
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Birds of a feather

You don't put people together that feel uncomfortable with each other, that distrust each other, that think poorly of each other, you don't put them together against their will. What you do is show them how to see reality as it actually is, not as we hope that it will be, but actually as it truly is, because despite the nature of our divine origin; the world that we've created, the world that we live in and the manner in which we treat each other including you for your fellow "friends" here; you could have hardly have done worse it it was your intention to live as the embodiment of divine truth, your divine truth here. So take responsibility for that first before you start looking to blame others. Start to live your life in a manner where the results will be a life of divine grace. We have to learn to give ourselves permission to be free. Consider allowing the truth of divine love to flow through you.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Consider allowing the truth of divine love to flow through you. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Unless the divine is known within you, you will never know if it is true

And if you look for the divine response within your body, you will perceive it and as you perceive it, then that perception alone with change your reference point for who and what you are here; it will open you to the possibilities of expanding beyond the beingness that you have resigned yourself to being here. So, as that self, that me, that “I am this personality, in this body” as this, what can I do to realize for myself the freedom that we perceive exists in the realms of the self-realization of the divine; the knowing of the eternal self that is in a word; truly sublime. 

Whatever it is that is sublime; there if you look and open to knowing it and realizing exactly what it is, is exactly what you are, in truth: that you that always has been and always will be a glorious celebration of what infinitely wonderful possibilities can be manifest and embodied by a being who chooses that for themselves. Because, can it be any other way than that; where we as consciousnesses that are self condemning to the point that we know that we don’t know the truth anymore. How does a consciousness that is entrapped within that self imposed prison of an identity, how does freedom ring true and illuminate the truth of you within? 

Well, the easy way is to say, yes, OK, I am that and I choose to be free here as the truth of me in eternity, the eternal me, unleashed and free upon one of humanity that is surely going to experience some dramatic changes when that occurs. 
Where does that exist within you? 
Where within yourself will you find the freedom of the divine? 

Look there and find the you that shines in the eternal halls of the glorious life where all are free and abundant in their impressive glory: its a wonder to each and every one of us that you and  each and every other one of us is that which we are and we can be in nothing other than in awe of you. 

So how does that become you? 
How does the divine way move and shift a life that has not been in that way? Its been objecting to life in nearly every way it can. 
How does one say yes to freedom here, condemning no one, not even himself? 
How does that freedom self realize as a being, who despite that seeming frailty, “that” is actually the strength of the universal human. 
That eternal knowing, 
that eternal being, 
that eternal seeing, 
that eternal understanding of truth without limitation, 
truth without lies to sift through in order to find it. 
Truth that when approached, requires that you move into a resonance with it: you have to move in harmony with God if God is what you choose to experience because it is only in the harmony that the knowing that the truth that you wish for for yourself will be self realized in your embodiment.

Yes, how does the divine awaken gracefully within the horror show that is your life? How does this “mockery of peace” come to know the divine?

By allowing the divine to know it, by allowing the divine to be known and to know within the you that you are. Not outside, within you. Within you is the star that rises until it enlightens every form and structure, with the realization of its own truth: each unique point of view knowing its own ultimate truth and how all of those truths come together in a shared realization of that which is truly holy and 
that the whole truth is a truth that saves us all, 
that embraces us all, 
that shows us all everything that we ever needed in order to free ourselves from the beingness that we have been living as here. As that consciousness within this person: what ever it takes, it would be nice if it were easy, but we’re her for you, “you” being: 
that which is true, 
that which never changes, 
that which always is, always was and always will be. 
The truth expressed in any form that it inhabits, 
the truth that blesses, 
the truth that frees, 
the truth that moves and loves and leaves us to choose our own freedom as we realize that, that choice at least right now is available to us. So in this now that we are experiencing: how much divine truth can flow through you right now?

Observe what that is, observe the amount of divine truth that is able to flow through the truth that you are and then realize that all of the limitations on that flow from being infinite, are ill-considered considerations, opinions and judgements of things from an accepted unconscious point of view for yourself. Let them all go, none of them are true, none of them are real, none of them are you.

Funny thing is, I was a little bit nervous for this call, because the way that it is being recorded as opposed to how I have recorded it in the past means that it is going to be instantly available on the internet and what a shock that will be to expose the me that wishes to be true to myself to others. How embarrassing is that? 

As Lauren, as David, as this oh, very dense and uncomfortable consciousness in the midst of confusion and pain: 
as me and as you, 
lets both choose to be true. 
Choose to be true, thats all that is needed and its not something that you have to figure out, its just something that you just have to keep saying yes too letting that happen. 
Its OK to let truth move me, 
its OK to let truth sooth me, 
its OK to let truth free me and be me once more. 
So what part of us cannot hear that? 
What part of us cannot feel that? 
What part of us cannot know that? And take a look at yourself as that and say: why not instead of this, be free? Why not. Why not, one good reason? 

When you look for it, there is no reason for not saying yes to a consciousness that frees all that consider the extent of what it is. Why not consider if that in fact, is you? Is it? It is and you know it is, so trust that knowing and allow it to become, showing, you, the way to live your truth: with ease and grace and love and joy and celebration, true celebration of joyfully embracing all that life is, because in the joyful embrace of divine celebration of all that life is: all life chooses the same, because you can’t do otherwise. When you realize the freedom that is yours for the choosing: there is no ending the choosing until the full transformation has taken place. So in your knowing, continue choosing to open more, to know more, to show more of what is possible here as a being that opens to its truth. 

What happens to people who open to the truth of eternity?  The truth that frees? The truth that is glorious to one and all? What happens when one opens to that and allows it to have place within all that he is? Feel that within all that you are, within all of those oh so painful scars of consciousness, all of those beingnesses that were experienced and  believed to be real of yourself. All consciousness entrapped within those, as those, they are self realized by their consideration and contemplation of what might be their ultimate truth and as life considers that question and in the consideration and observance of what that could be, just continuously and spontaneously grows in an ongoing opening like the most precious and beautiful rose where as Isis and Mary and Kali and all the stories of all the Goddesses, we as the divine can see the divine within all identity, in all creation, in all life. The realization, the observation, the realization that all is divine, is what transforms life into the joyful celebration and experience of heaven on earth. 

So, allow your body to feel its way towards freedom. Allow your consciousness to be where its directed in the body into  the discomforts of your physicality here and within those discomforts: realize your freedom and allow those confusions, those tensions, those pains, those accumulated losses to lose all significance to you because it is in fact all insignificant: it has no effect whatsoever upon a divine consciousness that chooses to know itself truly while it is embodied in a unique point of view identity here. Even with those limitations, God is free as he chooses to be and all consciousness is God and so each unique point of view of each individual is in fact God consciousness choosing to be that and at the point that that consciousness chooses to realize itself as more, then it will. But, just know that the choice is yours and that your own experience of divine freedom is available on your authority alone. No other permissions required. There is no gate to heaven, because heavens gate is just an ornament within you that tells us part of a story of who and what you are, from the point of view of one who is just trying to shake the confusion of animal consciousness loose long enough to consider how to become free within that embodiment. So as humans right now, we have a really lovely opportunity: to choose ourselves into freedom and with each choosing, realize a significant shift in the expansion of your consciousness and your ability in life to be enjoying it fully. 

So take a look at all of those places in your body that are still in full resistance to change, even to consciousness itself. Chooses the death of consciousness instead, the death of self, the end of identity, the choosing of complete unconsciousness rather than continuing to be: oh that horrible you and me that we are as this. Now is your chance, make your choice, why would you ridicule someone who told you the way to your freedom and you chose to embrace your chains instead and you remove from your head the question of your own divine truth. Which means the answer cannot be realized because the question has to be a continuous one until the answer is known. Your consciousness is so fragmented into so many dimensions, and realities and beingnesses and lifetimes and stories of others… not to mention all the memory that is contained in the cellular structure of your body itself and the influences on you of all prior generations through that, not to mention the complete raving madness of the common consciousness of humanity. Just know that in the midst of all of that, the choice of your freedom is at hand. 

Choose to know what it is to be free, choose to know what it is to be a “me, I am magnificently joyful about my life here” why would you ridicule that in another and choose not to embrace that in yourself to find out if its true? Why would you damn yourself, block yourself, screw yourself by refusing to know yourself as the divine you that you are? Hmm, so continue in your realization that that was silly and stupid and that is no longer your choice: you’ve chosen now the path of freedom that runs through every aspect of who you are, what you are how you are, where you are and why you are here. Allow the divine to ring true through you, in you and as you. Allow the divine to be true, because that will only happen in you, otherwise it is just a story and a fable. Unless it is known within you: You will never know that its true.

So continue choosing to open, to experience, to realize exactly what your truth of eternity is, as you here. Continue to allow eternity to become you. My what a dramatic shift that is! Ease into that one right now, feel what that does to your humanity, to your body, to your identity, to your awareness, to your sense of self. Continue to find freedom within you, to be you and to know yourself truly as that. Know yourself as truth, know yourself as freedom and know yourself as love. 

Its a lot to ask of course, its everything. Ask for everything, for yourself. Ask for it all, its divine to do it, its the divine way where the story sometimes doesn’t reflect whats actually true: he that struggles to be equal with God is the one who realizes that God is him and then can allow the divine way to begin moving freely throughout him, throughout his day. Allow divine freedom to be known to you throughout your day and in night and in your darkness and in your beingness that sometimes doesn’t know the truth. Don’t shy away from knowing the truth that is within you, including the truth of all of your limitations, all of your pains and sufferings and sorrows. Know them as the truth that frees all from every care and brings to all the ability to be abundant to themselves and others. Choose to allow that to be true of you, choose to be freed by the divine within you. Feel the divine within you and realize your freedom there. Feel the divine within you and realize your freedom there. Feel the divine within you and realize your freedom there. Feel the divine within you and realize your freedom where you have not been free. 

Yes, realize your freedom where you have not been free. Its a nice choice for you to do and we will all applaud the result, I guarantee. Realize what it is to be free as you. Free to be infinitely wise, free to be physically divine, mentally divine, spiritually divine and energetically divine, free for our presence, our identity and our consciousness to know freedom in all of its possibilities. You don’t need anyone else, you don’t need any other way, all you need is your choice to know God as me, as you, as all life, as all consciousness. Allow yourself to know God as that within the self that you are here. Thats a lot to ask, but what a ball if that works for you. What a ball if that works for you. What a joy your life will become: the final end to a life undone, a consciousness fallen, a identity failed and the tragedy revealed as a hoax, as a joke that we played upon ourself. Hmm, well, Glad thats over, now what should we do?

Well, we would certainly start by letting divinity have its way with us, whatever that might result in us becoming here. Why wouldn’t you surrender to unconditional love, knowing what that is and experiencing that as yourself? Hmm, 

Fee all of the “personality” that you are, all of that “incompetence” all of that frustration, anger and emotions that are unexpressed and unreleased and unexplored by yourself knowing them divinely. 

(Daughter come in)

Well, thats a reference point for me as to how far away I am from embodying the divine, because oh boy, do I have a difficult life here, wow. Hmm, it would be nice to realize it divinely, to know what it is to transcend, to know what it is to know love for all creation, all life and all consciousness. To know it in such a profound way that its unconditional and unending and irresistible. Know the irresistibly divine you. Explore the you that would be you if you were irresistibly divine. Feel what that would fee like to be true and with the feeling of what the truth of that is, ask yourself: is it my truth to? Is it mine too? 

Yes, yes it is. Its yours too and its true, through and through and as you open into experiencing the you thats always been the possible you and not because it was a just a theoretical possibility, but because it has always been you. There just has only been a momentary confusion about the truth of you. Embodiment can do that to a God, it does it everywhere: where else is God going to get consciousness from except from dividing himself up into unique points of view. Because all that he contemplates becomes him, becomes her, becomes us and our truth and how much of that it true for you?

You can’t decide the truth of another from not knowing your own, so quit trying and look at what the truth of yourself is. Not the truth of what you’ve become here, but the truth that moves that, that express that, that experiences that and is always you. What is the extent of the truth of that you? Well, you can’t ask that question and experience the response within the self that you are without opening further into embracing the divine way as your way. Why not embrace the divine way as your way? If its not… I guess you could quit: you wouldn’t be able to achieve it no matter what you did unless it was the truth of you already. And it is, and it was and it will be and it is right now. Its not achievable for that which isn’t “it” its only achievable for that which has always been it and has taken on an embodiment and is having to shift that beingness of a “thing” into being a temple for the consciousness of God. 

Now it doesn’t matter what you do to a body, it doesn’t matter what you eat, it doesn’t matter if you work out, it doesn’t matter what you do if you are doing it in an attempt to be you: It Wont Work! Because you already are you and so, how do you merge the eternal truth that already is you, with the identity that believes that its separate from that, that believes that it has to become that? How does that which is confused realize the truth? Only by being willing to and the first experience of truth will be the horror of who you are and its a frightful thing to say but it is true of every one of us: it is a horror to be you, to be me, to be a human in this world. Its a horror, until its not. When will it not be a horror to be you? How about now? How about here? How about as you and as me? How about the truth that frees us into eternity being that which is realized within each one of ourselves? 

Yes, its a big shift for this world, but isn’t it one that we are all kind of looking for, hoping for, knowing that secretly that’s why we are here and that theres no doubt that we are going to realize that in our realization of self and of us and of our reality here: our earth, our heavenly home while we are embodied? Why not that for you? Why not that for us? Look within yourself and find where the truth which frees us all lies within you as the truth. It doesn’t lie as the truth, but it resides within you, awaiting the identity, that unique point of view to be known as that. By self first and then as appropriate with others. 

Its time now to be you, OK? Its time to be you, not the you that I’ve known, not the you that you’ve shown to me, not the you that you pretend to be, but the you that has shown through eternity and infinity to be the home of a being that unconditionally love all: both wholly, individually, with all that identify themselves as separately existing from God, from the divine, from the truth, because that is what we are now. So that is what we choose: to move free on the divine way as that way moves so wonderfully through us. Why would you deny the divine from moving wonderfully through us? There is no good reason. 

Be careful what you give your consciousness over to: there is always an enemy willing to fight that should be fought and beaten and smitten, but is that the game that your life has been and will become true for you in the future? I hope not. I hope not for myself and with that hope I open my mind to the possibility that divine truth can be known as me, can be me and as me I can be a blessing to myself and all others. 

I think I said that I would keep these to an hour, so tell me Lauren what you have to say. 

Lauren: its a wonderful session, I feel an openness.

Allow that wonder to be you, allow that wonder to be you and allow it to be me to: grant me that freedom within your reality and your consciousness where you can say: I’ve seen the divine in David and know that its true. 

Lauren: I see the divine in us and everyone who listens in and will listen in will see it too. 

Well, we’ll say Gods will be done. Yes, right into that ego… just allow that ego to take a bath in the divine way and know for itself that its freedom lies therein with its surrender to the divine way moving as him as her, as that which consider itself in danger of anything. 

Lauren: xxxxx

Lets just allow that to realize itself significantly within you right now.

I guess we’re good for tonight, thank you Lauren. 

Lauren: thank you.

I will let you know when we do the next one, I appreciate you calling, Goodnight.

Lauren: Goodnight.


OK, in summary: this is an exploration into the possibilities that exist for us and an open willingness to experience the possible truth that lies therein and to allow it to expand out awareness and consciousness if thats what it will do. So, for you it should be much easier, because my life has been hellish in a way, but for now we say: let the divine be free, let the divine be known, let the divine be shown, through me and there you will be free. 

Yes, I allow the divine to be me and then realize the truth of that within me and allow that to shape the identity that I move as. Hmm, See the light that is you, be the light that is true, enlighten all the darkness that is within you, until you know the you that is truly you that doesn’t shift and change from moment to moment. Thats it, thank you. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Communicate as love

Communicate as love to this reality, beginning with yourself. If you communicate with yourself playing both parts of the story and with different points of view: then communicate with love to yourself. 

If you communicate as love to yourself, then you don’t need to rely upon another to find out what that means or to help you realize that love, so that you can be yourself. So if you can, just be yourself that you are, that is unconditional love. 

The truth is: that you don’t know who is going to be true to you, you don’t even know if you are going to be true to yourself, but can you at least choose for love? Let all other considerations go except for the realization that you choose love. 

Allow yourself to observe the ease that other people have for being themselves here, for being a self that it is a pleasure to be from all sides. Be that which gives pleasure to all sides. What is it that it could possibly be who’s presence is such that it gives pleasure to every point of view? 

Share your appreciation with those who have been important parts of your life. Who have you been grateful for in your life and why not be with them always? Allow yourself to go to a place where conflict is abnormal. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Realize your freedom in the surroundings you are in.

Realize your freedom in who you are and where the who of you is; there is no one to be, besides you, don’t even think of trying, for in trying to be something other than what you are, you are rejecting who you are and transcendence is not achieved by rejecting the who that you are already.

Realize the truth of you that is greater than who you are manifest as now, because opening up to receiving that as the who that you are is where the transcendence is needed. 

Be who your wife needs you to be, allow her best wishes for you to come true. She married you; let her be a winner because of that. Let her have a happy and fulfilled life with you, by choosing to have a happy and fulfilled life both by yourself and when you are with others.  

Be what the Universe needs you to be for the universe to be free within you. Now, from what ever that made you into; take that “you” now and be aware of your parents and as the modified you that you are in this moment: 

Be the you that your parents need you to be: allow the you that is to shift into that which will provide for the needs that your parents have of you. Allow yourself to know what those needs are and allow yourself to be in a position to provide for those easily, joyfully and naturally. 

Be exactly what your parents need you to be so that they can be free of this life to the degree that they wish to be: free of the issues that life has as it is moving into its final stages. 

Allow yourself to trust that the freedom that you choose is in fact the freedom that you will be. Your wish for freedom is granted as accordingly as you choose freedom for others. 

Be the you that the universe needs you to be in order for it to reawaken to a faith that moves mountains for itself.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Choose to be who you are, so that change will become you

What if someone else’s religion is true and yours is isn’t?
What if your wrong and someone else is right?

Well, there is one thing that you can be sure of and that is; everyone that you think of as wrong, is. And there is another thing that you can be sure of and that is: you don’t know either, because if you knew, your consciousness would transcend the human condition and the human condition is:
One of not knowing, but believing that others know. 
Giving authority to those not worthy of it and 
Rarely if ever looking for the ultimate truth and 
Even when they do even that: 
they always look for it somewhere far away, 
long ago, 
in another dimension, 
in another reality that may never be real, 
but never do they look within themselves until the truth of all things is revealed there.

That is the only place that you can find truth, because there is no-one here that can show it to you: 
an atheist can’t show it to you, 
a Christian can’t show it to you, 
a Buddhist can’t show it to you. 
No one who thinks that they are right and that another is wrong can show you the truth thats eternal and the truth that transcends this reality, because the truth that transcends this reality: 
  • the one that is unconditionally loving, 
  • eternally aware, 
  • the “Cause of creation” 
  • that which holds this reality sufficiently solid so that there can be a continuity of experience here: where your every day life can have a semblance of normalcy, because there is a progression from yesterday to today and from today to tomorrow. The ability to experience a reality like that is truly a wonderful thing, because the ultimate truth is a reality that shifts according to your whim and desires moment to moment: there’s not an ability to get to know yourself as “something” and so in a reality like this one you have now, to be this thing that you are, this consciousness inhabiting a body… Wow, wow, really wow!

Now the level of consciousness that is present here worldwide is OK I guess, but it seems to be a little pathetic when compared to the reality of the consciousness that you exist as in the realms of infinite possibilities. So with that in mind, how do you create a harmonious balance of divine presence within the reality of identity, identification and the embodiment, of form and structure? In other words; how does the divine become you?

The divine becomes you when you realize your own divinity. The problem with that is; nobody ever told you how to do that. “They” have said that there is a way and they say that it is “somebody else’s way that you must follow” who did it, but that “God knows” he/she/they don’t come back and give any instructions to you. Where is the school of the divinity of Christ, (or anyone else) where Christ himself is the teacher and all can go there and experience the divine from him?

Its up to the people who are embodied in each moment, to choose for themselves the transcendent and that doesn’t mean that they choose for something other than who and what they are already! What it means is that you choose to be exactly, EXACTLY, WHAT YOU ARE, WHO you are and WHERE you are in this moment! 
Try it within yourself, repeat this in your own mind: 
“I choose to be me,” 
“I choose to be here,” 
“I choose this body,” 
“I choose this name,” 
“I choose this embodiment,” 
“I choose this consciousness’”
“I choose these limitations,”
“I choose this body, exactly the way it is configured,” 
“I choose it,”
“I choose this.”
And in choosing that: oh my, what a relief can come to you. 
I choose me!
I choose me!

Your forever trying to be somewhere and something and someone else other than what you are and doing that demands that you exist in a state of consciousness of fear and failure, because you can never be the truth of who you are when you run away from who you’ve been. You have to take the “you” that you are, that you “know is not your truth,” that you “know is a living lie,” that you know is in trauma, pain and suffering and causing suffering for others, you have to take that you that is all of that and own it because that is the experience of you right now and you have to say: 
I choose me, 
I choose this, 
I choose me as this.

This is how a chosen one is chosen: 
You choose yourself, 
you choose yourself and 
you choose your circumstances as they are and 
you choose your body and 
you keep choosing to be exactly who you are in this moment and 
you say: 
by my own free will, 
with my own free choice, 
with my conscious knowing of that which I wish for, 
I choose to be me and what that then does as you choose to be exactly what and where you are in this moment is: 
you bring into your realization of self an expanded consciousness, 
improved abilities to communicate, 
increased understanding of the world that you live in which is: 
  • the world of your mind,
  • the world of your body, 
  • the world of your identity, 
  • the world of the “past” of you and 
  • of all of your ancestors. 
You bring into that, a consciousness that is becoming aware that as it chooses to be you, as you “continue to choose to be you,” you become the living perfection of that which you can be. 
So there is no shame in choosing the you which is shamed and shameful and ashamed of who and what you are:
  • choosing the darkness that is you, 
  • the unconsciousness that you move as, 
  • choose that, 
  • choose it, don’t abuse it. 
  • choose it, don’t misuse it, 
  • choose it, and there you can begin to be free, Where you are, With who you are and what you are is granted freedom by your choice to be you and when you receive that freedom that you grant yourself: Feel it, feel the freedom now that you grant yourself by choosing to be you.

Choose to be you: thats the secret of God. Its the unspoken way of realizing the divine as yourself, by choosing to be yourself, because all consciousness is Divine and the more that you choose to be you the more divine that you become. 
It doesn’t matter where you start, 
it doesn’t matter who you are, 
it doesn’t matter where you are, 
it doesn’t matter what you are, 
it only matters that it is your choice to be the consciousness that is you and at the location where it is centered and focused.

Choose to be you and choose to feel free as you make that choice to manifest the truth as you. Allow the truth, the truth of eternity to be free within you. Grant freedom within you to that which is eternally free. It’s the school of divinity-actually.
Its time to drop the pretense that we are becoming something that we are not, “we just want to be becoming to ourselves,” by being true to who we are and where we are. Choose to be you. 

Let the you that is “getting it” go, let the you that is “having some success” go: just as you let go of the you that is failing, you can let them both go by choosing to be exactly what you are in this moment, which allows your native transcendent consciousness to become you, which is the only consciousness that can choose to be exactly what it is and have that be “just wonderful.” Actually, try to continuously-choose to be exactly what you are and what you feel. Choose to be exactly what you feel: its OK to feel terrible, It’s OK, choose it if you feel that way and as you choose to feel the way that you are; become ready to realize a change into something else. Choose to be who you are, so that change will become you and you will become change, because all that becomes you, changes you and arranges you infinitely for the better, So, allow all things to be becoming to you, until they come into a realization of your divine presence here, allow others to fully and easily realize that and for you to know yourself as that. 

Your consciousness really isn’t sure wether you are living in the past the present or the future, so just choose to love yourself such that all aspects of yourself can come to a full and divine realization of that which they are. Choose to continue to be that. As you choose to continue to be what you are, what you are refines into a pure state of unconditional love. So choose to be who you are and let the games begin in fun and Ernest in their joyful expression of life..

Repeat to yourself: 
I choose to be me, 
I choose to be me, 
I choose to be me and in that choosing, you will become free. Even in all those areas of your life where you are in disharmony with yourself and with others: choose to be you there and life, liberty and happiness will choose to be you.

The secret of success is to live such that life chooses to be you. It starts with your own consciousness choosing to be you, do not hedge your bets: 
Bet 100% upon yourself, 
choose to be you without reservation. 
Choose to be you and celebrate the fact that you did.
The best thing that you can do to improve yourself is to choose to be you. 

Did Christ reject himself? No. 
Did any other holy man? No. 
He chose to know God as himself and then did. None of them who know God as themselves will condemn you if you choose the same for yourself and they are the only ones who’s opinions would matter, because they are the only ones who the truth matters enough to, to choose to know it as themselves. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

My requirement of you is that you love me, that you love yourself, that you love all others, sisters and brothers, all kinds, all species, all within us all and all within you. In order for you to transcend, you have to choose to be yourself.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

A new beginning within the one that we are

Lets take a look and see what lies beneath everything that isn’t working out the way that we want it to in our lives. 

Jeff: Yes.

Well, unfortunately the success you want in your lives requires that you be valuable to people and that other people recognize that value in you and see that what you can offer them is something that they really want to have in their lives. So without that going for you, you’ve got a difficult road: how do you make a living, a prosperous living without providing someone with something valuable? Valuable in their own mind, something that makes them want to be near you because you will easily provide them with what it is that they want from you and you will make it easy for them to give you what you want from them in return, maybe. 

Maybe what you will do is realize an ability within yourself that is so valuable that you will never have to think about money, because it is offered to you continuously. 
What kind of valuable commodity could you realize within your own mind so that the minds of others say: “what ever that costs, we’re going to have that too.” 
Is there anything that can be that for you, or for me? 
Is there something in you that can be brilliant? 
Is there something that can come forth through you that would be awesome? Something not cute, not funny, not beautiful, something that is actually awesome, to everybody?  
What would that be? 
What awesomeness could come from you to me? What ever it is, I welcome it. Your mind’s not going to tell you what it is, but the universe already knows, so just flippin turn your mind off for a moment and allow the universe to flow through you that which it knows is magnificently beneficial to you. “OK, go for it universe, have your way, flow away, flow through and allow me to become true to the truth again.” “Allow me to be true to the truth that underlies all creation, the truth that supports all life, the truth that creates…” 

We lost about 40 minutes of a transcendent session, that was nearly miraculous and so lets allow that to have the desired and intended effect upon us and that is: We choose to be exactly us, with those and all other mistakes we have ever made. We choose to be us in all of our circumstances in life. So, feel your continuing choice to be exactly you in this moment. Moment to moment, feel what occurs when you continually choose to be exactly what is and where reality is free within you.

If you choose to be exactly what is in the reality of all of your circumstances, then reality has absolute freedom within you and with that freedom comes the freedom of consciousness: the freedom to move easily beyond all the limitations that you have been here. So lets do your transformation right now: I’m choosing to be me exactly where and what I am so that you can choose be you easily as well. Let’s do it right now: I’m choosing to be who and what I am without desiring to make a single change to it in any way and so I completely relax in the presence of myself and into that complete relaxation, the embodied consciousness becomes free, because it is no longer being directed to be your enemy and a free consciousness is what you need here. 

Boy, I am so pissed. That whole session we missed recording was poetic and profound.

Jeff: yes it was really amazing and great.

Why don’t you put together a group of your friends and say: my friend David does what he does, lets have a group conference call and listen to what can come through.

Jeff: OK, yes I can invite 3 or 4 people to that.

Think of those who would smile all the way through this.

Jeff: I think that it would give you a greater dynamic also.

Yes, what would have to happen if I were speaking to ten people? It would have to be that which would free everyone. 

Jeff: yes, exactly. It would become a global consciousness. One of the things David that you taught me tonight was 100% acceptance of being myself. Being you, being me, its just 100% allowance and it just completely takes you out of judgement and resistance to anything that you have resistance to and to be accepting, grateful and happy in it. Thats an incredible message right there.

Jeff: we should limit the time to an hour because the vibration is high and you don’t want people to drift or nod off. Not everybody can listen to this stuff and stay awake. Its not because its boring, its because the vibration increases and you and I are used to it and others will go unconscious, so… thank you David.

Thank you Jeff, Its time to share.

Jeff: yes.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Offer your burdens to Christ and see if he takes them or not, so you as an admitted, unrealized, unknowing of, not participating in the true reality of unconditional love of each one of us for the other. This is the reality that we all seek and yet few have found.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Give Jesus a chance

You’re naturally inclined to be a Christian: its the training that you grew up with so unless you are already realized as God consciousness, why not at least investigate the possibility that there is a being called Christ that is ready, willing, able and will save your soul and redeem you right now in this moment. 

Give it a try, and see if it works...

When searching for a divine being to save you, regardless of the one that you decide upon, allow the one that you decide upon to have an easy success in awakening you to your self-realized infinite potential. So give Jesus a chance and try him in the now and feel all that you have and surrender it all to God, through Jesus. Let Jesus be a via to God and see if the destination is the same.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

There is no me

There is no me, there is only God and my minds realization that the me that I am is a story of my mind and the God that I am ie: I am free.

There is no me, there is only God moving through a story of pretense, living through a story of pretense; look for the self that is not there within you and you will find that you are only a story and at the story's end is the beginning of life eternal, of "God among us," of "heaven on earth," for the animation of all form and structure, of each you and I by the divine flow, can only be when there is not a "you" and there is not a "me' that is not divine and divinity cannot be achieved, you cannot"become" you can only realize what is already true, as you realize you never were.

You never were the you that you believed yourself to be, you never were the "I" of humanity, you always have been and always will be the I am of the whole, the whole, holy and wholesome loving God of us all.

Open to knowing that the truth of yourself is that your-self is not true and that the God of me and the God of you is the God you see when you look for yourself and you find that you are naught; not anything created, but the creator that is sought by one and all, who's identity has been lost and forgotten in the fall of consciousness.

What happens when there is no me? Well, we shall see soon enough, but the me that I am is soon not to be. Not because I am destroyed, but because I see the truth through the illusion, to the inclusion of the eternal and the embrace of that which loves all, restores all and reclaims all consciousness to the redemptive seeing of that which actually is.
I am that I am and
I am free.
I am that I AM,
but I am not me.
I am that I am,
Join me and see;
there is nothing in you
and nothing in me,
but the unconditional love of God for all,
once again reclaimed from the fall.
And knowing ourselves as the truth that we are;
eternal love for all near and all far.
Far from knowing ourselves our lives have been,
that in truth is the original sin.
The forgetting,
The distracting,
The confusion,
The distraction,
The focus on the objective, the subjective and the story,
instead of the glory of God that we are.