
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The doorway to enlightenment for yourself

Who thinks that it would be a good idea to be enlightened?

The very premise of that question, that you are somehow less, lost or not what it is that you could be and that there are really long odds against your transcending this reality that you exist in and as, binds you into continuing to be that.

There is very little evidence that anyone has been enlightened here, so to put yourself on that task, would seem to be trying to dream the impossible dream, or to have an impossible realization. One that is beyond virtually all those here who have wished for it.

So lets not wish for that anymore; lets wish for the truth of ourselves instead.

Lets wish for what already is.

That would seem like an enlightened thing to do, because if you are enlightened, surely your reality is as you wish it to be. So wish for your reality to be as it is and that will open the doorway to enlightenment for yourself. Then you can realize; oh my god, I am the one who gets it, I am the one who realizes self as all that is.

A new mantra for you; I wish for things to be as they are…

I wish for things to be as they are, that puts me in control of my life’s realization, because my wish is for me to be, only the me, that I am, right now.

Look at life and then tell the truth in such a way that it benefits you always. You can’t have it light and easy in this reality unless your light and easy yourself, with this reality.

Don’t look elsewhere for the state it is that you have asked to be able to express here. Relax about everything in life being exactly what it is; don’t try to change it, just know it, know it, know exactly what it is so that you know how to deal with it as your lives interact with each other.

The first step of enlightenment is realization, the second; is action and thats the only way that it works well. You don’t act before you are realized; because before you are realized, you are acted upon and until you relax into that being the way that it is here, you won’t make the second step. So relax, be pleased that things are the way that they are here.

Just let go of your resistance to this reality and remember; you don’t need anybody else’s permission to be enlightened and certainly not from someone who admits that they are not enlightened themselves. They have no way to know what enlightenment is, because they have consciously shut themselves off from it to the point where they have no reality on it what soever.

Look at all of the things that you already know that you love in life, things that you don’t fill your life with and realize that you control enough and know enough about yourself, that when you decide to; your life can improve dramatically and instantaneously.

If you choose to be unhappy about your partners passion in life; your going to have an unhappy partnership. Exactly the way things are, is exactly the way I want it to be,

for now.


Friday, October 28, 2011

A Mantra for Life

I love all that which I am here.
I bring joy with my presence.
I am that which loves and supports all life.
All life enjoys peace and harmony when I am here with them.
I am that which ends all conflicts.
I am that which moves grace, beauty and harmony.
I am patience to the impulsive and spontaneity to the conservative.
I am clarity to the confused.
I am peace to the conflicted.
I am light to the darkness and contrast to the light.
All that is, is healed by my presence.
I am a return to sanity for the intolerant and hateful.
I am prosperity to the poor and generosity to the wealthy.
I am the universal solvent and elixir of life.
I am freedom to the captive and captivating to the free.
I am the freedom to be free with all.
I am the holiness of truth and the truth of all.
I am you and I am me too.
I am the divine dancing with life.

The self realization of eternal truth is accomplished simply your stopping your continuous blocking of it and then relaxing into feeling it move through your body and observing it transforming your self concept and personal reality. You then freely open up and receive the eternal truth of self and begin to operate as that as your own expanded truth.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Allow everything you connect with in this reality, to be your doorway to knowing the infinite.

If your own life is not in perfect order, don’t be spending your time lost in fantasying over the stories of others lives; pay attention to your own life until it is a life worth fantasying about. Don’t get caught up in a story about an idea, about somebody else, pay attention to your story; the one that you are telling with your life.

What story does your life tell?
What story could your life tell at it’s very best?
Imagine that!
What story could your life tell with you are your very best, starting right now?
Pay attention to the stories going on in your head and realize who is talking and who is listening. Thats right, realize them both, by not talking and not listening , unless you are listening with a true sense of knowing; the kind of knowing that makes you the most valuable friend, that a friend can have.

What are your conversations with other people about really? There are just two things really that are relevant to you; your survival in this world and your consciousness about this one, the next one and any other. Take care of your survival and then contemplate the infinite until you know it.

Allow for everything you connect with in this reality, be your doorway to knowing the infinite.

Allow the circumstances that surround you in this moment, to be that which opens your self realization of your divine consciousness.

When we sit around and chat, you can realize that the purpose of our visits is to self realize ourselves to enlightenment in this moment.

The will that is realized; the will to know the truth of all.

When you are in a state of not knowing “the answer”; refuse to be moved by your environment other that to a self realization of divine source.

If a person that you are interacting with is not either assisting you in furthering your physical well being or inspiring you to self realize eternal truth, then why do you have time for someone who doesn’t enhance you temporally or eternally?

Allow the process of self realization that you have been on, to be complete now. Allow it to be as wonderful as you were told it was by others, and more.

What actually works for the self realization of a human? Open up to being your ultimate self now. Allow all of those glimpses of the divine you to come together into one whole truth, now; the truth of one being who is wholly true.

Allow the problems of life to move through you and not find a home in you The problems of life are only problems to an intellect that is confused about his survival and what constitutes that, what that means and how it is enjoyed here.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Indulge your desires

And give free rein to your realization of freedom in form,
be a willing partner with the hosts of heaven,
be with the hosts of heaven and allow them to know that you are here,
to host the hosts of those who love all, unconditionally.

Awaken the Dragon within, he is you; the dragon who devours unconsciousness and pretense.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Feel the universe give you its universal blessing

You can contemplate the infinite and you can say that when you do that, that this reality disappears and all becomes one; the one self that is everything and you would be right. However, we are communicating body to body, mind to mind and soul to soul, where our consciousnesses has been individuated into separate identities and so, to say that this is not real when in fact that is how we are communicating with each other is a crazy a position to take and say that you are standing in the truth.

The truth is that we can contemplate the infinite, we can know the mind of God and at the same time, we are here as human consciousness, as personality, as identity, as “me” and “I” and “you” and “yours”. Sometimes “us” but only when we are discussing a subject that we agree upon, thats when we are willing for “you” and “I” to be “us” and “we.”

To say that you and I and us and we, are one, is to not to be recognizing the paradox that admittedly we can have the experience where we all are one; where there is nothing but “you,” but, I can have that same experience myself and “I'm” not “you.” I’m me, I’m my own “separated out” consciousness that sees myself as something different, than you. That doesn’t change the fact that we are both capable of universal consciousness, it doesn’t change the fact that we are both able to transcend duality and even transcend oneness into a state of one; one whole truth.

Just because there is one whole truth, that does not make the component parts of it illusion and one thing that I am sure of, is that one of the component parts of it is something that I like to identify as me.

So its OK for me to me,
and for you to be you,
and for us to each be able to be divine,
to be free,
to be the “universal me,”
that I am,
when I am not being a man.

Thats the the me that is free,
that I feel with some glee,
when it downloads into the me,
that I am as this body.

The me that is free,
Joins with the earthly me,
To create a new thing,
That we bring,
To that which springs forth as life.

The choice of a consciousness beyond the “in-formed,” beyond the necessity of rules and regulations created to compel the unconscious to behave in an appropriate manner towards other consciousness. There are no rules for divinity, because divinity needs no rules; divinity acts appropriately in every circumstance, in a way that maintains its own freedom, its own supreme consciousness at the same time it is either a blessing to you, or nothing to you at all.

There is so much to contemplate if I am going to be conscious in my life and it seems like you have to confront the darkness before you can lighten up,(if you get my drift). I’m going to allow myself to operate in knowing, I can’t think of any good reason not to. I choose to know the environment that I am in here, I choose to interact with it in a knowing understanding, communicative and beneficial way with reality. I choose to have a mutually beneficial relationship; me benefiting this reality and this reality benefiting the me that I am here.

Why should that be a bad choice for someone to make? Why shouldn’t it be a choice that we make for ourselves? Why shouldn’t it be a choice that I make for me now? Choose to be divine here my brother. Yes, it’s true, I am asking that question for myself and doing it in this manner so that I can reach those unconscious parts of myself that believe that they are “self” and not fully self at the same time, because we have "other selves", each with their own point of view that we fight with them about.

How do you walk in knowing?
How do you walk in full awareness?
How do you move your body in the freedom of fully knowing the reality that you are interacting with? If that is an available choice for you, make it already. Look and see if it is available for you, you may be surprised that it is. Allow yourself to be surprised; it is an available choice for you, surprise!

Be present competently in your reality, allow your reality to be easy for you, every part of it. Take a real good look around you and realize by your looking at a new building or car and the former history of your body; none of those things that happened before this building was built are happening to you anymore. Your not still fighting those battles, you’re here now, in the present, you’re present here and thats where you need to be consciously present in order for your body to have a successful existence here. Be present in your present. I found it best that my own point of view have the deciding vote in deciding what level of consciousness I choose to be here as.

Universal consciousness, right here. It seems to me that this would be the best choice and its my choice that rules my reality; as long as I am consciously aware that the choices I make, result in the experiences that I desire to have then, this reality is not going to object to those.

Act appropriately in every situation, so that this reality blesses you with its approval for the life that you desire to have here. If I choose to embody a transcendent consciousness right now, how is my body going to deal with that? What is the response of my body to that? Can we look and find a way where the body will willingly say yes, its a nice change for me? Look and find a way where that change can be a pleasing and comfortable event for the body.

If you don’t allow yourself to receive what you need to have, (if you are going to make up to everybody for your past bad behavior,) and if that is what you require for yourself to transcend, then you are going to have to open up and allow yourself to receive, so that you can pass it on, so that you can be a blessing to the other people who need it, or want it from you.

Stop talking to yourself about what you need to do for your reality to be the way that you want it to be and just allow reality to be the way that you want it to be. What does it feel like to have more money coming in than you want to spend? Open right now to the universe, completely, right now and say; yes to wealth for us, I am open to it. Its your choice to be open to it or not to. I think that it is time for us to choose to receive it. Embrace the universe and say; we/I want your blessing here.

It feels good to contemplate that thought and to feel the body relaxing and opening with the realization that its OK for us to have a beautiful life. Open up to feeling that completely, the universe supports you in having a beautiful life. It’s moving some energy in me, stuck energy where things were not moving.

I’m going down the stairway to heaven.

let go of all of the examples for you in your life, the part of you that hasn’t been getting things done in life, is the you that you have to allow to be enlightened. Your not going into thinking abstract thoughts and concepts about freedom to do this, but experientially. Free yourself where you are most unfree, fix that weak link that is holding you in bondage, by feeling the universe give you its universal blessing now and relax into that consciously


Who do you have to be to contemplate the divine in it's totality?

You can’t figure out your problems at the lower levels of consciousness that humanity has here, you can’t resolve them from there. You have to come into your body as your divinity and allow that to be your resource that sorts everything out so that you can raise your consciousness to the level of the divine, so that the divine is you.

You have had enough experience with the divine to know that it exists, it is not an element of faith anymore. You know it exists and you have put your attention on it, which means that you want to know what it is, you want to understand it, you want to be aware of it. Which means; you want to contemplate it in it’s totality and who do you have to be to contemplate the divine in it’s totality and understand it?

You have to be something that you have not been here, so just allow your truth to be one that can contemplate the immensity of time, space realities and dimensions. Universes, universal thought, universal ability, universal consciousness. What can comprehend the totality of the universe? You can, if you let yourself. Feel what it is to relax into that. The realization of divine truth; feel what it is to relax into that, as yourself.

Let go of trying to figure it out, it’s a very complex, difficult problem for you to be restored to an embodied state of the divine, so let those who can assist you; assist you. Those that can assist you will.

The school of divinity.

Allow the light of an enlightened being to come forth from within you and share that with this reality.

Feel what it is like to be still, until you are free.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The restoration of divine physicality.

The divine way in physicality is lived by one who allows divine truth to move through him. Awe... Mmm, Ohmm. Awe is your mantra of transformation; is the mantra of the divine.

Allow your body to move in awe, realize awe within yourself and surrender to the awe-some; being you.

All that you have gathered together to compile a self, has been a substitute for your real truth. Allow the awesome truth of self, to be real for you; by feeling your truth and allowing that transcendent truth to move through you, transforming your mind, body and identity.

No effort is needed, actually any effort you put forth will actually prevent transformation from happening, because the effort is not coming from your truth, but from your pretense. All you need is your conscious relaxation into the allowance of knowing and being the truth. In consciously aware, allowance; your truth will mold, shift and guide you into the freedom you desire.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

A transcendent level of consciousness

Transcendent seems to be a word that we are not in harmony with, why is that? Why wouldn’t we naturally be in harmony with transcendence? If we naturally would be in harmony with transcendence and yet we are not, what unnatural thing is it, that seems to trap our consciousness in the depths of a conflict based reality?

Transcendence, transcendence consciousness, well I guess the only way we’re going to know the answer to that question is for us to just say its OK for us to take a sample of transcendent consciousness, so that we will know whereof we speak about this subject. Your either capable of being transcendently conscious or your not, what are you?

Capable? Feel it, feel it within the soul that you are, are you capable of transcendence? Are you capable of transcendence? I want to know, because if you are, then I choose that for myself. So, are you willing to be conscious of transcendence so that you can know what that is and in the “knowing” of that, go ahead and be transcendent in this moment? The moment of transcendence is upon you, ah, realize that. This moment that you are in right now, as you read my words, is your transcendent perfection, known to yourself.

Repeat this mantra to yourself; “this is our moment, this is my moment, this is the I AM that I am, transcendently.

Here is the first realization in your choice for a transcendent consciousness; that, is what you were supposed to do, congratulations, well done! There is a segment of this reality that you occasionally interact divinely with. Thats to be applauded, thats to be celebrated. Who does that? Why would you condemn yourself if you do that sometimes?

Don’t let yourself continue to stop yourself from being transcendently conscious, because you realize that you are going to have to self-realize yourself through all of your crap that you have created in your life. Yes, you did all of those things, you had all of those “bad effects” on other people and life, you haven’t been as good to life, like you could be. So what? So what, it doesn’t affect the validity of your current choice. Your current choice to live divinely, super cedes and negates; all previously controlling choices and lower points of view. It disables them and brings them under the control of the you that is supremely conscious.

Choose a transcendent consciousness, otherwise you are just going to continue to speak badly to yourself. Now see what just happened to you, you choose a transcendent level of consciousness, that started realizing itself in you, layer after layer of your consciousness, then all of a sudden you have a secondary realization that all you want to do is; love. Love, all you want to do is love. All you ever want to do is love, love love.

A transcendent level of consciousness, is the level of consciousness that is most able to operate itself in a manner that you would understand as being God consciousness.


Thursday, October 06, 2011

Boundless and free

You are confused within yourself,
that much is clear to see,
by one who is willing to be,

Consciousness is,
as it chooses to be,
or is that not obvious,
as the nose on your face?

That knows not the answer,
cannot face the truth that we are;
as free as,
we choose to be.

Or are we bound to the ground,
witlessly walking around,
arguing who knows what?
with Hor hey who thinks he knows,
just what's what.

You are all nuts...
Nutters and buggers,
and old mother huggers.
Looking for truth where,
there is none to be found,
no truth that lifts you and frees you,
and leaves you unbound.

Boundless and free,
without mystery,
Am I all things? No.
But all things I know.
and With looking I see,
there is no Mystery.

We are all here as frauds,
with very slim odds.
That even just one,
will have his day as the sun,
of God that we all,
worship as the one who made it.

Make it yours,
by your choice,
and then just,

That the truth has been found,
but not in the ground,
and not in the sky,
but in the I AM,
that I might be "I".

So I leave you this jest;
there is no "one best"
that wins the "all"
while the rest of us fall.

Fall away we have done,
but don't be so glum,
We all can be one,
in sharing the glory of the sun.

The sun now has set,
and I will make you a bet,
I will sleep in till noon,
like a friggin baboon. : )

In the doorway of the light

Hear's a secret,
just for you,
enlightenment is you too,
when you can stand,
face God in his land,
and say to him, clear:

Its true, I AM here too.
Here to be,
here to see,
here to know the true me.

But here as I am,
an un-holy man,
right and wrong,
good and evil,
Yet unswerving.

Here I am,
and here I stand,
no longer frightened,
by my truth or my past.

In the doorway of the light,
stands the dark unholy Knight,
But willing to be true,
true to me and true to you,
do with me as you will do. : )

Monday, October 03, 2011

Awake within the dream

A conversation with God;

If reality is a dream/not real/or an illusion, are you willing to be master or the illusion from within it, even if you are not real yourself?

D. As long as my consciousness is focused here, yes.

Then don't try to figure it out, just allow the mastery to grow within you.

D. Tell me more so that it actually happens for me.

Allow yourself to be a blank slate, allow yourself to be moved, reformed and opened by the master of the illusion, (in the world, not of the world, remember.)

D. Ok go ahead,.

Allow all that is within you that doesn't know, to be released and redeemed by the presence of God.

D. That's pretty much all of me.

I know, enjoy the ride. The embodiment of God, is the master of the illusion and your way to the ultimate truth and freedom you desire. Allow the presence of God to change everything, hold onto nothing, let everything go and enter the mind of God. Your truth is found here, in the creator, not in the illusion. Allow the creator to reacquaint you with your truth. Let go of everything and know the creation of all things. Then you will be master of the illusion. It's ok to let go, things will only get better for you and all that you love and you will soon love all that is.

Each one who embraces God becomes the living truth. If you find it impossible to let go of a particular lie. Just let go of it for now, you can return to it later as it's master. Or better yet, figure out your life's problems when you have mastered them. Mastery first, action second. Earth can wait, heaven first. Remember, miracles happen as quickly as you allow them to, the dream does not end until you awaken and the master of the dream is awake within it.

D. Thank you God and so be it.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

I AM Love

I am here to love everything that is,
as it is.

This is a living mantra that you allow to embrace you, enfold you and transform your realization of self.

I love,
I Love with a love that frees me,
and others,
and spiritually.

My love heals,
and restores,

My love is,
the divine way.

My love is,
the celebration of God consciousness.

my love,

I AM love,
and holy.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

A mantra to change your life

As I was contemplating my body tonight and feeling my various complaints about it. I realized that I have been out of communication with most of my body my entire life and despite my decades of meditation, energy work and massages, the state of my body was still one of stress, tension and pain. As I was realizing this, something clicked into place and I knew that I was here to love this "organism", all of my body and what ever it is that it is comprised of physically, spiritually and consciously.

So for the next hour or so I repeated the mantra; "I am here to love this organism" and an interesting thing happened; each body part in turn relaxed and opened up with this new realization that I was finally going to be present here in loving, conscious support of my body as my vehicle of expression here.

The mantra then shifted focus from my body to my life with the simple realization of; "I am here to love" and the confusions in my mind in all aspects of my life began to clear up with this unifying realization of my purpose in being here. My ego was nervously protesting this change from operation from fear and worry, asking; how will this affect my life and how can I manage my future with this shift in beingness? But it could not deny that everything that it was normally concerned about was already shifting for the better with just that simple realization as a new organizing principle for my reality.

To be continued...