
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Hold onto nothing, let everything go

Hold onto nothing.

Let everything go. You need to start off with a clean slate, if you are to be free.

Letting go of all thoughts, ideas, concepts, beliefs, attitudes, considerations, judgements and expectations, allows you to perceive what actually is, without the filters from a previously limited life.

Unless your life is exactly the way you wish it to be already, you should let go of all that you are holding on to, as that which you are holding onto is what limits your possibilities of life. Once you are free you can choose what parts of your previous life you wish to retain.

You are holding onto so much that you do not even know who you are. If you do not know who you are, how can you possibly know what is of value to you? At least let go of enough things for you to regain consciousness of your eternal past and the knowing of the realities and choices that are available for you.

Let go of everything that prevents your family from seeing the glory of God shine through you.

You are in control.

You hold your destiny in your hands. Let go of the past, all of it, it is already gone anyway. Observe what is in front of you and choose Joy.

Allow all to see the possible human through you. A God realized, able, capable, divine, loving example of humanity.

All awareness is my awareness.

There is nothing to fight, only invite.

Feel your energy and repeat "this is who I am and its OK". "Whatever I am is OK." "This is who I have been and its OK"

Regardless of what you have been, it really is OK. You now have a new choice, let the past go and choose something new, as if you have been born again.

Born again
without sin
without past
without judgement
without expectation
With complete freedom

What do you choose?

There is no such thing as "other" consciousness, all consciousness is is your consciousness, reclaim it, encompass it, redeem it, know it. As God, there is no such thing as separate consciousness.


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