
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, July 30, 2010


I am trying to justify my current identity and manifestation as not fully being my responsibility, by pretending that others are successfully suppressing and or limiting me in the expression of my higher or "true self" by their actions towards me. This results in my believing that my current self is right or true and thus really me, thereby successfully keeping my false-self persona intact.

I have been looking at all aspects of my life, being and identity and looking for the way that my eternal truth can be manifest through the overwhelming mass of lies, density, limitations and pretenses that comprise my existence here and at first glance the task seems impossible.

Upon further review however, I find that nothing can withstand my focused intent of realizing my divine essence when I look at what it is in actuality. At the same time I find that I am connected with many who wish me ill and have a negative impact on my ability to be at peace here. Even the act of trying to share an enlightened state of being with another can have the opposite long term effect on you if it is done in such a way as it occurs outside of what the other believes that he is cause over.


We welcome he who is without fear and is overflowing with unconditional love.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The perfection of our imperfection

You have a hierarchy of needs and in order to be successful, you need to know if your behavior or actions are the correct ones that will ensure whether or not you will be successful or whether you will stop yourself by making the wrong decision given your circumstances needs and desires.

It is safe to say that not accomplishing a basic fundamental need is both basically and fundamentally wrong. Your most basic need is to know what is most important to you. Then you can to begin to structure your reality.

You need to ultimately be right about your life, in actuality. By being right we mean that your actions cause you the success you desire in each moment of your life with no regrets now or later. How do you do that? You have to be conscious enough to know what the results of your actions or inactions are as they affect this reality that you experience with your body.

You also need to be able to accurately predict what others actions and reactions are going to be, so you need to observe clearly the consciousnesses that you are dealing with.
As you examine this you will find out that you will want to be dealing with the most conscious individuals that you can find and you will know them by their attributes; do they create good results for both themselves and for those that they are dealing with.

Now it is easy for you to get rid of those who create bad results for others, but if that is you also, then you have some work to do as you are unconscious if you are continually hurting others.

Every time another’s actions are kind towards you or enhance you short or long term survival, you need to communicate your appreciation to them then, so that your environment is trained to be supportive of you. When you give positive feedback and appreciation to what assists you, that consciousness will do more supportive acts for you.

When it is time to change a relationship based upon your own observation of both sides, the results and the intent and values of the other, do so as soon as it is possible and in an effective manner that ends the relationship while also putting yourself out of the others mind and their course of destructive behavior.

Kindness and love can also be effective and in fact is the only way to effectively create your reality. Emotions of fear and anger indicate a lack of consciousness or knowledge in a particular circumstance. Love and kindness combined with getting what you want indicate the highest consciousness.

Determining your hierarchy of needs and wants is done in the solitude of your own observation of life.

Back to your list

1. You have to be right about your life, your consciousness and your actions and you have to allow others to believe that they right when they persist in their wrongness towards you, otherwise their focus will be on winning or competing with you instead of observing their own reality and consciousness.


You are an embodied consciousness and you have given yourself the right to be right. So the first stable datum that you have since you are right is you are here because you want to be here and you want to be here and now exactly where you are. Now how does this new realization change your reality? Before, you allowed yourself the possibility that you were wrong, now you have to figure out how with all of the wrongness that there is in your life, that you are in fact right all along about everything?

The only answer to that is that you wanted to experience unconsciousness, failure and your own seeming wrongness in life and that was chosen at the highest level of consciousness and causation. How do you know that? Because of your life, your circumstances and your abilities are as they are and so if you are ultimately right then you chose your life of quiet desperation willfully, congratulations, you are beginning to wake up from your dream of a dark night of the soul. I say dream because there is no experience not chosen by your brightest light for your highest good.

Still frustrated? Me too, the silver lining or pot of gold is this; you can now take as great a responsibility for your life as you wish to and it will get better quickly as soon as you love the disagreeable circumstances you are in and then choose for a new experience. For you to ultimately be right, you have to come to peace with whom and what you are right now. Then you can change it for the better, not before.

What sublime gift to the world can you be now because of what you have been? Or what next experience would a truly divine consciousness choose for itself given your circumstances?

The divine dance is a graceful, easy and glorious movement through life regardless of what life’s circumstances are. There is no preparation, only the movement of life, move beautifully. Those who do not see your divinity are not ready to engage you on that level. If the divine dance is your dance, then move divinely always, you have no needs that cannot be met divinely.

Divinity only manifests clearly when it is unattached to outcomes, objects and the condition or state of another’s consciousness. In other words; if it is not ok for you to be wrong, deluded and unconsciousness, then it is not a divine consciousness that is observing you.

Observe yourself divinely, observe life divinely, “ observe the perfection of our imperfection” now that is inspiring.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Your life of truth

Well feel that in your body now, feel that high point of your life within the energy field of your body in this moment.

Bruce, you have to search for it.

No, all you have to do is allow that to be real for you again in this moment. If you allow it to be real for yourself, then it is and that which you willingly allow for another is now an available experience for you yourself, because that which you grant another the possibility of, you have the choice to exist as yourself.

The more that you grant another the freedom to be all that they can be to the point that they are absolutely divine in their interactions with all other consciousness, then the more divine you are also.

If you want to work on your self image, here is what the focus of your intent would be; the presence of the you which is here, is who gets to enjoy this experience fully and divinely. So whatever it is that you consider that you are now, consider your ideal circumstance and exist as that without opposition.

This is where we get to enjoy our divinity; it’s what you get to walk as. Your circumstances are your circumstances and you're the one in charge of your life, so end off on your past and begin your life of truth, as your truth now.


The injustices that we’ve created for each other

It is here where you are now, that you are to manifest your divinity. Manifest it here, manifest it now, despite what you are also in the same moment. You are able to move divinely regardless of your circumstances.

Your willingness to be in harmony with yourself will allow yourself the grace necessary to move freely in this reality. I give thanks that this is the place where I get to be free, thank you, thank you, thank you, yes.

In order for a being to be free Bill, they have to be willing for the other to be free first. You have to wish better for the other, so that there isn't any way that you would somehow take unfair advantage of the other. When you're willing to say, why would I want to retain the right to be able to cheat somebody out of something that they did not want to freely give me in exchange for what I give him. No being should be forced to give up something that he does not wish to, to another who wishes him to that doesn’t deserve it.

So how do we move outside of that reality in the moment, in this moment? Because there cannot be a lifetime of study and devotion to the research of truth and trying to figure it out, no, it only works by saying what would that experience be like? What would that feel like in my body in this moment? What would the sensations moving through my body be if in fact my reality were divinely free and freeing me into the type of society that celebrates our mutual freedom to be as we choose?

Despite all of the injustices that we’ve created for each other, despite all of that we still like each other and can say; I wish for you the very best tomorrow and right now. So if we can do that, if you and I bless each other with the best that a brother could wish for, then we both have the ability to begin moving in the ultimate truth of our consciousness whatever that may be.

Bill, I understand it can I tell you something that I am experiencing right now? It's a feeling of total abundance and I want you to get the idea that fundamentally the game before us and what you’re capable of…

Wait, that reality is about to put me asleep, that reality is asking to identify with a broken identity and god knows how that could ever be fixed. I don't want to come in as that, I want you to help remind me that that is not my reality here. I want you to remind me that there is a part of me that is willing to be a lot better than that.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Part 3 with Jeff

You and I here to discuss how we can transcend these lives that we are living. Or to be more specific we are here to determine what it takes and if it is appropriate to be here as somewhat more than what we appear to be. What we appear to be here is what in fact we think that we are most of the time. Once in a while we get a glimpse of a higher and more infinite reality that is truly a more joyful place to be.

It is easy to say that I would like that to be me here always and so what we have to take a look at Jeff is that's we want, that's what we in fact know our truth is and yet there is no one demonstrably on this earth being and living divine truth as their truth, truly. So we know that this is our truth, or at least once in a while we know it and we would like to know it continuously as our beingness and presence and identity here. Not so that we can be unjustly or unfairly better than others here, but simply so that we can be here as our eternal truth, which seems like it it would be OK to live what is in fact your truth here, wouldn't it?

Wouldn't it seem like that is your God given right as it were, to live your life truly? And yet instead of that we are here and interacting with reality as a compromise of our reality here based upon identities that we pretend to be and then we get other people to agree that this is what we are. And so when we then interact with them, we pretend that they are who and what they are pretending to be and are thus somewhat unable to be here enjoying and creating reality here as you wish it to be moment to moment. And so they walk around a little angry with each other because their lives are not exactly what they want. 

What that means Christian is that your life is your life and you should spend most of it doing it your way; you should choose to have your idea of a beautiful life be superior to the choices of anyone else. What you need to do is to watch and choose carefully the people that you choose to commit to, because each one of them wishes for you to be what you appear to be and to act in that role for as long you are in a relationship with them. If you choose to interact with people who are of a high enough consciousness to know a little bit about their truth, then you will be free to interact with other people who are equal in their desire for their truth to be what they live by and for themselves. 

What that means is anyone you can't laugh with, anyone you can't play with, anyone that dislikes you more than they like you, you don't need to have anything to do with. You don't need to interact with them, you don't need to listen to them and you don't need to do what they wan't you to do. Now those who wish the very best for you, those are the one's that you wan't to hold onto and say; " I like who you are, what you are and enjoy the time I spend with you and so you have at your level of consciousness an open invitation from me to interact freely. 

One lesson Jeff that you have to learn is that you are the boss of your life and in this case you are the grownup and it is OK to say to Christian; here is the way that it is, come on. Or you could relax and let him do what he wants to do and let him take another shower. Just as a note toI your self; you are not acting as if you are in command of your reality. Don't get stuck in the justifying of your reality as it is. What we are looking at and what we are here to is to wake up right now in this moment, we are not looking for ways to gradually improve our lives, we are looking for ways to know the truth in this moment, OK? So take responsibility for that and choose that as your reality and don't let anything interfere with that choice, that choice is preeminent, it improves everything about your life including his. 

You don't have anybody else who cares enough about you in a way where they know how you can be the way you wan't to be other than me, so the times that we have together is the time that you have to be free in that moment to transcend the you that you have become as a result of your choices and then to allow yourself to choose in this moment what and how it is going to be for you. How is it going to be for you? How is it going to be right now, let alone tomorrow, next week, next month. How is it going to be right now? To what degree are you willing to let go of the self that you are in this moment so that you can know your truth? 

Because based upon the beingness that you are exhibiting this is not your truth and this is not a judgement, it's just an observation; you have taken on an identity that is not your truth and there is no reason to be defensive about that and maintain that identity as being right despite the fact that you are not here as your truth. As soon as you can begin to open up to and accept the fact that you are living a lie and that you are not who you are, then you can begin to open up again and allow your truth to move through you. Allow that truth, the truth that blesses everyone that you interact with, to transmute you into to a actual reasonably good manifestation of your eternal truth. Instead of what we are in this moment.

Do we truly believe that we have a transcendent truth? A glorious truth? An infinite awareness, knowledge and ability? Power and creativity? Do we really believe that there is such a thing as us truely in that reality of divine truth, from that reality, living in and as that reality? Is that where we are from? 

We wouldn't be asking the question if weren't. So what I am asking you is; is it too late for you? Yes it is, it is too late for the you that you have been, however it's not too late for your truth to take responsibility for your manifestation here. Let those identities, those points of view, those attitudes, those considerations about who you are and how life is for you, let them go.

We are going to have to move away from our pretenses about who we are in this reality if we are going to have the message that you wan't to come through here. 

If we can sit outside or let Christian take a shower or bath, it will be less disruptive for us. It depends on what you want to do. 

Jeff, that is something that I have wrestled with for a long, long time.

That is the whole problem, you are trying to figure it out. It is impossible to figure out, there is no resolution possible through the mind that you have created. There is an answer for it, but it is not through figuring it out. It is through recognizing that the guy that's trying to figure it out... 

Jeff, I need to hold it in my mind.

No, what you do is you say; I am the perfection and that which is trying to be perfect is my lie that I merge with my perfection. And see which beingness I am truly; Be here as your lie, you are good at it, me too, but be here as your truth also be both right now. The lie that you have built to be the manifestation that you are and the truth beyond manifestation merged together in one as the consciousness of your embodiment here, your eternal truth merged with the relative truth of your manifestation.  What happens when you choose both? Choose both and find out, I predict that it is a beneficial change, it certainly is for me.

 So yes Jeff you were right once when you said what it possibly could be what I am truly. The reason why you recognized that, is because you know what that is yourself. Now you are traumatized, seemingly with the results of your life in this present moment, but those were your choices that resulted in this, get over it, its what you chose and there is nothing here that wasn't a direct result of your choice. So instead of complaining about your circumstances say; well done those were my choices, here I am, now what? At least if I am going to be here with the results of some previous bad choices by relative comparison, I am going to choose to be happy, i am going to choose to be happy that I know that my choices create my life, because that gives me power. That gives me the power to say; what I choose manifests, because it does. The only problem is, is you don't choose freely, you've been choosing poorly if you truly wish to be free, choose freely and freely know your truth, not say no to it, but have a complete knowledge of it and operate as that.

Just be aware of yourself, the degraded and the perfected, the glorious creator and the creation on it's way down the spiral of destruction. Those guys that we are frankly; there we are on one hand, we are these bodies, these identities and these personalities and we are also divinely perfect as well. Bring them together with this body as the bridge between earth and heaven. That's what it is, that's the purpose, the purpose is the merger of earth and heaven. Now you have been being earth over 99 percent of the time, now merge heaven and earth simply by choosing it within self. Not trying to figure it out, just choosing to be that which connects heaven and earth, that which knows both sides, that which lives as the earthly manifestation of divine perfection. So choose that in this moment and feel what happens in your body.

Let's continue to do what we are doing, we are being the being that we have come to be here and we are being our eternal truth at the same time, a shared reality of the temporal and the eternal. That is what it is, that is the secret, a shared reality of the temporal and the eternal. The eternal consciousness merged with the material body, the temporal body, causes all body identified consciousness to return to it's eternal truth. It doesn't mean that it goes away, it doesn't mean that something bad happens to it, it's the opposite; something marvelous and miraculous happens to it; it returns to a knowledge, awareness and presence of it's truth. 

There is no more confusion on the line. So that's what we have learned here tonight and that's what you want in your life. Being who and what you are freely, exactly as you are and allowing your divine self to be merged into the body. Being the part that is identified with the body and being the eternal part both at the same time. A body identified personality and my eternal self, that allows the body identified personality to transcend into the truth that it wishes it's reality was. There is no better way to transcend, . than to merge your truth with your lies. 

Jeff, the more That merging takes place the less that the body consciousness has any appeal. The attachments seem to fall away, the concepts, these realities that I have chosen, my perception of reality that isn't true is becoming less and less. 

So how is it right now?

Jeff, right now we are in a higher vibrational state, I am looking at the folly of humanity, all of the dramas and stories that are going on. It's like the matrix of a false reality.

OK, let's take a higher step up and let's move beyond looking at reality from a higher state and look to a reality that is beyond states.

Jeff, If I walk into a room of consciousness inside my mansion, the minute I close the door  I am above the clouds or I am in a different beautiful setting of splendor which represents complete and absolute freedom for me to simply exist with power and great glory.

OK, so let me feel that from you right now, let me know what it is for you to be showing your power and glory. What does that do to somebody else? How does that affect their reality? Is that intrusive on anthers reality against their will? Or is it something that just the very presence of your magnificence in the realms of eternity moving into then body, that that alone is the touch stone for others to connect with that you interact with?

Jeff, when I am in that state of mind, I thinkl. in the aspects of consciousness, this element of consciousness or this subject of consciousness. Everybody is lumped into it and instead of focusing on a particular relationship, it is all of the relationship surrounding a particular subject.

Yes that makes sense, but let's not talk about stuff, let's experience things. Since you want to talk, you take the lead and you tell me something that increases my freedom in this moment. Ahh I apologize for asking for words, words are the lowest common denominator, let's transcend those words and just use a few of them to point to the direction that nothing less than your best and nothing less than my best eternally is what we wish to experience in this moment. 

Consider your attitudes towards life, take a look at them, see the beingness that is attached to them and realize your truth in the same moment as you observe those beingnesses. Those ones that complain, those ones that are less that joyful, look at them all and say Hmmm, interesting that they compromise so much a part of my life. 

A call from John interrupts the conversation;
...that self that you know is not true and yet some how he transcends that lie, that he lives at for a moment now and then and he knows what it is to be divine. Then why would it not be interesting to you to share that reality occasionally? We have been friends for 30 years John,  I have been able to transcend this reality for 15 and i am coming close to being able to embodying that and so your my friend and I welcome you to change into what it is that you want to be and to be your magnificence when you interact with me, to let go of the you that you have created so that you can know the you that is possible. 

You can allow those to coexist at the same time so that you can reeducate the beingness, the identity, the personality and the valences that you have taken on in dealing with this life, so that you can merge those with your eternal truth and allow your eternal truth to teach that which you have become here that is not your truth, what it is that your truth is until you are able to be a walking embodiment of your eternal divine truth. That's why we are here John, that's why we interact, so I am just saying;@ once in a while when there is an opportunity to share time, we should find a way to make that time available for us to... This sounds a little judgmental I know, but I have a little frustration that I don't have enough people to play with in this manner.   

I understand taking actions to maintain the body, but other than that, the basics frankly don't result in anything. The only thing that results in any change is being as conscious as you can in this moment and then choosing for a transcendent truth to be your reality. Because it reveals itself to you as soon as you choose that.

... After we are awakened, we chop wood and carry water too and yet we are not the same person who is doing it, because now we know the truth and the truth is that we are divine consciousness operating bodies. The bodies do what they do to survive, but we don't have to do that as the embodiment of animal consciousness, we can do that as the embodiment of eternal consciousness and say yes, these bodies need to move around and they need to communicate and they need to do things to provide for their material needs and comforts. So given that, great, but there is a gradient to that John and what that gradient is, is you have to say; given your interactions and obligations to others who are operating on barely more than animal consciousness, you have to say hey if I am going to know my truth then I am going to have to get into communication with it once in a while. And I can real only do that with somebody else, because everybody else that knows me here, knows me as the lie that I am, that I am human, that I am a guy named David, or that I am a guy named John and that I am a singer and I am an art guy etc. Etc... It's just a role that you are playing right now it is not your true beingness.

Now let me speak to Narelle... now a woman who can share that with a man, even though that man is not her mate, that man can fully appreciate what it is for a woman to share her joy and for that I am grateful. That's all I want and all I ever need from you is the love of your divine self for a brother that is living down under, so to speak. One one of those guys that more or less pretend to be a human with problems, how about that? When you come here as your divine grace and say hello my favorite David, remember your truth please while you are with me, because it is only respectful for you to see me as my eternal truth while I am embodied here and that is what I ask of you David is for you to look within me until you know my eternal truth, because I willingly share that with all who come from the space of divine aspirations and their willingness to know divinity. I say ok if that is your request, I like your prerequisite and I say; marvelous, well done queen of heaven on earth, well done, because I can feel the holy one in you.

... I have a new tool for you to transcend that one and here it is; I freely and lovingly acknowledge that which I am here in this moment, it is the perfection of all that came before. I love the me that I am divinely and I know my temporal manifestation fully and I am here as my eternal truth also and I merge my divine self with that which I have become here and that marriage of temporal and the eternal, creates the me that I came here to be. To make it short and sweet; there tends to be a self judgement in the the mantra; what degree am I being divine, there is a disapproval of the state that you are in and a judgement that it is not enough.

John, no you quoted yourself wrong, the mantra you gave us was; To what degree am I willing to be conscious of my divinity? that is the David N. Hit song, its the best tool that you have come up with.

You are right that's nice. Enjoy yourselves, good night.

Being on the path of divine freedom, simply allow divine freedom to move you in each moment.

Or rather Instead of being on the path of divine freedom or on the path to divinity, or on the search for truth, instead of all that which is not the state of divinity, not truth, not freedom. Instead of taking on those "becoming" states, simply say; I allow divinity to move me in this moment, I am not going to choose anything other than to allow divinity to move me in this moment and if it doesn't move me, then it is moving through me, shifting, changing and restructuring the body. So I allow divinity to move me and to move through this manifestation of me in this reality, freely as it chooses.

As soon as you start trying to figure out how to make it better, just let go of that pretense that you are not divine and just let divinity move you and move through you and as you do that, you self realize your divinity.

Its the only way, the part that has to figure out things, what you do as that part is you just relax. You relax and allow the divine to move through you, all that you are, all that you perceive, all that you know and all that you learned not to know, you allow the divine to move through that. Because there you will find your freedom, there you will find your truth and there you will know what direction you are to take this body in while you still have it. 

When divinity moves the body it does so with absolute consciousness. Now as it learns to integrate into the body, there are transitional shifts and you just let them happen, its not something you do, it something that you allow to be done to you, it's different frequency than doing. If divinity is what you choose for yourself, then that is what you allow to move you, it can't be a figuring out process It's a choice and an allowance for that choice to be your truth.

All of the conversations and opinions on anything about divinity, just let them go, because there is one thing that you know about those conversations that are critiquing, that are doubting; you know that they are not the truth, so why would you even pay attention to them, they are like yapping dogs chasing a fire truck. Are the firemen going to get off of the truck, track down the owner and complain or is the fireman going to go to where he is needed? All of the thoughts, ideas and beliefs, the attitudes, considerations and unconsciousness, these are all the yapping dogs that try to form you into their version of reality and it is your right to choose for yourself what your reality is. And I would say choose the very best and see if it doesn't move through you. There sure is a lot of stuff in the body that has to go through it's process of choice to allow the divine to move through. But be that part, all of those innumerable parts and consciously choose to allow the divine to be free within this embodiment.

Why wouldn't you allow the divine to be free within this embodiment? Who are you to say no to God? 

So what this is interestingly enough is exactly  what you hoped to achieve in the mystery school; a school of divinity. One of the mantras you can do is; how aware do I wish to be of my own divinity? How aware do I wish to be of my divinity? Here I am, as I am and how divinely aware do I choose to be? How divinely aware do I choose to be? How aware of my own divinity do I choose to be right now? 

Allow all of those places in your body that are blocked, all of those nadi's and chakras that are out of balance, how divinely aware do you choose to be there? How divinely present are you?

Jeff, you mean right now?

Yes, we are not talking about anything other than that. It's not something for you to think about, it is something for you to experience. 

Jeff, there is a feeling of being more complete, of being more of who I am inside. It's a feeling that I would like to have more and more, it's a feeling that I used to have when I was dancing, when I was a dancer.                                       

Dance divinely,



I am not that which I seem to be, I'm not that which I appear to be, the difference is huge and the difference is me. The me that I am, is the me that is free, The me that you see is mediocrity. Mediocrity in the world of strife, mediocrity is my life, mediocrity and yet I am free, mediocrity the difference between you and me.

A mediocre man in a mediocre world, living a mediocre life, one so filled with strife that my life you might say is far from the blessed day when my day is come; the day of the holy one. For the holy one you see is the truth of you and me and wholly one we are, when our minds encompass the stars.


Embracing the infinite and finding the divine within

A conversation with Jeff on the experience of our truth.

You and I here to discuss how we can transcend these lives that we are living, or to be more specific; we are here to determine what it takes and if it is appropriate to be here as somewhat more than what we appear to be. What we appear to be here is what we think that we are most of the time and once in a while we get a glimpse of a higher and more infinite reality that is truly a more joyful place to be.

It is easy to say that I would like that to be me here always and so what we have to take a look at Jeff is that's we want, that's what we in fact know our truth is and yet there is no one demonstrably on this earth being and living divine truth as their truth, truly. So we know that this is our truth, or at least once in a while we know it and we would like to know it continuously as our beingness and presence and identity here. Not so that we can be unjustly or unfairly better than others here, but simply so that we can be here as our eternal truth, which seems like it it would be OK to live what is in fact your truth here, wouldn't it?

Wouldn't it seem like that is your God given right as it were, to live your life truly? And yet instead of that we are here and interacting with reality as a compromise of our reality here based upon identities that we pretend to be and then get other people to agree that this is what we are. And so when we then interact with them we pretend that they are who and what they are pretending to be and are thus somewhat unable to be here enjoying and creating reality here as you wish it to be moment to moment. And so they walk around a little angry with each other because their lives are not exactly what they want. 

What that means Christian is that your life is your life and you should spend most of it doing it your way; you should choose to have your idea of a beautiful life be superior to the choices of anyone else. What you need to do is to watch and choose carefully the people that you choose to commit to, because each one of them wishes for you to be what you appear to be and to act in that role for as long you are in a relationship with them. If you choose to interact with people who are of a high enough consciousness to know a little bit about their truth, then you will be free to interact with other people who are equal in their desire for their truth to be what they live by themselves. 

What that means is anyone you can't laugh with, anyone you can't play with, anyone that dislikes you more than they like you, you don't need to have anything to do with. You don't need to interact with them, you don't need to listen to them and you don't need to do what they wan't you to do. Now those who wish the very best for you, those are the one's that you wan't to hold onto and say; " I like who you are, what you are and enjoy the time I spend with you and so you have at your level of consciousness an open invitation from me to interact freely. 

One lesson Jeff that you have to learn is that you are the boss of your life and in this case you are the grownup and it is OK to say to Christian; here is the way that it is, come on. Or you could relax and let him do what he wants to do and let him take another shower. Just as a not to self, you are not acting as if you are in command of your reality. Don't get stuck in the justifying of your reality, What we are looking at and what we are here to is to wake up right now in this moment, we are not looking for ways to gradually improve our lives, we are looking for ways to know the truth in this moment, OK? So take responsibility for that and choose that as your reality and don't let anything interfere with that choice, that choice is preeminent, it improves everything about your life including his. 

You don't have anybody else who cares enough about you in a way where they know how you can be the way you wan't to be other than me, so the times that we have together, is the time that you have to be free in that moment to transcend the you that you have become as a result of your choices and then to allow yourself to choose in this moment what and how it is going to be for you. How is it going to be for you? How is it going to be right now, let alone tomorrow, next week, next month. How is it going to be right now? To what degree are you willing to let go of the self that you are in this moment so thatbyou can know your truth? 

Because based upon the beingness that you are exhibiting this is not your truth and this is not a judgement, it's just an observation; you have taken on an identity that is not your truth and there is no reason to be defensive about that and maintain that identity as being right despite the fact that you are not here as your truth. As soon as you can begin to open up to and accept the fact that you are living a lie and that you are not who you are, then you can begin to open up again and allow your truth to move through you. Allow that truth, the truth that blesses everyone that you interact with, to transmute you into to a actual reasonably good manifestation of your eternal truth. Instead of what we are in this moment.

Do we truly believe that we have a transcendent truth? A glorious truth? An infinite awareness, knowledge and ability? Power and creativity? Do we rely believe that there is such a thing as us truely in that reality, from that reality, living in and as that reality? Is that where we are from? We wouldn't be asking the question if weren't. So what I am asking you is; is it too late for you? Yes it is, it is too late for the you that you have been, however it's not too late for your truth to take responsibility for your manifestation here. Let those identities, those points of view, those attitudes, those considerations about who you are and how life is for you, let them go.

We are going to have to move away from our pretenses about who we are in this reality if we are going to have the message that you wan't to here come through. It depends on what you can do, if we can sit outside or let him take a shower or bath? 

Jeff, that is something that I have wrestled with for a long, long time.

That is the whole problem, you are trying to figure it out. It is impossible to figure out, there is resolution through the mind that you have created. There is an answer for it, but it is not through figuring it out. It is through recognizing that the guy that's trying to figure it out is in a confused state of consciousness and that you have to let go of yourself as that confusion in order to come back to the knowledge of your own truth. You are not confused.

Jeff, what I mean by that as I step back and become the observer, I can see the truth of what you saying, that I am not being who I really am, I am not living my truth.

Of course you are not, neither am I, so here is the issue; here is the deal, you do get it, you do get to transcend, you do get to be the ultimate truth, but the only way you get it is to let go of you. In order to be the ultimate truth, you have to transcend the beingness of what you are and if you don't let go of the beingness of what you are, you can't be the beingness of truth now can you? 

Jeff, the impotence...

We are not talking about your past, we are talking about your present, we are talking about right now. Because the only way that we can make this shift is right now, we are not talking about the future or why it did not work in the past, we are talking about how we have a transcendental experience in this moment. One that changes us enough that we are able to walk around if not in our truth, but at least knowing that we have one that is different than this. That is a pretty good first step, OK? To walk around always knowing that we are not walking in our truth as this identity. Can we relax out of this identity? Can we relax out of this pretense? Can we let go of this beingness that we have become here? 

Jeff, there is something lacking in my ability in my ability to initiate the change, looking at you, you are not living your reality either, so you say.

But there is something interesting happening?

Jeff, there are thing happening, I see that too, but I have always seen that in you. There has not been a time where I have not seen you accomplish, I have seen you accomplish, you set you mind to do something and you make a plan and in an instant, you execute.

I am largely unsuccessful with it though, as bright as I am and with what I know I should have any amount of money that I could wish to have.

Jeff, there are parts of energy that you pass over or there are a few things missing in the formula but at least you go into action and you accomplish it. That is what is what I admire about you.

I appreciate it, thank you.

Jeff, that is what I wish I had. You do things, you might call them attempts, but I see a lot of things where you have pure courage where you follow a lead or an idea and you turn it into something. That's what I did when I started my company, I had an idea and I had a purchase order and I made it happen because of the power of my knowledge. That was one time in my life where I turned it on and made it happen. 

What would you like to turn on now?

Jeff, honestly, my music is calling out to me and my healing abilities.

OK, can we get back to the moment instead of talking about our lives? I did hear what you said and What I would actually like to do is see if there is something about it.

Talk instead of how it is and what it is like, into what you want right now, what you wish for as an experience of this reality and of an experience of yourself. How do you want to experience yourself in this moment? Now if will help you any, I will tell you how I want to experience myself in this moment; infant to experience myself in this moment as the the most conscious, causative, miraculous self that I have ever been, that ever has been, that ever will be. I want to be here a eternity. So it sounds strange I know, but if you allow for that to possibly be true for me, in will allow for your wish to be true also and we will see what happens. 

Your wish is the same one, you wish for your truth, you wish for the presence of self to be that which knows eternity. To be that which is here as a completed state of perfection. Now to make that transition, you have to already be that. It's and interesting conundrum; to make that transition, you already have to be that and in truth you are that already, what is. Is and what it is is a perfect completion of you as you are, here and now perfectly done. Wow, it's a completed, perfected manifestation of the man that you came here to be, all of the way up to the present. You're here, you're real, you're manifested as the totality of your choices. Congratulations, it's perfect. Now that you know that the path to your truth is acknowledging the perfection of your manifestation as being the perfect realization of your previous choices, you can then realize that it is your choices only that define your reality and so as you go wow this is perfect, then you go wow here is how it can be a little bit better and then you choose that. 

That's how perfection happens, it happens through the release that you give to yourself by saying this is perfect, this is the perfect realization of the me that I chose to be here, well done, now what? You are completed, alpha and omega, here is a new beginning now. You acknowledged your perfect completion, whats the new beginning? What's the new beginning Jeff? What's the new beginning, the old is past and we are in a new present and it is right now and so what I would like as your present to me, your presence of divinity and all you have to do is not say no to it. Feel it what is the presence of Jeff's divinity? Allow me to know that, allow me to know the divinity of the eternal Jeff, whatever that is. Mmm OK that is the Jeff that I wish to be with, transcendent and glorious, more than wonderful. Such so that your very presence here makes it impossible for me to hold on to any lies about myself. Interesting. Your truth, the eternal truth of you makes it impossible for me to hold onto the lie of who I am here.

 You have an interesting dilemma here Jeff, despite the fact that you live in a perfect reality as the perfect manifestation of the perfection of all of your choices up until now, when you come here as your eternal truth; this is a horror show, this is so far from what you would do if you knew yourself truly, but you have to come here as that, with where you are  in this moment, in order for there to be a transition into a more enjoyable reality for you. Does that make sense?

End part one.

Part two with Jeff

Part two

Jeff, I need to hold it in my mind.

No, what you do is you say; I am the perfection and that which is trying to be perfect is my lie that I merge with my perfection. And see which beingness I am truly. Be here as your lie, you are good at it, me too, but be here as your truth also be both right now. The lie that you have built to be the manifestation that you are and the truth beyond manifestation merged together in one as the consciousness of your embodiment here, your eternal truth merged with the relative truth of your manifestation here. What happens when you choose both? Choose both and find out, I predict that it is a beneficial change, it certainly is for me.

 So yes Jeff you were right once when you said what it possibly could be that I am truly. The reason why you recognized that is because you know what that is yourself. Now you are traumatized, seemingly with the results of your life to this present moment, but those were your choices, get over it, its what you chose and there is nothing here left of that that exists now that wasn't a direct result of your choice. So instead of complaining about your circumstances say; well done those were my choices, now here I am, now what? At least if I am going to be here with the results of some previous bad choices, by relative comparison. Now I am going to choose to be happy, i am going to choose to be happy that I know that my choices create my life, because that gives me power. That gives me the power to say; what I choose manifests, because it does. The only problem is is you don't choose freely, you've been choosing poorly if you truly wish to be free, choose freely and freely know your truth, not say no to it, but have a complete knowledge of it and operate as that.

Just be aware of yourself, the degraded and the perfected, the glorious creator and the creation on it's way down the spiral of destruction. Those guys that we are frankly, there we are on one hand, we are these bodies, these identities and these personalities and we are also divinely perfect as well. Bring them together with this body as the bridge between earth and heaven. That's what it is, that's the purpose, the purpose is the merger of earth and heaven. Now you are only being earth over 99 percent of the time, merge heaven and earth simply by choosing it within self. Not trying to figure it out, just choosing to be that which connects heaven and earth, that which knows both sides, that which lives as the earthly manifestation of divine perfection. So choose that in this moment and feel what happens in your body.

Let's continue to do what we are doing, we are being the being that we have come to be here and we are being our eternal truth at the same time, ashamed reality of the temporal and the eternal. That is what it is, that is the secret, a shared reality of the temporal and the eternal. The eternal consciousness merged with the material body, the temporal body. Causes all body identified consciousness to return to it's eternal truth. It doesn't mean that it goes away, it doesn't mean that something bad happens to it, it's the opposite; something marvelous and miraculous happens to it; it returns to a knowledge, awareness and presence of it's truth. There is no more confusion on the line. So that's what we have learned here tonight and that's what you want in your life. Being who and what you are freely, exactly as you are and allowing your divine self to be merged into the body. Being the part that is identified with the body and being the eternal part both at the same time. A body identified personality and my eternal self, that allows the body identified personality to transcend into the truth that it wishes it's reality was. There is no other way than to merge your truth with your lies. 

Jeff, the more That merging takes place the less that the body consciousness has any appeal. The attachments seem to fall away, the concepts, these realities that I have chosen, my perception of reality that isn't true is becoming less and less. 

So how is it right now?

Jeff, right now we are in a higher vibrational state, I am looking at the folly of humanity, all of the dramas and stories that are going on. It's like the matrix of a false reality.

OK, let's take a higher step up and let's move beyond looking at reality from a higher state and look to a reality that is beyond states.

Jeff, If I walk into a room of consciousness inside my mansion, the minute I close the door  I am above the clouds or I am in a different beautiful setting of splendor which represents complete and absolute freedom for me to simply exist with power and great glory.

OK, so let me feel that from you right now, let me know what it is for you to be showing your power and glory. What does that do to somebody else? How does that affect their reality? It that intrusive on anthers reality against their will? Or is it something that just your very presence of your magnificence in the realms of eternity moving into then body, that that alone is the touch stone for the others that you interact with?

Jeff, when I am in that state of mind, I thing in the aspects of consciousness, this element of consciousness or this subject of consciousness. Everybody is lumped into it and instead of focusing on a particular relationship, it is all of the relationship surrounding a particular subject.

Yes that makes sense, but let's not talk about stuff, let's experience things. Since you want to talk, you take the lead and you tell me something that increases my freedom in this moment. Ahh I apologize for asking for words, words are the lowest common denominator, let's transcend those words and just use a few of them to point to the direction that nothing less than your best and nothing less than my best eternally is what we wish to experience in this moment. 

Consider your attitudes towards life, take a look at them, see the beingness that is attached to them and realize your truth in the same moment as you observe those beingnesses. Those ones that complain, those ones that are less that joyful, look at them all and say Hmmm, interesting that they compromise so much a part of my life. 

End part two     


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

When one let's go of movement, then consciousness returns to source, as source.

Divine love is the mantra of ease, all energy has consciousness and all energy based consciousness is not the truth. Consciousness is limited to the energy for the animation of reality and operates according to the goal or purpose of the object that has been created. And as we all know, the consciousness of an object, creation or a body is that we are aware of as ourselves and we know simply through our own observation that it is a long way from where we are as an embodied consciousness to the ultimate possibilities of consciousness.

So at what point are we able to bring the truth that exists beyond matter, energy, space and time, to an embodied consciousness as that truth beyond matter, energy, space and time? Beyond anything that is being anything? At what point do we have the choice to manifest as that eternal truth? 

That's actually easy, it is when we cease to identify as the energy, as the thought, as the idea, as the body and the personality. When one let's go of movement, then consciousness returns to source. Now if your consciousness returns to source when the body is still living, then source consciousness has the opportunity to observe this reality through this embodiment that has ben vacated by the embodiment consciousness that has returned to It's source as source.

Any consciousness of self, all consciousness of beingness, all manifestation of presence, is energy in motion, that does not know.  What that means is that There is nothing embodied, energetic, or otherwise "being something" in this reality that can tell you the truth, because it doesn't know it, because it is being something else instead.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Am I willing to realize enough truth in this moment for me to be free? I am I willing to realize enough of my divine truth in this moment that I am free in this reality?


Nothing causative exists outside ourselves as it relates to us.

A visit with Gary and Jane

I would like you and I to be aware of the peak state of awareness, love or gratitude that Gary has ever experienced, I would like to feel what that peak experience is for Gary in this moment and so if Gary just allows it to be re-experienced for all of us, it would certainly be a salve for that which I find discomforting in life. 

Gary, I agree.

Nice, nice, nice. How about Jane? Can you add to that flow and add your presence that is beyond pretense that is beyond unknowing, the grace that is beyond comprehension, the spirit that is magnificent and true to itself and others, I request that "you" that you already are to be shared and received willingly. To the degree that I have a difficult time perceiving that universe of yours that blesses all others, then any assistance that you can give me to knowing your truth in that way would be a blessing that I would willingly receive. 

For my self, I will allow as much of myself to be known by you and you now too.

When each wishes for the other as much as he is wishing for himself, then we have that mutually supporting reality where in the granting of the others fondest wishes for themselves, we receive our own. And we certainly, if we believe that our wishes are a little closer to ultimate truth than what the others are wishing for, then we certainly allow the others to have that as soon as they choose that as well. There is a truth that is transcendent, despite the actuality of what is, yes what is here is in fact what it is, but that does not mean that it cannot be what ever a competent creator wishes for itself for it to be.

The present is always only the ending of the impulse that created it, it's a perfect new beginning for a transition into a newly desired reality by a being who understands how reality manifests. Anything that is between you and your desire to be here exactly as you choose to be is easily released upon observation and inspection by the eternal truth of yourself that is waiting for you to open and know what that it and accept that eternal consciousness as your embodied consciousness and thereby transcending the limitations that we have been experiencing here. 

So we are wishing well for the others and not just well, but the very best and at the same time we are willing to receive into our bodies the very best of what it is that we are eternally. To be the physical embodiment of our eternal spirit instead of some disconnected and relatively unrecognizable extension of that. We are here to be true, to be our truth, to know our truth and to share our truth with those who are willing to celebrate whatever it is. The truth that we all share in our essence.

You can only give what you have and you can't say that from a point of diminishment that I am giving the ultimate gift that I can give. You cant say I am being less that my possible truth and somehow have that as a virtue, because to be here as something very remote from your truth is really not being of much service to yourself or others. 

Jane, it is encouraging each person that you know to bring to your relationship honesty, and consideration. Ifyou expect them to be their best then they show up that way and sometimes they don't and there is. Lesson in that too.

If we could do a little test of that right now. Normally I see your body and hear your words and I don't put my attention on anything other than that. What I am going to do in this moment is pay attention to your essence, your eternal essence, that provides a divine connection, that makes all of the rest of it not only irrelevant, but it frees you from what it was that you thought was your comfortable home into the joy of your true expression of self, its that recognition of the divine in each other and the allowance for that to be manifest through the other that gives us the peace and the reward that we have been looking for.

For some reason, to use myself as an example, I have all kinds of resistance to both of you being expressed here as divinely conscious beings and I know that to the degree that I don't allow that for you is the degree that I am not divine myself. To use your example, for me to be free I have to focus on your ultimate and perfect freedom, for me to know what my own is.

As soon as someone sees that you recognize their eternal truth in them, they can't help but share it with you which facilitates your recognition of your own. 

Gary, well said, I like that, saying that is enough. 

Jane, I think that usually when there is a hesitancy about it, that it is about ego.

Of course it is about ego, I am walking around as a human being 95% of the time I have no idea what my truth is. Well I have an idea but I am not living it. I know exactly what it is but I am not acting as it. I go, yes there is my truth, over there.

Jane, what keeps it at a distance?

That is why we are talking so that I can find that answer, because the answer that I am looking for for myself, I know that there might be other people who have it, but I don't know how to learn it from someone that is trying teach, because apparently there are not teachers who have it. 

Jane, this is not about learning.

It is about unlearning, it is about revealing what is already true.

Gary, I think that the learning is taken out of the generic realm and having it actually be applicable and relevant, which is what you are intending to do is what you are saying, what about here?

Yes, what about here? Right here, right now. Because there is no way if we are going for an intellectual understanding about something, then forget it. It doesn't matter how many eternally true scriptures you read. If you read every one from the beginning up until this very moment, it still wouldn't create that experience for you as a reality. If divinity and divine consciousness is the essence and origin of what you are, then it is what your truth is and this reality is something other than truth.

Jane, does it matter wether or not it is divinity and connection?

Those are just words, words that are used to describe something that's indescribable. Something that you can partially relate to by using words like love, freedom, awareness, ability, preeminent and God. Those types ofwords imply a limitless ability to create, a limitless ability to be and postulate and enjoy reality in anyway that you choose. That's an approximate description of your truth that your mind can understand so that the beingness that responds to Jane and David and Gary. 

Those are ego and identity considerations, we all have those and we are all talking with those right now as if we know something and what we are looking to do is to transcend these identities that we are talking with and these things that know about other things but truly are something less than transcendent. Were suggesting that we are in a position of relative untruth and relative disability in comparison to what our potentials are and so acknowledging ourselves as being manifest as we are, but also having a group agreement that our truth is so much more than that, that we have no words to describe how great it is. Given that we are manifest as we are and that we have an ultimate truth that we enjoy when we access it and participate in, then in our interactions here we are choosing to say; this time is about supporting each other in reclaiming and manifesting our truth that is senior to this reality.

This reality; the people, the species, the earth and everything else that distracts our minds and our attention into interacting here. What we are looking for is beyond this reality and Our purposes are beyond this reality as well, so let's connect to those indescribable selves that we are beyond this reality right now and we do that simply by acknowledging them, opening up and relaxing into what our truth is.

Jane, the willingness to receive.

Yes, and we are so full of unwillingness that we are able to experience a small portion of out ultimate truth and to the degree that it is happening it is miraculous and the more that we keep acknowledging that we did improve in that moment as we chose it. It was incremental, but it was instant and so we are now at a new level and it is better than it was a moment ago and we are now going to choose how much more loving, how much more aware, how much more competent, how much more eternally conscious can we allow ourselves to be in this moment? Ok, got it, thank you. Again, how much more? How much more? How much more? 

How much more responsible are we willing to be for our consciousness and for our lives? How much more are we willing to be aware that regardless of our level of responsibly, there is only us that is responsible for who and what we are here. The more that we take responsibility by acknowledging the truth of our total responsibility are we then able to enjoy and manifest what it is that is our truth. 

Nothing causative exists outside ourselves as it relates to us. There is the appearance of others causing things to us, and it feels like that in every way, but it is only because we postulated and implemented an identity that was a false creation and as soon as we are able to let go of the creation we are able to reclaim our awareness as the creator and to know the truth of what our purposes are, what our potentials are and what it is that we came here to do.

Gary, it's like this is a $10,000 session. 

A ten toker

When ever we are talking about things, it's the identity, the ego, the self. The level of consciousness that is interacting with the reality as a participant and so when we want to know our truth and we find ourselves talking about things and objects, we certainly know that we are not being our higher selves. We are perceiving reality from the point of view of a creation rather than a creator. That's ok when we slip into that...

Gary, you can also recognize how we're also totally ourselves and communicating in that. So there is no lack of reference because we are that.

The whole thing is paradoxical, because we have to say if our truth is our ultimate truth and we are experiencing what we are as we are, then we have to say ultimate truth controls manifestation here and if that's true and we are manifested as this, then the choice point, the causative choice is somewhere other than here right now.

Gary, totally.

Because here is desiring a different reality. So whenever you are desiring a different reality than the one that you are experiencing, then you have to realize that you are  being the creation and you can't act from a causative point of view on shifting this reality to a divine one from the beingness of not being divine. You can only say I don't know my divinity in this moment and so I know one thing; I've accepted a wrongness about my truth and I am exhibiting that wrongness in every sense; from the frequency of my vibration to my words and expressions, in every way what I am doing is a creation and therefor a lie, so I am going to say; stop, to myself, relax and allow and open to what ever my truth is, because I have gone momentarily unconscious to it. 

Gary, seems like more that momentarily.

Ha ha, but try it.

Gary, try...?

Try surrendering to that which you know not, that you trust is something that will save you. Growing up a good Mormon and Christian, you know that some how you are supposed to surrender to the divine, well you are. If your not divine, you are supposed to surrender to the divine, but what you find out when you do is you are surrendering to your self, because you reawaken and reaquaint yourself to your eternal truth, which I like to use the word divinity to describe. So long as it doesn't offend your sensibilities, it's a good word to use. Because divinity implies unconditional love, it implies actions that are beautiful, graceful and conscious, Beneficial, entertaining and funny. It implies the joyful expression of an exuberant life, delighted to be here and in full enjoyment of what is.

If you are somehow being less that that, relax into it because that's what your truth is. Your truth is exuberant, joyful, expressive, abundant, divine awareness, power, control and celebration for all creation. And that cannot be opposed in this reality, that, is universally loved because its the truth of all consciousness and so if you want to be successful in this reality, all you have to do is be here as your truth. 

Jane, I think it is also accepting that you have as you were saying control and power. The good kind that you create everything in your reality from moment to moment, that you are nolonger reacting.

Yes, there is a misunderstanding about power, power from the point of view of a heavenly reality is completely different from  the earthly reality.

Jane, its been so corrupted.

The earthly reality of the understanding of power, means the ability to aggressively control somebody elses reality against their will.

Jane, because people are human, people have misused it and so power has become an ugly word, but it's really neutral.

In the realms that are free, it is what everyone celebrates in everyone else; the ability to create wonderful expressions and beauties for everyone else to enjoy. 


Saturday, July 10, 2010

It’s not that people should take themselves out of the realities that they are born into; they are born into those realities because they chose to have those experiences and every experience that a person is having at a low level of consciousness in this reality was pre-chosen as an experience that you wanted to have from a divinely enlightened state of consciousness prior to your birth. You might say; why would I choose that? I don’t know, but I know in fact that it is true that I was divinely conscious then and so I had to be from that state of mind in control of what it was that I was going to experience in this reality. So if I am experiencing this in this moment then I know that I chose it from a divine state of consciousness, then I need to get into a position where I am not resisting it, I’m celebrating the fact that I am actually having the experience that I intended to choose from an enlightened state of consciousness.

That point is the only place where you can truly begin to transcend the level of consciousness at this plane of existence, Is by acknowledging the entirety of your past and the totality of your present is the result of a divine choice. Once you realize that this is true, then you can take responsibility for that divine level of consciousness for yourself, transcend your normal state of being and then you have the opportunity to say; I am done with that, ok now what do I choose? Because the past was completed in this present, fully, completely, perfectly, exactly the way that I wanted it, now I am choosing my divine awareness, my divine consciousness, my presence as a member of the heavenly realms to be here as that. So as that, now what do I choose?

My previous intention of being this is fully complete and has resolved my purpose of being in what

It is just dirt

A very long talk with my friend Collie;
Collie, It is as simple a a guy that is born into the ghetto or on hillbilly land and can never take himself to the next level, break that mold and get out. I believe that this is a human example where people have done it and we can understand it.
It's not that people should take themselves out of the realities that they are born into, they are born into those realities because they chose to have those experiences.  Every experience that a person is having at a low level of consciousness in this reality, was pre chosen and is an experience that you wanted to have from a divinely enlightened state of consciousness prior to your birth. 
You could ask why would I choose that and you can say; I don't know, but I know in fact that it is true that I was divinely consciousness then and so I had to be in control of what it was that I was going to experience in this reality. If I am experiencing this in this moment, then I chose it from a divine state of consciousness, so to be free I need to get into a position where I am not resisting  my experience and move to where I am celebrating it because I am actually having the experiencing that I chose from a  causative level of consciousness. 
When you look at your life from that point of view, that is where you can truly begin to transcend the human level of consciousness in this plane of existence. This works, because you are acknowledging that the entirety of your past and the eternity of your present, is the result of a divine choice, made fully consciously. Once you realize that this in fact is true, then you can take responsibility for that level of consciousness for yourself, transcend your normal state of being and then you have the opportunity to say; now what do I choose? Because the past was completed in this present, fully, completely, perfectly and exactly that way I wanted it.
Now i'm choosing my divine awareness, my divine consciousness, my divine presence  to be here as that and now what do I choose? Because my previous intention of beingness is fully complete and resolved in what I already am here, so now what is my new choice? Then you can begin to choose and transcend and embody whatever it is that you find your eternal truth is. It's miraculous and why do you go for it? Because it is what is true, truly.
What that means is that this reality that we are sharing is a false construct, it is a vacation land for divine beings to experience the embodiment of limitations. Once you fully get it and you understand what it is and how it works, then you can take the path of the many beings that have transcended this reality. Now that I have experienced limitation, now I am going to experience the embodiment of unlimited truth, the embodiment of divine truth and I am willing to be here as that for the benefit of myself, my family and the society that I live in.
Now I don't have to preach and I don't have to make that known to anyone other than myself, but am going to live here as that and make my new choice as to what my life is about, from that level of consciousness. I am going to be now what I knew that I could be before I was born, as an example of what it is to be divinely human. The truth of what all religions have pointed to as the possible human and that is the embodiment of divine consciousness. Not a worshiper of divine consciousness, but the embodiment of divine consciousness. There is a big difference.
Collie, so in other words, not to worship someone like Jesus, but to be someone like Jesus. 
Yes, use Jesus as an example all that you want to, but if you approach him from a supplication, if you approach him from a position of personal diminishment and say; please bless me Jesus for I am a sinner, well, yes you are a sinner and you do need his blessing, but you can say a more effective prayer that that; “I know you came here to be my example and I still have some confusions on what it is to be here as you were and as much as you are willing to guide me, I am willing to receive and so bless me that I may be willing to receive as much as you are willing to guide me, because I am here to be the me that you wish me to be. You came here and said be like me, because this is the way”. 
That's what he did and that's what he said and all the rest of it, all of the other interceptions are just confusions.
Collie, say that again how you just said it. 
I will say it in a different way; if you are a Christian, then you should be Christ like. If you are going to be Christ like, are you going to be worshiping a Christ or are you going to be finding out how it is to be a Christ? If you are a brother of Christ, what do brothers have in common? They kind of look the same, they kind of talk the same, they kind of walk the same, they kind of act the same, they kind of treat other people the same way and they live in the same home, they are part of the same family, in fact some of the time you can't even tell them apart from one other in any way when they are really the same, because they are the same.
So do you get there by worshiping your brother? No, you don't. Do you get there by being like your brother? Yes you do. How do you be like your brother? Well you share your life with him, you can say; my radar was a little off, my church taught me to worship you instead of saying; Jesus here I am, walk beside me, show me the way because I am still a little confused on the subject, but I know one thing; that I came from where you are and where you are is where I am going to be going again. And when I come there again, I want to have been like you were; fully, divinely conscious for the rest of my embodiment here, starting now. 
Anything you can do to bless that, to put into my reality that which restores me, reminds me, teaches me to be as you are, I will do my best to open up and receive it and anything that will help me to stay open to receive that which I have just asked for, then as lovingly and as nicely as possible; please see that that happens in a easy, natural and welcoming way, so that I can be a representative of what it is to be a being of heaven on earth.
Collie, so when I am facing a uncertain future with a potential loss of freedom.
If it happens, it was a choice that you wanted to experience and if that is something that you have to experience, then you transform yourself the way George Forman did. You go from being a mean bad ass; to being the most loving and good natured guy that people can think of and You say; I am going to find out how to be a loving Christ like being, 
regardless of the circumstances of the body, 
regardless of then placement of the body, 
regardless of the associations that the body has, 
regardless of how the body feels, 
regardless of how the body acts, I am going to choose to have my consciousness relating to all aspects of reality as a loving, divine being, that willingly lives in a state of grace regardless of what happens. 
Collie, if it does happen, that is certainly a great way to approach it.
I know where you were going, so what we are were talking about before is; love attracts and fear attracts, fear attracts what you don't like, love attracts what you like. Pleasure attracts and fear and hatred attracts too. If you allow yourself to push away, be afraid of and hate an aspect of this reality, then it will bring that aspect of reality into your experience for this reason and this reason only; you don't understand it and you came here to be aware of reality and what it is and know what it is about. If you are willing to understand it, then you don't need the lesson, it's as simple as that. 
What you do is you say; I am going to look hard at hard time and I am going to look at it, until I understand why if that occurres for me, it would be a gift from God that I need and when you understand why that would be a gift of God for you, then you don't need the experience, because you have been able to love that aspect of life, see the divinity in it, see the possibility of interacting in that reality as a divine being and then; you have released yourself from the need to experience it and reality will find a way for you to be in love with another aspect of it, until you can find a way to be at peace with everything that occurs here, because as horribly as this reality appears to be, there is a way to operate in it at all times in a joyful, peaceful, allowing space of supreme consciousness, that can experience those things in a God like state and not be at a bad effect of it.
Be in control regardless of who or what consciousness appears to be controlling the body. I know that might be a bit of a tough concept to grasp, but of course it is a concept that you can see is coming through me that is for my own education as well.
Collie, it certainly makes sense to approach everything like that in life.
Its the only way that you can live a divine life, is to be divine regardless of your circumstances. It appears that Jesus was divine, even through the point of crucifixion. Now it brings up a point that it doesn't seem like it was very divine for him to experience that, because he was at the effect of other people who were destroying him, but he either chose it from a divine state of consciousness before he was born, or as he experiencing it and in either case he divinely chose it so why say it was a bad example, which has been my tendency to do? I have been saying that he wasn't truly being divinely conscious, because he didn't come here and actually change the world the way that he could have if he had been fully divine here, where his divinity awakened the divinity of those around him. That than; nobody could have had an effect on him, but on the other hand, what kind of story would that have been to be an example for future generations? It might not even have been told, so for what ever reason; it was a perfect life lived for the time, for that time.
There has been two thousand years of progress since then. It hasn't been a downward spiral of consciousness; it has been an upward spiral of consciousness. Spiraling upwards so quickly, that this reality is changing at a shocking pace, now with the Internet and the amount of collaboration of people and countries with each other, with the exchange of information in a way that it has never happened before. This reality is in hyperdrive in improving itself. There is less true destruction of humanity, than there ever has been by humans before to each other. With the capability that we now have for destruction, why hasn't there been a billion people killed in the last ten years? It's because everyone is pretty conscious that that is not a good idea. In Christ's time, whole societies lived on conquering and killing other societies continuously. There have been battles for empires across all history; Persians, Greek, Romans, Egyptian, Chinese, all conquering the world. Yes Hitler tried it but who is conquering the world right now? Nobody, because everybody realizes that it is a bad idea to impose your reality on other people, (except for some of the republications and democrats) I have been kind of right wing all of my life, but I have to look at that and say; those guys are out of touch, they are out of step, they are living in a world that they shouldn't live in anymore. Its OK if the Muslims want to kill each other and suppress their reality; so long as the people there are free to leave that culture and know that they are free to leave there and move to another place and society that is more suitable to their beliefs.
If it is ok, for every ideology and every tradition to be fully enjoyed here by the participants of each one and you have the ability to switch between them, until you find the ultimate one for you, then the diversity would be wonderful. It is “forced integration” that is causing the problems between people of different belief systems.
Collie, I believe that Sean Hanity and Rush Limbaugh are as right wing nuts as they come. Because they believe that their way, is the only way and everyone else is an idiot. So as much as I am also right wing, as you can tell, I'm always open minded for the best for everyone and everything. 
It's so obnoxious for us to be in Afghanistan right now and say that it is in our national interest to be there, while bankrupting our country spending a Million dollars in expense per soldier over there, each year. Is that insane and for what possible benefit? There is no worthy benefit for that. We're killing people and making them hate us and if their own country cannot rise up against their oppressors, well then; that's the way that it is supposed to be there. If we give them guns and we give them a chance for freedom from their dictators and they don't kill the people who want to enslave them or talk them out of it, then they should either leave ther, die or be enslaved.
Look at what the Dali Lama did, the Chinese said; oh by the way, your country is now our country and we are going to kill you, if you keep doing what you are doing. he said, well ok, “I will find a nicer neighborhood”. It is just dirt, after all and there is dirt everywhere, except for the ocean. Why would you stay in a dangerous environment if you are a sane person? 
Collie, that is as simple as what I told my daughter an hour ago on the phone.
Exactly so, Hey; this is your life, This Is Your Life! And, the decisions that you make, actually determine if you are going to enjoy it or not and if you think that it is needful to enjoy life as a victim to an insane person; guess what? You are coming home for a while for a little re-education. Because; 
it is not important for you to have a job, 
it is not important for you to be in college; 
it is important for you to be sane and if you think that it is ok for you to have a life as my daughter and affect my reality in such a negative way with your being abused by another person, then I'm sorry; that's a reality that I didn't sign up for. 
Collie, right, exactly. 
So going back to your question. The advise that I would give you right now is; you did what you did, don't beat yourself up about it. Decide consciously what you are going to do, today and tomorrow and absolutely let go of the guilt and self condemnation.
Collie, I appreciate that. 
It doesn't have a place in the reality of a divine being and so from the point of view of what I was saying before; you choose your life and every experience in it from a point of divine consciousness. So the fact that that happened, just the very fact that it happened means; God knows how, but God knows that was a divine experience for you, something that was part of your education and one of the experiences that you came here for. So, as long as you approach it from that point of view, there's no karma left in it, there's nothing that has to be balanced out and there is nothing that has to be resolved. It happened, it was an experience, it's over and are you going to carry it with you, or are you going to pay attention to the reality that is in front of you today? 
And are you going to find a way to treat me as your brother? 
Am I going to find a way to treat you as my brother? 
Are you going to find a way to love and honor your wife when you see her tomorrow or the next day? 
Are you going to find a way to honor your kids and say; I am so blessed to have you in my life and what would you like to do today? Let's go do it. If you can stay present, then you get better, better and better, so let the past go, it's irrelevant to this moment.
Collie, and I just need to keep showing myself that If I have to go to jail; to just love every moment of it and use it as a learning experience, until I am so ok, that if it happens, that I may not need to experience it then.
Yes, let's do it right now, because both of us are in danger in this reality. Ok? Now, we are going to be in a prison, what ever kind we can imaging that would be a bad one to go to. OK, so now we are there, it is all over, it happened, we are there. there is nothing that we can do about it, we are in there, there are some other guys there and we're there. We are; in Jail and we are in a jail population, we have guards, there are restrictions on our freedom and we have small rooms that we are locked into each night. Well, we have no house payment in here, no utilities, no bills at all, we have nothing really that we have to do at all; we can sleep all day if we want to, we have three meals a day and they come and go and however it is, our family is being provided for, they are being provided for. Everybody knows that you can't provide for them where you are, so you have a free pass on that responsibility and a group of other people are figuring it out, it's handled. 
Now, how can you be a blessing to them inside here? Here we are in jail, how can we be a blessing to our family? We can be a blessing to our family by impressing the hell out of all of these other inmates, the guards, the warden, anybody that comes through the jail, how do we impress them? We impress them by the fact that our life is happy, by the fact that our life is organized, that it is clean, that we are not living in fear of others, but that we are there serving the people that we are sharing our life with and we are saying; wow, these guys are living some rough lessons, how can we help them be at peace with them? How can we help them be at peace with them and come to a resolution, so that they can now choose to have another and better experience? Even the experience of still being here in jail, you can say; hey brother, it's OK, what happened is over, it's in the past and here we are now and what are we going to do now? How can we operate in this reality that we find ourselves in, how can we operate here as honorable men? As brothers, as supporters for each other in creating a happy life, regardless of our circumstances? Ok, so who is having the toughest time here? Who is really distraught? Let's go visit him, let's go spend a few minutes with this guy, let's find out what his reality is about, let's find out why he is in such pain and trauma and go have a talk with him and say; tell me about it. What is it like for you? Oh, OK, I get it, I understand, I see why you are reacting to it like you are and yes I can experience that with you, I  get it, I understand and now; would you mind giving me a hand and now, let's see what we can do to make our lives better here. If there is something that we can do to make this prison a better place; can we ask the warden for some paint so we can put a fresh coat of paint where it is peeling off the walls? Can we get some gardening tools and plant a flower bed? Can someone donate some seeds for us, so that we can grow some flowers and see something beautiful plants here? Where we can share an appreciation for beauty, despite the fact that we are in jail? Can we find a way to say to the guards; hey I know that you think that we all hate you, but you know what? You've got a tough job and you've got a difficult reality dealing with people who broke the rules of society and did it knowingly and willingly and hurt people and your here to make sure that we don't hurt other people or hurt ourselves. So thanks for being here, because I certainly don't want to hurt myself or other people and I know that your job is to make sure that the most disobedient people in society, even if they are forced into it, into some semblance of respect for other peoples rights and that we learn that and so I want to tell you that I get it, I understand and support the fact that you are here doing the best that you can do to provide that support and education to us and that they way that we conducted our lives until now; had some miscalculations in it and so, your doing a good job and I appreciate it. And the same thing for every person working there; in the kitchen, the laundry or the people who are acting out their macho roles, who were abused In their childhood so that they now think that the solution is building 300 lb. body builder bodies and are beating each other with them.
They are dramatizing their lives, is there a better way to handle it than that? Maybe there is, maybe we could take a look at that? Maybe we could find a way where we could help some of these guys who are acting like animals because they done know how to create a life better than that for themselves. maybe there is a way, maybe we can find something to do that even makes a hardened rapist laugh and cry with joy? Maybe there is something as simple as a game of charades, a play or a song or an interaction on a level of pretend, that it can be better than this? Whenever you can pretend that it can be better than what it is right now, you start opening up to the possibilities of what it is that will create a better reality. And so, yes, if we go to prison you and I, then you and I are going to change lives for the better in prison, you and I are going to be a blessing for god to the prison guards, to the prisoners, to the priest, to the families that come here and are hurting because their fathers  are gone or their mothers are gone. We're going to find a way to make every person that we interact with feel better for having seen us, for having talked to us, for having interacted with us. They will be a happier, more joyful, more loving person, because they saw somebody that is going through an experience that is an experience that the whole world abhors, that the  whole world fears and that they are there being a benefit to everyone else that they share that reality with and that realization of who we will be if and when we are in jail, is what will prevent us from needing to be there. Unless, it actually happens, and if it happens then we know why we are there and if we are there; it's Gods will and if it's gods will, then our job is to know what God is willing for us to do as a tool in his hand for ourselves and everyone else.
Collie, that certainly does make your life better by doing just those things too.
Now, let's get into the feeling of it. those were the words of it and we went there a little bit and we experienced that pretty good, so now let's just look through the window of this car and feel the prison that we already live in, because we do live in a prison here and now. A prison of our thoughts, our ideas, our beliefs, our attitudes, our past decisions, our considerations about what our life and reality is; our identity, our families, our communities; everything is impacted by who and what it is that we think that we are and that is a prison and those forces make you unconscious until you relax into them and say; it is what it is and when you can live with what is, then those forces have nothing to push against and when those forces of "what is" have nothing in you to push against; then they move right on through you to go find something that they can push against. You then are free; released by this reality into a personal condition of freedom to enjoy the reality that you wish, instead of the one that reality will impose on you by your resistance to it, Ok?
So in this car, were living in the prison of the reality that we chose to create and it is what it is and so were going to observe; this is exactly what I chose and instead of saying shit, why did I chose this? We're going to observe; I feel a little pain, I feel a little discomfort, I feel a little dissatisfaction; got it, understand it, acknowledged, but you know what? Somehow that was exactly what I chose to experience and as soon as I realize that that was my chosen experience, I can begin to smile about it, I can begin to love the fact that I'm ok with what I am in this moment and I am not in resistance to it at all. Look at this identity, this Collie C. Look at C.C. as a creation of all of the forces that have acted upon this body; your own consciousness, your families, your schools, your friends, your communities, your business relationships, your personal relationships and everything else that has contributed to the manifestation of this identity, ok? It's a completed state, it is what it is, now, if in this moment you chose that it is not what you want to continue to be, you have to give it your blessing; you have to say, I bless CC with the blessing of a divine being that says that you are the perfect completion in this moment of everything that a godly conscious creator chose for me to be and as I realize that that is true, I recognize myself as that creator and as that self realization. As the creator of my own reality, I have come full circle to the end of the Collie C. that has been and to the beginning of the new Collie C. Just as Collie was born as a baby, he has now died as the final completion of that identity and everything that has contributed to his creation. You are the perfect completion to that creation and as you realize that the perfection is complete in your current beingness, you can look at the totality of the responsibility for that creation and realize that it is your own creation and that you are the creator and the realization of your responsibility as the creator of all of your life and of all the experiences that you have had, that every experience that you have had is the result of a choice that you have made. So, taking full responsibility for being the chooser of your reality, for the fact that you are in this moment right now the way that it is; it was fully your choice that resulted in this moment; then that level of taking responsibility restores you to the consciousness of the divine creator, (to the extent that your willing to accept responsibility for that possible reality), that gives you as much as you are willing to receive of that and as you receive that then you "self redeem yourself" into a state of Christ consciousness, just as Christ did and you can now operate at a new level of responsibility for your reality.
Now you can say; ok, now I have a new choice and I have a new set of priorities and my first priority is; I am here to love, I am here to love myself and as I fully love myself, fully appreciate and grant the beingness to every other reality that exists in this world, granting them the fact that they chose their expression here from a fully valid, conscious, divine point of view and so they're ok exactly they that they are, no matter how screwed up that they appear to be and despite the fact that they are all screwed up; it's all perfectly manifest as a divine creation. For what ever those divine reasons were, and so I don't need to question what those are, all I have to do is appreciate it, if I look at it, I can see the divine in every person, in every physical object, I can see the divine presence, the divine motion, the divine action of a dance of cosmic consciousness moving through this reality. And; as soon as I can realize the absolute truth of that, as soon as I do that, each time I give more possibility to that being the case, I start moving into the realm where that reality also exists for me and as I accept that it is ok for divine consciousness to move through me. It's then ok for me to be the temple of God, it's ok for me to be a vessel of divine awareness, it's ok for me to be a tool in the hand of God, it's ok for this physical vehicle to be a reception point and a focal point of God consciousness operating in this reality. As soon as I say; yes to that and integrate into that yes, without being in conflict against myself in that choice. The more that I realize that that is why I am here and is what my choice is in this moment; the more that divine reality is manifest in our consciousness and the more able we are to move through life the way Jesus did. Then you will truly be a Christian. 
Collie, you know what you have described all of this time, when I take the people that I hold in the highest esteem as Christian people, they seem to fall in those guidelines more than all the guidelines that I hear when I am at church. I have one particular woman in mind named "Marty Martin" and she seems to live her life more in that way than how the regular Christians follow.
Of course, the masses just want an idea that they can believe in to structure their reality, without actually having to be responsible for it, or to choose it for themselves. They want to do a “quickie” educational course on what life and reality is and then move through life as "I'm a "this" or I'm a "that" and that's what they do. Well, life is not graceful that way, life is not conscious that way and life is not loving that way. What is divine is; being divine in this moment and asking; what can I do in this moment to put a smile on my face and to put a smile on somebody else's face? And to make myself and the other person appreciate the moment that we are sharing?
Collie, the hardest part is to continue to focus on that and not lose track in all the experiences of everyday.
It's practically unprecedented; you have an example of a guy 2000
Years ago, where the story says that he kind of did that and you have to have to accept it on the face value of the story, since there is no way to confirm if it is true. The only way that you can guess that it might be true, is by reading those words and realizing that there is so much light and love and enlightenment in them, that you have to say that is probably was true and so; where are the examples of the others? There hasn't been another one for 2000 years, that was able to get that message and embody it and say; hey, this body is only a body and it is supposed to be a vessel for the presence of God on earth. That's what Christ was saying; these are bodies, but the consciousness in the body has to choose divine consciousness as its reality, or it never becomes a vessel for divine consciousness, because this is a reality where embodied consciousness gets what it chooses. The choices you make, are what you get, but nobody says it's as easy as saying; ok, I choose divinity. As soon as you say that, as soon as you choose that, it comes up right up against hundreds of other previous choices, thousands of choices, millions of choices that you have made in life that says reality is "this" reality is "that" and I am choosing in this reality "this" and I am choosing in that reality "that" and I am doing the best that I can. Now when you have that physical construct of all those endless choices, choosing every possible oppositional choice and then the opposite, it makes you a being that is so self limited that you are barely above an animal consciousness. 
You have to maintain, second by second, your choice to be the embodiment of divine consciousness, because when that comes up against a previous choice to be something other than that, the previous choice dissolves and dissipates, transmutes and transcends the reality that it was in. It wakes up to the postulate of the embodiment of divinity, of the embodiment of God and it can't maintain it's previous reality coming into contact with that. When you choose it for one second, it dissolves a lot of stuff, when you choose it for five seconds in a row it dissolves ten times as much and when you choose it second by second for a minute; wow. There is some point, where when you choose it continuously for a long enough period of time; it transmutes every other postulate and every other choice and point of view, attitude, decision and consideration that you have had that you were less than that, it will work through all of them, transmute them and resolve them all to allow eternal truth to be manifest through you.
Collie, so in other words it just continues to crumble them into little finer particles...
Yes, and send them back to God. All other choices, can not stand in the face of the choice to be the temple of God. Now you can say the temple of God, from the point of view of a consciousness that does not believe that it is divine and then open up to the possibility of divinity and that is a valid step to take. You say; here I am God, please come and please help and please come into me and educate me and help me learn what it is to be divine. When you get a taste of that, then you move beyond that choice point, because you realize the first time when you do merge with God, you realize that the truth of you is the same as the truth of God and the truth of that divine presence that you merged with is also your own truth and it is the same truth for all of us; we're all divine, we're all God consciousness, we're all beings of unlimited power, awareness, control, creativity, and there is nothing of our ultimate truth that is barred from us once we embrace it fully.
Collie, say that again.
A physical embodiment of God has no limitations, there is nothing that can oppose it, there is nothing that can resist it and it starts within self. It starts with the choice of being the vessel for the consciousness of God, a tool in the hand of God, a temple of Gods presence and consciousness, open to divine influence and divine inspiration and divine beauty and as you continue to make that choice over and over again, you begin to open up to actually receiving those things; becoming the embodiment of that and as that starts to become a physical part of you, you start to realize; hey, I remember again that this in fact is my truth, I'm not the guy who was supplicating God, I am Gods brother, there is no difference between me and God whatsoever. The state of "God consciousness" is shared by innumerable numbers of beings and they are all god consciousness, they are all loving, they are all powerful, but because they are all god consciously aware; there's never anything in the interactions between them of anything other than complete allowance in a celebration of love.
Collie, crap, we are running out of Gas.
We're ok, right here.
Collie, I hope we can coast in. We are pretty lucky, that's why I ask you to say it again, I was sweating it a little bit, but I was so Intrigued by what you were saying, I was  kind of bouncing back and forth. 
Well, a mile is a long way to coast, you're already down to 50. We'll make it half a mile. 
Collie, well another good thing is; it beats being on the freeway and not seeing anything for miles.
Yes. we almost made it. We're doing pretty good and the natural thing to say is we're thankful that we're so close, but we're disappointed that we didn't make it all the way. Now, this is an opportunity for the conversation that we are having to be walked into a moving body and what that does is it embeds this level of consciousness into the physical cells of your body. Ok? The walk that were going to take is a walk of consciously allowing God to move these bodies as we walk to the gas station. We're going to allow our embodied consciousness to let go of what it has been and to open up to what can be. We're getting close to making it  there man.
Collie, I thought that we were making it, I thought that bridge was it. 
We might as well push it there.
Collie, I know, I was thinking the same thing. I don't know that we're that close. I should try to see if I can start it and see if we can get any more distance.
Your right, I think that we are better off walking.
Collie. Son of a gun; in all of the years that I have been driving, I don't know if I have done that before on a freeway trip like this. We did come pretty close.
Yes, if you were speeding it would have been perfect.
Collie, I was doing 85. 
Do you ever take long walks?
 Collie, sometimes and I love them when I do. 
Let's walk slow, now, do you ever read any of the books by Carlos Castinada? 
Collie no.
He was an anthropologist who wrote a series of books about a Mexican shaman and there was a technique in his book that kind of shorts out the brain circuitry where you can enter a state of heightened consciousness as you are walking. It it called the “warriors walk” and it's where you take in so much visual information, that you can't maintain thinking about anything. As you are walking along, you are not focused on anything, your eyes are looking miles ahead of you at the same time you are looking at the stars above, you see your hands and feet moving, you see me in your side periferal vision, but you are not moving your eyes, you are just aware of the whole 180 degree field of vision. You see the plants to the left, you see the plants to the right, up, down, left, right, near and far, as well as the sounds all around you and the feelings you have in your body and you just allow them all to be known and observed. You do that for a few minutes and your body starts getting happy, because your no longer complaining about anything, you are experiencing the moment fully. 
Now you see part of my dilemma Collie, I need some money for my family and yet at the same time, you have heard a little bit tonight about what I am really about and I am here to live this and teach this. Not to be doing business, not to be doing sculpture tours. When I was first getting money in from the Pieta's, I was told to just do the Pieta's and that the money was for me so that I could support my family so that I could do my life's work here and I did not do it. I had to put my arms around it all.
Collie, that is why I just ran out of gas! Because I was told two different times to just pull over and get gas, but I just had to push it thing I could get to this station here because I knew it was close. It is what happens to me when I am at the table gambling, it's what happens when you are being told; do something else and you just want to push it a little further, to make it a little better. What do we do instead, we don't listen and we create more headaches for ourselves. I think that the reason that we are on this drive tonight, is for God to allow us to have these discussions that we have not had before. We've just barely touched on over the last 15 years.
Collie, you know what?
Collie, in a normal time when we weren’t having these type of deep discussions, if we would have run out of gas on the freeway, we would have been beside ourselves irritated. And as we are walking here, I think maybe God, needed us to get out of the car, have this talk and learn a little bit more.
Of course.
Collie, and you know what? We're not in a hurry to get home and get to bed a half hour earlier.
Your right. 
Collie, I love it and enjoy it. I'm telling you I have goose bumps thinking about this and you know what else I did? I left my phone in the car. Especially in an emergency, I never go anywhere without my phone and I left my phone I there and I was looking at grabbing it and I thought; you know what, we're together , we're walking and I don't need it. I would normally be on the phone to Kira and bitch about what I did. So these are examples for us to understand each other a little bit more. The reason that I had trouble yesterday, stopping and looking at the Ferrari's Bentleys' and all that, is because I am such a car nut and my whole life has revolved around showing my success with that. I have been trying to coach myself with these humbling experiences that I am going through, because I know I am still going to make money.
Of course.
Collie, for God to show me, to make sure that I do good for others and not to just keep trying to improve myself, you know? And, that doesn't mean in my opinion and I am curious about yours, if you can't enjoy life then you can't enjoy things.
It is the only reason that you are here; to enjoy life. Which means to enjoy everything. Which means; find a way, despite your circumstances, to love the experience that you are moving through and then that will allow you to change to the point that there is no fear left and so you are not drawing in bad experiences, your only contemplating what the most joyful loving experiences will be and you will then be drawing those to you.
Collie, then why haven't you done more of this to share with people?
Because I'm a chicken shit. 
Collie. Perfect answer.
I'm afraid to be a guru and I am the best guru I've ever met, because I grew up traumatized.
Collie, and you don't have enough belief in yourself.
Yes, and so.
Collie, you tried to break out of it at the time that you sent out those immanuall writings. 
And like I said, I still write them and I am going to write most of what we have talked about tonight and the I will put it on my blog, because those are the lessons that we are here for. So in this moment right now, let's walk about half speed. When we are strolling, we are able to look at the magic of what is around us. We are able to see those plants and say yes they are here, they are sharing this reality with us, like a snow flake that is perfect; aren't they  perfect? They are perfect, they're beautiful, they're extraordinary. Now with each step, try this; with each step allow the body to be the domain of God, which means to continually choose for the divine to be at home in your body. Your giving it, your offering it to heaven, as a point where heaven and earth can merge.
Collie, I don't understand that.
What you do is just say, in what ever way is comfortable for you; god this body is your body, this is yours, do with it what you want to, clean it up in any way that is necessary, to be the body that you want to have representing you here. Because, I am here to serve you so this is your body, this is your life, this is your physical presence in this reality, this is yours to do with in any way that divine consciousness wants to operate in this reality. So with each step that you make, you have all kinds and levels of consciousness in your body that is separate from your normal level of consciousness; every organ of your body has a separate consciousness, every cell of your body is a separate consciousness, so as you walk the body, the consciousness that you are identified as is the senior consciousness and so you are saying; I am turning over the responsibility of this body to heaven , to God, to whatever it is that is the greatest blessing to this reality, that this body can be. Whatever will result in that, is what I am ceding control of this body to and as you continue to make that choice with each step, another part of the consciousness that is in your body, has to consider, if it is a good idea for it also. And so, as you feel the body move, it's best to actually start this process being still; you feel the parts of your body and you say, yes, this I give to God too, and this, and this, and this. There is no part of this body that is not consecrated to God and to divinity, and to love and each part of it I love and each part of it I give that which is divine love, unconditional love.
Collie, you know what I think? Why this is going to work on the art and sculpture thing now? Is because I know your purpose and I have never known your purpose.
Every one of these sculptures is the very best effort by one of the best master sculptors to show the embodiment of the divine in the physical form. Look at that, my whole reality and everything that I have chosen is to be connected with the expressions of the greatest minds and masters of art,  in creating the depictions of divinity in the human form. That is how it all fits and that's why it is all consistent. If you have to make money for the body to survive, then it ought to be consistent with your ultimate purpose. 
You know what I have felt like for the last 10 years Collie? Like Jonah in the whale. Jonah, refusing to do what he came here to do and so suffering for it. 
Collie, it's a nice evening for a stroll.
When you are truly embodying the divine, you don't have to teach, you don't have to talk about it, you don't have to explain it and create understanding about it, all you have to do is be it and when you are it; everything else is it also that you are interacting with. You don't have to be anything other than that truth and then the reality transcends and becomes heaven on earth and when enough beings consciously choose that as their reality and live as that, then you have the hundredth monkey effect operating; when enough people are living that individually, it will be enough of a consciousness shift in this reality for the entire reality to transcend into the embodiment of heaven on earth. Because that is the truth of all consciousness. 
Collie, its nice, to have gas in the car again, but that was a really nice walk; perfect. 
When you have these kinds of talks with yourself about surrendering to divinity; there will be parts of you that say, “you know what you are, you know what you’ve done, you know what kind of man that you are” all of that is in the past, every bit of it, because in the now that you are being right now; you are none of the things, that you were in the past. Unless you choose to be them again. So when those voices of criticism come up and say look at you and look at how your life is; you can say yes, right, but that was all in the past. Is there a way that we can look and see how it can be perfect in this moment despite that? And, then they have to consider that question. When you ask; is there a way, the answer is always yes, because maybe I will screw up again tomorrow, maybe I will screw up  again in a minute, but in this second; I can choose to merge with God, I can choose to be happy and I can choose to not have the reality of tomorrow and the reality of yesterday dictate my experience right now in this moment.
Collie, that just tells the truth of your being more than the opposite of that. Right?
Of course it is; the only place where you can be your true being is right now. It is not possible to be your truth in the past and in the future, because now is what is. Which makes the past and future irrelevant, other than to say that the past is what it was and the future will be what it will be and the present right now is what I choose and if for some reason in the future you do something that you choose to not do again, that choice does not have to affect your presence and your present, only to the degree that it shifted other peoples reality, does it affect your circumstances and regardless of that, you can still choose to be what ever you want to be in that next moment.
The path of the guru and the student is a path that condemns the student for a very long period of time, to a seeking that won’t result in what they want for themselves. They will learn some of the disciplines, that allowed the master to get where he is, but as long as they focus of the premise that the master knows the truth and that they don’t, then the disciple will never make it. In fact, the only way that you can judge the truth of a master, is in the enlightenment of his students. How I would see that is; if I were successful in what I came here to be, I am only going to be surrounded by divine consciousness; people that exist in their native actualized state of freedom beyond the confines of physical form.
Collie, I think that you’re out thinking that. I think that a guy like me for example, that is willing to follow, take guidance and suggestions and not that you know the truth and I don’t, I just think that you may have some knowledge and information that in my life been able to get.
Yes, if you want a carpenter higher a carpenter. If you want a mystical experience; higher a mystic. You go to what ever expert that has the information on the subject that you are interested in. Whenever a Guru spends a lifetime creating a cult following of “his divinity” and not the students, then he is a false guru.
Collie, and what is the definition of a Guru? Just an expert?
The definition as far as I am concerned is; one who knows and lives the truth. The truth that is beyond time and space and the relative reality that we have here. The living embodiment of truth is what a true guru is. And so, there are a lot of changes to go through for a person to in fact be that. It means that you always have to be willing to throw away your identity and all that goes along with it; the entire reality you have to allow to shift and change. It has to change quantum step after quantum step because the beingness of physical identity is one that is so far away from our truth that…
Collie, I am not sure that I understand that.
Well, everybody that is religious, kind of claims the fact that they are a spirit having a human experience. But, they don’t understand the meaning of their own words, because they don’t know themselves as a non-body identified divine spirit. Every step removed that you go from divine consciousness into the embodiment of physical identity, the further it is that you get from divinity. If you look at the traditional hierarchy of Christianity, you have God the father, and then you have the arch angels and then the lesser angels and the greater truth that you have the more etheric, the more free flowing, the more light and enlightened you are. 
Collie, I think that you identified more Mormon than normal Christianity just then. 
Normal Christianity believes in God the Father as the supreme being.
Collie, I am with you there, Father, Son, and holy ghost. 
And, they agree that the highest of the angels are the arch angels; Michael, Megaton etc.
Collie, it has always been my understanding that once you get past the trinity, that everyone else is equal.
Its not true. Everyone in spirit is equal to the trinity. There is no exclusionary divine reality that exists only for three beings, thats false. Those three are icons of the truth, with yourself playing all three parts; you are God the father, God the embodiment of the son of the father, the son of God and the light of the world. That is another aspect of you and the truest aspect of you is only the spirit, it is not the beingness of God the father, its not the beingness of God the son; the physical embodiment of God, the only eternal unchanging truth is; the God of spirit that pervades all, that holds the space for reality to exist in, that knows all there is beyond, within and without, the physical world. So that state of consciousness is your ultimate truth. So where were we going with that? We have the truth, the ultimate truth is the God consciousness of spirit, that all consciousness is from and a part of however confused in the present moment if they are not being the experience of the embodiment of God consciousness. 
Collie, what about the sin of a lie? 
The sin of a lie? There is no truth on earth, it is all a lie. A lie is what makes you contract, a lie is what makes you shrink, to become less than something else. The truth is what causes you to blossom like a flower and radiate a presence of beauty and serenity. So whatever it is that expands you, that makes you realize the love that others have for you and the love that you have for yourself. What ever it is that expands that; is the truth. Whatever it is that contracts that is a lie. It takes a lie to create density, that contraction is a contraction into form, into identity, into the structure of manifestation. So there is no such thing as a pure manifestation of divine truth because divine truth is nothingness, only consciousness. The creation of a form and an identity is a contraction of the truth into a state of the conscious embodiment of from and of structure and so as the consciousness takes on the identity of form and structure, it is learning about that reality and becoming familiar about that reality and once it understands it, it begins to look beyond the understanding the interactions of how does this reality works? Into asking what possible states of reality can I exist in as a free being? When you start asking those questions, the answers come and you let go of what it was that you thought that you were before. Which was simply an experience of a particular reality that gave you a clear understanding of what it was to be an embodied being under the command of mother earth. 
The whole reality is heading towards a transcendent physical reality, which is the embodiment of divine truth. It is why we all chose to come here and everybody is doing their part of understanding embodiment until they relax into the embodiment as their truth. As long as your embodiment is oppositional, then you are learning about what the boundaries of the current reality is; where it sticks to  you when you push against it or when you oppose it. An oppositional reality is frankly not fun for anybody, but once you gain an understanding of an oppositional reality and how it works, you can then win there, so to speak. You can relax about figuring it out, once you become an expert at it, once you know the rules, you know how to have your reality exist while not being in opposition to, or diminishing anyone else’s. At that point you are a guru, you are a master, you are a being that has come here, observed reality, interacted with reality, until you got to the point where you can be safe here because you are so able. Able to act appropriately for your benefit and others in every circumstance, so that there is no need to have an opponent. Where there is a cooperative reality of support for the other manifesting their perfection in your presence. 
Lets do a little experiential exercise right now, because in our interactions over the past 15 years, there has probably been thousands of times that I thought thoughts and have had considerations of you being less than the divinely perfect embodiment of God. If I had been looking for that in you, I would have seen it and I would have found it and we would have interacted on that level. But, those weren’t my choices and those were not our experiences and so now I am going to look at all those experiences and I am going to willingly let go of everything that I said, everything that I thought and everything that I forced you to be in our interactions of your being less than the best that you could have been in any one and all of those moments.  I am going to look at that and observe that, until the point where I have truly taken my curse off of you; that you are not here to be your own divine expression of who and what you truly are. Because I was wrong, I was all of the way, wrong about you and I am so sorry that I was treating you as less than my eternal brother that I came here to have a divine interaction with. In our embodiments here, I did not recognize you as my divine brother, as my partner in our interactions of how we can come here into this reality and say: I remember, I know you, I know why your here and when you are with me, the reason that we are together is so we can share that reality and even if nobody else gets it, we get the fact that we know that our truth, our origin, the essence of our being; is divine. 
It is easy to forget that here, but as we will let each other be a touch stone for our own remembrance of our own eternal truth and say; ok, I get it now, Yes Collie was that… Was he? Was he only truly those things that I did not like? That I did not fully approve of? Was he only truly being those things because I was lost in my own lies? Because I was not aware of my own divinity? Because I was not connected to God, because I wasn’t being the brother that Christ wanted me to be? Collie was allowing himself to be distracted, because he was waiting for me to say; hey I am here and I know, and I remember and I see the truth of you and the truth of you is magnificent and wondrous and its a relief, a pleasure and a vacation from this life and this world to spend some time with you on a higher level of consciousness. It gives us a little relaxation from the fear and trauma that we have put these bodies through as a result of our doubts about life and ourselves. So I can allow you, when I focus on it, to be your eternal truth and so that is what I am going to look at right now…
Collie, So when It came to Misha, when you felt like you had such a connection because he can help you get to the higher power, am I saying that right?
No, it is so much funner to occasionally have a partner to play with in this reality, to sound these things off with each other, to experiment with what it is to have a transcendent experience in a shared reality that then makes the transcendent real to each other individually, because then we know it wasn’t a passing dream. We can say; oh yes, I remember, that was the true reality that we shared there for a moment. We understood our cosmic connection to God, to divine truth, to our divine purpose, so we can use that shared experience as a little remembrance, as a touchstone. We can say; I have somebody that I can attempt to have that experience again and to know that I am safe in doing that with them and not feeling a judgement, a criticism, a condemnation of myself because I want to have that supreme reality that you said it is kind of weird for you wanting that. But, the truth is, I only want truth, I only want a truth that is so true that is frees me in everyway and allows me to interact in reality where it is free for me and free for the other person as well. Where there is an ability to live life here as a celebration of form and structure in the action of being moved by divine consciousness.
Collie, so when you parted ways with him and especially when you did, he was not understanding, but was actually, abrasive to the breakup if you will. First of all… Well lets put that on hold. I really feel close to you after having these conversations today and a little bit over the past couple of days than I have in the past and I feel like I can understand you and appreciate you more and this is just a new sampling of what you did with Misha.
It is on a whole other level. The Amount that I have progressed in the last 5 years, wow… I had glimpses of the experiences that I have now, but I didn’t have the experiences then, that I have now and even though I haven’t had as many of those experience that I had then; where I was able to spend large amounts of time in meditation observing other people and seeing what it takes to shift the consciousness of everyone in a room to that level. The things that I took on in a wife and kids, required a level of attention from me takes away from my solitude where I can spend my time in reflection. But, that is good, because what it does now, it puts me on a steeper gradient; of being divine in life. Don’t come here and be a monk in meditation in a life long search for truth and never realizing your being the embodiment of God. Why come here with a body and forever be in search of a state that is never achieved? We came here to live, we came here to move and to act and to do and to create something here. 
Collie, with Misha, thats what was happening?
We got as far as we could together and when it didn’t make sense for us to keep exploring together, we went our separate ways and so yes, were the personalities offended at each other in various ways and levels of consciousness? Yes, does that change the fact that we had the experiences that we did? No, were they valuable for both of us? Yes they were, there was nobody else that I could share that reality with, there was nobody else that actually was willing to entertain angels, to be in the presence of the divine, to interact with divine beings and to support each other to where we could perceive that reality and interact on that level, it was wonderful, but it still didn’t change a lot of the things that I needed to change about myself in terms of; taking responsibility for life. I kind of used it as an escape.
Collie, and he kind of used it to take advantage of you because he didn’t live a realistic life. The one thing that I am fortunate for in my life, is when there is an inequality in a relationship with me, I don't ever hold grudges, I process it and let it go in a day and move on and I really feel so thankful to God that he has given me the ability to not hang on to grudges, because I think that that screws people up for ever and thats why I think that I am more open to hear things like this than others, because God has given me the ability to not be hung up on those things.
Thats exactly why we can have this conversation, because your willing to hear it and until someone is willing to hear the truth beyond this world, they are not going to.
Collie, the one thing that I have a problem with that you do fro as many years as I have known you is reincarnation. So talk about that for a minute.
Let me relate things from a Mormon point of view, since we both are familiar with that. I haven’t been to enough other Christian churches to know how they relate to the subject. The Mormon point of view, is that we have always existed, or for eons prior to being embodied here as our first and only time. The scriptures talk about having “innumerable experiences” well, whats the difference between having innumerable experiences in the spirit world or innumerable experiences on earth? There is nothing here that is not spirit. The form does not exist until it is embodied by the spirit. The spirit is what causes the form to manifest here, not the other way around. 
Collie, what if it is man made form like this car? 
Every structure is spiritually based and the car itself has consciousness as does everything else. Every atom has consciousness, its the beginning. Get it? Who was the first man?
Collie, Adam.
Every atom has consciousness, its the beginning of embodiment. The atom is only; consciousness creating energy and because of the vibratory frequency of the energy it creates a continuity that manifests as an atom and when gathered together the atoms creates molecules; a seemingly solid reality, when in reality this road that we are driving on is simply atoms of energy in motion that are creating the effect of a physical structure that doesn't really exist. It is just energy in motion, there is no such thing as any one of these creations in reality. They are only energetic constructs looking like a particular form, but that energy could take any form and when that energy can take any form and you realize that then you can begin to do things like Christ did like walking on water. Because the consciousness that chooses to embody the form can choose to be the conscious embodiment of any form. It is only the different vibrational frequencies of different atoms that create the appearance of a particular form. So as you gain in consciousness, you gain in the ability to configure reality around you on the atomic level. I know thats a little much, why was I saying that? Let me see if I can say that in a different way that makes it easier to understand. You ask about the consciousness of the car, energy does not exist without consciousness, its the consciousness that creates energy and it is the energy that creates matter, that creates the structure. The energy creates matter according to the harmonic frequencies that it makes. They have a resonance that have particular quality. A real master would be able to turn water into wine or a road into water or to turn water into air so that you could walk across a lake or be in a fiery furnace without being affected. Once you realize that your consciousness creates your reality in its entirety; at that point, nothing in reality can affect you. Because divine consciousness is the creator of the energy that becomes the structure of reality. Now since divine consciousness is allowed to create what it will, if you decide to create yourself as confused, you can experience that state of consciousness and in that state all of those choices are allowed to occur as well until they start slowing you down with the conflicting choices of your beingness until you become a solid identity that can no longer change. The people that can’t exist in any way today other than what they were yesterday, then they are locked in until they die.
Collie, everything my whole like I used the kiss method; keep it simple stupid. So without all that you said and all the details and all that, I have just said it real basic; negative breeds negative and positive breeds positive, With those simplistic ways to look at life it has been easy for me to stay positive. Now having said that. I’ve watched myself over the years and looked back at the end of a situation or the end of the day how I allowed myself to slip into the negative and the older I get, the less I allow that to happen.
If you looked for the way to choose love and to experience the feeling of love and gratitude for the reality of the circumstances that you are in, that would create a more harmonious reality than looking for how to be positive about something that isn’t enjoyable.
Collie, so people that are so filled with hate, like that guy that was in that white pickup today he was filled with hate.
Yes, he was doing a great job of being a guy full of rage. By the way, thats a lot better than most people. Most people have been so beat up by life that they cant fight for their own reality to be true anymore.
Collie, how sad is that?
Actually, anger, rage and hatred is more sane than apathy, shame and inability; at least the guy is fighting and saying I am here and I’m right, at least about your wrongness. So he has got a chance, a lot better chance than someone who has given up. 
Here is another exercise you can try; Put your hand up onto the steering wheel and just look at it, be aware of it, feel it. Feel it as not your hand, but as  the hand of God and you can think of it as that, perceive it as that and allow it to move as that. Because; you will allow yourself to experience and experiment with the feeling of divinity to that degree. You can allow yourself to feel what it would be like, if your hand were the hand of God. Just look at it and feel it and see what it would like to do as that. The more that you are able to allow your hand to be the hand of God. The hand of God, begins to become a transforming power to the rest of your body, because if this hand begins to become the embodiment of divine consciousness, then that has a radiance that is impossible not to harmonize with. It is coming from that hand to the rest of your body. As you experiment with this and some of the other techniques, you will find that they work and you can have that experience in your own closet, so to speak. This is really a school of divinity that works, that actually re-aquaints you with the truth of who you really are and changes your reality into being a divine consciousness that experiences this reality as heaven on earth. So that is where it is coming from and how that gets shared and how that becomes a reality for people here? I don’t know, but I know thats why I am here (some of the time) but right now I do.
Collie, do you think that Jesus was able to be in that way all of the time? 
I don’t think he was, all of the time. 
Collie, I remember when he went to the temple and got mad and turned over the tables because the people were using the temple as a market place.
Lets say that he was that he was that all of the time; that he chose it in every moment and the more that you choose it, the more it becomes the reality. So you know, we have another 20 minutes left of our drive, decide to choose in each second of those minutes; to experience a divine reality right now. When you choose to experience a divine reality in every now as it comes and as each new now is experienced; your reality starts moving in that direction, becoming that more and more. Realizing that to a greater and greater degree until that is and has become your identity. It is the death of the false self that the “New Agers” talk about but most don’t understand.