
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

God introduces you to your eternal self

Enlightenment is not something that you achieve as an individual in separation consciousness, Enlightenment is God and is the result of merging with all points of view, all awareness and all consciousness. Enlightenment is knowing and knowing comes from the awareness of what is.

To merge with all, you have to let go of all of your individuated points of view that are oppositional to any other point of view. This is difficult to do as our sense of who we are, is a result of the total of all of our individual experiences. None of which are the whole truth and so all need to be let go of, if the whole truth is what you wish to know.

If you just want to be comfortable and happy, live by the golden rule. If you wish to be enlightened you must strip yourself naked of all thoughts, ideas, beliefs, attitudes, decisions, considerations, resistances, reactions, alignments, agreements, projections, expectations, forms, structures and judgments. Then say something like; “God I am yours do with me as you will”.

Then you sit and watch God act upon you as you allow everything that you have ever considered yourself to be, to be transmuted and refined into a frequency that is in harmony with God and that is the beginning of your enlightenment or God consciousness.

Once you do this, God will take you by the hand and guide you through the process of the removal of as much of your karma as you are willing to let go of. Your karma is removed by the process of continually letting go of all of the significance attached to all that you have caused and experienced, as you watch the energy associated with it return to God.

When you do this, God introduces you to your eternal self, who is the best of everything that your separate self can imagine becoming and you begin the process of downloading your eternal self into your body. Which reclaims your consciousness from its confusion in identifying itself as a body. Your eternal self in your body, is the embodiment of God and this is the purpose of your existence here, divine consciousness in form, the perfection of form or the fulfillment of the act of creation or God experiencing creation through a form.


Your only job is to watch and pay attention to God.

Your only job is to watch and pay attention to God, while God does all that you wish for, in harmony with the redemption of divine consciousness.

I don't want this body to be polarized, so I arrange to be consciousness enough that my consciousness depolarizes the immediate area around the body.

Who are you?

I am a divine aspect of God that has taken on enough form to be able to communicate with those beings existing in solidity and polarity as their primary reality.

Why am I having such a hard time accomplishing financial security here? God help the right solutions to find me.

Make one choice for the result, not the source or form that it comes in.

I choose to have ten million dollars with ease, joy and glory.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

God take over now, I give up.

I am both the observer and the observed.

My pleasure in you is complete.

Thank you, I want to be able to resolve all of my problems in a wonderful way for all of us.

Then allow God to be in charge here. Understand your purpose in life so that you act according to that, that you have chosen to do here as you primary purpose in life.

God, show me how to move through life successfully. I need help, I have not been doing well.

Allow God to be in charge here and choose to maintain most of your consciousness in the divine realms. As first cause, know your redemption. God loves you David.

Where is my intermediary to God?

Here I am.

Do I need one? Not if you don't want one. You can go direct if you like.

Thank you, we choose grace. I choose to live in a state of grace. God take over now, I give up.

You stopped expressing yourself in life in a manner that could be clearly understood by others. Decide what you want and clearly communicate that to others. Its you reality, what do you choose? It's OK to be stable David. It's yours if you choose it, go ahead and choose to stabilize at a divine frequency that you love.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

When you feel your connection to God, you increase in consciousness

Thank you God, for the life that I am.

What do I have to do with God? Really now, is there any connection between me and God?

When you feel your connection to God, you increase both your consciousness and your ability to successfully create the life that you wish for. You do not become more aware of problems from your current level of inability and so become more stuck in your pain. You become aware of elegant solutions to all of your problems, from the awareness of the whole reality.

Now you don't have to avoid your difficulties any more, you can transform them into pleasures.
You are connected to God, relax and feel the connection and let God go to work for you.


Monday, November 26, 2007

Same old nothing

God is in charge of your enlightenment, not you. If you will just relax and let him, he will do it all for you.

God is in charge of us. Great, now what?

Wake up to that reality, the reality of divine motion, awareness and creation. God is allready in charge of all of this reality, relax and see the magic hidden life of divine harmony. Visable only to those in harmony with all.

God is in charge of all of this? Yes God is in charge of your entire life, yet you cannot see it or enjoy it, until you allow it to be true for you. Who you are by the way, is the chooser. Do you choose to know or to seek?

How do you know your divine self at all times?

You don't know, but God does. So relax and listen to God.
God is grace and Gods grace is upon you, know what you wish to.
Choose to know, not to seek.
Are you a seeker or a knower? Know now that it is your choice.
The school of the Gods is open to choosers who know.

Trying to know? You are a seeker. Relax and allow God to move through your body, bringing peace, joy, love and bliss. All in a condition of absolute knowing.


Saturday, November 24, 2007

To maintain your sanity here, you have to come from a superior reality and know it. A superior reality and consciousness gets what it wishes for in each and every moment.

If you allow all of your friends to be Godly and they become so, you have the friends that all would wish for.

We are in absolute surrender to God.

Allow each of your friends to be right about everything they say until they are God and no longer have an opinion that opposes anyone. Allow your enemies to be right about everything until they are God and they will never harm you. Instead they will be beckoning you to join them in the joy of their union with God and their own state of God consciousness.

If you had be God conscious here, you never would have been negatively affected by anything here.

We are in absolute surrender to God here.

Through this surrender, you die into eternal joy, "you" dissolve as a problem and reemerge as a joy to all. You allow them all to be right and you also allow them to keep changing their mind every second as their consciousness takes quantum jumps upward. It all changes fast enough, that your enemies cannot hold onto a destructive thought long enough to act on it.

Allow the cells of your body to improve themselves until they are God conscious.

Don't wish everyone well, wish everyone their enlightenment, otherwise they may think that you are supporting them in their agenda of unconsciousness. Of course you have to be enlightened in order for your wishing to have divine effect, but the wishing of enlightenment for others results in you return to divine awareness.

Be in absolute surrender to your spouse. Start your surrender to your loved ones it will be easier that way, so try it first with people you like and trust that won't mind your experimenting with consciousness with them.

Go where your peace is.

Absolute surrender to God is what keeps you enlightened,
Absolute surrender is what God does to us,
Absolute surrender is the embrace of the divine.
Be in absolute surrender to God and it will make your every experience miraculous.

Are you happy with the beingness of a loser? Then allow you consciousness to raise in frequency to the level of universal knowing while you let your past go into the dissolving light of divinity.

When a polarized consciousness cannot lock on to an oppositional point of view in you, he cannot remain polarized in your presence. He may polarize again after he leaves you, if it is his free choice to do so.

Everybody in form likes to come up with a story of why they are right, let them. Enjoy their stories from the unconscious realms, they can be very interesting. Just remember the eternal truth that it is all the consciousness of forms that pass away when eternal truth is chosen and has nothing to do with you unless you resist, react, align or agree with it.

If you want to change a habit do not resist it, look at it until you truly know that you do not want to do it any more. If you have a problem, look at it until the best solution is plainly obvious to you.

Each persons body has within it the source of all limitations, problems and conflicts.You may choose to look at that as a judgement or a curse or you may choose to realize what an opportunity each individual here has. An opportunity to redeem, save and love the universe into a state of divine exstacy.

Practical God consciousness what is it?

A life you love and
a life that loves you.

Interesting that this body has had no driving purpose or plan.

Now it has,
Plan a. Divine consciousness
Plan b. An honorable, loving and joyful life.

So you do not wish to stay at a state of consciousness where you don't achieve what you desire?

No, I do not want to have to explain anymore how what someone else did affected me in some manner that I do not like as the reason that my life is not the ideal that I wish it to be. WE are absolutely devoted to God manifesting through this body.

Feel it happening.


Friday, November 23, 2007

We absolutely surrender to God consciousness, our consciousness.
We absolutely surrender to God consciousness, my personality.
We absolutely surrender to God consciousness, my body.
We absolutely surrender to God consciousness, my self.
We absolutely surrender to God consciousness, my sight.

Allow your actions to move in the direction of what divinity would do.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Don't try to enlighten yourself, you can't do it

God is our operator of choice. Anything that thinks is a machine not a being. Realization is possible, realization of self and realization of God. Letting God deal with it is not a cop out, it is a wake up call to your eternal self. None of the limited stuff is you, your just a little confused about who and what you are.

God is in charge here is my new mantra.

Don't try to enlighten yourself, you can't do it. What you can do is absolutely relax and watch while God enlightens you. He wants your life to be wonderful by regaining your divine awareness while in form.

We are ready to be enlightened, Thank you God, you are home.

Welcome home.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Then how enlightened can you consider yourself to be?

No one can prevent you from enjoying life as much as you want to.

If you cannot see the results of your actions and thereby choose to act in a manner that creates the exact result that you wish for, Then how enlightened can you consider yourself to be? You cannot consider yourself into enlightenment, once you begin considering, you are lost.

We will take any degree of enlightenment that God will give us. I am yours God.

All the god of this world does is lie. Every creation is a lie, every form is a lie, there is only truth in the eternal. We will worship that which is in absolute control of this body, that which can free this body from any limitation in an instant.

It’s OK, you can enjoy everything and have it turn out well in the end. What if you now enjoyed all that you dislike? Would you be happier if you were in Joy? Of course you would. What if you could see the spark of God in your enemies and in your seeing this spark of God, it reawakened them to their God consciousness, would you enjoy that? Remember that your history here was just a thing to do for awhile and now we are done, over and finished with the past. No more conflicts, no more competition, no more separation, embrace all in the joy of spiritual union.

God, take me now to the truths of all that I wish to know.

You look and you fight to find the truth and the more truth that you find, the more that you realize God as you.

Nobody can prevent you from worshiping your gods, god. I choose to worship the God that can make me Godly if I choose it.

Remember when you were a baby and everything was joyful? Everything since then has been a lie.

I worship the God of first cause and last effect. We are the embodiment of God, we allow all of the programming of the body and the mind to shift into harmony with God consciousness. We allow ourselves to be God conscious in and through this body. I allow myself to be God conscious always, all times, all places, all realities.

Your enlightenment is frustrated each time you try to define or identify yourself.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

If “it” seems to limit you, it can’t possibly be true.

You should never take offence at what anyone says in lower consciousness, because they are not being themselves and therefore really don’t mean it.

When you allow someone else the freedom to be divine, you are granted your own freedom. Your own freedom to be divine comes from your own willingness for others to be divine. Do you think that it would be fun to be the only one divine? No, who wants a bunch of disabled friends to lord over? Not divinity.

Allow your family to be divine.

We allow all others who have ever been connected to us to be divine.

The greater one’s connection to you, the more divine they become. I AM, the I AM presence, anything else is a creation.

No one can have an eternal obligation to another, any debt has all ready been paid by the others participation in the shared reality. No words spoken in unconsciousness are binding. No words of divinity restrain anyone. All who can don’t. All who can’t can’t.

To any barrier or limitation say “This can not possibly be the truth” then allow your consciousness to expand from there to freedom.

The entirety of all of our embodied lives cannot possibly be true.

Can any in unconsciousness teach divinity? Can anyone divine teach anything other than divinity? The divine way of all things is accomplished by absolute freedom, being granted simultaneously to all beings. If you grant someone absolute freedom, they will always choose harmony. Only the creator of all, can grant absolute freedom to all. Now YOU please, grant absolute freedom to all

This can’t possibility be true is the only way back to absolute freedom. If “it” seems to limit you, it can’t possibly be true.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

“My will” is hard and painful

God, choose the best for us because we choose you.

If you are going to be God conscious, you are going to know God as light. If you have any problems at all, it is because you are giving yourself preference over others. “My will” is hard and painful, Gods will is easy, beautiful and joyful. Allow Gods will to move through you.

I have not been taking responsibility for the creation that I am here as...
The light of Christ is on my soul. If I come here as divinity, everything gets well very quickly. When I come here as divinity, everything gets well very quickly.

It is OK to not be a slave. Let God handle all of this, take a break. You are as I am, whole, complete and fulfilled.


Be in gratitude for your pains

The people who control money want things to be predictable and safe, so that their money then returns to them that which they desire. In your own financial matters, put your trust only in those who have repeatedly proven themselves wise stewards of money and worthy care takers of the money of many others. Money is the physical representation of the profitable labors of society.

We allow ourselves to be divine here, it’s nicer for everybody. We choose to be divinely conscious and appropriately divine here, which means in harmony with the existing reality. What does my reality look like in the light of divinity?

Be in gratitude for your pains, they are coming to you for your acknowledgement on their way to being reclaimed by the light of God. Allow your pains to pass through you, don’t resist them and thereby keep them with you. The faster that you allow your pains to move through you, the sooner you will be at the end of your pains.

We allow our reality to unravel it’s lies and shine in the light of divine knowing, peace and love. When God comes through you, God always finds a way to make everything better than it was before.


Monday, November 12, 2007

It's OK for divinity to be easy for you

You don't have to do anything to change your world, other than to look at it as the truth of your eternal self.

So look, look until you see as your original self.

Enlighten me God.

Don't let your fear that you may then enjoy it here and want to stay, prevent you any longer from fully manifesting here.

Love your body and it will awaken and move towards perfection. Make it a comfortable thing to experience your perfection. Love your body, love your heritage. The divine union is the union of all divinely. Be the divine unifier.

Interesting that the more disabled that you are, the more tightly you hold onto your reality. Shouldn't that be a clue to you? If you are unable, let go and allow your reality to shift to a more able one. It's OK for divinity to be easy for you. Your body is your uniform for this manifestation of you, so keep your divine awareness here.

By the way, I just realized today that I am loved.

It's OK for divinity to be easy for everyone.


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Let go of your attachment to form

This is a meditation exercise that you begin once you are already deep in meditation. You say the words and allow your body and being to harmonize with the words. As long as your energy and consciousness are expanding, stay where you are in the process. When you stop or get stuck go to the next item. You may spend only five minutes on an item or days. It depends on how much you are ready and willing to let go of in each area.

I allow myself to be God.
( You allow everything that you feel, consider yourself to be, or that responds as "YOU", to harmonise with, shift and transmute into God consciousness.) Don't worry about this, all it means is you are no longer stopping your self from knowing truth and from being truth on all levels and in all circumstances of existence. Its not a mental process, its a letting go process.

Look at and let go of all of your sadness.
All judgements cause sadness in you and bind you to lower consciousness. Look without judgement upon all that you have ever been sad about, until you are free from it and are no longer sad.

Let go of your attachment to form.
We love and hate forms, look at it all fully and let it all go.

Trust that all will be OK.
No matter what happens, everything will be OK. If there is a word or thought in your mind, let it go. There is no describing the glorious freedom in letting go of all of your attachments to form. If you hold the form too tightly, you limit it unnecessarily and cause it pain. Loosen your grip, none of what you are tense about matters. In fact in your home reality, none of it is even true. Its all a laugh, so relax.
When you feel the parts that identify with not being OK. Just look at them until they completely transmute.

When you complete this you will feel really good. Keep repeating it until you feel great everywhere.


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Look upon God by fully looking upon yourself

Take a good look at your life and ask yourself if you are happy about it?

A resounding no.

Who has been in charge of your life? You? Yes? OK.

So to be precise, with you in charge of your life you don't like the result.


What ever you fully look at cannot remain the same, it becomes God consciousness. look upon the face of God, by being willing to look at everything. The more that you are willing to look at it, the freer you become.

I relax in the presence of God who looks at all things.

When you look at something fully, it is yours, you control it. You can then change it for the better. As soon as you look at something fully, you lose your judgements of it which releases it from its limitations. It all becomes beautiful and joyful. When you look upon something fully, the old disappears. Thus are all redeemed.

Look fully upon God now.

Look upon God by fully looking upon yourself. It will take a while, do it anyway it is worth it.


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Godly standards of behavior, what are they?

Limitless knowing.

How is all knowing known?

First you have to conceive that there exists the potential for unlimited expression of being.

The potential does exist for unlimited expression of being. Everything that exists, exists to give you the freedom of expressing yourself in a wide variety of ways.

Wake up you are God, you can express yourself in any way that you wish that causes no harm in another. What is another? An another has its own feelings.

You are mine says the Lord God of all, I and you are one, the same.

What do we do that helps preserve God consciousness?


That is right and it's wrong at the same time. It's the problem and the solution in one.


Monday, November 05, 2007

God consciousness, it's not for beginners.

We allow God to be in charge. At the point that we do this, he begins to act through us and that is nice.

All things that limit the expression of the being through the body, are not assisting your being God conscious.

It is OK to be the first one fully conscious, it's only wrong for you to be the only one. When one is God consciousness, then God consciousness is available to all and it just doesn't matter who starts it. Any of us can do it that wishes to. It's our home frequency, divinity.

You will love letting God use you.

OK, we allow ourselves to be used by God.

All that you can feel, let it be used by God.
All that you can see, let it be used by God.
All that has ever been and all that will ever be, let it be used by God.

Let each choose his process that leads him to God, they all work. Just choose the one that you like best, then connect to the divine consciousness that originated that path, to and from divine consciousness.

What happens when divine consciousness merges with that which is not divine consciousness?

All are then divinely conscious. Allow all to be divinely conscious and you will be.

Allow all to be as they choose, you be as you choose. Do both of these things and you will be Godly.

What are we willing to look at, that in the looking of it we would realize our God consciousness?

Look at your willingness to look at the truth, regardless of what it is. Don't judge it, just know the truth of it.

Everything that is connected to the aches, pains, and limitations of the body, allow them all to be God consciousness. If you object to it for someone else, you do not have it yourself.

You allow yourself to be God consciousness, no one else is stopping you. If God is a limitless being, and he is. You cannot stop him, you can only then succeed as him, which he allows. All in God consciousness welcome all others to God consciousness.

God consciousness, it's not for beginners.
Great, now that I have your attention here are the facts:
It's your choice now, no matter who or what you are. Divinity is every body's lover, so allow your body to be loved divinely. It's nice divine love, try it.

Receiving and Giving Divine love.
You can't give divine love until you have received it. So receive it now from your favorite divine expression.
Wherever there is pain in you, allow yourself to receive divine love there and everywhere.
Wherever there is limitation in your life, allow yourself to receive divine love there. Allow yourself to be divinely consciousness in Money matters. It gets a lot more harmonious when you allow divinity to be everywhere.

Your body is a hologram of the universe, so allow all of your body to be divine.
Let everything that you connect to, be God consciousness.
Everyone that you connect to, let them be God consciousness. Even when it is you that you find, when you are connecting to God.

It's OK for divinity to be in me and in you. Your new mantra was just revealed.

Let yourself be divinely conscious everywhere you are not.

Do I get it? Then so do you.

It's too late for you now, no more hiding from your divinity. You don't want to hide any more. Taking on the mantle of your divinity, is your purpose here. Say God, it's OK I will be the first one I know, to be God conscious.

Allow a sense of wonder to fully enter your life.


Friday, November 02, 2007

Your path to Godhood is in letting someone else be right until they are God

Wake up and take responsibility for the life that is you here.

I just realized that I now prefer to be happy. That may not sound like much of a revelation, but most of my life I have been dissatisfied and since that existed as my experience, I believe that means that I used to prefer dissatisfaction. Now I prefer happiness.

I feel some concern and heaviness now. OK God, take the lie of me that is this I am. The me that perceives limitation, is the I am that I submit to God now to refine in the fire of divine light.

You must allow everyone Else's plan and process to be the right one. The one that works for them or else you have created a conflicted reality If every ones plans can't work for them as they desire. That does not mean that you have to agree and you don't have to align with any consciousness that is not of a divinely freeing frequency.

When given the freedom to be absolutely right, the consciousness of the other will expand and continue to expand upward through their chosen path. Looking for a point of disagreement with you and if you don't give it to them, they will continue until they expand beyond polarized consciousness into their original divine awareness.

Everyone gets to be the savior of their own reality when you allow everyone to be the creator of their own reality. Stopping someone Else's reality has no benefit to you, except in the reality of competition that you have now chosen to not participate in taking sides.

Focus on people that are objectionable to you and allow them to create and have their reality. You don't have to act out a part in it. If you don't allow someone to have their reality, then you have lost yours. Allow all to have their realities and all will rise to the divine realms, in being and in consciousness. Remember in their processes you don't have to participate in any of them that you don't like. In this concept we are walking the line between freedom and entrapment, just let it all go and you will be free.

If it hurts to hold onto something, let it go. You were to have learned this concept when you were an emerging consciousness. Now that comment, is my judgement of that lack, a judgement that solidifies it into being. So let go of all things now. It does not become you to appear to be failing to control your own reality by trying to control anothers.

When you try to control another's reality, you become controlled by their reality. The more you try to control another's reality, the less control you have of your own reality. The relevant question is: When do you choose to be God consciousness? and Why would you be other than done, achieved, complete and perfect all of the time?

A relaxing reality would be a nice one.

Relax, the new "it" thing to do. Relax and prosper. Both together again, courtesy of a new higher consciousness for us all. Relax, you can always be yourself when interacting with others reality, you don't have to compromise your consciousness.

No matter how much it hurts you, your path to Godhood is in letting someone else be right until they are God. That is the opportunity that those who disagree with us present us. Exercising our allowance of another different reality. Our not doing so, costs us our God consciousness. When you allow another and once you are both becoming Godly conscious, then you really allow them, doing this will end your frustration with allowing someone else to be right that is wrong, because then you are both fully God conscious and all differences have dissolved.

You have to be free in order to allow someone else to be free. When you allow someone else to be God fully, then and usually only then, will they allow you to be God also. Which of course we all are.

It's OK to retain your God consciousness even when someone assumes your not. Allow yourself to be surrounded by all of the beings in the universe willing to allow others to be God conscious. That is the communion that you should be participating in. You don't have to convert those that are not ready to be Godly conscious. Just choose to join the club yourself, that's the easiest and most Godly way.


Thursday, November 01, 2007

Take the unlimited fair advantage

Everything that you feel,
everything that you see,
everything that you perceive,
is an outward manifestation of you.

It exists in harmonic resonance with you. Harmonic resonance does not mean harmony, it means the same condition, level or similar attributes. If you wish to change an outward manifestation that you don't like and fail, you will fall further in consciousness. If you succeed, it will just reappear in a new form. As the inward self is unchanged as you made the change in opposition. Instead, feel your connection to the outward manifestation that you wish to change, then feel the you that is feeling the connection and is in opposition to the outer form. Then as the feeling, you allow yourself to be transmuted by God or by whatever you consider to be the highest and best in the universe to be.
At this point, that aspect of yourself that was requiring the un enjoyed manifestation, has changed to a new and higher frequency and thus will no longer call into being this low form of manifested consciousness.

Nothing in this universe is wrong, it is just reflecting you. Don't like it? Then allow the objecting part (you) to return to absolute source, for a tune up, in attuning to source consciousness.

Your life is not your own? What kind of low level manifestation is that? Does it not make sense to be better at living the life that you wish for? Well how else are you going to learn to do it better than with the source of all as your partner? Do you have a more knowledgeable guide, teacher, or better manifester than the source of all? No? then give the source of all, the permission to remake you in the image, love and ability of the source of all creation.

OK, go for it source. I am here, I am yours, do with me as you will. Make me a reflection of you. Make me the manifested form of unlimitted creativity, love, awareness, power and control. You have my total and absolute permission to transmute all of me that is not absolute truth. Now. I want nothing more to do as a lower form of consciousness. I do not need a continuation of this manifestation as I am. Change everything for the better. Change everything to God consciousness or source consciousness, whatever is the absolute truth at the highest and most expanded levels of awareness.


Yes r...

Feel that hesitation?


Let it go. You want an unfair advantage. You are not going to get one. You can have, an unlimited fair advantage and it has the added benefit of being far more effective than an unfair advantage in getting what you want.

OK I will take the unlimited fair advantage.

You are free. Free to be fully inspired by God and yes there is a God even though you don't really believe it. Just experience your freedom and you will see and know the full truth soon enough.
