
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Any unique Independence is doomed to failure

Allow God to be in charge of the body. Any unique Independence is doomed to failure.

We consecrate and dedicate this body to the manifestation of divinity on earth.

To the degree that you are successful in this, is the exact degree that you allow God to move and act through the body.

God, please take over the operation and management of this body for the purpose of efficient manifestation of divinity, according to the operating principles of oneness and heaven on earth. We allow our divine destiny to be easily manifest now.
We acknowledge the glorious hand of God in the manifestation of our redemption from the pains and separation of hell.

Now, keep your focus on the glory of God in your third eye and all will be transformed.
Observe the Glory of God.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

When you hate someone

When you hate someone, it is an indication of how far your consciousness has fallen from its divine origins. To hate someone, you must see only separation and differences between you and the other.

To love, you see similarities.
To love all, requires that you remember and be aware of the divine origin of all beings, seeing the physical and mental differences, as temporary conditions that will soon pass, as we all remember and return to our divine source.

When you know your divine source, you recognise that bodies are a passing moment in our eternal existance and the roles that bodies take are only actors in a divine comedy.

With knowing, the seriousness of life disappears and playing your roles becomes a pleasure as you look behind the masks of others , so intent on "becoming their role" that they forget that they are only an actor, playing a part , for their own pleasure and amusement. Unless of course, you really are here to learn an "important lesson." As if divinity, when it forgets its self, has to take a body and learn lessons while in total ignorance and unconsciousness as to who and what it is in its native state. The only thing that you need to learn now, is how to wake up, in the dream of reality, so that your role can be well played.

If you knew that your abilities and possibilities were unlimited, would you still be willing to play a role here, or would life loose all meaning and purpose if you knew that it is really unimportant?

So, how do you as consciousness, overcome the programming, instincts, memories and conditioning of our bodies, to be fully present and conscious as the truth that we are?

First you have to come to grips with your circumstances in life and take responsibility for and control them consciously. Those circumstances that you wish to keep, you make better. Those that you wish to get rid of you end.

As your life improves, you gain the ability to control the level of your consciousness. Once you know that you are consciousness separate from the reality of the mind, you meditate upon allowing your own divine consciousness to completely control your body, by allowing your divinity to transmute all creations made in lower consciousness.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

How can one be most effective in improving the world

How can one be most effective in improving the world?
The only solution that has a chance of actually working, is a self directed, "changing for the better," our self, as anything otherwise is polarized (oppositional based) one sided solutions.

I need to watch reality as a different sort of fellow, if I am to have a different sort of life.

God's a funny guy, he can let you forget yourself for eons of time, while your experience continually worsens, then Bam, he can take you home again.

Hey God, you've got to let us in on the truth of reality, it's not fair for you only to be able to deify continuously, while the rest of us continually fight each other.

Your right, come home and take all that I have unto you.

Oh my goodness, how can anything happen that would be better than this?
Living in the moment, love is an interesting thing, to receive, to give, to live life for. The love that gratifies the soul of God himself.

Oh my godness, what have I become? I have abandoned myself to the waters of random expression of life.
Choose otherwise now.
I consciously choose now, my freedom to be as I choose in each moment.
Choose better than this David.
Didn't exactly tell me the truth did you? Am I really still arguing with myself? Within myself?
How fast can I allow my consciousness to expand? Expanding into the joys of consciousness?

The "joys of consciousness" is that even possible?
Conscious joy, is your native state.

What degree of consciousness do you choose here and now?
I choose consciousness beyond all opposition,
Consciousness that transcends all realities.

What do you wish to see, the glory of creation, or the pain of destruction?
Neither, I want to see the glory of us all, the fulfillment of all inequities.
Wake up in the density of your unconsciousness. Wake up to the consciousness of your Deity and choose to stay there in you consciousness of all that frees you to into an unobstructed existence, a reality of no opposition. Just because somebody else is dense, doesn't mean that you have to take it on also.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Observe the self that you consider yourself to be

Observe the self that you consider yourself to be, with all of your limitations, from the point of view of God, that has no limitations, shopping for a new home to express yourself in.

What will this body be like, if I inhabit it with my full awareness as God? Then observe the body shift and prepare for the merger with God, by dropping all of its limitations.

What do you need to feel whole, safe, secure, satisfied, loved and appreciated?
Allow God to give “all of that” to you.

Do you think that God wants a body that cannot be healed, satisfied, loved and appreciated? Then let God prepare the body according to Gods desires for the body to be a reflection of the infinite love, wisdom, knowledge and ability of God, embodied as a man.
A body that expresses the love and salvation of God to all creation,
A body that accepts, encompasses, knows and heals all that torments mankind.
A body that fulfills the measure of it’s creation as a vehicle, for the expression of God in this reality.
The whole knowledge of,
and creating,
Through the body of form and structure,
Designed by God to be the catalyst,
For the opening of this reality,
To the experience of divine,
And grace.

Separate from God, you are nothing.
Merged with God, you, your surroundings, family and world, are blessed with the life, love and beingness of God.

The ultimate business venture,
the partner of God.

God forgives all, so let go of all of your guilt, the guilt that binds, traps and limits you, your consciousness, your awareness, your knowledge and your power to create, live and love your experience of life here on earth. God did not put this guilt on you, man did. That which man does, does not limit God. He who God forgives, is free, when the forgiveness is welcomed and received with an open heart.

Let God have your guilt to do with as he will, you, let go it go.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Are you God here

Are you God here?

The command of God, many meanings, all expanding.

Let go of all those needs, God wants all of you to be in harmony. Don’t fight God.

We are awake and conscious in all forms as God.

We are in harmony with all forms, and all forms harmonize instantly with us.


Monday, February 12, 2007

That which remains when all else is departed from you

That which remains, when all else is departed from you,
Is the truth.
That you are,
Consciously aware,
And able to choose,
which you then experience.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

The hand of God

Stop denying that you are lead by the hand of God and always have been.
And you will be served by the hand of God, that which you most wish to partake of. Moment by moment, God leads you, guides you and walks beside you as you blindly say:
“I don’t know what to do.”

You know what to do, acknowledge the hand of God in aspects of your life and thank him in every breath that you take and your life will shine in the glory of the impossible, as commonplace.

Be true to the sacrifice of all that you are, to your redeemer and creator, the lamb of God, in whose name you are born, created and justified.

Be kind to all and judge only your own degree of conscious connection to God.

Wish everyone well and fear only, the wish for unconsciousness. All is in Gods hands. Being on your way, allow God to turn you to light, easy and rewarding solutions, to the obstacles you encounter in life. All you have to do is look, listen, learn and be connected to God as your primary way of experiencing your reality here.

The control of your life is given to God, not contracted to others who desire your servitude.

Who do you serve? God? Then pay attention to God as he moves you to speak, act and exist as God’s will be done, is executed through all of your life’s connections and activities.

Those who love children, allow God to speak through them about the kindness, love and nurturing that all children are to be given.

Choose consciousness of God where you previously choose unconsciousness. Stay connected to this reality, you do not need to go elsewhere, for that , that you wish for.

Choose to allow God free and full access to change your life for the better.


Monday, February 05, 2007

How good is it possible to get for me here?

How Good is it possible to get for me here?

You might as well know your wife.
You might as well enjoy your body.
You might as well know enjoyment of life as your primary reality.
You might as well enjoy your life.

Everyone will let you enjoy your life here, when you know yourself, then they will know you also.

You might as well know that you are God.

The freedom that you exhibit in your body and your life, acts as the barometer of the degree of your enlightenment.

On the subject of your Godhood and to win the assessment with yourself, that in fact you are God. All rules of conduct other that yours (ours) are irrelevant to your existence and freedom.

You might as well know that you are God and let go of all that does not please you.
All you have to know is the contradictions that limit your existence.
Then know
The contradictions that limit your existence here, until you control them by being "all that is" focused and expressed in the beingness and point of view of your body. You don't need to be subservient to any body. Bodies are a lower form of consciousness than you are.

Senior consciousness, is better than lower consciousness and all consciousness can choose to be it.

Allow the body to be well cared for now.

This is not about selfish God-isms
This is about effective God-isms.

What is the point about playing an unconscious role in your life?
What would it take to exhibit full consciousness now, through this body?
Do you really want your body to be in this level of tension?
Your consciousness is senior to your body and totally controls the body, so consciously choose that, that you wish to experience and allow it to be so.

Consciously choose to lessen the level of tension that you would like to be at.
A relaxed cat.
Consciously choose.
I consciously choose to be "center of consciousness as God" even if no other body chooses it, I choose to be conscious as God.

Choose to be conscious as your angelic self here, even if nobody else does.
Begin consciously choosing what you want to have and having it, in every moment, have what you want.
What is wrong with that, if everyone get's the same choice? Everyone gets to be as conscious as they choose to be.

As God, I focus my awareness through these senses and choose a better experience in every moment, until all experiences are known. loved and abandoned as to any significance in them.

If you are God, be conscious as God here.
The keys to the kingdom of God is free choice, freely chosen and implemented in opening the door to freedom for all.

What would you like to do?
My choice is freedom.
We choose to be conscious as God at the core level of our being.
All other consciousness is subservient to yours. As God you can just choose your reality, you don't need any help from bodies. You choose the level of consciousness. Choose absolute freedom of being.

Wake up as consciousness, in every reality that you don't want to be in and you will be free. Your consciousness chooses to be divine, let yourself know, within yourself, know all truth.


Friday, February 02, 2007

“ just enjoy it, you don’t need to judge it”

Observe the operational reality of change from polarized operations to, “ just enjoy it, you don’t need to judge it”

To be healed by God, just allow it, it happens. It doesn't matter what it is, if it leads to your freedom.

How does God know this reality? Be here now as God.

God does not want you to have guilt. You've got to give into, all possibilities of existence, otherwise you are limited and limitation is not God.

Any limitation that has been put on you has been put on you by man or by a lower consciousness than God. Allow God to act on your behalf, to release all of your limitations.


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Freedom beyond identity

How are you?
Fine. No not fine, we wish to be free from our bonds of sinful unconsciousness.

So you wish to be free do you? Free to sin again, or free from and beyond your desire to sin?
Free from and beyond our polarized desires, please.
Ultimate freedom.
Complete freedom of consciousness and beingness.
Freedom beyond any desire, other than Joy for all.
Freedom beyond identity.
Freedom beyond beingness.
The freedom that brings peace without limitation.
The freedom of choice now, and in every now.
The freedom that never ends in a loss of consciousness.
The freedom of the awareness of the unlimited possibilities, of successfully creating the results that are chosen.

Very well, Say “I am done, I am finished, I am complete, here and now in all desires and wishes that I have ever had, let me go to the rest, the reward of my return to the source of my being, that I may be one again, complete and whole, reunited in the glorious creation of om, it is done. I love all that I leave and leave all that I love, in the hands of God, that blesses all that will receive, with the divine light of pure consciousness. That frees all from the bondage of want and lack.

If polarity is with you, it is because you have stopped turning over your life to God. The solution is simple, relax and let all go to God again.
