
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Our purpose here is the realization of divinity.

Your right to be here brilliantly, is your right and is everybody else’s right. You have the right to be here brilliantly as yourself. You have the right to be brilliant here as yourself. Feel that right that you have to be brilliant, relax into it and allow it to move through you as a reorientation of your presence here; your presence shifting from “what it is” into what it is now; which is a brilliant expression of an extraordinary consciousness, one so extraordinary that it allows for all other consciousness to be their supreme expression of self in your presence.

That is the presence that will free you, the one who; “allows the supreme in all others” and especially the others that you are in direct interactions with. He who can allow the supreme to be expressed in the other fully, is he who is supreme indeed.

The message from divinity is; please allow divinity to be the only identity that you are willing to be known here as. If in fact you must be known as something, it must be something that those who control the world will allow to be freely expressed by you, through you, with appreciation.

How do you solve the real serious issues in your life, that you are needing to face and deal with right now? How do you do that as the best of yourself? How do you make that transition, so that the “doing” in your life is effective in bringing you the pleasurable life that you desire for yourself?

Our recommendation to you is to move in the direction in each moment that frees you to be the best expression of yourself that it is possible for you to be. Allow your body to move with that as a “realized goal” that you had had for yourself; It’s done, It’s complete, you’ve gotten your hearts desire. What your just beginning to realize now is that the realization that you desired, is now here for you and as you feel that; you know it to be true.

You are here, you are you, realizing yourself. Realizing that you can be here lightly, freely, joyfully and gloriously “you” and that’s what you came here to be. The way to that is to allow for the possibly that that is true. As you allow for the possibility for that to be true and you feel where that allows you to be freer in your body, then you just allow your body to move into that freedom and you continue moving each moment in the direction that further frees it.

We’re willing to admit for ourselves that our divine knowing just began right now, in this moment and “now we know”. That is our will for our reality and that which we move to and that which moves us.

How is a conscious of agreement that all sides have been treated well and that all sides are benefiting from the relationships with the others? How is that made manifest here other than allowing the “self” to realize it?

Allow yourself; the self that is “the self,” from your point of view, allow the self that you are, to be an example of supreme success in achieving a perfection of life and of living exceedingly well. Allow that energy, to move through the body.

In your following the movements to be free; just keep realizing what the answer is in each circumstance of the question; where can “my divinity” be known to myself here? Where is that easily accomplished? Where do we go to be spiritually and consciously be free from the desires of others to not be at our best? To not be being our best, receiving our best and receiving the best from others?

Allow the desire for the common betterment of others, to overcome any competing opinion on your ability to grow and progress in an increasing harmony with life as your presence here. Allow the controlling factor of reality becoming absolutely divine for each participant, allow that determining factor for that to be how beautiful his wishes are for others to be spiritually free and wonderful in their divinity. He who allows that to be true in another, receives that as his own conscious awareness.

He who allows the divine in another, in a brother, in a friend or in a foe, he who allows the expression of the divine through them, receives his divine welcome. Be the reality as it embraces it’s merger with that which has recognized their eternal truth; that the reality of their divine consciousness is supreme and beautiful and supportive to all other life and consciousness. Supportive of a beautiful, pleasurable expression of the divine dance of life expressed in a celebration with others. Allow that to be the reality of the others that you interact with and that will be the reality that you experience yourself as. Experience yourself as the divine celebrating and expressing itself in life. Allow that to be your truth and everyones truth.

Your here to work and to be a “work of Magnificence. Your here to behave in a magnificently beautiful manner and here it is, the new you;
let the bells ring it out,
there’s not a single doubt,
he is the one who came,
as the supreme being once again.

Your here as yourself anyway, you can’t get away from the life that you are here as, so instead of creating something new, somewhere else; choose to be here divinely. Feel what that means within yourself and allow the self that you are to move in that direction and to feel what it is to embrace freedom, because you are worthy of it, because you grant it to everybody else so that they respond with the best of themselves.

Let other people respond to you as the best of themselves in response to the extraordinarily conscious way that you deal with them and make sure that there is a clear communication that you are there to be supportive of each other, so long as you are both are in complete agreement of what the results of your interactions are going to be afterwards. You must look at the way to accomplish that from both sides before you make an agreement. You have to see the pathway clear to success in a venture before you embark on that venture with someone who is not in a position to be allowing for his wishes for reality to be granted, because he knows of his own perceived unworthiness of that because of his actions that he has done to others.

Everyone here is guilty of that and if that were allowed to be the determining factor in the manifestation of divinity on this planet; then it would never happen and god knows, has it? It can start with you, it can stare with you allowing the divine to be expressed in another. When you allow the divine to be expressed in another, then a brother of divinity you will certainly be, a fellow “wonder of wonders”.

You have the freedom to open and move as the divine flow, all consciousness can move as the divine flow if it chooses. Feel it, sense it, see as it, move as it, be aware as the consciousness that grants freedom to this reality. The freedom to be free and move in harmony with all of reality. Grant the freedom to move in harmony with all reality to every consciousness that you encounter, grant it to them fully so that will be Your constant awareness of self. The self that knows reality intimately and is not at a bad effect of it himself.

Receive that gift from the divine for yourself. Feel the divine allowing, inviting, even slightly encouraging you to choose it for yourself, yes, yes, choose the divine dance; the movement of the divine flow, choose your consciousness to be in harmony with that for yourself and for everyone else.

You have to allow yourself the benefit of allowing your husband or wife being the supreme gift to you. You have to allow your partner to be a gift of the supreme to you, to be a vision of divinity in this reality. You have to allow that if that’s what you wish for your self. You have to allow your partner to be a perfect expression of divinity here. Feel what a great freedom the realization of that wish for your significant other would be to you. Imaging being married to the God or Goddess of all creation, in the form of your life partner.

Come on, what a blessing that would be, what a fun way to enjoy reality as a consort of a Goddess or a God. What kind of consciousness and freedom would that allow you to have? A nice one, a nice one indeed, so how “nice” are you going to allow it to be for yourself by allowing it to be divine for your lover? Allow your lover to be the expression of divinity to you. Why would you not want that for yourself? It’s the only really beautiful gift that you could ever give yourself, is to grant the divinity of your lover. If you can’t do that, what are you going to allow yourself to be?

If you can’t grant divinity for your life partner… Ya they are different aren’t they? Ya they are different and they are difficult. Where is freedom found in this different and difficult relationship with an expression of the opposite sexual deity?

Are you allowing yourself to be divinely free? Take steps around in a circle, sideways sideways around in a circle and feel as you transfer your weight from foot to foot while you turn in a circle in the same place, feel with each weight transfer from heel to toe, heel to toe, feel the realization of your divinity there in each movement of the body. Feel each movement as the realization of your divine freedom, your divine consciousness,the supreme presence of the creator; that which creates freely as it wishes and does so in such a way that it grants every bodies ultimate truth to be realized freely, beautifully and harmoniously with all reality.

Allow yourself to be free, allow yourself to be free david, allow yourself to be free, allow yourself to be free david, allow yourself to be free, allow yourself to be free, this information is coming through for you. You, allow your self to be free. You david, now. Be free David be free, be free. Be free Immanuall be free.

Recognize another’s divinity, but don’t worship it. If you worship it, you are doing that from the point of view that thats not you also and if you don’t allow for yourself to be that also, then how can God allow it for you? Would he violate your own free will choice of the consciousness that you are going to be expressed as? If you don’t choose divinity for yourself, how can God allow it for you since he grants your divine wish to be that which you choose as a reality for yourself? So choose a reality for yourself and choose so divinely, choose to be divinely free now. Realize that these words are just expressing what you have already chosen; to be divinely free now.

Your job in this moment as you make your ascension so to speak, is not to figure out all of your problems tomorrow while you are doing this. You just have to feel what it is to move divinely and allow yourself to move as that physically. Get used to the feeling of being in the divine flow; the realization of divinity in form, divinity made real through your form and your blessing of all other forms with that also, freely.

Here were relying on your support for all of those who wish the best for all reality, that wish for all reality to progress to the point of divine harmony. Now you say how do I integrate that into my reality as I move through the life that I am, as I interact with others? How does that feel to feel divinely free with others? What does that feel like in a body to be divinely free with others? What does it feel like to be in a body that allows for divine freedom to be expressed through the others that it is appreciating this reality with? What does it feel like to be he who blesses all creation to its perfection?

Where is ultimate freedom found for you? How is it even possible to consider that given the tragedies that we are going through in life?

Allow yourself to be enlightened enough to quickly solve those tragedies and turn it into a beautiful expression of reality. Allow yourself to be divinely free now. We grant divine freedom to every consciousness that we encounter and those who receive it and feed it back to us the best, is who we commune with the most. Because mostly what we want is a shared reality of divinity with those who wish to share that reality also. The others, we don’t need to save, before we choose that for ourselves. We get to choose and experience the results of our reality and decide if we like it and want to continue it, or if we want to change it, expand it or express it in some new way. We choose that right for ourselves but we certainly allow it for all others also. We choose to allow them to be the best that they can be and to be in harmony with all creation.

Our purpose here is the realization of divinity.

You have always wished the best for others, never suspecting that they were not wishing the best for you, but now you know and still wish the best for them, but with the knowing that the best is expressed by yourself and allowing that to be true. Be the expression of the best of humanity; that which contributes self to the benefit of all and receives the benefit of that himself first, as soon as he truly wishes for all to benefit; he gets the first taste of it himself.

As you are meditating on this tonight, feel the you that you are going to wake up as tomorrow and allow that you to just get the things done that are necessary for you to be more free, that day and those that follow as a result of what you did. Allow yourself to be effective at creating freedom for yourself.

You have the freedom to be immune to anothers bad wishes for you. You have the freedom to be free, regardless of any enemy. You don’t have to fail in your freedom ever, choose to free up all the way. Choose to be free beyond humanity, beyond your life, beyond your single point of view, choose to be free as that which moves eternity. Choose to be free as that, from the point of consciousness within the self that you perceive the body and its state of consciousness to be. Allow the consciousness of the body to be the consciousness of eternity.

When you allow your body to be an expression of the divine here, you allow that for every other body also, without any other demands on yourself. And now I choose the perfect consciousness of myself here, I choose myself as the beginning of freedom, along with all others; all others in the sweet harmony of the celebration of life. We allow for ourselves the freedom of the manifestation of the realization of self; the freedom of a supreme consciousness. And so may you also.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Your freedom is found in watching

If you don’t do anything except observe, watch and wait, then all of lower consciousness will move through you without stopping. There is nothing that you need to do about it other than observe, if you go into action to do something about something that is impinging on you, your consciousness or your body; you have engaged it and if you engage it, you have then bound yourself and married yourself to an interaction with a polarized consciousness, at a level of consciousness that only the insane would engage in.

Your limitations are held in place by where you’ve engaged life as competing participant. If you refuse to engage it and just look, it will move through you just like you are watching a movie and like watching a movie, it will soon be finished.

God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son to the world. The world of the damned, of the stopped, of the failed and of the unwilling to know the truth. God knows why.

Life only affects you negatively if you let it, allow life to move freely. In this moment that you are now, don’t do anything about anything except be aware. Just to be clear; it is in your moments of contemplation of life, where you are alone, where you can be aware without distraction. That is when you watch without doing. The rest of your life you better do what needs doing in order for your life to be successful.

In your observation, as your looking, as each thing that comes up and asks for your involvement, remember; you’re not doing anything about it, “your just watching”


Friday, June 24, 2011

Your here to realize your life as divinity

For you to live the life that you wish for, the first thing that you have to do is to wed the inner and outer selves; remove the division between your subjective and objective self. Then as your unified self, you decide that you are going to live your life; your way.

Observe your reactive self and allow your reactive self, to be the knowing self; the one who knows and is not surprised by anything. Yes, you are your reactive self, so as you realize that, realize that in your knowing of that, you have already made your first step into knowing the truth.

Take a look at your life, it could be compared to the image of a man holding onto an electric wire that is shocking him and he is unwilling to let it go because he can’t remember what it is like without it. He can’t remember what it is like for life without trauma and so continues to hold onto what he knows. Trust me on this one, it’s OK to let go of something that’s hurting you.

Your ignorance, unawareness and unconsciousness is definitely hurting you, so let go of it and allow some “pure essence of self” to replace it. Let go of the pain that you are in, you don’t need to hold onto it, just try it right now as an experiment; feel your pain, feel your disappointments in life and just let them go. You don’t need to be that. Instead of that, you can be the pure joy of a well lived life. You don’t need to figure out what the pure joy of a well lived life is while you are still stuck in the one that you are living, you just need to let go of the one that you are living.

Let go of your restrictions in life, let go of every decision that you ever made to diminish yourself in any way, because every decision to restrain your self comes from a state of consciousness that is not able to behave itself appropriately; it is not able to harmonize with reality, it can’t harmonize with reality. So don’t allow yourself to be bound by decisions that you make in that state of consciousness, instead; choose to drop that state of consciousness, just let it fall away from you and allow the consciousness of a well lived life be what you are conscious as.

Don’t try to define or predict your future behavior as an enlightened being from your beingness that is unenlightened, you can’t, just let go of the density, let go of the dumbness, let go of the self that is unwilling to be who he truly is and let go of the belief that unconsciousness is somehow a protection, a benefit or an aid to your survival.

Feel your body, feel your energy and let go of everything that is uncomfortable, if it is uncomfortable, its not valuable for you. Let go of the state of mind that believes in being uncomfortable as an acceptable way for you to move through life. Let go of the part of you that is unwilling to be here. Thats not a personna that you want to be carrying around and it’s not the truth of you, its just made up, let it go.

Your identity is a made up identity, its made up, its not true, its not you, let it go. Your identity is what keeps you trapped here as your false self, let go of your identity, it’s false. Your Identity is what keeps your life being the way that it is, its what keeps you from being able to change and improve it in the way that you would like it to be, You’re identity has to change for you to be the you that you want to be.

Let go of the life that you are and wake up, awake and realize the enlightened self that you have always been and always will be. Realize it in this life, that that you are operating here as. Realize the divinity of the life that you are here, bring it into realization, choose it, be it, move as it. The divine is here for you when you are here as that.

“Your here to realize your life as divinity” use that as a mantra until you are and as you repeat your mantra that you are here to realize your life here as divinity, as you are looking at your experience of life here; just keep letting go of all aspects of yourself. Not that you are separating from an aspect of yourself; you are letting go of all roles, all pretenses, all valences that you have taken on for the purposes of interacting with others here. Let them go, their not real, their not conscious, their programs, they are not you. Let the programs go. Let go of the programming of your beingness here and the pathway of your divine self will be clearly open and available to you.

Let go of the reality where people try to take unfair advantage of others. Thats not a reality that you want to continue to struggle in. If you want to be in that reality, you want to be in that reality as your truth, because the other people there that are into struggling, competing and conquering, are dealing at a significant disadvantage to one that is here to love, to serve and to enjoy the truth of eternity while embodied here. Now that you are at this point ask; where is my origin point for this manifestation and embrace that point with the knowledge of your truth and from there, enlighten yourself.

Allow yourself to be successful at life, so successful that your life does not impinge negatively on anyone. Your letting your personna go, is simply your letting go of a failed strategy for living life as you want to. You don’t need to figure out what the future is, you just need to drop the present and arrive as the future yourself, instantaneously.

You’re here to be relevant to this world, you’re here to contribute to the ongoing perfection of man, you’re here to do your best, to be your best and to let go of all the rest. Choose to be free and we’ll support you in your choice, we that are free, freely wish and assist for the same to be so, for all others who choose to be free themselves.

Every layer of every personna that you have taken on since you were born, diminishes your consciousness, diminishes your awareness and diminishes your ability to be here as the able and capable consciousness that you are. Open up and receive the life that you desire.

It’s possible for you to be a winner, you just have to allow yourself to be. Allow it to get better for you every day, every hour, every minute and every moment. Allow time not to be a determining factor in your success in life. Let go of everything in you that believe that the way that it is in this moment being the way that it has to continue to be for you and relax into it being infinitely better in each moment.
I’m here to be effective, I’m here to be an effective tool in the hand of the divine; realizing and making real my own divinity. How do you send yourself down the road of enlightenment blameless? Because I don’t see how I can get there unless I am blameless.

Which comes first? Being worthy and then enlightenment or enlightenment and then being worthy?

It’s enlightenment and then being worthy of it. It’s not the other way around. So finally; let go of your self condemnation that you are not worthy of enlightenment, no one here is, except for those who allowed their realization of divine truth with out any prerequisite of their being worthy of it. Feel your heart, you know what you have just read is the truth, so open yourself to the enlightenment that you have always been and always will be, choose to embody that here and now. We invite you to be here as your truth, regardless of what else you have been before now.

love and light


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The glorification of God

You can improve everything at once, if you focus on allowing everything to glorify God, which means to be a reflection of the Glory of God, the beingness of the Glory of God and the presence of the Glory of God.

If you allow the beingness and the presence of everyone and everything to be the beingness and the presence of God, you may inspire this world to be a better place and what would be wrong with that?

I allow everyone and everything to be the glorification of God, it’s not a bad move. Start with yourself though, start with allowing yourself to be the glorification of God. To allow for Gods glory to be shown, to be known and to be borne here again by those willing to know their truth.

When you allow it for yourself, what that means is you allow yourself to be changed, to be shifted, to be transformed and molded into what actually is a reflection of God. You have to be willing to have all reality be in support of you being here divinely. That support though is willingly given and easily had when divinity is actually present.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

The tenderness of the world is always there for you to observe and when you open to the observation of the perfection of the world that surrounds you, then the world around you will harmonize with you perfectly.


Friday, June 17, 2011

You keep your judgements so close to the core of the truth of yourself, that you can’t sometimes tell the difference between your judgements and you. Your judgements are far from the truth of you, so far and yet so impossible for you to differentiate the difference between them and the truth of yourself. You’re truly stuck in a confusion


Thursday, June 16, 2011

This is the way that it is supposed to be

Instead of resisting the reality that you are experiencing and trying to figure out how to make it better, instead figure out why it is the way that it is first. Because until you resolve the fact that todays reality is the perfect solution to yesterdays circumstances, then you won’t know how to fully resolve yesterdays circumstances with todays reality so you can then move this reality in the way that you wish to. Try that as a mantra every time that you start judging your reality, even judging your own body is as not being right.

As you see what you see, observe what you observe and feel what you feel, use that as a mantra; “this is the way that it is supposed to be” Until you accept reality as being perfect the way that it is, that it is in fact the way that it is supposed to be, reality will not change for you very easily, because this is the way that it was supposed to be.

Given this bodies and this embodied state of consciousness, the reality that it is experiencing is the reality that it is supposed to experience. Now when consciousness expands and changes in a more harmonious manner, then it’s reality will shift for the better, but until then; this is the way that it is supposed to be.

Until you come to terms with the truth that this is the way that it is supposed to be, then you can’t be led to your ideal state you desire, because the way that it is supposed to be ideally, starts from the place of; “This is the way that it is supposed to be now” and it is always the way that it is supposed to be, BUT, once you get out of the resistance to the way things are right now; then right now can then shift into an idealized state for you (as perceived by all layers and points of view of your consciousness) and rightly so.

Look around you, take a walk slowly, as you perceive your reality, allow yourself to realize, that this reality that you are experiencing is exactly the way that it is supposed to be in this moment.

The way you allow for there to be a godly reality for you is to allow God to have his way with you. Think about it, doesn’t that make sense? If you want the ultimate experience that God can give you; which is to share his reality with you so that you know it as he does and that you live it as he is, then if you can’t allow God his reality, then you cant allow yourself Gods.

As soon as you dedicate yourself to observing that reality is the way that it is supposed to be right now, then you will start experiencing the fastest improvement in reality that you ever believed was possible for anyone. When you start to realize that it is true, you will be breathing one sigh of relief after another.

This reality is exactly the way it is supposed to be and I understand why; it was created in relative unconsciousness by severely challenged beings, beings that could not find a superior way to live in regards to a truly free society that chooses in its freedom to love each other, to support each other and to enlighten each other to the most successful way of living.

Todays reality was the best that could be done at the time, so what is the best that reality can be for you? Feel it, see it, know it, be it, live it.

Don’t ask me to agree that your failure is somehow a positive step forward. Here is something that we can agree on, when we focus on allowing that things are perfect the way that they are; we can agree that when we do that, the moment that we are experiencing now is better than the one that we were experiencing a moment ago and so thats all we need to know to keep allowing things to be perfect the way that they are; That that is the road to perfection.

Things are perfect already just as they are, hard to believe maybe; but easy to realize when you experience it.

It’s perfect that there’s a divine consciousness here now, it’s perfect we’re divinely conscious now.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Allow Gods embrace.

Allow God to embrace you it will fix your every problem and bless everyone that you deal with. Allow yourself to open up and receive God. As you allow Gods embrace, you’ll feel it as a divine love that enfolds you, as you feel it; relax and allow it to change you, to shift you, to mold you and shape you. The allowance of God in your life, is the difference between success and failure, sadness and Joy, living your truth and living a lie.

Continue to open more and continue to open until your troubles have all been taken by God.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Divine Dance

Engage life, thats what you came here to do.

Were not doing what we’re doing from a state of competing. We’re doing what we are doing for love, beauty and knowing.

Where is the money to sustain this body and all of the commitments that it has made? We’re all in agreement here; light me up with consciousness. Where is our freedom here in this sphere? Enlighten all my darkness. Thank you God from the centre of my being.

What is the truth of the endeavors that we are involved in?

You are the one who truly allows it to get better, that allows reality to shift into a more harmonious frequency where people love being in awe of their experiences here. All that you can sense, is there for you to enlighten.

I so allow the divine to enlighten me.

To be free, you must forgive yourself for what you have been and done. In the divine dance, you just move and allow, move and allow or allow and move in allowance. Where every movement is a release from your bindings.

Divine movement is the embrace of freedom.

If God were here and willing to assist this poor guy here, how would God do it? How would God make this guys life magnificent, beginning with the state that it is in now?

How would God make it Magnificent?

He would invite him to dance and to follow his lead.

The freedom to be Goddesses

I love my kids, I love my wife, I love my life.

Meditate on that one, find out where that’s true, find out where you truly love your wife without reservation, without condition. A place where you love your wife beyond your ability to not love. Where do you love your wife because love is what you are? That space where love is where you are, is the space that you can be free in. Freedom is found in love, not in war.

It is my own awakening that I am awaiting; I am waiting to observe my awakening.

So as you observe mine, observe your own, for we are one in purpose you and I. We allow each other to be awake, to be aware, to be conscious of all the knowing that one would wish to know. What would you like to know? Decide what that is and allow it to be so. So, Well Done, to everyone that decided that oneness is winning. You’ve caught yourself you know, put yourself directly in the divine flow, for a meaning that we will show you now has been realized. Awaken to your reality, awaken to your circumstances that you are in, remember your true abilities and allow them to be here with you now.

Allow your true abilities to be with you now. Your willingness to be here as your truth, the truth, our truth; the truth that all of us are one in the whole of the holy truth. It’s time now for you to allow yourself the beauties of life; the pleasures and joy’s that life can be for those living them consciously.

Allow others to make their religions prosper in such as way that others find their truth in it and allow your females, meaning the females in your life, the freedom to be Goddesses.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Be at peace

We are comfortable confronting our problems in life. We are here to let the aspects of fear know that we are here for them to be at peace. Our purpose here is to facilitate all aspects of God that are in fear to be at peace.

I hope that it is true when you say I am here for you to be at peace, because if that were just a trick to get me to relax my guard so that I can be destroyed and that would be their definition of me being at peace, I am not comfortable with that. I say peace means peace not trickery. Peace means Peace.

When I say I am here for you to be at peace, it means for you to be at peace and being deceived or tricked is never a peaceful thing.

Now that I have had a chance to think about that for a moment, I am in favor for myself to be at peace, because peaceful is not my perception of myself here. At peace would not be a good description of the man that I am.

Why is that when that is truly the essence of who you are? You are a man of peace, you are a man of good will. What’s missing in this equation of you not being at peace with good will directed at you from others? What will is take for this reality to be loving of you and supportive of you and giving its blessing to you that you are here and delighted with the fact that you are living the life that you are?

You are free now is the message that you receive from all other consciousness in this universe. You are free now, you are free now, be free. Please bless us with your freedom, let us know what it is for a man to truly be free so that we have an example present on how we should be present as well.

Where is your peace to be found? Where indeed? It will be found in your deeds, your deeds that cause others to love the world, to appreciate everything that is here.

At peace, I do not believe that it is possible for me to be at peace. How could I possible for me to be at peace with the life that I live and have lived? How can one know what one is here and have that be much less grand and beautiful than we all wish that we were?

How can we enjoy confronting our problems? How can we embrace life with a true appreciation for it? How can we love all that is here in such a way that we are truly in love with this reality?

We support it and encourage it to be exactly what it truly is. Look at yourself, look at what it is you believe your truth to be and look at them with absolute knowing that the truth is that you don’t know what your truths are.

So how do you figure a way to improve that reality, how do you improve from a condition of not knowing how to improve? How does one shift from failure to success? Is it possible? Is it possible for me to shift into a successful life? I never want to do something that has huge amounts of responsibilities and dependancies on me by another. Oh no, I don’t want that. I want my freedom, my freedom to be as I wish to be. Every day and every hour, I demand to be free.

Ask yourself; Where in my life am I allowed to be successful? Where is my freedom welcomed right now. Pay attention, know the answer and move in your freedom.


Friday, June 10, 2011

You are nothing

“I allow God to be glorified through me.” There is no better mantra than this that I have found, to break loose and free up, from what is, that is not, what I prefer. The nice thing about this mantra is that you don’t have to consider yourself worthy of it. You don’t have to consider yourself special, you don’t have to be anything or anyone, you just have to be willing to allow God to be glorified and in that process you will experience ultimate freedom, self realization and the knowledge and essence of your own true self. Relax into a mediative allowance for this to be true and the freedom that you have wished for, for yourself will be realized.

The dichotomy in this is; I am nothing of worth, if I am not in allowance of God being glorified through me. You have to allow yourself to actually be nothing, in order for God to be glorified through you, but in that nothingness of self, is known the truth of eternity. For the clarity of the vessel, of the temple of God, has to be as though it is nothing, so that nothing colors Gods expression as God moves through man. So you are nothing and yet all is known through you. You are nothing and yet everything that comes through you is eternal truth manifest. You are nothing and yet have fulfilled your purpose in life.


Friday, June 03, 2011

Your willingness to receive and improve

What am I looking for here, is a good question to ask yourself, because if the answer for you is; “it certainly is not this,” then you need to reevaluate your life.

What do I need to do to change that? I am not looking for continuing this level of discomfort and disability; I am looking for a successful way to move through reality. So given our circumstances, what is the most successful way for us to move through reality right now? By circumstances, I mean those things that you are not willing to walk away from in this moment; wife, children, father, mother, job, house, possessions etc…

You do limit your ability to change by your unwillingness to let go of relationships and possessions that you want to hold onto, so a more relevant question is; how much better can it get for you within the parameters that you are unwilling to change?

A lot better. You live in a competitive universe, improve your life by focusing on your ability to allow yourself to be the very best you can be, starting with improving your existing abilities and your positive attributes and focusing them on the subject of manifestation for you here and in particular with allowing yourself to earn a great deal of money, so that your physical freedom is not a limitation for you.

In your meditations, observe your level of willingness to receive and improve. That willingness to be open to receiving, to knowing and to being great, is the main limitation that all who wish to improve their circumstances have in common and what all need to overcome. Because if you are divided within yourself in receiving what you desire, then there you are stopped.

Allow yourself to be the best that you can be, what the best does is it supports and allows all of the “others,” to improve themselves as much as they can. The best, is that which benefits others the most by making themselves better and thus providing others with an observable example of what can be accomplished and how it is done, so that they have a target to model their improvement on.


Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The still point of consciousness

Be the still point within the manifested self that observes all manifestations; as a still point with perfect stillness, yet also with perfect awareness.

Be the still point of an observing consciousness within the manifested self, whose perfect stillness and clarity of awareness, observes such that all confusion within himself dissipates and a fully realized knowledge of self is is achieved.

People are allowed to give what ever they have to anyone they choose to give it.

Must we assassinate ourselves in order to improve ourselves? Where did that question come from? Certainly not from ultimate truth. To speak to ultimate truth you would ask; what must occur for me to be able to freely choose my degree of consciousness, my degree of love, my degree of expertness in the game of life?

You are the still point of consciousness that creates the possibilities for life to transcend the condition that it is in. For without the still point of consciousness, there is no stable anchor to enable consciousness to remove its self from confusions.

Why should it be so unusual for you to be “the light” to be “the right” to be “the end of the fall of consciousness of man?” Why isn’t it right for you to be free? All possible answers to these questions that come with a reason for the subjugation of another, is a level of consciousness that will never likely know it’s self truly.

What is the truth of this living being here?
Were here to improve your consciousness as quickly as you allow us to. Meditate on that.

Don’t you ever believe that the truth is something that someone else is trying to tell you, because it’s not. If they knew the truth, you would know it too, because you would not be able to interact with them without remembering your own truth. So when you are in the position of questioning who and what you are and what your possibilities are; don’t ask people who don’t know themselves, for their opinion. Go to that which knows all and ask for the truth to be made plainly known to you.

I’m willing to know God, I’m willing to know. I’m willing to experience, I’m willing to be truly the creator and destroyer; the one whole constant manifester of change.

I am not going to agree that one person is right and another person is wrong, but I will say; two wrongs do not make a right.

When you meditate on money say; I am going to receive all the money that I want and I’m going to enjoy it. Then feel that, until you believe it and continue to feel it, until you realize that it is perfectly true.

Yes it’s true, we’re turning over a new leaf and we’re going to allow ourselves to have all of the money that we want to. We are no longer saying no to money.

The consciousness that you are has to be repeatedly looked at by yourself, so that all false identities are dissipated.

The still point of consciousness cannot be resisted by any beingness; it all dissolves on contact. The instantaneous transportation of a personage from one place to another is available through the still point.
