
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Freedom, it's nice for everyone.
It sounds like you have heard it before and it sounds good to hear it, but your being is very much in resistance to it. There are lots of reasons you have that some should not be free, when you can be at peace with everything and everyone being free, then everything and everyone will be at peace wih your being free. Relax into it, you will like it.


Sunday, September 19, 2010


If what it is is what it is then why do i want it to be different? Hypochondria schizofrenia?


Just because something is what it is, once you fully appreciate it and
understand it, you can decide to change it to suit your next whim. You
just can't change it in resistance and unconsciousness as to what the
result will be.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

And now how much?

Immanuall 9/18/10 with stevo

The first thing that I would like to say is that our intention here is for us to create a safe place for ourselves, for you and I to be able to reveal our divine nature to the human consciousness that we are interacting with; your friend David and my friend Steve. We are here to open up to receive the awareness of what it is to know the divine in another.

Steve, so explain to me what you are doing, it's like a form of martial arts.

What I am doing is surrendering all of my control over the manifestation that I perceive through here and so as I let go of the fears that somehow as I surrender to the divine that it can be dangerous or could be somehow inappropriate to be here as ourselves with no pretenses that we are other than what we are.

Divine movement is not a teachable movement, it is what you surrender into when you surrender to the cause that precipitates and creates reality. You allow that to infuse the body, you learned that in church; the body is a temple for God. This is how you do that; you, as everything in this moment that your consciousness identifies as you, whatever it is that, that comprises, you as that offer yourself to the ultimate expression of consciousness in the eternities and you say; here I am and I am ready to host the hosts of heaven. You then allow that consciousness to move the body through all that is unconscious and unaware of what it is to be divinely aware and divinely conscious. So that you can move and speak and be and live and act as the transcendent truth of our selves throughout the entirety of our awareness. 

Apparenty it is a bit of a difficult thing to do because, I have been doing it for so long that I wonder when it is going to fully be embodied and I am trying to figure out what it is that can be such an experience of sublime presence and why that should be so difficult for us to be willing to experience for ourself as our normal state of being, so I suggest that you just surrender to that which is worthy of your surrender to it. One where when you do so, God is here with us. When we surrender to the infinite, then God is here with us, as us. 

So just dive off of the cliff of uncertainty and say God have your way with me and at every step and in every moment confirm that, until your own consciousness begins to become aware that it has a choice in what the reality is here and that your choice is the only one that matters for you. There is no higher power that grants you your divinity. There is no higher power; that is your power, that is your natural state of being, that is who you are and all of the rest of it is just a creation that is temporary that just passes away.

It's not you and don't come from thinking about yourself as that. As much as possible say; Steve B. He's one of the guys that I act through occasionally when I do business and family stuff, but luckily I can snap out of that as quickly as possible and say; what else am I? What else am I besides Steve, what happens to Steve when the being that is listening to these words says; add unto Steves awareness all of the eternities of awareness that the being responding to the name Steve has experienced? And allow that experience and that knowingness to be the come from awareness and consciousness that you interact with this reality as.

Yes the experiences and lessons of this lifetime are great, but guess what? If that is what you are relying on, you are not going to get the result that you want to achieve here. You know what you came here for; you came for it all. You came to be the the body that embodies the infinite magnificence of divine consciousness, that is what you came here to be. Don't hold onto the body's experiences as your defining sense of self. The body did these things and those things happened to the body, ok, but compare those experiences to the eternity of your awareness and the endless realities that you have participated in through eternity and let this reality go into perspective as to it's influence on your identity here. 

Things happen to bodies, as they grow up they have experience, that's it. Now are you going to use the body, or are you going to be the body? Are you going to use it or be it? Because if you are going to be it; god knows that you ain't going to be God.
(Or god consciousness for those people who are ready to consider the possibility of God consciousness without accepting the responsibility of what that means, which is in fact that you are God). In referring to god, you are not talking about some beingness that is not you also. I am talking about the truth of you that is absolute, that is endless and timeless, that is the you that i am asking this of; be here with me now as you and every time that we interact, I want the infinite truth to be what I know through your presence. Is that too much to ask?

Steve, it is actually freeing and liberating.

Thank God, somebody that is willing to be free, it pretty hard to find in this reality. Do you see anybody free? Do you see anyone able to do anything and everything that they can conceive of doing and being in this reality? Do you know anyone that has achieved that? There are some guys that have written some clever books, some profound books, some terrific books that everybody that is unconscious agrees is the guy or one of the guys that "made it". These people who don't know anything, yet they are all agreeing or disagreeing on who does know, who their expert is, is that who you are going to look to also for agreement on who and what you are?

Steve, no you can't.

Or you are one of them and you don't want to be one of them, you want to be here as your truth. So that truth has a chance in this reality, because so far, it's not here, it's not here, it doesn't exist. It's a trap for everyone who dives into this reality, not one of them comes back to their truth. Why is that? Why? Is there really one hundred percent agreement that none of us are going to live, be, act and move here as our eternal truth? How could there be a100% failure rate or a 100% agreement from all of us that that is what we are going to do? How could our consciousness be so completely entrapped that none of us ever choose our truth here? Because if we did, if we did, it would be a different reality here as soon a some of us could live, be and move through this reality as our truth at least with each other.

At least lift the veil for one or two people that you trust, that we don't have to feel that we a violating any eternally binding agreements to exist in lower consciousness here. How could that kind of agreement possibility be binding on a consciousness that is truly choosing to manifest eternal truth here? Guess what? It can't, it can't limit a being that has committed to the truth of existence to be known through him. It is the reason that I am here, but I don't yet see it in myself or others daily. I don't see it, I don't see one consciousness in this reality that is conscious of their eternal truth and divine freedom.

Steve, why is that?

That's the wrong question, the question is; is it relevant to my choice of beingness in this moment? No. What happens when you make that choice? What happens when you say, ok I know from a state of right here and now consciousness, that I can do that as good as anybody. So do I need to look to anybody here for guidance on how to further expand that state, so that it becomes the degree of freedom that I wish to exhibit here? That self realization of the eternal through this body?

None that are worth obeying, there is no reason to keep a commitment made in lower consciousness that forever damns you to be an effect of your own creation where you can never come home again to your truth. This is the reality that we have here, it is what is.  Are we comfortable with it continuing being that way, so long as it is comfortable with us being the way that we want?

Steve, based upon results yes. 

OK so the first degree of divine consciousness is achieved when you give this reality the permission to be exactly what it chooses to be in each moment with no interference from yourself whatsoever. It is what it is and if you grant it that freedom, then you are free in this reality to be the truth of yourself. What you do with that truth we don't know yet, but one thing that we do know is that we enjoy it. So what we are going to do is keep looking at what it is to be the embodiment of divine freedom here. And each improvement that we make on that we are going to say; we like that, that was the right thing to do, well done.

Steve, this is nice being here with all of these Pieta's, it's a sacred space. These white Pietas they are just heavenly.

I haven't quite figured that one out, but I would say this; Michelangelo did a very good job on this. I am proud of him and when I look at them I say to myself, it's nice to see that somebody knows how to do something right. Now as far as spiritual significance goes, that's another subject. As far as wether I can be inspired by the wonderful perfection of his skill, absolutely, no problem.

The issue at hand is when you have a life like mine that is so disturbed, how do you go from a point of such a totally messed up consciousness to divine consciousness, that is what I am waking up to. Well first you have to take your medicine of the life that you have lived, because I was not taking responsibility for myself and oh it is horrible man to know the things that I have done to people, where I have been a disappointment to them, where I have not been there for them when I could have. I could have said; what an opportunity here for me to show what a conscious being can do here to bless everyone. Isn't that what we are here for? We are here to show what is possible; the highest degree of consciousness expressed through us in such a way that it benefits everyone here.

Steve, let me pay you a compliment. When I spoke to you on the phone when you were in Mexico and I said you what do you think, you have a decision before you, you are at a fork in the road and you either going to go left or go right and you said I just want Gods will for me. I thought that was really cool because you were willing to give it all up and that's not an easy thing to do. You were willing to give it all up if that was Gods will for you. To me that was a good example.

Can we examine what that means, the example that you just gave? Let me take a look at it because there is a "come from" communication position you were at that is admirable, that is supportive, that is a reassurance of a good nature and so I grateful accept that acknowledgement, so that the nature of that which is me can realize the truth that what I thought was true, is such a small part of the totality of truth that it has no bearing on who and what I am and my level of consciousness and degree of happiness at all.

Steve, but you allowed yourself to be vulnerable with that moment of time in your reality, you were child like with God, you said what ever happens is meant to happen and I flow freely in what ever direction the lord takes me.       

The only issue that I have with that is that we want to transcend beyond that level of consciousness where God and the Lord are our helpers, instead of some other personalities worthy of that name of which we are their brethren.

Steve, I acknowledge that as truth, however I also acknowledge that our brethren are also a little bit father down the road than us. And so...

I don't know.

Steve, that's where I am operating from.

I understand, so let's look at them. Instead of talking about them, let's talk to them.  Do you have a problem with that?

Steve, no I don't.

Let's see, I don't want this to be about us some how competing or comparing philosophies, concepts or ideas. 

Steve, I think that it makes sense in ones life to have a mentor, I don't think that there is anything wrong with having a mentor.

Yes there is.

Steve, meaning a mentor can assist us up to a certain point, but then you have to go alone.

Yes you do, because if you are looking to another to be a support for you in what has so far been unattained here, then how is he going to do it? he can't.

Steve, at some point you are going to have to go it alone, but like any child that is learning to ride a bike he needs his training wheels.

Look, you are not in high school anymore even though you are sitting on a chair with training wheels. I am just in the process of allowing whatever I can connect to that has some qualities to it that maybe you could call transcendent. I'm just about connecting to that and allowing that to move the body, shift my consciousness and expand my awareness of what is. As far as rituals, belief systems or anything like that, that is not a part of it. Its just this; what is the highest level of consciousness that I can actually communicate to and I want that consciousness to somehow grace me with the ability to be that also and to assist me in what ever ways are necessary to allow that to be my new embodied awareness and consciousness. 

For a guy that has been abusing his body fir the last fifteen years that has made it a little more difficult on myself than I could have.

Steve, so here is your question; what is the best way to remain conscious of our divinity in our daily lives?

It's kind of connected to this; how much better than you are now, are you willing to be right now? How much better are you willing to be now than you were a second ago? And now? And now? How much better? Come back and forth with me, not with words, but with energy and awareness here. How much better now? How much better now? How much better now? How much more conscious now? How much more loving now? There you go! How much more able? How much more positive are you willing to be in this moment? In each new moment, how much more? Just let it flow and relax, you are safe with me, you are not going to freak me out in showing me the magnificence that you are holding back. If you let go and show it, if you show me your divinity, I will love it, I will embrace it, I will say welcome home brother, thank God at least one other person was willing to say that its OK for us to be here. It's ok for us to be here as ourselves, our eternal selves. It's ok for us to be here as our truth as we move through this reality. 

There are just so many layers and barriers of consciousness, and choices, And attitudes and experiences and suppressions. Argh the body is just so full of suppressions of every kind, what is the best way of moving through all of that in such a way so that it is just a joyful experience of a magnificent transformation? How about that?

Ok how about that? You have to continuously look at two things; the state that it is in and the state that it can be and if there is anything other than you between that being the case, every time you think that there is some other cause, expand your awareness and consciousness and realize that it is only you that is limiting your divine expression here. There is no other cause that will oppose your being true here. There is no other consciousness that will get you in trouble for being your truth here, it can't happen, all of those stories that they told you in church that made you afraid to be your truth; that dark and evil forces would fight you well, they are your buddies and they are lost and when they come to you as what they think that their truth is, how dark and evil it is, their are just saying to you; I don't know how I got here, but this is what I am now, do you remember who I am? Can you help me? Can you welcome me back home in some way? Can you show me a way to let go of what I have accepted myself as being? 

Yes I can. 

Steve, that's the same way that it works in this reality too. 

That's the first thing that I was thinking, I am walking around as this uptight guy that has a difficult  time letting people know that he likes them, that he is interested in them, that he wants them to be happy and celebrate the fact that they got to see Dave today, that kind of a reaction. It is always so refreshing to have somebody here and aware and noticing what is going on here so that I can have an intelligent conversation with somebody who observes the good and the bad and finds a way to inspire me to let go of that which is not eternally true in the makeup of my identity. What not let that go? That which i am identified with that is less than the truth of my eternity, I surrender all of that to God, that is for dog on sure. Let god be the keeper of those decisions, I am not going to try to figure out higher consciousness from the point of view of lower consciousness. Can that even be done? No, all you can do is just say what is the best possible truth for my consciousness? Is there a possibility that the truth of my consciousness is so infinite that it cannot be described by any mind on earth, is that a possibility? Yes. It could be so much better than that too, it could be infinitely better.

Steve, if you let go, people could think that you are insane.

What does let go mean? What I am doing right now is truly letting go, but I can't walk around in reality allowing divine influence to try to work it's way through these unconscious mechanisms that have been created, but what I could do is realize that I don't have to be in charge of figuring that out, I don't have to be in charge of figuring that out, I could just live my life and allow the divine to move through me without any resistance, reaction or guidance from me saying what it can and cannot do.

Steve, which beings me back to the point about talking to you on the phone in Mexico about your career path. Which was you saying I am going to get out of my own way and the pretense that I am controlling the ship.

Why would you think that you could do a better job of managing your life at your level of consciousness than God could do managing it at his? If in fact you knew that if you let go, that God in fact will be there for you. That is what nobody knows, but here is what you can know; you can know to what degree you are surrendering to god in this moment and then you can choose to increase that to the most that you are willing to, some fraction of one percent maybe, but enough to let you know that you have chosen for more freedom and that as soon as you choose more freedom that you received it instantly, to the degree that you were willing to receive it. So the process of moving through the lower levels of consciousness and ending up at God consciousness is; there is only one thing, 
you don't look anywhere else for help, you don't and you take responsibility for your consciousness in each second and you continually say, how much more conscious do I want to be than this? Just do it.

Steve, do I want to be that this or can I be that this?

Either one, it evolves, the words evolve to appropriately deal with what ever level of consciousness is in confusion in that moment.

Steve, so why do we choose the lower consciousness, because it is a choice?

You want me to get to the bottom of that one?

Steve, yes.

At this level of beingness we are being made to.

Steve, come again?

At this level of beingness it is not our conscious choice, we are being compelled to be unconsciousness. We are being compelled to choose that. 

Steve. By who?

I don't know if that is the right question. 

Steve, how about our consciousness goes to where we are able to see ourselves on the scale of divinity let's say.

Well the question is; what does it take for that choice of divine awareness to move through the totality of the body as a liberating choice? As a welcome choice, where there is no opposition to it? The fact that it does not happen instantly shows that there is a lot of internal opposition to that, so let's just look at that. What is our resistance to our divine truth being our awareness here? 

Steve, being held to that standard?

No, no one else has to know. 

Steve, I am just going with what is coming up. Being held to that standard by others forever.

It's ok if you are actually going to be that to be held to that standard. It's not fair to be held to that standard if you are going to continue to choose to be who you have been as a human. Ha ha. 

Steve, that's true, good point you bastard.

So what are you going to choose? That's the only question? All of those other considerations of what is limiting you, it all comes down to you, why are you not choosing your divinity?

Steve, why am I not choosing higher consciousness and why am I not choosing divinity in my daily life?

I will give you a series of answers;
1. You did not know that you could.
2. You did not know if it would be right if you started believing that you could.
3. You thought that if you actually did it that it would not be fair to the others that have not been able to do it, would it? You would make them feel bad. Except that is where the lie is in the programming that we are operating from. The lie is that somehow that one person being their truth here would somehow make the people who are convinced of their lies as being their truth, that it would make them feel bad and it wouldn't be right for you to be your truth here as a result. What kind of a reality is that? Who damned us to that existence where we could not find a way to think our way into giving ourselves permission to be good, to be loving, to be conscious, to be causative, to be able, to be here as a competent consciousness? Bullshit to all of that, its not relevant to me, it's not binding on me, they have no agreement with me that that is my truth, no. I don't need them, I don't want them.

I don't need them, I don't want them and I don't care what they do, but my reality is my reality.

Steve, good point.

And it's not going to be altered by somebody thinking that it is inappropriate. No, if I am truly going to be divinely conscious, am I going to be making unconscious mistakes about how I interact with people? Am I going to do something in such as way that it creates a bad experience for myself if I am divinely aware? Wise beyond description, would I make a bad choice? No, neither would you, you really wouldn't.

Steve, you do have a lot of wisdom.

Well let's put it to use right now. I want to feel from you right now the absolute truth of your beingness beyond the eternities. Because I only want your truth, there is no reason for you to withhold it from me. There is no reason to withhold truth from on who wishes to know what is ultimately true for you with no reason to judge you for it or make you suffer as a result of it. So give me your best shot Steve, let down your guard, part the veil and be the bravest man that I have ever known and allow your eternal truth to shine so that I can know my own, simply in its reflection. 

So now you know the truth, there is no Immanuall, there is only me and there is only you and what we are looking at is; where is our truth in this moment, do we wish to know it? Yes we do. We do wish to know our truth, we don't want to take somebody else's word for it, we don't want to wait until we die, we don't want to wait until we have done so many bad things that the score card might not add up to our getting a gold star on our forehead in the celestial kingdom.

Steve, so what's the difference between divinity that is walking around unconscious and divinity that is walking around conscious?

Big difference.

Steve, ok.

That which is walking around unconscious, knows not it's divinity. That which is walking around divinely conscious; is the divine in form.

Steve, the difference being consciousness, awareness, right?

Yes, if you are the divine in form is it somehow better than not being that? Not according to everybody else, everybody else thinks that the divine in form is never supposed to be done. Well that's their choice, god bless them, it's not mine.

Steve, but if we can go through out life divinely conscious beings, then we would be miracle workers.

Your life would not be the same, almost instantly Steve. You would not be interested in the same things you are now. You wouldn't be able to maintain your consciousness as that diminished identity. You would quickly go about letting your loved ones know themselves, without imposing on their reality and choices at all, but in your every interaction with ever being, regardless of your relationship with them; familial, social or business, there is only one thing that they know in their interactions with you; that it is the best they've ever seen for them, in your interaction with them. They have never experienced from another what they experience from you. That's the you that you came here to be. You came here to be what Jesus told you to be.

Steve, to be divinity.


Steve, to be what you already are.

Yea, That's a bit of a conundrum though. Are you really divine if you are not divine? No. Your not really divine if you are not divine. Yes ok, Is there some consciousness that has been divine at one time that has the potential to extract itself and be divine again? Yes that can happen, never has, but it can.

Steve, you mean a being that has fallen from divinity and has returned to divinity, is that what you are saying? Has that happened?

Not that I know of, not that I can say of my own personal observation. Forget all of the stories, there's a million of them. From my own observation, no, uh uh. Never happened, could it have happened? Yes. Probably happened? I would like to think so. Do I believe it really happened? No. You know why? Because it is not that way here and if it had happened, it would be that way here. Ok so so what if that is the truth? What if the truth were, that if the divine were truly embodied here that "here" would not be this reality anymore? 

Steve, that's how we live our lives right?

No, actually you are talking about a solution to a potential problem that does not exist. You are getting caught up in the possibility that we are not who we are and that somehow we have a tenuous hold on it. Yes, maybe it is tenuous but you know what? When we do have a hold on it, we have a hold on it. We know that we go back and forth, yes. We know that we go unconscious again, yes. But let's not admit our limitations at the time that we are granted permission for us to exist as our truth for a little while and just share that. For you to give me permission in your mind, saying; You know what? I know that it is weird, but guess it's ok that the divinity is somehow manifest through Dave, that would take a miracle.

Steve, I don't think so.

Yea it would. That's what the divine is is miraculous and if it is not miraculous then the divine is not here, so yes it would take a miracle and yes a miracle happened. A miracle happened actually.

Steve, it is a miracle, you are right, because I see you as divine and that is a miracle, because you surely don't look divine. 

Exactly, exactly, it's paradox, it's a conundrum, how is that possible? How could that be true? My god, who is God making choices like that about who gets to be divine and what form that takes. Well I am on your side, I sure hope this form changes in a very beautiful way, a magnificent way as a result of divine consciousness and divine motion and the grace of unconditional love, yea I hope that. I hope that changes things and how I am and how I am living my day to day life, yes I hope that changes a lot. Because you know what? My kids love and appreciate me pretty well, but you know there is nobody else close to that, no one.

Steve, that's not true.

Maybe, maybe, but I delight them every day.

Steve, not every day.

Pretty much every day.

Steve, when you are in town.

When I am in town.

Steve, Dave you delight me every day even when you are not in town, well maybe not every day.

What can we do to actually choose to be... I mean, I set the bar pretty high when I am talking about the embodiment of the divine, but wouldn't it be nice if we were just able to live into it? Let's talk about a gradient, hmm so what would it take for me to actually interact with people in such a way that each person that I interacted with were smiling as I turned away? That's a pretty good step on the way to divinity. 

Steve, it wouldn't take anything other than you acknowledging who you are, acknowledging your divinity, that's all it would take. 

Yes but look at the absolute certainty that that is not the truth. Look at that mass of Mmm, seemingly limitless trauma that is so convinced that that its reality is superior to whatever its eternal truth is. That is helping, we are connecting eternal truth upon the consciousness that does not believe that it is possible. Ohh ok that was it, ok so we have our normal level of consciousness that tows the party line and repeats what it reads that other people are writing about the truth of divinity that don't know the subject. We keep repeating those things as if they were true, thinking they are true, but knowing that we are not divine. How could anything that you are holding onto that doesn't bring you into a state of divinity be the truth? That might be the most brilliant thing that I have ever said. How could you possibly give credence to anything in this world from whatever source, that says trust me, I know that what I am saying isn't real to you and you have no way of verifying it, but trust me that there is a reality here where you are not your truth when you are here and that's false reality is what you are bound by and that's what you have to operate with. Don't agree to it, it's not true, it's just a mass of confused consciousness that has gotten into a mutual destruction pact with itself. 

Steve, so is that the war that is going on is to keep us from realizing the divine?

No, there is no war, it's self destruction. There is no war.

Steve, it could be considered an eternal war right?

No, no it is a mutual agreement to anhiliate ones self, it's a suicide pact for consciousness. Haha I wonder if anyone else ever said that before. Ok so, I disagree with all of that, I am sorry to say that is not part of my reality.

Steve, what is not part of your reality? 

The universal suicide pact of consciousness not being aware of what the truth is, the decision to further and further identify with matter, energy, space and time as truth, rather than that which is beyond it and encompasses it all. Matter, energy, space and time are not the truth, they are all contextual, they are all created, they are all manufactured, don't look for truth in them, it's not there. The only truth that is absolute, that is eternal, is that you will not find truth if you look for it in matter, energy, space or time, because they are all manufactured, contextualized, pretenses of reality that are limited by the very nature of their creation. Nothing eternal about them, they flash on and off like a strobe light, those realities. Appearing and disappearing with no relevance with your knowledge of truth. So if that is the level of consciousness that you are going to take for yourself, then to what degree do you choose to utilize that self awareness of that consciousness being your truth as the identity of this body? What is appropriate? What is it, Is it what it is? Well what is is appropriate for what was, but what is now, is now a new choice for us isn't it? What is now is a new choice for us, the past manufactured what is, but we are not worried about what is, we are concerned about what is in this next expression of us. What is is, ok, fine, done. What's next? Ok fine done, what's next? Ok and what are we looking forward to achieving as we look through the masses here? We are looking forward to achieving the embodiment of divinity, the creator of the divine. We are here to be the creator of the divine and the embodiment of the divine. The creator of divinity, the embodiment of divinity, we are here to be both. The embodiment of the divine as the creator of the divine. Ok?

Well let's see to what degree we can allow that to move through our bodies then. To what degree do we allow the embodiment of the divine and the creator of divinity to be our truth? 

Those a probably words that you are not supposed to say, but they are words that are truly worth considering. Just play a little game with yourself for a few minutes and say ok, yes I will humor Dave, I am going to give him a dose of his own medicine, i am going to show him, I am going to show him, that jerk, I am going to show him, aim going to show him, how much more divine can I be right now? How much more? How much more? How much more, how much more? Yes I did lots better than he did. How much more? How much more, how much more? Ahh so play that game  with your self right now. How much more? Right now, and now and now and now how much more and now how much more divine.,... Yea, nice, nice, very nice, now how much more divine, ok, ok, ok, yes, yes, nice, nice , very nice, good, nice one, now how much more divine, now how much more? 

Steve, Mmmm. Wow, 

There are some pretty freaked out personalities in this body, man. Wow, but you know what? Its getting better, it's getting a lot better. How much more divine are we willing to be in this moment? Mmm so we are at the point now where we have to encompass  what is in opposition to this and own it as ourselves. Does that make any sense to you? So expand your awareness through out all energies, all space, all time, all matter and encompass all that is with the awareness of what it is and what you are and the awareness that matter, energy, space and time are encompassed by you, you are not encompassed by it. You exist within and without. Beyond time, beyond space, beyond matter and energy. You are timeless eternal and whole, you are whole within yourself, you are whole within yourself, there is no lack within you. That is your truth, expand out as much as necessary to encompass that truth and realize it within the body. Encompass all oppositional consciousness that would be in opposition to this being a reality for you. And realize that it is a whole lot of nothing, it is irrelevant to your choice. It has no bearing or influence on you nor can it upon you when you are true to yourself.

Today my dad said as I was reading some of my writings said; you sound like a general authority, they talk about all of this stuff in church. Not exactly like this they don't. 

Steve, no. That's what your dad said, that you sound like a general authority?

Yes, a generally unconscious authority on nothing. But I am the biggest authority on nothing that there is. 

Steve, that is true.

I am getting better.

Steve, yes you are. Its great.

For some reason you are my friend, I don't know why, but I appreciate it. 

Steve, I may be your only friend.

It could be true. It could be true, you might be the only one willing to share a divine reality with me.

Steve, cause it isn't your wife.

Or yours.

Steve, toushay. Ha ha that's funny. It was a cool peaceful feeling just now, very cool.

Just keep allowing that to keep moving through you, because we have a breakthrough going on Steve we are breaking through as explorers here, without becoming part of the universally unconscious.

Steve, this is divine in here isn't it? It's really cool.

Yes you said hey, David needs some help making this happen, David needs some help making this happen, we need to be surrounded by objects that inspire us to the realization of our own divinity. And so you said, yes that is a calling worth supporting, I am in on that deal. 

Steve, wow, this is so cool, this is heavenly in here.

Do you want to feel something heavenly In Here? Ok turn back around and be aware of the top of your own head and feel that crown chackra open up and embrace the totality of the divine. Who do you know that is ready to wake up amongst all of your contacts in the Mormon new agers? Anybody? Why don't you ponder on it once in a while and see if there are some other people who are truly looking for the truth, where we can have 2 or 3 more people who are willing to be a holder of a shared divine reality, willing to be open to that experience when they come together with us and if they would truly, someone who believes that it is possible to be divinely conscious here and are willing to have that experience as a shared reality. If there is anybody that you know that is in that space of allowance then the next time that we get together, lets have them here, because I think that it will give us a greater shared reality where we can begin to embody that on a daily basis.

Steve, ok there is not a lot.

I know, it is a lot to ask.

Steve, there is not a lot out there, because you just can't through them in. You know.

Yes it is a pretty provocative subject. If there is any doubt in your mind, let me address it right now, who and what I am here is my purpose. A real school of divinity, I am not quite sure of what course it is going to take because I am still working on myself. But To know that in you I have as much allowance as you are capable of granting me, so that I can express things like that to you and have you be in allowance that they be true. Because if you can allow that reality to be true, then who is birthing what, into existence? You are giving me permission to be divine and in order for us to have a shared reality of that, we have to grant that to each other. So to the degree that it is possible for you, there is only one thing that i ask of you and that is your granting to me my divine embodiment.

Steve, I already do and you already have it.

The reason that I am mentioning it is because I am not quite sure that I have it or not,  because if I knew, I would not ask.
 Does that make sense? I know that you have proffered it, but I don't have a certainty of knowledge that I have it to the degree that it takes for a body to actually be a temple for God. And so if those are words that make it easier for you to fully grant that to me, as described in the scriptures that we allow this body to be a temple of God, if that is what makes it easy for you to grant it using words an phrases that are familure to you.

Steve, it doesn't.

I am just looking form those things that increase the channel of the divine that we are able to share.

Steve and moving any blockages.

Yes, we are just naming things that come up, there is something here, what is it? What is it, because it is not celebrating its divinity? So what is it doing?

Remember, you must give permission to your own divine improvement.                          


Friday, September 17, 2010

Focus your awareness upon your assumed beingness.

Every energy that impinges upon your body attaches itself to an attitude, an opinion or a consideration that you have that is not in allowance of something in this universe. 

When you are aware of some sort of impingement that is acting as a limiting factor in your awareness or expression here; follow that impingement to the presence of the beingness that is in judgement to that which the the energy that is impinging upon you is coming from and then focus your awareness upon your assumed beingness, until you realize that it is a construction of the judgements you have only and will dissipate upon an objective observation of it by yourself. 


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Receive the presence of your divinity

I love this body, I'm excited to be here, I enjoy the feelings of physicality, I love this bodies parts, I love this bodies history, I love the linage that this body came through and I honor what it is now, what it has been before and what it was that created it.

Now allow the body to open up and receive the presence of your divinity.


Sending the right message

The right message; there is nothing that I will ever say or do that will enlighten me or enlighten you, for the me that I am is not the me that I pretend to be, the me that you know is a pretence you see and to see the truth you have to cease to be the unconscious self that you came here to be. Be clear on one thing, nothing is needed, nothing is good, nothing is bad and nothing is the solution. Except for the little nothing that makes things irrevelent to the you that wants, needs or desires things that it does not have.

Divinely conscious

Be divinely consciousness in this moment, it is the only moment that you have to be divinely conscious in. If you are doing anything for the future you are not being divinely present now. Your divine presence is the salve that heals all of your wounds, your divine presence is the answer to all of the questions that you have as to how you should move through life, you’re divine presence ends the pretence of your unknowing and unable false persona that is the cause of all of your dissatisfactions in life.

Focus your awareness on the divine not on any barrier or manifestation of self or energy. Move into the new stage of your life, where life, is where you are eternally present. Present your eternal self here well and the well of everlasting life will flow through your embodiment here.

The rules of life as they have been for you are over, rule over life now, by not trying to transmute life and energy into spirit but by bringing your spirit into your life. Life adjusts to spirit, not the other way around. There is no energetic construct that needs your attention in order to resolve an imbalance in it, the imbalances in life and energy are balanced and restored to divine harmony simply by the presence of your divinity. There is no effort, no intention and no action required.

Be divinely present for the environment that you are in and the environment that you are in will respond to you divinely.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Divine consciousness brings the perfect ending and final resolution to all creation.


Saturday, September 04, 2010

Your truth is not something that you have to pretend to be

It’s OK to be true to yourself in all circumstances, your truth is not something that you have to pretend to be, it’s what is. When you finally decided to be your truth, you just are you.

Relax into the infinite pool of bliss that is you're reality. I am here as me, when you are here as you; the world will shift to reflect your presence. The people you love need to know if you love them unconditionally, don’t let them doubt that.

There is no, no in your life when you say yes to truth. Consider the Christian, who do you love? Your kids, that’s kind of automatic, your spouse? You might have to think about that one, you probably ought to think about it until you know. Provide for your family, the love that they need from you.

Embrace you’re never ending disaster of a life with your truth and set yourself free. You embrace life by allowing it to happen; allowing it to happen while you realize yourself, your truth and your eternal reality as your presence here.


Friday, September 03, 2010

The embodiment of God, with others is you're purpose here.
