
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

David, you said that these thoughts come through you in meditation. Do you meditate in the morning? What form of meditation do you practice?

I meditate at almost every spare moment. I do many different types of meditation, according to what feels appropriate at the moment .

1. Traditional third eye meditation which consists of focusing my awareness on a location just inside my skin and between and above my eyes. While being conscious and letting all thoughts cease.

2. Doing nothing at all, focus only on awareness of the space that I am in without thought.

3. Kria Yoga. Split awareness between the crown and the fronts and backs of each chakra one at a time in rotation. with the eyebrows raised, tongue at the roof of my mouth and a slight smile.

4. Energy awareness. A focus on and merger with the pains, blockages and barriers of the body with complete allowance.

5. Holding my body still, while standing and waiting for it to move. It begins to move automatically from position to position, which releases the pains, blockages, barriers and unconsciousness that is held in the body. After a time this becomes a tai chi like dance, of divine flowing energy, that you just allow to happen and is quite beautiful.

6. The warriors walk. A slow walk, while seeing all at the same time. left, right, up down, near and far with the eyes held steady.

7. The awareness of God. Allowing a connection with all that is at the same time and allowing 2 way communication with all that is at the same time. This cannot be understood by the conscious mind it can only be experienced.

8. Release of considerations. I feel the pains, blockages, barriers, attachments etc... and feel the attachments in the brain and i allow them to unwind and dissipate.

9. Expansion of presence. Viewing my energy expanded out and encompassing the earth or solar syatem etc... as oneness.

There are others techniques and they tend to happen automatically as I transition to higher levels of consciousness. The techniques that are used at higher levels of consciousness just happen and are not available for me to describe in words. Those listed above, serve to get you to that point though, so it does not really matter. In fact, intellectual understanding of the processes, serves only to reinforce the ego. The key to freedom, is the repeated experience of freedom, until it becomes part of your being ness. The true meditation in each process is, complete surrender of control by the ego and identity. Which is no form, no structure, no significance, only allowance of all.



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