impossible me and 
the impossible you.

The impossible we, 
the impossible us, 
the impossible ours and 
Theirs, all mixed up as us humans.

What is to happen to us humans? 
Are we to open into our truth where we can live it with each other? 
Are we going to exhibit to ourselves our divinity, or are we going to be an exhibit in the ongoing battlefield of earth? 
Exhibit A,
Exhibit B,
Exhibit see, no, you don’t. If you need an exhibit to see and you need and exhibit to b and you need an exhibit to Ahh yes… Then it is not likely to be. Requiring the exhibition of another before you reveal the truth of yourself, hmm, not really fair is it? Because to hold back the truth of yourself from others is holding it back from yourself as well, but the truth that you hold back is the truth that would free you. 
The truth that you hold back would never betray you, 
the truth you resist and reject without remorse, is the 
truth that will free you in very due course. 
The truth that is me and the 
truth that is you fulfilled, fully free, divinely you and divinely me: enjoy it now, you’re chosen of God. Enjoy it.

Hmm, open and enjoy it:
The enjoyment of God as it plays within you, 
the enjoyment of God, at home and in you. 
In you Gods free and in you to see, I
s the presence of God, 
the God of you and of me, 
the God of us and of ours and 
all the movie stars. 

So seriously, can one be that being proposed by me? 
That being that you are, 
merge with that being of grace and stars, 
open to the love that frees you, 
open to the one who’ll be you, 
the one whole truth of you and I, 
the one whole truth, the being that I... 
Welcome and know and 
understand that God is free, 
when a man sees within himself that it is so. 

The more he looks the more he knows, the truth of God is found within and carried through everything thick and thin. 
Its lost and 
found and 
sadly true: 
it hasn’t been me and 
hasn’t been you, 

but that doesn’t mean that you “here and now,” (and not just now and then,) but now… and then: now… in a continuum as you realize that you are the chosen one of God. 

You are the chosen of God. Hmm.

So what do we do here you and I now? 
The transformation is incomplete. What do I do now? 
Do I run away and forget? 
Do I choose to sit, here and there? 
As I sit, I feel God, the little shit, remind me once more, the truth and the eternal score of the play of life and the right that we have within that to be what has been that and what is beyond that. 

The chosen of God: feel the truth of you there. Feel the truth of you in the choice of God: the chosen of God, feel your truth there, what does that do to you as a person when you feel the truth of you in God? 

What is it that we’re unraveling here? 
Why is this a struggle here? 
Why is the embodiment of God such a rare occurrence here?

Because you don’t choose it as your reality. Choose God as your reality. 
What happens? 
What shifts? 
What frees up in you? 
Observe how it opens you to infinite possibilities and releases you from all temporal condemnations, including your own. 

Observe the end of your confusion, 
the end of your delusion, 
Yes, your delusion, 
your illusion of you. 

The illusion of you, 
you now know, 
is no more true.
The illusion of you has been forever shaken, 
the illusion of you, 
that was mistaken. 
The illusion of you that didn’t feel so nice, 
the illusion of you transformed into something, nice. 
The illusion of you and 
the illusion of me,  that the freedom that I wish for myself you see. 
Forever changed, 
fundamentally realized, 
divinely opened and 
divinely free. 
Open to that 

We don’t deny that theres seemingly unlimited opposition within ourselves, 
but there will be an end to that opposition: 
we’re ending it now ourselves. 
We do not oppose the divine way, 
the divine flow, 
the divine awareness of self and yet: 
we’re still stuck in the muck and 
continue to suck 
on the earth mothers breast and say: 
help me mama, 
give me your best. 
Help me mama, hold me close your chest. 
Help me mama, 
help me learn to be free. 
Help me mama, 
know what it is to be true, 
true to you and true to me too. 
True to myself that I am here, 
true to my word: 
lets make that thing stand here. 
True to the friends and 
the enemies I have. 
True to myself until there’s no fear here. 

The never ending transformation it would seem. 
The never ending drama of: “stuck in a dream.” 
The dream of a self that so wishes to be true. 
The dream of the self that is a lie of me and of you. 
The truth of the self that can’t ever be free, 
the truth of myself, of you and of me. 
That truths not eternal, 
that truths not controlling, 
that truths willingly realizes the governing and controlling truth of the divine way of self realization: is letting that already be true. Let it be true in this moment: the divine realization for you. Allow it to be true continuously. Don’t be afraid of it, allow divine realization to move you. Allow divine realization to show you the truth and take your full measure, that God may know truly that your there fully with him and her as the union of the two. Within me, the divine union of man and woman and yin and yang. Open to your being blessed as that, from that and by the truth of yourself that you find there. 

We’ll I think on that note we will take a break for a moment, walk around the room and take this in.

If you are tense, you are blocking off and damning your truth to not be present in you, so: allow yourself to be free. 
Is that a possibility for all of you? 
Is there a way for the body to be free? 
Is there a way for the body to be free as blocked as it has been? 
How does it embrace the divine that lies within the core essence of yourself? 
How do you release from what you have been into what you really are? 
How to release from what you have been into what you really are? 
What does it take for the embodiment of you to willingly shift into an expanded presence of a greater truth of you than you knew that you were and are? 

Its you that I see, in the me that I am here. 
Its you that I know in the flow of I AM here. 

That which is in you or that which is in you which is aware of himself here: 
what is it that we do to know the truth through and through? 
How fleeting it is, 
how determinably lost we are, 
but truth and hope are here too, 
making the best of the me that is true. 
Opening me up that I might see the eternal truth in you is also present in me God. Its also present in me Goddess. 

The truth of us all: make your choice, Where you awaken from the fall. 

Got you now on that one I did, 
freaked out and framed here and 
lost in the ID.
The ID of I AM, 
the ID in the ego, 
the truth of me there is not the truth of me tho. 

Live as I do, 
as one in the zoo, 
caged in and shut down, 
I lost my holy crown. 
One of the lost and lonely sheep, 
your end is near dear: 
the end of fear, here, for you. 

Because your chosen of God, holy from on high and one with the most powerful: 
the God of truth, 
the God of wonder, 
the God of all of us hereunder, 
that from our divine perch and branch and tree, 
did let go and in humanity, 
found yourself and all your brothers, 
now to know the truth and the divinity of others, 
the divinity of self, 
the divinity of you, 
the divinity of me too. I will bless you with the constant knowledge that that is yourself, as if you needed it, you holy self, be one and true, I speak to me now. 

So, how are we doing? 
How comfortable is your opening? 
How supported is your realization? 

Yes, well supported, well supported. Your realization is well supported, now thats a relief. 
Well, how about that? 
Isn’t that just amazing? 
You’re realization is well supported and mine is too. The holiness of me and the holiness of you brought together once more, Mmm… no more stories, but the openness to knowing how we move through life here as our truth. No more damned, hmm, 
no more damned, 
no more stopped, 
no more lost and fallen, 
believe me if that could happen to me it certainly is there for you. There and always present and waiting with an expectant excitement that your here and now, ready and free and fully willing to embrace your divinity. 

Of course its preposterous I know, 
its obviously all for show, 
so, show and tell is here, 
even tho you are not near to me and 
far from my moment in time. 
Never the less you are divine, 
so let me feel your presence in my time and place, 
bless me with your holy grace, 
fill me with your light divine and 
fully upon me, 
may you shine and 
see in me that which in you is true: 
the we ourselves are no more two, 
but one in heart and 
one in purpose, 
one and open to the holy furnace that burns within each of us who are true and consumes the self that brought us to this point in time for this transition to make. 

We sacrifice ourself on the truth that we state: that forever and free, we choose to be, the divine embodied, if God chooses me and chosen he has, but its yet not true now, hmm, but it sure beats the me that I was before now. 

No more fighting God is what we choose now. 
No more stopping truth. 

Now, there you go: your coming through time now, moving dimensionally, expanding beyond all that limit themselves. Thats the truth of you, the truth I see, the truth I feel, hmm and welcome in me, from you and the truth I flow back to the you that you are now: holy, whole and free, in your divinity. What happens to a self that chooses that here? We’re open to know and open to hear. 

Well, the camera tape is finished. It appears that we have a few minutes left before the tape is finished, so whats the final word? 

Don’t look for the final word, 
realize that the final act has run and 
is realizing its completion in you, 
because you are the final word, 
the final end of us all. 
You are that which was redeemed from the fall, 
restored and one and whole and holy. 
Full of bliss and love, 
thou that you are, 
there is that,
 be here and now, 
so that I know where its at. 

Know me divinely, 
so that I know that you know. Can you do it in the next minute? Thats about all the time we have left on tape, bless me now and seal my fate, that I may know the truth of me, the truth of you and the truth that is free...

The renaissance of God is who we are here.