
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, August 31, 2009

We are bringing beauty to hell, any pains or discomforts that you experience here, are showing up to be welcomed into heaven. They are not your discomforts; they are your pleasure to redeem them to the saving grace of the divine. The only truth that is yours is your divinity. Allow that truth to observe and welcome all that you experience to the divine that it is seeking. If something is in your presence, the only reason that it is there, is to be welcomed home to the divine realms. Welcome home.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

You are a successful failure.

Dave and Lon

Animals are certainly more at peace with themselves than humans are. Discontent is self created, because contentment is the natural state of being. If we are the only animals that are discontented, then we have to take responsibility for being the ones that created our discontent. Now you don’t have to be content with a reality that you consider to be a failure, all you have to do is change your point of view to your reality having been a successful failure. You have many examples of unsuccessful failures; you are a successful failure. You’re doing pretty good as a failure, in fact your doing so good as a failure that I would like to congratulate you as manifesting yourself as the perfectly successful failure, so congratulations, well done, you achieved your goal. Now you have new choices to make.

When you observe your discontent ask yourself “why am I being an idiot here, how does it benefit me by being a dumb schmuck? Ok now I see how that benefited me, that was my purpose, I got it, I achieved the result, I fully understand it and now know what it is like, ok new choice. What do I choose now?

How about a moderately successful success? That is a step up from a very successful failure. Yes a moderately successful success, we can grow into that. A moderately successful success where things go pretty good for the most part, where other people look at you and say “here is a guy that made it, he achieved what I wanted to and couldn’t.” A moderately successful success is a step up from the ground that we have been standing on and cultivating, a moderately successful success, we can actually do that, we actually can deliver on that. In the eyes of some people that don’t know the truth about how idiotically we operate our lives, some people see us as an unbelievable success. So why not see it from their point of view once in a while and count our blessings?

How do you think your less well off friends see your life? To them your life looks like an unbelievable success, your considered failure is beyond their wildest dreams that they have for themselves. They are so accepting of their own failure and resisting it. That they can’t consider being an example that the world could look at for how I can live my life better. This is the example that you came here to be, to show others how they can live their lives better simply by observing yours.

I don’t feel responsible for others but I do feel compassionate towards them.

You have to be careful that your compassion for another is not mixed with a judgment that their reality is inappropriate for them. When you start saying that it is not Ok for a person to live differently than you then you are judging their reality from a low level of consciousness that doesn’t know that the real truth is that from an eternal state of consciousness, they chose what they are experiencing right now and when they choose to wake up from it they will fully. What they are going through is not a trauma; it is a causative choice to know that condition and level of consciousness fully by experiencing it in a state of total immersion where they believe that is the truth of their reality. They do this so that they can empathize with others in that condition and they can do that because they have been there themselves.

Why don’t you take the point of view that the only reason that you are experiencing the reality that you are in is because you wanted to. You wanted to know fully what it was like as a victim, to a part of yourself that you can’t control. You chose that so that you can experience the actuality that other do in that state and when you fully understand how it is to be in that state then you can let it go, because that was the only purpose; to know it fully not to be it eternally, it was just a test a “what is that like?” you are in and out and then you are done with it. This allows you to have compassion for others who are experiencing that also, seemingly against their will and you can ease their discomfort to the degree that they are willing to allow you to, that they are willing to wish for from your hand. At that point you can help them, when they wish to be free of it fully.

You will be able to help others when they decide that they wish to be free from the same states, that you have freed yourself from, in the way that you achieved it for yourself and that is simply to take responsibility for that state by saying yes that was my conscious divine choice to experience that. I believe that I have full experienced in that, all that I came here to experience. Then you can let go of it as a completed successful action, even though it was a painful experience, you successfully experienced it fully. Then you can let it go, because there was some choice somewhere at a causal level with yourself that you wished to experience it fully.

Acknowledge that you have successfully experienced this circumstance fully. See what happens when you put your awareness on that for one minute it’s great. You’re acknowledging that you have successfully experienced the circumstances that you are in fully, see how much lifts off and frees up.

I’m ready for the next experience.

Got this one fully?


Feel it move through your body as a progressive series of tension releases. Your life has been successfully experienced in full.


Can you accept the reality that things are as they are?

All of those emotions that you are observing in yourself are not yours, you can let go of them as soon as they come up. If you don’t, you won’t be able to free yourself from them and you will be bound to a reality that you are not choosing to really be in, or be free in, or be freely fully here.

Can you accept the reality that things are as they are? The body hurts, the emotions are less than lovely, and your life is less than admirable. As many people feel sorry for you as admire you. Is that the reality that you want; a mediocre life, a mediocre man, a mediocre consciousness, a mediocre failure, a mediocre success? What is it that you are holding onto so long, so hard, so determinedly that limits you from living the life that you wish for? What is there in us that separates us from living the life that we wish for? What is there in me that separates me from the life that I wish to be living?

Allow yourself to be a divinely radiant being. If you are willing to manifest your presence here, then allow it to be divinely radiant so that it is a source of freedom for all who desire it.

A visit with lon

Allowing divine freedom to come through you means letting go of everything else that is not you and its hard to do when you are heavily invested in an identity that is not you.

If it is not divine freedom it is not you, it is just an act. You can lose yourself in that act and that is what you are doing right now, you are not saving yourself, you are losing the truth of yourself in the act.

In losing the lie that you have been acting out there is no loss, it is the redemption of your consciousness to a divine state. It is the opposite of a loss it is an eternal gain.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

The one, who feels like he needs to respond, is the one who should be quiet and consider why he feels that way and thereby be able to transcend that reality of a diminished state of consciousness. Quit holding on to that guy that is here so much as the truth of your identity, allow for eternal reality to be your truth.

I like the experience of now as a divine state, we can do this together by choosing to cooperate in raising our consciousness to a place that we would say is the home of the immortals. When we observe others and see nothing but the immortal that’s truly the truth inside them, then how can we do anything but laugh when they propose that they are anything less than that, when we know their truth and they have forgotten it themselves?


let go of the belief that your personality is the truth of who you are

Are you going to choose to pop up in consciousness right now and out of this silliness that you are running? Are we going to have a conscious conversation here? Are we going to move beyond the personalities and let the truth come through?

Then let go of the personality, let go of the belief that your personality is the truth of who you are and just observe, the personality is all that you have ever paid attention to. What you are and what you pay attention to are two different things.

If you call God your father, then why don’t you start acting like his son? Don’t not do it just because the last guy who did ended up poorly on a cross, so quit calling him your father unless you are willing to be his son.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

If you have a barrier or problem in life, you should be asking yourself; where am I wrong about this?

Pay divine attention to the area around your body, you would be an idiot not to.

Everywhere you are stuck in life is where you have stopped or resisted your interactions with others.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

All computations that you have on how to protect yourself, are the poison that you are ridding yourself of in your observation of the other as a God. A real God has only Godly playmates, anyone that God associates with is in that moment a fellow God.

All the Gods that have that ever been embodied, have been able to do so because of you. You are the power behind God, the one who gives place and space for God to exist. If anyone is acting un Godly, focus on that current behavior and see God able to manifest through that and change its very essence.

It's Ok the way that things are, they are a reflection of how much you are "getting it" how much you are understanding it, how much you are begining to know that in fact that what I said is absolutely true; You have the power to create God out of man.

You cannot have any power in your own life until you take the responsibility and power for saying that what you are in this moment is exactly what you chose to create. What you choose to create in this next moment may be very different; A free me so to speek, unless everybody sees everyone as divine, where they are is not heaven. Observe the original divine impulse back to its perfect state and the current manifestation will be the embodiment of the divine.

As long as the truth of us is a static and yet somehow we are stuck here observing through these bodies, then we might as well be as able as possible as it is to be here.

As long as you are here, give yourself at least as good as you can. Why would anyone trust you unless you were. If you cant be trusted to provide yourself here with the very best of the world, then how can anyone else trust you as being one capable of operating your reality in such a way that it benefits everybody so that they listen to what you say.

Part 1


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I am surrendering to the God that I become, in both sense's of the word. Any pain that you have is where you have not yet surrendered. Allow the other to be God, that is where your power lies. Until he allows you to be God to, that's when you know that you have done it correctly.

Everything that limits you, even though it is self imposed connects you to an other who is the brother that you must bring God into by seeing him as that until it is true.

As you allow another you yourself have. Just because the other has been a complete idiot, enemy, in the past. That has no bearing on his being Godly now is you see him as being that as his truth, he will not be able to hold onto his desire to oppose you in any way.

Instead of sitting around trying to figure out how to make yourself right, instead figure out how to make the other person so right and soar right through his limitations that in fact your envisioned embodiment of God for him becomes the fact so quickly that your observation causes it to be so.


Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven

Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven-hope you find it before the rent is due.

Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven- wasn't there a good reason that we left?

Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven- but look both ways before you go through the gates.

Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven- unless you have something better to do.

Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven- Yes I know, I forgot why also.


Saturday, August 08, 2009

The past is not the truth, the present is.

Enlightenment starts by shedding light on that which is willing to be seen and having that spread to the rest.

Why would you be experiencing the reality of your choice from the point of view that it is not good for you?

If you propose that you need anyone Else's help to be divine, then you have placed yourself as a fallen consciousness as your accepted Identity. If that is your accepted Identity, then the divine you will not experience.


Immanuall with Sky Jones

Both people that are working together for an increase in embodied consciousness, have to wish for the best wish of the other to be the truth of them. The willingness to support the best wish of the other to be realized, for the best results you have to hold the space for the other person to be the best divine expression of their self.

If you don't wish divinity in the instant of now for the other, then what reality are you going to be living? So as the awareness of yourself, be wishing for the divinity of the other now.

We are putting the study of the potential of divine states of expression for man, to be an academic discussion of potentialities considered to be possible by a fallen consciousness, as the definition of divinity. The consciousness that is being expressed as less than divinity has no chance whatsoever of describing and enforcing that state by their definition, because the fallen do not command the divine, the fallen do not control the divine, the fallen have fallen from their divine abilities.

Divine abilities can only be restored by a shared experience of a wished for divinity of the other. I need you to not be my teacher, but my companion in allowing for the divine to be expressed any way the other chooses. If I express myself as less than divinely free in any circumstance, then I would like you to realize that that is not my truth and I would prefer that you not interact with me on that level.
Suggest instead; remember the truth, the truth, who are you being now? who are you being now? Be still and take a look.

What could be more preposterous and what could be more magically wondrous than the observation of a form, welcoming the divine into itself to the point that you could say that the form is the purely perfect expression of God in this reality and done in such a way that it facilities that same expression of consciousness for all other individuated points of awareness.

If divine consciousness is truly going to be the encompassing operating consciousness of the form, it really does get to be the best, the very best expression of divine possibilities in the reality and so the consciousness there is simply to allow for its truth to be known to its self and clearly expressed as a frequency that frees all who focus on it.

The awakening touch, is the touch of the one willing for the other to be the expression of the divine, clearly, beautifully, magically and miraculously. You instead of focusing on your own sensations are instead focusing your awareness on the other and wishing for the very best divine expression for the other that it is possible. There is nothing that is not possible for the divine and that is what you wish for the other. All possibilities, with the intention for the freedom of expression for all points of view, resulting in all choosing the best for the other, according to the others wishes, not according to your determination of what is best for the other, but the others saying yes this is it.

All great truth are said in every possible way until one of them sparks somebody to realize that, yes this is how I do it for myself, I saw it in another and I was granted the realization of how the other achieved that state that I desire for myself and I choose that for the other which allows the other to choose it for me. Because unless the other is divine, he cannot choose divinity for me. So I choose divinity for him first before he can choose it for me. So you have to be the facilitator of the manifestation of the divine in another in order to have the expression of yourself as divinity here.

The transition from fear into the allowance of divinity, is through wishing for the other. Not imposing anything other than what the other wishes.

Not so much gas in the tank that it disables the automobile by being focused on how much gas is in the tank, but is there enough gas to get to where I need to go. Talk to your self and others from what they can possibly be, not from that which it is. It is the opposite space from trying to fix something, it is holding the space for it to fix its self through its realization of its own divinity. All you have to do is be present and take it above the verbal level and just say through this simple connection, through simply my presence, through my observation of you I hold the space for your divine expression here, exactly as you wish for it in each moment.
Hold the position, but don't hold an intention on it, hold an allowance for it to flower in its expression of divinity as it chooses.

I prefer that I direct the divine transformation of myself. Which means that OK we are admitting that the divine presence is somewhat here through me, but that I choose for it to be a much more magnificent expression of that divineness. That cannot be done by a teacher it can only be done by me and what I am requesting is your having a little pretense, in the form of a wish that my will be done, Gods will be done.

If this body is going to be the expression of God in the physical form then you have to take the place of the midwife not the physician. My fondest wish is that I be allowed to choose for myself as I wish. Wouldn't it be great for your star pupil to be a fully aware and divine being? Of course I already am, it is only my identifications with others and objects that obscure the truth to myself.

If you want to be the perfect guru, simplify things please. Simplify things.

In order to claim a divine beingness in the present, as a continued state of expression for your self, you have to throw in an answer to obvious reaction of another point of view when they say; Oh yes, what about when you did this... You have to say that sometimes I have been unconscious of my divinity and have acted differently that my truth.

Quit pretending that an others level of consciousness has an effect on your own.

The body is no longer an obstruction to the spirit in what circumstances?

Sky Jones replies,

The things that are traps and create solidi ties are pretty obvious. You take steps to remove the hardness, you do it with understanding that there is something there and you have to understand that there is a way to handle it. It is understanding and it is simple; a little communication "how are you doing", a little reality like "oh that's how you are doing" a little bit of love " I real like the way that you are, I know that I have never told you, but you have really been Good there" What happens is the thing breaks loose, of course there has to be the admiration of any state that it could possibly be in any way and the appreciation that how it is now is fine. You are not here to make any of it wrong, its OK the way that it is and we are here to appreciate what this is.

In polishing the metal, a little polish here and a little polish there and pretty soon you have the tea pot polished and it does not have to be polished again for awhile. If you don't consistently clean off the tarnishing, which of course would be the negative response to the genetic unit from the environment, even though it is in fact a very loving manifestation.

When you cease putting people down for their supposedly lowly states and you love instead and appreciate and admire at that point you will be able to have homogeneity and transparency in your body so that it will no longer obstruct your perception. That's how it works, they are the only tools that I have, I haven't got anything else. I know how they work, the problem is that a person will translate the things into lower frequencies and not spend the necessary time to completely cover the genetic unit with the positive impressions.

The guy in the head will make some positive affirmations and pray every morning, while the knee guy hurts because he is kneeling down, the butt guy is being smashed because he is being sat on, the stomach guy is growling because he is hungry or he is stuffy because he ate too much and the heart guy got his heart broken because he is just frustrated. With systematic understanding the thing dissolve and that's all and that's just the way that it works.

As the positive vibes go on, at a certain point there is going to be a negative response because you are going to waking up some sleepers and when they wake up, sometimes they are going to be a little bit ornery. What you do is you is not go ornery with them, you come back with " well your waking up and feeling a little grouchy, great, that's cool we will get you a little something to eat, boy we are sure happy that you are with us now, yes you will be feeling a little better soon, its so wonderful to have you back awake again. When they wake up, that is how you handle them.

They do wake up and get ornery, the love wakes them up, a lot of them are unconscious and sleeping and when the positive vibe comes on, they wake up and they are in layers. My vibe that I am putting on here handles all of the surface ones, the major ones that are awake, feel the vibe that I am putting out, they actually can feel it physically and they are responsive to it. As if I was actually in your body running your nervous system. They respond to it that way and it does feel good. Its nice to feel good about yourself, because if you don't every single one of your little buddies in your body feels a little bad and that's not OK. At all times don't be frustrated, feel good about yourself and if the external environment is not going well, don't worry about him. Just put love their, make sure that every single one of them knows that they have a king that is benevolent, loving, compassionate, forgiving and with great, great, great appreciation for endeavors no matter how humble and feeble to improve. No considerations, its all beautiful, they are all good ones. Let me be the first to say that it is the truth, it is the truth. Thats who I am.

Thank you Sky,


Friday, August 07, 2009

I go from realization to realization and as soon as I stop and start judging my reality in the moment as being less than what I would want, as soon as I realize a limited reality as my Identity, I know that it is not my truth and I can let it go. I then ask “what is the truth here”? It is not in a beingness that does not enjoy the reality that it is experiencing and is simply able to control that reality so that you are never at the effect of another consciousness against your own will.

That is the issue we are describing; the identification of self as a limited consciousness, a limited awareness, a limited beingness and presence in terms of interacting in a polarized reality as one of the poles, instead of the union of all polarities into a state of divine grace where that grace is where you live. As that divine grace, any other consciousness that comes into an interaction with you can do nothing except awaken to its eternal truth while it is in the presence of its own divine native state being expressed in the reality here. This renders it impossible for you to have a conflicted reality here, unless it is your choice in the moment and in that event, you have then separated yourself from your awareness of self as divinity and jumped back into the muck.

As long as you continuously realize that a limited reality, a painful reality, a struggling reality and an identification of yourself in those realities as a relatively unsuccessfully being is the cause of your limitations, you can use that awareness to wake up from your false identification and let go of them. These realities are not the truth of you, it is a play of creation that somehow went awry when we set it in motion and left ourselves here with a vacancy sign attached to us. We were paying attention to something else, while ignoring our manifestation here to our detriment and became the effect of our own creation.

The continual awakening into the realization that I am as divine as I choose to be in this moment and I can shift myself to a reality of synchronistic joy at will, is always your choice as long as you are willing to let go of your false self and all identities are false.

When you are interacting with others who look to you for spiritual assistance, you are facilitating a consciousness in choosing its divinity to be expressed in the form. As that facilitator, you are not instructing another so much as you are there observing, acknowledging and saying yes, you are doing it, it is happening and congratulations. That is what you are here to do, observe the divine expressed fully through others.

The areas in your body that are uncomfortable to you are where you are conscious as a failure, conscious as a failure to achieve what you want and how you want. That part chose and failed, then chose to dive into that failure as a chronic identity living out an expression of an unsatisfying reality.

The ability to match force with a complementary force, intention with an intention to facilitate freedom and to mimic back to the other all that they are willing to express, is often all that is necessary to release a negative training pattern that has become their identity. The willingness to actually be a healer of others and yourself as well would benefit you if that was your reality.

Choosing less than truly the best for all that you see, is the world that we have. For you to prove the eternal truth that you are, do it by wishing; the you, for me, that you wish to be.


Thursday, August 06, 2009

The truth is static, the truth is no-thing and the truth is only consciousness. When consciousness inhabits a form then the form consciousness is a beingness, consciousness merged with form equals a being and so the form conscious being can no longer pretend to be static because it is not, it is a manifestation of static. A being has qualities of which static does not, if you do not choose what those qualities are, they are chosen for you by default.

I have been diving into the no-thing looking to be here as the no-thing. But that is not the idealized state, the idealized state is the operational state of beingness where you have the realization of ultimate truth, with the presence of your beingness with its particular set of qualities and attributes. If those attributes are not chosen at the time when you are at your causative static consciousness. Then your expression here will be chosen from your polarized consciousness and will not be the absolute allowance of others to be free that divine love is. It’s not necessarily exactly that, you are with others as the ultimate possible choice of the expression of consciousness.

You come here, assume a beingness and having that choice be as close as possible to the expression of a static consciousness which is an appreciation a love of all things. When you are here as a thing consciousness, then the attributes for you to have to be the ultimate embodiment of consciousness would be the joyful expression of love and celebration of life as it exists. That then inspires the other manifestations that exist to join in the celebration of a divine life.

If you can see it, you can be it. If you can say it you can employ it.

I am here right now, able to be fully in the midst of this painful level of consciousness in this body that is suffering in the binding tensions. I am able to be here in the midst of that and still maintaining my witnessing consciousness rather than my identified consciousness and thereby be in a position to let it and the identification go and replace it with the awareness that it is the carrier of my consciousness but not my consciousness itself.

As I move to the release, you just ride that also as a supporter of my choice to manifest divine consciousness, expressing love and allowance through this form. You are there reminding me that it is true, the divine is here to be expressed here as you. Not in the way that I just said it though, I just said it as a separation from that, the divine is over there to be you. That is the mistake that churches make in describing the union of consciousness in the fallen state with the exalted or unlimited state. There is not a separation and the union is the redemption to original source as original source and you are welcoming yourself back home as the creator consciousness embracing its own self that is an aspect of the whole that dropped down into a state of identified forms.

Hold the awareness of divinity as divinity observing itself in its entirety just as you might observe yourself in a mirror from head to toe. All of that that you see in the mirror is you, you are not saying that part of your body is you and part of it is not, all of it is you. There is no diminishment of expression between a finger or a toe, a foot or a hand, between a shoulder and a hip. It is all you and so is all consciousness in actuality. In comparing it to the different shapes of the form of a human, consciousness expressed in different ways, in different dimensions, in different realities all are you, all are divine, and all are at different levels of chosen awareness in the moment. But you as your awareness of your own divinity are the touch stone for all other aspects and parts of the body of you, the wholeness of your totality of your unique individual consciousness.

Do not be different in your awareness and expression here than the divine, and you will be the inspiration of others to their ultimate possible expressions of joyfully, loving freedom for all, which results in the exaltation of all consciousness into a constant choice of bliss for others and self.

When you share divinity with another, you are holding the space for the expression of divine consciousness in a form separate from your normal position of observation of your own body. In that, what you are doing is not necessarily acting upon the other, you are simply holding the space for you to observe the absolute, very best, possible expression of divinity for you to admire. With the safety that that come from in your actions and connections, it gives the other the freedom to release any fear of other intentions or polarized intentions on their expression in being here less than they choose.

Come out of the fear that there could be a reality other than the best one that you could wish for yourself. Is that the consciousness that you wish to keep for yourself? One that endures realities that are less desirable than what you wish for? Why would you want to keep your normal state of consciousness as one of disability? A freedom of consciousness in any manner that you choose for yourself should be your stable reality, any consciousness that is not that, is not one for you to hold onto for your identity.


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Be here, as God willing to be here, as you.
