
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Notice that God...

Notice that you are the beingness of God.
Notice that you are the presence of God on earth.

Notice that "I AM" God. 

Notice that "I" is God being you. 

Notice God. 

Notice God, here, now. 

Notice God, here, now, being you. 

Notice God, here, now, being everyone. 

Notice God, knowing God, in you. 

Notice God, knowing God, as you.

(these are effortless mantras that you run without effort, run them until your body grins. Noticing God will sort out the confusions you have accepted as facts and reveal the wonderful truth of your own divine nature to you.)

Notice God now and notice God in you and me too. 

Notice that God is, 

Notice that God is true, in you. 

Notice that God, is actually You. 

Notice that you are actualized as God.

Monday, July 15, 2013

The realization of God

As long as you see yourself separate from God you will never be free.

God is here on earth as me.

What does a body feel like that realizes the truth of that?

Allow your identity to shift and flow with the realization of God.

Allow the realization of God to be the controlling factor of your being ness and presence here.

Realize God,
Realize now,
And be free.

To do so: decide to stop creating the lie of you. Just relax out of all of the reasons that a false identity made sense to you. Ever, and be willing to be the living truth once more.

Your not becoming anything, you are only letting go of that which is unbecoming of God.

That is where the doorway is open to you: let go of all that you are carrying that is unbecoming of God: the feelings, thoughts, emotions, ideas and judgements of self and others, allow them all to flow freely in the divine way. Shifting, morphing and transforming themselves, gloriously.

Come on in, the waters... Divine.

The offended one

All that has offended you in the past we're offenses against a lie: a false identity.

Let go of all that has offended you and be free.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

A poem

You'll remember this Dave.   It is glorious.   Please quiet your mind, and your knowledge before watching.  Please empty everything you know.  That's what I did when I listened and it felt like a sunrise in my soul.


Your brother AND your grateful devotee and student,


Thank you John for your appreciation and your concern for me. I listened to his talk and he is a sweet man. 

But, he is a man through and through:
not the same as Christ as Christ would have him be, 
not the truth of Christ which is the truth of you and me, 
not the presence of God as all who walk in Christ are, 
Not the light in he, that makes all man free.

A sweet man, but not a good man.
A Ernest man, but not a wise man.
A teacher to be sure, but not one who who does more,
 than Christ as Christ would have him be.

A telestial man, not yet awake, not yet free.
A witness of suffering, but not of divinity.
Willing to praise the truth, but unwilling to be.
One in a long line who will die, before they are free.

But what of you and what of me?
Are the words of Christ's wishes for us, reality to be?
Do we too wither and die before the truth that saves, is free in us?
Do we go along for the ride with the sheep or do we drive the bus?

Make not such a fuss in your debate on what's true.
The truth when it's true can be seen in you.
When the truth eternal is the truth in you. 
Then the light that enlightens will be seen in you.

No need for words, no need for debates,
The truth eternal, for all men waits.
Waits for the temporal to pass away.
Then glory and miracles are then here to stay.

Stay not in the stories that clutter the minds of men,
Right and wrong are the devils two best friends,
Right I am, wrong you are! are the words of the fallen,
Right we all are, is where the truth will blossom.

The light of the son, is the light that you are.
No more consider yourself a dim little star.
The moon knows the truth but is unwilling to be it.
The sun is the truth and all here can see it.

The son of eternity,
is you too you see.
It what Christ said you could be, 
when you walk just as he.

Walk as Christ walked,
Talk as Christ talked,
See as Christ saw: there are none good, not one.
Until you too are willing to be the one and holy son.

Even then you will be,
Tainted by your humanity,
But Christ was as well,
Because we're all here in hell.

Hell if I know what I will be my self here,
But know this my friend: I fear not myself here.
The self that will last is the self that I choose,
To be other than that is to be one of the ewes.

Condemned not by God, I condemn not my self.
I condemn not any other, as all are my brothers.
In that I find there's no truth in the lie:
 "we are all lost, fallen, helpless and for that Christ died.

Christ lives in us as we live in him, as he lives in the father: 
my God I am him.
He that is free, that now longer is damned,
He that owns truth, the consequences be damned.

Damn the lies and opened to the light.
I am here to fight the good fight,
To do the great work 
and from that not shirk.

I follow only that which does work:
One with God, 
one with truth, 
one with the light 
and of the eternal.

One with the Goddess, that all have forgotten.
One with the divine, from which all men are begotten. 
One with creation as that which will free it:
The eternal truth of all, now just open and be it.


Just read your poem
If I show you something , like a sunset, something so beautiful and so uplifting that it brings me to tears... but if you see only the clouds, then I've learned a lesson...   Showing sunsets to Dave may not be the best idea (or at leas certain kinds of sunsets, like this one).
What I've learned recently is that I cannot really do much good in someone's home if I use a bull dozer to get in. 
Thank you for teaching me to respect everyone's point of view.   My love for you will always remain wholly independent from your point of view.  For this I am ever grateful.   Let love stand on its own, unfettered by beliefs and points of view.
Your buddy 


Each one of us lives in a personal separate reality and each are open to divine inspiration according to and limited by our own preferences. Where you were uplifted by the video, I saw only a limited connection and knowing of Christ, one that suggested his relationship and knowing was as special as it gets for man and yet is one where he only receives a confirmation of the spirit, not the words and presence of Christ himself. In all of my connections to the divine there is only transcendent love with the invitation to open to it, no form, no structure, no ritual required and certainly no human hierarchy between me and heaven. For me to observe an-others relationship with the divine that seems determined to be separate from it does not inspire me, it makes me sad for him as he is missing out from all of what is available to him. 

I am sorry that I did not seem to appreciate your inspiration. I love all that inspires men to turn their minds towards God and I am pleased you have done so. For me there is no intermediary to Christ or any other divine being, no human authority that holds the keys to my salvation other than myself and my willingness to know and open to God. If Christ wished for other than that for me, he would tell me and I would listen. I am open to to his personal communication to me and I know his presence. and so to honor another as my teacher and prophet who refuses to be Christ's brother here and now, I can only say: there is more of Christ here than that for all of us. 

So sweet as he is, his words direct me to have a more remote relationship than the one I already have and they leave me wanting more than what he offers.

Your friend,


You are SUCH a great writer.  I loved this email.

My comment about sunsets stands.  My comment shutting down my bulldozers stands too.  You have experienced way too much of my pounding down your doors to serve you a cup of tea.

We will continue to appreciate and to whatever degree occurs to us, enjoy each other's perspectives.  Your teachings in this regard have been such a blessing to me.  Thank you Dave.  Thank you for all the inspiration that DOES flow through you. It is a testimony of the greatness of God.   He's crazy about all of us, and will use us to the full extent possible- to the degree that we get out of the way.    I love the Gospel with all my heart.  I just love it.  That doesn't mean I can't love so much of what comes through you too.

Your buddy.


Jesus is the word that many refer to,
to make themselves safe and certain,
that they're on the way to: 
heaven and glory and the right way of,
living their life when it is a complete fog.

Heaven is here,
heaven is now,
he who puts it off to the next life,
is dead to it, and how.

Jesus my friend, is with you as I am,
looking and waiting and watching you un-damn:
opening, exploring and living the mysteries,
now in the moment and not in the histories.

Hysterical it is that we cannot see God,
open your mind and you'll see god in the fog.
The cloud then you'll see, is divine as the tree, of life my friend.
As is the dirt and the refuse the same as the rainbows end, to one who sees God.

See God my friend, in the whore next door, Jesus did.
See God my friend, in the bore who speaks more than you are willing to hear,
and God will reveal himself to you in the whore and the bore and beauty and splendor of life,
in the pain and suffering and strife,
in yourself and in all others,
as all are Gods brothers.

Reject not a one,
as all are his sons,
and when the son of God you see,
in the mirror of you in me and in all others.
Then you will be free: 
a bit of heaven. in the midst of hell,
a delightful freedom manifest, in the land of the lost and the fallen,
walking with Christ, (now not the only begotten.)

Born again of the God who dwells within you,
willing to walk in the shoes of the one who,
showed us the way to be in this place here,
where fear, greed and insanity drive those who do preach here.

Dear me, what is one to do? 
Do we join the club of the totally insane too?
Do we give up our truth?
Do we embrace the great lie?

I that I am, I am that am I.

No, the I that I am,
That, is not my truth,
I took it on, 
from those who told me in my youth:
You are not the one,
You are not the son,
You are not the truth,
Now, for Gods sake accept those truths!

The truths, that are lies:
those that are wise, 
examine them closely,
and let them go, mostly.

Then their free as a bird,
no longer part of the heard,
but in the heavens they fly,
and to the lost they say goodbye,
so long, fare thee well, my earth bound friends.

I look forward to seeing you in the end,
when it is clear to all,
that rejoicing in earths halls,
it what heavenly beings do when,
condemnation, self righteousness and pretend,
no longer appeals to us as our way of being.

There is no saving men,
as long as the Gods themselves do make,
self, as temporary foolish beings,
and stand as resolute ding-a-lings,
in their pretense of knowing truth and being right and certain,
(despite their unknowingness and non experience of their own divine and eternal nature)
in their bitter judgements of self and others.

God bless god, 

What can you do then except that?

God, bless you... God.

God. :-0 oh oh

(I wonder if God will strike him down for that one?)

Not the one that loves unconditionally,
Not the one who is omniscient, 
Not the one who is omnipresent,
Not the one who is omnipotent,
Not the one who sees God in all others,
Not the one who wishes the same for all his brothers,

Only the one who denies the truth within himself, as himself and as any living other.

You got another poem from me, 

my friend and...

Your brother. 


Tuesday, July 09, 2013

It is with divine unconditional love of self and others that I awaken again to my truth

We’re awakening in the home that we have here and that is in the body of you. The body of you is the home that you have here, its the home of God on earth and so go ahead and take care of it as that. Be at home within yourself that is the home for God here. 

Don’t allow yourself to impose on others, that you, that you present as being real: the somewhat evil-natured, “right about the wrongness of others” point of view that you have as your identity here. There shouldn’t be a self in you that is asking and then considering, then coming up with an answer to questions. Your not the “questioner or the answering” you are neither, neither of those is true about you. You are not the questioner and you are not the answerer, because the nature that you are, is profoundly loving and blessing of yourself and others to their most beautiful possible experience of themselves and of others. You allow that which you are here to shift and move easily and gracefully through this reality as a highly conscious being. One that is not considering yourself to be in a state of not knowing but realizing that he is in a state that knows it all: knows all things, knows the nature of all things and his respective place in the cosmos when he identifies himself as a “He” and as an “I Am.”

Once you are identified here as an “I am” it might as well be one that is omniscient and omnipotent. So if you are going to be something here: be something extraordinary and wonderful.

Let all of your “ID’s” go as a personality and a beingness that is something that “matters” positively of negatively to anyone or anything. Now when you stop your own identification of self from being something that matters in this world, when you drop below the presence of something that is necessary for this reality: then you can transcend reality into a condition of all knowing and thus have an ability to move freely here in a loving and well received way. 

It benefits you for there to be self realization of all others. If there is going to be a “you” and an “I am” and a “me” and “others,” just relax into that being a highly conscious experience for you, where the reality quickly improves for yourself and other people as a result of you being in it. Allow reality to get dramatically better for you and other people just because you are in it. I’m only saying that because it is something that you need to know, because when you are not being that, you are living a very challenging reality that does not need to be that way. 

Allow those who will not love you and will not maintain your best interest as an important thing to them in their own heart, allow those who do not meet that standard in their interactions with you to fall away and to remove themselves to the associations of others who are more like themselves. Allow divine love to surround you through what ever forms you come into contact with here on Earth. Whatever the form is that is pushing and pulling, what ever it is that you consider it is that you are: allow that other form to become divinely consciousness, so that it knows the infinite responsibility that it has to itself and others to be a “glorious being” if it is possible for him to exist as that and if it is possible for you to be a glorious being: then you have a responsibility to yourself to be self aware in that area completely.

You have a responsibility to yourself to know the realms of the divine. To know that as yourself and others. Sharing a reality of divine perceptions is what we should all aspire to for ourselves. Choose it within yourself first and then welcome it and welcome that reflection from others. Choose the divine within yourself first, experience it fully as yourself and then share that with others.Share it only when it is fully realized within yourself. Quit trying to be something less than the absolute truth. Quit trying to experience the continuity of your identification of self at a level less than that. The continuity of self has to be one that is brilliantly divine and able to live here as grace. A graceful awareness of the divine way.

Surrender to the divine way within yourself: then to your own self you will be made true and not until then. Until as the personal self you realize the infinite self: the expression of you that is worthy of divinity, until you experience yourself as that, don’t consider the self that you are being in that moment being one bit true about the truth of you. Its just something that you are doing and as soon as you are tired of doing it: you will drop it and as soon as you drop it you will regain a great measure of your consciousness. You don’t need to do anything but allow it to be true for you. Allow the experiencing of self knowing, self realization, self actualization: the self of the divine as you. 

Resolve to experiencing life as it is for you. Let go of your fear for life being anything other than what it is. Experience the entire range of possible beingness for you simultaneously: from the lowest to the highest and allow them all to be aware of each other and allow them to learn from each other how to move through life more and more successfully as a cooperative group effort of all that maintains the life in the form of the you that you are. 

Be here to be conscious in the life that you are, be here to be consciously free, free to know eternity as easily as you know yourself and you know me. Free to find the freedom within your embodied self that a divine being would really be, because his presence inspires all to join him in the celebration of the divine way: where we all realize our loving unconditional natures. The divine way being the way that we begin to share our lives with each other. 

Consider the question yourself, that if you are a hater of this reality, what level of happiness does that allow you to have here? When you hate any part of this reality, to what degree does that restrict your divine awareness and realization and sense and knowing of self as transcendent? Do not be OK with continuing to be the you that you are in this moment. Its not OK for that to be the defining moment of your identity. Its not your truth, its not anyones truth, so your responsibility is to not accept it for yourself and to see in others their natural, native divine nature in such a way that that nature is what is evident clearly to everyone when they interact with you.

Allow the divine to be freely expressed in the others you interact with here. Come on: don’t curse anyone, thats not a good life to wish for yourself when you curse anyone else that you would say is “another,” for there is no other living in full unconditional loving joy, that has condemned anyone for anything. 

Do not accept a reality for yourself where you have to condemn yourself to a horrible, boring and traumatic life just to be accepted here. Find where you are accepted as your own loving truth and allow yourself to be free there. Allow yourself to be free where another chooses their own loving truth of self. Celebrate that when you see it in another and allow yourself to see it in others easily, because you see it so clearly within your own self that the divine is known once more in this reality. 

It is by divine grace that I take breath. It is by divine will that I move. It is by divine thought that I act and it is with divine unconditional love of self and others that I awaken again to my truth.  

To what is the extent of your willingness to experience a transcendent self that knows reality on earth as heaven? 

I am free when I cease to identify me as anything less than divine. So allow yourself to fully know yourself divinely. Allow yourself to know yourself divinely. Allow yourself to know that you are free. Allow yourself to know divinity internally and externally. 

Quit being mad at other people for what you have done to yourself. Just because they agreed with you after you condemned yourself doesn’t mean that they are bad. It only means that they are respecting the parameters of the reality that you have chosen for yourself. But what ever that is that it is: allow yourself to improve it immensely in this moment right now. What ever it was before, allow it to transcend that right now. What ever a reality is in each moment: allow it to transcend that instantly. Allow your self to be changed so profoundly, that your change profoundly affects those around you. Feel yourself as that, in your body: that which affects this reality in a manner that frees it into the truth of eternity, freely able to create the life for you that you desire here. Allow eternity to deliver the perfect “self” to you in this moment. 

Allow all these petty irritations that you have to dissolve. Let go of all of those petty irritations that you haven’t. Let go and let God be with you. Isn’t that what Jesus mean’t when he said come follow me? “Be as I Am, the I am that you are. 

So there is some degree of truth in the reality that you live here, but lets get real: your reality is as it is here and your not happy with it, so let go of your control in this moment that has resulted in your unhappiness in life. Allow for life to move you into a great joy for being here as you. Allow your sense of self to be comfortable here with the enjoyment of what a wonderful life that you have. 

Quit trying to fix your life in this moment and just allow it to be divinely realized without any input at all from you. Allow yourself to be divinely present without your having to do anything about it. 

It should never be OK with you to be less than divinely free in every moment of your reality here. Be the freedom that a being in love with this reality has here. Your not validating peoples states here in such a way that they stay with the ones that they are pretending to themselves to be. Allow yourself to know within yourself that divine freedom is your experience here and allow others to know you as that. 

Where is it possible for me to maintain an awareness of self thats divine? Why don’t you spend some time first, instead of trying to be there: just go to where the divine and you are one and the same? And allow your identity to reacquaint that truth into the self that you are here. And allow that realization to be true for you.

Be divinely present in your business, why wouldn’t you? It doesn’t matter what other levels of consciousness people are at, your not going to buy into that being their identifying truth to you. The truth that you know them at is the they that they are when their eternal truth is flowing through them freely. Allow yourself to have that goal as your personal realization in this moment and each following moment. In each moment that you are in, allow the self realization of oneness and the flow of eternal truth within that moment to continuously expand your awareness until you are in your wholeness and the realms around you animate the divine. 

Your reality is a reality that others joined in with you knowing unconsciously the infinite possibilities could happen and that they were not in control of wether of not it did or not. The point is: its your time to realize the supreme truth of self.

If you ask me to I will come there to reawaken with you. 

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Awaken to the life that you have been, 
which results in the life that you are, 
freely morphing into, 
the life that you would like it to be. 

Realize that you can awaken in this vehicle that you are perceiving through: its all set up for you, the “full realization of absoute self” is yours.

Thank God for the life that you have here: thank you God for the life that I have here now. Thank you God.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Theres a first time for everything: allow God to be you.

If you want to realize the truth of you, you have to let go of the self that you are. If you demand that the you that you are, be the truth of yourself: then the eternal truth of yourself you will not have an idea about what that is, because the self that you are expressed here as now, is not your eternal truth and is not even an interesting truth to be here. 

Open up and allow yourself to be changed, to be free, but also BE out of control, because the universe is free in you and you are free in the universe. Allow the Universe to be free in you and the Universe will allow you to be free in it. Universal freedom… Yum.

Allow God to be free in you and you will be free in God. Find within yourself where you withhold yourself from God, where you say No God, no. It is there where you have chosen to be entrapped and it is there where you realize your freedom, not somewhere else. 

You realize your freedom in your chains, in your sorrows, in your traumas in every aspect of your life. Your greatest change will come about when you realize divine truth will be good for you and that you desire it, welcome it and wish to open up to it being that which you live for. 

If you are not experiencing yourself as Christ consciousness then for Gods sakes quit holding onto that which is less than the truth of you and allow that which is the truth of you to be freely expressed through you. The truth of you is the truth that never changes: you are the expression of God. As an individual you are the expression of God and yet conscious as a “self” and when that consciousness of self realizes that it is an expression of God in form: well then things get wonderfully better for all of us.

Allow your consciousness to remain true to itself. 
Allow your consciousness to be universally knowing and divinely expressed as the individuated you. 
Allow yourself to be in harmony with all: even those that it may seem that you are at war with. If the expression of that which you wish to have realized here is living in a reality of divine truth, if that is what you wish for yourself: then you have to:
allow yourself to be realized in the midst of that which you consider to be the most depraved about yourself. You have to know the divine in the unholy, in the uncaring, in the ungrateful truth that you have allowed yourself to be expressed as that in this reality with others.  

OK, I can see that, I can see what I have been. Now what is possible for me now regardless of all of what I have been before? 
What is ultimately true for me and of me and about me? 
Is it that I can transcend all limitations in consciousness when I choose to? 
To realize the truth of self when I get bored or tired of playing out a role instead of living my truth?

Give yourself permission to be what you choose here. Give yourself permission to be free as you choose here and give yourself permission to know how all of that can be expressed by you and experienced by others as something wonderful for them. 

How can you be expressed here as something wonderful for others and experienced as eternal truth for yourself? 
How does one experience the ultimate truth of self in the presence of others who do not experience that of themselves? 
How do realities adjust in that circumstance? 
How is there harmony between divergent realities such as that? 
How is one “in the world and not of the world? 
How is one expressed here as divine truth and then able to operate here in a manner that is welcomed by others? 
How does the divine become welcomed in this reality? 
How is the divine expressed in another, allowed in yourself? 
How do you allow somebody who doesn’t deserve it, to have God speak through them? 

Isn’t it interesting that you want to aid the realization of the divine in others before you’ve achieved it yourself? Allow divine truth to be realized in you and then share it. Until you experience it as yourself, your not to teach it to others. All students open to God, all teachers open to God, all failure open to God, all success open to God. Open to God, he will give you much more than what he takes from you that you will not value afterwards what you have lost: you will celebrate the fact that it is gone and She will give you that which restores you your heritage: that which reawakens in you the experiencing of self as truth. 

Theres a first time for everything: allow God to be you.

Don’t let stories of the dead transcend the living truth for you. Open your heart to knowing the truth and expressing it and experiencing it through the rest of the senses. See the truth, hear the truth, feel the truth, speak the truth and the truth will set you free. Experience yourself as free everywhere that you are. Thank God for all of the progress that you have made: it was the divine doing it not you, or rather lets say: it was the Divine You, that did it. Know him well. 

Now allow God to awaken in your heart and bless you with your hearts desire and allow that hearts desire to refine and perfect itself in each moment until it is a glorious outcome for everyone. 

Allow your heart to teach you your truth, allow your heart to open and reveal itself to you, allow the heart of the divine within yourself to reveal itself fully to you. If God awakens in your heart, the rest of the body falls into a harmonious expression of your hearts love for all living things and for all creation. And in regards to your enemies: be sorry for how you showed up in their lives: that you did not show up as your truth and so you disappointed them and caused them to act out in unconsciousness towards you, because you don’t bring enough consciousness with you to enable you to treat others with clarity, consciousness, respect, compassion… because you don’t come here as that: ask their forgiveness in your prayers: I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you. Thank you. Love your enemies, bless them who curse you. God bless Ronald.

Its you thats realizing the divine, no one else.

If you can allow yourself to be the embodiment of God here, then you have delivered to yourself ultimate freedom. Its not disrespectful to God or diminishing to him in anyway. Allowing yourself to be the embodiment of God is to allow Gods glory to be here in you. You’re not in opposition of that being the consciousness of this reality and of everyone in it. 

Lets be as conscious as we need to be here, for us to be successful here. Thank you, ahh, allow yourself to be divine here, its the only way that you can guarantee that you’ll achieve what you wish for, for yourself. Be that which controls this reality: that which chooses for itself and receives that result and can change that result as quickly and continuously as is required for him to realize within the body the full freedom of your divine consciousness. 

Regardless of what the body is: we condemn it in no way that would cause it to not realize itself divinely. We condemn not the body, for we wish to realize the divine through it. 

Thank you God, and so it is. Thank you God for the realization of you within us, awakening ourselves to our truth. The realization in this reality of the support structure for your manifesting your divine nature here. Open up to your realization of that: a support structure that enables your realization of the divine truth of yourself easily. Allow that support structure to support you in your choice to realize self. 

All that are divine are welcome here and we have place and space for them. We are willing to open fully to being able to hold within our bodies, our truth here. 

How much of your potential for self realization are you willing to have be true for you in this mo If you can allow yourself to be the embodiment of God here, then you have delivered to yourself ultimate freedom. ment? 
How much are you willing to have your consciousness transcend what has been predictable for you here? 
How much universal consciousness are you willing to be here? 
How much will you allow yourself to be changed and shifted and realized so that the divine is evident in your presence?
What level of self realization does it require for you to allow for yourself a universally divine and loving consciousness? One that transcends the issues of lightness and darkness, good and evil: the consciousness that transcends the pretense of God fighting God, God individuating himself as an object to the point where the purpose of embodied god is the destruction of self and others.

How much?
How quickly?
How willing are you to transcend what was predicted for you here?
How much are you willing to allow your own choice for freedom, consciousness, love and ability?
How much control are you going to give to the opinions of others on what it is that you should be allowed to manifest here as?

Give others your grace and your love but do not take from them their judgements and condemnations of yourself. 
Give that which you have to give: unconditional love, but willingly receive only that back from someone as an expression of the truth of themselves, because all who express themselves as less than that are living a lie and the truth of themselves: they do not even remotely understand anymore.

So back to the question for yourself: how much more of your truth than “this that you have been being in this moment and that you have been in the past”, how much of this are you willing to allow to “open into” its own ultimate truth, so that there is a realization of divine proportions: omniscience and omnipotence embodied again? Why not have that be the goal that this reality has for itself: the experience of each self here experiencing the divine in the selves of others and in their own self? If you think that that would be good for your reality: choose it for yourself now.

Whatever would be good to enhance this reality for everyone: choose that in yourself now, you’re deserving of it as well as everyone else is. Allow yourself and everyone else the reality that they are instantaneously self-realized and are whole in themselves once more, right now. 

Hold that as a possibility for me and I will hold that as a possibility for you. The possibility of another’s instant self realization of the divine: that which you would celebrate in self and in another, in a brother, “that” is what you choose yourself to be if you yourself want to live as the truth of eternity. 

So what ever it is that you have been: allow that to be irrelevant to what it is that you are. A momentary point of view does not deserve to have more than a momentary impact on that which you identify yourself as being and that you are aware of yourself being the presence of. Allow yourself to know yourself divinely: to experience the divine truth of self, as an internal experience of consciousness within the body.

And be OK when that gets lost in the depths of the consciousness that you’ve adopted as an identity of self: be OK with yourself as the self that is lost and fallen and misguided. Say: wow its nice to have the ability to experience ourselves as that once in a while, because we know what our experience of the infinite is. Its nice to bring that experience of the infinite into the physical, once in a while and that is what we are asking you to remind yourself: that, that is what you chose and came here to be.

Be here as the self that you predetermined that you were going to be and not allow yourself to be molded by this reality. Theres no reasonable reason that you should give up your own sovereign right to choose who you are, what you are, what your level of consciousness is, how that is expressed in form here, with the ability to have it be what ever you choose and when you choose and to move in and out of what ever those self chosen realizations are for the purpose of you falling in love with yourself to the point that you are unconditionally loving of everyone. Because you can only enjoy your own true love of self, if it is experienced by others in their experience of you. 

So, allow the truth of you that is true there, to be the truth of your embodiment here and now. That which knows nothing of divine self: surrender to the realization of the one-self that is true to all. Allow the one-self: that self, that “true one of you” the one that releases you from all that has held you back and brings you home here as one who is a blessing to everyone that you meet. Allow that to be true for others and allow that to be true for yourself. Regardless of what has been true in the past: allow that to be true now. Allow the truth that is divinely true to be that which you know and experience yourself to be.

You are one with God and one with me, all the way through eternity: the eternal self, realized as one, within you, as you and for your and everyone else’s benefit and blessing. Allow the truth of self to be free within you, free to bring into harmony all that is in dis-harmony within yourself. Allow that which is eternally free to have its way with you and with me, that we may know the truth of the divine that is experience by those who welcome and open to that which is Godly.

Welcome and open to that which is Godly, be willing to know what that is and experience it within the totality of the self that you have identified yourself as here. Know what it is to know God as you know yourself and to know self as God knows you. Know yourself as well as God knows you: from eternity to eternity, from the infinite to the nonexistence of all things that attempt to define you and categorize you into something that can be controlled and limited by others. 

Whatever it is that is Godly, holy or divine to you: allow yourself the freedom to experience it intimately within every aspect of your being. Allow yourself to be familiar with the divine within all aspects of yourself and in all fragmented identities and beingnesses that you’ve split yourself into. Allow all that you are to realize the truth of all: the truth of all things, the truth of all consciousness, the truth of all manifestation. Allow that freedom within you: “thats” worthy, of your surrender to the expression of that which moves, defines and is expressed as you.

So what freedom are you choosing to allow yourself in your body right now? 
What abilities are you no-longer going to withhold from being expressed in you? 
Where are you going to stop cursing yourself? 
Condemning yourself? 
And damning yourself into a life of punishment? 
When does your realization of love change all of that? 
Is it now? 
Is it here? 
Is that you? 
You hear it all the time but is it true, that the truth of you is love? 
Could that possibly be true of you? 

Damn unlikely it seems, but whats the truth actually? 
Not in conjecturing about it, not in debating about it, 
Not in philosophizing about it, 
but in what actually is true and why do you consider yourself unable to live as that yourself? 
That which is true, 
that which is realized, 
that which knows, 
that which is expressed as a really wonderfully divine, loving, wise welcomed presence here.
What is it that inspires that within you? 
What is it that allows you to notice that your divine self realization is actually what you want to experience right now in this moment and you give yourself full allowance to do that? No longer holding back and saying: “not yet should I know my truth” “not yet should I believe something that I don’t deserve to be.” 

That judgement of self as undeserving, of knowing, of living, of experiencing and expressing divine truth: that condemnation is not valid in being an expression of what the truth of you is. The condemnation of others is never the truth of that which is being condemned. Its such a limited point of view, that it requires shutting oneself off from nearly the entirety of the universe in order to find a point of view in which they can condemn another. One has to be so narrow minded and so unaware, to consider the suppression, restriction and restraint of others as something that will be better for himself and create a better reality for himself by that which limits and constrains and is a bad effect on others. That is the level of consciousness that we are talking to and we are saying: you can free yourself of that now, there’s no longer a need to continue expressing yourself as this.

If the divine is the truth of you: quit struggling with the expression of that happening through your body in this moment. 
If divinity is the truth of you: this moment is the only one that you have to express it in. 
If divinity is the truth of you, this moment right now is the only one you have to express it in. 
Express your truth right now, 
feel the truth of you that is beyond the effects of others, 
feel the truth of you that is always free and let it guide you back to your true reality: unlimited freedom and unconditional love in a mutual reality where each experiences the other as the divine and where there is never even a hint of rivalry and competition and judgement of anyone for another. There is just a universal love and appreciation of beauty and joy and the celebration that we can experience ourselves and each other as divine love. What can be better than that if you are going to be individuated and divided, other than to have all that are divided realized in the oneness of eternal truth? And have this multitude of “embodied beingness consciousness” realize God as itself, because it is the truth. 

What does it take to have the body surrender and relax into that? What is it that limits and controls the body consciousness and choses for itself less than divine knowing and awareness and compassion and love? Look at that first, you that accepted an identification of yourself as less than that, as less than a divinely realized presence. Identify when you stepped away from that and change your mind right there: “oh, that was funny, almost went unconscious there” until I chose to maintain my expression and experience of divine truth here. 

Where are we lost? 
Where are we confused? 
Where do we not understand truth? 
Where have we accepted a lie as our truth and how do we realize our truth within that lie so that the lie is no more accepted as truth? 
Where are the lies that we can realize our truth in? 
Where do lies control our reality and where in them can our truth be realized? And allow it the freedom to do that which is possible: that which is available to you as a self realization of that which is ultimately true and infinitely valuable for you to have as a self realization while you are embodied.

Allow that for yourself and to do that you have to allow that for everyone else you are with. They don’t have to take it, but you have to allow it and when you truly do allow it without any suppression from yourself: it will awaken in a beautiful and divine truth of the other. There won’t be a possibility of conflict and unfair comparisons between selves, there’s a choice for the allowance of the divine nature of all of us within you and everyone else. Allow that freedom to move within you and to reorder your consciousness and to reconfigure the vibrational components of your presence here. 

What is it that creates a presence here? One that is more present than mere consciousness? One that has a super human, perfected expression of self? One that is part superman, and part Jesus, Buddha and Krishna and all the beings that have ever been realized as divine? Why would we condemn all reality to not not realizing the divine so that we could recognize that as being real for only one of us? If the divine is the truth of all of us, then why do we deny that truth in all of us but one? Or two, or a hundred, or a thousand or whatever number it is that is such an infinitely small number compared to all the “you’s” that there are here? 

Its you thats realizing the divine, no one else. You don’t need anyone’s permission other than your own. What they do is irrelevant to you in your realizing your truth. So set yourself free from your condemnations and judgements of yourself. Thats not a good way to express your truth here by “condemning yourself” its a little mentally ill I think, but we all seem to do it. 
What is possible? 
What is possible in self realization of divine and eternal truth here? 

So, what ever it is that you are there, where you are having a conversation with yourself about wether or not you can take the risk of doing this or not: realize that all of those voices are the voices of the insane. 
There’s only: 
are you the realization of divine truth or not?
And if you are not: 
choose it and see if you like it. 
Choose divine truth, 
experience divine truth, 
assess how you feel when it is expressed through you and 
then give it its freedom to be expressed through you appropriately in each moment.

 Allow the divine truth of us all to be expressed through you without your censorship, because you  know that that which moves it is unconditional love and will set no course of action for you that you would regret upon reflecting on it afterwards. 

So, allow that which you can trust to choose the ultimate truth for you as your experience of self and allow everything else to transcend that level of consciousness where it was stuck and realize the eternal as itself instead. There is nothing to reject, because the truth of us all, embraces us all. Realize that when you choose that for your self, it brings yourself and all that is around you into harmony and that example is what will allow us all to self realize here. Those who choose to allow themselves to be molded and realized by the divine are the ones who will help us all to realize that for ourselves. 

So don’t bother yourself negatively when you see the truth of eternity expressed in someone else. Its a cause for your celebration, because the realization of God in another, means the expression of Godliness in self is an available choice for us all. Celebrate the reality of this shift of heaven on earth that we have all been waiting for. Give it permission in this moment to be here, divinely true, divinely me and divinely you. Give this reality the permission to experience itself as God. 
I’m not saying that you have the power to right now, but you “give the permission.” You resolve that you are not going to stop it regardless of who it is, even if it is your worst enemy: that which you fear would destroy you if it had the opportunity. 

Allow God to be realized through that which you hate, 
through that which you condemn, 
through that which you would crucify if it were so bold as to be the realization of God in that “disgusting tradition.” Do not condemn yourself with that attitude. Realize that beings opening to truth being expressed through them is the thing that we all will celebrate and that we must welcome in each other. 

Welcome, welcome to your expression of divine truth when you talk to me. I welcome the expression of God through you. 

Kian, why is this coming through you?

Because you are willing to listen.

Kian whatever you wish.

Well, if my wish is your command, then I command you so to do and be and know and experience. If you need to be commanded to accept your truth, then consider that the one absolute commandment that I give you: accept your truth, accept your truth, accept your truth. 

There are ten commandments: say “I accept my truth” ten times. The commandment of God is accept your truth and by that we mean ALL. The truth of all is the truth of self. Open up, encompass that and realize if that is the truth of you. 

Give yourself an opportunity to know it and then realize if that is your truth of not, but, don’t be afraid of it, 
don’t avoid it, 
don’t judge it, 
don’t hold it as an impossibility for yourself. 

Experience the truth of God, 
the truth of divinity, 
the truth of whatever it is that you give allegiance to divinely: whatever that is and if its nothing, then its nothingness,if it is Jesus, or Buddha or any other tradition: whatever it is, is that which YOU claim as the truth of your reality and whatever that is: 

Allow Divine Truth To Move Through That, To You, As That.