
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Its you thats realizing the divine, no one else.

If you can allow yourself to be the embodiment of God here, then you have delivered to yourself ultimate freedom. Its not disrespectful to God or diminishing to him in anyway. Allowing yourself to be the embodiment of God is to allow Gods glory to be here in you. You’re not in opposition of that being the consciousness of this reality and of everyone in it. 

Lets be as conscious as we need to be here, for us to be successful here. Thank you, ahh, allow yourself to be divine here, its the only way that you can guarantee that you’ll achieve what you wish for, for yourself. Be that which controls this reality: that which chooses for itself and receives that result and can change that result as quickly and continuously as is required for him to realize within the body the full freedom of your divine consciousness. 

Regardless of what the body is: we condemn it in no way that would cause it to not realize itself divinely. We condemn not the body, for we wish to realize the divine through it. 

Thank you God, and so it is. Thank you God for the realization of you within us, awakening ourselves to our truth. The realization in this reality of the support structure for your manifesting your divine nature here. Open up to your realization of that: a support structure that enables your realization of the divine truth of yourself easily. Allow that support structure to support you in your choice to realize self. 

All that are divine are welcome here and we have place and space for them. We are willing to open fully to being able to hold within our bodies, our truth here. 

How much of your potential for self realization are you willing to have be true for you in this mo If you can allow yourself to be the embodiment of God here, then you have delivered to yourself ultimate freedom. ment? 
How much are you willing to have your consciousness transcend what has been predictable for you here? 
How much universal consciousness are you willing to be here? 
How much will you allow yourself to be changed and shifted and realized so that the divine is evident in your presence?
What level of self realization does it require for you to allow for yourself a universally divine and loving consciousness? One that transcends the issues of lightness and darkness, good and evil: the consciousness that transcends the pretense of God fighting God, God individuating himself as an object to the point where the purpose of embodied god is the destruction of self and others.

How much?
How quickly?
How willing are you to transcend what was predicted for you here?
How much are you willing to allow your own choice for freedom, consciousness, love and ability?
How much control are you going to give to the opinions of others on what it is that you should be allowed to manifest here as?

Give others your grace and your love but do not take from them their judgements and condemnations of yourself. 
Give that which you have to give: unconditional love, but willingly receive only that back from someone as an expression of the truth of themselves, because all who express themselves as less than that are living a lie and the truth of themselves: they do not even remotely understand anymore.

So back to the question for yourself: how much more of your truth than “this that you have been being in this moment and that you have been in the past”, how much of this are you willing to allow to “open into” its own ultimate truth, so that there is a realization of divine proportions: omniscience and omnipotence embodied again? Why not have that be the goal that this reality has for itself: the experience of each self here experiencing the divine in the selves of others and in their own self? If you think that that would be good for your reality: choose it for yourself now.

Whatever would be good to enhance this reality for everyone: choose that in yourself now, you’re deserving of it as well as everyone else is. Allow yourself and everyone else the reality that they are instantaneously self-realized and are whole in themselves once more, right now. 

Hold that as a possibility for me and I will hold that as a possibility for you. The possibility of another’s instant self realization of the divine: that which you would celebrate in self and in another, in a brother, “that” is what you choose yourself to be if you yourself want to live as the truth of eternity. 

So what ever it is that you have been: allow that to be irrelevant to what it is that you are. A momentary point of view does not deserve to have more than a momentary impact on that which you identify yourself as being and that you are aware of yourself being the presence of. Allow yourself to know yourself divinely: to experience the divine truth of self, as an internal experience of consciousness within the body.

And be OK when that gets lost in the depths of the consciousness that you’ve adopted as an identity of self: be OK with yourself as the self that is lost and fallen and misguided. Say: wow its nice to have the ability to experience ourselves as that once in a while, because we know what our experience of the infinite is. Its nice to bring that experience of the infinite into the physical, once in a while and that is what we are asking you to remind yourself: that, that is what you chose and came here to be.

Be here as the self that you predetermined that you were going to be and not allow yourself to be molded by this reality. Theres no reasonable reason that you should give up your own sovereign right to choose who you are, what you are, what your level of consciousness is, how that is expressed in form here, with the ability to have it be what ever you choose and when you choose and to move in and out of what ever those self chosen realizations are for the purpose of you falling in love with yourself to the point that you are unconditionally loving of everyone. Because you can only enjoy your own true love of self, if it is experienced by others in their experience of you. 

So, allow the truth of you that is true there, to be the truth of your embodiment here and now. That which knows nothing of divine self: surrender to the realization of the one-self that is true to all. Allow the one-self: that self, that “true one of you” the one that releases you from all that has held you back and brings you home here as one who is a blessing to everyone that you meet. Allow that to be true for others and allow that to be true for yourself. Regardless of what has been true in the past: allow that to be true now. Allow the truth that is divinely true to be that which you know and experience yourself to be.

You are one with God and one with me, all the way through eternity: the eternal self, realized as one, within you, as you and for your and everyone else’s benefit and blessing. Allow the truth of self to be free within you, free to bring into harmony all that is in dis-harmony within yourself. Allow that which is eternally free to have its way with you and with me, that we may know the truth of the divine that is experience by those who welcome and open to that which is Godly.

Welcome and open to that which is Godly, be willing to know what that is and experience it within the totality of the self that you have identified yourself as here. Know what it is to know God as you know yourself and to know self as God knows you. Know yourself as well as God knows you: from eternity to eternity, from the infinite to the nonexistence of all things that attempt to define you and categorize you into something that can be controlled and limited by others. 

Whatever it is that is Godly, holy or divine to you: allow yourself the freedom to experience it intimately within every aspect of your being. Allow yourself to be familiar with the divine within all aspects of yourself and in all fragmented identities and beingnesses that you’ve split yourself into. Allow all that you are to realize the truth of all: the truth of all things, the truth of all consciousness, the truth of all manifestation. Allow that freedom within you: “thats” worthy, of your surrender to the expression of that which moves, defines and is expressed as you.

So what freedom are you choosing to allow yourself in your body right now? 
What abilities are you no-longer going to withhold from being expressed in you? 
Where are you going to stop cursing yourself? 
Condemning yourself? 
And damning yourself into a life of punishment? 
When does your realization of love change all of that? 
Is it now? 
Is it here? 
Is that you? 
You hear it all the time but is it true, that the truth of you is love? 
Could that possibly be true of you? 

Damn unlikely it seems, but whats the truth actually? 
Not in conjecturing about it, not in debating about it, 
Not in philosophizing about it, 
but in what actually is true and why do you consider yourself unable to live as that yourself? 
That which is true, 
that which is realized, 
that which knows, 
that which is expressed as a really wonderfully divine, loving, wise welcomed presence here.
What is it that inspires that within you? 
What is it that allows you to notice that your divine self realization is actually what you want to experience right now in this moment and you give yourself full allowance to do that? No longer holding back and saying: “not yet should I know my truth” “not yet should I believe something that I don’t deserve to be.” 

That judgement of self as undeserving, of knowing, of living, of experiencing and expressing divine truth: that condemnation is not valid in being an expression of what the truth of you is. The condemnation of others is never the truth of that which is being condemned. Its such a limited point of view, that it requires shutting oneself off from nearly the entirety of the universe in order to find a point of view in which they can condemn another. One has to be so narrow minded and so unaware, to consider the suppression, restriction and restraint of others as something that will be better for himself and create a better reality for himself by that which limits and constrains and is a bad effect on others. That is the level of consciousness that we are talking to and we are saying: you can free yourself of that now, there’s no longer a need to continue expressing yourself as this.

If the divine is the truth of you: quit struggling with the expression of that happening through your body in this moment. 
If divinity is the truth of you: this moment is the only one that you have to express it in. 
If divinity is the truth of you, this moment right now is the only one you have to express it in. 
Express your truth right now, 
feel the truth of you that is beyond the effects of others, 
feel the truth of you that is always free and let it guide you back to your true reality: unlimited freedom and unconditional love in a mutual reality where each experiences the other as the divine and where there is never even a hint of rivalry and competition and judgement of anyone for another. There is just a universal love and appreciation of beauty and joy and the celebration that we can experience ourselves and each other as divine love. What can be better than that if you are going to be individuated and divided, other than to have all that are divided realized in the oneness of eternal truth? And have this multitude of “embodied beingness consciousness” realize God as itself, because it is the truth. 

What does it take to have the body surrender and relax into that? What is it that limits and controls the body consciousness and choses for itself less than divine knowing and awareness and compassion and love? Look at that first, you that accepted an identification of yourself as less than that, as less than a divinely realized presence. Identify when you stepped away from that and change your mind right there: “oh, that was funny, almost went unconscious there” until I chose to maintain my expression and experience of divine truth here. 

Where are we lost? 
Where are we confused? 
Where do we not understand truth? 
Where have we accepted a lie as our truth and how do we realize our truth within that lie so that the lie is no more accepted as truth? 
Where are the lies that we can realize our truth in? 
Where do lies control our reality and where in them can our truth be realized? And allow it the freedom to do that which is possible: that which is available to you as a self realization of that which is ultimately true and infinitely valuable for you to have as a self realization while you are embodied.

Allow that for yourself and to do that you have to allow that for everyone else you are with. They don’t have to take it, but you have to allow it and when you truly do allow it without any suppression from yourself: it will awaken in a beautiful and divine truth of the other. There won’t be a possibility of conflict and unfair comparisons between selves, there’s a choice for the allowance of the divine nature of all of us within you and everyone else. Allow that freedom to move within you and to reorder your consciousness and to reconfigure the vibrational components of your presence here. 

What is it that creates a presence here? One that is more present than mere consciousness? One that has a super human, perfected expression of self? One that is part superman, and part Jesus, Buddha and Krishna and all the beings that have ever been realized as divine? Why would we condemn all reality to not not realizing the divine so that we could recognize that as being real for only one of us? If the divine is the truth of all of us, then why do we deny that truth in all of us but one? Or two, or a hundred, or a thousand or whatever number it is that is such an infinitely small number compared to all the “you’s” that there are here? 

Its you thats realizing the divine, no one else. You don’t need anyone’s permission other than your own. What they do is irrelevant to you in your realizing your truth. So set yourself free from your condemnations and judgements of yourself. Thats not a good way to express your truth here by “condemning yourself” its a little mentally ill I think, but we all seem to do it. 
What is possible? 
What is possible in self realization of divine and eternal truth here? 

So, what ever it is that you are there, where you are having a conversation with yourself about wether or not you can take the risk of doing this or not: realize that all of those voices are the voices of the insane. 
There’s only: 
are you the realization of divine truth or not?
And if you are not: 
choose it and see if you like it. 
Choose divine truth, 
experience divine truth, 
assess how you feel when it is expressed through you and 
then give it its freedom to be expressed through you appropriately in each moment.

 Allow the divine truth of us all to be expressed through you without your censorship, because you  know that that which moves it is unconditional love and will set no course of action for you that you would regret upon reflecting on it afterwards. 

So, allow that which you can trust to choose the ultimate truth for you as your experience of self and allow everything else to transcend that level of consciousness where it was stuck and realize the eternal as itself instead. There is nothing to reject, because the truth of us all, embraces us all. Realize that when you choose that for your self, it brings yourself and all that is around you into harmony and that example is what will allow us all to self realize here. Those who choose to allow themselves to be molded and realized by the divine are the ones who will help us all to realize that for ourselves. 

So don’t bother yourself negatively when you see the truth of eternity expressed in someone else. Its a cause for your celebration, because the realization of God in another, means the expression of Godliness in self is an available choice for us all. Celebrate the reality of this shift of heaven on earth that we have all been waiting for. Give it permission in this moment to be here, divinely true, divinely me and divinely you. Give this reality the permission to experience itself as God. 
I’m not saying that you have the power to right now, but you “give the permission.” You resolve that you are not going to stop it regardless of who it is, even if it is your worst enemy: that which you fear would destroy you if it had the opportunity. 

Allow God to be realized through that which you hate, 
through that which you condemn, 
through that which you would crucify if it were so bold as to be the realization of God in that “disgusting tradition.” Do not condemn yourself with that attitude. Realize that beings opening to truth being expressed through them is the thing that we all will celebrate and that we must welcome in each other. 

Welcome, welcome to your expression of divine truth when you talk to me. I welcome the expression of God through you. 

Kian, why is this coming through you?

Because you are willing to listen.

Kian whatever you wish.

Well, if my wish is your command, then I command you so to do and be and know and experience. If you need to be commanded to accept your truth, then consider that the one absolute commandment that I give you: accept your truth, accept your truth, accept your truth. 

There are ten commandments: say “I accept my truth” ten times. The commandment of God is accept your truth and by that we mean ALL. The truth of all is the truth of self. Open up, encompass that and realize if that is the truth of you. 

Give yourself an opportunity to know it and then realize if that is your truth of not, but, don’t be afraid of it, 
don’t avoid it, 
don’t judge it, 
don’t hold it as an impossibility for yourself. 

Experience the truth of God, 
the truth of divinity, 
the truth of whatever it is that you give allegiance to divinely: whatever that is and if its nothing, then its nothingness,if it is Jesus, or Buddha or any other tradition: whatever it is, is that which YOU claim as the truth of your reality and whatever that is: 

Allow Divine Truth To Move Through That, To You, As That.

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