
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

By what grace are we allowed to quantumly improve ourselves?

It would have to be by the grace of God.

If that Grace of God is somehow different from the Universal Collective Consciousness, then we have to consider that universal collective consciousness has supported us in being exactly what we are now, instead of our being the grace of embodied God consciousness and what we are observably:
is not transcendent,
or unconditionally loving.
S if that is true, then what is it that opens us up to the possibility of being the grace of embodied God Consciousness and supports us in the transition from who we are and have been, into the divine possibilities of who it that we can possibly be.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The action of the will of God

Where is the glorious realization (here and now,) that we are here Exactly as God wished himself to be here? 

Don’t condemn or resist what God wished for, for himself: 

Realize the truth of God within what you are already. No need to change yourself, the realization will do that work for you. 

Allow God, 
as self, 
to be the action of the will of God. 
It is the will of God for all to be illuminated and
to be enlightened with the eternal truth of self: 
self realized, 
self redeemed, 
self aware: 
one with God and 
God as one with them. 

A miraculous paring with God that is God-realized as self.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

“Can I recognize God here?

Is a question that you might want to ask yourself as you go through your day. 

Can I recognize God here? And, if not: is that because he is not here or because I have forsaken him for a life of confusion? Of course, as soon as you can let go of even those concepts of God and self and just surrender to the flow of eternity moving through you: the sooner you realize your truth.
When you know that you are lost, ask: can I recognize God even here? Then once you have found yourself, you surrender to your ultimate realization of truth and then once we have come to our senses somewhat, we ask our selves: and can we realize God even here? 

How far do you have to go in knowing yourself for you to realize that the truth of you is divine and be at ease with that?

Be aware now and observe your full awakening, why not?

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Creating a cooperative work environment

Something that should be important to two people that are interacting with each other is that they each maintain the best interests of the other person as important to them and considering what that other person is wanting and needing in the relationship. Can we look for ways for both people finding a way to be at peace at the same time? To be happy at the same time? To feel whole and complete? Not needing anything, being resolved, fulfilled and finished? A perfect completion of a well lived life.

Thats what we should wish for all of our friends and for everyone else, so that they don’t cause us any problems in our realizing that as our experience for ourselves. How do we go through life experiencing and receiving the things that are important to us at the same time we do it in a manner that is harmonious with the people we are receiving it from? Giving and receiving in manner that is mutually supportive? Thats the kind of group that I would like to put together for the company. One in which each one of us looks out for the other and genuinely wishes the best for each other. A co-operative endeavor. One that results in everybody feeling even better about themselves and everyone else. 

How do we put together a group of people who are able to successfully participate in a cooperative endeavor where everybody wins? 

How do we foster an environment of mutual support for everyone winning in life? 

It shouldn’t be so hard to figure that out, but it has to start somewhere and so I guess it has to start with me. I’m not saying that nobody else does it wonderfully, its just that I am not aware of it and I am not comfortable maintaining my state of unawareness of things like that, so I have to allow myself to realize what truth is in each circumstance I find myself so that I can interact with those I connect with in a manner that it is worthwhile and mutually rewarding. I can’t keep maintaining relationships with others in my business with people who aren’t wishing to give me exactly what I need from them. I need to have people in love with what we are doing and want to do it and are counting their blessings that they are making a generous amount money for doing something that they love, just for the doing of it.

So how do we put together a group of people like that and maintain that as a standard for ourselves? Regardless of what we do we are going to have a corporate standard, a corporate environment and a corporate culture that everyone is familiar with. How do we set that standard where our culture is one where we intend everyone involved to be successful and happy and fulfilled?

Well, there has to be clear communication of the intent for this type of cooperative endeavor and mutually beneficial relationships between each participant has to be communicated as our chosen standard. Then we have to ask each individual that we are considering working with if they want to be part of implementing these standards and operating by them as their own guiding purpose in this endeavor. 

So how do we create a business culture where what I want, (which I believe is in the best interests of everyone) happens? Where I get exactly what I want out of this endeavor as well and everyone else is happy with my receiving that? This has to be put together with realistic expectations for each job, with  each person comfortable knowing that everybody else involved is supportive of them meeting the expectations we have for their job and upon each person meeting them: receiving the benefits that result from that performance. 

We need clear communication of the company standards, goals and intent for our employees, each job position, each product and then find a person for each position with the capability and willingness to fulfill the duties of the job in a manner where they consider their job with us a blessing in their lives. If anybody that is helping us on this project is less than enthusiastic about their participation being a worthwhile use of their time and intelligence, then they are not someone that we want involved.

I am going to let some of my bad attitude burn off, I think I could use a better attitude. 

Jim: well, I think we all can. 

There is a blossoming going on here now, feel it in your own body and feel all that is you blossom and fulfill their intention of a beautiful thing being expressed through you. 

Tomorrow I am going to pay attention to my business. 
Tomorrow I am going to ask people to support me in my vision. 
Tomorrow I am going to tell them what they need to produce in order to maintain their position and what they will receive in return.

Friday, June 21, 2013

The true test

I no longer look for my truth from the books of others. My truth I find within myself, in the experience of myself as I quietly observe this reality. I realize the truth of myself without help from another. If you just sit quietly and let everything burn away that is flammable in the light of truth or rather dissolves when put to the true test and that is: 
is it true that which is purported to be you? And until it is: you keep surrendering yourself to God until you learn the truth within yourself. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The truth of God is the truth of all.

A visit with my friend Kian.

So thats what we are talking about, is you becoming the physical embodiment of the word you use to describe your company. 

Kian: thats why I named it Integrus.

OK, so I am not telling you anything new. Is there any improvement for you to do, or are you 100% there already?

Kian: I have a lot to improve on.

Your very, very, comfortable operating from a position of being a seeker who is obtaining some degree of success and has hope for and is beginning to take pleasure in…

Kian: can you repeat that I don’t understand.

You are a seeker who is eager to resolve and restore that which has been limiting him from knowing the truth of himself, whatever all of that stuff is, we’re realizing that it is insignificant to us in determining wether we embrace our truth here or not. So the question that I have for you tonight, right here and right now is: if you let go of all that you have been holding onto that has been shutting you down from freely and easily manifesting the truth of yourself here, would you be willing to make the decision to drop all of those things right now? Right now. No thought for the future at all. 

Kian: Yes.

Yes, OK, congratulations: you’ve made it to the point where you are willing to have things get better for you and not even require your be responsible for directing how that happens, your so willing to open to it, that you are willing to allow universal consciousness to direct whatever openings to knowing eternity yourself that are available to you and you will just gladly receive those and enjoy those as your own. 

OK, so then this you, that you consider yourself to be in this moment, 
the you that you are thinking as,
that you are operating from the premise that “you are this” 
the sense of self that says: “I am this” and this is my life experience. 
This you: realize that for God to be known for you, that you have to open to knowing God and all that that might be and to allow whatever that is, to shift, change and mold and shape your consciousness into a beautiful reflection of universal truth. 

So just open up to that possibility for yourself and look at yourself and look at that possibility and ask yourself this question: am I willing to have that be true for me right now? Am I wiling to allow universal truth to instantly shape and mold and form me into whatever it is that I would be if I were a perfect reflection of that myself? 

Kian: how do I do that?

You don’t have to figure it out, you just say: yes, God yes, yes, yes, and continue that yes with each perceived moment in time, as you pass through that moment: own the Yes of universal freedom for yourself. In this moment and this and the following moments: just realize now that your allowing full control over you to universal consciousness and unconditional love and your allowing those to mold you into whatever you would be, for you to be the physical embodiment of that yourself. So just say: “OK, its a gamble, its a risk, but we’ll chance loosing ourselves in the wonders of what it is to know the divine.” 

And what do we find when we take that step, that leap of faith and surrender? We find ourselves, realized and returned to living as the truth of ourselves and knowing that without a doubt. 

Its a shock to the system and the mind and the consciousness that oh so wants to predict what your future is going to be, so that it can manage the risks and make safe choices, but know this: the safest choice of all, is to allow yourself to be fully infused by God and for you to know God in every arena that god exists in. Fully completely and absolutely and with that awareness located within the body, 
what shifts does the body go through and 
what consciousness do you expand into by embracing that and 
how does that relate to your continue being yourself here? 

Well, if you notice moment by moment an improvement in your consciousness and your well being as you surrender into this, then you can predict with certainty that the same will continue, because you are never giving up control in your life just because you surrender absolutely. No, absolute surrender is the ultimate way to control this reality. Its the only way that we have to let this reality know that the divine is here consciously: that we have returned to be on earth again as our truth. For that recognition to be awakened here in the consciousness of others that surrounds us each day: we have to not limit ourselves from carrying whatever it is that absolute truth is, in a way where it flows in and out of us with perfect ease. 

You just say OK, OK. There is no “doing” in the divine, there is only surrender to continual miraculous betterment of you and everything else simultaneously. You just say: God bless me and God bless my enemy and together the three of us will be free: God, you and me, together and free. Surrender to that truth of you and the truth of me and the truth of God will be how you live your life. 

Now thats a lot to try to get through the mind and the consciousness and each time you try to grab onto it with the mind to understand it, is an indication to you to just let go more. You don’t need to understand it, you only need to experience it and to experience it you don’t need to do it. You only need to say: OK I allow that to be true for me and that which is true for you and true for everyone else throughout all space time and dimensions will allow YOU to know yourself as that same truth also and if Yes, then” why not now? 
Why not now? 
Why not here? And 
Why not fully free, 
you and me, 
right now? 

Both of us freely willing the other to be divinely free and allowing that divine freedom for ourselves at the same time: a mutual acknowledgement and realization of the divine. Its a nice way to begin a wonderful relationship: the allowance of your friend to be the embodiment of the divine. Now thats a gift that only God can give and God bless you God: its yours to give away and once you do, its yours to own as your own knowing and experience of self. 

So take a little walk around the room and allow the divine the freedom to be aware, to be free and conscious inside of you and inside of me and as we allow this space for each other: we find the only way that we can do that is to be here as our truth. We can’t do it as a pretense, we can’t do that in a state of “wished for” “hoped for” “maybe so” “maybe not” beingness here. Were done with that, were letting all of that go. We’re letting go of our demanding that a level of consciousness that isn’t here in a manner thats gloriously successful, is the way that we are going to continue on being here. We’re willing to let that go and let the truth that results in confidence, competence and miraculous success, we allow that consciousness to be true for you and for me. 

Yes, feel that… Your crown above your head opening widely and brightly like a lotus should when the son is present. 

I appreciate your allowance for me to do this with you and say these things, because it takes a consciousness thats ready and willing, able and aware, to allow these words to be spoken and so its a treat for me because you are willing to go as far as anybody that I know and so: welcome home brother. 
Know God as you know yourself, 
know others as you know God and 
surrender all that hinders any or that limits or condemns them in anyway to the transforming and transmuting fire of the God thats always been within you. 

Kian: How do I become more conscious of it?

You quit trying to figure it out. 
You can’t have the answer to that from the level of consciousness that you ask that question from, because the level of consciousness that you ask that question from is not the truth of you, so when you know consciously that you are not being your eternal truth, you Know That in the Sense of Self that You Are. You know that You are a Seeker, You know that You are Struggling, You know that You are operating at less than universal consciousness, You Know That! You’ve accepted That for Yourself. Quit demanding that YOU continue to be that and instead: Let that flow, with the glow that is present within you, when you are true to the God in me and the God in you.  

So, don’t try to figure it out, you can’t. All you can do is sense it: if you can sense that that exists as a possibility for you, if you just sense it, FEEL THAT SENSE OF WHAT THAT IS and say OK, more please more. Sense and feel what it is to be universally true and universally wise, universally loving. Feel and sense what that is to be true of anyone and then allow it to have a home within you: 
welcome home unconditional Love, 
welcome divine consciousness, 
welcome home eternal truth, your home on earth is with me and 
as me and 
for me to be here as the truth of you. 

Allow the marriage of the body and the divine, where the body itself becomes divinely true and is set free from its previous trajectory and realigned with the flow of God, so that a miraculous experience is possible in each and every moment and happens according to your allowance of it being the experience that you are having in that moment. 

So how do you do it? You just say: OK, and mean It and feel It and experience that shift away from self condemnation into self love, adoration and celebration. Celebrate yourself, your wonderful. Release all your condemnations and judgements of yourself. If you don’t feel worthy enough to do that, you can just say: I allow it to get much better for myself right now than it has been and then just do it, allow it to be better than it has been right now, allow yourself to feel grateful that you are the life that you have been and that you are in this moment. Feel gratitude for that, for what life has given you and allow that gratitude to be that which changes you from a lie into the truth. Be grateful for what is and what is will be wonderful for you. Feel that gratitude until it makes you smile right now. Feel that gratitude for life, that it has gone as well as it has for you. “Thank you, we did really good based upon the level of consciousness and awareness that we allowed ourselves to have. We did the best that we could with what we allowed ourselves to be. Now what do I allow for me and what do you allow for you? How much better will you allow yourself to be instantly right now, here with me? How much better can you allow it to be for you than that? How free can you be with yourself and with me? 

Even better than that? 
Can you be completely free? 
Can you know the truth of you and the truth of me? 
Can you be one with God and allow God to be one with you? 
Right now? You can you know: its an available choice for your self, try it on: see if the shoe fits and when you do try it on, you will find God walking in your shoes and you will realize that the truth of yourself is finally here and known by you. (Yay) begin to realize that what I have said is actually true: 
oh my God, am I ready for this? No.
 Am I worthy of this? No. 
Am I afraid as hell as to what this might do to me? Yes, 
but your relaxing into it anyway, so you might as well relax into it a little more and open to the truth being true and not being censored by you: hidden away and left to rot and cause dismay, when the truth you restrict, the truth you lose within yourself. The self realization that thats our truth. 

Why do we condemn ourselves? Because of the lives that we have lived here, the fact that they haven’t been divine at all: they have been carnal and competitive, judgmental and critical of everyone and everything in our lives. Thats a fucking bad way to be: “we ought to punish ourselves and make ourselves have a lot more of it.” Thats idiotic and insane isn’t it? What do you do when someone is insane? You cure them and make them sane and healthy and able again. So what is Gods curse upon a sinner? Gods cures is blessing you that you may know your truth now. Thats the sentence of God to those who have damned themselves. Yes, your “self” is damed to knowing the truth and Gods sentence is to free you from what you have been and open you to the infinite possibilities that divine consciousness has when it inhabits a body. Allow that for yourself right now. Your not figuring it out to write a book about it, your just saying: 
I’m open and 
I open more and 
I open more and 
I allow and 
I notice and 
I recognize and 
I observe that: WOW it is As I Allow it to be, divinity can be here as me, as much as I allow it to be true. 

As you allow your truth, you become more aware of it and as you become more aware of your truth: of course you become more wise, more knowing, more able to be here as a blessing to yourself and others. And so all of the DOING, is: 
a continual surrender, 
a yes to more, 
more “something” 
more “nothing” 
more of whatever it is that delights the divine and brings that consciousness into animation here. Whatever it is that that does: 
yes for me, 
yes I wan’t to know what ever that experience is, 
yes of course, of course I do as well choose the divine truth of all as the truth of myself and allow that to bear fruit within me, that brings to me the life of the eternal within the temporal. Whatever that is is OK, we do not shut ourselves of from God in any way. 

As long as we consider God to be something other than ourselves: we allow  whatever that “other God” is, to be as Godly a blessing to us as it is possible to be, when we are denying God in ourselves. Whatever divine blessings we can still receive from that point of view: we accept, because unless in our current denial of God within ourselves we still Give God permission and allowance to act upon us in our lives, then we are forever lost. Because that’s the first opening: the surrender to a God that is separate from us. 

Once that surrender to God, trains us on how to open and to love and to receive inspiration and enlightenment, once that trains us that it is possible to know the divine within ourselves and educates us with the experience that it is possible to know ourselves as more and more and more each and every day, to expand beautifully in every possible direction, once we hear that that is possible for us: we sample that and say could that be true? And we surrender to that being true for us if that is a possibility within reach. And, is it in reach of everyone? It doesn’t seem to be surely, but could it possibly be everyones truth unless it was? Of course not. 

The truth of God is the truth of all, of everyone and everything. Everything that is conscious is God and yet almost never when God is individuated and embodied, is God conscious of self as God, but if you allow God to be free within you, then consciousness of God as self is what the result will be and wouldn’t that be a fun way to move through this reality? 

Yes, say yes to that. Not in the” showing off way” to others, but in the pure personal joy of it: God embracing the earth in unconditional love in a way that is completely well received by earth. Wouldn’t that be a nice way to be here as a blessing to all humanity, the world and to all consciousness? Is that a possibility for any consciousness? Of course it is because that is the truth of all consciousness and so any consciousness that focuses on embracing that, begins to manifest as the truth of that. It is just a continual surrender into the eternal truth of self that allows the eternal truth of self to awaken within you. 

Kian: do you read…..

What is the point for me? I’m not seeking, I’m not looking to obtain knowledge from other people here on what the eternity of truth for me is. There is nobody that describes that in a book where you read the words and experience the expansion of self into the truth of eternity from reading the words of another. That truth only comes from self, from the self realization that it is your truth and then the opening, the willing opening for the truth of self to blossom within you. To be supported in every way until the truth is known so extraordinarily through you, that everything around you flowers and blossoms in acknowledgement of the divine state of your presence. 

Thats what happens to everyone and will happen to everyone in the universal self realization of the eternal truth of us all. Its the direction that we’re all moving in, but it happens one person at a time and so you have the option and the opportunity of the miraculous experience of you: the divine truth of self, fully here, fully true and fully you. 

Yes, I am recording this and I will send you a copy to listen to as its a near impossibility to follow these instructions while you are driving. Maybe you’ll just open right now into what ever it is that you can open to that would result in a natural opening of yourself to your eternal truth where there is nothing further that you had to do about it, it just is a natural expansion and opening into the free will, that you give to divine truth. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

There is no difference between God and you.

This is me, 
this is my life, 
this is the universe. 

What will be extraordinary for the universe if I open to the universal possibilities of my life?

It’s not a question that can be answered intellectually, it can only be known and realized experientially and then you know your truth and when you look at the “you” that is asking that question and realize that: 
that personality, 
that beingness and
that presence, does not reflect the truth of you, 
that it is is a “mock up,” 
a mask, 
a role that you play in life and
not actually what you are.

Take a look at the universe and allow the universe to take a good look at you, all of it and all of you. 

Universal consciousness is the answer for anything that ails or disturbs you and resolves it beautifully, acceptably and wonderfully. 

Universal love lies within everything, including in the midst of your darkest heart, the blackest night and at the core of your deepest pain, universal love is there for you. 

Realize it within that dark, painful, limited self that you have accepted yourself to be.

Its not appropriate for you to continue on being what you have been here. What do you think Jesus did? There is no opposition to your truth beyond the universal agreement with your own self condemnation

 And brother, when you stop that: you are free man.

Any condemnation that you have in this reality is simply the reality here accommodating  your views and creating a place for your self rejection to have a reality to exist in that seems to be supportive of your beliefs. Of course the person (you) that I am talking to is not real, but that doesn’t mean that he (you) can’t free himself, or that you can’t free your self from the role that you are playing and the mask that you are wearing. 

Are you willing to choose Universal Consciousness for yourself?

Is it OK if I choose to be universally consciousness, no matter what it is that You choose to think about Me? In other words; can I be what I am, without your demanding that I be something else? 
Do you want me to be something other than: 
the brother of Jesus, 
the companion of Osiris and Isis, 
that which Buddha realized under the Bodhi tree when Buddha awakened and 
he whom Solomon received his wisdom from? 

Can you allow universal wisdom to be you? 

If you can: 
stand up and 
take a long walk with that YES and 
with each step of that walk, 
realize the Yes, exactly where you are. 

This is how universal truth becomes you: in your willing receipt of it and the simultaneous  forgiveness of yourself for everything. 

Everything that you have participated in that was less than your experiencing self as universal truth: 
forgive yourself for that now. 

Nothing less than Universal truth should be defining of you in any way, 
for it is only the lies that you accept, 
that hold you and 
bind you and 
restrain your truth from being known to you.

Forgive yourself for everything that led to the circumstances that you are in, in this moment and in this life. 

Forgive yourself for what brought you here and realize that it is a beautiful thing that you have to experience now: 
opening to truth is something that is an extraordinary, rare experience. 

The room that absolute truth exists in is one where you are naked and laid bare, with no confusions and mysteries, but a clarity of presence and beingness that knows what is.

Deal frankly and honestly with everything that you are dealing with, so that there is no confusion or being misled in life. 

As you move through life: 
continuously realize that the universal life is the life for you. 
Be what Buddha realized, 
be what Christ embraced, 
be the truth that is always true; 
the eternal truth of you.

Trust yourself, about yourself. Don’t look to somebody else for your truth, just look at what your truth is and allow it to be fully realized here.

Don’t condemn anyone or anything in your life prior to this moment, 
all of it together is what brought you here. 
Let it all go and instead of complaining about it: 
realize that it has brought you to the point of self realization and 
that is a wonderful thing and 
God bless all of them for that, 
including yourself. 

You remember the drill: 
bless your enemies and let them go into the past where they belong, while you continue on in the presence of God. 

Move with the presence of God, he is there anyway you know. Just notice it and realize it as you do and when you have noticed it long enough and realized it fully, you will see that there is no-difference between God and you.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Material success and spiritual enlightenment

Material success and spiritual enlightenment are a rare combination, but that doesn’t mean that that’s not yours if you choose it. When you begin to know God in your life, it quickly builds to a full allowance of God. 

Why would I want to try to convince a sceptic of my truth? My doing so would only validate their reality and invalidate my own. Others are irrelevant in defining or limiting your truth.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Observe the Glory of God.

Observe the Glory of God burn within you. Yes, the glory is difficult to see, never the less: you know it is there, so deny it no more a place within yourself and observe the most glorious sight of all: God, within self. Its not for you to imagine or conceive, conjecture, or to amuse your noble intellect. Its simple, its for you to see, to feel, to observe how the presence, the awareness and the noticing of God shifts the reality that is you. The presence of God within you refines all, within you to a noble divinity and there is nothing to be done about it other than to allow God, as you notice God within you and as you realize God even more. 

Enjoy your noticing of God. It is not a race to see who can notice more, but it is a pleasure moving you more and more. Noticing God sorts out all of your lesser problems and issues, puts them into proper perspective and opens your eyes to exactly what you wish for and relieves you from your doubts, fears and your confusions regarding your willingness to manifest yourself here truly. 

The more that you notice God, the clearer your mind becomes and the more awakened your body is as it: 
opens to love, 
opens to the flow of love without end, 
without restriction, 
without limitation and 
without preference: 
a love unconditional and universal, 
a love that embraces everything, everywhere. 
A love that heals and restores and reclaims all that was lost, forgotten and disabled and returns you to your rightful place: whole, complete and one with God. 

Continue to observe God, 
despite what you see,
despite what the light has shown within your darkness. 
Observe God as God enlightens your darkness and see the illumination of your dark self, which is the redemption of the fallen to the holy home from which we all are from. 

I know now it is possible to know love, 
to know self as love: 
the selfless love of all, 
universally true, 
universally you and
at home within your body. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Trust the divine.

Trust the divine, when you do it is a trust well placed, because when you surrender into the divine you are blessed in every possible way, limited only by your willingness to receive it. 

Trust, the divine.  
Trust enlightenment.
Trust unconditional love.

Only trust unconditional love: 

Nothing else can be trusted. 

Coordinate your reality with the divine. 

Allow all that is divine to be known by you.

Trust the divine here and now, in as absolute a way as you can.

Trust the divine, right here and right now. 

When you trust the “right here, right now” to the divine… 

When you trust “Your Right Here, Your Right Now” to the divine, when you trust “That” to the divine: 

Heaven is what you get.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Embrace the absolute truth of self and realize it within yourself

Part one of my visit with Phil.

What is the subject of the night that you would like me to speak on?

Phil: I will give you a layup. You know Joe Rogan?

Yes, what about him?

Phil: do you ever watch cage fighting?

Yes, I know who he is, what is the question? 

Phil: he says religion is for dumb people. 

OK, I will address that. That is coming from a level of consciousness that is condescending and believes that it is superior to the other consciousnesses that it is observing and while that may in fact be true, he’s not recognizing his own truth and that he has diminished the expression of himself down to just a superior human intelligence instead of embracing that which we all know is true and that is that some humans throughout history have been able to embrace an absolute state of being and consciousness that is miraculous.

Phil: if in fact they have, we will not deny them if they have, right?

The point is, Joe Rogan is wearing his identity mask, playing his role in a fake play that he has completely bought into and into the “truth” of everyone’s “roles” which are all equally fake, including his. He doesn’t realize that the nature of his own beingness is self destructive and self condemning.

Phil: and self serving.

No, not at all. If you are truly self serving you would deliver to yourself the very best possibilities that exist for you and if you did that for yourself, then you would be the person most able to be of assistance to others, to anyone. So the subject is: you can only truly serve others well by giving yourself the very best possibility that is open to you. When you embrace the absolute truth of self and realize it within yourself, then at that point: wow, what a great friend you can be then.

Phil: is there an absolute truth of self?

There is a truth of you that transcends everything that we have been discussing. There’s a truth of you that is so magnificent, that there is no “wondering” about the truth or existence of anything. You just know it as you consider it, look at it and experience it and nothing is withheld from you. You don’t wander around wondering if you are right or not. You don’t walk around wondering if someone else’s criticism of you could be true.

Phil: Sounds beautiful, but that is full self-awareness, isn’t it? 

Well, the question is…

Phil: how does one really find it?

If you wan’t me to answer that, I would ask: 
What prevents you from realizing that in yourself now in this moment? 
Not after some life long search, but right now? 
What is preventing you from full self realization right now, right now? 
Why am I pretending that the mask that you present to me of “I’m this and Its pretty great” is you? Yes, its OK for a human, but what are the possibilities that you have for yourself and why are you maintaining “this” instead of “that”? 

Phil: it should be impossibility.

The only real question is: what is the ultimate truth of you? If that something is worthy of the word wonderful or miraculous or cosmically delicious… 

As soon as you acknowledge that there is a more real, more eternal, more triumphant self that is true of you than is evidenced by your personality, then at what point do you say, OK I am done with the personality that I have been?

Phil: that is still somewhat of a journey, its not an end point, more of a beginning point, I agree with that. I think we’re naturally there and that we digress because of human materialistic ways.

It doesn’t matter what it is, you don’t have to justify it and give it credence of being more real and more powerful than you are.

Phil: Only to this point: if that self awareness is there it is inhibited by the things we put up.


Phil: But that is the normal status of the average person.

Of course, but you don’t need to tell me that, your telling me that is preventing me from answering your question.

Phil: I’m trying to figure out things for myself. 

Let me have the floor for a minute and see if I can be of assistance…. There, let it go. Anything that’s heavy, let it go. Let go of all need to be right, to be anything.

Phil: to be admired.

Let go of your need to be something other than what you are. 

Phil: what if you are that? 

If you are absolutely the truth of yourself, you’ve go no questions left, because you’re the living embodiment of eternal truth. If you want to communicate to me on a lesser level that that… It’s not that fun. So if I can access that state and I can recognize the truth of you in that same state…

Phil: “trust me.”

Yes, then trust me, trust me that this truth of you that I am holding literally in my hand right now, just allow yourself to receive it. Allow yourself to be enlightened, to be awakened…

Phil: freed. 

To be free from that which doesn’t please you. Everything that you do either pleases you and makes you happy or makes you unhappy. Let go of your need to exist as unhappiness here and allow yourself to be transformed by the willing reception of any divine blessing that is directed your way. 

Phil: All right, so take me down that road but distinctly this vein of it: how did you allow yourself to get there?

By realizing that the part of me that was searching for that answer couldn’t figure it out and so as the person who is admit-ably walking around in unconsciousness, I had to say: its beyond my ability to figure it out according to my self identification of being “this person here” from “this construct” it cannot be deciphered. However, I’ve had experiences of cosmic consciousness, of God consciousness, of divine love, of divine beings. I know I have and so I have a reference point for those experiences and when I am not there… 

Everyone has a reference point for their momentary experiences of their truth and so as you already know that the truth of you is far more than what you are exhibiting to me and expressing as being who you are. The truth is a quantum explosion into infinity, more than that. So rather than having to be right about who you are right now, you realize that the fact that your not fully enlightened is all the evidence that you need to know that you have to let go of this current experience of yourself and surrender this to that which can redeem you or replace you or reclaim you to the eternal truth of yourself.

So its a surrender, its an allowance, its an: OK, I know I don’t get it, I don’t know why but I do know that the truth is far better than what I am experiencing right now, so I am not holding onto anything. I’m going to let that which is divinely loving of everything be that which takes control of my mind, my body, my awareness and my consciousness right now in this moment. I surrender to that willingly and absolutely. And you should too. Just let go of who you are, who you believe that you are, what you believe is true, what you believe is false. Just let go of all of that, because if it hasn’t resulted in your being the living embodiment of divine and absolute eternal truth, if it hasn’t delivered that to you: its not serving you well, so let it go.

Phil: all of it?

All of it. All of it, your not letting go of yourself: your fully experiencing yourself in consciousness without having to move it. You just look at who you have been here from a willingness to be conscious as your truth. So you experience the result of all of your previous choices intensely and immediately, but experienced with the awareness and realization of the infinite. Which means that it is a passing thing that’s easily experienced. You experience the full depth and breadth of the darkness, damnation and horror that your life is and you let it go in an instant, because you realize that the absolute truth of all things that is there contained: you fully embody that and know that nearly instantly and once you realize it fully, there is no need to hold onto it and so it just dissipates and the next thing that will lead to your further expansion, awareness, light, understanding, consciousness and love: there it is for you to embrace and you just say: yes OK, what ever is divine, loving and eternally true: sure, make me fully aware of that within myself.

Phil: that groks.

“Make me aware within myself of that which has been the most wondrous and wonderful possibilities achieved by consciousness in whatever form it may take of in no form at all.” 
Why not allow that to infuse my body? 
Why would I say no to that? 
Why would I resist that? For no good reason, now that I think about it. So let it go, all resistance to infinite, miraculous, instantaneous improvement in your experience of truth, the absolute eternal truth that contains all subjective truths within a small part of it.

Phil: so you’re saying that I’m an entity.

I’m saying that your aware.

Phil: That I’m an organism. 

You may or may not be. Here is what I can say that you are: you are consciousness and you are perceiving through this body and because your awareness is aware of this reality through that body: then everything that has come together in the manifestation of this body is demanding that you be conscious of it or go unconscious. Which everybody does, they go unconscious. The way out of it is willingly experiencing what is going on, right now. 

Phil: consciously.

And being open to experiencing the nearly impossible, but possible miracle of infinite freedom and being the embodiment of that. Why identify yourself as being less than that when the truth of you is so much closer to that than that which you have identified yourself to be? 

So what can I do for you? I don’t know, all I can really do is say: 
There is something possible, 
there is something wondrous that is already true, 
there is something wonderful about you that is here that you have forgotten and
that is ready for you to awaken into and embody again. 

So what does it feel like to an embodied consciousness to awaken into oneness? Into the awareness that your truth is absolute love, absolute light and absolutely nothing at all?

Phil: I’ve only got fragments of that understanding. There have been many times that I have felt it.

So, what is it possible for you to feel now? And, surrender to that. 
What is it possible for you to feel now in a wonderful way? 
How wonderfully pleasant can you experience yourself in this moment? Surrender to that. 
How much better can this moment be, than it started out being? 
Yes, how much better, 
how much better, 
how much better?

A continuous stream of choice for the betterment of self: yes, “I’ll take this and one better.” Yes, I will take this and more better. Yes, more, more better, more, more, of course I will take more betterment of myself. Of course, of course I willingly receive, willingly receive, willingly receive, the awareness that the universe actually-is in full absolute support and celebration that you might actually-open to embodying your eternal truth here.

So, its OK to say yes, really. 
Its Ok to say: Gods will be done through me and then actually allow it to happen. 
Not by you directing it, 
but by you feeling it, 
noticing it, 
being aware of it and 
then being one with it: I am whole, I am complete, I am one with God. Receive from there, your experience of your own truth.