
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Choose to be who you are, so that change will become you

What if someone else’s religion is true and yours is isn’t?
What if your wrong and someone else is right?

Well, there is one thing that you can be sure of and that is; everyone that you think of as wrong, is. And there is another thing that you can be sure of and that is: you don’t know either, because if you knew, your consciousness would transcend the human condition and the human condition is:
One of not knowing, but believing that others know. 
Giving authority to those not worthy of it and 
Rarely if ever looking for the ultimate truth and 
Even when they do even that: 
they always look for it somewhere far away, 
long ago, 
in another dimension, 
in another reality that may never be real, 
but never do they look within themselves until the truth of all things is revealed there.

That is the only place that you can find truth, because there is no-one here that can show it to you: 
an atheist can’t show it to you, 
a Christian can’t show it to you, 
a Buddhist can’t show it to you. 
No one who thinks that they are right and that another is wrong can show you the truth thats eternal and the truth that transcends this reality, because the truth that transcends this reality: 
  • the one that is unconditionally loving, 
  • eternally aware, 
  • the “Cause of creation” 
  • that which holds this reality sufficiently solid so that there can be a continuity of experience here: where your every day life can have a semblance of normalcy, because there is a progression from yesterday to today and from today to tomorrow. The ability to experience a reality like that is truly a wonderful thing, because the ultimate truth is a reality that shifts according to your whim and desires moment to moment: there’s not an ability to get to know yourself as “something” and so in a reality like this one you have now, to be this thing that you are, this consciousness inhabiting a body… Wow, wow, really wow!

Now the level of consciousness that is present here worldwide is OK I guess, but it seems to be a little pathetic when compared to the reality of the consciousness that you exist as in the realms of infinite possibilities. So with that in mind, how do you create a harmonious balance of divine presence within the reality of identity, identification and the embodiment, of form and structure? In other words; how does the divine become you?

The divine becomes you when you realize your own divinity. The problem with that is; nobody ever told you how to do that. “They” have said that there is a way and they say that it is “somebody else’s way that you must follow” who did it, but that “God knows” he/she/they don’t come back and give any instructions to you. Where is the school of the divinity of Christ, (or anyone else) where Christ himself is the teacher and all can go there and experience the divine from him?

Its up to the people who are embodied in each moment, to choose for themselves the transcendent and that doesn’t mean that they choose for something other than who and what they are already! What it means is that you choose to be exactly, EXACTLY, WHAT YOU ARE, WHO you are and WHERE you are in this moment! 
Try it within yourself, repeat this in your own mind: 
“I choose to be me,” 
“I choose to be here,” 
“I choose this body,” 
“I choose this name,” 
“I choose this embodiment,” 
“I choose this consciousness’”
“I choose these limitations,”
“I choose this body, exactly the way it is configured,” 
“I choose it,”
“I choose this.”
And in choosing that: oh my, what a relief can come to you. 
I choose me!
I choose me!

Your forever trying to be somewhere and something and someone else other than what you are and doing that demands that you exist in a state of consciousness of fear and failure, because you can never be the truth of who you are when you run away from who you’ve been. You have to take the “you” that you are, that you “know is not your truth,” that you “know is a living lie,” that you know is in trauma, pain and suffering and causing suffering for others, you have to take that you that is all of that and own it because that is the experience of you right now and you have to say: 
I choose me, 
I choose this, 
I choose me as this.

This is how a chosen one is chosen: 
You choose yourself, 
you choose yourself and 
you choose your circumstances as they are and 
you choose your body and 
you keep choosing to be exactly who you are in this moment and 
you say: 
by my own free will, 
with my own free choice, 
with my conscious knowing of that which I wish for, 
I choose to be me and what that then does as you choose to be exactly what and where you are in this moment is: 
you bring into your realization of self an expanded consciousness, 
improved abilities to communicate, 
increased understanding of the world that you live in which is: 
  • the world of your mind,
  • the world of your body, 
  • the world of your identity, 
  • the world of the “past” of you and 
  • of all of your ancestors. 
You bring into that, a consciousness that is becoming aware that as it chooses to be you, as you “continue to choose to be you,” you become the living perfection of that which you can be. 
So there is no shame in choosing the you which is shamed and shameful and ashamed of who and what you are:
  • choosing the darkness that is you, 
  • the unconsciousness that you move as, 
  • choose that, 
  • choose it, don’t abuse it. 
  • choose it, don’t misuse it, 
  • choose it, and there you can begin to be free, Where you are, With who you are and what you are is granted freedom by your choice to be you and when you receive that freedom that you grant yourself: Feel it, feel the freedom now that you grant yourself by choosing to be you.

Choose to be you: thats the secret of God. Its the unspoken way of realizing the divine as yourself, by choosing to be yourself, because all consciousness is Divine and the more that you choose to be you the more divine that you become. 
It doesn’t matter where you start, 
it doesn’t matter who you are, 
it doesn’t matter where you are, 
it doesn’t matter what you are, 
it only matters that it is your choice to be the consciousness that is you and at the location where it is centered and focused.

Choose to be you and choose to feel free as you make that choice to manifest the truth as you. Allow the truth, the truth of eternity to be free within you. Grant freedom within you to that which is eternally free. It’s the school of divinity-actually.
Its time to drop the pretense that we are becoming something that we are not, “we just want to be becoming to ourselves,” by being true to who we are and where we are. Choose to be you. 

Let the you that is “getting it” go, let the you that is “having some success” go: just as you let go of the you that is failing, you can let them both go by choosing to be exactly what you are in this moment, which allows your native transcendent consciousness to become you, which is the only consciousness that can choose to be exactly what it is and have that be “just wonderful.” Actually, try to continuously-choose to be exactly what you are and what you feel. Choose to be exactly what you feel: its OK to feel terrible, It’s OK, choose it if you feel that way and as you choose to feel the way that you are; become ready to realize a change into something else. Choose to be who you are, so that change will become you and you will become change, because all that becomes you, changes you and arranges you infinitely for the better, So, allow all things to be becoming to you, until they come into a realization of your divine presence here, allow others to fully and easily realize that and for you to know yourself as that. 

Your consciousness really isn’t sure wether you are living in the past the present or the future, so just choose to love yourself such that all aspects of yourself can come to a full and divine realization of that which they are. Choose to continue to be that. As you choose to continue to be what you are, what you are refines into a pure state of unconditional love. So choose to be who you are and let the games begin in fun and Ernest in their joyful expression of life..

Repeat to yourself: 
I choose to be me, 
I choose to be me, 
I choose to be me and in that choosing, you will become free. Even in all those areas of your life where you are in disharmony with yourself and with others: choose to be you there and life, liberty and happiness will choose to be you.

The secret of success is to live such that life chooses to be you. It starts with your own consciousness choosing to be you, do not hedge your bets: 
Bet 100% upon yourself, 
choose to be you without reservation. 
Choose to be you and celebrate the fact that you did.
The best thing that you can do to improve yourself is to choose to be you. 

Did Christ reject himself? No. 
Did any other holy man? No. 
He chose to know God as himself and then did. None of them who know God as themselves will condemn you if you choose the same for yourself and they are the only ones who’s opinions would matter, because they are the only ones who the truth matters enough to, to choose to know it as themselves. 

1 comment:

  1. David,
    I love this, and feel soooo expansive, when I read it.
    Had to share it at the WorldEyes Sanctuary, as I often do, the writings which come from your heart through your fingers...

    Warmly, anna
