
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Can you accept the reality that things are as they are?

All of those emotions that you are observing in yourself are not yours, you can let go of them as soon as they come up. If you don’t, you won’t be able to free yourself from them and you will be bound to a reality that you are not choosing to really be in, or be free in, or be freely fully here.

Can you accept the reality that things are as they are? The body hurts, the emotions are less than lovely, and your life is less than admirable. As many people feel sorry for you as admire you. Is that the reality that you want; a mediocre life, a mediocre man, a mediocre consciousness, a mediocre failure, a mediocre success? What is it that you are holding onto so long, so hard, so determinedly that limits you from living the life that you wish for? What is there in us that separates us from living the life that we wish for? What is there in me that separates me from the life that I wish to be living?

Allow yourself to be a divinely radiant being. If you are willing to manifest your presence here, then allow it to be divinely radiant so that it is a source of freedom for all who desire it.


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