
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You cannot be divine with a fixed attitude

Relax into the embodiment of divine grace and harmony. All that you are looking for is found there.

You are not experiencing divinity now, so it is either outside of your body or blocked from your awareness.

Divinity stays unmanifest until all gross frequencies willingly submit to divinity as a superior ay to live. If things can be better than they are for you now, then as your current consciousness, submit or surrender yourself to a better way.

You cannot be divine with a fixed attitude, ideas, thoughts or beingness, as these anchor you in lower consciousness. They all have to be surrendered to a better way. This includes your attachments to others in lower consciousness; they are a reflection of your own stuck and fixed limitations. You can reconnect later after you have transcended your own limitations.

Divinity is an individual choice, an individual experience. It is not done for or by another for you. That may seem odd since you are surrendering to divinity that seems to be outside of you, but the divinity that you are surrendering to is you, the truth of you. Only your confusions and misidentifications are let go of so that the clarity of eternal truth can be known again.

As long as it can get better, you continuously keep surrendering to the better in you. It is only yourself imposed limitations that are causing you pain, as others have no power over you without them. Keep letting them go, they all are fully under your control.


Monday, December 29, 2008


Love the one that you are with man, love the one that you are with.

How can I love the one that I am with, when the one that I am with is antisocial and would like to harm me?

Feel their pain and know it as your own, for it is or they would not have it. This is after all your reality and the one that you are with is with you by your own choice. So why would you choose to be with such a low level of consciousness? You know that you don't have to.

Yes you are God, yes you are an individual, yes you are one with everything, and yes there are others who are God also. As God of your reality, why are you dissatisfied with the reality that you have created? Is it because you can’t stand for someone else to seem to have more than you do? Why would you want responsibility for the whole thing? "You caused everything, you are everything" what fun is that? Where do you go on from that point of view? Is there still a reason for you to act as an individual if you are all also?

It is all you and it obeys your desires. Maybe you should be aware of what your controlling desires are. If you can't love the one that you are with, you are living a lie. You have been a little psychotic in your reality, have you not? What kind of divine creator creates a reality like yours?

One who has become confused as an Identity that is not yours, yet you are convinced that you are this false identity and being. You are the one that makes it; you are the one that finds a better way, the way that combines in harmony, physicality and divinity.

Why would there be any opposition to that? Maybe because you already created the perfect reality and it works just fine when you let it. Start judging and it is all over for you as a free creator. If you are a free consciousness you could not be contained, but a free being becomes trapped by his considerations of what he is and what he is not. Be something and there you are for the duration of the being.

So how do you go about getting a consciousness to stop being something that it thinks that it is? The guys with the biggest and best stories keep the rest of us enslaved to the values and importances in those stories, the more value and importance to you, the more lies that it contains.

All consciousness seeks to justify its existence by interacting with others that it considers itself to be on a par with. How do you bring the divine into the life that you are living now? Let go of everything that suggests to you that it can show you the way out of here to a better place.

Celestial fire is what could be coming from your every pore, chakra and opening, transmuting all that is not open into an open, moving and inspiring story of freedom. Don't listen to anyone who sets self up as source to or for another that is unable to be source for themselves. Be with others that you like and appreciate and you will be closer to home.

When you love divinely, you love the one that you are with.

Because of our identifications we don't know what will happen to ourselves. How to know? Don't be anything! Try this for an exercise; be nothing between your legs, for some of us that will be easier than others, but such is life. When you can be nothing between your legs, you will know the truth of life.

Nothing is something else to be, nothing is you and nothing is me. So be nothing and you will know that nothing here is true. Give it a try, nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hello Susan,

I agree, experiencing God consciousness dissolves all other
consciousness and makes it irrelevant, for the moment.

What is it that takes us back to the norm after our experience of God

From my experience, higher consciousness takes away all limitations,
for a very limited time only, why is that? For me, the answers seem
to be in the other decisions I have made both in time and beyond time
and examining these decisions allows me to move beyond them, which
incrementally improves my normal state of consciousness. That is why
I look into the past, future, other dimensions, universes etc...
Looking for whatever it is that restrains my awareness. I do this in
addition to experiencing God consciousness as much as possible. If
there is a better more effective way, I am all ears.

Kind regards,


L> > David,
> >
> > Rather than attempting to take responsibility for all your past,
> would
> > suggest that you simply make a habit of regularly communing with
> God. Human beings
> > are habitual creatures. What we think, say, and do on a regular
> basis is what
> > creates our reality. If you habitually experience God
> consciousness, then you
> > do not have to bother about all this other limiting crap.
> >
> > (By writing these words, I am not suggesting that I am anything
> have
> > attained anything. I am just repeating what the inner teachers
> tell me to write. I
> > am just a messenger--nothing more.)
> >
> > Love, Susan S

Crazy Rhino

Re: [divine] Spirit Master...........David------ Crazy Rhino

Hello Nathaniel,

I have played Rhino-mania myself and it is a great game. A better one
seems to be; what is this, what is its purpose, how does it work, how
does it relate to me. How can I change it or operate it, should I
change it?

To play this Game, you make yourself smaller than anyone or anything
else and yet are all pervasive. You disturb no one, activate nothing
and appear invisible to anything that is being anything. With this
game you have access to all of the answers, no one apposes you, in
fact you are separate from any Game, kind of like God.

When God is being a mouse or a rhino, how free are either one of
them? They are both ultimate losers in the game of life. It seems
like the rhino has an advantage but he is so easy to target that we
worry about them going extinct. Mice on the other hand are impossible
to get rid of no matter how hard we try.

Who is calling the shots in my life? a very good question, its not my
conscious mind as much as I wish it were. If it were, there would be
a number of quantum changes in most areas of my life, in fact I could
say that my life would be unrecognizable compared to my current self
with complete wholesale changes on all levels if myself were truly in
control. My control over my life seems to be directly correlated with
my absolute surrender of control. Go figure

As far a reprogramming of reality goes, there we are brothers in arms,
not the arms of war, but armed with knowledge, awareness,
understanding, wisdom and respect for all others choices as well as our own.

Kind regards,

Not even a mouse

> BinaH (David),
> OR you can just step out of?'Yourself'.
> Let me ask you this.... Just how much Authority do you have
in 'Your Life'? Do you believe 'your Power' over 'your life' is equal
to your Authority? Now with that in Mind..... Just who is calling the
shots in 'Your Life'? Who is deciding to process through.....
whatever you decide is an obstacle? Just Who decided it was an
obstacle to begin with and?Why do you choose for anything to remain
as an obstacle?
> Do you choose to be a Mouse that chews through your obstacles or Do
you choose to be a Rhino that just plows over them in?which ever way
you decide to go. Myself.....?When?it comes to obstacles?I like to
think of myself as a Crazy?Wild Eyed?Rhino on Crack?that just?races
around to where ever I decide to go?obliterating any Obstacle and?
twitching with excitement as I wait?for the next Fool of an obstacle
to show up from any direction. (As I type this I think of that
Spanish Bull off of the Bugs Bunny and Road Runner Cartoon Show,
Twitching and racing around every time the red cape is shown with?
Wild?red?eyes?and then sitting fiendishly at the?Grinding wheel
sharpening his horn in between rounds?chuckling to himself as he
turns his horn over and over on the wheel.)
> Mouse or Rhino??... One will chew a neat little hole in the Wall
and make a?home of it?and the other will just knock the wall down and
trample it into dust. Sovereignty, Audacity, and Persistence. And ask
yourself this.... Just what exactly are your limits as this Divine
Being that you are? Then with whatever answer you come up with....
Ask yourself, Why don't I act like it then?
> With Love,
> Nathaniel
> P.S.- You don't just have the Power to create/Manifest your
life.... You have the Power to completely Reprogram Reality. Green
Sky, Blue Earth, and orange waters....?Rock Flowing as water and Air
that you can climb. To the Being that you Truly are these things are
mere child's play. As I have said before..... Your Imagination is not
the limit.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

You are healed when you lovingly embrace another with the very best that you can give. When you give others the very best that you have, submit to all of the rightness that can come to you from others. When you reach the still point, let the communication be; I choose to be present here as all that I am.

Choosing to be present someplace doesn't mean that you have to displace anyone else. It just happens that when you are arround, everyone is enlightened, including you. Show them by your actions that you are the one that they predicted would come. You have to allow your enemy to make it first, that is the only way that you are going to make it as divine beings have no enemies or opposition, they have transcended it.

If you have an enemy, be divine about it and let him win. Embrace everything that there is about your enemy until he becomes you and you become him. You can if you let go of "Your Cause" and transcend relativity.

Hold your temple to the temple of another in love and you will heal each other.

It's Ok to let your enemy win when you both win by his winning, bless everyone with your love. I'll let you be right, so long as we both win, should be your operating mode.

Touch your lover every time like it was the first time, because this time is the only one that matters.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ask your entities, how many of you would like to be in harmony?
Don’t have an opinion, have an observation, opinions don’t allow for change.
If your beingness and identity are not that of a master, why would you hold onto it so hard for?
If you are in pain, why would you hold onto your identity? You hold onto it because it seems to be serving you well, however a painful existence is not necessary for the highest good, for you or others.
Why you would identify any of “yourself” as you, is beyond me, but is not beyond “I am not me"
If you are not free, you are not right. let go of that identity, it’s not the truth of you. The only thing that holds that identity together is your holding on to it. You don’t have to work on techniques or energies to get rid of it, you just focus on dis-identifing from it and letting it go. If you are trying to fix yourself, you are unconscious, stop it and let go of that fixing identity as you and look into the void instead.


Monday, December 22, 2008

To know all, one may have to be all, or at least experience all willingly, which means to experience others allone in allowance, to the same degree that we are our individuated self.
Pay attention to the miraculous in life, you came here with a lifetime purpose, find out what it is. Pay attention to your reality, assume control of it and live a life of understanding.

Dear David,

I have been following the threads of your posts, as I enjoy your
thoughts on paper. I followed the separation discussion between you
and Dan which gave me alot to ponder on separation mentally as
opposed to physical separations and whether and what separation means
etc., and the poor cow with Dan, Nathaniel, Tim which was a great
parable about our comfort zones.

Having said all that, you lost me in the first paragraph of this one
and with a few other ideas you put forth in the rest of the text and
wondered if you might be open to discussion on this? It is not my
intent to attack the post as these are your personal thoughts and
beliefs. I would like to discuss some of the points you made and
offer a different perspective. There are some great points of
discussion. Are you up for it?


Hello Jeanne,
I would be happy to further clarify as understanding is my purpose
and to leave you in confusion as a result of my communication hardly
achieves that purpose.

The further and further one journeys in the pursuit of truth and
understanding the more one has to explore uncharted territories,
unexamined truths and lies and all points of view that are considered
valid by any point of view. My purpose in doing this is peace,
freedom, knowledge and understanding for myself.

Anything that we perceive to be separate or outside of ourselves is
an area that we are not taking responsibility for. The greatest
freedoms seem to be available only in the most expanded or inclusive
viewpoints. All is a large concept, it includes both right and wrong,
good and bad, you and me, us and them. All is where freedom for the
individual is found, the union of the physical with limitless spirit
as the operating consciousness is what I was exploring in the Be
still post.

If we are divine beings in the eternal truth of ourselves, it seems
to me that bringing that eternal truth into the body is what the
making of a saint is.

Ask me any questions you wish and I will respond as well as I can.

Kind regards,


Be still

You are God the father, God the son, God the holy ghost. Also the lost, the fallen and the damned. When you bring all of the separate parts of yourself together again, you are free.

You play all of the parts at the same time, which you can only do in the silence of your meditations. If you are anything less than all, you are not whole. The whole of all is reflected in the universe of your body and mind. When you are whole, there you are the embodiment of the divine.

Each aspect of yourself in separation, acts out it's part and role:
God the father presides and holds the divine flow in both male and female expressions. God the son contacts the fallen, lost and damned and God the holy ghost transmutes the creations and manifestations made in lower consciousness for those who choose to accept the gift of restoration. The lost look for the way out, the fallen look up for guidance and the damned pull the plug on their determined resistance to a free flowing reality. All aspects playing their part within the reality of your body and mind, transform your form.

It is your job to be still, observe all aspects, know them and allow each of them to merge in turn with the others in harmonious integration. You as God the father, observe all else from the center of your brain. You also experience and observe as each aspect activates and petitions God for redemption. To begin this as an experienced reality, you meditate on the center of your brain until it activates and becomes the transmuting power of the holy ghost.

First your awareness goes in, when all that is false is transmuted, the awareness then turns outward and observes physical reality as from the temple of the divine. At that point God is walking on earth.

This is not and instant process, as it progress only as fast as you can take responsibility for every decision that you made in separation and as that choice, choose to reunite with the whole.

Keep you third eye single to the glory of God.
Be still and know that you are God and your whole body will be filled with light.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pay attention

We are the ones benefiting here, so stop resisting your evolution to higher consciousness.

Why would you try to change something that you created in a higher conscious than the one that you are in now?

Pay attention to the environment that you are in and your freedom will be complete.
Pay attention to the reality that you are.
Pay attention, you have sufficient consciousness to do so.
Paying attention is what brings you divinely conscious; paying attention, the path to god.

We know one thing and that is; we are conscious of this reality and our perception of it seems to be connected with one point of view only. Your body is your most immediate environment, pay attention to it, your awareness does not increase by pretending to be somewhere else, solving an abstract problem.

Pay attention to reality and affect as little as possible


Friday, December 19, 2008

cannot affect you

Ask of the others you don’t feel close to: What is the positive purpose that they came here to accomplish in life, what is their noble guiding purpose?

The fact that you would ever consider that you are lost, fallen, or confused, shows how completely you have accepted the false self as you. Ugh, what a drag to play a disability, not a very clever life.

If you are feeling bad as a result of my telling you this, then know just one thing, you are not the one feeling bad, he who is feeling badly, is something entirely other than what you are.

You don’t have to reeducate, retrain or change yourself. All you have to do, is stop pretending that you are the acting participant in the bodies interactions which you are not, you are the observer only.

Yes, all of those horrible things did happen in the life that you know, but it was not you, All the bodies traumas did not happen to you and cannot affect you in any way.

Observe those who do not see the best in you and feel your resentment of it. That doing the feeling, is not you. Observe the fact that you can observe the energy, movement, emotion and communication of the body and it changes with your observation that it is not you.

Don’t struggle as a personality; take all actions that are necessary in life from your awareness of your native, natural, able knowing of how life is.
Go and get what you want from life, we will all support you.

It's all a fraud,your existence. The entirety of your existence reflects only lies. Let go of the positions that you have taken on the rightness and wrongness of anything. The darkest part of yourself is the part that celebrates the destruction of others, by "yourself" we mean the identity that has been created in the form of a "person-hood"

When you love it when others fail, become weak and suffer, you are in the darkest part of yourself, your heart of darkness. Don't hate those that you love, it messes you up when you do that. Praise freedom instead, praise the freedom that leads to the flowering of the divine harmony, that awaits us who have no guile towards others.

Love not to much the freedoms enjoyed by restricting others freedoms.

Its OK to be aware of your divinity now, what that means is that you are aware of yourself as the creator and director of the reality that you observe. It's Ok to know your divinity, now, in the heart of your darkness.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

False selves

> Steve Adams
> David,
> ??????
> With Love,
> Nathaniel


It's kind of a long story, the short and the long of it is;(short) I am
experimenting with different ways to kill the false self. One way that
seems to be valid, is to take on different names and then look for the
parts of you that can't make the change, they are not you and you can
then realize that they are in fact something other than you, which
allows you to then let them go. If they were really you, you couldn't
do it.

Kind regards,
I one

Here is something that may help explain further ;( long )

This is your life; you are the one who gets to fix it. Yes, you have
all of the capabilities that you need and no you will not fail in your
purpose here. You do prevail over life's ending.

You have to realize that the you that is in pain and suffering is not
you. Your personage as you know it is a construct only. Your person-age
is not you it is only a character that you let or don't let take part
in the play of life.

If you don't like the character, you change it by realizing that it is
not you, as you embrace it with your observation. In truth I am not me.
All of your actors of personality while on the road to enlightenment
are looking as limited beings, pretending to be the source or truth of
you. This of course is backwards.

The personality-'s are generally misfit character actors with very
little range of expression. Try this as a mantra and watch the body,
mind and subtle bodies for a response; "I am not real" all that
responds to that is a creation that is not you.

If you are experiencing failure in this reality, you are pretending to
be something other than you and that pretense is only that, a temporary
creation, a character in the dream of yourself. Your eternal self
successfully creates and operates realities as it chooses to.

Ask your body and its parts what can we all do to make it better for
all of us here? You and your body are a team; it wants to work with
you. Treat it as a willing partner here in your experience of life.
Communicate with it, listen, ask, commune.

Try this mantra; "This is my universe" and let go of all of the
hypnotic programming of all of your education. Let go of all of the
beingnesses that cause tension in the body. That doesn't mean make them
leave it means let them loose, respect them and they will either
quickly leave or stay around in harmony.

Your problems are not the problem; it is the beingness that cannot
resolve them easily. Pay attention to that. The false self-s almost
never leave before body death, before body death they only leave when
fully owned by you and then willingly released as you experience them as
both you and not you. When embraced in allowance all consciousness self
corrects to enlightenment


not me

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Spirit master

Barriers and limitations are anchored in your body and subtle bodies in multiple locations, not just the one that is most apparent to you. Each attachment has their independent symptoms that you may or may not notice in a cursory examination. If you focus on one symptom of a barrier or limitation with the intention to release it, it will not resolve it completely. Instead, focus on the symptom with no intention but awareness. After some time the symptom will relax and then reveal the entire limitation or barrier with all attachments and component parts.

Once the entire construct of the structure of the limitation has been revealed to you, it is a simple thing to continue your observation without acting in any way. Your observation of a barrier without acting to remove it, identifies you as a non threatening, self regulating consciousness that has no need of artificial limitations to manage or control your behavior. For an impartial consciousness, the entire structure of the limitation will lift and dissolve, freeing you to the degree that the construct was a limiting factor to your experience of life.

You don’t get spiritual gifts when you seek them, you get them when you are responsible for them, which means; able to respond to them, able to manage and able to use them as a spirit master. A spirit master pays attention to the subtle frequencies that are only noticed by a peaceful consciousness.



When you observe life and your limitations in your meditations to expand your freedom, do so without using your personality or beingness. In fact your personalities are what you are watching for in your stillness. When the personality pops up its head with a thought, feeling, movement or beingness, embrace all aspects of it with your consciousness and know that it is a creation, not you. Hold your awareness there on what ever the presence is until it transmutes. Then rinse and repeat.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Groups, truth and you

We are individuated so that we can associate with those that we are most comfortable with. The purpose is to facilitate harmony. However when more than two points of view are gathered together, there are more “others” than self and an immature consciousness begins to seek alliances with those it perceives as similar to its self to thus strengthen the self and weaken the others.

This results in a group focus on one agreed upon similarity, a similarity that they have that they determine is better than all the others and the group suppresses the individuality of all of its members so as to have a uniform standard that all in the group can meet and obey. The cost is the freedom of expression for the individual members.

That is why there must be a graduation from the group for the progression of the individual, once that individual has learned all he needs from the groups knowledge. For non graduating members of the group, this is seen as a falling away from the truth, when in fact the opposite is the case. For a group member to embrace a greater truth than is known by the group, the individual member must move beyond the limitations of group consciousness and group limitations.

Both the individual and the group are saddened by the separation, but the departing member is on a joyful adventure of expanding possibilities while the group maintains the status quo. This is not true for all departures, the group offers structure, security, education and support for members and until one is mature enough to handle these responsibilities for himself, the group membership has many benefits. Once one has left a group, one must systematically challenge all group rules, beliefs, truths, and enemies to determine which if any are worth keeping in your new reality.
There are no “greater truths” found in groups, only relative ones. Along with some words that do their best to describe greater or absolute truths. The words themselves are not the truth they never are, truth is experienced, not spoken. Words at best can only point to where truth can be experienced.

If you are in a group and not growing, consider graduating yourself or reexamining if there is any material or experiences available there that are worth examining. It does not take a lot of time to determine this.

Once you find yourself alone, go within, with observation only. There you will find what you are seeking and what no “other” can give you.

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Vedeena wrote:

Interesting. How does one gain the ability to master one self?

One has the ability to master oneself already.
Removal of all education is a good start, including all ideas, beliefs, attitudes, decisions, considerations...

Then you could ask what self is, in this relative world and you may find that there is nothing of what you perceive self to be that actually is you. You could say that self is the body and its perceptions and communications and that would be a good place to start since it is the focal point of your experience here.

How do you control the body? perception and then refusal to go into agreement with anything that pretends to be you. Just like training a dog, you refuse to let it do anything that it wants to do until it calms down and lets you lead it. You are the master and all parts, entities, systems, mechanisms, training patterns and instincts have to experience that before you are accepted as the master. A good master leads by loving allowance and awareness once he is recognized by the other consciousnesses in the body.

How would the ascended master leave the point of inability and become "able" to accomplish anything - really?

He would cease struggling once he perceived that he was unable to instantly manifest his desires. When one "doesn't know" it is a reminder to you that you have lost your divine consciousness, from being lost there is no action that you can do to save yourself except to submit yourself to the mercy of divine freedom and wait without wavering in your focus or putting any effort or intention into the process. Divine consciousness will then guide you home through many little quantum jumps in consciousness until you wake up as your eternal divine awareness once again. A divine master has no cause to push, nothing to save, nothing to prove and will not interfere with a persons choices and their reality here, unless it was a pre arranged meeting that the other had agreed to prior to coming here.

As for the disciple - I have the same question. Some disciples may have wallowed in their poor fortune and not seen a way out of their predicament, despair and die in utter poverty. Others work and work and work and receive no riches. What makes the difference?

People are restrained only by themselves and all experiences here are the right ones for those experiencing them. The restraint comes from pre birth choices that control reality, otherwise everyone would be making better choices than they do.

Nothing I have said is the truth of course, although it may result in the experience of a more expanded truth if applied.

Pleasant regards.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Re: A Parable

Hello Dan,

Nice story, it reminded me of a couple of other storys;

There was once an enlightened master who's most beloved twin soul was
killed in a tragic way by a cow of one of his former students. The
master's grief and loss were so profound that he allowed his light to
dim and he determined to right this terrible wrong.

The Master and one of his diciples journeyed from his ashram to the
home of the former student who's only producing possession was the
offending cow. The former student having successfully graduated from
the ashram by no longer needing a master to tell him what to do in
order to live an enlightened and beautiful life. Had created for him
self a life of simplicity that allowed him to life in the world,
enjoing its pleasures and yet not be of the world or a burden to
anyone else.

After leaving his former student's humble home, the master and his
disciple passed by the offending cow and the master demanded that his
diciple push the offending Cow over a cliff and they both quickly
beat it back to the ashram.

The loss of his only cow tested the enlightened farmer to the limit
and the farmer resolved to build up for himself so many worldly
possessions that the loss of a cow would no longer adversely affect
him. Unfortunately this over work, ended his life of relaxed
contemplation and loving interactions with his family and friends.

The story from the cows perspective was unusual;
In the upper realms of heaven lived an ascended master who being a
curious sort, used to walk the line between divinity and the earthly
realms so that he could watch the progress of his former diciples,
two of which ran a small ashram with a few of their own diciples.

As everyone knows, when you get too close to relativity it sometimes
sucks you in and this is what happened to the ascended master who
found himself having unwillingly decended from heaven into the body
of a cow. Try as he might, he could not leave the confines of the cow
to re-ascend to the divine realms and he was left as he was, compeled
to live the life of a dis-contented cow, plowing fields and giving

One day, his favorite former disciple while on a journey, passed by
the cow and recognised his old master. Holy cow said the diciple,
what has happened to you? Its a long story said the ascended master,
just push me off of this cliff so that I can go home, as I can't make
myself jump.

The disciple pushed and unfortunately slipped and fell off of the
cliff killing himself. Soon there after the diciples beloved finished
the task and had the offending cow pushed off of the cliff also.

The ascended master then found himself not in heaven, but being born
to the wife of a poor farmer with no cow, no food and a cranky wife.
His older brother constantly pushed him arround when no one was
looking, until he was sold as a slave for a couple of cows.

The moral of the story is master yourself or a master you will not be.



--- In, "Dan Ecklund, MD"
There once was a spiritual Master, who lived in his ashram with
several students. Other students had studied with him, but now lived in
the world,in a mundane life. One day, the Master decided that he would go
and visit one of his students, living a half day's journey away. He took
another disciple with him for companionship.

When the two travelers arrived at the student's home, they saw that
he lived in a modest, but comfortable dwelling with his family. The hut had
one room, bamboo walls, and a thatched roof. The Master asked the
student how his life was, and the student told him that his life was fine. "I
have my wife, a baby son, this comfortable house, and my cow. The cow gives
us milk,helps me plow the fields, and gives us dung for the fire. I am so
happy to have this life, this family, and this cow!"

After a period of refreshment and conversation, the two travelers
said good-bye, and went to leave. As they walked away from the home,
they saw the student's cow grazing on the side of the path, near a steep
cliff. The Master turned to his disciple and said, "Kill the cow."

The disciple was horrified. He protested vehemently, saying that
he had not killed anything since he had lived in the ashram, not even a fly!
Furthermore, this was a sacred and venerated animal, a cow, and one
that was of vital importance to the young family that they had just left.

The Master said, "Kill the cow." Well, the disciple was beside himself. All of his cultural training and his ethical beliefs were conflicting with his devotion to his master. And even if he DID consent to do such a thing, he had no weapon with which
to perform such a deed. The Master said, "Kill the cow. Push her over the
Still, this request made no sense to the disciple. Had the Master
gone mad? What reason could there possibly be to do such a thing?
"He is too comfortable," said the Master. "Kill the cow."

After many moments of soul-searching and distress, the disciple
decided that he would obey the Master that he had sworn to follow. He went over
to the cow, and with much pushing and shoving, managed to push the cow
over the cliff. It gave a great BAAWW!,and then hit the ground, where it
broke its neck and did not move.

The Master turned to go, and the disciple followed, heartsick at
his deed and the karma that would surely follow. Five years later, the Master determined to go once again and visit the student. Once again, he asked his disciple to accompany him. With some trepidation, the disciple agreed. As they mounted the path to the student's house, they saw that the former rude hut had been replaced by a
splendid home, with many rooms, sturdy walls, and a tile roof. Around the
home, they could see three children playing, and in the fields, a large herd
of cattle.

Once again, the Master greeted his student, and asked him how his
life was. The student replied, "Do you know? It is the strangest thing. The
very day that you visited me five years ago, my cow fell off of the cliff
and died. It was a difficult blow for us! We had to struggle to plow, had to
search the forest for cooking fuel, and had no milk to make ghee and
cheese. I had to work very hard, but soon, I was able to buy another cow. I
continued to work hard, and bred my cows, and eventually assembled the herd of
twenty-five cattle that you see. I sell the milk, and have built
this large home for my family. And you see that I have three children now,
and they are strong and healthy. Do you know, it was difficult for us at
the time,but it almost seems like the death of that cow was a blessing."

After they visited, and the travelers departed the new home of the
student,the Master turned to the disciple and explained, "When we are too
comfortable, we do not grow. It is only by adversity that we achieve our
potential. The student was so happy with his life, he would never
have made the effort to improve his life. And now, his level of happiness is
also improved, because he has known sorrow."

> Blessings,
> Dan

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mother Nature

Mother nature is a mean bitch.
the strong kill the weak,
the weak kill the weaker,
the weakest eat their young the
rest are all dung.

Eating others, killing others, stealing from others,
mother loves it all. When you hear the call of the wild,
know that you are supported in your basest impulse
by she that favors only the winner.

Winning her over to your favor as the savior of that that is not beastly.
not likely, unless you love the beast so completely that he rejects the call of our wild mother nature.

To follow mother nature,
its natural to be sure,
but something greater is in store,
for those who love more the love that we are,
than the things in the stores.

Store up for your brother,
all the love that the mother,
gave to the other,
who knows no better,
than to take your sweater.


Friday, December 12, 2008

I love this reality

Open up to knowing intuitively the reality that you are in and then enlightened paths that are available in it.

There is no one way to enlightenment, you can have it any time you want it by being the totality of oneness, all viewpoints.

Open up to awareness beyond the life of this body. Perceive reality here with your eternal knowing, not with anything from here. Everything here is very limited in effectiveness, you in fact have nothing at all to learn from this place. Just know all of it from your divine consciousness. When you know something with your divine consciousness you are beyond all limitations. Limitations cannot contain you, you are limitless.

Know money with your divine consciousness; know love, sadness, joy, healing and power with your divine consciousness. Know your body, your mind, your sexuality, and your control with your divine consciousness. Know all there is to know about divine consciousness.

Bless everyone with that.

I know all of reality as a divine consciousness is a nice mantra.

We love it here; it’s our favorite place to come visit.

I love this reality.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

a nice place to live

I love everything, is an incredible frequency.

I have only love for all creation, is a nice place to live.

I have only one purpose, the embodiment of divinity.

Love as a complete reality, now that is a place that I would enjoy.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The doorway to heaven

I'm OK with the way things are. I am going to stay enlightened regardless of what others choose.
I'm OK with the government.
I'm OK with criminals.
I'm OK with the results of every ones choices.
I'm OK.

When you allow others to be wrong, they quickly improve. This is because you have allowed them to have the full results of their actions, which then causes them to look for a better solution.

How good can it get here for everyone?

Its OK for irrelevant things to be going on around you and it's OK for you to understand all of reality.

Praise the lord makes since. You are acknowledging the one or one's who get it right. The one that is the best example of success for us to follow. Follow God, praise the lord.

You improve as fast as you allow others to improve.

We are letting reality improve for us too. What is the greatest state of freedom for ourselves that we can achieve here now?

We can always improve it from moment to moment. We improve it by knowing what we are dealing with, If it is trying to control or influence us. We give no assignment of our responsibility for our reality to the other.

I hate animal body processes, they disgust me in every way.

Good, that is the starting point of consciousness. Congratulations, now know that it all gets better from here on. You are all so interested in your own realities, it leaves you unaffected by the realities of others.

We believe that both of us can be right and in harmony.

Allow each their many faults and still let them be God. Know your enemy better than he knows himself, then your reality will prevail and allow everything to get better for your every enemy.

Allow things to continually get better for every "other" is the doorway to heaven. Do better, really impress us now. Impress everyone with your marvelous abilities. Relax into allowance, even the real pricks that you know can be God. Of course he is God, if he is less than that, then so are you.

The union of all into one mass of love, that is the church that I want to go to.

If you want to get your own way, then understand reality as you interact with it, know all of the needs of another is the key to success for you. In allowing others to get better, you get better and you are, getting better. Now, allow others to get better further still.

The parts of you that disapprove of others are not you, let them go.

We allow others to be the truth of us, we allow them to be Godly and they are.

There is a way to divinity for you. Quit separating out, you don't get to win by being separate, you win by allowing all to win.

Where is the dividing line between having a reality as you like it and having your reality infringed upon by another?

Lets allow every ones needs to be met as ours are. We experience life nicely because we allow others to as well.

What does this body need in order to be brilliantly able in this reality?

What you body needs is your most able you present and directing it. The rest of you send to heave to go to divinity school. The refrain of those in hell is "I tried to be Godly, but they wouldn't let me." Lets bless this body to perfection.

No one is diligent in ascertaining what my intent is, so that they can elegantly not interfere with it as we interact. So by necessity it is needful that I understand their intent, so that I have a free-er reality for myself by knowing and then acting appropriately for others realities. Then I may pass through them unopposed.


Monday, December 08, 2008

There is a great evil here.

I am going to heaven to make room for God here.

All confused consciousnesses should go to heaven for some r and r, an awareness tune up and a knowingness download.

Remember, to do nothing about anything and you are free.

If you approve of a person's choice of reality, then you are his closest friend and he will oppose you in nothing.

Divinity is filling and embracing this body.

I am the one filling and embracing the body and supporting its every desire.

I'm just a naturally joyful person.


Your history

Allow the universe to wash away your history. Your history is only a record of your journeys in unconsciousness and as long as you place a value to your presence in and as a lower consciousness, there you will be. “All” and stupid at the same time.

Allow all of your history to be washed away as if it never happened, as in deed it did not. It was just his-story in high definition; everything defined and nothing understood.


this part is pretty much delusional, though:

In heaven, you are made capable of maintining stable divine consciousness. A divine consciousness is an able and free consciousness.

where is heaven? is it very far? how long will it be stable?
i mean, i like to use parables, too...
but it's good for plain talk, in friendships whose boundless light is actually bound, fated and stable.
what is this kind of stuff?? the stuff of fairytales, HA, whose endings never began.
and whose words of command were never enjoyed by the stuff of Big Bangs.
yah... this is a big bang. its pointlessness is wonder, boundless joy.
er... whatever you like...
yadada mean?



In case you have not noticed, most of your reality and the perceptions that you believe are yours, are fed to you by entities that are attached to you for a number of reasons.
1. Some believe they are helping you,
2. some are there because they don't like you,
3. some are there for guidence,
4. some are there for stimulation,
5. many are there because they are doing jobs for you that you have forgotten about
6. and the rest are just confused or unconscious.

All of them together are like a hundred wet blankets on you, when you are trying to appreciate your surroundings. They color your world so completely that you perceive little else but them. The story of heaven is for them. There they can find light, love, peace and expansion available for them, along with a better purpose. If you wish to be free yourself, send them on their way, Call it heaven, hell, paradise, pair of boobs, paradox or dirty socks. Just make it a place that is more appealing to them than you are.

Sometimes, it takes a second or third take to find out what is going on here. Sometimes its dark, sometimes its nasty, most times it is not what it appears to be. From what level are you going to perceive it from? Does it matter? Only if you have a purpose in being here. If there is no purpose here then be the effect of the universe, if you have a purpose then see that the universe reflects it as you wish it to and who will be doing the wishing? is it you? How do you know?


Sunday, December 07, 2008

Everyone is right

Where is our peace found here, is an inclusive question that resolves all issues. It requires the answer to take all points of view into consideration. Where is peace for everyone? When all say of the other; maybe he is right.

Everyone believes that they are right, so give them the opportunity to let them prove it to you, they might be right. Everyone might be right is a mantra that might free you.

Everyone is right when they wake up to eternity.


You can do nothing

Do nothing and great shall be your joy, for in fact you can do nothing. All doingness is done by your creations.

"I am not doing anything" Takes you into the realms of the Gods and brings God into the realms of form and structure.


Saturday, December 06, 2008

Isn't it wonderful, amazing?

No it isn't.

Another "not you" I see.

Yes, not me I am, you see.
Not me, I am to be.
Not me, now I am free.
Free to be me, again.

Free to know myself I AM.
Free to free my little friends.
Free to be without amends,
Mending time and space once more.


Thursday, December 04, 2008


Remember one thing about your entities that you carry arround with you. They are all better off in heaven instead of pretending to be you. Free them from their delusion so that they can go there by giving them your blessing to do so.

In heaven, you are made capable of maintining stable divine consciousness. A divine consciousness is an able and free consciousness.

I don't have a problem in answering for my creations; All of you guys would be better off in heaven, you can go there now.

OK here I am. I am better off in heaven, everyone is.

Everything that is not Godly here, go to heaven for some restoration and revitalization. We have no need for unenlightened helpers.

There is a great evil here.

I am going to heaven to make room for God here.

All confused consciousnesses should go to heaven for some r and r, an awareness tune up and a knowingness download.

Remember, to do nothing about anything and you are free.

If you approve of a person's choice of reality, then you are his closest friend and he will oppose you in nothing.

Divinity is filling and embracing this body.

I am the one filling and embracing the body and supporting its every desire.

I'm just a naturally joyful person.

I am just here, I am not here to do anything.

The key to eternal life is to bless life, so that it will be better off than it is now. Then each new now gets better now.


Monday, December 01, 2008


Relax about the hardness in life, that is what is sticking you. Life as we know it is hard, so what? Relax and provide a service that others will pay for so that you will survive well.

Relax about the wrongness of others and it will change for the better for all of you.

Relax about the wrongness in life, release it from your curse and it will improve.

Relax about the wrongness of God and you will be the creator of your reality, as you know you all ready are.

Relax about the expectation and projections of others, they are not the whole picture or they would be a blessing of freedom to everyone.

Relax about the wrongness of your self, you were wrong about your being wrong. In fact, you are right on target.

Relax about everything, no one is likely to kill a relaxed and happy body.

The embodiment of God we are. The presence of God is here.

Of course it is, why wouldn't it be? Ask of the other: "Where has he seen us through divine eyes?"


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Celebrate the Noble qualities of others

The quest to leave a legacy, is it admirable, vain, progressive, destructive or limiting?

It can be all of them. From a desire to leave a better earth as a result of having been here or to leave a mark that your life made an impact on earth and its inhabitants. All are vain attempts to show that we are better or more knowledgeable than others, we were right, we were the best and greatest expression of mankind. Our choices were best, our knowledge the most refined and encompassing. Our view of reality, the correct one. "Even though we are now dust, we deserve the attention of future generations as they attempt to determine the meaning of their existence". The value systems to emulate and the behaviors that are appropriate. In short, "we desire the world to be shaped in our image". All of this from societies and individuals who's only common result is that they successfully destroyed themselves.

Who then do we follow as we awaken to our existence here as a conscious embodied being? What do we do with what we are? How do we guide our goals and behaviors for our life? Live life in a manner that will be perceived and known by all as a successfully lived life? A life that guides all life out of the confusion of a struggle for survival against all that oppose you?

Walk quietly, move gracefully, shine radiantly in your service to others. Others are here to be served by those conscious enough to know a better way. How does that work in reality as it exists for you? Defend the others right to successfully express themselves as they choose. Universally applied this would mean that everyone considers the results of their actions and then only takes those actions that result in the open and willing support of all who are affected by the action.

This may seem to allow you no room for movement initially, but no movement is a good place to start from when you are consideration the end result of an action. Consider the action you wish to make from the point of view of the end effect on all others and only choose those actions that others willingly receive without resistance, before, during and after the the action. Celebrate the Noble qualities of others. Reward them for behaviors that bring harmony to their world.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Absolute responsibility

Light is available when it is there. When there is darkness, it’s nice to at least have a record and description of the light, so that those in darkness know that they have an option.

What stops the light from being a continuous option if not a stable expression?


What causes the doubts that result in lower consciousness?

The belief that you are not source and cause. Look at that belief, as the source of all cause and clean your house with that. A channel for God is not God, it’s just a cooperative ego. A channel for God dispenses information, God dispenses absolute clarity.

You lost what you wrote so that your false self that mourned the loss of what was written, could be exposed to you as not you. Clean your house more. It’s not what you write that is important, it’s who you are when you interact with others. Clean your house so that you can be you. If you are source, no one else is qualified to do it for you and if you are not source, does it really matter what happens or how you live?

You are source, you know it and it’s your choice and yours only how you express yourself within creation. The assumption of loss is the beingness of total failure, look at that, source of all.

As a realized source and cause of all, all relationships and upsets would be quickly cleaned up in the most efficient way possible and no new upsets would be created. In the beginning, be the source and cause of all for a few seconds at a time, which will enable your consciousness to make comfortable adjustments in taking responsibility for your life.

I am the source of all creation, is a mantra that most are not ready to test on themselves. Those who do tend to improve themselves in both theirs and others eyes. Say it silently and keep it to yourself. You’re the destroyer of creation also of course. It’s not someone else doing it. It’s your party here, whether or not you show up for it.

Is there really any significance to the destruction or passing away of any forms? Do we really have to assume that there is a disability in God or a flaw that keeps creation from experiencing joy for all as its operating reality?

Yes there is a process whereby consciousness individuates, takes on form, then learns to operate form with higher consciousness.

Is that a process as it has been, really necessary or can it be improved upon?

That’s what you and everyone else is doing, improving it together. Individually it is not necessary, individually you may be as conscious, responsible and divine as you wish. Wish for your desired state, experience the result immediately, then wish again and repeat. Absolute responsibility is the only choice that will free you from your creations.


Friday, November 28, 2008

To take on everything.

You give up nothing when you take on everything. To take on everything, you let go of everything that is limiting you and open up to eternity, by letting go of the past and your imagined future.

All expressions made in lower consciousness, are not going to manifest something different than lower consciousness.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

To move consciously

There is an overwhelming amount of stimulus in a book store. The best minds all vying for your attention, so that their story can be told to one who they believe can benefit from their experience. Their triumphs over unconsciousness and how they just about have it all together now, they are almost a master and oh yes, I just have to remember one thing for my final triumph. What was it? What do you have to remember in order to be divinely conscious and how is it maintained as a stable reality?

To move consciously is to dance the dance of God. Its called manifest now, manifest to, manifest you as you wish. After all you are God the creator and theere is no other to oppose us.

To move consciously is the delight of the embodied God. We choose to move consciously.

As the embodiment of God, we choose to move consciously. Your meditative dance of consciousness is both the road home and the maintenance of your divine awareness. Eternity blossoms in stillness.

There is in fact a requirement for the embodiment of God, it is an unopposed consciousness, the only consciousness that can be divine.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Adams Eve.

The end of damnation,
unstopping the fixation,
the end of termination,
the beginning of divine determination.

The end of identification as identity,
the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning.
Adams Eve, Steve Adams.

All David's go to heaven for the New Renaissance party for the parting of the veil, the unveiling of the truth and the Resurrection of the divine. The love of resistance is fully satisfied and completely resolved in the realization of the divine one, that is all.

All ways are the only way home. Embrace everything, hold nothing, embolden each one to sing holy home again.

If you are wondering what to do, let go. You can only be in the now if you wish to be aware as divinity, then you can surround everyone in love. From the individual point of view, that means love everyone that you encounter..

Gods, in charge here not me.

Let go of everything now, we will look at your outstanding commitments later.

Life by Mother nature is kill or be killed and we, like everyone else who survives, chose to kill life for us to live. Life need not end life in order to live and prosper. Be in the now and let everything else go.

How can one be victorious against an aggressor while being in allowance of what is?

Only be being divinely aware. You cannot be in fear and divine allowance at the same time. With divine awareness comes absolute control. Let go of all of your troubles now, so that you can figure them out as God or if you rather; let go of all of your troubles so that God can figure them out as you.

What does integrity mean?

One, whole, together, of one mind, in harmony with confidence and knowing.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Awakened within the dream

The veil of forgetfulness is what solidifies your reality into a particular beingness. As you let go of your attachments to reality and drift off to sleep, it lifts and unlimited possibilities are again yours. If you do the same thing while remaining conscious, you can remain in your current reality with miraculous possibilities.

To consciously drift off to eternal possibilities, you allow everything to be as it is, without any desire to change it. Each reality is a compilation of the desires and choices of all the beings that inhabit it and all are stuck there as participants as long as each desires for any part of it to be different than it is.

You have free access and are the causative power of change, when you no longer have the wish to have the power to change reality. All others desires for peace are blessed and granted by he who is at peace because he has no desires.

Everything that you perceive here is another, even yourself as there is no embodied self as your eternal truth. In truth you have no desires, you just are. Your eternal peace that you are is thus gifted to this reality, first to that which you confused yourself as being, the body and personalities that you adopted as your expression here.

You have no desires,
Anything that does,
Is not you.
Let all desires be at peace.

Awakened within the dream, one controls the dream, with the peace that you are. There is no eternal truth here manifest as you, until you are eternally present.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How could divinity not know everything

Nothing ever will change.

Everything always changes.

Oh really? When something is no longer useful, it changes form into something else that is useful. A perfect harmony.

Not in the pain of transition.

Without resistance, there is no pain.

I must confess I prefer love, it is my greatest down fall the love of love.

Its all a confusion really, billions of points of view each with their own preferences wired to believe that they need to oppose or impose their will on everything that is between them and what they desire.

Deprogram yourself.

Is excellence the only virtue?
Is the perfection of form, structure and expression the only manifest state of divinity? Or is divinity fully present and aware as the suffering of humanity? If so for what purpose? To know what it doesn't know?

How could divinity not know everything and prefer to limit their knowing and so live to seek greater knowledge, knowledge that is theirs normally without effort? Why the struggle? Why the preference? Why the diminishment in power and ability?

We support life's desire to experiment in improving its self.

Well why is it limited?

It only appears to be, in fact there are no limits. There is no happiness in avoiding taking responsibility for your world. If you wish for harmony, it is your responsibility to created it, not some faceless God or divinity that somehow keeps you down by not saving you. The only downer in your life is you and everything else is manifest according to your choice of reality.

So how do you create harmony in the entirety of all your reality?

Power comes to those who are worthy of it. The power of God is given only to those who are willing to be Godly.

There is a lot to keep track of in your life, start by completing all that you have promised others that you will do, while refraining from making many new commitments. Godliness begins with the willingness to be selfless, to be of benefit to others, to support others in their choices to improve themselves.

When you create continuous upset and unmet expectations in others, how or why would you pretend that this is divine manifestation? It is divine irresponsibility, which means, complete, total and absolute irresponsibility.


I don't want any thing

I don't want anything.
(your new mantra)

No, it's OK, I really don't want anything. Have it your way life. I don't know why.
Except for:
and grace.
and peace.

I don't like any thing, but I do like life.
I don't want any thing, why would I, I enjoy it all. not just a part I can call mine.
I like it all and all is available to he who holds nothingness as his chosen existence.

I don't want anything, I want everything.
I want it all,
good and bad,
right and wrong,
pleasure and pain.

I want it all.

I want it all, is the perfect solution to having nothing. I want it all, gives you access to everything without limitations. Prefer one thing over another and you are the effect of the game.

No preference, allows you free movement within realities, allows you to sample and know them while retaining your eternal awareness and knowing.

I prefer everything.
I prefer everything at peace.
I prefer everything at peace, how does that happen?

Eternal syncronicity, as a chosen condition of existence. I prefer eternal syncronicity for all. Or to be more specific, I prefer eternal syncronicity with all and allow all the same choice.

I prefer happy endings, happy beginings and a happy now. For me, others and all. I allow life to bloom and transform. I prefer to know that I am not of this world.


Monday, November 17, 2008

live life with a kiss

Consider carefully the commitments that you make as you are responsible for them whether or not you keep your promises.

What is the central purpose of my life and what am I doing to fulfill it?

It seems like that is something that you should ask yourself before you plan your life and make commitments to others, that you will not keep because your commitments are not in line with your purpose here. Join the kingdom of God and then operate here as a representative therof here in knowing allowance of the rythims and seasons of life. To do otherwise is to live a life of frustration, delusion and regret.

Regret nothing, let go of the somethings that are holding you back from expressing your divine gifts here.

What should I do exactly? Give me guidence and faultless reasoning in my decision making this day.

Take a chair and know it's not air,
Not air, but there and here we are.

Now, do you sit in a bar?
drive in a car?
sit with your friends?
sit and make amends?

Or do you put on your shoes,
choose to forget others news,
remove all the views,
that cloud your perceptions?

Claudia fills the bill,
of the wife that you will,
love and grow old with.

But believe me my friend,
when to you I send,
my message to all,
that the fall was a ball.

The games that we play,
are all ours to say,
those that we like,
make us feel were like Mike.

But Mike we are not,
wedged tight in our spot,
we deviate not,
from our assigned little slot.

Slaughtered at will,
by mother natures shrill will,
may the nature of she,
soften benevelently.

The mother of all,
is waiting for the call,
to enter the halls,
of her heavenly home.

Now homeless no more,
life is less of a chore,
she's now met her match,
thank God, he's her catch.

now calmly she will,
give up on the thrill,
of the killing of all,
that she births here yall.

Now what do you do,
with the news that you knew?

Every feeling you have,
every thought in your head,
every moment in bed,
you submit them to God.

As your director of life,
always listen for God,
God always will talk,
as he walks in your shoes.

Giving everything always,
sounds like a lot,
but like it or not,
It's the life you have sought.

In seeking you find,
all we ask is be kind,
to the others you find,
in your journeys in time.

Timeless message is this,
live life with a kiss,
of love on your lips
and always kiss and tell.

Hell has lost you,
heaven has found you,
you have unbound you,
with the love you impart.

In parting my friend,
may we bend your ear here,
please be of good cheer,
knowing we are here too.

With you in love and a light touch. You don't have to figure everything out at once, in fact you can't, just do the right thing from moment to moment and check with us while choosing.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wish the very best for others

Bridge the realities,
take the next step,
be one and wholly all.

I am not holding any being back from being the best the he can be.

When you wish the best for everyone, you are unrestrained.

I do wish the best for others, all others.

You are wishing the best for others with no limitations or judgements. The best that you know far exceeds the best that polarities know which is why their lives are as they are, they don't know any better. The world will change when it is properly educated as to what all of the choices of beingness are and what is required for each state.

Yes, we wish the very best for others,
paticularly our lovers and their mothers,
our enemies and our friends,
our families and the governments.

It's very nice to be diciplined in manifesting our love for others. Express your love for all by flowing your love to everyone that you have ever interacted with, regardless of what anyone has ever done to you, you wish them the best.

It doesn't matter who they are or what they have done, we wish them the best.

Abandon the illusion not reality, feel complete freedom with absolute presence, they always go together.


Saturday, November 08, 2008

Maybe they are right

Do nothing about anything, just for right now. In the future you can deal appropriately with anything that you interact with.

One thing that you should always say about your enemy: Maybe they are right.

Don't do anything, about anything, ever again.

It's nice to be at home where ever I am. The traumas happen to the body, but they are held in place by your accepting ownership of them.

You can't figure out a reality from within it, you have to exit or seperate yourself out from the reality in order to see and know it fully.

Regarding body pains and blockages, consider communicating to them that whatever position or attitude you have, that has been holding it in place. You have chosen to let it go, you are conceeding the point if the result is your freedom.


Friday, November 07, 2008

God is about

Where is the Peace that you are?

How sweet the life that knows the joys of others and beyond the pain
of what we are not willing to be, is the peace that is you and me.

Ask the question again and go with the flow. Allow the body to be
great, its programmed for it. (meditate on that one) Allow your body
to be the ideal of health, form and consciousness.

Defuse the stresses and strains, by sharing others joys and pains,
their ups and downs. Then you have access to all you desire. Allow
all of life and reality to support your success, all consciousness to
celebrate your presence.

Where is the peace that we are? In utter confidence and ability to
manifest reality as we choose and then allowing reality to choose for
itsself. Celebrate life, it's a strategy for living that works
wonders. When you are with someone, be interested in nothing but
them. In your victory over failure, you have got to let it go well
for everyone.

I love to move, is the motto of the body celestial. Look for the
opportunities to love what you are interacting with. Now be still and
know that you are the truth.

Change your name its;
More light,
More love,
More peace inside.
More hope,
less dope,
My heaven is here.
More cheer,
Let's hear,
our hero's song.
No more longing,
All belonging,
one heart,
one mind.
Mind of God,
lose the fog,
Forgive your fallen state
and fate. Allow all life to bless your success. Put the word out, God
is about, this evening, friends he's here and she's clearly the
lovely one. Allow others their freedom until their divinity shines
through to you. Let others have their turn and they will be yours
when the day is done.

Be still my friend,
be still.


Slow down

There is no one that has not been your mate, lover, sister or brother. Why would you treat them less lovingly than that, just because you have different circumstances now? If you are with them now, you are still interacting, still related, still involved together in the divine dance that is life. Dance divinely with all of your partners.

Slow down and let the divine wave move you as its reflection in form.


Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Void.

When you recognise that your state of consciousness is much lower than it was at another time, the reason is a combination of confusions involving the identity of self and positions that others are wrong.

When you are troubled. you are not being your trueself. You are being something else and the clairity that you desire is found within. Nothing outside of yourself can deliver the ultimate truth to you. You can be guided along much of the way, but the final journey is taken alone as no divine being will rob you of your power, by being superior to you at the end of the road.

The following is an introduction to the solo part of the divine way:

The truth is nothing is true, no word, no thought, no body. Anything that is being something, emanating a frequency or taking a position against something, is not the source of truth.

The truth is void or rather is revealed in the void, where nothing exists and is where the truth of you resides. That is why The Hindus meditate, monks sit in silence and the bible says be still and know that you are God.

What is the practical application of this knowledge? You use it to restore your native awareness and consciousness, by taking the time to be absolutely alone, undisturbed and undistracted. You sit silently watching all that moves, thinks, talks, feels and emotes in any way. None of it is you. Sit at an absolute still point and watch until all illusions give up and leave. They will leave when you refuse to identify with any of them, in any way.

When the illusions are gone, you will be home and whole. Let the void take all the beings away, you are no thing that is being something. You are the void that is watching everything and knows that that it is no thing. The void permeates both the darkness and the light, knowing them both while being neither. God is void, but it doesn't mean that he is not there.

Nothing is broken if your not trying to fix it.


Friday, October 31, 2008

The divinity that others express

Let God operate your life. Ask of your environment what is this in the light of God? and what would it be like if I understand this?

If you are enlightened, you share the experience not the words that describe it. Enlightenment shared now, not later. Relax, it is OK to be enlightened now. All prerequisites are distractions, in fact they are the trap. You cannot identify with anything, even the ideals here on earth or you are a player in the game. What else is there? The free spirit. Why would you hold onto even an exalted state, unless there were complete freedom for you? If a group is struggling for any reason or in any way, that is not a group to join. Do you really want to join the disabled as a participant here?

Your awareness and power don't have to affect others against their choice or theirs affect you. You can be enlightened no matter what anyone else does. You should say, its OK to experience this reality to yourself as you interact with each other.

The master lets the student shine while he stays in the shadows. Your state of divinity is measured by the degree of divinity that others express when in your presence. You never have to say anything, your responsibility is to share the experience of freedom, power and ability, without being identified with or as anything. Every physical thing will take care of its self in the best way possible, when it is observed as a divine consciousness.

Ask yourself, is there anyone not trying to figure it out here? Is there anyone here who gets it? Let them speak, with the divine listening and allowing divinity to be expressed in the best way that they can, they will rise to the occasion. For yourself, you can just be. You do not have to be acknowledged.

What is the ideal condition to maintain this body in so that we can be at home here? A state of completion, a state that needs nothing to complete it. How do we make the body comfortable in expressing its self divinely? The tag says, you have to own it to be it. We the body allow divine access, is the way to freedom for the embodied.

The message to the body is; heaven is here and you are loved. Now with that as a basis, you are here in a physical reality, you might as well enjoy it as the truth of yourself. If you are the divine dance of God, then it's your time here. Be yourself with no reservations and we will all celebrate you.

Are you going to bridge these realities? If you choose to, it will end all lesser games. Is that your choice? Are you choosing to end all of your polarized games here? Divinity manifest is divinity shared and is the only way you can maintain enlightenment.

"I'm not doing anything here, I'm just observing," may free you.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Interesting that you would try to change reality from a polarized lower level of consciousness. Stop it. Go to a high enough level of consciousness where you can change reality effectively according to your desire and experience reality as an effective creator.

Be whole, allow God everything. Let go of reality and all of your evaulators of reality and be I am not doing anything, God is doing everything. There you will find yourself doing everything as God.

I'm not doing anything, I'm just going to watch while God does everything.

God works, I watch.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Where is there beauty in the destruction and decay of life

Open up on every impulse to shut down, open up to the glory and terror of all creation, open up to the glory of the diversity of expression.

The glory of life is in the living as a conductor of the divine wave that rolls on endlessly changing and eternally blessed.

Where is there beauty in the destruction and decay of life? Where is the divine way in the destruction and failure of individual lives? Is divine consciousness so ineffective that it cannot or will not create a reality that allows all to succeed harmoniously? Where is that option for beings here to choose? Does there not exist a right of here and now self determinism with instant results? If so how?

Choose to be a pease with all creation, choose to love all creation, you know what it feels like. Take the thought out of it and choose the feeling of well being, regardless of what the stimulous is and let God deal with it, with God being inseperable from you.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

The divine way

From the point of view that you also exist otherwise as divine intelligence and your life here is not a reflection of that unconditional love, peace, knowledge and intelligence. You might ask yourself; Why am I having this low level experience? If your current experience is chosen consciously by your divine higher self, what is the purpose of a live not divine? Are there really lessons to be learned by experiencing failures and opposition? If so what are they? Can you know the lesson by willingly accepting your circumstances without struggling against them to improve your life?

It doesn't seem logical, yet with very little meditation you can experience the reality of higher consciousness and know that divine states of being exist and outside of meditation you know that life is work and struggle with a lot of pain and ultimate failure. So why are we here? What do we do while we are here and can we really exist here as a successful divine consciousness?

Is our divine awareness that we occasionally experience ours? Is it really our native condition? Or is it another polarised state or condition, created to balance our darkness, bad behaviors or karma? What is the truth of reality here?

The truth is you don't know. The truth is you have been unable to live the life that you desire here. The truth is not pretty, life is not easy, joyful or glorious. Most people give up on their dreams and act like animals fighting for survival, with only a small circle of people that they love, trust, and behave in a friendly, compassionate manner towards.

Is that the ultimate purpose of our being here? Are we here to suffer, fail and treat each other badly? Is our being here a punishment? If so who is punishing us? Who controls our lives, our consciousness and our circumstances here and what can or should we do about it?

If you are in a low condition of existence, the way out is to look for every opportunity to improve conditions in each moment, for all that are involved in each circumstance that you are involved with. Your actions that cause others harm are what keep you in a survival based operating reality. Ask yourself at each decision point; "what is the divine way here?" there you will find your peace, success and higher consciousness restored in your normal life.

Its really very simple, act divinely towards others and you live divinely. Act badly towards others and you live poorly. You may survive well acting badly, but you will have lost your truth.

How do I act divinely given all of the degraded circumstances that I am in?

One step at a time. Just like a baby learning to walk, divinity is regained with consistent effort towards the reality you wish to manifest. If you are making a lot of mistakes in your life, spend more time contemplating before you act. Ask your self what is the divine way here before you act and then choose it when you receive the answer.

The divine way is difficult for one who has descended deep into the reality of polarized existence. So be happy with a little improvement each time that you choose better than you have done in the past.

Our reality here is guiding us all towards an embodied return to divinity. We all recognize and appreciate it when one of us acts lovingly towards another. Focus on yourself, your life, your behavior, your consciousness and let others do the same. Do not condemn others behaviors as that is the road to ruin. Your condemnation should be reserved for your own behavior only, your instruction, for yourself only. The divine way is the illumination of self by selfless interaction with reality, for the improvement of reality for all.

To continually ask yourself, "what is the divine way here" will sooth all of your wounds, redeem all of your failures and restore yourself to your eternal consciousness.

What is the divine way here? It is the listening for the answer to that question when the divine way is not your normal path. The divine way is the choice and allowance for infinite improvement in your life, your consciousness, your behavior and in the reality of all.

The past is redeemed by a divine present, the present is redeemed by your divine presence.


Here is a Mantra that you may enjoy

The divine way, is my way.

I am responsible for maintaining the divine way here for all who wish to choose it for themselves.

It's my responsibility for maintaining the divine way. I am the expression of the divine way in this reality.


Friday, October 24, 2008

The download of eternity.

The divine way is divinity diving into a merger with all creation, while maintaining its divine consciousness and without identifying with anything. We honor all life, we respect all points of view, we make no one wrong and we raise all philosophies to their ultimate perfection.

So is this what it is all about? Divine awareness, connected to all without attachment to anything?

Yes, so if this is written about you, then is it not time to let go of your identifications that hold you in lower consciousness? With your divine awareness, look at all of your attachments to polarity and identifications with lower consciousness. You are bringing the awareness of all points of view into one, which creates a singularity of divinity where one is not more than another, one is all.
When you know the limited points of view as all, the limited reality is freed into a state of harmonious creation.

Is divine creation a static perfection? No, a continuous movement in divine grace, with no loss, no losers, all winners, inclusively.

Ask for the download of eternity. Download all of the points of view of every circumstance that you have ever or will ever face and know them all. The enlightened views will allow the other points of view to transcend relativity and know itself as the absolute.

How is it possible to be excellent or the best at something without spending a lifetime reinforcing the ego? Give God all of the credit and be fully merged with God.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

All that changes for the better or the worse is not you.

No matter how confused and mistaken a consciousness is, it always has a path it is following that leads to the divine way. The way a fallen consciousness rises to return to divine source is the consciousness chooses to observe absolute truth. When it does, the consciousness finds that none of what it knows its self as, is absolute truth and so begins the beings releasing its identification with all that it observes to be transitory.

What am I if I am nothing that is transitory? What happens when I realize that I am not anything that I can see, feel or hear?


Monday, October 20, 2008

The way of power

What level of consciousness does it take for the energies and consciousnesses around this body to be eternally joyful to do our bidding?

A level of consciousness that celebrates the other consciousnesses, their energies, their creations and their Gods as the way, the truth and the realization of Gods love. You consciously at the level of Gods divine love for all.

We are Gods divine love for all.

Then let your body feel it. That is the way of power, being the love of God for all.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wed the inner and outer worlds

Neither good or bad is the attitude that will free you. Things just are and if you don't know everything there is to know about something and you judge it as being either good or bad, you have solidified the state of consciousness you will be experiencing.

If you can't see the bad effect in something good or the good effect in something bad, while knowing that they are all false, you should not be judging. This comment may seem like it supports bad or destructive behavior, its does not. It is the recognition that both positive and negative judgement of any unenlightened behavior will tend to trap both parties in a low state of consciousness.

So how do you prefer a harmonious existence for yourself without judging your current circumstances as bad?

You realize that the you that prefers, is not the real you. When you prefer something other than exactly what you have and your choice is not miraculously realized exactly as you wish, you are running a level of consciousness that is identified with and as something that is not you.

When you decide that something is neither good or bad, you can then experience both polarities at the same time, which shorts them out and opens the way to harmony and knowledge. Being one with all is the only way out of lower consciousness and opens the here and now to the divine way.

One with all is the center of the whole. The more that you are able to bridge both polarities, the more miraculous your life becomes.

When your life to you is neither good nor bad, you are absolutely free to change it if you wish, while knowing if you should change it or not.

Wed the inner and outer worlds by welcoming them both and being present in each. Mend time by being conscious of the past and the future while your are fully conscious in the present. Then you will know your timelessness.

If you allow someone to be divinely free, then you are divinely free yourself. The divine way is touching and embracing life in both support and allowance. When what is feels that it is known fully, then it will freely change to a harmonious attitude. Touch someone else in support and allowance and see how it feels, it feels good. Be congruent about your wishes for others and both of your realities will change for the better.


Monday, October 13, 2008

Be as you were in the begining

Be as you were in the begining and as you will be in the end. Meditate on that beloved of God and you will know that you are, beloved of God.

God help me, God bless me that I might remain in the truth, the light and the essence of divinity always. To exist forever as a fallen consciousness, is to be condemned to a life of misery. We choose eternal truth, eternal love and eternal light as our prefered state of being.

We know that we don't deserve it, but we choose it. Bless us with the clairity of consciousness to stay in our truth. We love, welcome and invite God into every expression of our being, in every moment of out existence. We ask for the absolute change, an expression of divine love, joy in the embodiment of God.


Friday, October 10, 2008

If your ears burn easily this is not for you

The universe sucks man
sucks man into a black hole
the unholy hole of the wholly significant.
that's about the only relief that we get here, fuck her
and mother nature has you by the balls man.
f**k me,
f**k you,
and f88k mother nature.
that's what happens when you don't pay attention to the rules here.
you lose.
now you make your own rules?
not when you are regulated by society.
chew you up and shit you out it will.
what a bitter pill.
shit man, cant fight the man, cant be the man,
cant check out of here,
living in fear. a deer in the headlights of life.
what a life.
whats the point?
what are we trying for?
to make a score so we don't struggle no more?
no more crap,
cant take the rap,
cant find a scrap of pleasant relief.
good grief, bad grief, grief is my lot and a lot of grief I am.
I am Man
come on man
take my hand
put your hand in the hand of...
what do I trust?
what do I do?
Id rather be a cow. Mooo...
cat got your toung?
Give up, give in, let go, admit defeat.
to struggle against reality is to fight and lose yourself.
find yourself in losing yourself, your selfish self of self righteousness.
no, no, no. no more self, Im going home.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

The interwoven fabric that creates the structure of your reality

Stand in the truth no matter how painful it is and you will eventually be released to your greater truth that has no limitations.

Once you can stand still in the truth of your pain, eternal truth then has the freedom to begin moving through you. Eternal truth will release you from that which binds the false self and you will know and taste the way of freedom.

The pleasure of your freedom is only experienced in your enjoyment of what you have created. When you have created pain, unconsciousness and limitation for yourself and others, you must pass through it, instead of avoiding it, to be from from your creation.

Once you pass through your creation, you will regain enough consciousness to be able to make new behavioral choices that will result in a improved, conflict free reality that will be in harmony with your true nature.

The nature of reality is you immediatly experience the effect of what you create. The consciousness that you have, is the consciousness that you allow yourself, as a direct result of the freedom that you allow others to have.

That which is darkest and most hidden in you, is your most limiting aspect and the key to your complete freedom. Not that darkness is freedom, but rather freedom is found in the truth revealed by illuminating that which is hidden and unconscious.

The illumination that enlightens your hidden darkness is not that which thinks thoughts, but is that which is without thought and knows that it is safe to experience any truth that you are, or that exists as a result of your existence.

You find that illumination in moving into a conscious merger with all that limits and binds your body and thus your embodied consciousness. It is not fun in the beginning as there only seems to be density and pain, but as you persist, you find glimpses of freedom and that freedom begins to crack the shell of your reality and created Identity. Once you experience the freedom found in allowance, you can trust the process and dive into the depths of darkness and pull the plug of the unmentionable truth that you rejected and thereby unblocking your divine expression.

Your truth is best found while quietly standing in meditation, as that best allows you to be moved through the interwoven fabric that creates the structure of your reality.


Monday, October 06, 2008

God I'm free as God is me

It is what it is, I am what I am, what will be will be.
I will do what I will do, I won't do what I will not do.
What I will and won't do remains to be seen.
What I can change is not necessarily what should be changed.

Realizing and accepting what is, is the first step to operating reality as a conscious creator.
God I'm free when God is me.
How does it relate to others? Its your reality, not theirs. Its for your freedom, not theirs. Sovereignty issues rule the day, each consciousness is free to choose the reality and level of consciousness that serves their purpose best and only polarized realities are allowed to interfere with each other, as divinity chooses the divine way only.

What is the divine way?
Non binding, non entrapping, non significant.
Free, see, know and create.
Wonders, delights and no reprobates.
Love of course, without remorse.
We love all life, with ourselves as source.

Miserable existences, we've tried them of course and found that they lack.
Without unconditional love, their like a heart attack.
All well and good for those who choose them,
If all choices were known, there would be few men.

Gods, not men is the truth of us all.
On us is lost the allure of the fall.
Summer, fall, winter and spring,
are best enjoyed as an eternal thing.
The first, the last, the beginning and end,
God as you, it's the truth my friend.

Hu-man are the true men, that mankind might be.
Join us and see what your future will be.


Sunday, October 05, 2008

Our fate is our freedom to make.

We believe in the brotherhood of man and we forgive all our brothers who sometimes forget our common humanity and celebrate in the destruction of what they perceive as different to or opposing them.

We are all together in this life that we share and we choose to remember that we all can choose to be better than we have been in the past. To hate is easy, to forgive is to free ourselves, those who accept an invitation to hate have sealed their fate. Our fate is our freedom to make.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Let go, let God be you.

Life around you manifests in response to the essence of your manifestation here and you attract both polarities of your own harmonic frequency. Together your frequency and the people and circumstances it attracts, create your reality. To change your reality, you raise or lower your frequency. To change your frequency to a higher harmonic, you make the choice or your desired frequency, then you submit to that higher frequency all aspects and attachments of your current manifestation. Then you allow your current manifestation to be altered by the higher frequency, in all ways necessary to create your new frequency. Your choice has to be made continuously, without effort until all controlling aspects of your reality have been reprogrammed.

How good can it get?

Ask and find out.

How good does it get if divine love has the freedom to transfigure me all ways, always.

The world doesn't know the answer to that one yet, you will like finding out. I suggest that you try it. Being in allowance of divine love is wonderful, wonderful things happen, remarkable things happen, an extraordinary thing happens. Truth is revealed, the truth that heals all wounds and redeems all consciousness, the truth eternal.

The Eternal you.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Both the redeemed and the redeemer

The divine will handle this, the divine will handle it all. In fact for it to be handled, you have to turn it over to divinity.

As "you" all you can do is surrender, all else just prolongs your misery.

Oh yes, I am the one who lets go.
I AM the I Am who lets go.
I AM That I AM, the one who lets go.

You don't have to hold onto any stories, they are not you. No identity is you, you are beyond identity.

To be saved, one has to be both the redeemed and the redeemer. You have to fully be that which must be saved and that which saves. You begin by surrendering as he who wishes to be saved to the divine. Whatever is fully developed, experienced and expressed as you is what you surrender as. If as a fully experienced identity "you" focus on something other than your current identity as the problem or limiting factor in your level of consciousness, you have an unresolvable problem.

When you fully surrender to the divine as your experienced identity, your false identity dissolves and returns to source, providing space for the next false layer of identity to be experienced, expressed and released by your surrender as it. If you get ahead of yourself and focus on the next layer, another person or blockage as the problem, instead of releasing the current identity, you have stopped yourself and provided an opportunity for a needless distraction to be the focus of your reality and experience here.

When you have released enough of your false identities, you get to meet your true self, this will happen fairly soon in your processes and will likely be a momentary experience. Many more meetings will occur before you are stable in your eternal self as the truth of you.
