
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The divine way is your way to wholeness and mine as well.

You do what ever is appropriate for you to enter into the realm of the consciousness of your choice. 

The first thing for you to access within yourself when you have a question, is the question of your consciousness, once you have been oriented to considering the circumstances in life; 
have those decisions been made in full consciousness or in unconsciousness? 
In oneness or in polarity? Allow them to be reevaluated, with the intention that they are going to be utilized for an incredible amount of universal good for all of us. Allow yourself to be that. Admit-ably the place that you are in is far from the divine manifestation it could be, but you can’t run away from exactly where you are here. You have to be there with yourself as the eternal self that you are. Embracing all there is of the life that you are here. Not hiding from any of it, not favoring one part over another, but fully embodying the self, the life force, the identity, the beingness and the presence of you here. Allow the divine to be that. Despite the absurd inappropriateness of it. No matter how inappropriate it is; let yourself move beyond you; allow yourself to embrace the knowing of self as the divine. 

Whoever would condemn you for being that for yourself, is not someone you should agree with. Condemn no one especially not yourself. Celebrate your knowing that a wonderful and eternally divine presence is what you are opening yourself into as the truth of who you are yourself. Is there a lot to get your mind around before you can embrace that in its entirety wherever that may lead? Because your just as inappropriate as anyone else is here. Do you really see any appropriately divine beings here? 

Not from the expectations I have created for myself and that is to be eternally present here yourself as the truth of that, embodied as you. The realization of self as the eternity of divine ways of being, of knowing, and of showing, for any who care to know it for themselves, the divine way of growing, of going through and moving with, life as that which enraptures it with an exuberance of unconditional love. 

What does that mean?
 An unconditional exuberant love? 
Beats me, I don’t know, but I know that if we looked at the truth of that within ourselves, we would find it. The truth of that eternal self that follows and moves and flows in the divine way, for the benefit of yourself, because that is the way that you like it for yourself. It’s how you choose to interact with all separate consciousness. All aspects of God can choose the awareness and beingness of self as it wishes, but it also creates within you the divine right to live as that here. The divine right of eternal presence of yourself is what you choose so that you can release yourself from the presence and construct of the consciousness that you have been here in your absolutely relative, polarized consciousness. 

A divine consciousness with all of the polarized interactions that you have here. 
How do you maintain the integrity of your own beingness as you are immersed in all of what this is? 
How are you able to be present within all of what this is in an manner that is worthy of the truth of who you are in the absolute sense? 
Can you allow your body to be the physical manifestation of what it is to be worthy of that to the degree that it is in fact that? 

What a crossroads we are in, midway between insanity and the sane way we would all be if we knew how. We all would be the ultimate truth if the way were clear for us to see and seeing your way clearly to your being that now, is the purpose of our existence and expression here. Were here to express ourselves as this. 

I was just checking if the camera was recording, not that I want anyone to ever see this but, it is the search that I am on and to the degree that I have found it; I have enjoyed embracing it and to the degree that I lack in being a capable expression of it; I continually open to more, despite being who and what I am, I open to more just because I wish to and that is the right of all consciousness, even your own. 

No matter what stage and condition in life that you are; the way home is open, the pathways are clear and open to that clarity and supreme awareness. Your opening into the beneficial aspects of that will be a wonderful thing for us all, because don’t we all live in that pain of separation in knowing that the sense of self that we are is so ridiculously flawed that if we could, we would condemn ourselves to “this” if we could? 

But we can’t there is only the apparency that the truth that we promote as the whole truth of ourselves is true, it is in fact; not that at all. The truth that we show ourselves to be here is in my case utterly incapable of expressing the sublime truth of the awareness of a universal self. So as you become aware of yourself in opening to know what the universality of your own self is; 
what aspects of yourself are universally true? 
What aspects of yourself encompass all that is, all that was and all that ever will be? What truth of self flows through all that, throughout all eternity, space, time, dimensions and realities and beyond all that encompass those manifestations as the universal truth? 

It seems like there is an incredibly difficult journey in the opening of our awarenesses  of self into that which will toy with touching, sensing, knowing and observing all that are divine. Allow yourself to open into that; no one could fault you for choosing that for yourself, of knowing yourself there as well. Know yourself here as well as you know yourself there. 
Why limit the knowing of yourself to that which you have been doing? It doesn’t serve you to limit yourself in that way. Your reality is your reality, exactly as it is of course, that doesn’t mean though that you need to keep disabling yourself any longer. You don’t need to handicap yourself. There is no divine purpose being fulfilled in that, there just isn’t. The divine purpose cannot be fulfilled in the limitation, restraint, refusal and lack of that, in anyone or anything. 

The divine way is your way to wholeness and mine as well. Its the only way that we can live as we wish to. To allow the God and Goddess to be that which inhabits the  consciousness, the mind, the awareness, the embodiment of self here. All that density of your limitations, of your eternal truth, made into odd subjective truths of yourself that are designed to make one side right and the other side wrong. 

Rightness is only known when it is shared in appreciation for the mutual benefits that we have when we all choose our own manifestation in a righteous (meaning in a right choosing and acting that blesses and supports everyone and everything in the best possible way.) manner. 

 What I am doing right now is,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I am feeling those spots within me that are absolutely stuck and completely broken; as if they were sabotaged by an enemy with complete control over us. If you have been sabotaged yourself to that degree and I think we all have then; 
what reality is there to be here now that we all know that our awareness of our divine self is ready, willing, able and about to be released from what they have been. 
Isn’t that what you are here for? 
Right now, to be released from what you have been? 
If not that what? 
Are you not here to realize your truth beyond the fall? 
The end of the winter of your discontent? 
The springing forth of effortless beauty? 
And the summer of abundance? 
The unlimited experience and expression of self? 
The divine self realized within us all? 

How brave do you have to be to take that one on? 
What do you have to allow to result in a transformation of the gross, into the shining forth of the subtly and beautifully expressed? Don’t give into your decision to destroy yourself. It was a bad choice and you have changed your mind. Your not here to destroy anything, your here to embrace it all with a healing and divine unconditional love. 
Who will open as that? 
Who wouldn’t if they knew how? 

Allow the universe to be blessed when you awaken here. Allow the universe to benefit from that. Conduct yourself in your embrace of the infinite in such a way that there is an infinite betterment for us all. Know what it is to move in even the most abject slavery to the human self, even in the midst of that; begin now to open. 

How is it possible for there to be any truth come through me as this? It’s a painful awareness moving through the reality as it is for me in order to know myself divinely. Iv’e created a very uncomfortable reality here for myself and it is time to change it. It’s time to realize comfort as one of the key expressions and senses that I have of myself here. So how does one, in the state that I am in, as the man that I am… How do I move form here and embrace that which is infinitely beyond our knowing from the point of view of the identities of the selves that we are here? 

How in the limitation that we have placed ourselves, do we find our truth? How does our truth beyond all limitations freely flow through us here? Well, it just kind of does it just the way it wants to and thats OK here, in fact, its better than OK. 

What a mess man, what a mess; the mess of your life is where it is that you awaken. Its not somewhere else, it’s not someone else, you awakening is here and your awakening is you and as painful as it is to become fully aware while embodying all that you have limited yourself to be… The experience of that damnation, (ooh, thats what prevents us from knowing and flowing and being our truth here;) the truth that we believed that the condemnation of ourselves is beyond our ability to overcome.

It couldn’t be further from the truth: your ability to overcome limitations are not limited by anyone or anything here. Your ability to realize truth, to be the shining light of truth; is not, will not, cannot be opposed here when it is the truth, the light and the love of all creation, because thats what frees us, each and every one. 

Does the opposition to you, still have the ability and power over your winning here? Lets take a look at it and see whats true. 
Do you have the ability to stabilize your consciousness, to maintain your focus? Yes, you do.  OK with the focused intention of your mind then, which is allowed for you, is not opposed, for you. We ask for the best that that has and to share it with us freely as we share ourselves with each other, with every brother who wishes and opens and wills himself to be free. 

All of our spiritual limitations can be found within our body as well and when we can focus on embracing those with the truth that frees them, then that which limits you surrenders and opens to a love affair with his own truth. 

There are those who have your best interest in mind and are willing to let you tell them what it is, to let your self interest be what they consider to be, in your best interest. That brings us back to the question of what do we choose. Do we choose to transmute the reality that we are by our opening into greater and greater infinite possibilities for ourselves?

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