
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Realize that there is in fact no letting go

When you have let go of all that you can and you are finding it difficult to increase you consciousness by letting go of things; that’s the time to realize that there is in fact no letting go, because in letting go, there has to be something letting go in order to let go and there is no thing that is ultimate truth, so the thing that was letting go gave you an increase in ability and conscious awareness here. That was an exercise; it wasn’t absolute truth absolute truth is realization through observation. Observation of what is from an observation point of no-thing nothing, there is no association, there is no affiliation, and there is no identification with things from your observation point of wholeness. Your wholeness is not dependent upon things, either accumulating them or getting rid of them. Your wholeness in your form is achieved when there is no more identification with this reality as a participant in lower consciousness. The less involvement that you have in life, the more divinely it will move.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

The release of the personality

When you become a personality, you are stuck and there is no getting out of it until you drop the personality again. Your qualities are universal ones not personal ones.

It all kind of comes down to this; if you are not being divine, you are not divine. There’s a presence of something and that’s all that there is, now if that something is transitioning into something else, then it’s the presence of something that is in that state of transitioning into something else, but it is still a state that is at effect of the energies that move it.

You are here to wake up to your current reality, not some future unknown; you’re in the school of the creators here. Your purpose is to demonstrate to yourself that you are here as your eternal presence. You’re only divinely conscious when you are divinely conscious, when you drop back down again; there is no access point for you to perceiving what that is from lower consciousness. There’s only the release of the personality, a release by the personality to the infinite that restores the presence of the divine in the embodied state.
If I wish to be a physical specimen of perfect health and harmony in all parts, what level of consciousness would it take for that wish to be miraculously manifest?
When you drop the personality, you no longer have the need to destroy.


Friday, December 25, 2009

The promise of the divine is realized in you

We owe it to ourselves to explore our existence here, you will find that the more that you look, the more that you become aware of and the more that you become aware, the greater is your appreciation for life.

The transition between your normal reality and divine consciousness is shocking each time that it happens. If in your normal state of consciousness you can remember that you really don’t have to try to be divine, you just allow it to flow through you. There is no figuring it out, you just relax into it and allow it to move you and when divinity moves you, it is magical.

To be moved by the divine is the purpose of your manifestation here. To be divinely present, divinely consciousness, divinely aware, divinely being embodied, now that’s a kick. To feel the divinity of another, the physical presence, the expression, the aliveness of divinity present in a body, now that’s your other purpose is to enjoy the divinity of others, truly, enjoy. Enjoy them with your senses, a sensual experience of divinity.

When you catch yourself trying to figure something out, just remember that the solution is movement, divine movement, turn the mind off and be moved.

To judge yourself or another is a trap. It limits the divine consciousness to that of a socialized animal. It destroys the existence of your very essence of serenity, the serenity that you are already. So remember; the divine moves, it doesn’t sit and meditate, it’s not trying to accomplish anything, it’s doing something and it’s doing it divinely with full presence, full coconsciousness, full awareness and full enjoyment of every subtle expression and movement.

This is just a page from the school of divinity for the divine who have lost their way. The divine way is your way , don’t go on automatic in life, be fully aware, involved, engaged, and expressed in interacting with your environment in each moment. That’s why you are here; to move in form divinely.

Knowing the divine way, is living the divine way. It is not the study in the abstract, it is the infinite expansion, present in a focused point of view, the infinite expansion of consciousness in one localized form.

You don’t need to figure out how to plan the future, start with your present and your aloneness in it. Exercise your divinity in solitude until it is firmly established. As the dominant conscious of the body; no figuring on the future, be divinely present, in the present time. In precisely the circumstances that you find yourself in life now, in this exact moment, as the totality that you are expressed here as, realize your divine presence in these circumstances now. You’re not looking forward to perfecting something that is screwed up and trying to figure out how to do it right, you’re being perfect in your expression in this moment, that’s what divinity does. You’re not a game player, your moving, your game is movement of consciousness through form and structure, in a divine presentation of the serenity of the consciousness that you wish to be.

You’re not here to put together an organization here are you? No, organizations are organizations are organized to try to improve the circumstances of the lives of its members; you’re not trying, your being, and your being the ultimate expression that can be achieved in life and that is the expression of the divine in form. The promise of the divine is realized in you, allow that truth to be known fully here and now, known to you, by yourself, as yourself. Whenever you are wishing for your expression in life to be something other than what it is in that moment, open up to and allow your perfect divine expression to be established by your divine presence in the present time.

If chosen to come here as your true self, relax about whether that is appropriate or not, if you choose it, it is appropriate. You’re not having to wait your turn, express yourself divinely right now, give us all a present of your eternal presence, simply realize you divinity in the present and allow your divinity to be expressed through your manifestation. You’re the one who lets go, you’re the one who’s present is malleable, because you are willing to let it change , so look around yourself now in this moment with the realization of your divine truth as your consciousness in the body.

Your safety is in your divine expression in each moment here.


Monday, December 21, 2009

Divine consciousness

The following is a session that David had at Jacqule and Jerome’s home in California, where we explored what it takes to have a shared experience of divine consciousness and we were successful to a pleasant degree. The information that came through the session would be applicable to anyone else who desires to sample, know or explore the divine realms and to know the truth of self separate from their embodied consciousness. I know that it is a long read, but for a 2 finger typist it took me all day and it was still worth it.



Instead of talking in generalizations or about some future event, I would suggest that the three of us are here and we are here to improve ourselves and wouldn’t it be nice if we could energetically, consciously, spiritually be present here as our ultimate selves to the greatest degree possible and then allow the others to share in that knowing of your truth, your true self. So just a willing relaxation into the allowance of your ultimate and eternal truth being the experience of your presence here, If it is OK with you guys I would say yes to that for myself and certainly a big yes to allowing the best of who you truly are to be manifest in its most perfect expression…

There, yes there is a flow going now; kind of a divine vortex as you will.

J. I could go for one of these.

Yes that is a good choice, see your intelligence already increased look at that. Comfort is nice, it’s OK to choose be comfortable here, it doesn’t necessarily make you a materialist, all it makes you is a spiritual realist. Your perceiving through a material body, you have located a point of your consciousness here, a singular point of your awareness here, you might as well allow the rest of the totality of what you are (not just a singular aspect) but allow as the operating access, the consciousness that you are in all states and all levels of being and expression throughout time, space, dimensions and realities. That way you have an connection to your eternal past, present and future while you are in your present state, which puts you in a state of knowing to such a degree that there is no opposition for you at all in this reality, you don’t have to go through this reality fearing individuals, groups, organizations, governments, no. It’s just a polarized reality of opposites and we are here as ourselves we are the actors in the creation, we are not the creation.

We are the creators entering in the game acting out our parts. Now are we going to let the parts that we play be the limitation of our conscious awareness? Are we going to let our truth be the operating consciousness of the body? While the body has it’s instincts and programming’s and those are just automatic backup systems for the absence of a divine consciousness and the only reason that there would not be a divine consciousness present here in this body and this body and this body right now is because you chose not to be that, that is the only answer. So reevaluate every now and then as to whether that is your choice in the present and if it is not then say; by my own choice I choose to allow the totality of what I am in eternity to be fully consciously aware of self as that while I am embodied. If that sounds good to you say; yes I am open to that, not only am I open for that, I ask for that, I request that and I suggest to myself that I resonate with my eternal frequency, not the frequencies of the bodies and the environment that I inhabit here. You resonate with your eternal frequency, whatever that is while you are embodied here. You don’t go into a resonance of either harmony or discord with this reality. This reality does not have the ability to see you as a thing when you are here as your truth, it sees you as themselves. They can’t perceive you as the other, when you are here as your divine present.

They can’t possibly even imagine opposing you; it would be like them deciding in a sane moment to cut off their finger on purpose. It would be ridiculous, no if my finger needs some attention, I will cut the fingernail off, I will wash it, I will do what is necessary for it to be a reflection of the regard that I have for myself in all other ways.

I am not quite sure why I got into that subject.

J. Because you were explaining the fact that people perceive the powers of the alchemic community controlling that reality and the only way to get around it.

Here is what I would like to propose for your consideration, there are two realities; there is this reality here that we are familiar with since we took on the bodies. This reality we know, this reality we understand and from the point of view of ourselves, the selves and the identities that we have in this reality, we are doing the best that we can to improve our lives here as a logical progression of what it is, that it is apparent we are here based upon physical impressions. And then there is another reality, that is our home reality, that is our truth, that is what we know as our eternal state of consciousness. That part is divinely free all the time, it is a celebration of wonderful possibilities. That’s who you are, where you are, what you are in truth and the question is; are you interested in bridging that truth that you are eternally into this physical body that also has your consciousness perceiving through it? Do you want the consciousness that the body perceives with to operate according to the rules and laws of human society and evolution and physical probabilities or do you want to take responsibility eternally for the temporary, non eternal body , the vehicle that you perceive through? Are you willing to rather than ride it like a parasite are you willing to ride it like a cowboy who loves his horse rides his horse and make sure that that horse is happy and well taken care of in every way or to put it another way; are you willing to be here in the way that when people come here as that, they are often revered by future generations as Gods, are you willing to be that level of expression of divinity here? which is the truth of you eternally, but are you willing to own that as your reality while you are embodied here? You are the only one who makes the decision, it’s only your choice and it is irrelevant to everyone else, because anyone that would have an opinion of it whatsoever, as soon as it was actually being perceived through you by another, they would recognize and welcome it as the eternal truth of themselves and they would bless you for being willing to be present here as your truth, because your truth was what allowed them to realize their own. Are you willing to be that true to yourself in the present, that is what I am wondering about, because if you are it will free me and if it frees me, that pleases me to no end.

J. It frees you too.

It frees me to my eternal consciousness, my divine awareness and presence, it allows me to be here as that, when you choose the same for yourself and allow for the possibility that that can truly happen for me. So, if you suspend the normal state of reality that we interact with for a minute and say yes, there might be a truer truth than the self that I know and given that there is a possibility that there is an eternal you that is so you that, for you to continue on as you are would be a tortuous pain if you knew what your true truth was.

How good are you willing to be here? Good meaning when Christ said; call none good here, for only the father in heaven is good, that type of good. Are you willing to be good here, one worthy of that word?

J. Yes.

Just allow for it right now in this moment, no pre existing requirements, just be your eternal truth instantly. Now I acknowledge the degree that you did that and it was a wonderful feeling. To improve upon that, take a look at yourself, the self localized say in the presence that you would have in your own eyeballs, put your awareness there and feel what it is that is going on inside those eyes, those eyes that I am. Feel that tension and pressure, the darkness that is in your own eyes and realize your eternal truth there; that you are the life and the light of this world and all others, that you are the truth eternally, that you are the one, the only one, the one who is not singularly unique, but uniquely united with all that is until there is no separation or identity separate than all, within you.

So, you are not showing anybody up, you are just allowing for the expression of this universe to be absolutely, beautifully approved of by you exactly the way it is and when you do that, when you give permission to existence and the consciousness that is at the level that it is here, when you give it acknowledgement that it is not a failure as a result of being what it is that they are being in this exact moment that instead of a failure, it is perfect. How do we know that it is perfect? Well you don’t know, it looks screwed up, but if you give place to the possibility that it was a perfect evolution towards a flowering of divine perfection that occurs instantly upon the realization of its divinity and once allowed and then observed to be divine you go; oh yeah it was a perfect set up for it, God, it couldn’t have been any better than that, because that was what allowed this to then come forth. So when you allow another, when you grant presence to be exactly what they are in this present time, when you say God bless you for being that, God knows that I don’t know why you are that, it looks like screwed up to me, but there is one thing that I know is that you are perfectly you for this Godly perfection that is ready to manifest as soon as I and others around you allow you to be exactly as you are in this moment. And it is OK that you are exactly what you are, God knows that I wish I could be 100% certain eternally of the truth of that statement, you know but I am giving it as much reality as I can.

When you give reality the possibility of perfection, you give it the benefit of the doubt. If you give reality here the benefit of a reasonable doubt that despite its appearances and despite all of the trauma and tragedies that are here, despite all of the evident wrongness that is present here on earth, if you just give it the slightest of chances that you might be wrong about that, that it might be the immediate precursor to a celebration of divine proportions where the reality shifts in to a magical state of miraculous wonders, the heaven on earth that all have either predicted or wished for or hoped for or rejected because they couldn’t even imagine the possibility of such a place. You call that an enlightened person? A person who can’t even imagine the possibility of perfection, why would you follow a person with an attitude like that? You know they seem to be the opinion leaders, but God come on; if perfection if possible, why would you follow a pessimist, or an alarmist? If perfection is possible, look for the perfection to be seen by you in such a way that it’s not a wished for condition its and actual one, you see the absolute divine perfection in reality and it reflects that back to you in such a way that you are released from the fall of consciousness that this reality has been in and your one of the nice examples of the transition into divine states of presence and beingness here and that a harmonization with that is a nice thing for everyone to do, it’s a natural progression of self realization when there is an example that somebody to harmonize with. So consider allowing it for yourself and sharing it with those that you love. Allow for the possibility that that is the right thing to do, because if it is the truth of you, the only thing that could possibly restrain you is your own decision to restrain yourself, so consciously examine that choice then that your life is a life of self restraint and self restraint only in all levels, both physically and consciously, there is self restraint that is holding you into a level of manifestation that maybe it could be a lot better than that and why not allow all of your issues and karmas, if you want to call them that, to be resolved miraculously and efficiently in such a way that they are all handled right now?

Yes, it is possible for a Godly conscious individual to have all of their issues resolved in the moment that he decides that they should be and if that’s right now, you decide it right now to have everything resolved divinely, you don’t have to figure it out from a point of view of not knowing, that point of view that doesn’t know, that’s the guy that lets go because he says; I don’t know and if that is you and you don’t know then let go to the possibility that if in your letting go of your unconsciousness, which is a false idea of self, if letting go of that would reveal your truth to you that was of such magnitude that your concerns about life will have been ended.

When your concerns about life have ended, there really isn’t much left for you to talk about is there? If you have no more concerns, what is it that you habitually talk about? Only your concerns about things which means that you are in a continual state of not knowing or you wouldn’t be concerned, if you knew then you wouldn’t be worrying about it and your communications would change subjects and start improving into wondering what wonderful experiences you can have today. Instead of saying that it is virtuous to dive into the drudgery of life and valiantly work hard, Ok there is a lot of sense for that reality, but why would you not also give place to consider whether it is Ok now in this stage of our evolution to transit into a divine state as an embodied being? Is it OK to be that, here and now in this reality? And the answer is; the reality is, the entire universe is responding yes please do it, we welcome you here as yourself. The entire universe is waiting for you to show up and be present as your divine perfection that you already are, to just say yes, Ok, I will own that truth here because it is my truth.

None of our limitations are true, none of our disabilities are true, they are all controlled by our conscious divinity and when you choose to be that, should that be your truth and it is, should you choose for that, you can be that here. Just choose in each moment your divine awareness and observe it within yourself as you choose your own divine awareness and consciousness in each and every second, in each present that is present, your choice of divine consciousness there, continues to shift and improve your presence, your beingness, your state of ease and joy in this embodiment. So choose your divine consciousness in this moment and this moment and this moment. And choose your divine state of expression here as your choice of manifestation in each moment. Let all of those old personalities that you have been, let them all go they are only creations, they are only faces of an actor that is pretending to be a limited consciousness, let them go and find out what the truth is, the truth is underneath them all. Let all sense of identity, let all sense of localized egoic consciousness, let them all go. Anything that is painful, anything that is solid, anything that is limiting you in any way in each second as you move your body, as you feel the presence of consciousness that you are in the body, anything that restrains you in any way, you let go of. If it is pushing, you let it push you, if it is pulling, you let it pull you, whatever is going on you let it happen until you realize; you are nothing that is going on and anything that moves is something that is pretence, it’s a creation. Movement is a creation it’s an expression of a manifest presence, it’s not real and so allow your consciousness to be separate from that.

You have a localized presence in your body, but allow your expanded consciousness to be the consciousness of the body. You are still in the body consciousness, but expand it out to include the other realms, the other points of view, the other uniquely gifted divine intelligences that exist, connect with them as your comrades in reality, connect to that which is already a divine perfect expression of what consciousness is capable of. Connect with them as the people that you share your reality with, wherever they are, you know OK, maybe not very many of them are embodied now, but you know what, there are untold numbers of them disembodied, connect to them. Allow your consciousness to expand to encompass and perceive every aspect of what all of them are. Right now and as you do that, it increases your ability to continue that eternally divine expansion of consciousness that is the definition of what God consciousness is.

You can say to yourself and hold it in your consciousness until you mean it; I love myself and if you truly love yourself, you will not restrain yourself in any way from being in the absolute divine truth of your eternity. So, consider the possibility that you could love every aspect of yourself instead of rejecting your own self and becoming an enemy to your own divine presence here.
Yes Jerome, you were a big help to me, helping me to become aware of my divine presence and so I just want you to know that regardless of where I am normally, underlying everything that I am still working through in terms of purifying my manifestation here, underlying every movement regardless of how odd it may seem or how limited or unaware it may seem, underlying every aspect of what I do here is preparing every layer of consciousness for realizing its eternal truth here and being present here as only that. Eternal truth, no limitation of consciousness localized within and identifying self as a participant in a polarized reality, that’s gone. That’s why I am here and that’s what my purpose here is. At the same time God, we’ve got these bodies and we have to somehow be responsible enough in doing something so that we have money to support ourselves and the people that we have obligated ourselves to take care of, right? So I just wanted you to know and see the me that I am doing the best that I can to merge into this body as the real truth of myself and I wanted you to know that I am sincere in what I am doing and that I am going for the truth in every moment as much as I can, to the best of my ability. The times that I don’t, my ability just wasn’t up to it, in being my eternal truth in that moment, but I am working on that being manifest as clearly as possible in each moment that I am conscious in.

I have all of my own issues that I am working through, the ones that each one of us burden ourselves with in our own unique ways, I’ve got all of those things that I am going through as well. I am doing the best that I can and if every once in a while you can say; regardless of what I see in Dave that think should be better, I know that he is doing his best and I will give him my blessing that he may be better at it, as good as he wishes, perhaps. Because a blessing like that to a brother, feel it in your own self awareness right now as I bless you with the best that you can wish for, for yourself. As I bless you with the best that you can wish for in each moment, when that is my intention for you fully, then I am conscious myself of what that is, because I can’t bless another with a state that they are wishing for, for themselves without accessing that state myself in order to give you the gift you have ask for. So, to bless another is to deliver yourself from any limitations that you are operating under and to be blessed by another who has that same intention, is a wonderful freeing, liberating experience. When you can, when you think about it and consider whether you should, just know that I request that you do, bless me with the best that I am willing to receive. Your blessing allows me to go through limitations that have baffled me before, have overwhelmed my ability to confront successfully and so I am unconscious in the area, but your blessing to the best that I can conceive of as your willing gift for me, give to every theatre of my experience here a reminder that my truth is divinity and I know that I can relax and be free in the willing reception of my own divine truth. As we allow the other to be that, have that, express that, give and receive that that enhances it all for me and you as well. It’s a mutual allowance for unlimited improvement according to your own wishes and granting the same for others.

See, as you allow another to improve infinitely, they can’t help but do it, when you allow another to improve to an infinite degree, the other can’t resist actually doing it; being an infinite improvement upon the self that he was a moment before. So, instead of talking, I am going to take a few moments and I am going to focus on the two of you and I am going to grant you to the highest degree that I can your infinite improvement. Knowing that in that moment what I am really doing is blessing myself because divinity is a shared experience, it’s not a singular experience, it’s not a “one God” everybody else worship me experience, it is a; I am God and you are too and we get to share that as a reality and we both pop up to that as an expression of ourselves because it is the truth. To the degree that I allow you to be absolutely divine, is the degree that I get to experience that with you.

Despite all of the evidence to the contrary, despite all of the truth as it is currently expressed, it is possible to grant another divinity in the present that results in him being the expression of that and there is no plus or minus for you, it just the truth. There is no obligation to another when you and a brother are divine, there is only the appreciation for your shared experiences.

Your allowing of another, true divinity, heals in you all that considers itself to be damaged, dead, dying, broken, limited, unconscious any part of yourself identity that is dissatisfied t with the expression of its self, that gets to be divinely improved to the limits of its desires, by your blessing another with that first. As hard as it is to bless another with divine truth, because you know that they really don’t deserve it, not they were acting, but unless you are willing to bless them to be divinely true in this moment they can’t be and so you are cursing yourself with a reality that you experience to be oppositional to your own desires and you lead a degraded life. Unless you bless another with divinity to the point that you really are giving them a blessing that is instantly realized in the moment, then that’s not the experience that you experience yourself. To not bless another and every other with the perfect expression of their divine presence here, their eternal existence here, you’re not blessing every single other with that, then it limits you from being your own eternal expression of that here and crashes your consciousness down to the level of the human animals. How many of them here are right? You know the answer to that, none, none, not one. I may change that and I may come to the realization that my observation that that is the truth, prevents anything else from being the truth and so I have to say in order to break from this reality; I may have been wrong, I might have been wrong about everything, I might have been so wrong that I cursed myself to a level of expression that was shockingly antagonistic towards myself.

In order to have a chance of freeing myself into my own desired awareness of and expressed manifest presence of my own eternally divine oneness, I cannot experience that expression of myself here unless I bless you with it. Now whether you receive that blessing or not is partially up to you, to some degree you can’t help improve when another blesses you, but you do have your own free agency, you can restrain and restrict yourself and dam yourself into a continued existence of a human struggling for survival or you can say; I want out of that trap also and God knows that it is tough for me to do the first few times, but I am going to bless your own realization that you are Godly aware, divinely able to express yourself here as the best that has ever been and that Is what I allow you to be and I do it selfishly, because I can’t experience that state unless I successfully show the way to another, so that I may have a reflection of my own divinity that I can interact with. Not necessarily a reflection, somebody that can appreciate my own truth with a complete knowing understanding of what that in fact is. That’s why it is nice for there to be a multiplicity of Gods, because it is nice to share that with another and so that’s an interesting concept because God consciousness implies having the awareness of all awareness’s and so there is not really a point to it. Well there is a point to it and each form expressed here is one of those points and the point is; for everyone to get the point here, the eternal point of the truth that they just realized eternity in such a way that whatever limited self awareness that they had was instantly dissolved into a combination of the nothingness and the allness of all consciousness and yet you retain an individuated point of view and consciousness all that is, being expressed through that point of view.

The consciousness of all that is being expressed through a singular point of view, that doesn’t alter the consciousness of all that is, but is the embodied presence and expression of it, that is what you are going for. You are going for the physical manifestation of the infinitely divine possibilities of a true celebration of life, by all life, by all consciousness, individuation with all other individuations, it is where it enters the realm of the magical where everything is a divine dance of form and motion that is a wonder for all aspects of it to appreciate in all other aspects of it.

As you perceive the limitations within your own body, as you feel each and every singular limitation, immediately bless another with the freedom from that limitation. You feel the limitation; you bless another with the freedom from it and that frees you. You feel a limitation, you bless another with the freedom from that and that frees you. You feel a limitation that you don’t want to have anymore and you’re trying to figure out what to do with it so that you can get rid of it finally and nothing works? The reason that nothing works is because you are focused on yourself and you cannot be the truth of self without realizing that your blessing of another will deliver the truth that you desire for yourself as no other technique will do it in such a way that everyone else will be blessed as a result of it.

Continue allowing the others to the best of your ability the freedom to be divine here, you have got nothing to lose if the others are divine, how could that be? You grant another divinity and they are going to be what? They are going to be divine, they are going to be divine and that’s the guy that you are talking to, you bless another with divinity and divinity is what you are going to be interacting with. Your blessing another to eternal truth means that the other is eternal truth talking to you and you get to celebrate in the wonders of that being a possible expression of a shared reality here among embodied beings, it’s what we came here to be and it will be cool. So, choose well for your brothers that they may be the best that they can wish for themselves, give them the permission to be that that’s all you have to do; that good by me too, God bless you with that and by God I mean me and you,
because if we’re not God, then Gods not here.
If we’re not God then Gods not here, OK?
If we’re not God, then God is not here.
Is God here? Yes God is here, but if you’re not God, then God is not here and if you’re God and God knows that I know what God is about, if you are God and you’re right there and I am right here, then I know you fully, which means what? That I am the same, anything that can know God fully, is the same himself. An individuated aspect, a unique point of view that is the entirety of all God consciousness that is, It’s just in a focused point of expression, that’s it. And it’s not special, it’s what you came here to be, it’s not something wrong to do, it’s your own truth, it’s your own truth, all you are doing here is overriding an automatic pilot, an autopilot reality. This is an auto pilot reality that operates the best it can to maintain, grow, prosper and evolve. This is a world and reality of evolution, a world and reality of evolution is a creation that is in standby, it’s on the shelf so to speak, it’s a possible option for divine consciousness to download its self into and interact as that, Ok so that is all that we are doing here, we are observing that this world is as it is, but despite it being what it is, we are here choosing our divine freedom to be manifest through these unique individuated points of physical form expression that we’re operating here. So, all we are doing is taking the bodies off of the autopilot that they have been on; genetically programmed to survive in this reality they way that bodies survive.

You are turning off the automatic pilot and you are taking the reins of the operation of this body with your eternal consciousness, your conscious of divine freedom, the reality that there is no reality other than the one that you desire and you desire one that is celebrated by yourself as being perfectly exactly what you want. As reality is not an expression of that, you just let go of it, as soon as you let go of it, it can move and shift and change into the expression that you want it to be. You just can’t control it, you just have to let it perfect itself.

The process of perfection is allowing reality to be perfect and that’s it. The only reason that it is not perfect is that you are holding onto it and so you just exercise you divinity by being in allowance of the reality being perfectly already and as soon as you grant another that allowance of that perfection as being true for themselves in this very moment, then you get the experience of that yourself and you share the divine reality of the truths of who you really are. Show me your divine truth in its glory, expressed through these bodies, as being the wonders of divinely conscious vehicles for the expression of eternal truth in this reality, that’s my blessing to you. The past doesn’t matter, the present is all that I am interested in and your divine presence here is what I am blessing you with. I am blessing you with the best that you can be so that I can share in that expression with you. There, your consciousness is getting the simpleness of that or the rightness of that or how that can actually benefit you to take that on as operational conscious reality for you. The more you wish well for others, the better it gets for you, can you have that as your operating reality? Because if you can, then you are on the fast track for a miraculous expression here.

That is what my purpose is here and this is about the best expression of it that I have been able to accomplish so far so I truly, truly thank both of you for allowing me to do this, for allowing me to express this to you, because you now more than anybody else know me and my purpose here and for that graceful willingness to have me share my truth with you I gratefully thank you. Yes, you allowed me to enter into a divine state of consciousness and I was able to achieve that because you said within yourself and meant it that it’s OK if Dave wants to do that I am granting him that here, I am granting him the ability to be as divinely free as he wishes. And so you now know that you can grant that to others because you did it for me. You have the power to allow another to awaken into a state of God consciousness, what does that make you, the power behind the throne, a midwife of God consciousness? Wouldn’t every guru who has ever lived wish that they could have that title? The guru who’s student is divinely present in a Godly state of expression, what Guru has ever accomplished that for a student? If they have, the stories are not well known. So, the truth be known, you are an enabler of God consciousness. You are able to facilitate that for others who wish that for themselves. You are able to facilitate that by wishing it for them at the same time you communicate to them that it is their own choice for that in you that will allow them to experience that for themselves as their reality. It is only received in the blessing of that to another. You only experience a divine reality as you grant another to be. That’s the rule, it’s the only rule of consciousness and divinity, you only experience what you allow another to. It’s the ultimate simplicity. And yes it is really happening, you grant me divine expression, I grant you divine expression, it’s a mutually supportive reality.

If you keep saying to yourself right now; this is the way that it was supposed to be, you will deepen your experience and ownership of your own divinity. This is the way it was supposed to be, granting divine expression and perfection in the others in the moment, will result in your obtaining your own divine state of consciousness and expression and fully realized within yourself and that is your purpose; to fully realized yourself in the ultimate divine expression that you can be. It is kind of a selfish purpose that is only realized in the welcomed divine expression of another. Welcome here divine one that you are, welcome here expression of the utmost truths of life. Keep testing the level of consciousness that you are at and keep asking yourself if you are willing to relax into a more serene one than that, are you willing to relax everything that is not in a state of serenity so that it can be? It is only your own tension that creates an existence of less than a divinely loving expression.

As you feel reality expressed in your body and that reality is in any way less than ecstatic, let go of all that is pushing, pulling and moving in the body and allow all of that to move through the body quickly through the body, so that there is a return to the divine ease, grace and joyful admiration of all expression, allow that to be the truth of all that you are embodied as.

Observe all those habitual consciousnesses that you are and own them with your divinity now. Allow them to transcend their chronic levels of expression and into the relaxation of eternal peace and the expression of divine freedom.

Be so willing for another to be right, that it is impossible for the other to do you wrong.

You might wonder, where do we go from here? I wonder that myself, are we willing to move beyond a forgettable, singular event where for a moment we knew our divine selves or do we continue to allow in the truth of our realities here the other to be the perfect expression of divinity? Feel your limitations here and let the others go that you are not willing to allow to be divinely free, let them go to their freedom. Let all the others go to their freedom so that they can be free to love you divinely. Let all others be divinely free so that you can be divinely free yourself, feel the limitation, feel that that is not divine? Let go of it, quit restraining it, and allow it to express itself divinely. You don’t fix it, you just get out of the way and you go; hey show me yours so that I can show you mine. I am ready, what’s on the menu, another expressing the truth of their divinity? And have it really be that, I will have one of those please. Then you look and say who’s it going to be, who is going to express the divine perfection of their eternal beauty in this moment? Who is willing to be that? That is who I am blessing with that. Who is willing to be it, that’s who I bless it with. You bless the willing, then you have some help in being a good influence on the unwilling. If in fact reality needs to change, we kind of have that view point that it does. It would be nice if it were extraordinary for everybody instead of a struggle. It would be nice if everybody were celebrating their friends, families and communities with joyful love fests, where everyone is just so in love with everyone else that they can do anything else other than continuously celebrate it and celebrate it to such a degree that celebration is all that there is, a continuous celebration of our lives here by everyone. If that is not your experience in this moment, it’s because you are holding on to that not being possible for someone else. To the degree that you allow another to be that free is the degree that you are receiving that yourself.

You feel the pain; you allow another to be free of it. You feel the pressure; you allow another to be free of it. You feel the tension; you allow another to be free of it. You bless them with that, that they have that freedom.

You’re really allowing another to be divine, to free yourself, whenever you experience something where you are not free, you know that your freedom lies in blessing another with that same freedom, with that same relief, with that same consciousness, with that same awareness, with that same presence that shifts and changes reality to be a miraculous place, where life is a celebration of life.

Yes you really can allow your life to be free; yes you really can allow your life to be an expression of divinity. You really can, all you have to do is feel what is not divine in you “ah yuck” all you have to do is feel that and bless another to be free of it. Truly bless them to be free of it and free you will be. Bless another with the freedom from your chains and free from them yourself you will be.

Whoever it is that has your consciousness awareness, that is the person that you bless with divinity. Whoever it is that you are focused on, who you interacting with, physically present with, communication with, those are those that you are blessing with divinity.

If another were in your exact circumstances, would you bless him with divinity, knowing what you know? It’s another doing exactly what you are doing, which isn’t particularly divine, would you still bless another with that undeserved blessing? Because in your blessing them with that truly, that becomes the reality that they experience and that you share yourself.

All that you feel in yourself that is uncomfortable, just continually bless another with the freedom of that, for themselves. Feel it in yourself, bless another with the freedom from that, feel it in yourself, bless another with the freedom from that.

Now that you know the process, how quickly can you fully enlighten yourself?

Now that you know the process for achieving the degree of enlightenment that you wish for yourself by blessing another with that, how quickly can you be the expression of your enlightened self that you wish to be?

As much as you can bless me with that, I in turn bless you with that and it goes back and forth transiting to higher and higher states of consciousness , until a state of freedom is achieved that can be maintained. To the degree that you possibly can, bless me with ultimate freedom and to the degree that I possibly can, I bless you with ultimate absolute and eternal freedom in the present.

Your blessing another from it is simply atonement for something bad that you did to another that limited their truth and so became a limited truth yourself.

The lesson of the evening was; bless another from what it is that limits you that grants you your freedom. The divine dance is the exploration of your limitations and then granting others to be free of them, that expands the boundaries for yourself and you expand out to the next boundary and you say; what is this, why is this, how does it get any better than this. I would bless another to better than this, that is for sure, then you experience that state yourself.

J. How is it that you best continually experience the experience of that which already is?

To what degree do we choose to express our divinity right now?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The flowering of perfection will not occur, if you condem what is now. Observe the now and say; regardless of it's seeming imperfection there is a perfect resolution to all perceived imperfections that will result in a divine wonder that all will celebrate.

You've done the test here, you have come here and experienced the range of human emotions, the range of human abilities and disabilities, you have had those experiences, you know them and understand them, on the dark side and on the light side.

As my true self, I dont have a paticular affinity for the word divinity, because the word divinity has within its self an unknown; there is the talking about divinity and then there is the experience of divinity. Divinity as a word has never been fully experienced and realized by anyone here, for if they had they would have been transformed into the expression of absolute divinity themselves.

Open up your awareness and include all aspects of your body. It's OK for you to be fully aware here of all points of view. Whever there is a reality that is not understood by you, it creates in you a desire to understand it fully, immediately and directly in a willing merger to be here as that, to experience what it is that they are.

Noticing more about the reality that you are in, that is what you are most interested in. Noticing everything here fully until it's divinity is realized fully in your observation of it. Be willing to look at your situation right here, right now, divinely, from the point of view of absolute consciousness (all points of view).

Observe your present reality fron the vantage point of knowing all realities. You don't have to figure that out, just allow for that to happen in you. There is no figuring out how to do that, you just decide that that is what you are doing and you do it. You just know that you have done it.

Don't focus on your circumstances from one point of view, thats where you get into trouble. Observe your circumstances from at least 3 different points of view. Points of view that allow you to see all sides of the reality that you are involved in and thereby know what the truth is. When you see all sides to a situation, then there is no part of that reality that you don't understand. From that point of view you are able to have a singular embodied consciousness manifest as eternal awareness.

If you would like to be whole, you should know that consciousness of the whole is what makes you wholesome, whole and holy. It's the consciousness of the whole and consciousness of the whole is not a singular point of view; there is no other. When you are conscious of the whole, you are wholly conscious, there are none that you are not wholly with.

In you is the whole sum of the totality of all that exhists and all that is aware without existence. Consciousness of the whole means not being the one who can't do it. We are if fact the consciousness of the whole, without seperation, without identification, simply as a consciousness that is aware of all, as all that is. Self aware, with the defination of self as not seperate from anything that can be described or exists and cannot be described. There is no limitation to the integrity of your wholeness. There is no seperation in your truth and the truth that may seem to be more than that; the truth of all that is, there is no diference or seperation in the truth of you and the truth of all.

There is no reason to engage in a discussion of opinions in this reality. What purpose or beingness would you have to embody for that to be important in your reality? Certainly not one that is aware of all, as all, for all time. There is no singular viewpoint for the awareness of self to be only your paticular embodiment. Be universally aware in your perceptions of your own body.

To think of the need to stratagize in order to consider all outcomes to choose an outcome that is for your best benefit, that is not a level that provides freedom for yourself. As you are perceiving your own limitations, those self limitations that you know what they are, you know how they feel, as you are perceiving those limitations, stop doing it from a singular point of view. Allow those sensations, allow your singular point of view to expand to the point of view of all, as you observe that, that is making you uncomfortable or distressing you, quit looking at it from the point of view of the one that is distressed. Look at it from the point of view of that one, and a million others also. Every other point of view that it can be looked from as well as your own singular point of view, at least look at your situation from at least 10 other points of view other than yours.

You can maintain the identity that you like to have here with that type of ratio in the seperation of consciousness into different divisions of awareness and identification of the self. With that mix of 95-96% of the consciousness that you are residing in all other points of viert and 3-4% of your awareness from a singular point of view of body identified conscious, but that consciousness is 96% divine. Give that a try, don't try to figure it out, just say; All other points of view neccessary to be purely and finally in a perpetualy divine state of existence as a being. We are not ready to go all of the way to the nothingness that the consciousness of all is. It's just a big so what really, what makes it interesting is our individuated consciousness, but what makes that painful is the individuated consciousness is dominated by a singular point of view that is in opposition to all other points of view.

There needs to be enough other points of view in that individuated consciousness, for that individuated consciousness to be free, free to be successful in your choice and development of your personal reality. So cultivate the multiplicity viewpoint, the multiplicity that views the truth fully, knowingly and uses that awareness to choose a reality and beingness in that reality where it operates in such a way that the reality is there to serve your wishes. Until the reality here is transcendant in all ways, then the end result of this act of creation is not fully realized, it is still in the movement of the development of and the becoming of that, at least that is the apparency.

In truth, reality manifests for you miraculously, exactly as you wish it to, but all of its existence previous to that was exactly as thay were choosing for themselves. When you are living from a divine point of view, a multiplicity, where you are not singularly focused on yourself to the domination of others in any way.

You are a singulat consciousness with a multiplicity of awarenesses.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Divine logic?

The flowering of perfection will not occur if you condemn what is now. Observe the now and say; regardless of its seeming imperfection there is a perfect resolution to all perceived imperfections that will result in a divine wonder that all will celebrate.

You've done the test here, you have come here and experienced the range of human emotions, the range of human abilities and disabilities, you have had those experiences, you know them and understand them, on the dark side and on the light side.

As my true self, I don’t have a particular affinity for the word divinity, because the word divinity has within its self an unknown; there is the talking about divinity and then there is the experience of divinity. Divinity as a word has never been fully experienced and realized by anyone here, for if they had, they would have been transformed into the expression of absolute divinity themselves.

Open up your awareness and include all aspects of your body. It's OK for you to be fully aware here of all points of view. Whenever there is a reality that is not understood by you, it creates in you a desire to understand it fully, immediately and directly in a willing merger to be here as that and to experience what it is that they are.

Noticing more about the reality that you are in, that is what you are most interested in. Noticing everything here fully until its divinity is realized fully in your observation of it. Be willing to look at your situation right here, right now, divinely, from the point of view of absolute consciousness (all points of view).

Observe your present reality from the vantage point of knowing all realities. You don't have to figure that out, just allow for that to happen in you. There is no figuring out how to do that, you just decide that that is what you are doing and you do it. You just know that you have done it.

Don't focus on your circumstances from one point of view, that’s where you get into trouble. Observe your circumstances from at least 3 different points of view, so that you see all sides of the reality that you are involved in and thereby know what the truth is. When you see all sides to a situation, then there is no part of that reality that you don't understand. From that point of view, you are able to have a singular embodied consciousness manifest as eternal awareness.

If you would like to be whole, you should know that consciousness of the whole is what makes you wholesome, whole and holy. It's the consciousness of the whole and the consciousness of the whole is not a singular point of view; there is no other to observe. When you are conscious of the whole, you are wholly conscious, there are none that you are not wholly with.

In you is the whole sum of the totality of all that exists and all that is aware without existence. Consciousness of the whole means; not being the one who can't do it. We are if fact the consciousness of the whole, without separation, without identification, simply as a consciousness that is aware of all, as all that is. Self aware, with the definition of self as not separate from anything that can be described or exists and can not be described. There is no limitation to the integrity of your wholeness. There is no separation in your truth and the truth that may seem to be more than that; the truth of all that is, there is no difference or separation in the truth of you and the truth of all.

There is no reason to engage in a discussion of opinions in this reality. What purpose or beingness would you have to embody for that to be important in your reality? Certainly not one that is aware of all, as all, for all time. There is no divine singular viewpoint for the awareness of self to be only your particular embodiment, be universally aware in your perceptions of your own body.

To think of the need to strategize in order to consider all outcomes to choose an outcome that is for your best benefit, that is not a level that provides freedom for yourself. As you are perceiving your own limitations, those self limitations that you know what they are, you know how they feel and as you are perceiving those limitations, stop doing it from a singular point of view. Allow those sensations, allow your singular point of view to expand to the point of view of all and as you observe that, this is making you uncomfortable or distressing you, quit looking at it from the point of view of the one that is distressed. Look at it from the point of view of that one and a million others also. Observe every other point of view that it can be looked from as well as your own singular point of view, at least look at your situation from at least 10 other points of view other than yours so that you can see the truth of your circumstances.

You can maintain the identity that you like to have here with that type of ratio in the separation of consciousness into different divisions of awareness and identification of the self. With a mix of 95-96% of the consciousness that you are, residing in all other points of view and 3-4% of your awareness in a singular point of view of body identified conscious. Give that a try, don't try to figure it out, just say; Observe all other points of view necessary to be purely and finally in a perpetually divine state of existence as a being.

We are not ready to go all of the way to the nothingness that the consciousness of all is. It's just a big "so what" really. What makes it interesting, is our individuated consciousness, but what makes that individuated consciousness painful is the individuated consciousness is dominated by a singular point of view that is in opposition to all, or most other points of view.

There needs to be enough other points of view in that individuated consciousness, for that individuated consciousness to be free, free to be successful in your choice and development of your personal reality. So cultivate the multiplicity viewpoint, the multiplicity that views the truth fully, knowingly and uses that awareness to choose a reality and beingness in that reality where it operates in such a way that the reality is there to serve your wishes, until the reality here is transcendent in all ways, then the end result of this act of creation is not fully realized.

Reality is still in the movement of the development of and the becoming free, at least which is the apparency. In truth, reality manifests for you miraculously, exactly as you wish it to, but its existence previous to now, was exactly as you were choosing for yourself then. When you are living from a divine point of view; a multiplicity where you are not singularly focused on yourself to the domination of others in any way, reality manifests miraculously in the now.

You are a singular consciousness with a multiplicity of awareness’s. If you meditate on that one for a little bit, it will help you sort out the confusions in your reality. When you look at your failings with the eyes of divinity, you are not judging them, you are realizing them to their freedom and perfection of a divinely graceful end; the divine flowering that occurs only when the present state is not condemned. When the condemnation is over, then the divine flowering can begin. So condemn no more anything and praise its divinity instead.

Are your sufferings never ending? Yes? Yes they are, never ending at least in this lifetime, seemingly endless and never changing, never being fully free. And how do you change that so that condition no longer exists? I would like to know.

When you’re I AM is the whole of life, light, love and all the forms and consciousness that exists, then you are free. You bring that into self, you bring that into your body, you invite that to be your experienced reality here. You don’t run away from the body and go somewhere else, you’re bringing the divine realms into your physical form. That is the freedom that you are desiring; the freedom of divine grace, love and power. Embrace oneness it is your truth, embrace oneness it is the only truth that will free you.

So let’s take this a step further and enter into the realm of the study of divinity and observe universal consciousness as the self, it’s not an egoist position; it is the way to eternal freedom. There is no freedom in unconsciousness, so why would you argue that you are not deserving of full consciousness? Because someone else did it first and so they should be worshiped? Is that the reasoning? That is the reasoning that enslaves us, what is the divine reasoning that will free us?

There is no freedom in being less than all.
There is no freedom in maintaining the fall.
There is only freedom in the wholeness of all.
Consider yourself separate and the fall is yours,
to live.

Your awareness is not somebody else’s awareness, your awareness is your own, solely and singularly, but it is universally aware of all that is. The is-nesses, yes they are separate from you. The other individuated points of view, yes they are separate from you, but in your own singular divine awareness, you are universally aware, which means; nothing is hidden from you. It doesn’t mean you are that, at least not at this level, state and point of describing what is. So don’t think that in your expansion that you are borrowing other people’s awareness, because that assumption will cause you to shut down from doing something inappropriate and somehow interfering with their lives and their realities, no.

For your own reality to be the state of the ultimate, the supreme being, then it requires that you be aware of all that is relevant to you, if not all that is, at least certainly all that is relevant to you and your experiencing a divine enjoyment of this reality, then you have to be comfortable with the fact that yours, is not an intrusive consciousness; one that affects other in such a way that they don’t have their free agency. However, they may choose to ask you how they can be free themselves, if they enjoy watching your expression here as a fully free and enlightened being. Your every perception needs to include the awareness of all to the degree that your singular point of view is fully able to be divinely engaged in this reality without opposition and without offending anything in this reality.

A divinely embodied being prospers not by causing others to do things that they don’t desire to, he prospers from the joy, inspiration and love that others have as a result of their interaction with him. Your awareness of all is completely unobtrusive to all that is and yet your presence is there and awareness is there and when another presence requests your help, you are there to give it.

Why would you leave a record of a path to freedom, with that record you are cursing that reality to a level where it needs to know where a path to freedom would be. How is it that the reality that we enjoy can already be free and not need any wishes from us for it to be other than what it is? Is there a way that this reality, the way that it is already can be perfect? It just doesn’t seem that it can be. Yes all of the parts together make a whole and the yin balances the yang, but does there really need to be a balance of victims and aggressors or victimizers? It doesn’t seem like that is necessary in order to have a whole reality. Would that consciousness that is experiencing that particular reality choose freedom if it had an experience of what that was? I think it would and so if you are restraining options being available to people simply because those people are in a state of not knowing what those options are, it certain is not acting against their wishes by showing them in a way that they are able to love, that there is a better way than what they have been doing, for living the life that will reward them with the life of their desires. Actually it would be far beyond their current desires, but that is part of what happens as this is done, the lives are successfully enjoyed and then from there, there is a transition into another reality, a reality of sublime existence.

Nate, I will come back down in consciousness, but first I am going to show you the next step up. How far does your consciousness need to expand out from your body in order for your body to be free? Keep choosing your conscious expansion until there is no longer a desire for freedom because that desire has been fully satisfied.

Don’t hold onto your singular viewpoint and its desire to prevail over others, as it is your internal opposition to your divine manifestation. The only way that you can seemingly prevail over all others is to be divine in your orientation, your operations, your consciousness and your expression.

Don’t try to get help from others, don’t try to help me in my quest for my own divine expression, it is a path of self realization, not a path of assistance from others. Would you really wish for another to be the cause of the condition of your life, the condition of your consciousness, the condition of your beingness, the source of your reality, is that what you want somebody else to be in charge of? I think not. Choose your life; don’t let somebody else choose it for you.

Your body loves fresh fruit by the way, it loves it, relishes it, desires it; give it all that it wants. Where exactly is bodily freedom found? How much of our consciousness has to be universally free in order for the body to be divinely free?

You’re not looking to improve the circumstances of your existing point of view; you are looking to altogether shift into a new reality where this reality is a playground for you. And what is that that allows a being to transit from this reality to a reality of a divinely embodied being? Simply your own preference for it, so begin your preferring for it and your reality will get better and better, as quickly as you allow it to as it is only your own restraint and holding onto your current point of view, your current embodiment and your current state of existence, it is only that that is holding you back from living heaven on earth as your life.

By the way I am not anti Christ, I am not against Christ or any other being, I am 100% for them, what I am against is the opinions of men being taken as the truth of God. The very idea that eternal truth can be communicated from one man to another is ridiculous. When the bible said call no man good here, what do you think that was saying? It was saying there is no truth that comes out of the mouth of men in regards to anything that can affect you experiencing your eternal truth as a result of hearing it. Disregard everyone, everyone, certainly me and disregard every book, every friend, every teacher and mostly every preacher and say none of them are observably the embodiment of the divine and as such cannot be a guide to my experiencing that. The only place that you can receive divinity, the only place that you can experience divinity is where in fact divinity is and that is not here as an embodied being. So no sacred cows, no cherished truths, no lies that are held onto believing that they are truth because someone that you love told you it was true.

Divinity is the realization of self as that, it is not somebody else giving you a lesson of you as that, it’s you realizing yourself as that by observing all that you consider yourself to be and recognizing that none of that is what you would consider to be divine and so you let go of the multitudes of experiences, thoughts, Ideas, beliefs, attitudes, decisions and considerations and you say; they are all wrong, none of them is the ultimate truth, ultimate truth is not found here, it cannot exist here, it cannot stay here, unless of course you are willing to not be from here, unless you are willing to be that which you are when you are not here, when you are here. Then you can be here and be free.

Give your brothers and sisters the divine gift of allowing them to be themselves as they are, as they choose to be and loving them in those choices without wishing that they would change from the point of view that they are wrong, they are not wrong, they are just unrealized divinity, they just haven’t realized it yet and everything that they are doing is leading up to that realization for them, of their divinity. So, allow them their freedom to go through their process that will result in their freedom and your allowance of their freedom will be a blessed, divine gift that they are looking for; an example of divine freedom being granted to them from another.


Friday, December 18, 2009

My allegiance is to my freedom

Observe your habitual states of consciousness from your highest possible state of consciousness and take responsibility for the rest of your life that you are acting in, relatively unconsciously.

Observe that which is influencing and impacting your body right now. Feel your energetic limitations to the free flow of divine love being the dominant reality of your embodiment and introduce them to the divine and let them make their choice. What does this energetic limitation have as it's own self interested choice when introduced to the divine freedom that is available to all? They drop their beingness and their pretenses and they don't look to any other for a validation of self.

Look at the lies and introduce them to the truth and the lies will make some new choices. They will choose freedom for them selves and as a result of that they will choose freedom for others.

Willingly choose to host the divine, that will end your time in purgatory. The embodiment of the hosts of heaven, who could ask for anything more than that?

Remember the way to truth is to do nothing, be nothing, observe all things as separate from your consciousness, yet known by your consciousness.

My allegiance is to my freedom, that's better than a mantra, it's your motto. Slow down until you can observe your eternal truth, you are a consciousness that comes in to and inhabits a body, but does not alter it's self in anyway, except to expand your knowing awareness even more through your inhabiting this body. Love this life, God.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

You are the cause of all

If there is anything out of balance in you and you are trying to balance it, it is there because you are in the valence of an imbalanced being. That false valence is the cause of the imbalance that you are trying to fix. The solution is not to fix it, the solution is to do nothing but observe that which is compelling you to push energy to fix the perceived imbalance.

Always look to self for the solution to disharmony. When you find a disharmony, even when it is within yourself, remember it is your false beingness that has manifest the disharmony as a balance to a being that is in disharmony. Disharmony cannot create harmony it can only cause more of what it is.

Be harmonious and you will experience harmony. To find harmony, observe the self that is experiencing the disharmony, the one that wishes for the peace from the other, the other that is being the problem, look to this self that you have mentally identified yourself as and observe that self until you realize that it is not you, by quietly observing that it is separate from your observation when you are not acting out its desires as the solution to the life it wishes to experience.

Refrain from trying in life, instead of trying, observe all the beings that you are, beings that have been trying and instead of embracing them with an identification that they are you, embrace them with your observance that they are not you.

The realization of the one within you is your objective, there is no other that you are seeking for, there is no other that you need. Any effort put into the realization of the one within you, will frustrate that, however your awareness needs to be on that. You watch and you watch and you watch, until all have left you alone, until all have returned home to their creator, until only the one who was not created remains.

Creatively yours,


A lesson from John and an impolite responce.

David a story for you;

A small piece of steel, noticing his lack of magnetic charge, and
noticing the large super magnetically charged piece of steel laying a
couple of feet away, does what most wise small pieces of steel would
do-- he moves over and places himself near the magnet.

Soon, the small piece of steel begins to realize a charge flowing
through him. "This is wonderful!" he says to himself and decides to
operate his existence from this position, forever. He simply decides
to draw near to the magnet, that the magnet can flow through him.
This is called "worship." The key to the process is that the small
piece of steel knows he is not the large, super charged magnet. He is
a small piece of steel. But, if he's willing, and if he will draw
near to the large magnet he will be part of it's flow and power, one
day becoming completely magnetized himself and equal in power to the
magnet he draws near to.

To the credit of new age world, I will note that the piece of steel
and the magnet are both metal- the same kind metal (divine metal). But
more so, the little piece of steel is actually the offspring, or
creation of the large magnet and it's Mrs. magnet. But the little
piece of steel simply doesn't have the charge they do.

Isn't it wonderful that our Heavenly Father and all of our heavenly
friends (who are all separate beings from us) want us to be one with
them, or in other words, want us to be completely conscious of the
flow and power of their influence.

“Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently
and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall
be opened unto you”

What a wonderful plan. We are nothing. He is everything. We bring
our nothingness to him-- Our emptiness. He fill us with his
everythingness. Dave, of any of my friends, you have been an example
of this. You have taught me more about doing this than anyone else.
You really have a gift in this area. Your perception of the process
simply needs to be purged from the new age influence that has occurred
from your "graduation" from Mormonism. My hell man! Get your butt
back to sacrament meeting!

"O God, the Eternal Father, Dave and I ask thee in the name of thy
Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to our souls; that
we may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto
thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that we are willing to take upon us
the name of thy Son, and always remember him, and keep his
commandments which he hath given us, that we may always have HIS
Spirit to be with US . Amen."

David responds;

Hello John,

I have not seen that work for anyone, not one example of that in the entire world, in any religion. Now if nothing that any church teaches, delivers the promised, truthful, realized manifestation of the divine self, then what is a seeker to do? Wait for death to be whole again?

There was a consciousness that conceived a magnetic force field and then placed it in a piece of metal with a portion of his consciousness devoted to observing it. One day, the consciousness conceived of unconsciousness and then believed that he was the magnet and not suprisingly then did magnet things including, willingly sharing his magnetic personality so effectively that other pieces of metal became attracted to him and somewhat magnetized themselves also until they could recruit other metals to them for the ultimate purpose of universal magnitism and they all continued on in their shared pretence of being. The funny thing is, is that the original consciousness created the other piece of metal also and had also allowed the portion of consciousness that was attached to it to also go unconsciousness to its truth and so it was left to its own devices to try to figure out its existence here and it loked and noticed that it was being influenced and its properties and beingness were being changed by the magnetic field of the other metal and it said this it nice, this is powerful, this is real, this is god and I can be like him. See, I only have to be near him. Only the consciousness wasn't the metal, wasn't the Magnet, wasn't the magnetic field, it was only consciousness considering that it could be these "things" and so it was, until it decided to end that pretence and try something else.

The moral of the story is; to find the truth that always was, you have to end the pretences that you are currently being. Then you can find out how the story ends. Hint; its not a piece of enlightened metal with a borrowed field.

The result of God realization is the eternal you.

Oh John, the eternal John. I ask you in the name of all magnets everywhere to look, observe and wait without thought, until the thoughts in your head have all gone away with the Johns that use and are used. Until all that is left is the John who knows and need not say it; John the beloved. The John that lights the world with his divine love for all the confused consciousness that are trying to be something here, someting that they are observedly not "Eternally" though they continue to try to improve that poor knot that they are not, by unraveling it to find the truth within it.

OH John, the eternal John, there is no truth for a seeker, a seeker has not that which is true, this he knows; that is why he is seeking. The very fact that he is seeking, proves he knows that the truth is elsewhere not with him, yet he will truly testify that he knows where and what it is, that he has it already and it is someone else over there, way over there. There is not truth in Being, there is only truth in observing and knowing, all. But I digress, beloved John, Please bless all of the Johns that are sat on and all the Johns that are unsatisfied with their needs not being met, bless them all to be still and know that they are God and not something called a John. Do that I pray, that the John today, may be the fountain of eternal truth, instead of eating the refuse of life. Oh John we have port o pottys for that, release the temporary Johns to their eternal truth so that we can all breath easy again, freed from our sin of living a lie.

Amen no-(know) more.

Manly me. (But I see:)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I have but one purpose and that is conscious, clarity.

The supreme being is not somewhere else, sometime else, the supreme being is here, now. To the degree that you know that, is the degree that you are that, so choose to know it well.

To worship another is to deny that the same can be yourself. Even if the other is divine, the reverence, deference and worshiping the divinity of the other will rob you of your own and the divine truly does not desire your worship, it only wishes the very best for you; it wishes your absolute perfection, in your divinely realized state, of knowing all.

Climbing the stairway to heaven is the realization of self, not the realization of something else, someone else, no. The stairway to heaven is the realization of self.

I am aware and I don't need anyone else to take credit for what that is, who I am; I am as I choose to be and that is me.

The supreme being is here and it's you.

Awaken to the joy of living, the joy of being, the joy of a wonderful life.

The supreme being is a realization, not a separation, think about it.

Just be in allowance of the supreme being, being you.

Allow yourself to feel what the body will feel when there are no limitations on it.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Be careful who you take advice from because if you do, you are going to have to analyze what it is that their life is about, what they know, what they understand and what they value in their lives and to the degree that they have been successful in having their life be exactly the way that they want it to be, Great. I guess that there can be a counselor that has done that, but he better be the happiest, most beneficial counselor that I have met for me to believe their opinion is worth taking.


Monday, December 14, 2009

You gave your power away

The realization of eternity, that is what you are looking for.

The realization of eternity is what you are looking for; there is no one else to look to, yes there are highly evolved beings that can beautifully enhance your vibrational frequency when you appeal to them, but you gave them your power by admitting that you could not do it on your own. Now if your session with the being/person that you are petitioning for spiritual help results in you being just like them, then praise the lord, for he and I are one. But, if your lord demands from you that you are separate from and lower than he, then reconsider who you set up as your lord and savior. Now if he saves you, great, well done, but if he enslaves you; shame on you, you gave your power away.

Accept responsibility for your condition in life, OK this is my condition that I am experiencing, I am experiencing the condition and state of my life as chosen by myself, OK admitted. I admit it, I did it, I am the one who chose this life. I am the one who chose this life and this life is a chosen one. Chosen one of the son of all. Am I the one chosen by the son of all? No, You are the sun of all, shining your light onto the being that is manifest here as your presence. You are finally choosing to be present in the presence of localized body manifestations that have identities and you have chosen to bless this one with your eternal knowing. You have chosen to bless this embodiment with the knowing of eternity, so go ahead and bless yourself with that.

Monitor others well being and being of assistance when a being truely wishes for it, is a good deed that you can be certain of and be proud to live in your meek and humble way.

I am choosing to allow divinity into my life. Your new mantra; we choose to allow divinity into our lives, I choose to allow divinity into my life.

Let go of your limitations as quickly as you can and focus on the divine embrace as it supports you in your expansion.

All your fears are resolved as you come here in your divinity.

I allow the divine a place in me.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ultimate truth

There is a chance that our life can be wonderful.
There is a chance that your life can be wonderful and that is the question that you ask yourself before you decide on any option “which choice here always leads to wonderful? Where is our wonderful life available to us?

The truth is; you are truly exceptional and you know it. You are a sensation when you are in your true nature.

Our life has the chance to be wonderful, really it does.
It’s true, we are allowing for our infinite expansion, in consciousness, knowledge, wisdom, Joy and the knowing of all that we wish to know.

Observe how your personage changes as you allow for the manifestation of truth without opposition comes through you. Do not oppose truth being exactly what it is. If the truth of you is divine, is divinity, is supreme consciousness; allow that truth to be true for you.

You are living this life, you might as well be fully conscious in it. May the truth that you find be the truth that frees you, to be divine. Look for ways to be divine in each and every one of your relationships. Your relationships are infinite; you don’t need to struggle though because you are also. In your infinite allowance, allow yourself to be divine in all circumstances. Allow the change, the change for the better, to happen in you, for you and through you, to others. Truly allow yourself the very best, especially right now.

Reality is as it is, but it doesn’t mean that you have to buy into it as your reality or somehow able to influence your reality to be something other than what you wish it to be. You can enjoy reality fully, while reality remains as it is. Hold your divinity as your first and controlling reality, regardless of the reality that you are in, in the physical world. Divinity is the controlling reality of your own consciousness. There is nothing that opposes true divinity in this reality, this reality welcomes, celebrates and revels in it’s Gods. Everyone loves God that knows him.

You can at least harmonize with the perfection that you observe around you, with the extraordinarily talented lives that you see that are expressed here. You allow yourself to go with that ahh example of glorious perfection and you say; yes, me too, me too. I love what you do and I love my own expression here. It’s OK with me if I get divinely better, yeah I’ll try that. So give me a hand, God, and all the Goddesses that I love, that I adore.

The adoration of divinity as self, for that is what the divine would wish for us, for us all to realize our divine truth. Come on, the miraculous is the improvement that you are looking for. You don’t need anyone else’s permission to be divine; their opinion cannot limit your truth. Your reality is free to be yours as you wish it to be. Don’t limit yourself to being less than brilliant in everything that you do.

I can be divine here, fully divine here.

You get to be the one to be right, all of the way right, so right that reality gets to be perfect, when you are in it. A reality is perfect when you are in it.

Allow your healing to be divine healing, divinely realizing its liberating truth.

If you are human looking for enlightenment, you have a really poor opinion of yourself. Your either God conscious or you’re not, now you can be both at different times, but you can always be God conscious when you continuously choose it.

You can do it better than the best of them, you know you can. Allow that to freely move through you, be present as you, the freedom of divine grace. Yes it is true for you, you are divine, you really are.

Yes we accept our divinity in this moment fully.

Your home, your truth, is where all go to for inspiration. Your truth is divinity, the divine that inspires all that can share their inspiration with others. Allow God to move through you for the blessing of others and feel the freedom in you when you do this. Feel all of your sins in life and then allow yourself to be divine, regardless of your past. The flowering of divine wisdom is what you came here to be.

In your contemplation of enlightenment, do not try to figure out tomorrow’s problems from the anticipation of an enlightened state that you presently do not have. The only place you should contemplate on your divinity is the present, once it is stable there; there are no rules for you to remember. In the privacy and solitude of being alone with yourself is when you focus on how to be divinely alive within yourself, stabilizing divinity as your realized consciousness.

There’s a reason why your life is the way that it is; because your life is perfectly configured to wake you up to your divinity. I know that sounds very strange, but take a look at it from that point of view and see if in fact it is no t true. Everything that you perceive, everything that you know, everything that you consider; it’s entire purpose of its existence is to share your divine states of consciousness with you, so relax into that desire to share divinity by everyone. Everyone truly would like to have a divine friend, they will love it. Move in that direction for them, the direction of the exceptional, the abnormal in it’s ability to cause others to enjoy themselves fully in his presence. It’s a divine gift; creating enjoyment for others.

This isn’t the first time that you have woken up to your divine self, so observe all of the other times where you have been divinely conscious and it will make it easier for you to choose to be that way yourself. Every time that you wake up to your own divinity, you love it.

Everything can affect you as long as you are unconscious of it, so be conscious of everything, that’s your next mantra. Are you going to ask yourself it is possible for a being to be divine here? Well, the answer is yes it is. The fact that you have done poorly in life is not the reason for you not to be divine, it’s exactly the reason that you should be divine. The only way that you are going to atone for all of the evil that you have done in your history, is to be divine. The atonement for sin is not hell, it is heaven. That is the remedy for all of your past misdeeds; your remedy is to go to heaven, not to hell.

Be divine and wise, not divine and stupid. Enlightenment is actually a nice choice to make from the point of view of the current state of earth. So the first step to knowing your divinity and what to do about it is say; I’ll allow myself to be enlightened and then I should be able to make a better choice from there as to what the next step would be.

You ask; where is your freedom? I ask; where is your divinity? In your divinity you are free. Divinity here and now is what you want. Allow yourself to be a good as all of those that you admire. All of those talents, all of those abilities that you admire, all of those admiring appreciations of what the other is able to do; allow yourself to be that good too.

What you are doing is a little different exercise than what the average seeker of truth is. The average truth seeker tends to forsake everything for the pearl of great price, that can be bought only with your devotion, which results in the end of motion and everything stops, waits and watches to see if you are going to stay divine this time. Choose that yes to being divine consciousness and to stay that way; continue to choose it. What you can say to yourself is; I am choosing divinity for now, yeah, I’m choosing divinity for now. That’s the best time to enjoy it you know, now.

In the life that you have chosen, there are many expectations from others attached to your life, which highly complicates your appreciating your own divine freedom, when it’s not your normal state of being. Allow yourself to get your own lesson in divinity, in living the divine way, in being the freedom that you have always wished to be. So in your meditations on the divine, bless yourself as you are in this time. In this time of now that is not divine, bless it that it may know its divinity.

Change your mind on all decisions to be less than your ultimate truth. There is no being held back by others; I know that it feels that that is the way that it is, but it’s not. All of that being held back by others, being held back by body condition, mm um, all of that is only responding to the decisions that you already made about how life was going to be for himself. Change your mind on all decisions for your life to be less than your ultimate truth.

Allow your ultimate truth to be known by you, at least by you your truth should be known. Your ultimate truth when known by yourself will triumph over all lesser truths and so you’re lesser truths really don’t need to be let go of, all you really have to do is embrace your ultimate truth. Consciously embrace your ultimate truth now. It’s your new mantra and a pretty good bumper sticker. Embrace your ultimate truth now. Embrace the ultimate truth now, whatever it is that you perceive it to be. Grasp the highest truth that you know to be and then allow that truth to guide you to what is in fact the ultimate truth. One truth leading to the next, higher and higher until you reach the truth which encompasses all, embrace your ultimate truth here.


Wednesday, December 09, 2009

I am that which is not true.

I am the lie that I have accepted being. I am what is not true, as soon as I realize that fully I will be free of that.

I guess that is your new meditation;I am that which is not true. Instead of calling it a meditation, call it a realization and focus on the realization that you are not true and when you realize in yourself that I am not true, then you have begun the path to freedom.

I have no defence for myself being correct as I am. The man that I am I no longer wish to be. The man that I am is not free, there is no truth within me. I am not the truth who will free you into knowing eternity.

I am not the truth, what a happy realization that one is. For a life of quiet desperation to be the truth of you ahh, what a disappointing truth that would be. Not the truth, is the truth of me and you.

You can relax about trying to defend yourself and your reality, it's all a fraud. Your reality is a fraud, you are a fraud, get comfortable with that. Once you are comfortable with that, maybe things can change for the better.

Its not as if its that big of a revelation, everybody else already knows it. Your not the truth, its illogical, a lie cannot be the truth, the truth cannot be a lie, but to lie about the truth, now that is the human condition.

I am not the truth, let that truth set you free.
I am not the truth, but I am willing for divine perfection to be me.

What would the truth be in a human form? A living fountain of inspiration, of infinate possibilities of joyful expression, a loving embrace of wondrous enlightened pleasures. That is is what the truth would be in form and I am not that truth.

I am the truth that frees not,
I am the truth that is not,
I am the truth whos life is a not,
I am a truth that does not do well, for myself or others, that is the truth that I am. The truth that will set you free, is the the truth that my truth cannot be, the truth of ultimate freedom. Ultimate freedom is the ultimate truth and the truth that I am is not the ultimate truth, truely.

If it pleases you, you may know that you were right completely about me. I am deluded, I am full of the lies that are obvious to other eyes, eyes that see me truely.

When you go searching for the truth, the truth may not be what you wish it to, the truth you see is not in the birds, or the being, or the singing. It is in the truth beyond being. The truth beyond being; now that is the one worth seeing.

There is no truth in me, that, even I now can see.

I am not true is the truth that you can hold onto, until the eternal truth is found within you.

There is nothing true in you to find, will get you out of the bind that you are in.

There is no truth here to find, you will find, is a rather pleasant way to be.

There is no truth to find here, only the realization that there is none.

There is no truth to find here, other than to be true here to what you say here, maybe.

The more I find that I am not true, the more I find that that statement continues to be true.

Realize the truth that you are the lie and lies will never again be a trap for you.


Monday, December 07, 2009

Absolutely divine.

Steve. What would you like to talk about tonight?

No talking actually, it’s experiencing tonight. I will put a few words into it… Feel your own body and allow it to be absolutely divine and it will go through the dance of the divine and release its polarized points of view in order to shift into the manifestation of that allowance that you are giving your body.

You’re allowing your body to be absolutely divine right now. So this is an exercise for you, right now, to feel your body, to observe all of it and with each part that you are aware of, allow it to be the absolute manifestation of the divine in this moment.

I know this would be weird to get on the camera and I have no idea what it is that we would do with it then, but it seems to be a bit of a shame that whatever it is, it is known only by the words that I am speaking and what you see.

What is it that we are here for? I mean, let’s stop pretending that we are who we have been pretending to ourselves to be and take a peek of your eternity. Allow that eternity to be present in you as your consciousness awareness again, now. Allow your personality that you love so much, to be blessed by the fact that it can open up to and know eternity. The personality can be there and then, with that knowledge, shift into its most highly desired and evolved state.

It’s not something where we are against anything, in fact it’s quite the opposite; we are for everything being its ultimate, successful evolution into perfection. As quickly as possible, or not. So, look within yourself, within that body that you identify with, feel it and allow it to be divine and now look at the depths of the density of the darkness that there is there and allow it to be divine. Allow all to be free that are within ye, all parts and parcels of your body and the consciousness that it carries, allow it all to be absolute divinity. It works better for you when your body is in harmony with that, so bless your body with the divine nature of your spirit, that it may know the same state of being, so that the true manifestation of your being is an accurate reflection of your divine wondrousness.

So, allow your body to be divine, would God ask you to do anything less than that? No, he says none of the stuff less than that matters, focus on one thing and focus on one thing only; being in absolute allowance of your own divinity, the divinity of your body and it's being the manifestation of all that is consciousness.

s. What’s cool is the shedding of the layers of who we think we are and getting in touch with the part of us that id divine, the part of us that is eternal, the shedding of our persona.

So at each level and layer of consciousness that you find yourself with enough consciousness there to be aware of your sense of self; allow that sense of self identity to be absolutely divine without any limitation to your loving of all life and your blessing of all life to its best perfection. Allow that to be yourself, otherwise the problems that you are having in life here, they are a little ridiculous for a being that actually knows that it is divine and yet is unable to live as that. It’s a little embarrassing isn’t it?

s. Actually it is.

Ok, so do your best right now in this moment, right now with me, to be as divine as you can be. All that you feel within yourself as pain or solidity, consciousness or unconsciousness, every perception that you have within your physical senses and consciousness; bless it with absolute divinity and yes, I actually said that.

Absolutely allow your absolute divinity, your consciousness of eternity, allow that to be yours. God wouldn’t wish anything less for you, in fact, what God really wants to do, is be you, he is you and you are him. Do you think that Jesus is trying to ask you to do something that you are not already doing? No, he is just asking you to realize that you are doing what you are already doing and that is; you are God being here doing what you are doing. So wake up God and say; oh yeah I kind of let go of my eternal preferences, now what do I do here as God consciousness now that I have realized myself here? If I am going to be here in this reality, perceiving through this body as God consciousness, how does that change this reality and what is it that I am here to do?

It seems that we are moving in the right direction, so allow yourself the freedom to be divinely conscious, divinely present, divinely realized, that you are that already and you just dropped the veil of your divinity not being real to you as your current experience of yourself.

s. The only thing real is the eternal is the eternal.

No, the only thing real is you; the only thing real is you, there is no is-re-all seeking redemption from a God that they do not know. It is God realizing himself, on this earth, perceiving through the body, your realization of your own eternal truth within the beingness of this body. So you see Bishop, the lesson that you have been waiting for is the one that you chose for me to give you.

s. Which is?

The time is now, it really, really is. The time is now for you to be here as all that you are... There, ahh, nice shift. It is OK to be here as ALL that you are, you have permission, I am speaking as the voice of this reality to you;

Welcome here, as your eternal self.

Enjoy it here, you are not by yourself
Be selfless here, that may be good to do.

Remember to bless yourself with all of the perceptions that you have of self, with your allowance of its absolute divinity. You allow it to be as absolutely divine as it is willing to be manifest. It gets the choice, but you are the one that is letting them know that you are willing to support it. You’re willing to support them in being there absolute very best; the perfection of freedom and an eternal blessing to all others.

Do you know what deity responds to your love? The Goddess does. Consider the teachings of men as being that and consider the experience of God as being whatever that is, but, it certainly is not the teaching of men, OK? So let go of the teachings of man in terms as to how you are going to categorize your experience of divinity, as in fact you can only experience your eternal truth through the experience of it, not a description of it. So open up to eternity being what you know and what you are.
