
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, October 19, 2007

It does not matter what path you have chosen

It does not matter what path you have chosen, the surrender of the false self results in the true self being revealed. There is no other saving other than your original truth being revealed to you.

The reason that it does not matter what you surrender to is the false self has little capacity for discerning truth, but it does have the capacity for knowing when conditions improve. Whatever path you have chosen, surrender to the divine source of that path and then continue to surrender to it as you observe your connsciousness expand and your experience of joy and love improve.

In truth, surrender to the divine is the only path, although it has many forms and practices. Once you have surrendered sufficiently, you will have your own direct connection to God and you will receive your further training, remembrance and redemption directly.

Here is another and familiar mantra: Not my will, but Gods will be done through me. Anything that responds to My, is the false self.

The source of all imperfection, disease and trouble in life can always be found and resolved in yourself. There is no disability or unconsciousness that cannot be found and resolved in you through your surrender to divinity.
