
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

There is no me

There is no me, there is only God and my minds realization that the me that I am is a story of my mind and the God that I am ie: I am free.

There is no me, there is only God moving through a story of pretense, living through a story of pretense; look for the self that is not there within you and you will find that you are only a story and at the story's end is the beginning of life eternal, of "God among us," of "heaven on earth," for the animation of all form and structure, of each you and I by the divine flow, can only be when there is not a "you" and there is not a "me' that is not divine and divinity cannot be achieved, you cannot"become" you can only realize what is already true, as you realize you never were.

You never were the you that you believed yourself to be, you never were the "I" of humanity, you always have been and always will be the I am of the whole, the whole, holy and wholesome loving God of us all.

Open to knowing that the truth of yourself is that your-self is not true and that the God of me and the God of you is the God you see when you look for yourself and you find that you are naught; not anything created, but the creator that is sought by one and all, who's identity has been lost and forgotten in the fall of consciousness.

What happens when there is no me? Well, we shall see soon enough, but the me that I am is soon not to be. Not because I am destroyed, but because I see the truth through the illusion, to the inclusion of the eternal and the embrace of that which loves all, restores all and reclaims all consciousness to the redemptive seeing of that which actually is.
I am that I am and
I am free.
I am that I AM,
but I am not me.
I am that I am,
Join me and see;
there is nothing in you
and nothing in me,
but the unconditional love of God for all,
once again reclaimed from the fall.
And knowing ourselves as the truth that we are;
eternal love for all near and all far.
Far from knowing ourselves our lives have been,
that in truth is the original sin.
The forgetting,
The distracting,
The confusion,
The distraction,
The focus on the objective, the subjective and the story,
instead of the glory of God that we are.

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