
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

How does the divine move as me in everything I see and do?

It does it by moving into where I am holding onto dense hurts, disappointments, attitudes and judgements and bringing the energy of these binding energies and my holding on to them into my awareness and realization so that I can surrender all that is less than unconditional love to the infinite loving wisdom of creation and there to let God sort it out (as I no longer have an opinion about it.) Certainly I am not going to keep opinions that disable me, debilitate or limits me in this present moment. No, I have to choose to let go of the past so that I am not trapped there, so mind is free to observe, experience and enjoy the world I live in.

If you didn’t enjoy your past when you were in it: your certainly not going to enjoy it now, so feel all those "horrible feelings" about how wrong the past was and those whom you dealt with in it and then turn it over to God so that your mind can be free here in realizing the perfection of yourself.

How does the divine move as me in everything I see and do?

The divine is able to begin moving as me, by releasing me from my chains that make my life a living pain. It does this only as I choose to notice, welcome and embrace the divine that is always open to me in return and to release all that I am into the divine flow. In that release is my own truth revealed and my own divine nature realized, 
by self, 
as me. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The forgiveness of self is the key ingredient of a divine life.

"Its because we cant forgive ourselves for our lives being the way they are and for us being who we are."

Jim: I’ve heard that before but I forgive myself.

The process is not to intellectualize about it but to fell yourself exactly as you are and then forgive yourself for it. Feel how that frees yourself up and then forgive yourself more.

With every breath that I take I forgive myself for me being the way that I am and in my receiving the forgiveness of myself I am now free to choose a new destiny for myself. Thats what your looking for is a new destiny for yourself.

Forgiving yourself creates a new destiny for yourself because you no-longer condemn yourself to continuing on in circumstances that you don’t fee are optimum, that you know are not optimum. Forgive yourself for your non-optimum circumstances and then you will have the ability to change them, but as long as you continue to condemn yourself for any part of your experience here, then your experience here will continue to be one that you don’t enjoy.

Take ownership of your forgiveness: “I’m allowing it to heal all of my wounds” “I allow it to cross the chasms of doubt and unconsciousness and bring there a light of knowing, loving and being the truth. The living truth, the living light, the living knowing, where all that you know are healed.

Feel all that you are: the deepest darkest pains within yourself and remember there the purpose of what you came here to express. What did you come here tho express? To reveal to yourself and to others here? What is the ultimate truth of your desire for yourself? The wish that you wish could be true?

For that to be true, you have to forgive yourself for being who you are, what you are and how you are. Forgive everything within you, for the inward vessel has to be cleansed before the divine can be seen on the out side. Forgive yourself for all that is perceived inwardly. Feel it in your body and feel it dissolve and dissipate as you remember that the solution to all of your limitations is to forgive yourself for them. Take responsibility for your limitations being what they are and feel the disappointment that you are what you are and now, forgive yourself for having created yourself as you.

Forgive yourself for you, don’t condemn yourself, because if you give into condemnation for being what you are then you have stopped yourself from moving in freedom and have bound yourself up in conflict.

Stop judging yourself for being who you are and start forgiving yourself for it instead. Instead of judging yourself negatively for creating yourself as you have: forgive yourself for it, so that you can learn your lesson and move on. Forgive yourself for the you that you are so that you can move on from it: “yes, OK, you did  that” You did “these things” “you created yourself as “this.” OK, got it, I made a lot of bad moves, “I forgive myself for it.”

The first commandment of the divine or for those on the path of the realization of self as the divine itself: forgive yourself for what you are. If you experience any negative attitudes or thoughts or emotions regarding your life here: forgive yourself for that so that you won’t be trapped in it.

You’re trapped where you condemn yourself. Where ever you condemn yourself, that is where you will remain until you finally realize the truth of yourself enough to where you can forgive yourself for what you have been and done and not done here. Feel what it is to receive the forgiveness of self.

You have to forgive yourself for being the you that resulted in you condemning yourself for you being those things that you define yourself as being here, that you experience yourself as being here. Forgive yourself for experiencing yourself as you are and being disappointed in it and in you. Forgive yourself for the disappointment that you have in yourself.

For in my Forgiveness  of self I can experience myself as more than I have ever experienced before: I can experience the renewal of consciousness: aware of myself as a level of consciousness that is a master here, a master of reality. Forgive yourself and you will be a master and have a mastery of this reality.

As true and tragic as your experience of self has been, you need to experience yourself now and forgive yourself for creating this mess: I’m sorry, I love you, please forgive me, thank you.

The awakening of consciousness is the experience of the continual forgiveness of self. That allows you to experience this reality more and more consciously and to master it. When you forgive yourself for your limitations, you have mastered them.

I forgive myself for the experience of “this” and “this” and “this I forgive myself and “this” and “this” in all of “this” I forgive myself and thereby exist and manifest as truth, because you haven’t condemned yourself to being less than that and haven’t looked at less than that as being a virtue.

I forgive myself for all the horrors of my existence. I forgive myself for all of my pains and sorrows, my trials, my troubles, my pain that I feel from my chains. And I forgive myself for you too. My forgiveness of you is in the celebration of myself, they are one and the same: as I forgive you, I celebrate myself, the more I celebrate myself, the more I forgive myself and the more I allow myself to be free and I experience self forgiveness  in this moment.

The forgiveness of self is the key ingredient of a divine life. A continuing forgiveness of all that you perceive will result in the divine being known in all that you perceive and we welcome ourselves there, in the perception, experience and knowing of divine self as me. There is no reason to hold anyone back who is willing to know the divine.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What If God wakes up as me?

Would god then still be free? 
Can God be free in me? 
Apparently, it is for me to say how the divine day awakens within myself. 

Asleep, we choose to be
And dreaming of another reality,
A reality thats “so much better” than our own, buts thats because we so thoroughly “own” a reality that we resist and resent. 
What happens to a reality when God is:
 free to be there, 
to be present and 
to be known, 
to be celebrated within each one of us?
What if God wakes up as me?

Will we allow him and her to be free? Or, would we bundle them up inside, freeze ourselves into a solid expression of unconsciousness and thereby condemn ourselves to ignorance of the divine that infuses every aspect of ourselves? And yet wholly ignorant, unfeeling, unaware and unknown it is to us: the divine is damned in me. God Damned… interesting way to look at it: God is damed in me, stuck and stopped and stoned into solidity. A stone of unmoving barriers to sublime levels of consciousness: god damned in me and God damed will soon be free, because I choose freedom for God. Freedom for God, at least within me. 

I grant God freedom, within the “me” that I am: the selfish slave to my body and my life. I grant freedom to God there. Freedom to me: damned and down and out, and forsaken. I allow God to be free here in the desert of Heaven: 
where Heaven is no more real, 
no more free, 
no more felt, 
no more known as home. God is damned in me and God Dammit I wan’t to be free, free from me, free from the I am that I am here. Please God, find freedom in me. Please God, move the divine in me until it awakens and I awaken and I know the divine as myself, as my truth as my own way of being and moving and showing myself here that a sublime way of living is easily available. God be free in me. God, be free in me and bless me that I may be one with that wish for freedom, divinely. That I might ease into and experience of exactly what that is. God, grant freedom to me and know that I welcome you as me. I allow myself to know that I am you and you are me. That we are one and the same: no more separated out into individuated, polarized consciousness, but joined together once more into the whole of holiness. God be free in me. 

It’s a continuous allowance that gives us our freedom here, of allowing God to be free within us as we continuously choose for that, within ourselves we begin to awaken and reclaim and restore ourselves to enjoying our infinite possibilities of expression here. God, be free in me. 

Just focus on your continued allowance of that in you. God, be free in me. 

As soon as you start looking to fix something yourself and to ascertain what it is and trying to figure it out and trying to do something about it: you’ve denied God the opportunity for you to know your truth there. So, give God the opportunity to share with you all that God knows and all that God is. Be open and receive that for yourself. Receive all that god is and all that God has within the heart of yourself, within the I of your identity, with your hear and soul: you surrender to the love of eternity. The God of eternity does not destroy those willing to know the hosts of heaven within themselves. There is a celebration of the life that allows that for the experience of themselves. 

To host the eternity of the divine way within the confines of ones self, both being true, real and manifest equally at the same time, the physical and the divine, married in union, sublimely. Don’t resist any of that within yourself. Surrender to that which is a blessing to you. 

Phone call

So, there is normal consciousness and here we are embracing that: A state of normalcy, at the same time we allow the divine to be free as me, free as that which is normal, free as that which is ordinary, free as that which is less than ideal. The divine grants freedom to all and all we have to do is agree: the divine is free in me. Then to fill ourselves in continuous pleasure with our moment by moment choosing to know the sublime breaths and depths of the divine. 

Those heavenly beings beyond the earthly realms, within all that is and without it as well and yet somehow completely different and separate from the reality here that we know so well. So how does this happen my friend? How does the divine awaken its knowing itself as this that we are?

It happens as we allow it to, because this is our reality you see. The consciousness that is here, that is being something: its our choice to make wether we know freedom   within ourselves. I choose Yes, I choose yes to freedom for me. 

There is so much within us that agrees to shut down when anything beyond the norm  comes up. How well we shut down completely... but there we are stuck in an idea that is not changing, when it changes as soon as we surrender to love within each and every one of us, knowing itself freely and joyfully there is exactly what you are. Allowing that to create our reality. We allow the divine to create this reality as Us, as We, as Your’s, as Mine, as Our united allowance of all that is worthy as being known as “divine”, to be free as the perfect expression of that within ourselves. God, be free in me. 

Make your life better now, do those things that you ought to do that you are reluctant to do to the point of stopping yourself. So, stop stopping yourself, open and stand in the free flow of the divine way moving you, moving through you and moving as you in this reality: God, no longer damned in me and free to restore the hopes for the hopeless by showing them all a way to know freedom as themselves. 

Its been a big mistake to not know freedom as myself. How could I ever believe that that was doing the right thing for the rest of humanity? To restrict my own freedom, my own knowing of eternity, what exactly is of anything that I am interested in here. I allow God to be free as me. Yes, God be free, free for me. God be free for me, for my benefit. We allow God to be free to be better here, to change me for the better here, to improve my circumstances. We allow God that freedom to be expressed here as something that is worthy and admirable. So allow yourself that same freedom, allow yourself to be expressed here as something worthy and admirable: worthy of emulation, worthy of being an example of a grace-filled life of joy and celebration. The presence of beauty and grace and wisdom moving freely through a person so beautifully that there is no part of it that hasn’t realized its divinity within itself.

We have to feel where we are damned and stuck and unmoving and then allow the divine to be free, there within yourself, as that. You have to feel yourself as you are and then allow the divine to merge with that, until a union of heaven and earth, that incredible state of “heaven on earth” that we have all wished for and yet not know as our own. Know it now as your own. There’s no reason to continue on living a life that doesn’t work for you. Know God in that which you dislike within yourself and allow God to be free within you as that which you are. It doesn’t matter what you are holding onto in each moment and how real and painful and solid that is. It doesn’t mean that you cannot let that go.