
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

You can only confront so much darkness with a candle.

When you walk: if you’re not walking beautifully: slow down and allow yourself to be walked by beauty and grace and consciousness, where beauty and grace is the awareness of self. How slow do you have to be moving to know yourself as beauty and grace in your movements?

You have to be conscious through the full range of movement in order to move with grace and if you are not conscious through the full range of movements within your body, then you can’t go through that range of movements as quickly as you normally do because that keeps you unconscious of that which you are unwilling to confront all at once. You can only confront so much darkness with a candle, how much more darkness can you confront with a sun, my son? Any sun of mine, oh my, does it shine in the sky showing the beauty of all creation for the enjoyment of all creation by that which is conscious of self, as that? 

look up the definition of “saunter” in the dictionary and then do that and then drop your speed by half and then stop moving entirely. Be aware of every muscle in your body that moves as your body “slowly strolls” as it moves you from one place to another. It moves your point of view and changes your relationships with people or identities who are located as residing in an object: they have objective consciousness, because they have ”objectified” their self image into a physical form. And thats OK, but it is not the truth of you. You’re here to be objectified in form consciously and so you are. The question is: what are the range of possibilities for you to enjoy as an objectified consciousness? 

What is the range of conscious options that are available to us in this moment? If your looking for the ultimate possibilities for your embodied consciousness in each moment that you are aware, then choosing to be as aware as you are able to easily be, aware without straining and stressing and failing in achieving that which you desire for yourself, but instead: succeeding in the world as that which is not limited in it’s consciousness to it’s “objectified” manifestation here. So, don’t stress, you’re being here as something and that’s what you came here to experience. Congratulations, you’re doing great, it’s what you came here to experience. Congratulations, your doing great at it, but it’s, “next step” time, for you, for me, for all of us who are ready to take that step into manifesting that which it is possible for us to be here. 

Now, were not going to chart out what that is for a consciousness not capable of experiencing it. To do that would be to objectify and intellectualize a state of consciousness that you admire, but that you don’t experience as who you are and that’s the purpose of our exercise, which is: to congratulate ourselves on being who and what we are and the level of consciousness that we are here and everything else about us! Congratulations, “you are here as you are” Perfect. Perfectly well done for you to be who, what, where and how you are in this very moment. Congratulations, well done: you are you!

And now that you are you and congratulations for that once more: well done. Now that you are you, what then do you wish to do next? You are the perfect you, in the perfect place, in the perfect time of now, but there is a continuation of now as you move through life, you’re always present as you and yet, everything changes around the awareness of you: your own body grows and ages. Your physical circumstances continuously move as you change what you look at changes. So acknowledging that we are a continuing consciousness that is always in the now: we sure think a lot about the past and the future as if it has relevance and meaning in defining who and what we can be in this very moment. So, lets just say no to that and say: we choose to know in the now, right now, all we need to know so that we can easily choose right now, to be aware in a manner worthy of the divine comedy of one recovering ones awareness of self from that which it has falsely identified with, into a remembrance, a restoration, a reclamation and then the full realization of “divine self as the embodied consciousness of the body” in an easy, continuous and wonderful way. Allow your body to be walked through life, in this moment right now, by that.

Allow you body to be walked by the divine. You don’t have to figure it out, you don’t have a role to play in this, except as the willing recipient of the divine way moving you, moving through you and finally when you realize the truth of it all: moving as you. The divine, realized, as you. Allow that to be nicely done... or not. At least now you know that the choice is yours and soon you will be curious about what that is like and you will be tempted to try that which it is that opens your willingness to allow for unknown, wonderful truths to realize themselves through you adn through your embodiment here. Allow for the wondrous truths of life and love and the spirit that celebrates all the wonders of life and all life as a wonder, in such a way that life actually is experienced wondrously by you and those who you share it with.

If you are moving through life in doubt: stop moving, until life becomes certain for you and when you are certain about life, then allow the life that you are to move cleanly, clearly, consciously and gracefully through life as you. Allow yourself to be a wonder to yourself: a wonderful revelation of the truth of you as a new description of who you experience yourself as. Don’t let your circumstances matter in the least in regards to influencing divine conscious to know you intimately and for you to know it as well as it knows you. Be intimate with divinity, reveal your self to it: willingly, consciously and causally over yourself. So that you can be self aware of the divine as it relates to everything in life, so that you can know yourself as the divine knows you: divinely. Knowing the divine self in you as yourself: the self realization of the truth of you that moves through eternity: the ever divine and and always aware and conscious of self as the creator of your experience in every moment.

If you don’t like your experience of self in this moment, then stop experiencing life, until you realize the truth of yourself. Just relax into allowing the truth of self to shift you, to mold you, to change you and to restore you to the knowledge of your own truth. Allow the truth of self to be revealed to you. To be true to self is to know ones self truly and to know ones self truly: one has to know all that has ever been, for you. How else could you answer as to what influence you have had and you have been influenced by  in regards to the circumstances that you have chosen in separation throughout eternity? To experience ones self in separation as an “objective identity” thats what you are experiencing right now. Just allow that which is beyond this current expression, that which is known to you when you are disembodied and fully aware, allow that to fully merge with your body, allow the level of consciousness that is divinely causal for you, to be known by the body. 

Allow the body to be known by the divine you and as your body relaxes into the experience of you as that which fully loves it in every way: well, that might take a while, but you know what? Take your time and don’t take a step until you are stepping in style, in a fully conscious knowing that the next step that you move in reality is a consciously graceful one that is aware of itself as grace and truth throughout its entire range of movement of each body part that is participating. Allow the body to move like a chi gong master, but without needing that training. Just allow energy to express itself wondrously through the meridians of the body, through every cell, through every system and through every muscle and joint. 

Yes, you have troubles and problems in life that are desperate and need to be dealt with, but can’t you take the time in this moment that you are willing to read this or listen to this, can’t you take the time in this moment to let all that stuff be irrelevant to your experiencing the truth of yourself right now? Allow nothing to be cause over your experiencing your own eternal truth, allow nothing to cause you to change your mind that thats the experience that you want for yourself in this moment. “In this moment, I choose to be true” In this moment, choose for the same for you. “For we who desire a change in life that creates a wondrous existence for me and my wife:” choose, choose, choose. In this moment where “doing” is not allowed, but “being done” in an unknown direction that the divine is going to move you in. Quit planning for what that might be and just fully be: putty in the hands of the sculptor of embodied divinity. 

Your embodiment in the past has no place in the present for defining who you are here, for limiting who you are here. Allow your experience of who you are here to be limitless in regard to influences from your past. Allow the past to be past and for you to be present here as what is ultimately possible for you and that is: the divine creator embodied as you. 

Now, there is endless, endless, endless disagreement that that could be true for you. Especially that that could be true for me even, wow, oh, but you know what? If you just quit trying to figure it out and say: it doesn’t matter, I choose that experience anyway and then you just relax into the fact that you don’t know what that means, you don’t know what to do for that to be true for you and you just say: ahh, I am feeling it though, I’m feeling it because I am willing, I am willing to be known by the divine and I am willing to know divinely. I am willing to experience an understanding of what all that is divinely aware knows and all that it doesn’t know also. 

We will not stop ourselves from being aware of all that is relevant to the separate point of view that our embodied consciousness is here. What is it that relevant for you in your life? What is it that is relevant for you to be more successful in life than you have been? What is it for you to live here in a way that inspires you for yourself? How do you live an inspired life here? How do you know for yourself that which is inspiring both for yourself and for others? How do you know yourself as the inspiration of humanity? And if that is a possibility for you, why would you choose for anything less? Because others do not choose that for themselves? Well, they will soon enough, as soon as you show them what a wondrous experience it is to be the truth of you here. 

Be true to you, be true to yourself at least in this moment. Be true to yourself, be true to you, be true to me too. Be true to me by being true to yourself. Thank you, know yourself divinely, understand with extreme awareness all the ramifications of who you are and what you do here, as you move as life. 

So, now do what it is that you don’t want to do: and actually feel what your circumstances in life are in terms of your relationships with others. Others who are in relationship with you in such a way that they think of you and they wonder about what your interaction is going to be like with them. Are you going to do what you said? Are you going to know what to do? Are you going to know how to do it? Are you going to know how to create a successful interaction between you and the other? Re you going to know how for that to be a predictable experience that everyone has with you? Oh… to even consider the thought that that is a possibility is overwhelming for one who doesn’t know success for himself, but you know: maybe if we just stop talking about it and experience successful realization of “eternal self “as me, that that will then all work itself out without me even wondering what to do? Can we allow all the kinks in ourselves to be worked out in an evening? So that tomorrow we’re able to move through life, resolve our conflicts, cure our problems and deliver what is necessary for others so that they willingly support you? 

What do you need for you to be fully supportive of me? What do you need? What do you need? I know that I need my freedom, I need to be free, I need to be able to choose to move in another direction very easily without that being a catastrophic event for me. My life has to be set up so that changes in direction create a more harmonious life not a more stressful one. So, how can you agree with others that you are free as you interact with them in a manner that gives them predictability in knowing that they will receive what they want from you that you are willing to give them. So that is the first thing for you to find: what are you willing to give others, not out of obligation, but because you love to give it to them. What is it that you love to give others? What is it that you love to give others? Focus on giving that, focus on giving that and you won’t have to wonder how to get others to fulfill your needs and desires willingly. What do you want from me? And give me time to experience the result of what that would be, so that I can see that I can move freely and consciously with your desires. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The transforming fire of God is a blessing to those who are bold enough to jump in.

If you are frustrated with your inability to know the divine, to be enlightened or even to awaken to the awareness of your own truth, then consider actually confronting God with the matter. When you engage the divine, rather than some pretended thing that labels itself “the divine” and you actually confront God, then regardless of what the original intent was, wether it be prayer, doubt or even hatred or rage. Regardless of the approach that one uses to engage God, when you engage God: you are changed, regardless of what your original intention was. So if nothing else works in your quest to be free, go to battle and wrestle with God and what you will find out is, that you cannot change God, but God, are you changed when you try. 

So challenge God to a dual and since you are stuck in time and duality, do it. It is entirely appropriate because one side is all that you see. You see only humanity, not the hue and the color of God. So give God a chance and storm the gates of heaven and meet God on his own turf and say: damn me if you wish, for Goddamned I seem to be already, so what have I to lose in confronting you with why I am, the me, I seem to be, here. Ha, ha. 

God knows, that I know him, so God show me where it is that I might gain the truth of you, that truth that is one with the truth of me. For I by myself have suffered and fallen, as it appears to me, to be the me that I am, with no way get to know the truth of the whole of all that is. So that which knows the whole truth, you, to you I say: on guard! And lets see that which is an affront to you, because I for sure see not the I of God as well and I certainly am tired of not being one worthy of Gods engagement here. So engage me God and grant me what it is I ask: show me the truth that redeems us all from the fall of separate identification. 

To be defeated by God, now, what a blessing that would be, for what would be left but that which is true of you? So God, do your worst as it were and enlighten that which is false in me. Reveal the truth and lies of eternity in me. I deliver myself to you on a silver platter: have your way with me, (thats not quite right lets try this) Who is closer to God, he who knows him not and is afraid to see the divine within himself, or he who fearlessly says: God I confront you? 

To know God is to be Godly, regardless of that which motivated you to be near to heaven. The result is a renewal and redemption of all of your sins. So if you choose to confront God in this way: it is your own private matter. This has nothing to do with the rest of humanity, it is between you and God. So, God bless you in your battle to know the truth of all things. You can only overcome God by being overcome by God, so engage God and surrender. Engage God and be steadfast in that engagement, until you are defeated absolutely, from maintaining the sense of self that is separate from God. 

Hold onto everything steadfastly and confront God with it and say: here is that which I am, I hide nothing from you. Confront God with your every infirmity, with your every infusion, with your every thought, Idea and belief and if God can be defeated with that, then so be it. You don’t beg God for his help, you put who you are in Gods face and hold onto it, until it is nothing. 

The transforming fire of God is a blessing to those who are bold enough to jump in. Hold on to all that you are firmly as if it is your armor and use that armor to push against that which is God in a battle to the death and one thing that you can be sure of is: the death of all that is false is what will surely occur and so it is that the battle begins with that which cannot be fought, because the only result for that which fights against God is the loss of self, the loss of the false self and revelation of that self which is true. 

When a false self is what you are, you have no Idea what it takes to destroy it, but God knows. So go to God with all that you are and force yourself upon God and continue to do so until God is forced to destroy you. Then when the time is right, then you can relax and and enjoy the fire of divine consciousness which flows around all resistance and through those open to knowing.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A blessing of freedom

Can destiny by itself foreordain a “magical moment in time?” And if it could, why not allow it? When you examine “why not” you find out there is no reason not to allow destiny to come to you in a miraculous manner. So in the experiential investigation as to wether or not that can occur for you and you don’t have to think about it intellectually and say the obvious which is: I’ve never seen that in anyone else, so why could I expect that for myself? Instead of getting into reasoning, you realize that destiny has nothing to do with reason, so just dive into it and feel what the possibilities are that are available to you if you simply welcome them for yourself. 

Feel in your body what’s possible as you open yourself to willingly receiving and flowing: at ease with your destiny, what ever it is. Just be one with that and that starts with being OK with what is, right now. Because for whatever reason, “this is who and what we are in this moment” and if we can be at peace with that, we can open into examining the realm of what our possibilities are and we can’t know is ultimately possible for us if we are fighting a battle against who we are in this moment. 

If we can be at ease with ourselves and each other, it is possible to enter into a condition of transformation into what our ultimate possibilities are. So yes, life, life, life: what a frustration it has been for so long, but if we can let go of the past and let it be the way that it has been and be no longer fighting those battles that are already over, if we can be here fully and truly right now, then this can shift into what we want it to be: the freedom to continuously choose our experience here in a manner that ever increases its pleasantness, satisfaction and joyful beingness for us. 

I know that it’s a tough thing to do, but if you just “sit in” what you are carrying and not do anything about it, just going: Um hmm this is it, this is everything that I have experienced, everything I am, everything I have thought about, everything I have decided, this is “it” and I am not saying be OK with that, I am just saying: be there without judging it. Not judging and being OK with something isn’t the same thing. Letting it be as it is, while you are aware of your ultimate possibilities, brings those as an option into who and what you are now. Does that make any sense? 

Be completely at peace with who and what you are right now, at the same time you are aware of what is ultimately true about you. You wear both of those realities at the same time: your ultimate truth and your current presence. When you do that, that which is ultimately true about you will transform what is into a more accurate reflection of who you really are and you will be free from the burdens and impositions of humanity: other peoples thoughts, intentions, beliefs and actions in regards to you. You can rise above those interactions in your consciousness and your awareness and you can allow everyone else to be the way that they are and in doing the things that they are doing and you can still be at peace within yourself because you maintain the awareness of the eternal you at the same time that you are fully here and present as what you are here. And in that: you will be able to move through life consciously, at peace and effectively living your life the way that you want to, because you then will always be coming from a conscious awareness of being cause over your experience: as soon as you experience something that you don’t want and you realize it and know that you are cause: you turn around and walk away and “end off” on what ever level of interactions it is that people are having that aren’t what you are choosing for yourself. This allows you to quickly move into associations with people and circumstances that love you exactly as you are and in that acceptance, you can blossom and isn’t that what we are really here for is to choose for the best for ourselves and be OK with observing our unfolding in a perfect and beautiful easy manner? 

Be OK with knowing that there are multiple worlds and universes and just knowing that we are here and we are aware and that we make available for ourselves what ever exists, that allows us to maintain our freedom here as we choose: our freedom to be, move, act and know whatever it is that we want to, so that we can begin to be here in an experience of life in a transcendent version of us experiencing life and ourselves as that. That is the trick that every mystic and holy man was trying to perform, but you can’t do that running away from life as it is and meditate in a cave and get that. You become at peace with who and what you are in each moment knowing that you are perfectly you, while at the same time, you maintain an awareness and a presence that is equally true of you and what ever it is that you are here and that is: that which you have always been and always will be. Maintaining that awareness on the eternal truth of you at the same time you are fully here as the man that you are: then the two will merge a circle of yin and yang and be a blessing to each other: you physically giving form and structure to your spirit in complete harmony with who you are spiritually. 

A part of ourselves that we also have to be at peace with is: the part that we have always wanted to forget that we ever were. Until we embrace that, all you will ever get is a glimpse of your truth, but once you do glimpse your darkness: then enlightened you will be. The enlightened darkness is the truth. So, dark you may be, but seeing the light of the morning star shining as you: my oh my, isn’t that true? The truth of you my son is a glorious one and one that I welcome you to knowing and realizing. There, yes, open up to that. Nice, nice choice, thank you for that choice, ahh, open up, open up to your truth. Yes, say: why not, why not, why not. Open up your heart, be vulnerable: allow the divine to flow through there. 

Feel it, ahh. It starts off with allowing and giving a place for it not being “illegal” for the divine to move through you, to move you and then to finally when you realize that it is the truth: to move as you and for you to move as it, as your truth here, in a way that is perfectly harmonious with this reality, so that it’s not a burden to anyone here for you to be moving here as your truth, but instead is received by them as being entirely appropriate: your dealings with them inspire them when you are around. They are inspired to resonate as their “best” when you show up. If you do that: you can walk here in your truth and when you walk into a room, it inspires everyone in it to raise their game to their best that they know how to be, the best that they know of themselves. Then you are free and you can be a free man here: you can spiritually know and understand exactly “what is here” so that what is here does not become a problem to you, because it shouldn’t, all you need to do is be aware of the nature of the things that you are interacting with. That way you behave consciously in a way that honors them in the way that they are, but doesn’t open you up to an unwanted intrusion of who they are upon you. You conduct yourself in a manner that it is wonderful for everyone that is in lower consciousness to experience you and at the same time: you maintain the truth of yourself without having to subject it to reality: subject yourself to the reality of the limited awareness that they allow for themselves.

So just open up to the possibility that it would be fun to realize yourself here. To realize yourself here, to realize your infinite potential and realize that it’s not going to disturb anyone if you do that because it’s just going to get better for them every step of the way that you transcend the untruths that you have accepted as being true here. Wether they are about yourself, or this reality or anyone or anything. Whatever the “truth is” that you hold that prevents your freedom: let them go. If holding onto something as being true, prevents you from being free: it’s not the truth, because the truth always grants freedom, always. The ultimate truth of everyone is absolute freedom. Thats who you are, thats who I am. Now I grant that to you and in your feeling that from me: it’s irresistible for you not to grant that back, despite all the reasons “why you shouldn’t.” 

A blessing of freedom is what comes to you when you give it to others. What do you do with that freedom is the question, if you use it to maintain an ability to be consciously at a level that is beautiful, graceful and in harmony with reality: what could be the harm in that? Better harmony, than harm, right? Once you accept intellectually the argument that being “exceptionally free” here, isn’t a crime against humanity and society, once you realize intellectually that it would be better also: then you can allow yourself to experience that in your body experientially. So see if you can open up to relaxing into that. Yes, that which has never been able to relax within you: feel it and realize there, that your freedom and relaxation into freedom and grace, is an available choice for you right there and right now. Feel it, realize it, choose it. Feel it, realize the possibilities and choose for something wonderful, something glorious even. Feel it, realize the possibilities, choose it. Feel your body, Mmm, realize the possibilities, choose it. 

OK, now we are going to talk about a miracle scientifically, experientially, because it’s not understood how you create one here, so I am going to tell you right now, if you are interested. OK, a miracle is something both wonderful and shocking that it occurred at the same time. Something “wonderful” is something that is really good for you and really good for everyone else too. That is what is worthy of being described as a “wonder or a miracle” is something that encourages everyone to live their truth. So, choose to experience what it is to feel the miraculous moving you. Now what happens as you do that is: you choose it and be aware of your receiving it instantly and noticing that almost instantly as soon as you receive it: you stop it. You choose it, you experience an expansion and then you shut it down. How long did it take? Choose it right now, when did it stop? Choose to experience a wonderful inspiration right now and how much did you experience before you stopped it?

S: a fraction of a second. 

Yes, usually when somebody prays to God for something, you receive it instantaneously: as soon as you think to ask for it, you receive it, the answer is given you, the blessing is given you, the gift is given you and every single person on this world seems to shut it down in about a quarter second, they won’t receive what they just ask for. It is always granted and they are thinking that what they ask for is days, weeks, months and years off and they don’t notice that it was granted instantly and that they automatically shut it down as soon as it started to change them. 

S: yes, yes it’s so true.

The blessing or the miracle only happens now: as soon as you ask for it. As soon as you thought of asking for it: you received the full blessing and as soon as your body felt the shift and went: “what is happening?” subconsciously you said, stop and because the entire process was so quick, consciously you never noticed it. You asked: miracle please, granted. Stop, granted. So here is the procedure: choose the miraculous, granted… ahh… stop, granted. Thank you for the blessing, I am choosing it again, and again, and again. Choose the miraculous here and now, ahh, ahh, and then you learn that you can continuously choose and then, where you are bound up in your body with judgements, blockages, limitations and who knows everything else that limits us here? As you continuously choose your self realization of the eternal or whatever it is that you want to call it, your body just becomes freer and freer and starts going into cathartic releases and so: the miraculous is a continuous experience in the now, as soon as you choose it and you choose it and you choose it. And you choose it every time that you need to and when do you need to choose it? As soon as you realize that you have shut it down. As soon as your experience of the miraculous shuts down: you choose it again. 

So right now, look at me: choose it, choose it, choose it and I am saying it for myself as much as you. Choose it, choose it, choose it, choose it, yes, yes. Then the spirit can begin to move through the body and begin to “clean house” to create the temple of God you know. You know that I am not a religious guy, I haven’t been for a long time and you can’t learn this in church.

S: it’s very one sided. 

They are always talking about somebody else’s enlightenment. Ha, ha. As if they know the subject and how could they? Unless they are able to share it with you right then and now. There is no one that knows the divine that doesn’t share it with you, when they are talking about it, OK? So feel what it is to know the divine in this moment right now. Realize that you can experience that with me and not be judged for it by me. I allow you to experience yourself as the divine and give you permission to open up into that and for myself as well. Yes, ahh, if that won’t heal what ails us, nothing will. Allowing the divine to be present in you: its the ultimate trick: it always is there of course, but you don’t experience it until you choose to self realize it. The divine truth is always us. It always has been and always will be, it’s not something that we are changing into: It is something that we are remembering and realizing while our consciousness is embodied here, while we are being human. As soon as we drop these bodies, we will be back into our eternal awareness, but is it true that we came here to experience that embodied, or not?

Why did you choose me to be your father? Lets assume that you have power over your own life and manifestation, so, we have to give that as the most likely probability. So you chose, so what was it that you wanted from me in that? We have to assume that your getting it, OK? We have to assume that if you have power over your own life and your own realization here, that you made a conscious choice and that it was not a mistake and that what ever it was that you wanted to receive in life from your father: you are and so just open up to realizing what ever that truth was and let it happen, let it be fulfilled right now, instead of at some future time. Mmm, I will do my best in relaxing into it not being blocked in me. Mmm, Mmm, thats doing a lot to heal what ails me. I hope that it is not an imposition on you.

S: no.

OK, thank you. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

John and Alisa 6

Just realize that the word God is in your awareness, you don’t have to make an effort to say it, you just notice that: there it is and it just continues to be in your awareness, without effort.

Alisa: That is something I was able to do just now.

John: I don’t know any other paths that charge you.

Any path that says: you need me, I am the only way, I am the way for you to be free and then requires your unknowing acceptance of that as a truth and a dedication of your life and money: is accepting a condemnation of yourself that your state of consciousness is “you” and needs to be fixed instead of acknowledging the truth instead, that your state of consciousness is just a habitual choice, that you can habitually choose your way out of. All self improvement groups curse you with their acceptance of your bullshit that you proclaim to the world that "you are" or that it is "your truth" and that thats where you need to start to effect change for yourself.

Well it is, by saying: yes, Ok this is me or at least appears to be and then loving it absolutely. And thats the only thing that will change it, is the absolute love of an eternally divine and aware being, that is you. When that becomes your primary mode of looking at yourself, you will be free. Not by agreeing with a self improvement course that you’re disabled and that they are the ones who can help you.

John: your disabled and you need us.

“You need us and you know what? You have probably been on this Path for 5 or 6 lifetimes and you only have got 3,832 more to go, before something indescribably wonderful happens, so get through this life as quick as you can, while your waiting for something divine to happen for you in the future.”

The divine only happens in one place and Eckhart Tolle will tell you where that is: right now, choose it now and you experience it now.

John: there has to be a scientific method though, there has to be a way to approach it in a systematic way.

That is a systematic, scientific way: I experience myself as “this” I now choose an experience of myself as what I call divine: which is a rush of freedom and awareness and knowing that is greater than “this.” Then you receive it and then you choose for more divinity and more freedom and the self realization that each time you choose it: you actually get more, is all the empirical evidence that you need to say scientifically that this is a valid process.

If you look at the problem, look at the problem, look at the problem, nothing happens to it until you say: "everything’s OK the way that it is and I’m really, really enjoying it in all of its horrific trauma," then you can’t help but enjoy that which has been disabling you and then it know longer has that power to trap you.

John: Thats exactly what Ganja would say.

Alisa: Thank you so much for having this time with us.

Magic and miracles can begin here

John and Alisa part 5

If somebody criticizes you for choosing more and more truth, why should that change your decision? The more that you open to truth, the more that you are a blessing to others. There is no reason to restrict yourself. There is no reason for you to limit yourself just because others limit themselves severely. You certainly are never going to do anything to make others feel bad about their own choice to be here as they are and because you love everyone exactly as they are. Not wishing that they were different, but blessing them to it by loving them as they are and that love to be real and allowing that love to be a transforming presence in another’s life. Not through your words and not through your actions, but beyond your words and beyond your actions. Simply in the presence of who you are here: allow the simple presence of you, to inspire this reality to embrace its own divinity. Allow your divine presence to be known by me, allow me to know you, divinely. Allow me to be free for you, because when you grant me my freedom, I will most assuredly grant you yours.

Your going to speak now and I am going to allow the divine to speak through you and speak as you. I am going to see what moves you to communicate as something that is a blessing to me. The floor is yours now and you can talk about anything. 

John: I just have to catch myself always, I catch myself often out of my flow and I always put myself back in when I catch myself. So, I want to experience my life from a constant harmony and I am always putting myself back into alignment throughout the day. Anytime there is fear, angst, or being upset in my experience, I remind myself that I am pure consciousness and that I need to experience my life and just accept it for what it is and be in this moment.

That acceptance will bless us with the knowing of truth. If you resist what is, then all you are doing is fighting yourself. So at least in the times that you meditate, feel what is and go: I know, I know and then it will change and then you will say: yes I know, good for you, yes good for you, good for you, just keep telling yourself that: good for you being what you are and when you have fully acknowledged yourself for that, then you will expand out and change and you will be a new you. And the process will repeat: good for you, good for you, good for you man, good for you. Acknowledging what you are in each moment with a well done! Good for you! Thats your opinion of yourself: good for you, well done. To see if you can experience yourself as “good for me” for most it is really difficult: there is some computation that I have that is resistant to feeling good for me. I don’t know what it is , but man I sure wish that the answer would come right now to me as to how I can experience my own self approval. Because I don’t approve of myself, so give me your blessing that I might be in approval of myself. Help me to be free with that blessing from you.

John: I approve of you. I approve of who you are, I accept you. 

Oh, nice… and I encourage you to accept yourself, because oh, its nice not to be condemning of yourself, because thats what I do man.

John: you don’t accept yourself?

No, no way. No way, full of judgement. So what do I need? What do I need? What do I need? I need you to tell me a little of what I told you tonight, I need you to say to this consciousness that is judging self: don’t do it man, it’s not your truth. 

John: your truth is eternal consciousness. You are as you are, you are as perfect as you were created, you were created from perfection and you are still that. Let go of that ego that comes from your own perceptions. Perceptions, deceptions... allow yourself to be who you really are without judgement. Is that a release of energy that you are experiencing?

The body experienced a high enough level of release and freedom through your encouragement to unfreeze itself. Now it’s working through some traditional habits of holding onto unconsciousness in the body and letting that just be a frozen state.

John: do you battle fear?

Oh yes, I do. In regards to finances yes, because the last couple of years has been rough, but now I believe that I have got things arranged into a way that it can be real peaceful ad pleasurable for everybody and what we are providing people, is to them a wonderful inspiration: an image of the divine.

John: it felt good to hear that priest today to just say: thank you, thank you, thank you, over and over. It felt good. 

It’s something worthy what we are doing. It’s a worthy profession for a divine householder. You don’t have to be a monk, or a hermit, you don’t have to be living in the cave. Were here to act, to be and to move and interact with this reality. Not to hide in a cave, what good does that do? Were here to move consciously, knowing who we are and to say: OK, here’s how it’s done, here’s how life is lived, by one who knows what it is to experience perfection here.

Alisa: can I ask you something David?


Alisa: When you said that you kind of like, “go into the pain”, do you do it as a witnesser or actually experience it in your body?

Both, back and forth. You can’t help but feel it and be present there to some degree as that. So, you don’t fight against doing that, as a matter of fact, the more that you can feel it and the more that you can experience it as you, the better. While at the same time staying aware. 

Alisa: as a separate witnessing?

I know that thats the way that its been explained traditionally, but if you want to know it experientially, then you can watch me right now and see what happens when you choose to experience what is and maintain the awareness of the eternal at the same time. It is that combination of both above and below, yin and yang, the eternal and the temporal, its that simultaneous embrace of both, that allows the divine entrance into this reality. It’s the celebration of the heavens by the earth and the earth by the heavens coming in and enlivening the body and so it’s not trying and effort-ing, no, no, it’s loving what is, but with the awareness of all that is. Not with the awareness only of the limitation that is perceived as a problem, not only knowing reality from here, but the same time that we know ourselves as the damned, we know ourselves as the divine also and in that knowing of self, both as the damned and the divine are we able to begin to move here freely and to know what it is to be the embodiment of personal freedom. 

If you don’t want to define it by words like eternal or divinity or whatever, if you just want to be free as a person: you take what is and embrace it with complete love and allowance at the same time you know what can be and in fact what is true at the same time of you: God damned himself, ha ha, the high and the low. The yin and the yang, the right and the wrong, the good and the evil: they are both at home within you and as soon as you come to peace with that, then ahh… Magic and miracles can begin here, because you will be free unlike anyone that anyone’s ever known. 

John: when you say these things, it reminds me of the teachings of Gangaji. Do you know who he is?

I have heard the name but have never studied him.

John: it’s actually a lady. She was Eckhart Tolle was Eckhart Tolle. I read one of her books, that was written in 74 or 74 and one of the things that she said was; whatever it is that the pain is inside of you, what ever it is that you are scared of: embrace it, go right to it, feel it, everything, immerse yourself in that pain.

Mmm, yea. 

John: totally to its core and what ever the experience was feel it, what ever the fear is feel it, go there, go to the deepest cavern of that pain and be it, feel it and let it be you for that time and once you get to the depths of that you realize that it has no power over you. If you go there and experience it as scary as it is and it feels and it was, it doesn’t define you and it doesn’t have that power over you unless you allow it to.

Very well said. 

John: her book, the one that I am referring to: it read just like Eckhart Tolle. It was called: you are that. 

Alisa: I’m happy it’s raining tonight.

John: it seems kind of fitting. It seems very cleansing. So I told Alisa about this stuff that I tell you and being totally honest: I don’t have a lot of fear anymore. 

Allow that nonverbally to be taught to me now. Higher self to higher self, higher self to lower self, just allow me to know what you know on how to live here fearlessly. Mmm. Nice, thank you. Mmm. Where do you give yourself the greatest freedom to manifest pure love in your life?

Alisa: You know I have thought about that a lot because I really thought that was given to me the way I was raised, because my mom is such a loving person and then the more that we are working to open ourselves up, I feel like I might have been lucky when I was growing up, not a lot of pain. So I guess it is with the children.

OK, so allow me to be educated by you with what it is to love as truly as it is possible to love another. Let me experience the love that you have for others, what it is to be truly loving of others. And that is how you truly bless somebody: you ask each other for that which seems to be lacking in you to be known to you, from them and as they allow that, it gives you the strength to allow it for yourself, to make that choice: to be that which is the truth of you, but for some reason is an impossible choice. So allow others to gain strength to make their choice of Yes to the divine, in there knowing of you. Allow that choice to be easier because they know you. 

Allow what ever it is that needs to flow through you, to be the resource that another needs in their desire to experience their own divinity. Just be open to being that which joins heaven and earth and flows into earth that which embodied consciousness wishes for in knowing its own divinity. Just allow the divine to flow through you to bless others here so that they can easily find their way to saying Yes for themselves. 

Say a continuous yes to yourself: a yes to originating a pure and unconditional love of self. The yes to the self that is damned and stopped and broken. A yes to being done with all that and for a new day to be dawned where life is lovely because love is you. Allow yourself to say yes to that.

John: I am love. 


God consciousness for all is the only truth that survives eternity.

John and Alisa part 4

As soon as you dam yourself: you will be stopped and you will be unconscious again. But remember on a regular basis: that just because you did that, it doesn’t mean that you have any obligation to stay there as that: none whatsoever. Just because you chose to stop yourself once, doesn’t mean that that was an eternal choice, all that meant was: you were stopped and now you’re not, just because you chose to be free again. Thats all there is to it: no contracts, no obligations, no approvals of anyone else needed, only you own. Mmm… Yes, to freedom, Mmm, yea and then willingly experiencing that continuously: that continuous choice of the experience of freedom, that continuous choice to move through and as all that you have ever determined that you were and to move through that and have that no longer be true for you.

Allow yourself to be transformed by your realization of truth as your embodiment here: the embodiment of self here realizing eternal truth as its experience of self. And why not? Just because we have all been idiots doesn’t mean that we all have to keep doing that once we find out that thats really not who we are. Just because you have been something and then have believed that its true, doesn’t mean that it is the truth. What ever it is that you believe to be true that is false, that causes you to be limited: isn’t the truth. You don’t have to believe in it anymore. All you have to do is get out of your head and quit trying to figure out what right and wrong is and realize instead, that you can experience the truth of eternal freedom just by focusing on it and choosing it moment to moment and that thats the only important thing that you have to do right now: yes eternal freedom, yes eternal freedom, yes eternal freedom, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. 

Every time that you feel a barrier and a blockage in your body as you are surveying the feelings that you have going on: ahh… oh yes… yes, yes, yes, yes to the experience of the divine here, yes to awareness here, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. You have to say yes to the truth in every experience of untruth, in order to free yourself from it. The higher truth, commands the lower and so choose for that, as you experience that which is not true: which is the you that you believe that you are. As that, as your experience of self, of what you believe yourself to be: allow that, to know eternity and to be transformed by that knowledge, understanding and awareness and to be blessed by that freedom that is granted therein. Allow that to be the blessing of you to the realization of true effective living here.

Again: that which blesses all life, that supports all life, that loves all life, that inspires all life to better itself by choosing to know more, to understand more, to realize more and more and more their eternal nature: yes to the realization of your eternal nature, yes, yes, yes, yes of course, of course, of course yes, of course, of course yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Feel that which does not know its eternal nature and say yes to knowing that there and free yourself, yes, free yourself by the willing realization of divinity. 

Say yes to the harmony of a wonderful divine change in you: ever so glorious and graceful: consciously aware of how to just move through life as a beautiful being that is oh so admirable. Yes, to that for you, yes to that for me and yes to that for us and each and all. Yes, to the embodiment of the divine to this entire reality, yes to divine consciousness here being revealed as the truth of all of us and of everything and of everyone. Yes, to that here for all, so that each one of us can know that as our truth. 

Any questions? Good, just “relax and allow” man, yes, yes, yes to the divine. I mean, if your going to be limited here and your going to choose a friend that could be of the greatest possible benefit to you, what friend could that be that would be better than having God walking arm in arm with you and having him say: “yes, he’s my man” he’s my boy”  “She’s my girl” He’s my buddy” my pal, he’s “the one” that is one with me, as I am one with him and we together are the whole and one truth: that all are part of the whole and the whole is holy and the holy truth is that God consciousness for all is the only truth that survives eternity. 

This would be a funny sermon to see on TV, wouldn’t it? They would never let me speak in church again, would they? 

So, where is that available? I don’t know, but I know that if the two of you open up to experiencing the divine in each other: it will happen and that will give me a place to be at home here myself: when you welcome the divine in each other and being at home divinely here, oh my God! What a pleasure that is. To be in the desert as that would be to flower in full bloom.

Alisa: I feel flashes of it and then I become aware of myself.

Of course.

Alisa: and then I feel like I might cry and then I get embarrassed and then I become aware of it and I just need to practice more around other people. 

Practice with yourself and practice who those you have chosen to spend your life with: feel something new from each other right now, feel the realization that the other person has opened their heart to the divine love of all things to flow through that heart and especially to themselves. Feel that from each other, feel that your partner in life is open to being a divine blessing to you. Mmm, yes, yea, and feel how much nicer that is than any other choice, because if you truly choose to experience your partner as a divine blessing to you: it is an impossible request not to grant. Thats why the divine was able to come here and embody itself and experience itself divinely, because when it is experienced clearly and cleanly: it is impossible not to join in and its only a choice.

So feel your heart open now and allow yourself to be conscious of your heart and feel that your heart knows that its safe here to experience the divine flow moving through it, healing it, allow your own heart to be healed by the divine flow of unconditional love.

Alisa: how do you feel? Your awfully quiet. 

John: I am relaxed into it, let go of your resistance. Don’t let it be hard for you to let go.

It’s hard for me to let go, its hard for us all. Just feel how much nicer it is to just let go and not be tense, to not demand that we know the truth from a place where we know that we don’t. Truly surrender to that truth that frees each of us: thats the truth that’s not temporary or temporal, but freeing the temporal with the truth of eternity: thats the choice that we are making, for the temporary body to be eternally free. Just choose to relax into that and feel that flow. 

I have to thank you again, because the willingness that you have to experience what you are willing to experience, is allowing me to open freely myself. So thank you, I am very grateful. I don’t have to hold onto that which disables me anymore. There’s no further purpose being served in it. Only the unconscious need to be governed, because the conscious will never do anything that is not easily and willingly accepted to anyone: the divine imposes itself on no one, but loves everyone and everything and blesses it in such a way that everything that is near the divine: blossoms in embracing greater and greater truth for itself, 

Until it knows itself divinely.  

Your only freedom is in eternity.

Part 3 John and Alisa

So let your confusions go, there is no reasons to hold onto them, allow all that you have ever been told to be true, all that you have ever believed to be true, all that you have ever known: to be washed away into the correct perspective of what it is in relationship to your knowing of eternity, your own eternity, your own eternal experience of infinitely varied experiences. All of them together, compared to what you have been this lifetime: of what relevance is this lifetime? 

Completely irrelevant actually in defining the eternal whole, that’s for sure. So, allow the eternal wholeness of yourself to put into proper perspective who you consider yourself to be here. Let who you consider yourself to be here relax into it because it is such a blessing to him: to the you that you have been, to the you that you have understood yourself to be, what a blessing to you when you allow eternity to move truthfully and freely through you as that. What a ride, what a rush, what a transformation of self, from unconsciousness into the awareness of all: the consciousness of infinite perfection, the awareness, understanding and the experiencing of not needing anything to be complete. The complete whole, wholeness of you that needs nothing: oh wow, open up and experience that! Open up into allowing that to move you, to reveal that truth to you, through you and as you. 

Allow eternal truth to move through you as if it were you. How could that not be the right thing if you are eternally true? So, all those solidities, all those entities, unconsciousness, the body parts: all of those things that have all these separate points of view within yourself that have points of view that you are something other than divine: let go of that! It’s not necessary, it’s not in your best interest. It’s not in your best interest to withhold the truth from yourself: don’t do it, don’t do it. 

Do not withhold any truth from yourself in order to conform to a lower consciousness idea of what it is appropriate for you to be, do and have here. Let go of all of those rules and commandments and obligations that people have here in lower consciousness: when they are not able to move through life divinely, they need lots of rules and regulations to create a civil society, but when any one of them embraces the divine, they no longer need to operate with the rules of man: they flow as the will and consciousness and presence of God here. First as the servant of God and then as the experiential understanding that that is the only truth of them that will free them from that which they wish to be free of.

You’re only freedom is in eternity, you’re only freedom is in the divine, but you don’t have to wait for an eternity for an experience of that: all you have to do is welcome your own eternal truth as your experience of self, right now. Feel the transformation of your consciousness, your body, all of those points of view that you hold within your body and allow that which knows how to love everything and everyone: allow that consciousness to embrace you and allow that embrace to renew your own unconditional divine and eternal love of self and others.

Alisa, as consciousness as a human here, it’s impossible not to condemn the people around you and judge them, because you can observe them and you can see what they are considering themselves to be and you know that its beneath themselves, regardless of what their ultimate truth is. So, as I have judged you and you have judged me: lets realize that these judgements of ours came from a level of consciousness that does not know our own ultimate truth and so lets let all of those go. I am going to let go of every Idea that I have ever had of you, every thought that you were less than the embodiment of a Goddess and you, as I allow myself to experience the truth of eternity through you: you begin to allow yourself to experience truth through me as well. 

Truth is not words: truth is experience. Experience the freedom of eternal consciousness flow from me to you and allow me to feel that from you, right now, right now. There’s nothing to figure out, about how to do it, all you have to do is say OK, “I allow the divine to move me,” “to move through me,” to bless others. Yes, yes, yes, nice, nice, nice, very nice, very nice. Now look at John, look at John, oh boy, oh yeah, You’ve got so much more to let go about John than you did me , but you know what? You can do it, you can do it, because “you’re not you”: your not the you who judged John about anything. That judgement did not come from your truth, that wasn’t you, so allow yourself to experience the divine everywhere around you and as you realize that you can experience the divine in anything, you look at John and you say: John, let me feel the divine move through you, let me experience the divine as you, let me feel that flow, coming from you, to me, now. 

And John: let her have it, don’t hold back: allow the divine just to flow through you like a gushing river. Ahh…. And allow that to bless Alisa with he fondest desires of knowing all and not needing to know everything else, because there is peace here: profound eternal peace as the experience of self. Nice John, nice. OK, more. Don’t try to do it, just surrender man, just say: ahh, yes! Just say: more, more, more divine flow moving through me, reacquainting me with my truth. Yea, yea, more, more, more, more. So much more so: that it becomes a irresistible  choice for us as we experience the “divine rush” that you’re having. Ahh… Hmm. Hm. So, allow this to change our experience of each other. Allow this to open in our normal consciousness, the recognition that yes there is divinity and yes it is all of us and yes we’ve experienced it and remember and know that we’re continuously experiencing it enough to “know that we know the truth.” And to know that we are here to allow the truth to move through us, into this reality: the truth that free’s us and everyone else, is our gift to everyone and everything.

We don’t even have to say what it is, all we have to do is allow it to flow through us, to allow the divine flow to be that which we are. Its not something that you have to train for, all you have to do is: allow it to be true, because it is the truth and you are just opening the floodgates that blocks the dams that you put in place yourself and saying: ahh… OK, I got it, I did that, it’s over and done and now I am the one here, who is really ready for the fun that it is to be eternally free here: to be that which knows it’s freedom. Feel that move through your body, feel the freedom that is possible for you, right now, as your free choice. There is no obligation for maintaining it other that continuing to choose it. 

Bless everyone to their own ultimate truth, to be able to live as your own here.

Thank you for allowing this level of truth to be expressed in your presence. It is a privilege to be with those who are open to knowing whatever it is that they need to know to realize the truth of themselves here. So, thank you for having already made that choice for yourselves because it allows me to come here freely as my truth. So, at least look at the possibility of knowing that when you look at each other: your each here for the same purpose and that is to experience the eternal truth of self while your embodied here. Not at some hoped for future moment but right now. Right now, each of you look at me: to you, God bless you to know your truth right now. Feel it, allow it to move you, allow it to move through you, allow it to embrace you, allow yourself to be immersed in knowing what it is to know, with no need to ask a single question because you already know. There is nothing that you even desire, because you know, because you lack noting. So allow the truth of you that lacks nothing, to be present here. I invite it, I welcome it and I honor that. I honor your truth and I welcome it with every reverence.  

Friends: we’ve always known, we’ve never not known our truth. We pretend at times that we don’t, but we know one thing: the truth is not what you present yourself as being. But that’s OK, you're here to experience a pretend presence, a pretended beingness: a manly human. Your here to experience that as the divine, going: ahh... so “that’s” what its like. So the real answer to the question that you have as to what the ultimate possibilities are for you is: the embodiment of the divine. Welcome it, feel it, realize that it’s yours for the choosing man. It’s yours for the choosing: you need no ones permission. There is no gate keeper except you, only you. Only you has what it takes to create a limitation so severe that you don’t know yourself divinely. 

So, it’s not anything to figure out. There is nothing to figure out, there is no eternal secret that cannot be understood by man. It’s as simple as can be: allow your truth eternally to be realized by you, right now. Feel the realization, feel the body moved and shifted as it is realizing the eternal consciousness that is you, within it, making that consciousness real and present in this reality as an embodied presence here. Because otherwise, it is only human embodied consciousness, but the consciousness of eternity embodied by man: that is the only truth that would be true here in a world of lies, if it occurred and it is available for you to choose that.

So how do we choose it? How do we experience the embodiment of the divine? How do we experience what it is for God to be present as us, as you, as me, as each other? How is it possible to experience a group consciousness of divine presence? As both self and the other: all experiencing self divinely? Just allow it to be true, allow it for yourself and it will be, allow it for yourself and experience the realization of the eternal you. 

So the parts of you that demand to be you, that are going: wow, how do I do that, I am confused?

It’s not for you to figure out, Its for you to allow yourself to know and to realize that knowing is an available choice for you. You don’t have to stay confused. So if you are confused: surrender to knowing. Thats all you have to do is to do nothing but be open to experiencing truth in the absolute nature of that which never changes. So, what does a body feel like that experiences the eternal nature of truth? What happens to a body as it senses that eternal truth has become known to it? Oh my, its preposterous of course: nothing that we have ever been told has prepared us for an actual experience of ourselves as the embodiment of the divine. But, oh my goodness: why not take a look at that and what that feels like for yourself right now? What does it feel like for a body to be the embodiment, to be the manifestation of divine consciousness? Allow your body to feel what it is to be the manifestation of divine consciousness. Feel it right now. Choose it in this moment. Mmm, Hmm, Oh, it kind of makes everything better doesn’t it? Each moment is better than the last when you choose to feel divine, to feel yourself divinely. What could be wrong with that choice? To feel divine, Mmm, yes, yes, and it’s OK because you allow everyone else to feel divine too: you wish nothing but that for everyone. You wish for everyone that you know, everyone you have ever known, everyone that you have ever experienced: you only wish for them is for the divine perfection of themselves. Should they have a momentary wish for that: it is your blessing to say, god bless you to that, brother and sister, god bless you to knowing the truth, all of you, all of you man. How could you wish untruth upon another and experience that brother as a divine being? You can’t, you can only bless everyone to their own ultimate truth, to be able to live as your own here. 

So, live as your own ultimate truth here, by being a blessing to everyone. Wow, oh boy does that change my heart, my cold, dark, damned heart. Ow, wow do I have to change for that to be true for me. Ow, wow, it feels near enough to kill me actually, but isn’t that what we have done to ourselves? Identified so entirely with the physical that we are damn near immobilized: mentally, emotionally, physically, certainly spiritually dead to our truth and yet: what a blessing it is to be our truth here. So continue to choose it for yourself. Continue to choose the blessing that is good for you and good for everyone: the blessing that brings grace and ease and glory into this reality as a personification of form. The movement into form and structure and the material world of a consciously divine awareness and realizing that our body is at home with that, at one with that. That that oneness, that eternal oneness is the only truth that there is to our consciousness. Everything else, was a confusion.