
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What is the divine manifest?

Relax into the light of your soul.
Your soul knows
"no conflicts".

Who wishes for the divine to manifest through you?

Commune with those who's desire is for the divine manifest.
What is the divine manifest?

The state of grace,
The beauty of absolute consciousness moving form,
The emotion of joy pouring forth in your every experience,
The wonder of knowing all that is,
The harmony of synchronicity in every happening,
The miracle of spontaneous creation,
The rapture of union with God,
The wholeness of being OM,
The knowing that all is right in the world, that redemption is real, that peace is your passion, that all will be redeemed, reclaimed, rewarded, and restored to the heavenly realms, when they choose to be.

Take responsibility for your level of consciousness,
know where you are from,
know what is possible,
be the possible human,
the embodiment of God.

Create Heaven on earth by harmonizing with the frequency of divine consciousness.
Where all are free,
where none are compelled,
where all are joyful,
where all bless all always.

Allow your divine aspects to download into your body now.
Allow yourself to know the frequency of divine love.
Speak to yourself the truth, I know that I know God.

Repeat I know that i know God as a mantra in your meditation.

I know that I know that God dwells within me.
The resistance that you feel in the body, knows that this is true. The resistance was created by the instructions that you gave once you separated from your knowing and fell from consciousness.

Dear God,
Bless my now with the divine consciousness that is my birthright. Allow me to release my sins of separation and unconsciousness now. Bless all others especially our enemies with the same as they choose and desire.

Dear God,
Welcome to thy home, dispel the pain and suffering of the human condition and replace it with the light of divine love everlasting. So let it be written, so let it be done. So be it all now.

What about our sins?
Let them go God has.
Stand still and allow God to move through you.
Practice allowing God to move the body.
Allow God to take your burdens from you.
There are no burdens worth keeping.
There is no thing beyond Gods ability to resolve it for you.
Let it all go into the light of God.

God is able,
able to make you his, if you allow.
There is nothing beyond the ability of God to bring in to harmony, grace, love peace and joy.
Could anything be better than that?
Then let God be your active partner in life.
Everything will improve in every way.
from Joy to joy
beauty to beauty
grace to grace
love to love
Enter the gates of paradise,
the rest,
the redemption,
the glory,
of body and soul,
the light,
the love,
the Ascension to heaven
and the decension of the divine to earth.

Heaven on earth
It's your choice,
choose well.


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