
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


I allow the divine, even as I move through life in my own determinism: determined to find and live the divine way.

"This is gods place to clean up," if you have invited him into your heart.

Surrender to God your experience of reality and when god experiences your reality, he will begin to change it for the better.

The earth is in love with me, is the reality that you should accept as your truth here.

Surrender the identity that you are to god and god will make the identity that you are into the living truth of eternity.

Surrender the identity thou are to god and allow god to own that identity.

Allow god to be in charge of healing and you may find for yourself a miracle there.

God you have to take over this life and this body because I don't know how to live any of it divinely

Friday, January 17, 2014

The nature of reality

Transformation can happen anytime, anywhere. It is not governed by the limitations of perfection, but is perfected in the illusion of the creation. It happens when you are ready and you are ready when you are willing without reservation.

The trauma of tragedy while real, is not a material limitation to one who is ready to begin anew.

A new beginning, a new you: reborn again in the light of your understanding of your own divine eternal nature. The secret? No longer defining yourself as unworthy.

The nature and purpose of reality is to continuously transform until the transcendent is manifest in form.