
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The blessing of divinity

When you feel the limitations in your body and in your life, rather than having to fully explore them in order to fully understand them so that you can figure out a solution to bringing yourself to a greater level of freedom and expansion in bliss and oneness for yourself, try this instead; feel it and ask “are you willing to be moved by God?” “Are you willing to be released from the limitations of what you are, into that which is possible for you to be, in your own best wishes for yourself? And yes, it would be a good Idea for you to allow God to move you, to move through you, to move as you, as the operating consciousness of your body here. It’s an interesting and logical concept.
Claudio, What does that mean?
What that means is that it is an idea that when examined, always leads to the same conclusion, which is; should I get the best out of life for myself in such a way that it is also a blessing to everyone else? Not where it is a zero sum game, but where when you come here; everyone is a little bit better because off for it and maybe even a lot better off because of it. 
Why not be that possible you and me, where we together and all of us at once, realize that for us to be in a position where we can be a blessing to others, that it’s a good thing for us to do, it’s the right thing. It is the right thing to be able to bless others and have it truly be a blessing to another. Thats both a good thing to allow yourself to have the possibility of and a good thing for you to move in life as; that which facilities the blessing towards their perfect expression of that which is expressed here in a manner that is less than that which it desires for itself. 
When you can say, “I love you as you are and I bless you to that which you wish yourself to be, then that is the blessing of divinity and as that is the blessing of divinity, the only real question to consider is; are you willing to receive that yourself? Mmm, Mmm, Ahh yes; the possibilities of a divine life. 
Oh what a horrible thing to contemplate; a divine life. 
Divinely free,
Divinely be, 
All that humanity,
Wishes that he could be, 
Yet has not realized yet within himself,
That it is the truth that he will always be;
The truth of divinity.
Your truth, self realized and expressed through your form, is a blessing to yourself and to all, that all could wish for in their highest and fondest hopes for themselves. So, it’s Ok, you have my blessing; that for damn sure.
Are you willing to allow God to move you towards your fondest desires? Towards the realization of those as your truth?
Let go and lets see,
How divinity moves,
In you and in me and
In that way, “we” can be free,
Together, you and me,
The “we” of divinity.
Are you willing to allow God to move you towards the realization of your own desire of divine perfection? Allow God to be be your teacher of divinity; he’s (She’s) the one who knows, not some man in a “teacher suit.” Anybody that you hold up as being able to help yourself, who is not already helping you fully realize your divinity in this moment, is not one to hold up as a divine guide for yourself. If you want to choose a guide for yourself, choose a guide that delivers the divine when asked; God, deliver the divine to me please, I’m open, I’m ready, I’m willing and I’m Able. Able to be, the embodiment of God you see. The question is; can I see that? Can I be that? Can that, be me? Ahh the wonders of divinity, by those who know thee not. 
Are you willing to allow yourself to be moved to your perfect expression, by that which is perfectly divine? Sounds plausible, sounds reasonable, if in fact, there is a God able to do Godly things; manifesting miracles. Would he not be that which you would wish to have with you always, he who is willing and able to manifest that which you desire for yourself?  Why not have a “manifestor” on that level, walking with you? 
Move through life in an experience of heavenly delights, because God is with you and you and God know each other perfectly. The perfect union of the embodiment of consciousness, within you, is “your wish” for God to command. 
OK, we so wish, 
That we may be free,
As godly beings,
Of eternity.
God, I am beginning to believe and to know that that which you do for me, is the best for me. Allow God to be one with you and a winner you will be. One who has one for himself; eternity. The power of the words of freedom are a wonder to behold, for beholding eternal truth, moving through form is wondrous indeed and the seed of wondrous beginnings. Begin to know, begin to be, begin see, eternity in yourself and in me. 

Monday, December 26, 2011

What is my responsibility to this life?

None of this is me, but I am here. None of this is me and yet this life is my responsibility, but what is my responsibility to this life?
It is to be here clearly, purely and truly myself without taking on the identity of the life. When we do that, the life that we are responsible for is a blessed one; blessed with our truth, blessed with our pure presence, blessed with our eternally perfect awareness. Bless the life that you believe that you are with your truth; that you are here, but you are not it. 


Thursday, December 22, 2011

The light of your truth

Don’t give into any belief system about reality; they are all wrong, they are all description and observations from a limited point of view that are not inclusive of the totality of all and that is where they are describing or judging reality from; an observation point of limited information.
The world is a cacophony of insistence that you pay attention to other points of view and to accept them and to modify your behavior accordingly. You are psychically being demanded to be all things to all people while being judged falsely by all of them. All of this input from other is nearly impossible to sort out or to even determine wether the ideas and impulses you have in life are even your own. Well, there not your ideas and your impulses are not your own; they are from others, including your ancestral heritage of the body. There are very few things that you can be sure of here and the one stable thing that maybe you can hold onto to make sense of it is that; you are here.
Once you have said to yourself; “the only thing that I know for sure is that I am here” then you can add to that; that everybody else’s assumptions about you are false and  that their Ideas, beliefs and suggestions for you in your life are coming from a place of inadequate knowledge of the truth in order to be of beneficial use to determine what it is that you should do here, think here, believe here and be here. 
To rely upon yourself and your own observation as your guide to your path in life is the only sane move that you can make here. The first thing to do is to observe your current situation and grade yourself on your ow level of satisfaction on who you are and what your life is about and if you are not in a state of absolute peace and satisfaction with that; you must stop and say; “why”? Why am I living my live in a manner that is unsatisfying to myself? Then decide that your own personal satisfaction with yourself , with who you are, with why you are here and what it is that your life is going to be about from this moment on; that choice is back in your hands. So clean your life up, first by getting to know yourself and the only way you can know that truly; is to know what you are not. 
You are not the thoughts, ideas, beliefs and attitudes and the decisions that have comprised the being that you are here. The being that you are here, is a construct of the input of others points of view. You’re own sense of self, is not the truth of who you are. It is a combination of the inputs you have from all others opinions of who and what your are so give yourself permission to stop being you and instead be alone in your observation of what it is that is affecting your consciousness and do nothing about it. Don’t try to figure it out. Don’t try to move things and fix things and improve things. 
Just observe while doing nothing except for; choosing to be aware, choosing to be conscious, choosing to be present in your body. When you do this; you will regain the feelings and awareness of all else that is affecting the body and your consciousness and when you do nothing about it except choose to be present. It will have less, and less and less effect upon you and will all begin to fade away and be desolved by the presence of you coming into the awareness of your true self.
This reality when engaged actively, knocks you unconscious and as you move through life as one of a group with a shared reality, a shared sense of self, shared belief, shared attitude, shared purposes, all of which come from a state of limitation, a state of need, a state of fear. Your truth is closer to a state of grace, a state of peace, a state of bliss, a state of love and compassion and support for all. So allow all to be for themselves, to be as they choose to be and choose to be your self and allow nothing less than unconditional love to be that which moves you, guides you and motivates you in life. Do nothing until unconditional love reveals your truth to you, or rather reveals the truth of you to yourself.
Unconditional love is not moved by the demands of a confused consciousness to go into an agreement with that confusion. Unconditional love is whole within itself. 
Provide for yourself, be aware of your environment, be aware of that which limits your truth here and observe those limitations until they dissolve in the light of your truth.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

The continuous realization of ultimate truth as an available choice for you

There are a lot of things that I puzzle over when I meditate and one of them is my working for and doing something in the present that prevents me from living fully here and now, for the purpose of someday being more aware and conscious in the future. It doesn’t make sense to me that this is a very effective way to achieve the state or condition of enlightenment.
Whatever habitual identity that we gravitate to each day as we move through our lives, we maintain, by connecting to who we were yesterday as the starting point for where we begin today. Where we begin today should be determined after we have reviewed what the infinite possibilities are for us today in this moment and then make an effective choice as who we manifest as and what our level of consciousness, awareness, compassion and love is in this life. 
If we truly wish to be the essence of divinity, the embodiment of God, the possibility of infinite intelligence embodied in each of us. If that is our absolute truth and yet our relative truth is far from that, then where do these realities bridge? Where does the divine merge with the “not yet sublime” bodies that we operate here? Where is our movement from where we are, into the sublime state of the embodiment of freedom?
With each person that you connect with consciously, physically, verbally, psychically, instead of responding automatically to where they are; first ascertain what their ultimate possibilities are in that moment, to what level are they willing to transcend who and what they are and experience themselves as the divine here. Consider that for yourself in this moment.
Whatever it is in you that prevents you from knowing yourself as the embodiment of the divine here, It is within yourself who you are located here as. Where does the choice of the embodiment of divinity resinate with all that has gone on before, reverberating through time and shifting the now divinely?
(my friend Keith calls and I continue to record my thoughts with him)
Could we take a moment and delve into some areas that we rarely go into and see if there is a way for us to have a shared understanding, in a meaningful way spiritually? 
Keith, We can talk about whatever you want to obviously.
Well, then here is what I want; indulge me as your friend and give a place within yourself to the possibility that I have from time to time actually awakened to my source consciousness; a cosmic consciousness and a knowing of myself as that. Sometime I am able to embody that truth and I find that looking at the traditions of striving and following a teacher to be a distraction to my realizing my truth in that moment. I find that when I look to the possibility of my selfrealization of the embodiment of God consciousness in a particular moment and I focus my awareness on that point; it opens up there and I come up out of the waters of density and unconsciousness and remember who I am. 
We have been having a shared respect for each other and the paths that we have each been on in our search for truth. I think that this is worthy of reflection back and forth, so that when each of us has a realization that we know that there is somebody else that is right there with and for us saying “well done”, I know what it is when you awaken because of the connection we have it affects me also. And so I would like to ask this question; is there a possibility that we can interact as realized beings rather than as a couple of guys that are so identified with our bodies and as our bodies, personalities and past experiences of these bodies? Is there a possibility that we can let go of these identifications enough that we can commune on the level of our realized truth? What a relief that it would be to experience somebody that is fully awakened. 
Keith, yes.
We tend to get so involved in the needs of our physical bodies, our relationships and all that stuff that it seems that at some point, some place, some time at a regular interval, we should be renewed, restored and reclaimed into knowing our truth while we are here, while we are embodied and while we are determining why we are continuing to stay on this earth and if in fact that there is some sort of purpose that we are interested in furthering that may be the reason why we are here? Because I don’t buy into the belief that I have to get out of here to be free. 
Keith, You cant be free by getting out of here, you can only be free by transcending. 
I am not quiet sure what transcendence means, but if it means that it is an experience that one can have in the body that is such a freeing event that you are able to be here as a super conscious and aware, kind, loving and yet effective in every way in living the life that you want for yourself and how you want it to go; being a master of the embodied reality, then where is that able to be realized in our lives? Is that a question that we can look at and not just look at, contemplate and decide that it is absurd, but to go from there and say; “oh yea, I forgot. Isn’t it interesting that I spend my time ridiculing somebody that even considers the possibility that they are actually supposed to be God consciousness right now.” Right now.
Keith, I certainly don’t ridicule you.
I ridicule everybody most of the time, I am considering them to be what my perceptions are of them as a body and a personality and that this is the totality of the truth of what they are. I buy into that all the time and it is a complete crock.
Keith, Yes it is. My problem is I have a rudimentary grasp of the theory. I am a struggling aspirant. I don’t see you in quite the same way. You seem to have more ease in this life than I do. It may just be your physiological type, but I think also that your physiological type is a reflection of the type of Karma and the evolution of the consciousness that you had already when you came down here. The body that you get and the opportunities that it affords you to make strides towards enlightenment are a reflection of what you have done in the past when you take up the body and I think you in prior lifetimes have risen to a state of more freedom than I have. In my whole life I have always been aware that the state that I have been in is a very limited state. I have been on a seekers quest and indulge me, I am going to get to the point and so for me I found a way that I believe and I believe even more fully that it will get me free. So I have just looked at it as a job.
I understand and to the best that it is possible for me to do so, I perceive you exactly as you are and where you enjoy being and what it is that you are aspiring to and so the question that I have for you is; are you willing to step out of that occasionally and take that identity off like a halloween costume and realize that it is a manufactured, constructed identity that doesn’t need to be transcended, you just need to realize your truth; that that is what you did and what you chose to be but that you don’t need to improve out of that, you just need to awaken and remember what your truth is and then continue to operate as that. 
Keith, fortunately that is what has started to happen.
Yes, that is why we are able to have this conversation now.
Keith, I have waited 40 years for it and it is starting to happen; the silence is very persistent. It doesn’t go away. Today I went to see Michael, I went over to his house and  looked at his collection of guns and he has maybe 10-12 million dollars worth of guns in his place and I listened to how he relates to the world and it is all based upon shiny objects and money. 
And the symmetry of what is considered to be beautiful.
Keith, yes exactly. That is another version of a shiny object and I was thinking that I have been so unbelievably fortunate; I am sitting here in silence, just witnessing all of this chatter, all related to their activity. Thats what Maharishi used to say; you will start to have silence in your awareness, all of the time, you get a little, then a little more, and a little more. It’s been a really long path for me and the state that you describe that you have in meditation are not states that I have obtained to.
I get that and I understand that.
Keith, I speculate that different people come onto this planet with different parts of their consciousness and nervous system developed where they have holes that have to be filled in a manner of speaking, based upon the karma of what they haven’t done in their previous lives. Neither of us are there and both of us see the need to continue to get free of the things that we perceive as limitations. Its hard for me to say anything other to you that that I just continue every day to do what I do and what I probably should do is spend another 3 or 4 hours every day in meditation. I believe that if I did that right now that I would crack the egg.

I get all that, I appreciate all of that, I think that you should do that, but what I want to talk with you about is; what the conscious possibilities are in how you and I communicate, once in a while? Most of the time we can be our personalities, we can be men and we can be concerned about money, politics, women, money, sex and all of those other things, but once in a while, as a separate exercise for each of us apart from the struggle that we have with our bodies, our personalities and our progress in becoming silent and at peace in our bodies; can we occasionally choose to enter a space together of ultimate freedom?
Keith, the obvious place for that is for us to meditate together. 
Here is what I suggest; that we do something right now that is a new experience for both of us and have that experience of each other, tell us what the possibilities are to that question, rather than leaving that to our minds to contemplate and then create a theory or box about what those possibilities are. Lets suspend our minds and whether it is our higher selves of some aspect of ourselves that is already enlightened, eternally conscious and fully aware, whatever it is, but what if we just suspended our normal reality right now and opened up to the infinite? 
Keith, We could both do that to the extent that we can. 
What I am suggesting that the possibility is, as sensitive and aware as you are and of course it is more difficult for you since you are driving to pay attention to the energies and subtle bodies. If I cease to relate to you in the manner that I normally do where I say to myself; this is Keith, this is what his body looks like, this is how his mind works, this is the personality that he has, here is how he is moving in life, this is what he has done, this is where he is and there is where he is going, instead of interacting in that reality, I would like to say; I believe that there is a possibility that both of us can step outside of those roles that we have in how we have been moving in life and say lets take a break, return to our truth and commune in a reality of mutual support for the state of the embodiment of divinity and instead of thinking and conversing about that anymore, I am going to shut up and let go of my ideas and beliefs of who and what you are here and allow the truth to be shone to me instead and allow myself to harmonize with that truth, observe it, realize it and as a result of observing your truth; be able to enter the embodiment of my own and vise versa.
My choice is to observe you in your ultimate truth of infinite freedom, awareness, consciousness and ability and then see how that affects my level of consciousness in the moment, so that I can make some quantum leaps myself to have that same experience. What I am doing right now is letting go of who I hold you to be, so that whatever the ultimate truth of you is, I can see and know that as my perception of you instead and have that be my point of reference when I think of Keith. 
Keith, you know, what your asking me to do is what I should be doing anyway.
It is incumbent upon us if we are to know our truth, to live our lives operating as our truth here. 
Keith, its analgous to a part of my life when I said that I don’t believe in fragile enlightenment, which was a very arrogant and stupid thing to say. It was a reflection of my experience of people who were pretending to be refined and more subtle and as years went by I realized that they were not pretending anything. The more I meditated, the more everything changed, my physiology changed, it became more subtle, but I still have fear that is carried from a previous lifetime.
Can I tell you how I broke through that for myself?
Keith, I just would like to say that that aspect can be fairly onerous and I appreciate from my friends that they are still my friends knowing that I still have so much of that cloud with me. 
My proposition is that the ultimate truth of each one of us is the ultimate truth of the whole of all of us. So with that being the basis; if you open to that truth moving through you in this moment by letting go of what you just said is the truth of you; which is not. It’s only true as long as you hold onto it; as soon as you let that go of that being your eternal truth, it’s not your eternal truth, its a temporal, transitional, based in time, truth. It’s something that you are experiencing because you are agreeing that that is the case for you and thats all. 
As soon as you step back through the door of your eternal home; then you are home eternally, regardless of whether you are embodied or disembodied. So consider that you get all of the benefits that you really do doing the things that you do and you can continue to improve, continue to refine, continue to become that which you are wishing for. But, in all of that movement and intention for the manifestation of what you are and the mind and soul that you consider yourself to be, every now and then access prior to your choosing who you are today; access what the infinite possibilities are for you. How different can today be for you than yesterday was, simply by asking what the possibility is for you and then choosing to realize it. 
As soon as you can consider, conceive, sample and download some of that into your body, then you know that it is the truth. The truth of what you are willing to allow yourself, is the best that reality can be for you. So every now and then look and see if there is a quantum shift available for you instead of a gradual improvement. Can you actually take a quantum step of instantaneous realization simply by saying; I am going to take a station break from my reality, turn off all imput from reality and ask; am I ultimately free here if I choose to be? Can I actually exist as the identity for myself, as myself, as the infinite eternities that I have lived as and bring all of that awareness, knowledge and understanding into who I am here?
If that indeed is your truth and is actually possible as an available choice to you. Then every now and then, if we can take a look at that, we may be able to surprise ourselves and make a quantum shift that would impress every guru that we have ever had through out time and wouldn’t that be cool? 
Hmm, is it a possibility; the continuous realization of ultimate truth as an available choice for you, as the consciousness that you choose to be self aware as? 
If you are divinely aware; you are aware of the endless ways that embodied beings find their way to freedom and success here and are able to realize all of those ways as your own. Realize all success in life and consciousness as your own. You’re good at embodying the failures in life, so you don’t need to worry about that. Allow yourself to embody the successes, the infinite successes that life has here. Allow yourself to know them, to be them and to be the embodiment of them, it’s OK.
See my success as your success and I will see your success as my success. Mutually supportive of each one being successful, prosperous and magnificent in their own singular reality. Allow all that is to be truly in it’s magnificence, without any suppression from you. Allow life to be free for others, so free that they transcend all of their polarized responses to life and embody universal truth and love instead. 
As you consider this, you can’t help but realize that it is true and that the manner in which you choose to see another restrained, confined and failing, is the reality that you have condemned yourself to sharing. You share the failures of others when you wish to see them fail. You share the torment of others when you wish to see them be tormented. You’re tortured within yourself when you wish someone else was. You have no choice but to experience that which you wish for others as that which is true for you.
So your wishes for others is that which governs your experience of self being enlightened, or as a seeker being successful or failing. Bless others, God bless them, please. God bless them all please, especially the ones I have problems with.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sometimes it is nice to have a buddy in the explorations of human consciousness. 
Sometimes you just have to say to yourself; it’s time again for me to realize and then be here as my freedom and my truth. Why not? Your experience of heaven is only achieved when you observe and choose a heavenly reality for everyone and everything.  It’s your choice of reality and it’s your first choice of reality for others. Thats when your choice of living as that is available to you.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

You are the one who gets to have it the way that he wants it here.

I don’t need anybody else’s help or assistance in determining the level of consciousness  I should be at. 
I don’t need the understanding of myself, by others, in order for me to be myself with myself. 
All that you can feel that seems to be your pains, traumas and limitations, are only there because you are accepting input from others. Their choice to condemn you should have no effect on how you feel about yourself. Your experience of your own reality is senior to somebody else’s experience of your reality because they have access to only one small aspect of it and it was in relationship with who and what they are; It was a communication at their level of consciousness and was at the level that it had to be to have an interaction with them and that doesn’t mean that they are capable of understanding what was behind that interaction and what was available to them if they were willing to have been more aware for themselves.
If you want the most for yourself; be familiar with all of those who live that way for themselves already. If you are going to have anchor points in this reality, then they might as well be ones that allow you to know, choose and be whatever it is that you wish to be here. Don’t be somebodies enemy because they are successfully existing here exactly the way that they want to. Allow that to be a learning experience for you if you are not living your own life exactly the way that you wish for it to be. Emulate someone else if you don’t know how to be the way that you wish to be. Observe the excellence in another if you ever need to see a brother first act in the most appropriate way to be here. 
Consider the fact that there are people that are willing to share with you your ultimate freedom and to celebrate that as a wonderful thing with you. Let those who will do that be your best friends and whose imput you enjoy, reflect on and use to calculate exactly what it is that you are going to be here as, today. 
Get by yourself and consider the fact that you should at least be able to be free when you are alone with yourself. Your reality at that point should be free from the influences of others; “King of your own Castle” the castle is you when you choose to be alone and in that space, you are King, so let it be known that you are King of your Castle, at least when you are alone. It is your choice of consciousness that determines your level of consciousness, not someone else’s. 
You are the one who gets to have it the way that he wants it here. 
I am free when I am at one with myself, when I am alone with myself, when I am by myself I am free, for me and I and self are wholly free, when we are in our own company. 
If I were going to say something to myself to remind me to embrace my divinity, to know my own limitless possibilities, then how soon would that affect who and what I am here in this reality?
From the time that you embrace your limitless possibilities, how long does it take to go through dramatic changes of the identity that you have been manifest here as? How quick and how dramatic does that change when you have embraced your limitless possibilities for a wonderful life; a life of wonders? 
I am not even sure how to express what those possibilities are in such a way that it would awaken you to your own possibilities. I am not sure that that is even possible with words, but at least we should give it a try. Just in case there is a true magical brew, that when one partakes of that, he is over, through and through with the mundane you that you have been here. You are over with the mundane you, you are finished with not asking for what you want in life, finished with not knowing what it is that will bring you the greatest happiness and then freely choosing that. 
Have the majority of your dealings here on earth with those who are conscious, or those who have awakened to their divine possibilities and realized that in themselves as often and completely as they choose.
Now that you are alone with yourself, really, how free are you going to allow yourself to be? All by yourself; how free can you be beyond the consciousness of your humanity? How free can you be to know the infinite me that I am beyond this man? 
Your problems stem from your identity of self here as a man, you have assumed that identity. Look at that choice and evaluate what might be a better choice for yourself. Are you better off truly free, truly aware and fully conscious?  Awakened to the full realization of self here? You shouldn’t consider that to be the wrong choice for yourself or anyone else that have the balls to make it. 
When you are by yourself you should be able to look at the interactions that you have with yourself, or with others here that are all phony, because there are so many pretenses that you can’t even remember the truth of who you are. The real question is the validity of self realization. 
The realization of self, is of yourself. It is OF YOURSELF, it is not the realization of someone else, even if they are named God. The truth of self is known by realization of the truth of self, not by guessing at the truth of another and then hoping in your confusion. It doesn’t matter to you what the truth of another is when you have realized the truth of yourself to yourself. When you cease to bullshit yourself about your eternal truth; then you can actually be your eternal truth here. So with no bullshit, who are you? Show yourself to yourself, reveal the truth of self to self! 
For the purposes of this realization; your body, is yourself. You’re self realizing, your body is realizing, your realizing in body the eternal; the marriage of spirit and matter and allowing the divine to manipulate, move and inspire the body and the mind; the mind of God in the “human-beingness.” You can find that truth in yourself, simply by looking and observing it there as your core truth. Your core truth is freedom and you don’t need to have an explanation of, or defense of it. Your eternal truth, is your eternal truth and there is no reason for you to agree that it is not. And the cool thing is; that you don’t need to get anyone to acknowledge you for it. All you have to do is realize it in yourself; make it real in you.The lord God within you, open up to knowing that, as the living truth of the body. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I think that this is my first article about money and was reluctant to publish it, but I guess that is just one of my last issues to deal with is the negative judgements that I have on money and abundance. 

Walk joyfully, walk easily, walk consciously, walk with a joyful pleasure that you are here and present as what you are.
Get the money David, get the money David, yes. Don’t you know that that is the objective; to put enough money together so that you can provide for your life? Go get the money thats available for you. Yes, embrace that, get the money thats available to you and feel what that feels like to your body; how it puts it at ease. 
I’m going to realize myself right here as David. I realize in David the identity of the man who has freedom of consciousness. That is what I choose for myself; freedom of consciousness. Why shouldn’t I and why shouldn’t you? Why shouldn’t we all be freely aware of whatever we choose to be so that we can successfully negotiate this reality? Why shouldn’t we all be successful here? Why shouldn’t we just have a divinely lovely time of it here, with ourselves and our families? A divinely lovely time, that’s not a bad thing, its not something to be embarrassed about, it’s not something that you shouldn’t do because somebody else isn’t. It’s a free choice universe; each is where they have chosen to be, so give yourself that freedom; 
be where you choose to be, 
go where you choose to go, 
have what you choose to have and 
express yourself as you wish to; successfully. 
The familiarity that you get with the divine when you embrace the possibilities of ultimate freedom is what you came here for; it’s ok for you to be free, you’re not violating some obligation that you have to others by being free here and you don’t have to oblige yourself to taking on the deformities of self limitations based upon the opinions of others. 
Where is the money, God for the sustenance of this soul? We are open and ready to receive it. 
This is me, this is me, this body is me, I am this body here; everything that I am aware of happens to this body, it is me. Quit denying it, quit seeking your reality somewhere else, if in your doing of that puts your body into a state of fear. You are the operating consciousness here for your body. Don’t go somewhere else, be here and know that you are here to be successful. 
Your here to prosper, 
To have an abundance, 
your here to be abundant, 
open to that, 
open to your abundance here
By opening into your oneness here, your wholeness, your fullness, your presence that blesses all, including yourself with abundance, with ease, joy and glory; supportive of a divine existence for everyone, everyone, especially yourself, your here for yourself to be divine and thats the best that can be done; be divine, be divine. 
The choice of your divinity is for your own pleasure, soul-ly; for your own soulful pleasure. So, for the revitalization of your life; revitalize yourself and choose to experience the ultimate state of conscious expression and excuse me; you can’t pretend to be disabled if you are also choosing to be the divine. The divine enables everything and disables nothing. 
We open to the success of ourselves; we are successfully realizing our truth, our reality, our potential. Allow yourself to realize your potential here. Allow for the perfection of self here with your body. Your body is the self that you are present as here and you are present here, are you not? If these words are communicating to you, then yes you are present here. So as long as you are present here already; you might as well realize the best that you can be here. Choose to be the truth of yourself here and this reality will configure itself to your pleasure. 
You’re the one who is supposed to be successful, you are the one whose life is successfully lived., Mmm, according to your own desires. Your self realization comes from within you, not from outside. The realization of “eternal self” is all you; and no one else.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

How do we know the destination of our consciousness here?

Allow yourself to be the best here

Don't validate your reality that exists as a result of or is in agreement with somebody else's superiority to you. 

We allow ourselves to be the divine. 

Your here to give the best of yourselves that it is possible for you to be. Come on, why wouldn't that be the goal for everyone; to be the best that they can be? To be the best that they can be... Hmm... Allow yourself to be the best part of your own reality and everyone else should do the same as well. 

Allow yourself to be the best here, this is your reality. Allow yourself to be the best of this reality. Be worthy, of being the best here. 
We are not asking you to be  a worthiness that you are not capable of, we're not asking for something that is beyond you, 
we are only asking for that which is within you to be marvelously whole, wholesome and wholly loving to all strangers. 

The awesomeness of self is arising within you. That which is awesome about you is beginning to bloom and come forth, so give into yourself being awesome. 

Decide that you are taking responsibility for your reality and then allow for the means and ability to do so to occur. 

I am whole, I am one with God.

Im choosing to be responsible and I am choosing to be excellent at it. Responsibility; the ability to respond and responsible, to be providing for, to be in harmony with, to be a blessing to; all reality as it is. 

We allow ourselves to be excellent here and once we allow that for ourselves; the means for that to occur easily come. 

It doesn't matter who opposes you on your being your best, your being your best has nothing to do with what ever it is that your body has to do with the other persons body. 


Embrace the grace that is offered to you in this instant; you know that you can only be saved in the now and grace received in this moment is that which will allow you to let go of the boundaries and the bindings of your existence. Open up and receive the grace that is proffered to you in this moment and is received simply by your willingness to open to having fully your own grace as your presence here.


Friday, December 09, 2011

The destination of consciousness

How do we know the destination of our consciousness here?

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

The lovers of love

Who are the lovers of love?
I wish to know,
that I might know them.

The lovers of love are they who will free you when you open to the possibility that love is your wish, your choice, your way of life and the very essence of who you are.

A life of love, loving life, loving lovers, loving self, loving others, is a lovely life.

Your love overwhelms me, melts me, molds me, releases me from my lies, frees me from my prisons and saves me from the self that I was not truly. Truly free; the life of the lover of life.

Mmm Love.


Monday, December 05, 2011

I am not afraid to know myself

I am not afraid of who I am going to end up being, I have let go of being afraid of who I am.

When you ask the question of who you are from a position of fear, all I can really tell you is the answer is such that when you “know yourself”, your fear based question will no longer be relevant to you, you will know your truth and your truth is not that fear based beingness that you have adopted. Let it go; let go of the fear of knowing your truth. And just so that you know; if you don’t know your truth, you are living a lie.

As a “not knower living a lie”; at least don’t judge others. In your not knowing of who you are, you are in no position to judge wether someone else should be different from what they are, so don’t do that. If you don’t know who you are and you can’t get over the fear of finding out; then at least don’t judge others.

If you haven’t self realized already, you are in emergency mode; first of all, don’t look to fix anything outside of yourself, you’re not in a position to do better than those who are already taking care of things. So, look within and realize your truth there. Realize the truth of eternity within the body that you are moving around here, with the body that you have identified yourself as. Download your eternal truth into that. Don’t you deserve it? Doesn’t the body deserve it? Let go of your fear of living your truth here. Let go of knowing your truth here.

We’re not afraid of knowing who we are anymore. If there is anything that you don’t know what it is and you would like to; just let go of your fear of knowing what it is. It is only the fear of knowing that has one in a condition of confusion.

I am not afraid to know myself, to be myself, to be true to me.


Your truth is what you want it to be.

Feel where you are stuck and be enlightened there… and yes, it is that easy.

End your opposition to self.

You… yes, you are the fabric; the fabric of the embodiment of God. Don’t aspire to it, just allow it to be true. Just maintain your focus on your choice to be here as a being of love, without judgement, just a continuous realization that this is your choice without effort.

The formula for achieving any goal that you have in life is to determine what it is that you want achieve and just allow it to be true. Allow that which you wish for, to be true.

When you view another that you have a conflict with, view them in enlightened, divine, love, until you are free. Remember; don’t try to become, allow it to be your truth and if it is your truth, then you are that already. So realize your truth, that’s what it’s all about.

Your truth is what you want it to be. If you want to be a loving being; realize that you already are. If you want to be a loving being; recognize that you already are. Look and say; oh yea, I always have been. The difference when you do that is that you are fully aware and present as that in the now.

Allow your reality to be organized and reorganized by the divine. If you just allow it to be true; you don’t have to get permission from anyone else, not even yourself. Just allow your truth to be the truth.

Its already true; I am already here as a being of divine love.

I have already been freed from my chains. “I have already been freed from my chains”, i s and acknowledgement of your truth. Your chains are no more; you are free, free to be free if you choose so.


Friday, December 02, 2011

The embodiment of love

How do I move here in love? Thats really your saving question.

What is my relationship to all that I perceive and what will it be like when it is idealized?

Yes, come in here as love, save that life of yours by being open to love being that which moves you.

You have to spend time alone, in order to know what your home reality is. You allow yours to be colored so much by the reality of others, you should consider the possibility that you have become rather lost and foreign to knowing the reality of yourself. So take a moment and open to bliss, now. Opening to bliss is simply ceasing to stop it from happening, ceasing from actively holding onto a denser reality than that. Let your reality lighten up, let go a little. Where does it lead? Who knows? But, how it leads you, step by step, Mmm, to the further enlightenment and embodiment of divine perfection, it’s a pleasurable way to go, letting go, into bliss.

Consider realizing your a being of love in this moment right now.

Embrace your body with love; its the only way to make it habitable for higher consciousness.

Who am I here if I am here as a being of love?

If you wish to know another; embrace the entirety of their reality, the entirety of their awareness, the entirety of their understanding and knowledge of self and life. But, to fully embrace somebody else, requires that you fully embrace everyone and everything, so that you are aware of what makes that thing “one” that you are interacting with unique and distinct from other consciousness. You have to embrace all to know t=where the limits of any individuated one, begin and end. So, embrace someone; absolutely, completely and lovingly and if you are wondering who that is; love the one you are with, even if you are only one with yourself.

I am coming in as love to a life that has shown only faint glimpses of love before, It’s OK, I am here to love now.

Freedom in the present is available to those who have let go of the past and fear not for the future.

I am here as love, as the embodiment of love, is that what you wish to be true for you?


Thursday, December 01, 2011

Bliss is both your choice and your realized reality

The only way that you can save yourself is to be that which releases all from their bondage and we are released from our bondage, from the very moment that we choose to release others from theirs.

Just remember for yourself that; “right here” is where you choose to be enlightened, right here, right now.

Choose for yourself to be conscious enough to be a responsible blessing to the others in your life right now.

Feel bliss and realize that bliss is both your choice and your realized reality as this being that you are here.

As long as you are unburdening yourself so that you can come to a realization and understanding of who you are and what your truth is, then certainly don’t continue to add to your burdens and obligations to other people until you have realized your truth.


Your own grace

Embrace the grace that is oferred to you in this instant. You can only be saved in the now and grace received in this moment is that which will allow you to let go of the bounds and the bindings of your existence. Open up and receive the grace that is proffered to you in this moment and received simply by  your willingness to having fully your own grace as your presence here.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Relax and allow life here to support you

“We are one organism here” is the theme of the meeting that you should have with yourself, because on virtually every subject that it is possible for you to take sides on; you are divided within yourself. You are in opposition with yourself on every subject that is of importance to you to have a successful life here.
Relax and allow life here, to support you and you do that just by feeling what it is to be alive. Flle the aliveness of your body and allow all that is alive within you to be divinely blessed by you, to realizing it’s own eternal truth. 
When you are surrounded by other points of view that have realized for themselves their own divine and eternal truth; you couldn’t have chosen anyone who has more successfuly been supportive of you than they who are that.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Forbidden Fruit

How does one know the mind of God here? for those willing to know;

“I am ready to be God here, I am willing to be God here”, Try that as your mantra; I am willing to be God in this reality.

I am enlightened in the beginning and in the now.

We’re bringing the love of consciousness and the love of self, into this body.


Realize within yourself the truth of eternity

You’re realization of the evening is; “this” is what you are coming into consciousness as, as that which you already are here. This is where you are coming into consciousness, not somewhere else.

Realize that embracing love is the preferred experience of your consciousness as it is coming to full consciousness here, as that Mmmm.

Try getting ahold of this; God is coming into consciousness here as you. Why shouldn’t he?

So what are the possibilities for God here as an embodied reality? What is it that God could possibly experience here if he embodied this reality? What would this reality experience, how would it shift if this reality was blessed with the presence of the divine flow as its own way of moving through life?

You have faced that which has been your master and found that it formed wholly and agreeably with you as you realized that this is where and who you are coming into consciousness as; this identity that you are perceiving as through your body. It is where the consciousness of God is going to be present. What does that feel like to your body? What does it feel like to other peoples bodies? What does it feel like when the general reality realizes its divine essence at the same time? Mmm yes.

I am allowing myself to be conscious and to know exactly what that is as an experience; what the reality of full consciousness is, how does the body relate to that level of awareness operating within it?

What we are here to realize together, is that our possibility is for a shared reality of divine expression that would be miraculous for this reality to experience.

Your ability to love being you is supremely evident as you awaken consciously to your truth.

The reason why God is truthful, is telling the truth always keeps you out of trouble, because when you pretend a limitation for someone else’s selfish benefit; that’s not being a blessing to them, it is cursing them with support for their lowest common denominator of self calling the shots in his like. Your not agreeing to that for anybody; your allowing their lowest common denominator to be saved and realized by knowing the truth of its ultimate expression here. That it is so much greater that what it is expressed here as right now. What it is right now is wonderfully, exactly what it is, but is it the perfect expression of life here in it’s ultimate state? It certainly is not, it is not that.

Realize within yourself the truth of eternity. That really is the only obligation that you have to yourself. Realize eternity through that which you are here (and that which you are here is that which you perceive yourself to be.) So you are; only your identification of self in the moment and when you embrace freedom, you embrace monumental shifts in your consciousness in each moment.

Your choice to embody consciousness as your embodied self here, is not regulated by the realities of others who are not divinely self actualized here.

I am that which which you know me to be in eternity, when you know yourself as that also, that is who I am here. As that which you know to be eternally true yourself, I am that for myself. I am here for myself, as that which you know to be eternally true.

God is realizing self as that which you are. That’s the only thing that gets this reality over its fixation with creation and destruction, when it can be continuous and eternal creation without unwilling destruction. A game where you can create infinitely and yet never face a limit.

It would be really nice to realize the truth of consciousness with you. You are realizing consciousness here as that which you are now; you are, self realized. Your realization of self is total and complete when you allow the celebration of that which is true eternally, to have residence and resonance in your present self awareness.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The way of love

If you are going to come into your body divinely, you have to consciously choose to love your body as it is.

You have to put your time into this, you have to choose to love your body until your body knows and receives and experiences divine love from you. Your unconditional love for your body is the salve that will sooth all your physical issues. Perfect love casteth out all fear and there is your formula. Are you willing to perfectly love yourself?

The instructions are; do it now, and now and now. The more you choose to love yourself the easier it is to do. Give yourself a vacation, drop what ever else it is you are doing right now and give yourself an hour of love. Your problems are all easily resolved when you are a being of love.

Unconditional love is the irresistible force that forces you, without energy or compulsion to know and realize your truth. An hour of love, is it really too much to ask of yourself? As your love of body and of self will clear from you your confusions, your disharmonies, your resentments and judgements of yourself and others.

The change that you want to see in the world, will be the result of your choice to divinely love yourself. If you are ever confused about what makes your life worth living; it’s knowing that your life is worth loving.

For those of you with an addictive personality; take the love drug, it is the one drug that you cannot overdose on.

Wholeness, wholesomeness, holiness, oneness and bliss can all be yours; choose to love yourself as you are, right now, Mmmm Mmm yes, the way of love.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The light of God heals all heels, I should know; I am one.

Infinite improvement begins from where you are now, do not try to be other than what you are in each moment, but in each moment, allow the light of truth to show you the way to the infinite, step by step, moment by moment, grace by grace, truth by truth until you are the manifestation of what you wish to be. Inspiration comes to those who wait for it and observe and allow that which inspires, to be one with himself. Love what you are, love that you are, here. Love that you are, this. The form that you have; love it and allow it to become you and you will become it. Immanuall

Friday, November 18, 2011

Infinite improvement

Choose to be here in a highly enlightened state and just focus on that choice right now.

You’re here highly enlightened, not seeking anything and yet knowing everything that is relevant to you.
It’s OK that we are known as our truth here, truly, embrace that.
It’s OK to be your very best here and have that be a good thing for you and for everyone else too.
It’s OK to walk away from all of your masters and gurus and know that every thought that they ever had about you as less than divine perfection already, was wrong and so you have left them behind in your divine perfection, because you don’t have to agree with somebody else’s opinion about you and you don’t have to be that which others perceive that you are and you don’t have to be that which you, yourself consider yourself to be when you are in a state of suffering, desire and inability.

As far as other peoples rules go for you; you obey a higher power, one that really does make it better for everyone. The highest power of self; the divine personified. Why not transition there, on your way to complete nothingness? You might want to stay around for awhile as that : )

It’s OK for you to be infinitely better right now, right now, observe that.
It is OK for things to be infinitely better for you right now, lets just say that what you are is the embodiment of consciousness and the embodiment of consciousness is focused within a particular body. We’ll call that an individuated consciousness and thats all that you are; an individuated consciousness; consciousness identified and focused on a single point of presence.

So, now that you know that you are consciousness embodied as a single point of presence, it gets real simple; as the embodiment of consciousness, your limitations are chosen by what you choose to believe that reality is, what reality can be and the reasons why we can choose for it to improve for ourselves. What’s wrong with that? There isn’t anything wrong with that.

Observe what it is within you that is not in allowance of things getting infinitely better for you right now and just say; hey, you too, you too, infinitely better for you right now also; Its not about me having something that you don’t have. Instead of arguing about who knows reality and spirituality better, don’t judge the answer by who is the most critically acclaimed, judge it upon wether the communication from another results in your own personal enlightenment. If your interactions with someone else have you in a state of less than your own divinely enlightened best; don’t latch onto their reality, let it go. Let them be who they want to be and remember who you are, yourself.

Be fully conscious right here in your own body, feel what thats like. Quit agreeing with others that you are less than what you are, you don’t have to argue with them about it and you certainly don’t have to consider their opinion, when that opinion is something less than what you yourself, know yourself to be.

You just fully qualified to be the divine presence here. Just imagine your reality getting better, better and better without opposition from anyone about it. Give yourself the possibility of the embodiment of enlightenment, the knowing of all that’s true about you. Your life is an easy elegance, an esthetic wonder, a divine experience, for everyone.

Be aware of your body as much as you can and feel it get infinitely better and get used used to things getting infinitely better for you in each moment; thats just the way that things are for you. Ask yourself am I willing to have it get infinitely better for myself right now? And yes you are willing to observe, observing yourself choosing infinite improvement for self.

For you to allow for things to get infinitely better for yourself; your going to have to endure a continuous NO! From the depths and core centre of yourself, but thats not so bad; it doesn’t really mean no, it just knows that it is just so, so wrong to be exhibiting the attributes of a supreme being here and Isn’t that what you would end up being if you allowed yourself infinite and continuous improvement in each moment? Isn’t that the dilemma of the human condition; that we can’t allow ourselves to know our truth? We can’t allow ourselves to even consider the realms of what our possible truth could even be. Thats the damnation of humanity; to not even be willing to know what your possible choices of your experience and expression here are.

Allow all of your thoughts and speculations about reality to be subject to your choice for infinite improvement. You don’t have to figure out the past to have infinite improvement in the present, you just have to allow it to happen. Allow yourself to have an infinite improvement in your experience of self here.


Monday, November 07, 2011

We allow unconditional Love to be what moves us in this reality. Immanuall

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Adequate Penance

I allow divine virtue to be in me. If you wish for less than the divine way for yourself here, then I guess that you know what you will get. Allowing yourself to be divinely in the present, is adequate penance for any sins that you may have had in your past. You don't have to fight agains't something to win, you don't have to compete against something to win; to win you choose the best outcome for everyone. Immanuall

Friday, November 04, 2011

Choose to allow the divine to move through you.

I allow the divine to flow through here, unimpeded by fear.
Through my heart of darkness, I allow divinity to flow. (its kind of where it is most needed) Should not divinity be where it is not, in order to regain control of self here?

It’s my choice to allow the divine to flow through me, is what you must be able to say to yourself and then allow it to happen with the focus of your awareness on what your experience is and then connect your experience of what is to your choice to allow the divine to move through you.

If you are wondering what that means, it means; to look at the question of whether or not you choose to allow the divine flow to move through you and to move you. You keep looking at that question until all of the reasons that you have previously said no, have been identified, sorted through, considered and then resolved by your making a new choice to physically experience what it is for the divine to be embodied in you. Then you continuously allow that choice to be realized in you.

“I allow the divine to flow through my body and when I do, it’s OK with all other points of view. The divine in you when realized, is a positive change that is appreciated by everyone, it benefits all of “us”. So we welcome you to your divinity and we bless you for that…

Now you can feel for yourself; divinity is moving through you. The flow of the divine through the human form is a wonder to behold and one to be welcomed when it is available to you.

I allow myself to be the eye of the whole.


Thursday, November 03, 2011

The Dance of Destiny

Try this as a mantra;

This is my reality.
This is my reality to love.

It’s not something that you think about; it’s something that you allow. You allow this reality to be yours, all of this reality; allow it to be yours, without you being you. Allow this reality to be yours while the infinite experiences this reality through you, through your body, no self, just a clear channel of infinite love. Let the infinite be you, it’s a rush.

Interestingly enough, if you are sitting around grateful, you’re identifying, let that go to. Let go of the identification as me and I. Be the eye here of eternity. Let go of every pretense you have had here of needing something, of lacking something, of being less than anything.

There are no books to read about this,
there is nothing to learn or be taught about it;
you allow yourself to disappear into the experience of eternity.

Whatever else you can say about this reality, you can say; this reality of eternity is the reality of you.

The universe is within and cycles through you.

There is no part of this universe that is not contained within you, easily and without effort, it just is.

I’ll let eternity decide what this is.
I’ll let eternity mold me, shape me, guide me and create what it is that wishes to express through me, do it.

Say thank you God to whatever it is that limits you, diminishes you, condemns you and despises you. Thank you God. What do you think happens then? When you recognize Gods hand in your creation, in your experience? Your reality is different than it used to be; your reality is the dance of destiny.

If you are wondering what your relationship is to other things in this reality, it is that which is eternally true, you are that which is eternally true. If someone want’s to relate to you; god bless them.

When I am with my family, Mmm, I am only here to share my love with them, to be their love; the love of they, the love that they know is unconditional.

Whatever you have a preference for, is where you got stuck into an identity that is still limiting you; relax through that by allowing eternal peace to be present as you. Take in this reality with the eternal awareness of the present; as the presence of the eternal.
Allow it to be OK for you to be you; allow yourself to be the way, the truth and the life.


Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Love is Redemption

and it doesn't matter what your belief system is, love will save you;

If you believe in God; allow the love of God to move through you.
If you love nature; allow the love of nature to move through you.
If you love your family; allow the love of your family to move through you.

Whatever it is that you will allow yourself to love and be loved by, will transform you into a being that is moved by love and allows love to move and guide him in this world.

Allow love to move you,
to move through you,
and to move as you,
to everything else here.

The rest is all semantics; the miraculous variety of choices and possibilities of how we each allow love to move us to act.

Mmm. Love

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The doorway to enlightenment for yourself

Who thinks that it would be a good idea to be enlightened?

The very premise of that question, that you are somehow less, lost or not what it is that you could be and that there are really long odds against your transcending this reality that you exist in and as, binds you into continuing to be that.

There is very little evidence that anyone has been enlightened here, so to put yourself on that task, would seem to be trying to dream the impossible dream, or to have an impossible realization. One that is beyond virtually all those here who have wished for it.

So lets not wish for that anymore; lets wish for the truth of ourselves instead.

Lets wish for what already is.

That would seem like an enlightened thing to do, because if you are enlightened, surely your reality is as you wish it to be. So wish for your reality to be as it is and that will open the doorway to enlightenment for yourself. Then you can realize; oh my god, I am the one who gets it, I am the one who realizes self as all that is.

A new mantra for you; I wish for things to be as they are…

I wish for things to be as they are, that puts me in control of my life’s realization, because my wish is for me to be, only the me, that I am, right now.

Look at life and then tell the truth in such a way that it benefits you always. You can’t have it light and easy in this reality unless your light and easy yourself, with this reality.

Don’t look elsewhere for the state it is that you have asked to be able to express here. Relax about everything in life being exactly what it is; don’t try to change it, just know it, know it, know exactly what it is so that you know how to deal with it as your lives interact with each other.

The first step of enlightenment is realization, the second; is action and thats the only way that it works well. You don’t act before you are realized; because before you are realized, you are acted upon and until you relax into that being the way that it is here, you won’t make the second step. So relax, be pleased that things are the way that they are here.

Just let go of your resistance to this reality and remember; you don’t need anybody else’s permission to be enlightened and certainly not from someone who admits that they are not enlightened themselves. They have no way to know what enlightenment is, because they have consciously shut themselves off from it to the point where they have no reality on it what soever.

Look at all of the things that you already know that you love in life, things that you don’t fill your life with and realize that you control enough and know enough about yourself, that when you decide to; your life can improve dramatically and instantaneously.

If you choose to be unhappy about your partners passion in life; your going to have an unhappy partnership. Exactly the way things are, is exactly the way I want it to be,

for now.


Friday, October 28, 2011

A Mantra for Life

I love all that which I am here.
I bring joy with my presence.
I am that which loves and supports all life.
All life enjoys peace and harmony when I am here with them.
I am that which ends all conflicts.
I am that which moves grace, beauty and harmony.
I am patience to the impulsive and spontaneity to the conservative.
I am clarity to the confused.
I am peace to the conflicted.
I am light to the darkness and contrast to the light.
All that is, is healed by my presence.
I am a return to sanity for the intolerant and hateful.
I am prosperity to the poor and generosity to the wealthy.
I am the universal solvent and elixir of life.
I am freedom to the captive and captivating to the free.
I am the freedom to be free with all.
I am the holiness of truth and the truth of all.
I am you and I am me too.
I am the divine dancing with life.

The self realization of eternal truth is accomplished simply your stopping your continuous blocking of it and then relaxing into feeling it move through your body and observing it transforming your self concept and personal reality. You then freely open up and receive the eternal truth of self and begin to operate as that as your own expanded truth.
