
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I am no longer trying to get rid of myself, for as consciousness getting rid of yourself is going unconscious or trying to believe that I am something other than consciousness. Getting rid of what you are not or dis identifying with is another story, as pretences are the same as going unconscious, they are false identities, which is funny because all identities are false. So how do you perceive reality through a body without identifying as it? How do you perfect your body without being the body?

You love your body in every sense, then you love every other body while recognising the divinity of the consciousness of that is animating it as an actor in the play of life. The play of life is for your pleasure and enjoyment. Just remember that as you play with life, you are an actor that can change roles at will. You are not limited by the identities that other points of view perceive you to be. Your only limitations are your own beliefs, which should be discarded in favor of direct perception.

Beliefs require effort to maintain, relax and allow life to express its self as it is with your awareness centered on the eternal. Then you may enjoy life from the perspective that allows you to control your circumstances effortlessly.

Engage life as a participant only when you are centered in your eternal knowing, then you will retain your ability to perceive and avoid the traps of polarized interactions. The trappings of a successful life are best enjoyed by he who does not become them, as it is unbecoming of divine consciousness to be entangled in the maze of polarized existence.

Enjoy polarity, enjoy the diversity of life, participate fully, just don't become it.


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