
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

A poem

You'll remember this Dave.   It is glorious.   Please quiet your mind, and your knowledge before watching.  Please empty everything you know.  That's what I did when I listened and it felt like a sunrise in my soul.


Your brother AND your grateful devotee and student,


Thank you John for your appreciation and your concern for me. I listened to his talk and he is a sweet man. 

But, he is a man through and through:
not the same as Christ as Christ would have him be, 
not the truth of Christ which is the truth of you and me, 
not the presence of God as all who walk in Christ are, 
Not the light in he, that makes all man free.

A sweet man, but not a good man.
A Ernest man, but not a wise man.
A teacher to be sure, but not one who who does more,
 than Christ as Christ would have him be.

A telestial man, not yet awake, not yet free.
A witness of suffering, but not of divinity.
Willing to praise the truth, but unwilling to be.
One in a long line who will die, before they are free.

But what of you and what of me?
Are the words of Christ's wishes for us, reality to be?
Do we too wither and die before the truth that saves, is free in us?
Do we go along for the ride with the sheep or do we drive the bus?

Make not such a fuss in your debate on what's true.
The truth when it's true can be seen in you.
When the truth eternal is the truth in you. 
Then the light that enlightens will be seen in you.

No need for words, no need for debates,
The truth eternal, for all men waits.
Waits for the temporal to pass away.
Then glory and miracles are then here to stay.

Stay not in the stories that clutter the minds of men,
Right and wrong are the devils two best friends,
Right I am, wrong you are! are the words of the fallen,
Right we all are, is where the truth will blossom.

The light of the son, is the light that you are.
No more consider yourself a dim little star.
The moon knows the truth but is unwilling to be it.
The sun is the truth and all here can see it.

The son of eternity,
is you too you see.
It what Christ said you could be, 
when you walk just as he.

Walk as Christ walked,
Talk as Christ talked,
See as Christ saw: there are none good, not one.
Until you too are willing to be the one and holy son.

Even then you will be,
Tainted by your humanity,
But Christ was as well,
Because we're all here in hell.

Hell if I know what I will be my self here,
But know this my friend: I fear not myself here.
The self that will last is the self that I choose,
To be other than that is to be one of the ewes.

Condemned not by God, I condemn not my self.
I condemn not any other, as all are my brothers.
In that I find there's no truth in the lie:
 "we are all lost, fallen, helpless and for that Christ died.

Christ lives in us as we live in him, as he lives in the father: 
my God I am him.
He that is free, that now longer is damned,
He that owns truth, the consequences be damned.

Damn the lies and opened to the light.
I am here to fight the good fight,
To do the great work 
and from that not shirk.

I follow only that which does work:
One with God, 
one with truth, 
one with the light 
and of the eternal.

One with the Goddess, that all have forgotten.
One with the divine, from which all men are begotten. 
One with creation as that which will free it:
The eternal truth of all, now just open and be it.


Just read your poem
If I show you something , like a sunset, something so beautiful and so uplifting that it brings me to tears... but if you see only the clouds, then I've learned a lesson...   Showing sunsets to Dave may not be the best idea (or at leas certain kinds of sunsets, like this one).
What I've learned recently is that I cannot really do much good in someone's home if I use a bull dozer to get in. 
Thank you for teaching me to respect everyone's point of view.   My love for you will always remain wholly independent from your point of view.  For this I am ever grateful.   Let love stand on its own, unfettered by beliefs and points of view.
Your buddy 


Each one of us lives in a personal separate reality and each are open to divine inspiration according to and limited by our own preferences. Where you were uplifted by the video, I saw only a limited connection and knowing of Christ, one that suggested his relationship and knowing was as special as it gets for man and yet is one where he only receives a confirmation of the spirit, not the words and presence of Christ himself. In all of my connections to the divine there is only transcendent love with the invitation to open to it, no form, no structure, no ritual required and certainly no human hierarchy between me and heaven. For me to observe an-others relationship with the divine that seems determined to be separate from it does not inspire me, it makes me sad for him as he is missing out from all of what is available to him. 

I am sorry that I did not seem to appreciate your inspiration. I love all that inspires men to turn their minds towards God and I am pleased you have done so. For me there is no intermediary to Christ or any other divine being, no human authority that holds the keys to my salvation other than myself and my willingness to know and open to God. If Christ wished for other than that for me, he would tell me and I would listen. I am open to to his personal communication to me and I know his presence. and so to honor another as my teacher and prophet who refuses to be Christ's brother here and now, I can only say: there is more of Christ here than that for all of us. 

So sweet as he is, his words direct me to have a more remote relationship than the one I already have and they leave me wanting more than what he offers.

Your friend,


You are SUCH a great writer.  I loved this email.

My comment about sunsets stands.  My comment shutting down my bulldozers stands too.  You have experienced way too much of my pounding down your doors to serve you a cup of tea.

We will continue to appreciate and to whatever degree occurs to us, enjoy each other's perspectives.  Your teachings in this regard have been such a blessing to me.  Thank you Dave.  Thank you for all the inspiration that DOES flow through you. It is a testimony of the greatness of God.   He's crazy about all of us, and will use us to the full extent possible- to the degree that we get out of the way.    I love the Gospel with all my heart.  I just love it.  That doesn't mean I can't love so much of what comes through you too.

Your buddy.


Jesus is the word that many refer to,
to make themselves safe and certain,
that they're on the way to: 
heaven and glory and the right way of,
living their life when it is a complete fog.

Heaven is here,
heaven is now,
he who puts it off to the next life,
is dead to it, and how.

Jesus my friend, is with you as I am,
looking and waiting and watching you un-damn:
opening, exploring and living the mysteries,
now in the moment and not in the histories.

Hysterical it is that we cannot see God,
open your mind and you'll see god in the fog.
The cloud then you'll see, is divine as the tree, of life my friend.
As is the dirt and the refuse the same as the rainbows end, to one who sees God.

See God my friend, in the whore next door, Jesus did.
See God my friend, in the bore who speaks more than you are willing to hear,
and God will reveal himself to you in the whore and the bore and beauty and splendor of life,
in the pain and suffering and strife,
in yourself and in all others,
as all are Gods brothers.

Reject not a one,
as all are his sons,
and when the son of God you see,
in the mirror of you in me and in all others.
Then you will be free: 
a bit of heaven. in the midst of hell,
a delightful freedom manifest, in the land of the lost and the fallen,
walking with Christ, (now not the only begotten.)

Born again of the God who dwells within you,
willing to walk in the shoes of the one who,
showed us the way to be in this place here,
where fear, greed and insanity drive those who do preach here.

Dear me, what is one to do? 
Do we join the club of the totally insane too?
Do we give up our truth?
Do we embrace the great lie?

I that I am, I am that am I.

No, the I that I am,
That, is not my truth,
I took it on, 
from those who told me in my youth:
You are not the one,
You are not the son,
You are not the truth,
Now, for Gods sake accept those truths!

The truths, that are lies:
those that are wise, 
examine them closely,
and let them go, mostly.

Then their free as a bird,
no longer part of the heard,
but in the heavens they fly,
and to the lost they say goodbye,
so long, fare thee well, my earth bound friends.

I look forward to seeing you in the end,
when it is clear to all,
that rejoicing in earths halls,
it what heavenly beings do when,
condemnation, self righteousness and pretend,
no longer appeals to us as our way of being.

There is no saving men,
as long as the Gods themselves do make,
self, as temporary foolish beings,
and stand as resolute ding-a-lings,
in their pretense of knowing truth and being right and certain,
(despite their unknowingness and non experience of their own divine and eternal nature)
in their bitter judgements of self and others.

God bless god, 

What can you do then except that?

God, bless you... God.

God. :-0 oh oh

(I wonder if God will strike him down for that one?)

Not the one that loves unconditionally,
Not the one who is omniscient, 
Not the one who is omnipresent,
Not the one who is omnipotent,
Not the one who sees God in all others,
Not the one who wishes the same for all his brothers,

Only the one who denies the truth within himself, as himself and as any living other.

You got another poem from me, 

my friend and...

Your brother. 


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