
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, December 31, 2010

I like the way that it is here

"I like the way that it is here" try that when you think about yourself instead of your usual complaints and wishes for something different. I like the way that it is here, I really do because I know that when I start approving of my reality, my reality will improve.

I like the way that it is here, hmm its your mantra for tonight.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

The whole point of the process of ascension

It's ok to say to someone if you really need to that you don't want to share their reality anymore. 

When your purpose is to embody a beautiful, transcendent divine reality here while you are embodied, then you certainly don't need to devote your time and attention to those who are not choosing the same for themselves. It should be ok for you to make some divinely enlightened friends and for them to be those who you spend your time communing with. 

You don't have to be with judgmental, low emotional tone level and highly judgmental people. You don't need to share that reality with them, that's their choice not yours, your choice is a beautiful life for your self while wishing the same for everyone else. You have a right to live the life that you wish to, you only have to be willing to be the one capable of realizing it and manifesting it. If you are not willing to have that for yourself, then really, what kind of good are you really going to do here for yourself and others if you are choosing less than that for yourself?

It's staggering how real things can be when you reach a high level of consciousness. 

You don't have to make yourself foreign, a foreign nature to divinity, a foreign nature to God, in order to be a good person. It does not make you a bad person to wish to know God, to wish to commune with God as a participating divine consciousness yourself. That is the whole point of the process of ascension is to ascend and be there. It's an ascension in divine responsibility, divine cause, the divine being manifest through you. That's what we are here for; for the divine to manifest through us, as us. All we have to do is get out of the way, because we know that we are not the ones who can do that, that's for sure.

Focus on the allowance of divinity, of divinity moving through you, of divinity feeling you, of divinity knowing you, as you. God here on earth is what we have all chosen to do and your chance to be it will be directly proportionate to your allowance of divinity being you. 

Its ok to turn yourself loose as far as the divine goes, you know when you are moving in that way and you know that it is safe to let go when you are there.

Where is a shared divine reality available here? Are there people already there? Is there a divine home community that we are a part of? Yes of course there is and you are one also. Where is the divine way in the life that we are now, should be what now guides you.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Who am I that is the one seeking?

The assumption of limitation is in the rules of the game that you agreed to play here, however there is a rule that is the exception to all of the other rules of limitation and that rule is; your spiritual growth is directly proportional to your world view on the reality here.


Monday, December 27, 2010

The Body Glorious

Is there such a thing as a glorified human body while the human is still being human? Or in other words; is it possible for you to create a transcendent human body out of the one that you have now?

Well the first point of view that you take is, this body, this unique human body is the one that you are going to pay attention to, so that it transcends the limitations it has, or at least the normal limitations of a human body. So go ahead and do that, but make sure that you let go of the person that is saying the words to you, as there is no freedom there.

There is no personal benefit in placing another in a position that you believe is not achievable for you as well, real for you as well, or is not a reality that you share with them. Those that you choose to interact with, you share their reality, if you want the divine, then be divinely free yourself. Just make sure that you let go of all of the messengers that bring you the words of freedom. The messenger is not the key, it is your own choice to be free that frees you.

Divine freedom has always been a party in progress, not in progressively becoming, but in progressively enjoying it's fulfilled purpose and celebrating the life that is, right now. 

The others reality is their reality, but you don't have to share their reality as being valid, defining of, or encompassing of all that is you. As a matter of fact, there is not a single person that you have ever met or will ever meet who has an operating reality that encompasses even one percent of you. That is not a normal reality here, so let go of your inferiority complex you have to anything manifest in this universe and then let go of any sort of identification you have with it, so that anything ever said or thought here has no effect in controlling you, or manipulating your actions because of something happening here that you don't wish to have continue being the way that it is.

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be, whisper words of wisdom let it be. It is your own reality that you wish to reacquaint yourself with and that's not something that you learn from others. If the full totality of your every reality throughout space, time and beyond is not available for you to access fully at any moment, then it's OK for you to reclaim that for yourself now. 

Your not special when you become transcendent, you're irrelevant, except to yourself and except to those who find in you their own truth and follow it as their own way to freedom and knowing their own truth. 

A transcendent reality is for your enjoyment, because you chose it for yourself, you don't need to share it with those who choose not their own freedom. 

When you share another's reality, you do take on their burdens, because their reality and their point of view is taken on as being real by you, is believed by you as being the truth that they are choosing, well let's take another look at that; is their any evidence whatsoever that there is anyone who has truly created a reality that they want no further improvement in that could be called transcendent?

No there is not, so the question is how do we release you from all of the burdens of unconsciousness that you have completely identified yourself with so that you can transcend them? Look at them one by one as they come into your awareness and present themselves as you. You can say "no thanks", been there, done that, it's not who I choose to be right now, "I don't need a false self to lead me to my truth". 

You have to focus your enlightenment on the part of your life that is dark and failing, confused and blocked, painful and suppressed. Your consciousness is addicted to peak states of pleasure and wishes to replay them and enjoy them continuously. This keeps you from being free in the moment to just go ahead and just being divine now. Just go ahead and be divine now as you are, try that as a mantra. 

See where you go with that.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

How to maintain your truth once you connect to it

Instead of trying to figure out the problems that you don't know the answer to, consider instead the possibility of knowing without having to ask. You know in fact that that is a possibility, you have experienced it enough to know that it is a choice point that is available. So admit to yourself that you do in fact know that knowing is an available choice to you, it's just that you don't know how to make that choice stick, how to make that choice real every moment of your life. You don't know how that choice will affect the you that you wake up as. 

Who creates the you that you are as you become conscious each morning, the you that must take actions to survive? Actions that you can't condemn, because they are chosen in a sincere effort to make the best choice. All consciousness chooses what it thinks will be better, the question is; how much better is it possible to be? How much improvement is truly possible for you and for me?

Thank yourself for being willing to confront this question, for you to look at the self truly that you are here, so that what you are here has a chance of truly being transcendent. Assist yourself truly, so that you can truly transcend the earthly realm. At the same time, you have to admit that you can't depend on yourself, you can't allow yourself to be truly free, you can't allow yourself to know your true divinity.

The truth is you don't know how to heal yourself, you don't know how to maintain your truth once you connect to it. You are the way the truth and the light when you get out of your own way and allow the way to be divine before you and surrounding you. Feel what it is like to allow yourself the permission to transcend your sins. Sins being what ever you have done that you now consider to have been a bad choice that resulted in effects that you regret having created. The you that created those effects is not your truth and when your truth you accept, all those lower consciousness choices are forgiven. So accept your truth and be true to it and yourself once more. 

And who is talking to you about all of this? Someone who you are going to let go of as soon as you realize that I am holding you in a space and reality that is less than your potential. 

Well here is my answer to that; here is my life, right here and right now and I allow myself my truth here and now.

So continue with your critical assessment, things are for you exactly as bad as they are, they really are. Let's be here as our best and fix it, make it better.

Great, show me the way. Allow me to know the truth of all that I am.

The truth is, things are the way that they are and they are not going to get a whole lot better until "we" get a whole lot better and we only get a whole lot better by allowing ourselves to. So take a little walk with yourself, one step and them a second, noticing each muscle that allows those steps to be realized and relaxing into the knowing that everything is as perfect as we allow it to be nearly instantaneously. 

Your consciousness has to improve to the point that those that you interact with treat you as divinely as you wish that they were. Be willing to receive the hand of God from each person that you shake hands with. Allow God to be expressed through those that you interact with, even though each one whose hand you shake does himself believe that he is the best and that you are not worthy of him. Prove them wrong on both counts, what they believe their best to be is not good enough for this world to be transformed, their possibilities are far beyond their demands of themselves to be that.

Every step that you take is a privileged one, expect the best and be ok with the way things are.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

On Thursday, December 23, 2010,
> If you are in condition A., as soon as you apply process X., you will have/be/notice condition Z.
> Does any of these conditions or processes actually exist, and occur as suggested? In my experience, the naming of A. Or Z. happens, but I dont know what results have ever occured but for the sake of fitting into a workshop or spiritual technology. Do u have and maintain results congruent with your naming's certainties? Curious! To walk thru these sorts of propositions, I think, should be helpful for anyone propositioning and doubting (hoping).


I only know that the normal state of consciousness that we operate in
can regularly be transcended and that higher state feels like a coming
home to my native reality. I also know that the entrance into that
higher state of consciousness is through the allowance and surrender
of our normal reality to the higher reality, when That occures we find
ourselves as our truth; we are our higher selves, our enlightened self
and our divine selves there natively, naturally and without effort.
The discussions are only an effort to communicate that we need not be
afraid of surrendering to the unknown and that virtually everything
that we think about or consider while we are embodied is wrong or
false and is observably so simply by observing others, their lives,
actions and consciousness. So consider jumping of the cliff of false
knowing into the freedom of not knowing that will open us up to the


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

As soon as you allow yourself to have nothing to do with the changing of reality, is as soon as the divine will change reality through you.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

I want to hold onto this.

If there is something that you want to let go of and you cant do it then tell yourself the truth; you really, really want to hold onto this and never let it go, it is what you are doing after all, so you have to assume that at some point you chose that it was going to be that way forever and then you disagreed with yourself, but your first decision sticks.

if there is something that you want to get rid of in your self? Then take a look; if there were something that you really wanted to be rid of, you would be rid of it. So you really don't want to get rid of anything that you have, or it wouldn't be there.

"I want to hold onto this" might be the "spell breaker: that you have been looking for. I want to hold onto this, I do want to hold onto this, I love this...

We're choosing to be divinely conscious here regardless of our enviornment, regardless of our connections and irregardless of anyone or anything else.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

You don't make anything happen

What good can I do here? is a lead question that you can ask yourself in every situation.

I don't get this reality is a cut to the core issue, comfortably embrace each confusion that you have had in your life if clarity is your wish.

You don't match a person by disabling yourself, you match a person by communicating with them on the level they can most easily understand; an expanded or greater truth immediately next to the one that they are operating on. Once you can do that you can naturally turn up the radiance of the communication because you will already be in sinc with them and the expansion of consciousness will be controlled by their willingness to receive more.

So relax now and allow the divine to communeicate with you in a manner perfect for you.

If a student or colleague doesn't get your communication to them, then you only are to blame, because you did not know your subject or audience and where their receptivity is.

I already am divine, I am not trying to find myself. Realize that.

This is the life that I am becoming conscious divine in. Realize that.

This is the life form that cosmic unity consciousness eminates from. Feel that.

To really get to the space you want to be in, you have to realize that you don't make anything happen that happens divinely or miraculously, you do nothing but look and connect, none of it is you or yours, you are something else all together. You look, connect and allow God to move through you. As soon as you allow yourself to have nothing to do with the changing of reality is as soon as the divine will change reality through you. Yes you can be divinity, yes you are divine.

What is your gradient? What is your ideal rate of infinate expansion?

If something interests you if only for a moment of time, allow in that one moment of connection, the complete knowledge and awareness of it to be yours.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Open up

Open up, being shut down is not something that divinity does very well as.

There is wisdom in action only in completely conscious movement.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

A visit with my son,

If you can allow the change in yourself that would happen if the universe were changed into a celebration of the divine in form... Then your willingness to receive that yourself will be that which changes that for the universe as well.
The Truth of you is not something that can be moved by drama. The Truth of you is not something that can be moved by pain, suffering or hardship. The Truth of you is moved by the divine... By the extraordinarily wonderful possibilities... Of extraordinarily beautiful things. The possibility of the extraordinary moment is what moves you.
Now... Hold on a second and wait... And let that possibility move through you... Until the possibility becomes actualized within yourself. That possibility of divinity... That spark of the divine that everyone tells you is the Truth of the core of you... Allow that possibility... That divine spark... To be actualized within the self that you are here. Allow it to be actualized in its divine perfection throughout the totality of the being that your being here. Allow the beingness of the manifestation to be divine in its attributes.
My sons girlfriend now knows him better than I do myself... Far better. But not better than the Truth... The Truth that I know of him. I allow divinity to be the actuality of this beingness that I am... Is here.
You've got to allow divinity in every direction if you are to be IT yourself.
So at this stage in your development, your coming into your own as a grown-up human ready to be responsible for his life. At this stage, what is it you don't know about life that you want to know?
Skye, I found myself asking that question too much... And I stopped... And I just decided to just like you know... move. And I don't obviously, like you know not just like that for my entire life... You know... Obviously there is like a balance between planning and living... And I was... So yeah like... Right now I've just... You know I've just been having a good time and then things play in around that you know... And then you can... It’s like you know like work in your way up. And that’s and thats been fun... Thats been nice.
Good, I think thats a nice way to do it... To get real comfortable here with doing things that you enjoy.
Skye, Yeah, and then, you know, in doing that... you... its like you find... It helps find what you wanna do... ya know.
Of course... Of course... Cause if you follow the track of what interests you or what pleases you and you keep going down in that direction your gonna get more and more of it... Until you find out exactly what it is that brings you the greatest joy and then you say... Okay, this is what I'm gonna spend my time... That would be the logical thing to do. If what were saying But since your one that can comprehend what the options are ... and what it takes... you know what the results of each choice are... what it ends up as... rather than what you anticipated... whats the end of that journey.
You've always known that involving yourself in the negative aspects of life are going to bring you that back in return. So... you've naturally gone in the direction of what creates good results for you and the people that your around. So I cannot really say anything to that except thats probably the higher way of moving through life. So... I'm proud of you. I wish I were a bigger part of your life. I'm proud of the choice that you make and its the enjoyment of life that you have... I'm pleased with the man thats coming to be.
To some degree... Frankly your mom has been your big influence... And it is nice to connect to you... To come back to this reality that is so remote from the other things that I do and the other places that I go. Its nice to come here and ground into a reality thats done for the enjoyment of life... Cause a lot of the other places that I go are for something a little bit other than that.
It isn't feeling through where the access point is in life and saying, ìThere... there is the way of non-opposition.î  The way to successfully live life, AND be un-opposed. Not to live a life where your not really hear, but be fully here... Expressing yourself as you choose... And doing so freely... Effortlessly... And joyfully.
So where are our restraints in fully being here... The perfection of our abilities? We can feel them in the resistance(s) that our bodies have to movement... That which restricts the body is also the restriction of the life... And the True essence of you being manifest here. So when you feel those / that pain of existence of humanity... Of the species... Just let that flow through you. You don't need to make a big deal out of it. Bodies do what bodies do and each part of it can be celebrated regardless of the position and circumstances that your in at the moment that you realize that you can celebrate your life in any moment you choose. And that choice to celebrate beauties of life... Thats the choice that ill free you from the reality of destructive opposition positions with other people and movements and ideas. There is no reason, if you want to run the highest level of consciousness to have to operate in the realms of the assumption of an opponent or an enemy for what it is that you want to do. Its a state of being thats beyond THAT as even being a possibility. The possible states of our expression here are in a word... Devine... And according to our willingness to choose it continually. 
I'm happy that you know the value of a physical connection to people in intimate communication. It reassures on all levels that there is an open willingness to communicate and receive communication and so those areas where I allow myself to habitually stuck or paralyzed in can get grounded out by your willingness to be supportive of the best for me... Despite all of the reasons that you've had to be dissatisfied or angry about the amount of time we’ve had the last seven years. I miss knowing what life is like for you... And thank you for being open to me each time  I find the time to be able to come and connect with you. I appreciate your being open to us connecting on whatever bases we find that we can. So... It helps me to know that I'm welcome in your life when I can be here.
Boy, I've got a lot of emotion on this. Boy I appreciate your helping me let that go... Thats nice. That felt a lot better. Well, lets see what else we got here. I thought I was going to come here give you a give... and You've given me one. Thank you.
Yeah if you could keep your hand on my knee... Thats a really nice position for me being able to allow myself to relax through the connection.
So... Beyond everything else... Yeah I'm still doing what I'm doing as my primary purpose, I'm unconscious to it most of the time, but a couple of times a week I’ll wake up and move my agenda here along a little bit... And so I write about every week. I passed a thousand posts on my blog this last week. You know the funny thing is you can read them and connect with the energy. [18:35] If you can get inspired and raise your state of consciousness and your vibration, your frequency to where you've got a better connection to the Truth of yourself... But its still a state of... That even that is still a state of consciousness of a human thats looking to better himself... And thats a nice state of consciousness to be in... One of improvement...
BUT a senior consciousness to that would be to assess whether or not a Truth exists... A Truth so total and complete in your connection to IT that resolves all issues that are unresolved in you... And frees you to a condition of unencumbered consciousness... A consciousness unencumbered by perceiving through a body... And that belief system and training system here and everything that goes with it. Cause our consciousness is unencumbered when we’re un-embodied and we’re free to reconnect to the knowingness of our Truth beyond time and space.
And the reason I came here this time was because I never got the point of this world and this reality of being the way that it is where people come here to struggle and suffer as unconscious beings... And the appearance of if to me is that its involuntary... And yet at the same time on the other side it’s absolutely voluntary... And so there is an absolute willingness to come here... A and be absolutely bound up... And diminished... And confused about our identities... And who we are... And we come here... And we play these roles... And for the majority of the people here is a lifetime of pain and anguish and sorrows... And its inexplicable to me... For me to see the perfection in that. I can see it as an improvement over other systems... But I don’t see it as a final perfection... And what I'm interested in taking a good look at is what is the embodiment of the final perfection like? What does it grant the being... The embodiment here? What is the ultimate potential of human consciousness? And to feel that in yourself... In your body... Right now. What am I capable of... Being here... In terms of a being that is free? To what degree to I grant myself to... Freedom to be free... In all areas of life... Because thats whats going to constrain and contain and bind and limit me... Is only my own considerations of who and what I AM and what my possibilities are. So... What is it? What is it then that makes us choose so poorly of ourselves? What is it that makes us into less than what we wish for... For ourselves? [23:00] Why is it that we would choose to limit ourselves to the point where life and those things in it are a struggle for us... Sometimes a life and death struggle... But to such a point that fear enters in... And doubt enters in... And danger enters in... And so life is an uncertainty of... If its going to be what you want it to be.
So how do we go about having our life be what we physically conscious wish it to be. How do we compare that wish with what the pre-birth un-embodied wish was that might have had a greater awareness and purpose than what we’re connected to in the body is quite likely... So how do you ask for... How do you ask for the knowledge and understanding of what the high road is for you?... Or what the life purpose is? What is your life purpose? 
Now... normally to your consciousness you'd be thinking, ìOh I'm interested in this... Or I like this a little bit, but what was it beyond, before birth... How certain were you of what the purpose of your life was going to be. Did you know exactly what it was you wanted to accomplish here. Yeah... I believe you did. So heres my question, ìIf thats true that there is a possibility that you chose exactly what it was you wanted to accomplish here... now your into your life to the degree that you are... how connected are you to that original purpose of this life? How closely is your life lining up according to what your initial wish was prior to being born?î Would your life be easier to live if you were as clear now on that purpose as you were when your life purpose was chosen? No... If there is not a direct connection to the beingness that you are when your making choices that make your life happen, then you have to be willing to consciously BE the part that creates your reality here. Because, if your consciousness is something other than that, then God help you because your not going to be able to help yourself. You have to choose that you are going to be the consciousness thats effective of creating what it is that it desires for itself... And have that result actually be what you wished it to be... Because you knew what the result would be before you made the effort to bring it into creation.
So is that the level of consciousness that we want to operate here at?... Or are we okay exactly the way we are?... Or both? Maybe we just want to surprise ourselves once in awhile with a realization, or a clever series of circumstances where something reminds us of our Truth... On a regular basis where we go, ìOh yeah, Id forgotten... Thanks.î Then you get little reminders what the ultimate possibilities are, even though your living a life where  your currently where ever it is that you are? So it acts like a beacon... Like from an airport for an airplane... Where if you follow that beacon it leads you back to your home base.
So if you allow those synchronistic reminders of our ultimate Truth... To be that for you, a reminder of your ultimate Truth. And so where it changes your self image to the degree that you make really good choices here for yourself. If your going to be unconscious here at least be successful in your own conscious choices of having a nice life. 
Okay... Got through whatever that was. As we have talks like this... What we’re doing is we’re moving through various levels of consciousness and unconsciousness where it has different levels of beingness, different levels of consciousness and everything thats in harmony with that frequency. Because when you make a choice of beingness... When you are the YOU that you are right now... It sends out a frequency into reality... Where reality shifts and adjusts itself to this... And makes you think even more so... That this is what you are... Because everything in this Universe is telling you that you are real... But its a REFLECTION of your INTENTION and choice of self image and the level of your self awareness... That is controlled by... This is a deep one... What is it controlled by?
What is it that creates the darkest, densest, most unaware and unable parts of yourself. What is there... What is the creation point of that? What causes it be in that type of configuration where there is a big perceived failure... Or a lack of harmony... In that part of our lives?
Well, lets go back to you. So... How are you physically? Any injuries? Any complaints? 
Skye, Um... I think I'm doing pretty good. I just... Like what am I up to... You know I just... Mentally I just... I you know been thinking a lot... Just kinda bout current situations and then how they relate to other ones you know.  (Current as in society?) Like... Yeah and just... You know it could start as simple as like, ìOkay, well why did that person do that just now you know... And then they can just... I like to think you know and... You know kind of find about why they did that and from there I can relate it to why people do things that they do and then you can kind of see how you want to be I guess really. But um...
Skye, Been kind of like in a creative mood lately. Thats been cool. Its been helping like a lot actually. Like at school I've been writing papers you know in my classes like the morning before they’re due... And I've been getting like the best grade and the teachers been like, ìThis is the best paper I've ever read by a student. (No, no.) Yeah, and like... I think... And the thing is, is like I think its just cause a lot of the kids just don’t like... You know they just don’t like really care about school you know... And they don’t really have passion for it... But its like if... Its like if I can like just really just get into what I'm talking about in the paper or something... (Uh hum) Cause like then it just goes back to like, ìOkay well, well read a book or something.î And you know like you can just totally talk about like the psychology of like of the characters and stuff, and but like you know I can go pretty deep you know... And like just you know and teachers are impressed with that and I think that just helps a lot. Like I, a lot of times like I don’t listen in class at all... Like I just do it all on paper and then I can just, I just... Cause I feel better when I think for myself you know like... (Well thank Heavens you’ve learned that.) Yeah like I... Cause I... You know before when Id write papers it would be just, ìOkay... well our teacher just wants us to say this... so Ill say this.î And I cause I just used to know, but like you know and I get you know an average grade... I don’t know... But, and then I just like one time like for this writing assignment our teacher told us to  do something... It was like we had to pick one of these quotes and write how it relates to us and I instead I just said like... I just wrote my own quote... And I said that I, we should... Like cause she likes that I do that... And she is into that... She is into like finding cute little quotes that say little lines that like, ìOh... Like you know.î And I was I wrote her and I said that, ìWE’RE TAUGHT TOO MUCHî like you know and like all these enlightened thinkers and stuff... Like the main message that most of them have is saying to not... To not like listen to what other people say because you already know, you know... And its just more likely your going to interpret something wrong... I think... You know. (Wow.) And its like... And I've... Like the more I’ve dwell... The more I work on just myself... And like just thinking... Like the better I do in things. And its like... And its cool like... And I've been drawing a lot too lately... Well just doodling... But okay its like my favorite thing to do. (Christmas is coming up... I want my drawing) I can... Yeah, Ill make you something cool.  (Okay... I've got all the rest of yours... Well I had em all hung up on the wall.) Yeah... they all look pretty cool. I its just like... I just like that feeling of just creation... And you know like when I draw I don’t necessarily know even what I'm gonna draw... I just... I don’t even think I will... And I just start drawing it... And Ill like,
Skye, Oh no... This looks like something else... And then I can just go on and go on it... And it just goes on all these different ways... And it just becomes some cool stuff... And thats just like... Its been cool... And with Lizzy... Well like we were at Cafe Mecca and um we started drawing on this coffee cup that we had... Our tea cup actually... But, paper one... And it was cool... We were just passing it back and forth just kind of doodling and stuff... It was fun... But yeah, thats like just the main things I've been up to... And then, and then just just keeping it simple like that has led me to other things. Like I ended up going to uh m like this ah Friday after school I ended up going to this meeting some at with some kids that were like you know getting together for this cause... I mean its not really that important now and I could tell you some other time, but, but... And it was cool you how I just kinda like felt like, ìOk, like you know this is like being a part of something... Which is good you know... Also, and um and... And its... Yeah I never... You know its, it’s cool... I think you know you... Its good to do your own thing, but... (Its nice to part of things.) Nice to be part of things, for sure... (For the, for the... When there is, when there ‘s the ch... the pers... When it ‘s joyful for everybody that is doing it. You know, its nice to be part of it...) Yeah, its cool to see that yeah. (Nice, nice to be part of a...) Make it happen. (Of a group thats creating in such a way that it, you know thats harmonious and synchronistic and, and to do that... To participate in a group like thats the highest, the highest thing there is because... Because if all that ever happens is you actualize yourself then, who you gonna play with? You know... You need a, you need a whole group of people that are like you in order to, in order to have the best life.) Yeah. And... You know the things is like... I haven't been too solid you know I've just... Really I’ve been all over the place. You know I’ve been hanging out with all sorts of people and like... And thats good though because Ill hang out with people that like I wouldn't expect myself to hang out with... And thats like exactly what I need to do because its like... (Thats how you get to know the world.) Yeah, its like why... You know, people that don’t think maybe that, cause these certain people are like, you know important to really know... But it leads back to just like you can know these people and they totally re... (You Can) And like they have stories and they have like the way they do things and it just... I mean, I mean its... (Their lives, their lives...) They have a lot of reflections on society.
Each person is life makes sense to them... (Yeah...) And they, and they (Thats...) And they all know... And they all know that their basic natures and truths and choices... And their, and they... and they know that their moving in they direction that they should be. Everybody's doing that and to look another part of society, you know where things are really unrefined, or, or violent... They haven't made it as far as you have yet. Ah... But their (despite their appearances) going through the process of refining themselves into a higher consciousness. Sometimes that takes experiencing a, a uh... a horrible event, or a degraded circumstances for whatever reason. Whatever it takes for you to um finally, finally realize that the corollary is also true... Or they opposite. The individual and the indispensable member of the group... (Yeah...) Being able to be both freely and free in each circumstance.
Most... most groups operate on various levels of control and diminishment and suppression of their members... Uhm... And demand that the group think for the members in a particular area of their life you know... Where that persons membership requires them to conform, rather than the organization shifting and changing and conforming because a new unique individual came in that had experience and knowledge of life... And abilities that added to the group as a whole in helping and each part of it into a higher uhm possibility for itself. So... unless a, unless a group is operating by divine principles which is, um, whatever expense our consciousness... And makes it easier for us to express our love and appreciation to each other. Whatever those things are... you know... we’re in support of that. We like groups of people that have that as their intention for themselves and others.
Skye, Yeah... And just acting on the knowing that your like, that your like on the same level you know. And just... And just being on that like I don’t know...
Oh yeah, the last time we were talking about some, some situations that you’d had like that. So... you've got a few friends that are higher consciousness right? (Yeah... like in different ways for sure.) And to what degree, to what degree does your consciousness shift when you ah, get together with them? Does your consciousness raise?... Does both consciousnesses raise?... Or does one raise up the other? Whats the, whats the experience?
Skye, Well, with different people... Like some...Like the people I was with on Friday you know... Their all, their all pretty high consciousness... But in a way thats more like, like this reality you know... And kind of just knowing whats going with that and um... you know just kind of like intelli... (Their, their, their, their...) Like school intelligence you know?
Yeah... Their, their, their good at ah... Their good at being exceptional humans.
Skye, To... Yeah, to the point where they can like look back on what it is that even they do though... And like know what... Whats up with you know... The system or something you know? And um, And then other friends. like you know, they just like even maybe if its like on a lower level of just within people you know, and just treating people good ways and... Yeah, I just... I usually feel... I can... You know I like hang out with my friends and... One time like one of my friends, he was like, he was like, ìEveryone should have a friend like you, you know (he's like, he's like), You just like know stuff.î Like, Cause some... I don’t know... I mean sometimes it’s kind of like I’ll just get all these things and I’ll just like start talking... Like you know... A lot... And ah, just about like why people do things that are just so hard, or something like that. Or just... Or like how we should do things... Or you know... And then, oh yeah... I think then, like you... But then, you still have to have a balance of just doing things you know.
Uh hum... Of course... Yeah, yeah you need to ah... You need to keep your body active... Is what I haven’t done. You need to figure out something I can do that I enjoy that ah... will keep me in shape. (I like to go on walks.) Have you taken her on a walk in the park yet?
Skye, Um no, but we have like gone on walks like more in town though. (Um huh.) And actually today she has like a song I wanted to go to a waterfall and she has one near her property so... I didn’t know that but that’s where we went today. And it was actually quite a ways to walk there... But, but yeah I mean other times we’ll just walk in the streets and stuff. It’s pretty cool. Uhm...
So tell me how you got acquainted with her... you knew her for a long time?
Skye, Like yeah I have. Well since like the end of my freshman year. But like... (let me see, let me see) like I knew... I knew then that she was an awesome person... (Uh hum), but for some reason I didn’t do anything about, about it... Like I just didn’t like... I just didn’t feel it you know and... And then I told her the other day... And I was just like, I was like, ìWhy has it taken us so long to get together and you know.î And she’s like, ìI know.î And... but then I was realizing... I was just like everything has to happen like it was supposed to happen. Like we were supposed to be together now. Like it wouldn’t have made sense any other time in my life definitely. (Uh hum) And it is just like now is like a good time to be with her you know, instead of any other time. So... But anyway yeah... I just... That’s yeah like she asked me if I wanted to do anything... Like we were you know we were hanging out like friends... Like a little bit... And then at like one night she’s like, ìHey do you wanna hang out?î And I was like, ìYeah!î And I was like, ìCome over and we’ll go get a movie.î So we did... And that was like... Kind of like our first real date I guess... And you know we hung out a couple of times, but... (Um hum) Yeah... I mean... And I was like... I think that’s like... She was like exactly what I needed at the time... (Yeah) And um, and I think it was just like the same for her, like... you know like... Cause you know I’ve... I feel like... Like I feel like she’s just like an awesome person to hang out with you know like... You know my friends... I feel like... You know... There’s just something that they’re not... They don’t have like a... Either balance with, or they do like this... And it’s just like... I get tired of it or you know (Um hum), but... Yeah it’s like I... It’s nice to just kind of like... It’s almost like having a best friend you know... (Right.)
Well that is cool. Well, yeah it’s a good time, it’s a good time for you to have uh... have a nice girlfriend... One that uh... Where you guys can practice on uh... On how to treat somebody right. You know... (Yeah) How to be your best that you can you know to each other, you know. (Yeah... that’s, that’s definitely.)
Well that’s uh... that’s all I’d advise you to do... Is just that. Just say, ìHey... You know we’re together f0r now, but in the... Now that we’re together uh, you know let’s make a deal and let’s have that deal be that uh, we’re here to be as good an influence as we can on each other in every way... To support each other and, in uh our mutual desire to improve our lives you know, or whatever... whatever that is. But yeah, just say, ìYeah... Okay... I got your back on everything!î Yeah... So if you can do that with her, you know what a great experience that’ll be for both of you.v (Yeah it’s been wonderful.)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Opening up

You are but one of many, but nowhere else is there another one quite like you. Open up to your divinity, open up to your truth, say this mantra to yourself; I'm ok if divinity starts as me. It's ok for the divine to come here and be me.

Where are we open to where we can receive an abundance? is a question we should ask ourself. Then you can ask; where are we open to receiving God? 

Opening up to abundance just may be the first step to being God.

You know that you are involved in the transition here, take a look at what that means and open up to what that is.


Thursday, December 09, 2010

Linda K De Narde wrote:
> This something i recognized in my thing with Nathanile . David
> have I clear on my intention and where i was at and feel ok with it =
> and did not see as a obstacle it was quite in lightening on many levels
-moving in my divinity -if all feel they were above all that so be it , peace
love and joy

Hello Linda,

My writing was not directed at or in responce to anyones communications, other
than my own habitual perceptions and their lack of eternal divine clarity. I
believe that these internal points of view and habitual responces are at the
core of our living life less than our divine truth.

My writings and meditations are directed at removing my filters that cause me to
perceive life other than what it is now and what it has the possibility to be. I
share them because once in a while, they help me to have a realization that
allows me to have a shift in my reality into a more free and enjoyable one and
that is my wish for everyone else as well that they be here light and free while
knowing eternity.



The worst part of yourself

"I am following you all of the way back home" say that to the worst part of yourself, that which destroys without conscience, unconsciously.

I know that it is counter intuitive and doesn't make sense, but you don't support the one who is most successful, you support the one who is the most distressed, the most unable to be of benefit to self or others. Follow that one home because he is the one who needs to get their most and that "HE" my son is you.

Divinity it is us, it is "us" it is me and you, we who choose divinity for each other and enjoy the life divine.  


The Christ spirit

mfhdesigner@... wrote:
> I wish people would understand that Jesus was not the only one to receive
> the Christ Spirit. Zoraster and Buddah also received the Spirit of the
> Christ and were also born of virgin birth. there were also a few others. And
> come from an extreme catholic upbringing
> Namaste
> mary

Hello Mary,

You also don't need to be a virgin for you to be born as a Christ now either,
unless that means you are virgin in mind; free from the ideas and infulences of
this world as a determining factor in the truth and Identity of who you are,

that is the virginity that births Gods.

See the eternal truth in you and the fact that others have not yet realized
theirs will not bother you any more, if fact they are cute in their insistance
of the significant, important, reality of the part in the play they are still
playing. It's all for our enjoyment, the conscious and the unconsciousness, the
saved and the damned are all damn funny.

Good luck mother.


Get your truth

This is not the truth of me, is a mantra that you repeat to that which you believe to be yourself. Give yourself a break from those in your life who do not consider that you are something extraordinary and wonderful and if nobody in your life considers you to be that then spend enough time by your self, observing the truth of eternity, until you are one who it is normal and natural for others to celebrate your presence, because your presence for some reason causes them to be happy and celebrate life.

Decide if your going to carry your own weight or if you are going to be a burden to others. If you are going to be a burden to me then I say; look for somebody else that is going to allow you to be comfortable in your false truth and in maintaining the charade of your life as it has been here, get that somewhere else, when you are with me, get your truth.


Wednesday, December 08, 2010

The truth lies

The truth lies beyond all masters words and all words from a master become the lies that hold you back when they are held onto beyond their use in teaching you how to know for yourself.


Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Choose for yourself

Just in case there is any question, right here is where we wish to realize our ultimate truth, right here is where we choose the divine as our way, as our truth, as our life that we live here. The divine way, the divine life, the truth for-told.

So choose for your self the truth that you would never regret from the time that you embody it. look for the spot where your full enlightenment is available to you and where your enlightenment inspires a similar state of enlightenment in your experiential relationships with others in this enviornment.

Don’t like how your body is? Try this; feel the energy of the body and ask that painful, stuck, traumatic energy that you carry and ask it what it wants to do and relax into an allowance of that. What does this energy want to do? Feel it and relax into the allowance of it without hesitation. Don’t look for ultimate freedom somewhere else, it is within you that it is to be expressed.

Feel that which you are manifest here as, regardless of how much you dislike it, or how painful it is, relax into the allowance of what it wants. Allow the energy that is stuck in you, because it is paralized with oppositional energies. Allow those energies that are stuck in you to go where they want to, to do what they want to and to be what they want to be.


Transform yourself into the perfection of your own truth

And Jesus said, "you don't really want me to take you someplace that you are not wiling to go to on your own do you? Would you be very comfortable with being in a place that you were not worthy of? Do you really want to be in a place where you cannot hold onto those ideas of revenge, jealousy and hatred towards others? Do you really want to be in a place where your judgements cannot be true for you? Well if you do, you don't need me, all you have to do is have the realization that you and divinity are at the very least, well known to each other; you are well known by divinity and you well know the divine.

So you do know that the divine knows you and you know that you know divinity and yet, at the same time you and the divine way are not the same. So are you really ready to let go of your resistance to life, or are you going to hold onto the "righteous ineffectiveness", the righteous who are unable and the holy who are untrue to their divine nature being them. 

God loves you is the message that you must be willing to accept if the love of God would mean anything to you if you received it and allowed it to transform you to the perfection of your own truth. The love of God is here and is waiting for you to realize that it is a good idea for you to associate with it fully and completely.

There is no one stopping you from being divine or from being with the other divine beings that there are. There is nobody other than yourself stopping you from living in that reality, as that reality and in this reality as that.

Look at yourself in the mirror, this is not you and this is not me; being a being stuck in eternity, as that which is not what he is.     


Friday, December 03, 2010

Love conquering you

You'll have more success with your affirmations if instead of your trying to talk yourself into them, you choose an eternal truth of yours that is truly yours eternally.

Instead of trying to talk yourself in to it, you simply allow yourself to realize the truth of it until the truth of it is the experience you have of yourself as that. 

Your eternal truth is that you truly love yourself, realize that. Realize it by feeling it spread through your body, until you can feel your eternal love for self, for others, for all. Feel that which you have felt uncomfortable with, disturbed about, even hateful towards and realize the truth; that it is the object of your love and adoration. As you do this you will observe that your prison becomes a paradise. 

So choose the gradient whereby you can begin to accept your eternal truth. The initial gradient that will be easy to start on is; "it could possibly be true, it may not be, but it is possible that it could be true that I am a true lover of life in all of its forms. 

When you allow for the possibility of love, you allow for the probably or rather the eventuality of love conquering you and your being conquered by love is the defeat that you have been looking for, for love is your master.

Your mantra should you choose to take it; is to look and then to realize your love for what you see, to feel and then to realize your love for what you feel, to hear and to realize your love for what you hear and to know that you are here to share the divine love of the source of us all.

A realization is not intellectual, it is an acceptance and an allowance of a return home of your being.   

The pledge of freedom for all is your creed, is your deed, is yourself.

I refuse to make future plans with those I don't like. 

To attempt to be deceitful is the hallmark of a lost and fallen consciousness.

There is no "me" here is the mantra that will dissolve your false self.

When you can entertain the idea of freedom as a certain focused experience for the body, the focus of ease, the focus of ease...  


Thursday, December 02, 2010

Let it be, It's not about you and it's not about me

Connect to that which answers all questions, resolves all imbalances, fulfills all needs and desires and ends the need to become anything. And relax into the happy ending that you knew was always available and waiting for you to find at the end of the road.

I am the expression, the question and the answer to all that has come before me and through me comes the answer to all that was unclear in the past, clearing the way for my own freedom to move freely, unattached to the past that created the being that I am and have been. I now surrender all that I am to all that is, so that all that is may be revealed to all that was in confusion, unconsciousness and unawareness about itself, it's environment, its conflicts and it's confusions about life and reality.

That which I am is dissolved as the question that I am is resolved by the connection with all. Your connection should be to that which resolves the unanswered question in you that demands an answer, a resolution and a completion in order for you to be free.

If you are unaware to the point where you are unable to resolve your problems, your questions, your issues, your illusions and your confusions by yourself, then connect without thought, without planning, but with a willingness to be with that which knows the answers to the questions that free you so that you can be the you that is free.

Trust that there is in fact an answer to every question that is asked and trust that you are the one who's choice to connect to that answer means that you are the one who will receive it perfectly, completely and precisely they way that you need to receive it, so that the glorious freedom that you wish for is experienced by you.

The questions of your ancestors comprise the beingness that you are, allow them to be answered, resolved, released, freed and satisfied in your receipt of that which they did not know and allow those answers to reverberate through time, space, dimensions and realities, so that reality knows that which it wishes to.

You carry with you the unanswered questions of the eternity of life, they are carried with you so that they can be resolved through you. Allow them to be,that's all it takes; the allowance. Allow the problems of life to be solved through you not by you, but with your permission, with your graceful allowance that the resolution of life, the resolution of the imbalances of life may be balanced in you. 

Remember, these issues are not yours; they are not yours to solve, they are not your problems, they are not your questions, they are not the result of your life, but your life is the result of them.

Your body is a carrier of information, a carrier of the desires, the intentions, the wishes, the beliefs and the dreams for the future of that which came before you. Its not fair to you really that your life is directed by that which is not you, so for you to have a clean, clear and free vehicle for your expression here, then that which came before has to be satisfied in all ways, realized with all knowledge and understanding and fulfilled in all of it's desires of expression. That can only be accomplished by being one with all that is. 

The universe will resolve itself in you if you universally allow it's realization in you.

The freedom that you desire is the freedom that you grant and allow for all creation. Just remember this for yourself; it's not about me, it's about everything and like the great philosopher said; let it be, its not about you and it's not about me.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Relevance

Dear God, bless me that I might be free in this reality.

I am here to fix things that are not working well according to your own interpretation, evaluation and observation of reality.

Love is the answer

OK, I an looking for my relevance in this world, what is it? What is it? What is our relevance here as the "us" that we can ultimately be and we are; when we free ourselves from our adopted prisons? Do we have a purpose here as a free being?


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Be wise

Allow yourself to be wise. If you want to consider the options first; is it not generally agreed that a wise person benefits everyone in his live? A wise person is at peace and yet has mastered life, so why not allow yourself to be wise? It will be good for everyone if you do.

Where is the sweetness in life if not in the eyes of those you love who love you?


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The only lasting truth about you

Your eternal truth is, that you are divine love and as you allow yourself to realize your eternal truth then you are the embodiment of the divine, or rather; to the degree that you allow your eternal truth to be realized here, it is your realization as the embodiment of divinity. 

I am divine love, realize that as your truth, by simply allowing for the possibility that that may be true for you. I am divine love and all else is proven to be a lie as it cannot maintain its existence as you self realize your eternal truth. I allow my self to realize my eternal truth and so it is.

Your eternal truth of divine love is realized and manifest not through effort and intention, but simply by looking and choosing for your eternal truth to be known by you. So look to eternity and beyond and know the you that always is, always was and always will be. 

Allowing your eternal truth to be realized by yourself will redeem you from the lies that limit you, bind you and diminish you into all of that which ends when you leave here. So leave here and now that which you have been on earth and remember, reclaim and realize yourself as the manifestation of your own eternal and perfect truth.

It is already true; you are divine love. Your eternal truth is already infinitely and divinely true, bridge the gap between your manifestation and your eternal truth, hold them together in the embrace of the allowance of eternity. Embrace your divine and eternal truth and allow your divine and eternal truth to embrace you. 
Now allow all others the same possibility of realizing their truth easily, joyfully and gloriously.

Try this mantra out; we allow our eternal truth to be manifest here and repeat that eternal truths you perceive each and everyone of your limitations here, physical, mental, emotional, conscious and awareness. Feel those limitations and repeat your mantra; I allow my eternal truth to be manifest here and now and so it is.

For our effectiveness to be realized here, we have to realize that which is, for if we accept instead of that which is eternal as our truth here and settle for a temporal, temporary, passing truth as that which we hold onto here, then we will pass away as that.

The only lasting truth about you is that which is eternally true. Take a look at that, know it, realize it and then choose after you know your truth if that is what you wish to be here.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Choose your freedom

Understand that the you that you want to be is not the you that you are, however once you realize that the you that you are is the you that you are supposed to be you can relax about what you are not.

You are supposed to be the you that you are, so try this as a meditation and mantra; I am the me that I am supposed to be.

What can I do to be free, is a question you can ask of your prison and the answer may surprise you; what you are asking for is freedom within your personality, the free person who is not you. You wish to remain a construct of the false self, but in a state of freedom to be "not you" without any undesirable consequences. You want  to be "not you" and to have things go right for the "not you" that you are.

Yes, that is what I wish for and when I have that I'll probably be able to conceive of something that I wish for better than that, but at this point I will take an incremental shift to a conscious, capable and effective being.

Breath freely, let go of that which limits your ability to breath freely.

With your full focused consciousness, be present in your reality and feel your expression in it and as you feel your expression in your chosen reality; choose for the freedom of expression as you choose. So choose freedom in each moment of time; as you feel your limitations, choose your freedom from them. 

Choose your freedom and as your mind begins the process of choosing it's distraction and it's entrapment, choose your freedom again. 

Feel the limitations that you carry and say no to then continuously and easily, without effort.  


Monday, November 08, 2010

In your time of need
I will speed to your assistance,
when I get around to it.

So to it I will leave you
In the zoo of humanity
That has lost it's sanity.


Friday, November 05, 2010

What is there in failure that is so enticing to us?

What is the consciousness choosing here? Is the question you may want to ask yourself as you observe that which is seeming to be you. 

What Is the consciousness choosing here and is there a choice that I would like better than what the consciousness here is choosing? And if so, how can I implement it?

What is the consciousness choosing here and what would I like? Focus on that, feel your reality and say "what would I like here?" feel that within you where you are uncomfortable, painful and feel so awful that you don't even want to know about what it is that you are carrying around. Feel it and say; what do I want here? What would I like here? How would I like this to be for me? Then let it get that way without even really trying to figure out what the process is.

How would you like it to be freer right now? If you can't figure out the answer to that one, then sublime would be a good choice, heavenly would be a good choice that... Well who makes that choice? Do you see anybody walking around in a heavenly reality? I guess that is not a popular choice these days. 

What would I like here? Is it a heavenly reality? How would you know the answer to that, since you are cut off from your experiential contact with heaven to the point that you have no idea of what the reality of that is. So how could you possibly choose for a heavenly reality that is unreal to you and unknown by you? It's a tough one to choose the unknown, to choose to know the unknowable.

What would you like here? For me, I would like to know all that can be known with ease and the total awareness of the joyful way with all that is. So when you feel your area of life that is so wrong that you know that you don't care for it to persist, allow yourself to know it fully with ease and joy.

What would I like to experience right here and right now? What reality is the consciousness here choosing and how can it choose better? Your consciousness doesn't have to stay with the choices it made in the past, feel your lack of freedom in the present and realize that it is from choice made in the past and allow those past choices to stay there, and not affect your present, because your present you've chosen to be different than your past.

What is it that is suppressing this consciousness so completely, so absolutely that there is no escape from this reality of confused and complete ugh... You've got to choose what you want, you've got to choose what you want, whoever taught you that you couldn't have what you want was wrong, let that decision to agree with them go. Your like is yours to choose your likes and to like the choices you make and to make them better and better until your life is a fulfilled fantasy.

What is there in failure that is so enticing to us? So enticing that we must revel in our excellence in maintaining our life as an example of that? The failure of our fear to dissipate when we are through enjoying its influence is problematic. When you are done with something, you should be done with it and you shouldn't allow it to think that there is anything wrong with you being done, when you are done. Do not commit to reality in such a way that when you are done with it, it is not done with you. 

There is no need to agree and convince yourself to anthers reality that isn't your wish to share. Share your freedom, enjoy the free use of reality without obligation, because you don't obligate yourself to others expecting your participation with them  in their future. What that means is; hire slowly, fire quickly and when the fire is no longer in your life, fire the life that you are in. Those of us who can be true to ourself are few and far from normal, so be abnormal in your ability to freely, joyfully and gloriously choose your reality, choose that you are free, choose freedom. It is the right thing to do for yourself.

In order to have a free life, one must continuously choose to be free, to be unbound and unobligated to reality. For boundless freedom, one must untie oneself from their ties. Not by tying one on, but by untying oneself while still belonging, belonging to those who love and celebrate the life freely lived, lovingly expressed and serenely and blissfully savored. 

Choose freedoms despite all of the really good reasons that you should be bound, tied up, tied down, uptight and tied to the you that you are that is not free. Remind yourself once in a while that you choose to be free in your reality and that you are not about to compromise it and agree that somebody else's idea of reality should be binding and controlling upon yours. Just be willing to allow yourself to figure out how that can be true for you. How life can be gloriously free, celebrated by yourself and others. Just allow that it is possible for that to happen and then begin to realize that it will happen for you as quickly as you choose for it to. 

Its OK for you to know that you don't have a lot of shared reality with others and that's all right, its all right for you to have your own reality and for you to know that that's your truth and not compromise that with other realities. So just say no to obligations, just say no to the prison of your soul, to the soulless life of the drugged and drunk dennessions of failure and say yes to life freely enjoyed and joyfully freed from the convention that your life must be somebody else's idea of right and wrong. No more you are a sovereign, who is right in his choice of what is true and truly useful for him in his experiences here. You are your truth, allow your truth to free you in the realization ghat your reality IS the truth of you and there is no reason to compromise it for anyone else's. 

Feel the freedom of an uncompromised life, of a life that says no to what is not true for it. It's ok to say to someone; we have a severe break in our reality and are not having a shared reality, let me share what my experience is of you so that when you say what you think my experience is of you is, that you know that I am not experiencing the reality of you that you say I am. 

Its ok to say to another; your reality that you claim as peace, is painful to me, is difficult for me to bear and so I choose not to. It's ok to say to someone else; my interaction with you is not benefiting me in the way that I would like it to and so our interactions are changing and minimizing so that they will not be destructive to each other. You do not have to pay for that which you feel is destructive in your life, you don't have to pay for that which damages you, diminishes you and makes you less than freely here, easily here, loving and joyfully here. You don't have to pay for that privilege to one who is not that themselves.

Wherever you find yourself to be less than free, freely and quickly realize that freedom is your truth and that "no freedom" is the you that you are not here to be. Choose freedom in your life, choose freedom in your body, choose to be the embodiment of freedom and the life freely and truly wonderfully lived.

You free yourself when you speak your truth, you find yourself in the expression of that which brings freedom to those who hear it. Let go of the past, it no longer serves you, truth be told; when your past was the present it didn't serve you that well either. You are learning your lessons, let go of your past failures, the failure to do so will presently become a problem to you.

How can one choose freedom when one is emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically bound into a limitation so severe that there is virtually no variation in life; from one frustrating failure to another, how does one choose freedom then? How does one find freedom in their chains?

How does the god of life bring life into the helpless? 

Choose to be right about the rightness of your life, in your life, with your life and with others that interact with you. 

I do need help with improving my reality, but an improvement of my reality to be chosen by me as to what it is that improves it. 

Retain the right in your life to respectfully and absolutely disagree with the reality that isn't your preference, your wish, or the fulfillment of your desire for what it is that you wish to experience.

Now if you find yourself rejected by others and removed from their presence by their choice that you willingly obey, then you will begin to realize what it is that others value and don't value about you. 

When you devote yourself to the love of beauty and surround yourself with those beautiful things, then who and what is it that made it happen other than you? 

Help me get what I want for myself and when I have what it is that I want, I will be selfless in my wants for others. 

If you pretend to yourself that life is other than what it is for you, then what it is for you is much less likely to change for the better.

Don't be found lacking color, depth or resonance in your life for that which is exceptional, for that which is extraordinary, for that which is sublimely and truly you.

 Allow yourself to be the architect of your life, building, creating and developing exactly the structure of reality that you wish to express yourself as.


Friday, October 29, 2010

The freed within

The freedom that we realize within ourselves is the freedom that we are never without. Grant others the freedom that they desire so much that they willingly bind themselves in their desire to obtain it.

The freedom that we all desire is the freedom that we naturally are in our native and natural state of self allowance. Self realize the truth of your freedom within yourself by observing your responsibility as the creator of your lifes circumstances,

A better way to freedom; 
limiting your obligations to others, by being clear within yourself about what you want and what you are willing to give for it. Do not bind yyourself just to be agreeable. 

The sourse of your freedom is your allowance of source to free you from what is.
When you feel the source of freedom moving within you, be grateful so that it is welcome to continue it's work of enlightening the body and the embodied consciousness.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

On Sunday, October 24, 2010, wrote:
> Hello, fellow groupy :) ur msg abt "observing feelings of not wishing well" touchd a chord ..pls ellab a lil more on how 2 let go of em n exp wholness agen .. I exprnce feelings of comptetvnss towards my competitors, esp the ones i feel r petty or not highly evolvd. This is how i luk at the situation. I want to win at al times not jst in God's eyes bt on ground too. Is dis spiritual. Advice wil mean a lot to me :) thank you, Bharti

Hello Bharti,

Go to and you can pretty much read endlessly
there about what works. It seems like you enjoy competing, go ahead
and compete, until it doesn't satisfy you anymore. Everyone here is in
some kind of game, play the ones that interest you, then try some new
one and stop judging yourself and certainly stop judging others no
matter how degraded they are they are doing an excellent job at being
exactly what they are. You do the same. Relax, take your time to spell
out your words so that you can see the word spells that have entrapped
you better.

God is not about winning, God is about improving and expanding, which
sometimes takes a lot of losing. Be a champion loser and you may even
win the game of eternal life.

The biggest loser,


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Divine movement

Divine movement is the dance of spirit through life and the dance of spirit through life is not done on a couch or pushing against another.


Bless them with divine consciousness

Is there anyone that you do not wish well of? Observe those that you do not wish well for and observe how that wish for evil, limitation or judgement to fall upon them is in fact the source of your own pains and limitations.

So, bless them who curse you, bless them who are worthy of a curse, bless them with divine consciousness and let their false selves go that you did not get along with. When you focus upon the divine source of the people that you deal with, you can't even remember what their false self was like, that you disliked so much.

It has to be ok for you to have what you want, or you won't let yourself have it. Look at your own unwillingness for you to have what you want, that is what your self judgement is evidenced by; the fact that your desires and your wishes are not granted by yourself.

Hello Albert,

Chew on this one for awhile, it will aid your digestion of life;

Your higher self wants you to be exactly what you are being here
(diseased/healthy and peaceful/distressed) and doing exactly what you are doing
here; maintaining your false self as self, succeeding where you are succeeding
and failing where you are failing.

Hmm how could that be? What would the divine purpose of that be?


> Dear Immanual,
> You've had quite a spurt of divine wisdom. I've been going through the same
thing and healing and releasing my false beliefs, of which there are plenty.
> Much love, Albert

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Here is an interesting one to chew on; God want's you to be the way that you are.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Embrace the infinite truth that knows the truth of all


Divine intervention, welcome; welcome to your home.

The Entrance of the divine into this world is with an evil being welcoming it's merger with divinity. 

When you have become convinced by others of your own inappropriateness, rather than changing your self image and identity to suit the others, instead, whatever it is that you consider yourself to be, allow its merger with divinity. The divine you see, imparts it's grace to you and to me, regardless of our identity, when we open to our eternity.

Allow for everything that everyone has thought to be true about you to be so, or rather to be allowed to be irrelevant to you regardless of it's accuracy, as you embrace the infinite truth that knows the truth of all. You are in fact only as you choose to be, regardless of the identity that other perceive you to be and there is no reason to look back on any unfinished business in your life here as you welcome the embrace of the divine, because there is no unfinished business in this world for the you that you have been; this world is finished in it's business of life with you, when life eternal becomes your life.


If you can't allow yourself to be divine, then you really won't be divine then will you?

The identities that you hold onto are the ones that you have to redeem, by letting go of them. 

Saying thank you God, moves you beyond all of those who pretend to represent him and puts you into connection with that which is wished for and yet is indescribable. That is what you hope for, wish for and give all that you are for; if you are to have it. For that which you are is that noose which holds you, binds you chokes you and holds you to the limitations of self. Allow every level of your conscious self identification; all the levels of consciousness in which you have a feeling of self, a knowledge of self, a separation into self, let all of those go. When you can realize that you are not you, then you can realize everything.

Dive into your sense of self and allow the self that is you to flow and move and reveal it's truth to you. Let go of that which you have known before and allow that which is unknown to be known fully by you. 

Allow your personality to infinitely improve by allowing what is to dissolve in the love of life everlasting, a consciousness expanding, miraculous transformations into the lives of our fondest desires. Allow the ultimate expression of yourself to be your chosen beingness and personality, the you that is perfectly competent in every area. 

How does one wake up consciously in a reality that he has been largely unconscious, unable and uncomfortable in for his entire life? How do you divinely embody the unworthy, that is the real question, so that there is a transformation from what is to a divinely, euphoric, serenity; the presence of a overwhelmingly conscious love.

Allow your consciousness to be primarily localized in one body, the body that you have, the body that you know best, the body that you have been since you were born.

How do you divinely embody that which was not living divinely?

Allow yourself to access life from the you that you are eternally. Feel the you that you are and let yourself go and go through each level releasing it as quickly as you can; as soon as you feel the sense of self, let it go until it is a continuous letting go and you don't even know that you are someone, you are something altogether else entirely.

Don't try to make me accept a reality from your point of view of what that is as your truth and that must be my truth as well, no! I have my own truth that is the truth for me and the truth is, what other see in me is themselves, which is not the truth you see, for while we are all one, we are not one another.

I've got to be effective in what i am doing, failure in what I wish to do here is not an option that I wish to experience anymore. Where is the tipping point of reality, the shifting of possibility into presence and experience? Where is the causal creation point of our reality? And what happens if we choose to be divinely conscious there? Where is there infinite improvement in your circumstances available to you? 

Be prepared, for I. The going there to the perfection that you wish for, your circumstances are going to be changing and improving continuously. As you let go of your previous restraints, your bounds are known no more; Your life's history happened, but it is not the truth of you, you can let it go. 

You should always demand your right to be comfortable in your experiences here. Allow yourself to be the champion of noticing what is. A person who is willing to accept the fact he is living a blessed life, is in fact blessed in his life. Are you willing to have a blessed life?

Take a little walk and walk that yes; that is what I choose as the answer to that question that is so difficult to agree with, that is what in fact  I choose. Your choice of a consciously divine life; choose that, choose that and take a walk and walk that yes into your body; yes to the divine, yes to divinity, yes to the truth of you expressed here through this temple you have chosen. Allow it to be a clear and capable vessel for being divine in every way.

If you cant allow yourself to be divine, then you really won't be divine then will you? Consider the options and decide whether or not a divine reality is one that you would prefer, then choose that preference in every step that you take, in every moment you are awake and with every bite that you take. 

Recognize that your life has been exactly what it is that it is expressed here now as, but with that full expression of yourself now as you are; you are now free to choose a new expression of self now that your previous one has been fully and perfectly expressed, thats no longer your choice, choose a new one now and say yes to divine perfection, choose divinity as your life, choose the life of the divine for all that you experience, as you allow all that you experience to also make its own choice.

Yes you can improve by degrees, but degree by degree can be nearly instant as well. Where can I be the most conscious in my life? Where can I be divinely conscious in my life? Let's start there first, ask that question; where can I be divine in my life and let the where be somewhere that you can observe in your body. Where are you divinely there in this body of yours? Lets start from where you are divinely aware somewhere within this body of yours. 

We begin to exist as divine consciousness as we wish to and we expand that divine consciousness from its initial spark to the entirety of our presence here. Allow your truth to be the truth that harmonizes all else into that which is in fact what is. Allow yourself to be the trigger that allows us all to be released from our identities; the identities that bind us, trap us and limit us to something in fact we are not.

I will be as free as you want me to be, reality says. Freely, loving, wow! Try choosing that for all of us, a loving reality that frees us into the best "us" we can possibility be. Do some stretches and say; I allow myself an infinite improvement of this existing condition that the body is experiencing, I allow it all to get better.

Its ok to allow yourself to disagree with somebody else's reality being real for you and you're being right about it. Its ok for you to be right about your reality, after all your reality is your reality, so be right about it. Be right about the possibility, the probability, the actuality that it can improve infinitely without limitation.

Allow yourself to know yourself from that which is absolutely and truly, infinite beyond measure. Allowing yourself to be blessed beyond measure means that there is no point that you will not allow yourself to be improved from. You are at the point that you are, but your allowing things to improve for you in every way. 

I believed that I would not have to be fully responsible for my circumstances in my life, that I would be able to blame them on somebody else's limitations that they had for me. I was raised with the acceptance of  limitations as being good and beneficial to us. 

If you are in pain then it should be obvious to you that you should not be doing life the way you are doing it and you should ask yourself where is the way of doing without pain? 

You share the gospel of divinity by simply being divine. How many infinitely divine realities are others willing to share with you?

 Well then increase your allowance of yourself to attain infinitely divine possibilities also.

We're not here to argue for who has the right to govern you, to control you, to legally bind you. We are not interested in which of those you choose, if in fact you choose for that to be your reality. What we are interested in is; when you choose the reality of the divine as your chosen experience and expression here. 

You are not here to be a saboteur of  your own level of consciousness here, your own true essence here, your not here to be an opponent of your truth being expressed through you.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

We are all insane

I'm not human, human problems are not a problem to me. Your greatest freedom in your life here as a human will be to realize that these issues that you seem to have are not yours to solve. Your issues are not yours, you borrowed them from somebody else and you borrowed them so completely that you became them and they became you and if you realize the truth, that they are a philosophical construct devised by a mind in confusion and for you to identify with that to the point of becoming it and then from that identity that you have accepted as you, you attempt to resolve, figure out, get rid of, or redeem yourself from that lost and fallen state, that is insanity.

When you look around at your friends, family and the people here on earth, that is what you will find; a world of the insane. So what is the sane thing to do in an insane world?

To realize the truth that the truth of this world is insanity. At least at that point, you will be on the road to finding what the truth actually is; none of it is you, none of it is true, if the world is insane, what is the sane thing to do?

Look beyond this world to the one that is true and let the truth begin to be true for the you that you actually are. Your truth is found only when all lies are dissolved in the nectar of the gods. All input from this reality upon this embodied consciousness is to be disregarded, needs to be let go of, needs to be released back to source with a complete loving allowance to the source that it came to you from; no thank you, no thank you, no thank you, I don't need your truth, I don't need your reality, I don't need your point of view to know who and what I am. This is not my life, this is not my body, I am just visiting, observing and realizing the truth of all of it.

Just touch your body lightly, don't seize the controls, an enlightened body and an enlightened mind occurs with just the lightest touch of truth. Truth transcendent is quite simply the truth which is beyond the here, the now; the present circumstances of us all. Life is always seeking for a better solution to a better life, while the life that is lived here is taken into account as everything and nothing at all.

There is no making sense out of insanity and believe me, this life and this world and you are insane and is Directly correlated to the degree that that you are self identified as a participant here. A insane reality is the truth here and your truth will be the same as the reality that you are participating in.

Chew on this one master wizard; the truth that you know is the knot that you are tied with and the truth that you don't know also binds you with its absence.

Not true for you is the truth that is not true here; the truth is that you are as free here as you choose to be. Don't wait until the end of your life to leave this lifeless corpse for the freedom of eternity. Free this body of living death the light that it wishes to live as; that which knows it all. A little know it all is not such a bad thing to be when it is actually the truth of you and me. Knowing it all is the freedom that you seek and knowing it all is most easily achieved by letting all that is known here be known by those who choose know it, for you it is all irrevelent.

If in fact the consciousness that is embodied here were relevent or that the lives that are led important, all the living would be communicated to by the dead who know better what all of the options are, but the dead you see, once the light they do see and their truth once again is realized, bid not even a farewell to you and me and leave us here in our insanity.
