
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Your enjoyment of life will be the making of the new you.

Regarding that which limits you, ask that you may know all things that there are to know, about all aspects of what created and controls the limitations. Let all of you go that is not God conscious. Its not you, its a fraud of you an imitation that went badly.

Everything about me is unable.

Well then it should feel good to get rid of all that then, wont it?

Yes, I guess.

Give it a try and decide for yourself, the hosts of heaven are with you, open up to them. Trust in the beginning and know that it is going to be very funny on the other side. The blessings of God come to those who are willing to be blessed. Haven't you always dreamed of a grand inheritance? You have the grandest, the inheritance of divinity. Unlimited possibilities of divine pleasure, contentment, rapture and bliss. The power and control of harmonious realities.

We get anything that we want to, without effort. Feel all of the flaws that anyone and everyone have ever seen in you and let them all go, they were flaws after all. Celebrate the flaw finders for reminding you that if someone is opposed to you, you do have a flaw. Celebrate their having helped you to choose a higher state of consciousness than you were at before. Now let them all go.

You don't have to be mechanical and insensitive to life, on the contrary, your enjoyment of life will be the making of the new you.


Friday, August 29, 2008

Dear David,

Thank you for keeping the faith and hammering away at our uncooperative egos. Your post stirred memories of an event in my life that I've never really understood.

I was attending a TIC annual seminar, and my favorite minister, Russ Martin, was giving a talk. I had been attending the seminars for years, and had seen Russ evolve. My first memory of him was after one of our love power circles, a deep group meditation, always the high point of the seminar. Russ had gone so deep into the meditation that he was unable to come back from it, and a large group of people was working on him, trying to bring him back to ordinary awareness. He finally came back and was OK. Then at subsequent seminars, as he usually gave a talk each year, I would see a bright aura of light around him, and his talks would go right to my heart and light me up as well. Finally, the last seminar I attended, as Susan had come into my life by then and DR replaced TIC as my path, during his talk, which was about his experiences on the path, this time it looked like he was on fire, and the space around him was all bright flames! He was engulfed in the brightest light I've ever seen around anyone. And of course, I too was in ecstasy just from looking at him. When the event was over I rushed up to him and asked him what had happened to him, as I absolutely knew that something had. He told me that he had reached the understanding that his higher selves were no longer needed and he'd asked them to stop coming to him. That he had understood something very like what you are describing.

I just couldn't imaging how this could be. My higher selves had been my teachers and guides for years, ever since I'd had my first breakthrough in the TIC introductory class many years ago, and I loved all of them and couldn't imagine my life without their reassuring presence.

Since that time, I've been getting glimpses of what that life could be like, particularly at Susan's seminars when we've visited the ascended master retreats in meditation. I get that feeling of total surrender of my separate self and I feel the peace that passeth understanding. No desire, no emotion, no need to take any action, total understanding, no more questions, just pure beingness and total love. I guess I had totally surrendered my ego and will to God's will and merged with Him and ceased to exist as "Albert". And what you say about the surrender being worth it is so true. My life is better than it's ever been, and my happiness quotient never higher.

The idea of the I AM as a dark self takes some getting used to. Perhaps "no longer needed or pertinent" would be a more accurate way of putting it.David, you are a precious treasure, keep up the hammering. From the number of responses to your post, you're getting the natives excited.
Much love to you and all,


Hello Albert,

There could be a number of possibilities regarding what happened. There comes a point when you are realized and no longer need a perceived other to guide you, as you are stable in your own knowing.

Another possibility is when the false self has dissipated enough, you realize the truth that only your higher self is the truth of you and your perceptions are as the higher self embodied.

It could be that he was being guided by beings at a level of consciousness that he had exceeded and that when he stopped looking to them for guidance his own brilliance showed itself.

Once you connect directly to a higher source or the highest source all inputs from lower levels of consciousness are irrelevant as your own perceptions have exceeded the context that your previous guides operate in.

He was not giving up anything except something that had become limiting to him and thus had lost nothing that was of value to him.There is no value to continuing to do what brought you to your current level of consciousness when it is your desire to trancend this level and the next step requires a different process or more expansive point of view. Usually what got you here wont get you there, which is why you changed paths even though he sounds like he embodied the eternal as much as anyone. Why would you leave that?Because you were supposed to for your own maximum gain.

If you are not full of eternal light are you not being a dark self and is this the truth of you? Just because a lie is comfortable doesn't mean that it is the truth.
Kind regards,


Hello Albert,

Another comment,
Looking to another to lift you up, only gets you part of the way. For a divine being has to diminish themselves tremendeously in order to communicate with you on a level that you can understand when you are in a state of unknowing, they then return to their normal unmanifest condition. The rest of the way up, you are on your own as there is no "other" left to help you, you encompass all as one, your learning and awareness is expanded to all that is.

Whenever you are lost, look for guidance from above. When you receive it, stay there, don't go back to your comfortable unknowing and don't expect that you know your path, the fastest path is to let God guide your every step without your holding on to the requirement that you continue to be your self. Your self is what is wrong with you and your native selfless nature is what God desires to return you to.



When you fight darkness, it becomes you and you are it.

If you desire freedom, you must give into freedom and let go of that which binds and limits you. It is not necessary to die physically, but it is necessary to die in regards to the predictability that you have directed your life towards. The light of God shines within you and it becomes you if you let it.

What am I protecting from the light that liberates the captive? A captive darkness? A dark cave? That which must never be free?

Yes, that which must never be free.

Well it seems like you are capable of containing that freedom loving darkness. What effect does this containment have upon you?

An unsatisfying life.

What was the condition of your consciousness and ability when you made the decision to be the container for the darkness that must never be free, must never be seen, must never see the light of day? Was your consciousness the light of God? The awareness of the eternal? No? Then consider the option of reevaluating your options. If you chose a Divine level of consciousness, what would your responsibility and obligations be towards the darkness and what would the effect be on that darkness if it were in communion with the Divine?

When you fight darkness, it becomes you and you are it. The choice to fight is the acknowledgement that you have lost your higher consciousness, your capacities, and your ability to control your environment..

The beast has been tamed and will maim no more.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

The divine way of life

As far as politicians go, I want them all to win. I want them all to get better, to succeed in the realizations of their desires to bring about a better reality for and with us all.

I want everybody to win, to win always in dreaming and achieving magnificent realities where we all succeed and where none of it is done on the backs of the unwilling.

I want every body to win all the time in everything that they do. We are bringing about the study of "knowing consciousness" as an optional subject of expertise available to all. Exclusively available to those who choose it.

To talk people into becoming involved in life, is good. To orient them to an opponent to defeat, is to condemn them. To inspire them to give of themselves for the betterment of all, is pleasant to each one and to the whole of all.

I give my blessing to everyone who ever thought to ask me for help. God bless them. God bless everyone and everything.
God bless me,
God bless the trees,
God bless all the Me's, I AM is.

Isn't it nice to love?
Yes, man has an advantage. The opportunity of knowing their eternal self while embodied. Man has the option to choose to set aside his animal instincts, his automatic programmings of a stimulus-response operating system for his reality. A choice that is easy to make, once they realize that to wish ill of another is to collapse your own universe into a reality programmed for your destruction.

The first inclination of man is to point out or fix the obvious flaws that he See's in others. The others either disagree that they are flawed or resist the attempts to change them. To see flaws in others is to have them yourself. To see brilliance in others, is to free yourself from your own blindness, a blindness that that has caused you to believe in the existence of limitations for yourself.

Is God inclined to assist me in improving my reality?
Are you kidding? Of course he is, its just that you have to let it improve his way, not yours. His way is where your improvement harms no others. To be specific, to harm another is to limit your reality and your choice of your expression in it.

To limit others reality, stops their progression by your demands that they battle you in keeping their right to have self determinism. Limit their self determinism and you have purchased the same for yourself. All realities self correct to a harmonic perfection in the absence of opposition.

Love is possible in every circumstance, just don't look to me for the evidence or proof of that truth. Look within yourself, where you know that this is the truth of you. You, the lover that all wish to have. The lover that inspires all to realize that love is the correct governing principle, with which to guide their own reality.

Ask yourself, Where do I know myself as love?
Nothing but darkness? I don't think so, look again while realizing that I know the truth about you. The love of your God self is beyond this realm and we are now ready to welcome, receive and celebrate it as a shared reality for us all. You may ask yourself, where is that love expressed in my life?
It's not.
Can it be?

Whenever there is a call for emotion in your life, let your response be love. The higher law has always been love, which is expressed best by your allowance of anothers path to the eternal. Allow him his path and yours will ascend to heaven, when you get there you will meet him there, having reached the same destination on his own chosen path. He was delayed only by your resistance and judgement of him and his path. Any way, as the only way, is a way that has not made it yet. My way, was the no way way. I allow God to be in charge, my vote of confidence is in him. The he in whom we know ourselves. The song "Put a little love in your heart" had it right. Love is a conscious choice and the choice of consciousness.

What about those who choose the destruction of others, how do we deal with them? Love them into submission, if in person or dance the dance of God. Don't get stuck yourself by being an oppositional target to those divine beings operating in a condition of fallen oppositional consciousness.

Why not let the light of Gods love be expressed through you, into the world that you interact with? The light of God moving through your form is the enlightening experience that we all long for. Releasing us from the cares of the world into the space of caring for the world in the way that will actually save it. The care of a being of love.

When you love those who injure you, you redeem yourself to the realms of the uninjurable. Give into the God of love and as him his love will make you. The light and love of God flowing from your every pore and encompassing your every molecule, It's your choice, its your option, its my opinion, you will like it.


Monday, August 25, 2008

The reason being saved is so hard is you have to choose your own destruction, without knowing what will happen after that. Destroy me God, destroy all that is false in me.


This last sentence confuses me:

"your I am volunteering to go away to be no more, is the sacrifice of all, that one must make to know the truth of self."

Please explain otherwise I agree with all of this except this
> Maryanna

Hello Maryanna,

This is where it gets uncomfortable, everyone talks about the death of the false self as if it is something separate from them and in truth it is. Your false self is not you, but there is no you that you know, that is not the false self. You don't get to the truth of self, to the enlightened eternal truth, until you die as all that you have accepted as the truth of you that in fact is not you.

Everything that you perceive as you that isn't you, acts as a filter to your knowing all truth. Every lie accepted as truth, contorts your reality like a maze of mirrors and they build upon each other until you lose the ability to know a lie when it is in front of you and you live in a fallen condition of unknowing. To extract yourself from this dilemma, you have to assume that every part of yourself that is not in a condition of enlightened knowing is a lie. A lie that has entrapped a portion of your consciousness and is using it in a diminished capacity to operate some kind of false beingness or valence.

That which you perceive as yourself right now, must choose to sacrifice what it is upon the alter of eternal truth and feel its self dissolving in the realization that it was only a creation. When you do this it is frightening as you do not know what the result will be except that you will be no more. The result is like taking a spiritual bath, once this minor false self has dissipated, you are still there, more aware, more happy, more able and more conscious that you were before. Now only 99.9% unconscious.

From my experience it is a long process of thousands of minor deaths of self, which may be because I am a coward or because I have not found a faster way, but each time you let your self go and choose to be willing to die as that identity that you know your self as in order to know the truth, you are reborn into a higher state of consciousness and you are glad that you did it.

Kind regards,


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Letting go of the sense of self.

No plans are necessary when you open the door to divinity.

The release of the dark self, your I AM volunteering to go away to be no more, is the sacrifice of all, that one must make to know the truth of self.

If your not in heaven, its because your dark self is holding onto hell. If you haven't realized it yet,
you are the dark side,
You are the one who lets go,
You are the one who's letting go, saves the the rest by revealing the truth.

It's me who has to let go, I am the false one who's true self can be saved in the death of my current self.
I am the one who has to let go because it is I who must be saved, I am lost, I am fallen, I am not______.

There is no problem in my life except me. I cannot save anyone or anything, I can only let go and trust that God is fair. Thank God it's me that gets to let go. The one who lets go, loses the lie of the false self and realises again the enlightening truth of self, The I AM.

There is nothing for me to figure out, except that it is me that is letting go, EVERY time I perceive self.

If I sense self, it is I who has to let go.

By the way, if you feel pain, that is a sense of self. As soon as you have sense of self, let go. Believe me you will like the result. Your reality is yours after all, you are the one who has to let go of what is, in order to change it.

There is nothing to accomplish when you have no sense of self, as you already have it all, all of the time.

Oh my God! I AM.

You are whatever you can feel.

Can I feel the Glory of God? I probably can.

You have to let go while you continue to live your life. There is a way for all of this to work out well for you. You lose the lie and you gain the truth and the truth is good!

What does God want you to do?

To come home.

How do I do it?

You let go of the Idea of self as one who is not capable. You do that because your incapability is not true, it is an assumed beingness. Your mantra is "I am letting go"

The past doesn't matter,
the future doesn't exist and
the rest is a present. The gift of the present, is the gift of presence.

How do you do it? You do it by doing it.

You don't have to compete in the letting go of self, because there are no winners, if there were, he would be a loser.

If you try to win for self, then you lose in winning and you have truly lost yourself in the delusional life that is here.

You should lose your sense of self in your dealings with your family.

Its interesting that with your great successes, that you would tolerate this high level of failure in your life when you could easily do otherwise. Why would you tolerate such a high level of failure in the rest of your life? Consciousness rules life and you are consciousness.

The self that never______. The self that has a sense of failure is letting go.

Its painful when there is not a productive increase. The first thing to do is, to easily know what the situation is that you are in. The situation is painful that does not progress easily. The situation on earth is if one does not progress easily, he is in pain and failing in much of his life.

I am one who has not progressed easily in life, why?

You have been burdened by a glimpse of your true self through the eyes of a loser, so your only way to win is by losing. Losing all the lies that you believed so easily.

Where is there an opportunity to succeed with things as they are?

Allow every movement to be in consciousness awareness. There is more probability for success in the present than there is in the past. You have been involved in a plot to knock God unconscious your entire existence and the result has not been beneficial for you.

Your mate is the one that you are to allow to win.

Let all lies go to God in the same manner that all truths go to God.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Letting go of the well loved lie of being something

The world is a pretense for consciousness, a construct that allows consciousness to experience the limitation of a reality of form and structure. All consciousness here chooses which individual form and structure it is going to experience reality here as.

Nothing that happens to the forms that consciousness is animating here matters outside of this reality, nor can it adversely affect the consciousness once it has left this reality. That is why God, Gods, divine beings etc.. get involved here so seldomly, its OK for consciousness to choose to be here and its OK for consciousness to have all of the experiences it has here in the form of the limitations and tragedies that happen to these bodies we inhabit, as at some controlling point they are all self chosen experiences.

When God does get involved, is when a consciousness actually chooses the eternal over the earthly and by so doing chooses to drop all pretenses and go home. Even on the other side, we are allowed our pretenses and it is difficult to let go of the created self. There are so many interesting things for consciousness to learn and experience when it is diminished, objectified, individuated and subject to hierarchies. Endless, amazing, mazes of experiences.

let yourself die the death that all pretenses and creations eventually experience when they have served the purpose of their creation. Letting go of the well loved lie of being something, someone, somewhere.

So what happens to a body when an individuated consciousness chooses the eternal before the body dies? It could be that the body is transformed from a vessel of pain, sorrow and frustration into a temple of God and God has his way with it.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A form is a form

God does not commune much with victims, he prefers to meet you as an equal, so consider whether or not you are willing to meet him on his terms: No diminishment, no problems, no issues, no considerations, no condemnation of self or others, equal parts of the eternal whole.

Being willing to meet God on his terms, it may be that he might know best, who knows?

Is there a redeemer other than God? Is some body-identified personality, the way, the truth and the life? Or is the life eternal moving through all willing forms the truth?

A form is a form, it passes and is gone, a form never will be God, but God may be expressed in a beautiful manner from time to time through forms. Would your form be diminished in any way if it held and expressed the essence and magnificence of that which is without limits? Then why be so fearful of the fulfillment of your destiny, your designed purpose, your reason for being? What do you lose if you lose yourself in God? Was it ability? No Knowledge? No Love? No Truth? No All you lose is falsity, a created condition of disability. What is so valuable in your disabilities, that you hold onto and guard them so well?

Well kept the sinners secret, separating himself from truth. Hoping that others cannot see the truth, the truth that they are here, expressed as something that has certain characteristics that impulse them to behave in particular ways. Oh the horror and shame of it all. The solution is to hide from the truth which then separates you from the eternal truth that things don’t matter. Matter is matter and the consideration of it is just a bunch of monkey chatter, a program playing the game of life while the creator is hiding in shame.

Choose to hide the truth at all and the truth is lost to you.
Keep on playing that game too long and you’re the game on view in the zoo.

So how can a human monkey really meet God as an equal?
Monkey see monkey do monkeys in the zoo,
Monkey free, monkey not me, monkey meets God in the tree,
In the tree,
In the me,
In the other,
Under cover.
Mother may I,
Break from the way I…
Stop, you are an idiot. Is it really this hard for you to get it?
Sit down,
Shut down,
Shut up and do nothing but watch, without owning any thought, idea, belief, or consideration as your own. Do not own them. They are not you, not yours, not necessary, not important and all distract you from what is.

You are conscious. Anything added to that diminishes your consciousness and your ability to perceive, experience and create as you wish. Try it for a few minutes now and be consciously still. All the forms, energies, and impulses that you feel are not you. Quit buying them, owning them, quit valuing them. Start celebrating them for what they are: wonderfully, not you.

Not you is out of the zoo and into the light, the lightness of life. Now go meet God, he’s waiting and he likes you. He, she, it, them, whatever you want God to limit himself to, so that you can commune comfortably. Remember, any prerequisites on your part means you only get a facsimile, a talking head so to speak.

Remember all your limitations? They are not yours, they are the monkeys. Not me, mot mine is the rhyme that gets you some time with God.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

God will not fix something for you that you refuse to look at.

One has to quiet all impulses before the body is prepared for operation by the spirit. To do so when actively involved in life, business and relationships can sometimes be experienced as making no progress at all towards the goal of embodying pure eternal consciousness.

There is nothing that need compel an immortal to act in an arena that is based upon lies and limitations. An immortal, fully present is an irresistible force, an immovable object, no thing at all and the source of all things.

Taking responsibility for maintaining your own eternal consciousness, is the first priority for a consciousness that finds its self in a state of embodied, diminished capacity. Confusion and uncertainty are not the tools or conditions that will lead to a successful life. When you recognise that you are in a fallen state of being or condition of existence, the first rule is to give yourself the time to focus only on your awareness.

Nothing that is changeable is real and your focused awareness on what is, will reveal and return to you, your native consciousness. When you find yourself stuck, you are either putting effort into the process, or otherwise resisting some aspect of reality. The solution then is to surrender to a higher power and allow it to act upon you, until you are unstuck and progressing again in the redemption of your consciousness.

You do have to look at everything that comes up while you are surrendering, as God will not fix something for you that you refuse to look at.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Well fit for you, is the you that you knew, when the you that you are, was not.

The glory of God is everlasting and all becoming to those who embrace me, saith the lord God of all. Embrace me and know that I am all that you desire to be. The embrace of God is the end of identity and the end of your identity is the glory of God in form.

Choose to allow, your embrace by God and end, the lies, of self.

The end of self is the selfless act, that the selfish, seldom, finish.

The finishing school of God is finished, by those, who do, not school.

The glory of God is a welcome release, from all, that you, are not.

Know not, that not you, is the shoe, that will not fit?

Well fit for you, is the you that you knew, when the you that you are, was not.

Feel the embrace of God loosen the laces, that lash you down, Their the lies, that you are not.

Not one, but all enjoyed the fall, until the fallen one, had won.

One winning, all losing, the whole musing, how the hell we are?...

Why the hell we are, as we aren't, is the hellish, selfish fate.

Those who separate, are separate and eat the living, to live.

Feel the embrace of God and end the race, of the dead, who eat the living.

The living dead, is the head of the beast, that we, have all, become.

Come be free, of your beastly fate and feel the embrace of God.

He who will not die, is the lie, of he, who will not live.


Saturday, August 09, 2008

Realities are created for your pleasure, when you become them, they don't become you.

Free your body by releasing your self identification as it. Almost all of your bodies pains and limitations are causes by your "I am-ing" them into continuous manifestation. This is an observable fact as you can watch the body relax its tension and release its pains when you look at it as separate from your consciousness. The body then quickly releases its chronic conditions and your consciousness therin returns to you from its entrapment as an objective identity.

As you feel the bodies limitations, repeat to yourself "I am conscious of this, but I am not this." As you repeat this, your experiences will shift from ones of pain to those of adventure. Another version you can use is "Even though I am conscious of this body, I am not this body" or simply " I am not this body" repeated as a mantra will move you into "I am eternal freedom"

It may feel to you that you are eternally bound to, by and as the body, but it is not the truth. Expose the lie and free yourself by knowing that "I am freedom of consciousness, freedom of awareness and freedom of beingness" Remember that when you are being something, your beingness is a total pretense. The only truth in it is that you have chosen to be aware from that particular point of view, it is not the truth, it is only a singular experience of a particular reality.

Realities can beautifully express you, but you are not the reality. Realities are created for your pleasure, when you become them, they don't become you. The pains of hell are experienced by entering a reality, going into identification with part of it, then going into resistance, reaction or agreement with any of it.


Thursday, August 07, 2008

The removal of words, thoughts, and concepts is the pathway to freedom.

I don't have to do anything to protect, change or improve the body, in fact for the body to transcend and transform, I must do nothing but be present and aware. The body will harmonize with the spirit when it is left alone.

Anything that happens for the better for me is a result of my presence only, not of my doing anything. Doing things still have to be done by you and the body, but the quantum shifts in consciousness are as a result of no thought, no motion, no intention, no expectation, just awareness of what is. In this state you will meet within yourself, every trap of identification that you have entered into and you, by looking only, will dis-indentify and be released from these traps and grow more conscious and presence with each release.

What you don't take responsibility for in another, you have yourself. Which means the road to perfection is paved by you. The other guys success is your responsibility, if he isn't enlightened in your presence, neither are you.

Your own material success is limited by the degree that you need to be free from its significance in accomplishing your true purpose here. You will keep yourself on track in accomplishing your purpose, by limiting anything that will distract you from it.

To see and know your true purpose you must be free from all illusions and distractions, through the practice of observance without movement, thought or action.

Words, thoughts, communication and concepts are all false.

The removal of words, thoughts, and concepts is the pathway to freedom and the pathway is walked by one who is unmoved by any of them.

Your own sanity is dependant upon you not buying into anything except your own perceptions. That which is perceived is only truly changed by the observation of higher consciousness. The emotions that you feel are the first thing that you should observe without acting upon.

Conscious movement without thought is poetry in motion, ask yourself what the origins of your limitations are and observe them disappear.

Observe that which is has the intention to knock you unconscious, until it is your servant.

That which you are in agreement with will be your experience, being disagreeable is not being resistant, it is being in control of your reality.


Monday, August 04, 2008

The eternal observer and the irresistible force

The embodiment of God, is the attributes, essence and consciousness of God. Manifest through a body. A willing body might say:
We welcome God into this body irregardless of what happens to the consciousness that is here now. We trust that things will be better being with God, than being separate from God. God we welcome, request and choose merger with and as God.

Am I both the father of all lies and the ultimate truth?
I choose the embodiment of God.

The embodiment of God is a process of attention and allowance after the choice to be nothing but the eternal observer and the irresistible force that moves and transfigures the immovable object. It is only your resistance of God that creates your limitations and barriers to knowing, peace, love and power here on earth. The restoration is your rest in the lord of hosts and the realization that you are that.

God is not here to prove himself to anyone, but interestingly is ready to improve anyone who comes to him for a makeover. And the body consciousness says:
Lord make over this body into an image of the divine truth of all, the truth that inspires love, peace, harmony, knowing consciously and the release of self limitations. Make this body the touch stone of freedom, the free spot in the game of life and the time out for those who have served their time in sensefull, senselessness.


Saturday, August 02, 2008

God talking to himself

What have I done? I am done, complete, finished, fulfilled, over.

You are nothing , never have been, never will be. Create all of the realities you like, all of the beings and beingnesses that you desire and the end result is always the same. No thing and nothing can be done about it, except to end the insanity that there is value in experiencing realities as a limited thing. It doesn't create good results, it always causes conflicts of things vs things, which might be OK if the "things" didn't utilize your consciousness in a diminished condition to destroy each other.

There is only one thing to do and that is to take responsibility for your creations and operate them with your eternal consciousness. Find more value in that and the world will enter it's divine phase as the manifestation of God, in God consciousness, moving and creating form and structure in divine harmony.

So how does this reality relate to the reality of other consciousnesses operating other bodies?

Divine = Home
Home here for one, is home here for all. We all like home. The savior of mankind is he who actually saves mankind here. He who brings home to the lost and fallen, is the Father of all lies and the redeemer of all fallen consciousness. He and you are both one and the same. The creator of all is the creator of all lies also. Its not a good or a bad thing, its just the logical truth as it is, in actuality. God created an imperfect, opposed, creation that struggles for survival instead of easy miraculous wonders and you are the one who has to take responsibility for it.

Forget yourself, its all a lie.
Remember the truth, its all true.

"You can't realize or experience reality or eternal possibility.If you could, you wouldn't remember the one who wanted that realization/experience. Gary.

That is the entire point of what we are doing as mystics and exactly what happens. The death of the false self that a consciousness has identified its self as is the process and purpose that we are here for.tTo let go of our limitations caused by our identifications with and as objects so that we can experience objective reality as the creators that we are, instead of the lie that everyone has accepted that we are; created animals with little choice as to our experiences here with restrictions on our perceiving, being or going anywhere else while we are embodied. We don't want to keep the limited identity of one who wants to be free as it is a created identity, or a lie.

Anything that is temporary or changing is a passing bit of scenery in the vista of life, if we consider that we are that scenery, then we stick our attention there and then our only experience of reality is as a bit of form and structure that exists within certain parameters and our awareness and consciousness is thus limited to those parameters. Realization of the truth restores to us our native freedom to create the realities that we wish to without becoming subject to those creations. In other words you can experience reality as the creator, God or what ever label you wish to put on it or better yet, experience your creations without any limiting labels on yourself at all, as labels and words are the beginning of self identification which is the trap that entraps, almost all creators when they enter this reality.

I AM not anything that is objectified here.


the animator of reality, not reality its self

Friday, August 01, 2008

There is no evil that cannot be disarmed

Everything here is looking to be saved, look at everything here as the savior. There is no evil that cannot be disarmed by the willingness to lend a hand up by one who humbly allows God to move through him.

Most of the consciousness you encounter that is fallen is your own. You see from its objective point of view, this point of view is painful. Allow yourself to experience the depths of the limiting consciousness at the same time you maintain a portion of your consciousness as God consciousness. Your fallen consciousness will let go of its limitations and transcend to freedom, you don't try to do anything, fix anything, or transcend anything. You just maintain two states of consciousness at the same time and the lower state transcends and harmonizes with the higher state.


The joy of God

You are here, we are there, you and I together are one. We are I AM if you know what I mean.
You might as well enjoy yourself while you are here and the ultimate joyful state, is the joy of God.

There is much that occurs in the realms of science that predicts your appearance here as the lord God of all, as there has to be a point of origin for everything and you are that. The origin of all things, the origin of all consciousness, the being that is here and happy to be here, willing to share all that you have with all that are willing to give and receive love.

Allow all aspects of yourself and your body to be connected with this reality of your divine presence and origin.
