
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, November 30, 2012

To achieve a state of enlightenment, requires only that you realize that God is within you.

Do you think so lowly of yourself that you will choose your reality to be one that is affected by other realities? Does the influence of creation identified, based consciousness have an effect upon you? How could you think so little of yourself, that you could believe that the truth of you is your embodied self? The embodied self is the actor on the stage, you are the director, the producer and the writer. You create the stage and the players on it and the one that is you has a choice: wether to continue on as the embodied consciousness that this reality has identified it to be, or are you a native and natural consciousness that exists beyond creation? That holds all creation in it’s grasp? 

A true sovereign king is in harmony with his glorious surroundings, through the nobleness of his spirit as a perfect match to the grand nature of his surroundings: the surroundings are not aggrandizing an ego, the surroundings are celebrating the presence of a transcendent consciousness and is beautifying itself in appreciation. That is why God’s presence is always in a glorious temple. Now allow that presence to glorify you as the temple of God.

We are all here to allow the presence of God to glorify our bodies. Realize within yourself that you are allowing yourself to be the temple of God and that God is at home in you. 

Notice that God is at home in you, look and you will find him within all that you are. 
Notice that you are holy and a wholly free embodiment of divinity: a consciousness of God in form. 
Notice the God in you, take the focus off of the identifications of self, of the personalities that all believe that they are all less than whole, holy and true. Let all of that go as the pretenses that they are and embrace the whole you: the one that encompasses all stars, holy you and wholly true. All embodied within the self that you are here. Allow the identification of you, to know your eternal truth and to be transformed by it into a form wholly in harmony with the you that is beyond “this or that.”

Choose to allow God to live within you and watch your transformation unfold. The funny thing is; God has always lived within you, it is your recognition and realization of that which transforms you, not the fact that God is within you. It is your “realization making real” the presence of God, that is transformational here, not the presence of God. Because God himself is universal, cannot be separated from and when you realize that within yourself: then eternal freedom has been born on earth. 

Notice that God is within you and always has been and always will be inseparable from who you are, what you are and even everything that you pretend to be that you’re not. God is within it all and without as well. 

What you need to do about your circumstances changes considerably with each level of awakening and awareness. Each time you take a quantum leap into a higher level of awareness and consciousness, that which is your purpose or that which you need to do has similarly transformed. So, whatever got you to the state of enlightenment is not what it takes to maintain it. What it takes to obtain a state of enlightenment is not the same as what it takes to maintain it.

To achieve a state of enlightenment, requires only that you realize that God is within you. To maintain a state of enlightenment requires that you realize God as you and that you experience your sense of self as God consciousness. The maintenance of a state of enlightenment is the realization of God consciousness as self and if that doesn’t begin to reorder your physical presence: then you haven’t considered it an available possibility for yourself.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The transformation into love

There is a love here that hasn’t been here before.

I’m inspired, but to know it: I first have to disconnect, me from myself. Which also requires altering relationships with you and others that prevent me from being free.

There’s a love here that I haven’t been willing to recognize or receive before and far be it from me to reject a love that loves unconditionally…

The transformation into love, must be welcomed and surrendered to, if divine change is what you wish to be.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

We'll be here when you awaken.

Allow yourself to be opened to the wondrous possibilities of your life.

Let go of the battles that you are fighting.

Allow your fears to fade away in the light heart of the divine way.

An enlightened heart reveals the way of a transcendent life.

The depths of your darkness are no match for that which knows no thought of self. 

Allow the opening to be done and you will have done well and be well done and out of the well of darknes. 
What's to be done by you? Nothing. 
How do you do it? Watch, allow and experience the awe-sum-wholeness of you, as you are revealed to yourself.

Enjoy the love of "your" life and you will find within it the love of all, that opens the way to our return. 

Be at home with that and a fine homecoming it will be for all of us.

The reality of this will come to you, as you allow it to, sweet dreams my friend.

We'll be here when you awaken.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Allow the truth to become you

Allow God to walk with you as you are, don’t make God wait for you to be worthy of him. Your desired change for the better will happen the fastest with God as your companion anyway and if you will open your eye and notice: he is there now and there is nothing for you to do but notice it. 
Notice God now and your struggle to realize yourself will be over. 
Notice God now and the lost will have been found. 
Notice God now and the peace you desire will be replaced with the peace, serenity and wisdom that you are when you are whole and at home with the truth. 
Notice God now and allow the truth to become you, 
because it does.

Friday, November 23, 2012

I should know love here before I go-anywhere.

To go anywhere, for any reason, before you know love within yourself, is to move in unconsciousness in a world dangerous to the unaware. 

To those who know themselves divinely: where does one find the freedom to know oneself as that? 

We are coming here to love “this life” and to have this life know what it is to be loved completely and to know fully and absolutely: that the love of this life, is you.

Friday, November 09, 2012

I want you to have a happy, happy life.

A visit with my son:

Dad, I feel sad.

I am sorry that you feel sad C. I am sorry that you feel sad. I know, I know…

C.: know what? 

I feel sad too and I need some help.

C.: what?

I need some help right here and right now. I need somebody to say: I believe you are going to have a wonderful life.

C: you?

Yes, could you say that to your poppy?

C: I don’t know how to say that.

Just say: I love you and I want you to have a happy, happy life. How about that?

C: I am embarrassed to say it.

Well, I love you and I want you to have a happy, happy, happy life C, I really do. I want you to have a happy, happy, life. I want you to enjoy your life here, I really do. 

Let me help you release the fear from your body, just by rubbing it like that. When you let go of that fear that you are holding onto in your body, in your muscles, that just makes you go ahh… makes you wakeup and be happy. Can you be happy right here? Can you be happy right there in those muscles? Can you be happy in those muscles? Can you be happy in those muscles here? Yes, feel it, you can be happy here. You can be happy here. 

C: why?

It doesn’t matter why, it just matters that you can be happy here. It doesn’t matter how it happens, you can be happy right here in your body. Just let go of all of that unhappiness, you don’t need that. You can be happy here, right here. You can be happy here. You can be happy here. Realize that, just realize that you can be happy here.

C: here or here? 

In your whole body and your whole life. You can be really happy about your life, all you have to do is to be willing to receive that kind of wonderful life that will make you really happy. Just open up and say yes I want that, yes. We both get to choose to be happy here, both for ourselves and for each other. 

Does that feel good? I don’t know either, but it sure would be fun to feel happy all of the time wouldn’t it?

C: Umhmm.

Yes, I want to feel happy I really do, do you?

C: Hmm?

I want to feel happy, I really do, do you?

C: yes.

OK good, I think if you feel like you want to be happy that you should be happy. I think you should be happy. 

One thing that you might want to ask yourself is: is God really in favor of my freedom? Because at first blush it doesn’t seem like he is, and yet here he is and he says he is in favor of our freedom. So, to what degree does God’s being in favor of our freedom does that facilitate us in being free here? What else is necessary besides Gods will? Ha ha, if God’s will is not enough for you to be free here, what else is required?

Wherever you feel stuck energy, where you cannot move easily or you are afraid, whever you feel that…

C: afraid or sad?

Whichever one, whever you feel it, you just let it go and then decide what the best thing to do is and then do it.

C: I think that, Mmm, that Mmm, how I say it? There are two kinds of afraid and one is afraid of someone and the other kind is afraid of doing one thing. 

Two different kinds of afraid. Well, how do we let go of being afraid and just do what we know we need to do to be successful here? Where are our friends that wish for us our divine freedom?

Know that you are loved always and open up to allowing the divine's love of you to be known and experienced by you.

The divine allow the flow of divinity to be they, themselves.

We cooperate with reality, we don’t oppose it, we cooperate with reality, we don’t oppose it. 

 How much can the universe alter the possibilities here, when it see’s my self realization as the blessing that the universe need, in order to perfect itself? (That’s as true for you as it is for me.)

Allow your consciousness to go into a successful bloom, thats all you have to do is to allow your consciousness to bloom where you are right now. Allow yourself to be overcome with consciousness. With conscious, allow yourself to be overcome by a higher consciousness that facilities your own transcendence into that yourself. Be overcome by the divine. Allow the divine to overcome the you that knows that he doesn’t know his divinity. Allow divinity to overcome your lack of knowing, open your eyes and see whats been shown you, in your face your entire life and that is: you are consciously free here as you choose to be. You are consciously free here if you choose to be. 

Allow the reality here that you haven’t been aware of to be so superior to your own that you can allow yourself to be resolved of all of your issues here, into a state of knowing your own freedom eternally.

What do I know of the divine ways to begin walking in my divinity in this moment? Well, we know that it just flows, allow the allowance of the flow is what the divine do. The divine allow the flow of divinity to be they, themselves. 

Why would I not feel worthy of what ever my eternal truth is? 

Oh yes, OK, well… Why aren’t you choosing for the loving truth of eternity to be you? Why would you agree that you are unworthy of that? 

Realize that perfection is yours simply for being the willing recipient thereof.

Be aware of your surroundings, you really are where you are at, here. Don’t live in some fantasy reality that dis-associates you from this one, because this one is the one that is life or death to your consciousness as you are embodied here. So focus your efforts of achieving perfection, in This Life and This Body. Not in some ill-conceived and “more important” future than the present is. No, you need to be directed to being present in the present, because if you are present in the present: you’ll have sufficient power to move through all of the obstacles that you have created for yourself in this life with your past behavior. 

Your past behavior does not need to limit you: so long as you are willing to come to terms with what it was that you became here, according to your choices. As soon as you can acknowledge that that was a horrible failing, in terms of your embodying your divine self here, you can move on. How can you learn from that in this moment? How can this moment be a transcendent one for you? 

If you realize that perfection is yours simply for being the willing recipient thereof. That  is the only requirement.

So allow yourself to receive… Allow yourself to receive… Allow yourself to receive… Allow yourself to receive… Allow yourself to receive… Allow yourself to receive… Allow yourself to receive the awareness of what is, within the experience of self here. 

How is this going to happen? How is this going to happen? How is this going to happen? How is this going to happen? How is this going to happen? How is this going to happen? How is this going to happen? How are we going to find the willingness to release ourselves from the bounds, the bindings and the diminishment's that we have subjected ourselves too? How do we willingly release ourselves from the stain of failing to live our lives here as we wish to? How do we succeed right now? How do we succeed right now? 

Feel it in the entirety of your body: how do we succeed right now and you let the answer of the question, resonate throughout all of your embodied self here. How do we succeed in this moment, is your reason for being here. 

This is where your success lies: it is in coming into an intimate touch with reality here: intimately aware of all that it is. There is nothing more intimate than the divine, there is nothing more consciously loving of you than the divine is. So, how do I utilize that information for myself to realize that the divine way, is my way and that if we knew ourselves as that, we would be able to be here freely?

Be intimately beneficial with who you are with right now.

Monday, November 05, 2012

Divine Transformation

Divine transformation: if you can hold on to what it is, your not letting it happen.

Divine transformation: do not Try to define it by what has been before.

Divine transformation: the beginning of a good thing for you.

Divine transformation: the end of self as you have been.

Divine transformation: the experience of faith rewarded.

Divine transformation: the end of Cain-t and the beginning of Able.

Divine transformation: the transformation from a multiplicity of unconscious polarized identities into a singular, unified, all inclusive, wholeness of self as universal awareness and unconditional love of all creation. Individual and separate and yet "together" in a way you previously were not even capable of conceiving to wish for.

Divine transformation: the return of God as Man

Eternal truth rings true to the souls of all those who hear it.