
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, November 09, 2012

I want you to have a happy, happy life.

A visit with my son:

Dad, I feel sad.

I am sorry that you feel sad C. I am sorry that you feel sad. I know, I know…

C.: know what? 

I feel sad too and I need some help.

C.: what?

I need some help right here and right now. I need somebody to say: I believe you are going to have a wonderful life.

C: you?

Yes, could you say that to your poppy?

C: I don’t know how to say that.

Just say: I love you and I want you to have a happy, happy life. How about that?

C: I am embarrassed to say it.

Well, I love you and I want you to have a happy, happy, happy life C, I really do. I want you to have a happy, happy, life. I want you to enjoy your life here, I really do. 

Let me help you release the fear from your body, just by rubbing it like that. When you let go of that fear that you are holding onto in your body, in your muscles, that just makes you go ahh… makes you wakeup and be happy. Can you be happy right here? Can you be happy right there in those muscles? Can you be happy in those muscles? Can you be happy in those muscles here? Yes, feel it, you can be happy here. You can be happy here. 

C: why?

It doesn’t matter why, it just matters that you can be happy here. It doesn’t matter how it happens, you can be happy right here in your body. Just let go of all of that unhappiness, you don’t need that. You can be happy here, right here. You can be happy here. You can be happy here. Realize that, just realize that you can be happy here.

C: here or here? 

In your whole body and your whole life. You can be really happy about your life, all you have to do is to be willing to receive that kind of wonderful life that will make you really happy. Just open up and say yes I want that, yes. We both get to choose to be happy here, both for ourselves and for each other. 

Does that feel good? I don’t know either, but it sure would be fun to feel happy all of the time wouldn’t it?

C: Umhmm.

Yes, I want to feel happy I really do, do you?

C: Hmm?

I want to feel happy, I really do, do you?

C: yes.

OK good, I think if you feel like you want to be happy that you should be happy. I think you should be happy. 

One thing that you might want to ask yourself is: is God really in favor of my freedom? Because at first blush it doesn’t seem like he is, and yet here he is and he says he is in favor of our freedom. So, to what degree does God’s being in favor of our freedom does that facilitate us in being free here? What else is necessary besides Gods will? Ha ha, if God’s will is not enough for you to be free here, what else is required?

Wherever you feel stuck energy, where you cannot move easily or you are afraid, whever you feel that…

C: afraid or sad?

Whichever one, whever you feel it, you just let it go and then decide what the best thing to do is and then do it.

C: I think that, Mmm, that Mmm, how I say it? There are two kinds of afraid and one is afraid of someone and the other kind is afraid of doing one thing. 

Two different kinds of afraid. Well, how do we let go of being afraid and just do what we know we need to do to be successful here? Where are our friends that wish for us our divine freedom?

Know that you are loved always and open up to allowing the divine's love of you to be known and experienced by you.

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