
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

A physical manifestation of divine unconditional love

It’s an interesting subject; what it is to have a relationship with the divine. When you are coming from a human consciousness and its one that there is not really much practical knowledge of in the general press and even in the new age books or the standard works of established religions.

It’s a place where I like to go when I can and when I do, I can speak from there, especially when I have taken a traditional native sacrament. Otherwise I just get inspired and while they are nice words of inspiration, receiving it from above, so to speak. The other with the sacrament, is quite different; the word is divinely loaded into the body and the body is embraced with a unconditional love that is transcendent and its impossible not to say; yes, its nice, Mmm, home base again, I’m back. Its everyones home base, its everyones natural state of expression beyond the eternities. It’s us talking as God ourselves. The talking about it is necessary because we are not expressing it here as who and what we are.

Judy, We are all in this dimension and certain people are being spoken to and while you are being spoken to you have to know that that is happening. Its like a building where God is on the 12th floor and all of the information is on the 11th floor and that’s where all knowledge is pulled from and there are only certain people who can pull that knowledge out and the others don’t have access to it.

To be the presence of the I AM, with out limitation or an agenda, without a point of view that somebody else is wrong in their chosen expression here; the divine celebrates this reality exactly as it is. Not because it enjoys it exactly as it is, which it does, but because the enjoyment, approval, understanding and embracement of a reality, is what makes a transcendent reality known as an available choice to a consciousness embodied in duality.

This world is being changed, not through words, thoughts, ideas, concepts and belief systems. This world is coming into a new world change, because of a willing choice of the embodiment of the divine by this entire reality. Thats the agenda of this reality; the embodiment of all form and creation by God consciousness and God being the operating identity of the entire reality, all reality in a divine state of consciousness, where each point of view celebrates every other point of view and consciousness that is perceived as the “other”

The self is a divine manifestation and all else is an equally divine manifestation. The change foe you into that is; “you” yourself wondering whether that is an available choice for you. When your consciousness wonders if that is true; then the “wondering” of that begins; the wonder of a reality of conscious presence that is sublime, that is universally loving, universally giving to all of creation without preference to one part of it being better than another.
Thats what changes reality, when you choose yourself, to allow your true self, the true you that exists beyond this one, the conscious of your existence eternally, the one that knows all that there is to know, about all that is. That is the you that is true and that is the one that is the truth of you. If you are willing to be true to yourself and embody your eternal truth, you will be a blessing to this reality. A blessing that all of this reality will celebrate. There is not a negative aspect to your being here as your eternal presence.

In regards to your body making the transition to freedom, feel it and ask; am I really going to allow this body to be free? To move with a consciousness that encompasses eternity? Who’s is willing to say; yes, I choose to know ultimate truth, I choose to ultimately be true to myself and to you, I am here to be the me that is free, free to be the truth of me throughout all eternity?

From my heart to yours, the message from me to you is; I do see you eternally and as you choose for the same yourself, the dreams and fondest wishes that you have for this reality and for yourself will be true, because your presence will be a wonder to behold, without your saying a single word.

The presence of a divine consciousness as the operating consciousness in a body is an irresistible force, irresistible, because it is a physical manifestation of divine unconditional love and the source of all creation from whence we all are from, our native, natural point of view as the creator of realities for ourselves to interact in with separate points of view.


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