
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Look at God through the eyes of life.

Look upon life with the eyes of God and then you will know. All that you wish to know will be yours, it is the only thing that will save you. Look at life through the eyes of God. God is looking down at life with divine consciousness in fact and inform. God blames no one and condemns no one.

Look at God through the eyes of life.
Look at life through the eyes of God now.

The reality is I hate life as a limited being. I would rather not be here. I hate life, I have always hated life and I would rather be dead.

Now it will be pretty hard to be successful in life with an attitude like that. Connect the part of you that hates life to God and God will end all of your cares.

There is no part of me that does not hate all that I despise.

Of course you do, let God feel your hate fully, let God have your every despised thought. Give God your hatred of the whether, noises and sounds. Give God your hatred of ugliness, lying and fear. Give God your hatred of your limitations, lack of control and all of your failures in your life.

Merge all of your considerations with God.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

I love everything that there is about you

Realize that the things that you don't like in your life are only there because you are holding onto them on an unconscious level. Bring your holding on, into your consciousness and then you can let it go.

Realize that when you let automatic unconscious computations that were based upon inadequate data run your life, the results will not be pleasant. You must be consciously aware of your circumstances and the level of consciousness of the beings that you are dealing with in order to maintain a condition of divine order, grace and ability.

Live as God, it is the only way out of here alive.
Ahh yes the desert, the desert is your home.
Learn to choose to be conscious.
Your nerves are the conduit for the son of your life.
Your light shines magnificently.
In heaven, No one is abandoned, everyone is loved by everyone else.

When you provoke the worst and you receive the impulse from the other. Receive the impulse in the dance of God, guiding and directing it as the love of God, until it expresses I love you back to you.

Your light is the light that says; "I love everything that there is about you and you and you"


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

When you find yourself trapped in the creation

Most of your consciousness is divinely enlightened, always was, always will be. Some of your consciousness is identified as something, a beingness, a personality, a body, a member or part of something.

When you focus your awareness an a limited viewpoint to the extent that you enter the objective reality as a polarized partisipant. You lose your awareness of the majority of your self, more paticularity your polarized aspect loses all awareness of your existance as divinity.

When you find yourself trapped in the creation, relax and allow your awareness to expand out to include all that is divine. There you will find yourself and from there you can operate your body in a free and effective manner.


Divine consciousness is in this life and that need not be an unusual thing here. It's normal for divinity to be here, it's not unusual for divinity to be here. It is unusual for any who choose not divinely to know divinity.

Divinity is all you, useing you all, go back to the usual divine norm.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hello Sherman,

Are you mad that the Veterans were "forced to fight" or that somevocal war critics were rude 35 years ago?
Consider that those that actually gave their lives are not the ones complaining, you are and you yourself, the same as all of us that you arecomplaining about, did not give your life for another. It is easy to have an enemy and a worthy cause or opponent, what is dificult is to love your enemy, to wish them well and to bless them that they may be better than you are.

Is the cause of righting the wrong of the disrespect of some veterans by a portion of society, the highest and best use of your life? If it is, consider sharing some readers digest style stories of inspiration from the lifes of those that gave theirs, as a way for others to better appreciate the gifts of those who have died. Otherwise your words will be hollow without the substance that changes lives for the better. Add some love and compassion for all beings and all points of view and yours will be more pleasant for you and more effective in creating positive change in others.

Or you can stand on the corner and preach to no one in paticular, having the same effect on others that all who complain about the misguided lives of others have... none. Consider being more effective in your purpose and may you enjoy God consciousness and eternal peace and success all your life.

Kind regards,


Monday, March 24, 2008

Be willing to have divine freedoms

God is merging with the part of you that is unwilling to have things get better for yourself.

Notice that God is always here for you, as you.

Be willing to have divine freedoms.

We allow divinity to merge with us.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

See your limitations fade away into non existence

Go for all of the marbles man. You are the man that all of the world has been waiting for, praying for, begging for.

What is the first step?

Be yourself, Who is the man that all the world yearns for? That man is the man who leads all home to divinity, the redeemer of consciousness.

How do I prepare myself so that I fully know that this is so on all levels of consciousness?

You don't God does it.

Is God willing to do it now? For I will so allow.

And there appeared a light in the distance that caught the awareness of the son of man. The light eternal, revealer of the truth of all things eternal and the son of man said; "hit me with the light, enlighten my body, my mind, my soul, myself and my absolute unknowing, unaware, unconsciousness. Enlighten all that casts a shadow of doubt, the confusion of limitation, the beingness of embodiment. Enlighten all that I am and all that is attached to any part of myself. Enlighten me to the level of critical mass, where I AM the life eternal, the life of freedom, the giver of light to all who seek to know the truth of divine freedom.


Who is it that says no?

Your own resistance.

Enlighten that that is resistant to enlightenment, if it is thy will that I be so enlightened.

You have done it now. You have crossed the threshold, you are choosing to receive the gift of eternal and endless divine freedom, divine grace, divine knowing divine power, divine glory and divine ability.

Now what?

Enlighten my inabilities, redeem all of my consciousness, free me from the limitations of human possibilities and grant me the freedom of the embodiment of God. If all that you say is true, show me the truth of eternity, of limitless freedom, love and consciousness. Remove all significances, confusions and misunderstandings of all words, all communications and all intentions.

Part of me says that it is impossible for God to be giving me this gift, and yet I know that God wishes to give me the gift of omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence. God complete my preparation, bless me that I may fully receive thy gifts. Who are you that I call God?

I am you.

Who am I that is asking from the point of view of limitation? Can God not figure out how to resolve my confusions and unconsciousness? Bless me with thy divine presence, full in my body now please. Bless me that I may be a blessing to all that know me, that hear me, that read my words. Bless me now with the ability to fulfill my mission here. What must I do God to show you that I wish for the ability to love all, to receive the love of all, to observe love moving and being all things? I am ready to be God. (a)

No you are not.(b) Hold both of these polarities and observe the transformation of man into God.

I am ready to be God.

Maybe you are, lets see what happens when you get a taste of divinity.

OK shoot me if you can find me, my mouth of taste is wide open.

Divine freedom is not as you wish it to be. There is no worshiping involved from lower consciousness. There is no saving even though you are the savior. You just change and everything changes with you.

That's OK with me, lets change everything for the better. What do I do God?

See with the eyes of God, just let it happen and it will, try it now. Look with the eyes of God and you will see your limitations fade away into non existence. Look with the eyes of God and all that God is will be seen and Known.


The conversion of unconsciousness into divine consciousness

What reality are we actually willing to create for ourselves now? Or to be more specific; What are the very best experiences that you are willing to have now?

Have them, have all of the very best experiences that you desire and do these experiences consciously so that the past, the present and the future all enjoy each of these experiences also.

For the frequencies that you do not enjoy, ask; where does the impulse for this frequency come from? Who is behind it? and who is this impulser when merged with the eternal you? Your long lost brother or sister, now found, fully recovered, fully redeemed, wholly free and freely whole.

How does all of this relate to me? All of this divinity that you wish to be? What happens to the you that is unconscious, who desires to be consciously divine? What happens to that you when it is fully merged with divine consciousness?

Regardless of what the unconscious you has done, when merged with the divine full redemption will be achieved.

Walk like a God, walk like a god, you have to if you are going to be God. You have to walk in God consciousness, no limitations from others on you.

Yes you are part of the consciousness that makes up your identity and your beingness. Yes divinity is merging with the consciousness that experiences its self as your human identity.

Where are all of these impulses to shut down our consciousness coming from? Who are they representing?

How about you being divinely conscious in your family life?


Yes, experience divinity in the experiences that you are having right now, you have always been divine and you know it. There is no becoming for you, you already are. The superior reality is the reality that is not controlled by others. Choose for your reality to be superior to any realities that you interact with.

Yes divinity will be nice, we accept. The more conscious that we are the better off we are.

Allow your body to move freely in the merger with divinity.

I allow my enemies to be divine and so they are.

Choose to have a superior reality to all realities that you encounter, there is no need to ever have a conflict with a lower reality, be conscious. When confronted with a suppressive impulse ask; Where is this impulse coming from? Who's intention is it fulfilling and what is my reality that is superior to this one? It's OK, choose your reality that is superior to this one. Open up your eternal knowing and let your divine light shine out of your body.

We choose reality that is superior to any and all of the realities that have ever seemed to impinge on our reality.

Allow all to choose a superior reality, until all realities are harmonious. We are bringing divinity into form, for your divine information.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dying to live

If you have a pain or blockage in your energetic body, you can get rid of it by not trying to get rid of it. Know it, see it, observe it as a communication that you wish to receive that has been waiting for you to receive it. Then receive, understand and acknowledge it, then you will be free of it naturally.

If you relax, everything will move through you and your body and consciousness will be unburdened. Its OK, nothing bad will happen to you. It is only your fear of bad results that limit you, let them happen and expose them for the fraud that they are. It is easy to be fearless when you know your eternal destiny.

Imagine that you are observing your death now, feel it, experience it, there is nothing else that you can do to change or affect anything in your life anymore. There are no more problems in your life, for your life is no more. Observe all you urgency's all slip away as the relevancy of your awareness shifts from your embodiement to the truth of your I Am-ness. Nothing left to experience as a human, nothing left to consider, nothing left to wonder about. No more problems to solve, no more opponents to face or to avoid. You are dead to the world, now what? Nothing matters anymore.


Because you are not you, Your friends are not your friends, your enemies are not your enemies and everyone knows it but you. (When they are out of the game.) There is nothing left to live for, unless you are willing to live for love. The love of all is the only purpose worth continuing your existence on this plane of experience, all other purposes are not compelling once you know the truth of this reality.

If you are going to be a vessel for God, your purposes are over and complete. Gods will may then be done through you. Don't worry, Gods will for you is better for you than yours could ever be. Gods will for you is not a maybe, baby. God will move you in a graceful, loving and joyful manner. Give in to God and give up confusion.

There you go, open up to Gods direction.

Its OK to have a wonderful life in fact, you are not expressing your divinity if you don't.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Releasing the hidden God within

Allow the light of God to be expressed through and to shine forth from your vessel of wholeness. A time to be, to have and to express the eternal truth of your eternal divine essence is at hand.

Allow your truth to be known to you, experience the joy of divine freedom and join us in the celebration of the life divine.

Move through your body with the love of peace and the joyful expression of life. Eternally conscious as the creator of the divine plan of redemption of consciousness, now and forever. The joyful king of kings,(or Queen of Queens) expressed in form once again.

Eternal truth knowing self, expressed as one loving all. Look to see and feel to know the truth within yourself and reclaim all that was lost within your self. One whole truth once again.

Eternal truth is the universal solvent that dissolves the limitations of creation and moves the consciousness that animates creation, home to the divine realms of eternal freedom. Thereby perfecting the creation of form with the consciousness and grace of the divine moving form in universal harmony.

Ask not what the universe can do for your body, but do through your body the universally freeing dance of God consciousness moving through a willing form.

Beauty is as beauty does, beautify your form through the informality of your eternal love of all once again.

Relax in allowance of eternal peace freeing your body from the bonds of unconsciousness, unknowing and the confused learning of mankind.

The light of God willingly released through you, will free even yourself from the bonds and limitations of a fallen consciousness, in a dualistic prison of seemingly inescapable limitation.

It may be an experience that you would enjoy, the enjoyment of all life. Hmm... If it is possible that you may enjoy joy, allow the light of God that was hidden within you, to release itself from its place within you, that it may be known without you, as the careful guardian of that which needs no guard.

Unguard in deed, guardian of joy. May your light of God be fully expressed in your joyful expression of the life that is eternally free, my Godly friends.

If that is something that you would enjoy of course, you can change your course in life by releasing the hidden God within. You may find that you don't need anything in addition to the all inclusive light of God shining forth from within your most worthy vessel.

But then again, what do I know? I am only a fool for God.

Foolishly yours,

Dear God/dess.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

You are only an energetic construct

Where is Godlike grace, charm, love, ease, joy and Glory in my life? How can or will it manifest for me?

You are that now. That which is in disagreement with this is all illusion, name the truth of something and it will disappear. To your pains and suffering say; This pain is an illusion, an energetic construct only. All of these things that are pretending to help you and yet your life remains the same, are energetic constructs only. If they were real, they would be God conscious and so would you and so will you be again when you fully realize that reality has nothing to do with your being a participating creation. You are the creator.

Say to all that you have identified with and as; You are only an energetic construct, you are not me, you are not real, and you are not able to persist in the union with God presence. So your new mantra is "This is not me"

Interesting that "this" is all not me and yet I am identified with all of it. None of it is real, it is only the manifestations of creations, you can turn them off like a light, by noticing that you are enlightened and they are not.

Your personality, is not you.

Your name, is not you.

You are not you.

You are I Am, not you.

I AM, is real. You are a creation and creations can be improved in any way that you choose to when you are not you. This is an energetic construct and can be changed for the better in every moment. Do some stretching while you repeat to yourself; "this is not me, this is an energetic construct that may be improved as I wish.

Constructively yours,


>> "I assume that the entire world is at the same level of consciousness that we > were 50 years ago. And to all of our veterans that are suffering daily to > protect your freedom, please tell them that suffering is not real."

Suffering, like anything else in life is as real to us as we are willing to make it. The question might be better asked, is there a way that we can love despite all that hate us? Is there a way that we can be a tool in the hand of God to bring joy to all others even if our job is killing others that are opposed to our group (country)?Is there a way that we can live our lives where we don't make others wrong for having different priorities and beliefs than we do?

Until we do, we all suffer in many ways. When we do, we may seem out of touch with the norm. When we live in the joy of union with God, it is all OK that people interact the way that they do, it is their process, their path and their choice of experience. We seek to change the world by transforming ourselves into more capable vessels for God to abide in and if that means that we should give thanks for the freedom that we enjoy to do so. We give thanks to all. Thank you.

Are things the same as 50 years ago? No. Will they change for the better? they can't help it. All life is seeking to improve. The ultimate improvement is group God consciousness where all is divine bliss and joyful harmonious interactions with others. This state of being is flashing on and off as if signaling to see if there are those willing to make the leap.

Close your eyes and see it, it is yours for the taking,
open your heart and feel it, it is yours for the giving,
silence your mind and hear it, it is your for the singing,

There she goes she's a walking down the street, singing do wa ditty, ditty dum ditty do. She looks good, she looks fine and now thank Goddess her grace is really mine.


At ease, joy and glory soldier.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

We allow divine presence to fully and completely manifest through the vessel of this body now.

We are in absolute allowance of divine presence.

Beyond the allowance of divinity is the control of the quantum mechanics that operate the universe.


Friday, March 14, 2008

Me, my, I, gone in the blink of an eye.

Father bless me with the allowance necessary to receive all that you will willingly bless me with.

Allow God to bless you with all that he will. Your purpose in life, your reason for being is for you to allow God to bless you in and with all that he will. If you will just allow him to bless you , you will receive all that will make you most happy. Beginning with relief from and the ending of your suffering. Happy day for you, the beginning that you have wished for, beginning with God.

You with God equals absolute fulfillment of your joy, wholeness and peaceful harmony.

Ask your friends to show you their level of absolute consciousness, where all is known.

Where do I place my awareness for access to the eternally free, divinely aware and Godly able?

Do as all who are eternally free have done, move in allowance of God consciousness merging with and flowing through you. You do this by placing your awareness on observing eternal freedom instead of having it on your body. Observe absolute silence until it sings the song of God. ahh yes...

Place your awareness on absolute silence. Absolute silence is available for you in every circumstance and in every moment of time. You can observe absolute silence exactly as you wish to and find that you are absolutely free on a continuing basis.

It is your right to be free and the right of all beings to be free from oppression, conflict and limitation of their joyful expression of life.

I love all of Gods expressions of life, even my own and my fathers. I love all that emanates from God.

Regardless of what you are connected to, observe absolute silence. All words are justification of lower consciousness and serve to perpetuate it. Your freedom depends on your awareness of absolute silence, regardless of the words flowing into and out of your body and mind. Your absolute silence is in the absolute centre of your self concept, which resides in the center of your brain. You are aware of the silence there by choosing to be there, not by trying to get there or just outside of it, but there in the center of all that you are aware of.

Your choice is to be at the center of your absolute consciousness of the silence that is the creator and observer of all manifestations of life and consciousness. When you hold to your centre, you overcome all. It is not your third eye, it is not your crown, it is the intersection of both.

And out of the void came a voice, singing the song of God; Freedom, freedom, freedom is at home in my kingdom. Glory, glory, glory the past is just a story. Me, my, I dissolves in my sighs of the relief of all of my burdens while in the arms of my eternal beloved. Beloved, absolute, silence of mind. Thank you to all.

Me, my, I, gone in the blink of an eye.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

When you hate someone

When you hate someone, it is an indication of how far your consciousness has fallen from its divine origins. To hate someone, you must see only separation and differences between you and the other.To love, you see similarities.To love all, requires that you remember and be aware of the divine origin of all beings, seeing the physical and mental differences, as temporary conditions that will soon pass, as we all remember and return to our divine source.

When you know your divine source, you recognise that bodies are a passing moment in our eternal existence and the roles that bodies take are only actors in a divine comedy.With knowing, the seriousness of life disappears and playing your roles becomes a pleasure as you look behind the masks of others, so intent on "becoming their role" that they forget that they are only an actor, playing a part, for their own pleasure and amusement. Unless of course, you really are here to learn an "important lesson." As if divinity, when it forgets its self, has to take a body and learn lessons while in total ignorance and unconsciousness as to who and what it is in its native state. The only thing that you need to learn now, is how to wake up in the dream of reality so that your role can be well played.

If you knew that your abilities and possibilities were unlimited, would you still be willing to play a role here, or would life lose all meaning and purpose if you knew that it is really unimportant?

So, how do you as consciousness, overcome the programming, instincts, memories and conditioning of our bodies, to be fully present and conscious as the truth that we are? First you have to come to grips with your circumstances in life and take responsibility for and control them consciously. Those circumstances that you wish to keep, you make better. Those that you wish to get rid of you end.

As your life improves, you gain the ability to control the level of your consciousness. Once you know that you are consciousness separate from the reality of the mind, you meditate upon allowing your own divine consciousness to completely control your body, by allowing your divinity to transmute all creations made in lower consciousness.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Your first duty is to love your family

Choose to live a life that brings joy to everyone, including yourself. Then let God work out the details of how your life is a joy for all to share.

It is not necessary to change religions in order to be enlightened. Your loved ones, friends and associates can react in unconscious and destructive ways, when you are perceived as leaving the true faith. Your first duty is to love your family, friends and associates. Giving them the perception that you think that they are wrong or that you have sinned and fallen away from the truth, does not support your success in expressing joy for and with all.

You can be enlightened and God consciousness in any circumstances, religion or society. You are where you have planted yourself, stay there and blossom. Show others the beauties and joys of life.


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Stability of mind

Stability of mind is gained through the willingness to be absolutely unstable in form, identity and conviction.

Interesting that there would be an important discussion here regarding whether any particular individual was enlightened, realized or God conscious. As all who have achieved this state in body, there are left for them, no importance's, imbalances to attend to, or causes to take up. They are therefor unlikely to be writing books or otherwise trying to change reality by taking action in the relative world.

Divine presence is transforming, it is impossible to resist and impossible to maintain yourself as you are in its presence. "You" are swept aside and all that remains is the eternal, that was always underneath the created you.

To transform is relatively simple, it starts with desire and then a choice to experience it. The trick is in where you get your input from. If you choose to go direct, that saves you from a lot of reading and discussions about who is right. Connect directly to a level of divinity that will transform you to the degree that you are willing to allow. You do this by doing it, everyone inherently knows the way and you connect to the highest level of consciousness that you can. If what you are connected to is not creating satisfactory results. You then choose to go up a level in the hierarchy and keep doing so until you are satisfied with the degree of your transformation you are having. If you would like to stay here on earth, don't go all the way.

The way to enlightenment is through the light. The way to ascension is through the ascended. The way to divinity, is through the divine and not through what anyone has ever written, said or done. All of that is just an indication of the way and not the way its self.

The enlightenment of the ascended divine, is always available directly from the source. Just keep asking for a higher source until you are satisfied with the degree of transformation you are experiencing and source will do all of the work for you.


Thursday, March 06, 2008

Inspire me! inspire me baby!

Ask your body; What can be improved here? and you stand in allowance as it happens.

All you have to do is to allow things to improve in each moment. This commandment comes from the very top and it is "Allow things to get better for you and for all others as well"

When you allow for things to get better for others, they act in a kinder manner to others also. Kindness is contagious.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Improve your life in every way

Are you ready to see that which you would not see hereto for?

Yes I am.

Then look and you will find that which you now seek. Its OK for us to know the truth, all of us, we, you, me, us.

Lets exercise some intelligence in our lives.

Rule 1. Don't worship someone just because their body was made before yours and they have good PR.

2. Love the one that you are with. (rules don't get any better than this)

3. Don't keep doing stuff that you do not enjoy.

4. Consider enjoying things that make things better for your body.

5. Allow God to heal you and to improve your life in every way.

6. Allow yourself to be conscious of everything that you ever created that still exists and still effects you.


Monday, March 03, 2008

Everything is OK now.

Tell your body; "It's OK now, we are here" Everything is OK now.

Really, What will change?

Watch, it is changing as we speak.
It's all better now, we are here for you.
It's ALL better now, we are ALL here for you and us and all.


Sunday, March 02, 2008

Everything is the way that it is supposed to be

Relax about your life, your limitations and neurosis are supposed to be there. You want them just the way that they are, or you would not have them. When they have fully served the purpose that you created them for, you will let them go. So relax, enjoy and let them go when you are through with them.

There are no mysteries or mistakes in life, everything is the way that it is supposed to be, until it is time to change. When it is time to change, it will be easy and natural to let go, or to be heroic, what ever the script calls for. So relax and enjoy life as it is. Love the one you are with and enjoy the life that you have.

The past is gone and there are no old scores to settle. All that has been done, was already the settling of old scores and the balancing of all scales. Now let life flow as if there were never a wrong to right, for there isn't. You are not a righter of wrongs anyway, you are a lover of all life. So if that is who and what you are, what is on your to do list today?
Look and love,
move and love,
interact and love,
Live and love life as the truth of who and what you are.

Where you find resistance and opposition to yourself, it is an indication for you to alter your path, to turn the other cheek and to observe the opportunities that you have to do the exceptional, the inspirational; To love, in the face of no love.

The part of you that thinks, that talks to you in your head, is not you. You are the one that is listening, that is aware. Do not look to the voices in your head for direction or identity. Be comfortable in the knowledge and in the awareness that you are complete as you are and that being aware of what you are not, is a pretty good pathway to the freedom of expression that you wish to have here.

You are not the body,
you are not the mind,
you are not a being,
you are not energy,
You are the consciousness that animates the body, the mind, the beings and the creator of the space that energies manifest in.

So just watch and know that you are the consciousness that animates reality. Reality is waiting for you to reorient yourself, following your downloading of your consciousness into a human form. Once you have the controls mastered, reality is here to please you. Until then, if you are confused, reality will be confused. If you are in resistance, reality will be in resistance to you. If you choose divine awareness, the rest of reality will move in harmony according to your consciousness.

When you focus your eternal awareness through a body, that body is enlightened. The body fears your doing so, so do so, gracefully, gently and quietly. Give your body a break and don't try to do too much until you have enlightened it first, or the bodies needs and confusions will be yours and will frustrate your plan.

Relax and be divine, that is what you are and that is the effect that you have on creation and other consciousness. Eternal awareness is the redeeming grace that returns fallen consciousness back to its eternal source. Which releases all creation and all consciousness from all that entraps it. In short, all you have to do to save yourself, is to stop trying to be what you are not. What you are not, is every thing.

You are not a thing. You can have things, you can create things, you can enjoy things, you can know things, you can even experience the reality of things, but you cannot be a thing. When you try to, you screw up your wonderful creations. Remember, love fixes everything by unfixing them, allowing them to be free and that is what you are when you are not trying to fix everything. Love.
