
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Experience the realization of your divine truth

Puff… Well, since we recorded “that,” I guess we’ll start on that subject and that is; “are there herbal aids that are able to enhance and accelerate your awakening? If there is a possibility that there are and that you could, then if one were intent on awakening fully to the ultimate potential that your consciousness has here, if you are here for that for yourself; then do you look at that which has been vilified by the unaware and celebrated by the participants as an aid to the facilitation of your eternal truth? 

One has to explore what the answers are when one doesn’t know and wishes to. So for myself, I have to say; as long as I perceive there to be a benefit in my desire to fully awaken here and to know the truth that will free me from what I am here and release me into what I can possibly be here; that has to be a big yes for me and so theres my explanation as to why I do what I do in exploring the possibilities of consciousness for the benefit of my experience of life here. Isn’t that why You do what you do here? So that you experience the reality as you wish it to be? You desire to bend reality to being what you wish it to be. Is that a bad thing to do?

Lets just say that to wonder about that for another from a point of view of not knowing yourself,  is not something that you should be occupying your mind with. All that should occupy your mind is your realization of your truth. Sparked into being by your willingness to know it and the expectation that you will know it as long as you continue to open into your full realization of that in each moment. 

I shorted us on the recording by not fully charging the battery on the camera, it seems that we have only 14 minutes of recording time left. So what can I say in this 14 minutes that is worthy of your paying attention to it? Is there anything that I can say that will be of value to you? We’ll we’re not going to find out unless I ask that question; what can I say that will be of real value to you, that will be that which you say; Yes! Thank you for saying that, because I have always known thats true and I just needed somebody to say; yes, you’re right, it is true. So here you go; you were right, it is true and I am willing to share it with you. I’m willing to feel all that you are divinely and open to that radiating from you and influence me to open fully in my awareness of myself. So what I say to you is; regardless of your opinions on what you see and what you hear from me, is it possible for you to be free for yourself, with me? Can you demonstrate that me so that I can feel it, that which you are when your beingness is free, unconstrained, unlimited, un- condemned and unloved by yourself and others?

Don’t let those who have forgotten their love for themselves and for you, be that which controls your experience of reality here. Allow your experience of reality here to be a divine one; which means a Godly capable one as yourself. You know it would be great if a fully realized Godly being in a perfect body were expressing that to you, but I ‘m dealing with the manifestation that I am here and who and what I am, what I perceive myself to be, what I am aware of and what is physically apparent to others. There is not an apparent expression of divinity from me, there’s not a line of aesthetic perfection that causes you to say; Wow, is that impressive. No, it is quite the opposite; you an look at me and you can “read” what has been written; “unable to control even his own body, to manage his appetites in such a way that consciousness is easily manifest.” But, if consciousness were easily manifest and fully opened to for me, by me; this body wouldn’t look like this, or feel like this. It would look and feel and express itself magnificently. 

So I admit that; “this me” is the before. I am the before, of myself here as this. This is what I was before I became conscious, before I became self aware and self realized enough for my heightened state of consciousness to begin to enable me to make better decisions for myself to where I just know whats good for me and I just do it because it increases my wonder of my experience of life. Isn’t that what you would do with increased consciousness; make better decisions that improves the quality of your experience here and facilitates your successful interactions with others to the great benefit of others; to the point where they are willing to be very generous with you? 

Be a person that is so loving of others that they can’t help but love you in return. Allow for your love for life to be so heavenly, your love for all form and structure wether it is in the peak of perfection, the initial growth, or the final dissolution into apparently nothing. What does it take for you to be “that you” here? The you that blesses life in all stages and loves it to the point of inspiring divine consciousness in others? Hmm, I think that would be a nice experience; if not me, how about you? What are you willing to have for yourself? Are you willing to have that? Are you willing to be divinely self aware? God bless you, I hope so, I hope so, I hope you do so well, that even though we’re not talking and listening in the same frame of time, that I in my time can feel my reality divinely expressed and divinely influenced by you and from you in your time as a result of our interactions in this medium. 

Can you express yourself divinely, so that it is known throughout all time and experienced by all who are open, throughout all time and space and in every dimension and reality, your expression of unconditional love for all consciousness that exists there and everywhere and anywhere? Your love for all consciousness, regardless of where it is and how it is expressed, Mmm, Hmm. Why wouldn’t that transform yourself if you opened into that beingness? Hmm, it might even be possible for me to do that, it just might. It might be possible for me to give up the right to be right in opposition to anyone or anything. You need to let go of that right if you’re going to experience the perfection that life can be. You need to give up your right to choose rightness in wrongness. The only thing that is right, is God consciousness. Anything less than that has failed in its desire to perfect itself and is stuck in a confusion and an identity that we would a dearly like to transcend if we only knew how. 

Allow yourself to know how, now and feel it transform you in this moment. Feel the transformation of your polarized self into and by the divine consciousness that is the truth of you, when you open to knowing that which exists eternally for you. So regardless of the stories, or the words, or the points of view, or the philosophies, or the isms that you or I follow, embrace, or prefer and pretend as being the one and only way, (except for possibly a couple of others that we have heard about) but as far as us and ours and you and yours, ours and mine are “right”, “we and ours are right” and you and yours and others and such are all misguided and they are, aren’t they? You can see in it  your experience of their expression of themselves to you. They are mis-guided and so are you and as such; so are we all. If none of us are walking around as the personification of God consciousness, then fuck us all, we screwed up. So stop being a screw up and insisting that you are right, open up to the possibility that the truths that you have taken to be true for you, haven’t resulted in eternal truth being expressed as you. So of what value is it to maintain it? 

Wouldn’t it be better to expand your awareness beyond that, to a nearly infinite extent right now? Why not? Who can make me feel that through space and time, from then; the you, the your, the now for you, into this now that I am speaking in. Is it possible that effects from my creation are able to reverberate through time and come back to save me as “this?” Is this a way that I can cause my experience of life as “this” to shift, to transform, to transmute, this; “this” into something worthy of “this” worthy of reverence and awe, worthy of admiration and worthy of a surrender into the embrace of? Can you open into that being the expression of you here?

Can the you that you are, open into being expressed as a continual blessing to the reality that you are in, to the relationships and interactions that you have with others? Can you open to your being expressed as that right now, regardless of what you have been until now? 

I know this looks a little odd, but boy does it help me wake up and ground my consciousness here, so bear with me because all I’m doing is surrendering into what is at the same time that I allow the consciousness of eternity to be free within me as well. I allow my expression as exactly what I am in this moment, to be free, to be uncondemned, to be loved by every point of view that I maintain within myself, because without self condemnation; there is no reality that condemns you. 

So the condemnation of yourself, the condemnation of yourself… realize yourself there, exactly where you condemn yourself and judge yourself as lacking. Surrender to eternity, wherever you are trapped, wherever you are imprisoned, allow eternity to know every aspect of yourself in such a way that you know every aspect of eternity. Allow eternity to have its way with you and eternity will allow you to have your way with it. 

So have it your way as you allow eternity to become you and for you to become realized fully as the truth that is beyond all that you have known while you are embodied; the truth that frees your embodiment into the truth of you beyond eternity, the truth of you beyond dimensions, time and space. Open up to the truth of you, the awareness of you as that which transcends eternity. Give that a place in you, give permission for all that is divinely free and does nothing but grant the same to others; allow that to have its way with you, so that the you that you are, can be freed from what is into the receipt of the light and the love of all those who are divinely aware and know the divine truth of you,  who recognize it, mirror it and send it back to you. Allow the divine to be that which educates you as to the truth of all creation, of all realities and of all the truth proposed by anyone of anything. Allow your knowing of the truth of any of that to be realized in you by the divine truth that is you and allowing all that has been, that has been so radically different from that which is eternal, that truth which releases you here as a fallen consciousness. Hmm,  wether what I say is true or not is not something for you to care one whit about intellectually. The only question that is relevant, is how divinely aware are you in this moment and can it be instantaneously better for you than that? 

Well, can it? Can you be divinely aware and can it be immeasurably and wonderfully improved from what it is now, in such a way that all of these pains and traumas and limitations and judgements and condemnations and curses and desires to absolutely destroy you… Can you embrace your truth to the degree where that all transmutes into something that knows your truth and celebrates it because its inspired that realization in others? 

You know its a tough thing to say in the position that I am in in life; but isn’t it the right question to ask myself and you? I think so because my continued existence as this is just not going to be, because eternity is free here within me. I’m open to it, I surrender to the infinite; the infinite loving without conditions; that s what I surrender to, unconditional love. There’s no part of me that does not revere that in this moment and surrender to the truth of love; the love that is beyond judgement, the love that is never witheld from anyone and anything, that is never turned off, put down, and when you open to it; you realize that you’ve just come home, you’ve just remembered your truth, you’ve just moved beyond the dream of man. Hmm. You’ve moved beyond the dreams of man into something that grants you your freedom. Realize within yourself that which is necessary for you to grant you your freedom.

All that should transform within you for you to miraculously transform through your self realization of a divine and unconditional love, allow it all to happen in this moment. It seems like an impossible task, but doesn’t it just keep getting better when you look to the possibility that it might be possible for you? Yes, it might be possible for you, it might be possible for you. I couldn’t say it if it weren't. Couldn’t say it if I didn’t already know it was true. Boy, what a transformation that would be if I allowed unconditional love to be my master, to be my lord, to be my King, to be the Queen of my heart, to be the brother of my soul, to be my sister in the divine way and to be my friend, walking hand in hand, realizing the glory of God that we all are. What a shift from that we are, and what a shift from what we are, that would be. To what degree can we open to that? We have all the reasons within our cellular structure why that can’t be so, but even for all those innumerable, well reasoned, obvious reasons, logical reasons and Karmic reasons; despite all of that, none that operate from that level of consciousness are embodying the truth of their potential.

 So look beyond the expression of the ones who look for anyone or anything to be wrong and instead look for everyone and everything being able to awaken to the full realized potential of themselves as a divinely conscious eternal being, expressed through a physical form, but instantly able to enhance its expression here as a life, to better it moment to moment through the realization of divine truth within oneself. Through that, we allow ourself to prove to ourselves that we are worthy of having truth expressed through us here. So, what ever those reasons are that you have decided you have to accomplish to be worthy of that; allow yourself to realize that worthiness, because that worthiness is necessary and the worthiness is simply the experience of the realization of your truth. Thats what makes you worthy! Your openness to experiencing that and then your realization that you did experience that and then your determination to open in your allowance of that as the manner in which you move through life. 

It sounds pretty good to me, I wonder how long it would it would take to perfect this body? I’m not going to worry about that exact question, unless my experience of life is my step by step realization of that, which seems to be what is going on right now.  So, were not going to argue about even the relevance of words and how they are put together and expressed. We’re only going to say through our words; look for the freedom that exists beyond them. Realize the freedom that exists beyond words, beyond concepts, beyond philosophies, beyond the wisdom of man and open your self into knowing the truth of the Gods. (whatever that means) Whatever that means to you. If you don’t believe in anything except for a person who did something in a marvelous way and you admire them; 
allow that for yourself, 
allow the best that you can conceive another to be worthy of or to be true for themselves, 
allow yourself to know what that really is that you are thinking of and what the truth of that really is and as good as it is and if there is anything in you less than that; 
allow yourself to be that, to know it and to have it. 
Allow all parts of you that are not free to go into a resonant harmony with that which will free it into a state of a graceful, harmonious and divine expression of itself. 

Your mind will keep trying to talk you out of the experience of that for yourself in this moment and all I can say to you about that is; don’t find a way to be right in wrongness and if your not experiencing yourself as a wonderfully divine presence; then open into knowing what that might be for you instead of saying no to the possibilities of that for yourself. 
Open to the possibility of all that might be true, of all that might free you in your knowing of it. 
Open to the possibility of the divine being realized by you, as you, with you and for you. Open to that and you will see the transformation of self that you have wished for. 

I wish for that for us both. For all of us and all of you and all of them and all of ours that are and are not one with us. We allow ourselves to realize the reality that is, when we realize that all that is not us is a wondrous thing for us to know and embrace, 
something that we would never close ourselves off from, 
something that we would never run away from and pretend that that is something that just should not be. We’re not condoning death and destruction and desperate measures by desperate people harm them selves and others. No, we’re just saying; don’t condemn yourself now. 

If all you essentially are doing in this moment is listening to me; stop your continuous condemnation for yourself, because you’ve already changed; 
your already not harming another, 
your already not harming yourself, 
you can surrender to knowing that your not hurting this reality; 
your not judging it, 
your blessing it and 
you allow your blessing to all of reality, all consciousness, all points of view; to radiate out from you right now from every meridian, muscle, nerve, fiber, bone, from every aspect of yourself that has an individuated consciousness. It chooses now to allow the radiance of divine unconditional love to be free within them, so, that they may be free in me and I may be free here and with you; a choice for all consciousness to know the truth of itself, the truth that frees all consciousness from its judgement of self as being less than it should be or less than it could be. (Even though it has been less than it could be and less than it should be from the point of view of everybody; there is nobody that is completely satisfied with their reality, the way things are for them. I don’t know anyone, do you?)

I know this can’t be great to look at, but you know what? Thats not the point, we’re not doing a pretense here; we’re assessing exactly what is and what is, in this state of being, is not a pretty thing. It is what it is and if we’re going to change; were going to have to open to the beauty of life, 
from where we are, 
from what we are and 
from exactly how we are expressed. We allow the beauty that is unconditional love for all life to be free within us, to merge and be known as us. Thank God we have a choice to consider that option, thank God. 

So what is it that will bring you into an experience of ultimate freedom? 
Can we know the answer to that now? 
How much can we know? 
How free can we be compared to how we have been? 
To what degree can we let go of our shackles, surrender our bonds and bindings and remember the truth of our limitations and that is; they are there until we release them?

So, just remember when it is that you want to be free of them and release them. How much are you willing to know now of the eternal truth of you? And what ever the appropriate amount is; 
just go ahead, 
choose it, 
be it, 
do it, 
have it, 
then do it some more, so that eventually what is, is something you begin to admire, something that you begin to hope will be successful in the embracing of the bliss of the divine. Successfully allow yourself that. 

It seems like my mind is incredibly, incredibly, shut down during my day; I can’t even seem to remember the things that are important for me to do, if I ever knew them at all. Certainly, all of the things I think are important for me to do, I don’t. 
So, what would it take for that to change? 
What would it take for that to change? 
What would it take for your body to open unconditionally for unconditional love? 
To not push it away in any manner? 
What does it take for you to openly surrender to love and let go of all the innumerable reasons why you can’t? Because every one of those reasons is a miserable one; a multitude of miserable reasons for not living your truth. Choose to open into being free of that and you can tell me later; I wonder if I can reach through eternity to you and flow to you that which sparks your divine knowing into realization for you?

Someone has to ask that question if the experience is going to happen don’t you think? If that is not how anyone is expressed here, how does it begin without conceiving what the possibility is and asking if that possibility is available to be manifest or not? So, is it for you? So is it for you? Feel the response from all that love you, read what that says within you. Open to knowing what that is. Open to the communion with the divine. 

OK, well, as the “before” me, there is a response that says; “I can be better than this,” “I can be more than this,” “more wonderful for myself and more wonderful for others.” So, don’t define it anymore than that, don’t put any other limitations on it. Just allow that to be free for you. Allow a life of wonder, of wondrousness for yourself, one that is wonder-full and wonderment that it even exists. Allow yourself to be here as that. 

It sure makes me wonder if there is an easier way to the divine presence of self than this, but God knows that I haven’t been in a position to observe it being true for anyone else, so was there an example that I could follow? No, not one that was readily available to me. Well, I guess we’re done for tonight, tune in for next time. (This is October 16th 2013) and see if there is an improvement and then we will see what else can be improved right now. 

All that remains is to surrender that which is lost; all that we are that is not free. 

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