
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Wake up and save yourself God.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

This is the first blog posting, I will be posting some previous writings from the past 2 years most of which wrote themselves during a meditative state. Nothing contained herin is to be taken seriously, considered special, important or other than possibly interesting.

The purpose of this blog is exploring the answers to the ultimate truth, that all religions have hinted at or directly stated. You are God in a fallen state of consciousness and can regain your natural state of being, which is a state without limitations of any ability.

What causes God to individuate and go unconscious? Or are these human bodies just now developed far enough for God to realize in finally?
God does not go unconscious by accident, it is by choice or God would not be God. If the forgoing is true and you are an unconscious God and you have the desire to manifest the truth of who you are through the human form, then it has to happen.
How does it happen?
Degree by degree as you wake up to the possibility that it can happen and as you become aware of and operate your life according to, the operating reality of heaven.

How does a divine reality operate?
Instantly, according to choice, grace, harmony, joy, love, consciousness, knowledge and awareness.

The experience of divine reality, is a celebration of consciousness, form and beauty. Harmonious interactions between beings that bring delight to all. Where no one chooses a behavior or action that limits, disappoints, or degrades anyone else and where everyone gets what they want, all of the time, without any limitation. No effort, no struggle, no opposition, only endless creations of unlimited, joyful, beautiful realities.

Are we in a universe that is perfectly balanced? where everything that happens is ok?
From an individual point of view, the answer is no. There are many things I dislike, such as War, suppression, meanness and coercion of all types. Yet we live in a world where everyone is free to take any action that they can think of, then to experience the consequences of their actions, according to the rules of the societies they live in. The resulting realization of a contemplative life, is to live by the golden rule, to be kind, gracious, generous and peaceful. To choose friends that are like minded, so that we can live a civilized life, to love our family, friends and community and to consider the consequences of our actions so that the experiences that we have, are the ones that we desire.

What if that is not enough for you? What if you want to know the truth of all things, To be still and Know that you are God or even better, to be active and know that you are God. Creating instantly your reality and your experiences as you desire them to be, moment by moment. How do we do that? If we are God, as our original, core state of being. It has to be possible, so how is it done? How can you transcend this reality of limitation while still being here in the body or rather perceiving reality through the vehicle and point of view of a human body?

If everyone is God in a fallen state then it stands to reason that everything that everyone else is doing, is ok for them and the first rule of behavior is to not challenge anyone else’s reality, or to make them wrong. They are experiencing the results of their choices and actions, so the first instruction is change only yourself and deal with each person on the level of consciousness where they are at. Respect their choices and realities. They are where they need to be in the process of waking up also. Nothing divine is ever forced on the unwilling.

The state of what we are discussing could be called heaven on earth. and earth then, would have the ability of maintaining separate realities according to the degree of divine consciousness of each being. Hell on earth, at the same time, for those with their attention, choices and consciousness at that level. This is why the true Yogi's and mystics don't show off their super natural abilities, except to each other. It is not appropriate. Everyone wakes up at their own time and it is ok that they take their time. Until that time, heaven is for those that are ready for it.
We will explore in future posts, the process of the transformation and redemption of consciousness and bodies, and the dissension of the divine into the world of form and structure, for the pleasure of divine beauty, divine motion and divine form in the physical realm.


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