
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Hold onto nothing, let everything go

Hold onto nothing.

Let everything go. You need to start off with a clean slate, if you are to be free.

Letting go of all thoughts, ideas, concepts, beliefs, attitudes, considerations, judgements and expectations, allows you to perceive what actually is, without the filters from a previously limited life.

Unless your life is exactly the way you wish it to be already, you should let go of all that you are holding on to, as that which you are holding onto is what limits your possibilities of life. Once you are free you can choose what parts of your previous life you wish to retain.

You are holding onto so much that you do not even know who you are. If you do not know who you are, how can you possibly know what is of value to you? At least let go of enough things for you to regain consciousness of your eternal past and the knowing of the realities and choices that are available for you.

Let go of everything that prevents your family from seeing the glory of God shine through you.

You are in control.

You hold your destiny in your hands. Let go of the past, all of it, it is already gone anyway. Observe what is in front of you and choose Joy.

Allow all to see the possible human through you. A God realized, able, capable, divine, loving example of humanity.

All awareness is my awareness.

There is nothing to fight, only invite.

Feel your energy and repeat "this is who I am and its OK". "Whatever I am is OK." "This is who I have been and its OK"

Regardless of what you have been, it really is OK. You now have a new choice, let the past go and choose something new, as if you have been born again.

Born again
without sin
without past
without judgement
without expectation
With complete freedom

What do you choose?

There is no such thing as "other" consciousness, all consciousness is is your consciousness, reclaim it, encompass it, redeem it, know it. As God, there is no such thing as separate consciousness.


Saturday, October 28, 2006

Why do I have to keep doing these things to clean myself up energetically?

Because you are not me you are a program, that has trapped my awareness into beleiving that I AM, is a body awareness creation. This belief creates a reality of limitation, governed and limitted by the reality of a physical body.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Allowance is the magic word that opens up the gates of heaven

Evil is freedom, freedom is evil.

Your wish to be free is hindered by your programming.

How do I change my programming?
To facilitate a truly free and joyful life, allow yourself to be God, unlimited creative energy.

How do I allow to the degree that I create 1 or more quantum shifts in the quality of my life, in the direction of freedom and Joy?

How can I be absolutely successful in living a free and joyful life?
Focus on allowing God. When you try to dam divinity, to control or own it separately. You bring your divine consciousness down into confusion as a polarized identity.
No definitions
No identifications
No resistance
No judgement
No polarized control
Only free flowing allowance of joy for all.

You are chained down only by your resistance to what is. There you go,
No resistance = in light
In light = Seen
Stay in light, by allowing all and your faith will be rewarded.

Allowance is the magic word that opens up the gates of heaven. The gates of hell are composed of resistance.
resist not, lack not.
Allow all, have all.

If you wish to be free of the adversary, allow the adversary to be as he chooses. The adversary when met with allowance, ceases to be an adversary.

What about the truly sadistic and evil who kill, maim, and steal for pleasure, how do you deal with them?
Be elsewhere, why would you choose to be in association with those at that level of consciousness?

Allow yourself to have 2 hours of focused allowance each day and joy will be your reward.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I am not the body

Why do I have to keep doing these things to clean myself up energetically?
Because you are not me, you are a program that has trapped my awareness into believing that "I am" is a body awareness creation. This belief creates a reality of limitation, governed by the reality of a physical body.

Your awareness as God, inhabiting a physical body in contrast, allows the true you, "God" to operate the reality and laws of divinity. Which are limitless possibilities of wondrous realities.

You are close, have faith that you are God and that you will and have, realized the truth of all things and the realization of the truth of your divine magnificence, glory and freedom.
You do not have to waste this body and try again. You have known since your birth, the truth of your divinity. Even at the time of your greatest despair and entrapment, you have kept alive a spark of your divine awareness. Look at the paper you are writing on: Montebello Splendid, it is a metaphor for your life now, Magnificent, excellent, marvelous, you.

There are not any problems for you to solve, if you are not identified with and as the body. The confusion caused by your misidentification, is the source of all bodily imbalances and all relationship disputes.
Dis-identify as the body.

Repeat, "I am not the body" until you experience the realization of the truth of this statement.

For each person that you are dealing with ask, What is the actual level of divinity that this person is allowing to manifest in their life now? And how will it improve if I interact with them?

Notice how the body continues to relax, with a reduction in pain and an increase in pleasure as you say, "I am not the body"

I am not this body, I only perceive reality through it. It is as a suit of clothes or a role to play as an actor.

Remember the life of your body is only a role and that you are the actor, the director, the producer and the observer, of the ongoing interplay of life, through and with the body that you are animating.

The realization that this is only a pretence and that you control all aspects of your experience through the body,will increase your enjoyment of your bodies life and story in the reality of creation and the created form.
We are not the body,
We are not identity,
We are identifiable by our influence in creation. We inspire, create, perfect and fulfil the purpose of creation: The embodiment of Joy.

We are not the Body,
We are not any body.
We are everyone, all ,whole, complete perfection of continuous creation.

We are not this body, however we love this body. Whatever awareness this body has is our awareness.

We are not the history of the body, however we know the history of this body.
I am, we are, all.

We are all creators here, cooperating in an endeavor of beauty. Each with a unique role and purpose. Find yours and interact with others in the harmonious inspirational reality of divine interaction.


All awareness is your awareness

All awareness is your awareness.

You are aware of all.

All awareness is all joyful.

Light, ends the storys and they dissolve into bliss.

Our lives are not enhansed by dis-ability. Expand out your awareness until your body is filled with light.

Your life is a story that you try to keep interesting, interesting but not important. For the more important the life, the less freedom it has.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

All consciousness is us

We are God and we are here in this body.

We are not fighting anything, because all consciousness is us.

Any trapped individual consciousness, is only our own confusion. Relax and re member the whole of your self less whole.

Remember your divinity.


Friday, October 20, 2006

The fully aware life is a joyful life

It takes a moral man to safe guard the material interests of an enlightened man.

Let yourself know the rules of the game (of your life), are you flying blind or are you an insightful person? What do you prefer?

Are you God, in full sight of his reality on earth now?

Your body has been ignored or suppressed for most of its life and is in pain. In painful receipt of the result of your unconsciousness regarding sex. Do not judge your body, let it play, set it free.

If there is a problem, choose to be more aware until you reach the point that there is no longer a problem, only joyful motion.

Choose to increase your awareness, until your life is a joyful motion.
Choose to increase your awareness, until your mind is in joyful motion.

Choose to give the part of you that is in charge of your fears, the job of increasing it's awareness until it is joyful with the awareness of all that is available to create a life of joy.

Allow the parts of you that are in pain to choose to increase their awareness until there is only joy.

You have been preventing others from increasing their awareness until it is only joy. Allow all to increase their awareness until there is joy for all. Now.

The fully aware life, is a joyful life, because you know how to solve the problems of life until you reach the point that you create a life without problems.

Choose to increase your awareness until your body moves with joy.

Joy, the responsibility of the aware.

The ability to respond to anything with joy, is divine. Joyfully, gracefully, gratefully divine.

Divinity always lives life with grace and style, a letting go in life in complete comfort.

Live your life with grace and style and the smiles of others as they share the enjoyment of an aware being.

After all that you can do to bring joy into life, let God deal with it, he will do the rest when you choose to be aware.

Your life is magical when you are aware.

Increase your presence in your body until you are joyful.

Allow all that you have rejected in life, to increase their awareness, until they are in joy.


Words do not create an experience with the divine

Jesus, talk to me. Who was talking to me through my friend tonight?

Let God deal with this. The point for you to focus on is not who, but is the communication divine and are you harmonizing with the divine.

Humanity likes to put labels on things so that they do not have to be responsible for their own direct perception and understanding of an experience. When you have an experience with the divine and then try to label it in human terms, you diminish your access to divinity because of the limited awareness and understanding of the definitions and descriptions of the words that you use. Words do not create an experience with the divine, they can only point in the direction and once you are close, all concepts have to be let go of, in order for you to enter into the divine realms.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

There is no inherent virtue in suffering

We allow God everything, everywhere and always.
We willingly choose the free flowing reality of life without ego direction, egoic considerations and unconscious presumption of importance.

Abide in thy temple lord.

Your body is the temple of God and should be open and ready whenever God wishes to be home. Allow yourself to recognise, realize and actualize the reality that your body is Gods. God, the creative force of the universe, You, the embodiment of the energy, the power the awareness of and as the source of all creation.
Why would you wish to not be that? Only a confused mind would choose otherwise.
The mind is not you, it is not necessary anymore, it has served its purpose, accomplished its mission. Thank it, love it, and let it go. You do not need to figure out things with it anymore. God is here, you are home, the building maintenance man is not needed. The hosts of heaven, are at hand and are here to serve, perfect and glorify creation, let them begin, here and now.

Trust God, God is worthy of your trust. He has no agenda, no purpose other than joy for all, love for all and freedom for all. He will not force an unwilling creation, only inspire it to perfection, perfection as the image of God. Why the hell not? Is your life of hell worth perpetuating? Do you really believe that the best that you can hope for is a reduction in the intensity of your suffering? You have abundant proofs that joy can be yours if you allow yourself to remember and realize them.
Do you need to be rewarded for your suffering first? Perhaps for your rejection of the pleasures of life? Who told you that these were virtues? Why did you believe them? Why do you wish to continue to believe them?
I do not.
Good, because your belief that suffering is a virtue, is the only thing that is preventing you from having and living the life that you desire.

Are you not tiring of your endless searching for truth?
Here it is:
There is no inherent virtue in suffering,
There is no virtue in failure,
There is no virtue in sacrifice.
These concepts are all built upon the reality of polarized conflict, which is the reality of hell.
What you desire is your release from the limitation and pains of hell, so let go of your attachments to the rules and regulations for success in hell. They are not appropriate for a life of joy and love, in fact, they are incompatible.
Enough said?
Good, relax and enjoy.

We welcome the hosts of heaven to our life in hell.


Saturday, October 14, 2006

We submit ourselves to the will of God.

Maybe we all will.

What does God need to clearly manifest through this body?
An Ego subservient to the will of God.

OK we the ego willingly submit ourselves to the will of God.

When God awakens in a body, the ego has to be comfortable with unpredictable change.

Miracles are unpredictable changes.

Gods will be done.

God does not disappoint and an ego that allows God to act through its portal into physical reality, gets to know all of the mysteries of life.

At the end of your life, comes the answers to all of your questions.The only question remaining now, is whether the end of your life is when your body dies or when you the ego lets everything go to God.

Hold onto nothing, not even truth.
Resist nothing, even lies.
Give gratitude for everything, even strife.
For all, is for your education and benefit.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Pay attention when you feel sad, embarrassed, angry or helpless.
Watch the feeling, feel the "you" that does not know what to do, or cannot do what should be done. Notice that you "know" that it is you, that is feeling this way.
It is not you. Realize that this you is a creation.You feel it is you , you know it as you.

If you wish to be free from these limitations, feel this "you" fully and say:
God redeem me take me home. repeat it as a mantra and regardless of what this "you" is made of, it will leave the body and you will be free of it's limitations.

There are many false you's that inhabit the body. They are the barrier between you and your true divine nature. Each time you are being one of them, ask God to redeem you and take you home. This is your house cleaning, the cleansing of the temple for God. The result will be interesting as you remove all of your false masks.

God redeem me now, take me home. Don't worry about any negative repercussions, there are not any. All are relieved of their burdens and what remains is what you always wished you could be. Your authentic self.

Jesus was the embodiment of the essence of God.

God, animating a human body.

Any body, can be animated by God, even yours.

The greater the degree of control of the body by God = the greater the manifestation of the divine through that body.

The essence of God is what you are, to varying degrees you are confused by the programming and instincts of the body and by societal conditioning, that you are the body.

As you believe that you are the body and are limited by the consideration of that reality, to be free and fully realized you have to choose to allow the body, the mind, the ego, and the brain to be subject to and operated by the divine essence.

When all creation is subjected to and offered to the divine, you are able to awaken to the awareness of your spiritual essence, which is divine.

You are training an animal body to be a clear vessel for your own divine essence.

When you are judging, complaining, fighting and struggling with reality you are just being the body and you have to relax the body and give it an experience of divinity by being silent in the mind.

When the body has enough experiences of divinity, all of the automatic programed responses to the stimulus of reality, realize that there is a better way to exist. A way of peace, ease, joy, love, harmony and bliss. A reality that the programming of the body does not know of, or how to create for it self. It only knows how to survive. Divinity is the only source for knowing how to live well. So remember to relax into the divine when your reality is anything other than joy for you and joy for those that you are interacting with.

To give all to the divine, is to give yourself the gift of realizing the divinity that you are. To resist the divine is to resist yourself and a house divided against itself cannot stand.

To struggle against anything in the world, is to subject yourself to the reality of the animals, the survival of the fittest. That does not mean that you do not move, act, create and interact with life. It means that you realise the reality that you are interacting with and you harmonise with it where it experiences you as a non threat, a peaceful being, a pleasure to know and a safe harbor in their reality. As they are not just bodies, they are all divinity also. Divinity refining the experiences of bodies and reading them for the awakening that has been predicted by all religions.

Awakening is available now, more easily that it has ever been in the past and the more bodies that divinity is realized through, the easier that the next bodies realize, as they have examples to harmonize with and the energy of the divine is more active in the world of polarity.

So what is your purpose? Survival or the realization of your own divinity through the body.

You do not have to be alone to realize and awaken. And you don't need to leave your Friends, families and responsibilities to the maintenance of your life. You just take the time from unneccessary activities and focus on your divine essence flowing through and healing the body of all that limits it.



Monday, October 09, 2006

Feel your connection to God.
Allow your connection to God to be clearer. To you.
Allow your connection to God to be clearly known to you.

We allow our connection to God to be clearly known.

Know now, that you are free, in all meanings of the word and in all the circumstances in your life.

Your life is yours to live as you choose. You are the master and captain. We suggest that you love well. Be an expert on loving life.

OK, how do I change my habitual attitudes and love life well?

God's will be done in your every breath.
God's will be done in your every word and motion.
God's will be done in your every circumstance.

God's will be done is the mantra that results in a well lived, well loved and exceptionally enjoyable life.
God's will for all, is the fullness of love and joy.
God's will be done.

Relax and allow God's will to be done in your life, love and joy remember, they are the best experiences that you can have and they are in harmony with awareness, success, peace and harmony with all.

Is there anything about this that makes you uncomfortable?

No, I just keep forgetting.

Focus on your unconsciousness, forgetfulness, your habitual states of mind and relax into God's will be done.

The purpose of of divinity is, Joy for all.
May we all awaken to our divinity.
God's will be done.

Allow God to bring you back to life, to the life of joy that you have been missing and yearning for. All that is past is past. It no longer exists and all is redeemed in the love of all, that is waiting for you to open your heart, to the truth of you being.

There is no room for disappointment in a joyfull life. God's will be done, gives you control over your attitude in life.

How do I remember to choose God's will be done?

Many have used images of the divine to remind them. You need more, you need to allow yourself to be loved. Be with the ones you love and enjoy their company. All else is provided for. Enjoy your Friends and family and make new Friends that love life.


Friday, October 06, 2006

Find the way to God.

1. You are nothing.
no thing.
2. You are not you.

3. You are not alone.

4. You are all.

5. All is not you, it just is: consciousness of you and you are conscious of all.

6. I am. You, me, I, are not doing anything about anything. This is so that you cease being you and you then can realise all. All is what you really are.

We allow the old to be replaced with a better new, in complete allowance of divine process.
What are we a form of?
What do we enjoy?
Feel your blockages and limitations and say to your self: "I am not going to hold on to these for any reason. Then, feel them all go.

You enjoy freedom.
You enjoy joy, love and peace.
You enjoy adventure.
You enjoy successfully creating the experience that you desire.
Just keep relaxing, without reacting.
No effort
No resistance
No thing ness
Be charming to everyone.
We admire:
Cary Grant, Dean Martin, Gene Kelly, Robert Redford, Paul Newman, Harry Connic Jr., Jorge de Alba, Rasputin, Jimmy Stewart, Bill Murray, John Travolta, Hugh Hefner, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Madonna, Fulton Brock.

What is it possible to be?

Well you have to admire the resiliency of Satan. Bound, unbound, bound, unbound, bound and unbound, and finally now unburdened and unable to sin again. For he has tasted the fruit of Joy for all and remembered, realized and re-awakened as divine consciousness.

God receives all of those willing to be divine, holy and whole, one again as all.
Even you.

Relax into your bitterness.
I do not have to do anything.
I am not obliged to do anything.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

We are dissolving the guy that is trying to be conscious and replacing him with;


By the way, there is no such thing as perfect beauty. Form is always evolving,reproducing and adapting, according to what the form recognises as improvement. The movement is beautiful, choose to recognise improvement as those circumstances that bring you pleasure when anticipating them, experiencing them and reflecting on them. Create the ones that you will enjoy most, then enjoy them to the fullest.

Should you desire to maintain a perfect form of the body that you are viewing reality through? Can it be done while experiencing all, so that we know all of the choices all of the time? This would allow for constant change as long as it improves the experience of life.
Allow change, even if it seems to decrease the enjoyment of the experience of life. Before you experience a quantum jump in perfection, it requires the abandonment and disintegration of the previous state of being, form and reality.

Yes, choose your perfect desire from moment to moment.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Wishing well for those that you hate, produces satisfying results.

Do not focus your attention on the successful maintenance of bodies, do that and you restrict your potential dramatically. Focus instead on who you are when you lose your identity and your identifications.

Who am I when the me is gone?
I am he who the world trembled before, The he who's presence unravels polarity, He to whom all consciousness is attracted and he that redeems all of the unconscious.

We are stuck in our identity, how do we get unstuck? What enables us to be free?
Follow the feeling of freedom.
Then move in the direction of more freedom.


Monday, October 02, 2006

Every pain, is a belief in seperateness.
Let your belief in seperateness go.
