
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I heard this suggestion in church growing up, but can't remember meeting anyone who really blessed every one they knew.

What is an enemy? Isn't it everyone that you have ever resisted, resented, ridiculed and judged?

I tried an interesting exercise tonight. I allowed my thoughts to go to the people that I have not liked in life and as each one appeared I blessed them with a blessing that seemed to be what they were lacking. The result? The lightest, most expanded experience of my life.

If you are very selfish, as I am. You owe it to yourself to bless the hell out of all of the bastards and bitches in your life.

B&B was a tag to attract the judgemental mind to participate in the exercise. For disappearance is exactly what happens even though you may begin the process with less than full faith in the out come. The experience of increased freedom and pleasure as a result of trying to bless you enemies. Causes one to become more dedicated to the exercise for the further increase of pleasure and release. It starts as doubtfully received suggestion,OK I'll try it and progresses to hey I'm feeling good and it's getting better. To Wow how far can I go with this? Is it really this easy? The answer is How good do you want to feel? How much Joy can you handle? Bless others sincerely feeling it happen as you do it and the Joy, pleasure and relief of suffering is all yours so easily it feels like cheating.

Sometimes the doorway to freedom exists in seemingly impossible to follow instructions by previous guides, that in fact are an easy to implement, precise formula to the creation and experience of Joy.

Disappearance is what happened, however all was not complete, as there is more left to confront in the next session. My point is that it is an exercise resulting in the freedom all wish for and few experience.


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