
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Realize that perfection is yours simply for being the willing recipient thereof.

Be aware of your surroundings, you really are where you are at, here. Don’t live in some fantasy reality that dis-associates you from this one, because this one is the one that is life or death to your consciousness as you are embodied here. So focus your efforts of achieving perfection, in This Life and This Body. Not in some ill-conceived and “more important” future than the present is. No, you need to be directed to being present in the present, because if you are present in the present: you’ll have sufficient power to move through all of the obstacles that you have created for yourself in this life with your past behavior. 

Your past behavior does not need to limit you: so long as you are willing to come to terms with what it was that you became here, according to your choices. As soon as you can acknowledge that that was a horrible failing, in terms of your embodying your divine self here, you can move on. How can you learn from that in this moment? How can this moment be a transcendent one for you? 

If you realize that perfection is yours simply for being the willing recipient thereof. That  is the only requirement.

So allow yourself to receive… Allow yourself to receive… Allow yourself to receive… Allow yourself to receive… Allow yourself to receive… Allow yourself to receive… Allow yourself to receive the awareness of what is, within the experience of self here. 

How is this going to happen? How is this going to happen? How is this going to happen? How is this going to happen? How is this going to happen? How is this going to happen? How is this going to happen? How are we going to find the willingness to release ourselves from the bounds, the bindings and the diminishment's that we have subjected ourselves too? How do we willingly release ourselves from the stain of failing to live our lives here as we wish to? How do we succeed right now? How do we succeed right now? 

Feel it in the entirety of your body: how do we succeed right now and you let the answer of the question, resonate throughout all of your embodied self here. How do we succeed in this moment, is your reason for being here. 

This is where your success lies: it is in coming into an intimate touch with reality here: intimately aware of all that it is. There is nothing more intimate than the divine, there is nothing more consciously loving of you than the divine is. So, how do I utilize that information for myself to realize that the divine way, is my way and that if we knew ourselves as that, we would be able to be here freely?

Be intimately beneficial with who you are with right now.

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