
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Your beingness attracts both like and oppositional forces.

You control the reality of your experience here by your choice of beingness. Your beingness attracts both like and oppositional forces. If you do not like your experience here, then allow yourself to be changed for the better instead of resisting or opposing your circumstances in life.

In allowing yourself to be changed for the better, you have to let go of your self image and self concepts, then trust that divine providence will provide you with a release from your limitations, confusions and unhappiness.

To allow yourself to be changed by divinity, feel the physical, emotional and mental manifestations of your issues in life, then take your focus off of them and place it on the beingness that perceives your reality. With your focus on your self, realize that letting go of a mistaken self concept will bring you closer to the truth of who you are. Then let go of the hold that you have on your created identity and allow divine presence to act upon you to transmute the lower frequencies of polarized consciousness into the higher frequencies of knowing grace.

Your circumstances will be changed when you have allowed divinity to change you through the removal of what you have held to be true and is not. Your new frequency and higher consciousness will automatically change your circumstances and relationships in a more harmonious and successful way.

Repeat process as change is desired.

Hello Tim,

Salvation or enlightenment is a simple process but not an easy one and It is the same for all belief systems whether Christian, New Age, Muslim, Buddhist or other. It is simple because God does do all of the work. It is not easy because it requires you to pay attention and give God permission to act upon you. The reason that you cannot do it yourself is because you cannot be saved as a created identity that is not real, or rather not eternal. The eternal you, is already saved and the you that you believe that you are is only a mask, role, valence or series of conditionings based upon your bodies experiences, histories, associations and programming. The eternal you is none of these things and so your redemption is one of a restoration or reawakening to the truth of your eternal self, a truth that your self concept or ego cannot relate to.

This restoration, salvation or enlightenment regarding your eternal true self cannot be accomplished by your false self. Your false self’s consciousness however low, is yours or an aspect of yours and so you are responsible for it and as it, you must surrender absolutely to divinity in whatever form or expression you conceive it to have, then allow divine truth to act upon what you consider yourself to be, which involves the removal of all false beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, considerations, judgments etc… The reason that it is not easy is the process stops as soon as it encounters something false that you cherish and are unwilling to let go of.
You have free choice of your experiences here and if living a lie is your choice, then you are left with all of them that you will not let go of.

God does all of the work, but you do all of the letting go which is by itself a supreme test of your desire to be free and divinely conscious.

Kind Regards,


"Tim" wrote:>> Hello David and all. The below is good. I have tried for years to > control and will Spirit to stay with me and the more I try to hold it > the more that redemption slips threw my hands like water. Saying that > new thought and new age people are always trying to rise up to God or > ascend instead of allowing God to come to them is a common accusation > thrown by some Christians. It is just Good to hear this perception > phrased as you say below. To me it has always just been a different > way of wording it or semantics. Words are important but They also > cause many problems in thier intrepretation.

Gods final act in the divine acts of creation

Observe God is the mantra that moves your reality from one of effort and struggle to one that is synchronistic and miraculous.

Observe God is the mantra that you use continuously until it is the truth of all that you see and experience.

Observing God brings you home to your native reality of divinity and knowing of all that is.

Observing God is the final perfection in the act of the creation of form and structure.

Observing God is Gods final act in redeeming consciousness from a confused and lost condition of awareness, to the eternal awareness of knowing God.

Observing God is the continuous blessing of all form and structure to its ultimate expression of divine perfection.

Observing God is Gods final act in the divine acts of creation.

Observing God is your redemption, reclamation, restoration, transformation, transfiguration and salvation of all that has ever been in disharmony for you.

Observing God is the ultimate purpose of your existence as a creation.

Observing God is the end of your experience as a creation and a new beginning in the eternal round of Gods being the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega.

When you are ready,

Observe God.


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out. Part 2

The light of God illuminates all for me.

A very nice mantra for those of you who use mantras, you may find this one to be particularly effective in raising your consciousness to the level of divine freedom. It has no oppositional connotation.

Your redemption is Gods work not yours. Another mantra you can use is My redemption is Gods work, not mine. Your job is to be still, watch and pay attention.

You are in an alien reality; don’t get caught up in it, its not important. Your truth will be revealed to you when you are able to take a step back from your involvements here and watch yourself, your reactions, your thoughts, impulses and desires as a dispassionate observer, instead of a desperado dummy.

All who are acting on the plane of reality are deluded and disconnected from their eternal truth. The path of the joyful master is walked by those able to let go of the seeming monumental importance's of this reality, importance’s that demand your action, participation and or opposition.

Once you get the cosmic joke that doing or being anything here is an invitation to trap your divine consciousness as a player in the polarized reality of conflict, competition and scarcity.

How do you free yourself? You quit. Quit begging, quit wanting, quit whining and start loving creation as the creator of realities that you consciously control, by the inspiration of the presence of your eternal consciousness.

Worried about money while you are trying to figure that one out? Find something simple, repetitive, and effective in providing you the income that you desire so that you can spend most of your time in the contemplative observation of yourself, an observation that will return to you your power of choice over your experiences here.

Regarding your thoughts, compulsions or impulses to oppose others, don’t resist them, don’t react to them, don’t align with them and don’t agree with them. None of it is you, just watch them all until they all just go away and you are finally alone with the truth of your self, a truth which is gloriously wondrous.

Take some focused alone time, consider watching your self instead of TV, the Internet or other meaningless distractions from life. Also practice being a Joy to your family and friends. You have plenty to cleanup in yourself without worrying about others flaws; they are disabled by their disconnection from their divine awareness. You can only help them and you’re self by regaining yours.

Consider the possible benefits in loving your body that you are interpreting this reality with. How? By watching and waiting before acting on a low frequency impulse. This will connect you to the state of grace; get to know it well, then refuse to move or act until it is grace and divine loving consciousness that moves you.

Remember this reality is a constant invitation to go unconscious and then stay there. Do nothing that it tries to impel you to do and do only what you know to be eternally true.

We invite you to be aware.
Aware of your options.
Aware of eternal freedom.
Aware of divinity.

There is no place for unconsciousness or duality to hide as the light of God illuminates us all to those who choose to see.

Tune your body instrument by;
Tuning In
Your awareness to the frequency of divinity by;
Turning On
Your ability to identify all impulses originating from lower frequencies and
Dropping Out
All controlling influences from consciousness that is not divinely connected.


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Choosing a new state of being

Merry Christmas or more to the point, be more joyfully Christ consciousness by allowing the light of God to transmute all of you that is not God into the light of the sun of God.

Choose to be Christ consciousness, then without effort let go of everything and allow all to move without your direction or control. That is absolute surrender, the allowance of all without your direction, control or resistance.

If you are more comfortable with the wording, you can substitute the word Christ with; God consciousness, absolute freedom, divine love or the Eternal you. The result is undiluted divine presence, a divine presence that is you. Try it for five minutes and if you like the result, go for broke by allowing the broken aspects of yourself, to return to their original state of divine glory.

This process works because you are choosing a new state of being, instead of trying to improve an existing one. Trying to improve an existing condition of being usually does'nt work because your focus is on what is not working from a position of being in resistance to your existing condition.

Merry Christmas, be divinely, joyfully free and allow all others the same freedom


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Be one with the father, not seperate.

It is OK for you to have the life that you desire, just know that you are one and the same as the father of all and as such, there is no limitation for you, when you know that you are all that is.

It's OK for you to have the life that you desire in every way. You are the ultimate loaner, creating the friends and enemies that you play with. All the consciousness that is, is you.

Wake up and smell the coffee, you are it, the one and only consciousness that has ever existed or ever will be. Take responsibility for the consciousness that you are, in all of the lower dimensional realities that you have created. Be all, God conscious of all and thereby allowing all form to perfect, in the choice of all consciousness returning to the native freedom of divinity, as the source of all. Burn this life that you are, into freedom with the light of your eternal presence, your eternal awareness, your eternal beingness as the beginning and the end of the "all of all".

All right?

All right.

All night,
tonight and every night,
you are the knight of light,
seeing a very great sight,

God loving
and being,
all that he is,

Be spell free always,
all the days of your life.
Yes your life,
divinely free in limitless love and eternal consciousness.

What will it take for you to choose to be free? If you are all consciousness, then you are only hurting yourself by limiting yourself or others. Loving self as all, is a very good idea for you to consider as to if it could possibly be, the truth of you.

It's impossible for you, you say,
for you to have your way,
the way that you want it?
Life is as you want it, now consider making better choices. Choices that make things better for all bodies, so that you can enjoy them all.

All loving all, loving all.

Yes us all.

It's OK for you to choose for a body to be Godly. This is how God emerges his divine consciousness through form and thereby animates form, in a divinely harmless, divinely harmoniously, divinely gracious way.

How much divine light does it take for this body to be fully divinely enlightened?

A divinely abundant amount, an amount that is abundantly easey for you to be so enlightened.

Everybody wins by you knowing yourself as God consciousness. Your pains are from your assumed limitations, let them go as you allow eternal God consciousness to merge with all aspects of your body.

Good Knight of light, the good night for all, is good.

Good night and eternal light for all,

Yes us all,

Good night.


Friday, December 21, 2007

It is because we choose to be aware, that our reality can change according to our desire in each moment. As we wish, so shall we receive.

We choose to allow our light to shine as the absolute truth of divinity. We choose to allow our light to shine as the divinity that we are.

As God, release your implanted limitations and all considerations or limitations.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Where is God Here?

Lets allow God to be in charge of creating a wonderful solution to our abundance issues.

Lets, be conscious about our relationships, do you really wish to specialize in unconscious ones?

Where would God take this body if it were his?


Monday, December 17, 2007

The mantle of God

People who are Godly do not exhibit bad behavior towards others. So others have nothing to fear from those who have the power of God as they will not use it to control others against their will.

When you take on the mantle of God, your evil tendency's all dissolve into love and you no longer have to restrain yourself or otherwise protect others from yourself. Because you will only inspire others to choose better choices in light and consciousness themselves.


Sunday, December 16, 2007

This is Good.

This is really good.

I am not playing the game of lower consciousness any more.

What is it like to be an embodidied God as your normal existance?

Such a painful reality that you have here, what would you like to have done with it.

To evolve into absolute freedom now.

Light and love David, light and love.


How wonderful…

Bless me with the vision of the Glory of God.

Keep your eye single to the Glory of God and you will see, find and be the glory of God. When you ask God for less than this, you pervert the way of divine truth and make it into a band aid for the suffering of divine consciousness that has trapped itself in a lie.

In all that you do, keep the focus of your awareness on your third eye, with the intention that the way of divinity be open to you and to all others. The redemption of your divine consciousness, comes from your willingness to recognize the divinity of all consciousness, regardless of it's choice of expression or it's lack of awareness of it's origin. When all are divine and none live as divinity, that does not negate their divinity.

Forgiveness is simply observing reality from a more conscious viewpoint than blame. If your consciousness is at the level of blame, look for the glory of God with your divine eye until you see it. You can do everything in your life with your eye single. Live in the light, it is easier to see the way of divinity when you know what it is that surrounds you.

A joyful life is what you desire, ask for that instead of improved circumstances and all of your circumstances will be improved by the joy that you receive. In joy, all is easy and glorious.

The more one drops in consciousness, the more unable he becomes and the more of a burden his actions have upon others. This continues to degrade until he either restrains himself subconsciously from acting in ways that harm others or others unite to impose restrictions on the ability of the unconscious oppressor to continue his destructive behavior. When the majority are deeply unaware of their divine source, war occurs and continues until the majority choose peace.

How do you observe God being you?

By being God being you. I.e. You are God.

I am a true believer in the idea that it is a good Idea to be God, God conscious, Godly able to be as we choose from moment to moment. Greater consciousness is always better than lesser consciousness and divine consciousness can be chosen by all and every individual part of all that chooses to be divine consciousness is.

I can choose to have it better for me any time I like it and it shall be so. (the motto of a God.) The way of God is eternal betterment, better means better for everybody. When you get better it affects every body and gets them better to. It is OK for you to get better now in all ways of making reality better for every one.

It is OK for you to get better because it benefits us all.

When you get better it benefits us all.

Get better now.

We all want you to get better in all graces, until you are as God.

In all ease and in all glory, in all that is gloriously celebrated by all that are in divine consciousness. May it all be so for all that choose eternal freedom.

It’s OK for you to be God conscious in your body.

It is OK for You to be God conscious, always.

You do not need to expect to fail in any thing that you desire in the love of all that is. Find the love of all that is in you, it is the truth of you.
It is the love that blesses all to divine consciousness, so that all can be exactly as they choose from moment with instant realization of the choice to be absolute cause of all and thus able to change reality at your will.

You never lose as God, it is a nice condition to be in and everyone is the better for it. Try it you WILL like it. (try it by your self first until you get good enough at it that your every opponent joins you in the love and freedom of all form , structure and consciousness.)

It is OK for all to be God consciousness because then we would be loving friends that would never cause self or each other any harm, conflict or defeat. It’s OK for you to feel better, to be more able in every ability. No conflicting reality anywhere. There is no need for any of us to have conflicting realities.

Who would choose to have failure as a part of their personal reality, not me! Say it to your self it’s your new mantra. No conflicts within my self. Not restraints on the love that will free all into endless joys and marvelous wonders of peaceful harmony with all.

You are God the father, the knower and creator of all. Let go of all other realities and watch all other identities transform themselves in to loving free Gods. It is OK for you to give yourself the permission to be free, permission to be known as a good one, a wonderful kind person, a person loved by all. It is yours to be if you choose it, right now.

It is OK to be all levels of God consciousness above conflict and to know and be free to choose a reality of non conflict. There is no God consciousness in conflict. If I am in conflict with you, know that I am not being myself, as my true self is beyond conflict. We are in favor of all enjoying their lives always, everyone, everywhere, which allows us to be free also.

It is OK for you to know that you are God when you are moving around one of these bodies or all of the bodies. Its ok for you to be merged into God, it is better for everyone when you are. The more people who merge into God, the more Godly we all become and It is OK for you to do it your way so long as you’re doing it makes reality better for everyone. You start by allowing your own reality to get better for you to the point of absolute freedom, the freedom that inspires all to choose God for all. It is OK for everything to get better for you and It is OK for everything to get better for every body. In my reality, it is OK for everything to get better for everybody, a reality that sings a song of loving joy. Be Godly in all of your life. I speak the words of God. (Another mantra for you.)

Holding onto pain so that you can remember something later is not a good idea. Pain that happens once is enough. Allow it to turn you in the other direction, moving always in the pleasures of life and the consciousness of all. It’s OK for you to have lots of money with ease and joy for all. It’s OK to go beyond money and have your reality provide all that you desire, just because you desire it.

Is it necessary for the pain of others to impinge on you as it does them? (no) Or is it OK to be wonderful and still be both aware of and assistance to, a degraded polarized reality of eternal conflict?

Yes it is OK for you to be wonderful to all. The school of God is open and receiving qualified candidates.
Who qualifies? All who will wish all others well.
Wish for this I pray,
that my brother and I
can be very nice guys
and still get all that we both should desire.

No mires for us,
nothing can make us gruff,
there is always enough, for us all.

If you can please recall,
that there is nothing at all,
that can ever forestall,
the inevitable all loving all.
Yes us all.

Enlighten every cell of your body with the light of divine love. The body will relax and be in divine ease and able to create that which it desires. Start giving into your plan to be free. You don’t have to carry others pain around or even your own, let it go in the light of our love.


Thursday, December 13, 2007

It is scary to let go of the identity that we are comfortable with, to find the truth that we do not know


I am glad that you enjoyed my post. We all seem to think that "what we believe we are, we are" very little of that, that we consider our self to be, is in fact us, which is why so few are able to experience actual spiritual transformation. Look at the word itself Trans-form-ation a change of form. A removal of what we are not, but believe that we are is what happens and it is scary to let go of the identity that we are comfortable with to find the truth that we do not know. The process feels like your very soul is dissolving into nothingness and that you will cease to exist. Nothing is further from the truth, the removal of comfortable and accepted lies reveals a magnificent truth to you.

The truth is that you fell in consciousness, from a consciousness of divinity to a consciousness of a creation, an animal, a polarized point of view. That is the big lie. You are not you, you are divine consciousness, no less than any divine being. Your only problem is that your divine consciousness accepted the identity of a body, a creation and as soon as it did you lost your native awareness as source, as the creator, as the I am that I am. and fell in to confusion.

All consciousness is divine consciousness, most of it here is currently confused as to its true identity and we are here to bring about a restoration of our knowing of our eternal divine source while in the body. This is what the scriptures have predicted, a divine restoration of consciousness of all forms. All form all creation operated by divinity, which is great because it is you in your pure native state. Able to experience as the creator, that is when everything goes into divine harmony, that is when all creation sings the song of God. That is when we receive our rest-oration


Letting go

Letting go is about being conscious only, watching, waiting, doing nothing, with a willingness to let all flow through you with no reaction, resistance, alignment or agreement. You as the observer of all and doer of nothing. When you think of something choose more awareness, more love, more allowance to let things be as they are.

Once you let go, life smiles at you and you begin to remember your peace. The more you let go, the more power flows through you, removing all that you find discomforting and leaving you feeling clean, conscious and happy to be you. Clear as to what is important to you, Clear as to who you are, what you are and why you are here as you are now.

Begin by choosing to be aware of all that you can perceive with all senses. As things demand your specific focus, stay aware of all and do nothing but watch and feel everything at once.

If you believe in a loving God you can say: God, my life is your life, your will is my will. your purpose is my purpose. Bless me now with all that you wish me to be, do, have and know.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Yes, God of my Gods, creator of my creator, what would you have me be or do?

Allow God to handle all communications for your body and to reconfigure all the communication software of the body.


Monday, December 10, 2007

The training of a God

Lesson 1

Learn to let go of solidity. The glory of God is yours to behold and to experience within and as yourself.

Lesson 2

Love is the refuge and reward of the Godly. There is no trying in Godhood.

Lesson 3

The gifts of Godhood are given to those who are willing.

Lesson 4

You are not ready to know it all, yet you shall, as you allow the light that you are, emerge.

Lesson 5

The birth of a God through the you that you are now, occurs as you allow the old you to fall away,
as it is replaced by one better.

Don't push it, do not push it, just watch the light emerge from you as you recognise that, only the light is you.

Lesson 6

Godhood cannot be directed by the inanimate or a creation of God. The creations can only enjoy the experience of God, they canot direct it.

Lesson 7

I allow my unconditional love to heal all evil, starting with myself.


Friday, December 07, 2007


Be aware that the spirit of God needs a clean vehicle, otherwise the transition will be very uncomfortable. Try cutting back on volume and eating fresh unprocessed food, or maybe even fasting with fresh juices, milk or just water.

Our time is over, we now go to God.

On every level of beingness, in every dimension and universe of existence. There is limitation as identity. The more identity, the more limitation. The less identity, the more freedom. Total separation as an individual =no God presence. God presence = an all encompassing identity. Total responsibility.


Thursday, December 06, 2007

The land of the delusions of illusions

Of what value is your chronic valence to you when God consciousness is an available choice for you? Of what value to you are all of the valences that you pretend to be when God consciousness is what you are? Frankly they are beneath all that you are.

Your pretences of inability, disability and unsuitability are only of value to you and others when you are vacationing in the land of the delusions of illusions. From which there are no solutions for the eternal betterment of the identities that we assume there.

You can comfort yourself in your misery if you like, with the fact that on some level you find this experience interesting and worth your participation in it as a spiritual invalid. Or you can choose to lay it all aside and re assume your natural state of being, by watching your valences and disabilities disappear, as you allow your eternal truth to emerge and delight you with your reawakening, as the absolutely divine, absolutely able, absolutely loving being that you absolutely are.

Be miser-able as long as you wish, then be the infinitely, miraculously-able being that you always have been. Unfortunately you cannot be both. You cannot hold onto your phony limitations in a miraculously divine way.

A phony identity
cannot be enlightened,
cannot be saved,
cannot be healed,
It can only be let go of by transcending the limited realms of Earth by returning to your divine source and operating your body from there.

How do you do it? Ask your eternal self, the only true you. Say enough already, I choose my eternal nature , my eternal self, my eternal essence as my only identity that I own.
I have nothing more to say.
nothing more to be,
nothing more to do,
nothing more to experience as limitation,
I am nothing,
I am all that I am.

Realize that you are not the idiot in your life. That idiot is just an assumed identity that is no longer interesting, no longer useful, no longer necessary for anything. Do not feel bad for it or them, because all of the consciousness that they seem to have is yours. Your ego, your personality, your identity, your body, your life. Are all absolutely nothing without you. You are the mover, the creator, the master, the controller. They are only old worn out tools, masks and creations, that are absolutely obsolete in being a contributing factor in revealing the truth of who you are.


Monday, December 03, 2007

You have to be willing to be directed by divinity if you wish to be divine.

My experiences are similar to yours, Some wonderful success in meditation and a letdown in frequency when I go into action. I'm looking forward to the time when I am "fully cooked" . In the meantime, I comfort myself that I have a connection to divinity whenever I focus on it.

My tension, stems from my resistances of things that I do not like and my process for releasing it and being in the flow in life seems to evolve from day to day and when it is working, always includes choosing to embrace all energies, while holding my aspect of divine oneness as my choice of being.

Enlightenment, ascension, higher consciousness and divine beingness are states that already exist as the truth of who we are. When we try to become them they are forever elusive. When we shed our false selves through absolute surrender to divinity our divine nature is revealed to us.

I guess my next question in meditation will be regarding how to surrender while in motion. What I have learned so far (though with little practice) is to move slowly and don't move unless God is moving you. You just stand there and wait. It’s like learning how to walk for the first time, dozens of attempts with ever increasing success. It seems like I have answered my question myself as I already knew the answer and had forgotten, as I have been too lazy to do it.

You have to be willing to be directed by divinity if you wish to be divine. There is no other source. Once you make your choice, treat it like you are learning a new language or skill. First learn to hear the voice of God, second learn to allow God to move your body as an exercise in teaching the body to move divinely. That should result in the embodiment of your divine consciousness. I’ll keep you posted.


Sunday, December 02, 2007

The ego is a default program for the survival of the body

The ego is a default program for the survival of the body. It has no consciousness its self until it is activated by your presence and consciousness or rather by your relative lack of presence and confused consciousness. It is deactivated by your presence and clarity as a higher or divine consciousness.

When you release you confusion as to who and what you are by your surrender to the divine. Your knowing, divine self takes over for the ego and the ego gets a well deserved rest. It did the best that it could in a polarized reality of the survival of the fittest.

You then are free from the suppression of the world of need, lack, and desire You then are free as a embodied divine consciousness to fulfill your part in the divine plan of the perfection of creation.The perfection of creation is simply the reality of forms and structures conscious of and as divine awareness, divine cause, and divine love which brings us to the state of paradise or Heaven on earth.

If you are thinking, you are the ego.
If you are worried, hate anyone, blame others, or are needy, you are the ego software program in operation.

If you are content, loving to all, engaged in activities that make life more joyful and loving for others, you are yourself.

If you realize that you have been letting the ego be in charge so much that it has become your identity. Your solution is to simply to surrender to your God or your Gods God, until you find the connection to the divine. Then you allow your confusion as to who and what you are and what this reality is to be transmuted by the light of divinity and you have accomplished your redemption.

Even though redemption is accomplished through surrender, it is an active conscious surrender. Surrender sounds easy, but it requires continuous diligence in observing yourself , your feelings, responses, thoughts and attitudes. Each of these have to be continuously let go of as they happen.


Saturday, December 01, 2007

How would God enjoy your life?

How would God resolve all of these problems?

In the favor of everyone.

Your body is amaze of conflicts, how would God resolve all of these conflicts?

I root for everyone, I am on all sides.

How would God enjoy your life? Or how would your life be if God were enjoying it?

God will end off on all games for you. You will be satisfied with the result.

If God were me, how would he live my life? How would I change?

Are you willing to have everything get better for you and others? Then God will resolve it for the betterment of all.
